
The Big Brother Archive


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PoV   Nominated
Nominated HoH

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tuesday,  September 4, 2007:  Six Sleepy Saps

After Midnight Wrap-Up:  So far, this has been, without a doubt,  the most boring night of the season.  I know from past experience, it can get much worse.  Yesterday, in nearly 12 hours of coverage,  there was only one instance of conversation related to the game,  when around 10:55PM Dick said to Zach and Daniele,  "It really pisses me off that we have to keep her [Jameka] here." and Daniele says "So send her home." and Zach says "That's not the way to go."  They told Jameka she's going home,  but moments before the live show,  they're going have her swear on the Bible that next week,  if one of them (Dick, Daniele, or Zach) is on the block opposite Eric, she must vote out Eric, and if she wins PoV, she'll use it the way they want her to.  The Dick, Daniele, and Zach alliance feel that by blindsiding Eric with Jessica's eviction,  Eric will be so overwrought he will do very badly on the HoH competition that will follow.

As we look in on the HGs,  Dick is outside smoking alone, no talking to himself, or us.  Inside,  Eric and Jessica are cuddling and cooing on the  bathroom couch.  Jameka is not on camera, Zach went to the HoH to "crash" and Daniele went to bed

Eric talks about having "the worst nap ever" for three hours saying he woke up all disoriented.

Back outdoors:  Dick is playing Frisbee by himself. Dick throws the Frisbee and runs to the other side to catch it in his mouth.  [OK, I'm lying about catching it in his mouth.]  Finally bored with the Frisbee, Dick heads indoors.  When Dick see Zach has left the dishes out  he complains, "Zach I want to kill you." and proceeds to put dishes away.

12:10AM BBT:  Jameka comes from the gym, and goes to the kitchen for some water.  Dick tells her about the mess Zach left in the kitchen and he continues his cleanup.

Jameka goes into the bathroom and interrupts Eric and Jessica asking,  "how was the talk" or "chair date" both saying it was nice saying they can appreciate she gave them "quiet time."

Eric and Jessica both comparing their petite hands Eric commenting on her toes,  while we get a shot of Jameka shaving her legs in the sink.  Jessica and Eric continue to whisper.

12:20AM BBT:  Dick ask what they are doing and Eric thought they were talking outside and he tells him that both Zach and Daniele went to bed. 

Eric and Jessica are going to the HT and they try to convince Jameka to join them but she refuses as the cold water showers are too much to take afterwards.  Now we get a close up of Jameka shaving her arm pits and Eric tells her "don't forget to get in between the boobs."

Dick does the laundry,  just being the little busy worker bee tonight.

12:30AM BBT:  Outside in the HT Eric and Jessica are soaking.  Inside, Jameka is taking a shower.  Dick asks Eric how Jameka took the news.  Eric asks how Jessica managed to "choked down " Jameka's lasagna,  saying he was grossed out by the "cottage cheese" and used the "allergy card" to get out of eating it. 

Jameka is still in the cold shower,  Dick is on hammock spitting,  Eric and Jessica are in the hot tub chatting about Jen in a bathing suit,  and talking about when the BB season will end.  Eric teases Dick, saying the reason he wanted to be on season six was to be with Maggie or April.  They talk about the wrap party and who will be there.  Eric says, They'll know us but we don't know them."

Dick asks, "Why the feet thing? I don't understand." [Eric keeps his feet out of hot tub while goes under water.]  Jessica: "I don't know" and when Eric comes up for air and Dick asks,  "Why the feet thing? I don't understand." and Eric says it was to keep stationary and says there is a method to my madness."

Eric says  "The nights are kinda fun, but the days are hot boring with nothing to do..."  He thinks it may be worth it to sleep all day and stay up at night since he's having more fun at night. 

Eric wants to make cupcakes or brownies and Dick says go to DR and request it.  Eric saying he wants cards and Pictionary.  Dick says every season has had a deck of cards.

12:55AM BBT:  Dick doing his job to convince Eric and Jessica that he really hates Jameka and wants her out,  he goes on about Jameka saying she's entitled to win...  Eric seems to believe it while Jessica has stayed very quiet throughout the conversation.  Dick bashes Amber and Eric joins in.

1:00AM BBT:  They continue to bash Jameka's lasagna dinner,  made with lots of cottage cheese.  Eric wonders what Jameka's doing.  Eric says,  "Do you think she's going to try to get a deal?"  Dick says "I don't think so..."    Dick says he was straight forward with her and told her "This is the week you're being evicted and Eric seems to buy it while Jessica is quiet again.

Dick wants a "citronella" candle while Eric correctly says "citronella." Now there's more complaining about the heat.  Jessica says, "I'm going in." and Eric says he's going in and Dick says he might try to sleep.

Jessica says Jameka "avoided eye contact" with "us" when she came out of DR and was throwing things around and was fine.  Dick: "Boo fucking hoo."

1:10AM BBT:  Jessica and Eric are in bed.  Eric asks if she wants to talk,  she says "No. Do you?"  [This means they'll  only talk until 6:00AM]   Jessica's hungry and tired.

1:50AM BBT:  There's been some kissing, cuddling, whispering and mushy talk in Jessica's bed with Eric.  At times,  Jessica seems distracted,  she said she's tired,  but she's also suspicious of Dick.  Eric says he "Rocks in this game," and that they're this season's Will and Janelle,  and Jessica says, Yeah,  they didn't make it to the end either."  She thinks it's all too possible that they're going to pull a Dustin on her,  "What if I get evicted? I'm just going to stand up and slap Dick.  No. Zach."

2:15AM BBT:  Jessica asks Eric if he likes Christmas carols.  He says he does, he has all his favorites on two CDs,  Jessica asks if there's such a thing as Chanukah carols.

3:00AM BBT:  Eric and Jessica are still whispering.  You can't hear enough to put sentences together.  Dick's still doing household chores.

4:40AM BBT:  Everyone is sleeping.

5:00AM BBT:  Jessica and Eric are awake. Eric gets Jessica water. Jessica takes off her ear rings. (Yea, I know... real excitement.) Guess they are going back to sleep, because they aren't talking any longer.

5:35AM BBT:  All 4 feeds are on HGs sleeping.

7:00AM BBT:  Dick's not happy about being up at 7:00am and is having breakfast. Once he’s done, he moves out in the BY doing to do his version of ADLs - burping, farting, spitting and smoking.

7:25AM BBT:  Dick leaves BY and says, "Boo fucking hoo" and makes comment about how much he would like Jameka to leave.  He uses bathroom, washes his hands and flosses his teeth.  Tries again to get into SR to throw trash bag out but they don't open the door so he goes into round room and straightens out his sheets and blankets and gets back into bed.  7:45AM BBT:  Daniele is up and around and Dick soon follows.  She cooks breakfast for herself and Dick and they retreat to the BY to talk.  

Dick and Daniele are talking about he last HoH competition. She is explaining how hard it was for her and Eric because they have short legs. Dick is saying how he wants to win this HoH and that if one of them don't there is a good possibility one of them will be going home next. Lot’s of speculation on what the next competition will be.  Everyone else sleeping.

8:55AM BBT:  Dick and Daniele are talking about still being in the house. Dick is surprised they have made it this far.  They discussing what angle to approach Jameka with if she wants them not to vote her out this week. They also discuss that there hasn’t been a double eviction and Daniele says, “Last week was the last week they could have done it.” [Wait till Thursday! – Jem]

They’re now discussing Jameka being pissed and throwing stuff around in the bedroom. Talk moves to HGs DR sessions and how others have been saying their DR sessions have been nice towards other people. Dick laughs and says they full of shit and he’s been ripping into people. We get FotH. 9:05AM BBT:  Feeds come back and Daniele is talking about Jessica and the way she feels so safe even being on the block. Daniele says that the only time she felt safe was when her Dad or she was HoH. Dick thinks Eric will be a mess on Thursday, Daniele thinks he’ll be pissed.  HG bashing continues.

9:40AM BBT:  Daniele is in the gym and we have two feeds watching the excitement of working out.  The rest are sleeping. 10:50AM BBT:  Daniele was tanning and the rest were sleeping.  We have FotH and it turns to Trivia for a possible wakeup call.  

11:20AM BBT:  Daniele and Zach are outside sunning.  Jessica is in the bathroom plucking her eyebrows.  BB:  "House Guests, did you know that there 116 camera windows in the house."  Daniele says she didn't.  Jessica in the bathroom says,  "I didn't, but I bet Jen did."  There is no other sign of life.

11:50AM BBT: Jameka is done working on her eyebrows, passes Daniele and meets up with Jessica in the bedroom, who is working on packing some clothes.  Zach decides to clean the grill,  and Jessica and Jameka are making their beds.  No sign of Eric and Dick,  and Daniele is off camera.

Jessica starts to give a pair of pants back to Jameka (They were either won during the Luxury comp or Jameka had loaned them to Jessica) and Jameka tells Jessica she can keep them. Jessica: "Ok, won't say no to that!"

Noon:  BB just called for an indoor lockdown.  Daniele yells "ARE YOU KIDDING."  Once inside,  Zach and Daniele are in the kitchen.   Zach is joking around and says, “There's a line in the sand.”  Daniele comes back with, “And you're on the wrong side.”  Daniele explains that in high school she was “that girl” for all the gossip and people would come and tell her everything.

Jessica is in the room folding clothes getting prepared for Thursday and Jameka joins her.  Meanwhile Daniele and Zach are sitting in silence.

1:00PM BBT: Jessica is now at the table painting a rat with the body paint. Jameka eating.  LD is over, Daniele is back outside tanning and we cannot see the boys.

Jameka to Jessica, "At this point, Thursday can't come quick enough, come what may." Jessica answers, "Ain’t that the truth."

2:00PM BBT:  Eric,  Dick,  Jameka and Jessica are chatting in the LR:  Eric discussing what would happen in the game if someone accidentally died during the show. Would the competition still go on if they were in the middle of the competition? Would they still have an eviction that week? What if one of the other houseguests had accidentally contributed to the other's death-- would this be held against them? (They don't think it would if it was an accident.) Eric discusses a situation in the Ultimate Fighting Champion (or something) where they ciscoes the stairs so that one of the candidates would fall and get eliminated. He cites that as one of the most appalling moments in reality TV that he's ever seen.

They're really bored and wondering what they could ask BB for that they'd actually give them. Dick again says they've given cards every year. Please can they have a poker night?

Now they start Zach bashing again. I guess he was responsible for their wakeup music that day. Eric complains that he's only had two of his songs played the whole time, and one was on the day of his impending eviction, and while he loves the song, he didn't find "Another One Bites the Dust" funny or comforting that day!

Jessica and Eric are whispering at an inaudible level on all four feeds. Jessica looks kind of bummed and Eric is leaned in really intent looking. The rat looking thing from the cat veto comp is on the table.

For all my rubber rat needs, I shop on eBay at the House of Chuckles.  A proud sponsor of Morty's
TV, and a damn fine place to buy your rats.  

2:35PM BBT: Zach comes in so the conversation changes. Erick is complaining about how bored he is and how they REALLY need something to do. Jessica has just popped up to go look for food and has found "Mac n' Cheese!" They want to take all the mattresses out of the bedrooms and put them below the HoH balcony so they can jump off the balcony. Jessica is pretend not listening because she knows BB will yell at them if they try. Zach offers to play chess with him and Eric says no he's looking for the next big thing to sweep America. Eric has left the screen so its just Zach at the table watching Jessica make food.

2:45PM BBT:  Eric and Jessica are sitting at the kitchen table, and Eric ponders the purpose and function of the uncircumcised penis.  This is a matter he's explored on the internet, but a concept he's been unable to gasp.  Audio Clip [6 minutes]

3:30PM BBT: Eric's kneeling at Jessica's bedside. As the HGs are called to the DR to record their goodbye messages, Jessica's getting nervous that she might be hearing their messages on Thursday.  Eric said he message says, "And you better not be hearing this."  Their whispering levels drop to where you can't hear,  until Eric says he's going to brush his teeth. 

3:50PM BBT:  Eric goes to Daniele and asks if Jessica's leaving.  Eric says there's nothing he can do about it if she's going,  and please excuse him,  it's just his paranoia-- he's not asking on a game level,  just a personal level,  "Is she going home this week." Daniele assures him that Jessica's staying and there's no need to worry.  Eric says, "Oh good,  'cause if she was going I'd just like to enjoy the time we have left in the house together."  Apparently Daniele had made a remark about "the three of them,"  Jessica picked up on it and was worrying.  Eric asks that she not mention this conversation to Jessica,  as she'd be mad that he talked to her about this.    Audio Clip [12 minutes]  | See the Video | See Part  #2 |  See Part #3See Part #4 | See Part #5 |

Daniele tells Eric about Jameka coming up to her last night right when Daniele was getting ready to go bed.  She said Jameka asked Daniele if she had anything to say to her.  Daniele said it was really strange and a weird situation and it was very uncomfortable.  Eric asked if she tried to campaign like against Jessica  and Daniele said, "no not really."  Eric said he feels he is taking the brunt from Jameka about Amber leaving,  and the Jameka has pretty much figured out that he has an alliance with Dick and Daniele. 

Daniele tells him that some of things that Jameka said last night,  like she thinks she's more deserving than anybody else.  Daniele said she was just thinking like "Whaaaaaaaaaat? Are you kidding me, why would she be MORE deserving than anybody else?"

4:45PM BBT:  Daniele and Zach are in the kitchen eating.  Jessica is sleeping, Dick was sleeping earlier so he's probably still there.  Daniele is called to the DR,  and  Zach is up in the HoH room.  Eric joins Jameka in the kitchen, and asks if she talked to anyone about their vote.  She said no. Eric says that at this point probably everyone has their thoughts of what they want and they won't be changing them.

5:00PM BBT:  Daniele goes to wake up Dick, and tell him about the conversation she had earlier with Eric.  She felt really bad that she had to lie,  but she hopes she understands strategically it had to happen this way.  Dick told her not to feel bad.  Daniele said that Eric was shaking he was so nervous.

She wants Dick to agree and tell him it was a last minute decision.

5:55PM BBT: All feeds are on Eric and Jessica in bed.  They're talking about the talk Eric had with Daniele about wanted to make sure Jessica wasn't going home so the next few days were enjoyable for them.


Janelle Pierzina hosts a Mighty Morphing PoV Challenge
The patented the Janelle-A-Vision screen
Janelle at the throttle of her spinning pink chair.
Dick seems at home when it comes to getting dizzy.
Zach feels that as a graphic artist, he should have a keen eye for this sort of challenge.
And the lovely Janelle shows us the scores. 

Tonight's Broadcast: At the nomination ceremony, Jameka and Jessica were put on the block by Zach.  From the DR,  Jameka says that she thought the nomination ceremony was bullshit.  Jameka feels the strategic move would have been to put up Dick and Daniele.  Of course Jessica's nervous about being on the block.   Their only chance for survival is for Eric, or one of them to win PoV. 

In the HoH room, Daniele and Zach consider the only thing that could go wrong would be for Eric to win the PoV and use it.  At this point,  they've run out of people to nominate, and this would put either Dick or Daniele on the block, with majority of the votes in the hands of the other side.

Last week, there was conversation at dinner that caused an awkward moment.  Jessica was a Brownie, and at six years old was standing on a stage when she was asked, "And what do you want to be when you grow up?"  and Jessica replied,  "The first female president."  and Jessica's mother's heart swelled with pride, and then Jessica added, "...or a waitress."  Everyone at the table cracked up and Dick embellishes the story, telling it again,  "I'd like to be the first female president, or-- maybe a stripper."  With that remark,  Daniele starts to admonish Dick, "Oh, right--  You think a waitress is the same thing as a stripper."  "I didn't say that and I don't appreciate you saying that or your tone."  So now the table's quiet.  Awkward.  After dinner, Dick goes to talk to Daniele.  He was confrontation,  and she was less than receptive.  Video #1 | Video #2 |

It's midnight, and it's time for a special PoV contest.  In the BY, there was a big TV screen in the middle.  There was a chair that looked like it spun around, and there was rose petals. It's all pink!  The HGs are looking at the swirling silver that morphs into a picture of Janelle.  Eric says,  "It looks like Miss Piggy. That must be her after the weight gain."  Then Janelle steps out from behind the screen.    "Love you all!"  Eric mumbles,  "I'm hated."   From the DR, Daniele comments on Janelle:  "I can't say it enough, I love Janelle.  She's an inspiration. She is somebody I would look up to in this house. "  Janelle:  "Hello, houseguests.  As the all-time veto winner-- that's seven,  in case you don't remember,  I came up with a little something for you that combines brains,  balance, and the will to win.  Now,  one at a time, each of you will take I seat in my fabulous pink chair.  After you've spun for 60 seconds you'll follow the trail to the Janelle-A-Vision screen.  You'll see a swirling puzzle that contains two houseguests' faces.  You must put  the names of the two houseguests you think are in the swirl on the answer board.  Once you think you have correctly identified both faces,  hit the button,  and a new puzzle will appear.  You'll have four minutes to answer as many as you can.  You will earn one point for each pair of houseguest faces you correctly identify.  At the end of the game, the houseguest with the most points wins the power of veto.  It's time for the Janelle-A-Vision."

Daniele goes first and does great.  Jameka goes next,  followed by Dick.  Janelle says,  "Dick, you are next for the pink spinning chair.  Evel dick takes the throne.  Are you excited, Dick?"  Dick:  "How could I not be excited with you here, Janelle."  Janelle:  "Oh, that's sweet. You're so hot."  That's all Dick needed to hear, now he's got someone to flirt with.  From the DR,  Dick says,  "I wanted to go out there and compete and win this thing.  I wanted to impress this girl.  Janelle standing next to me while I'm doing this...  Yes, it's a distraction. "  Dick yells to the other HGs from behind the screen,  " I'm not even trying.  We're back here making out."  After Dick's time was, as he went through the doorway,  he says to Janelle,  "After you."  and Janelle replies,  "Oh, thank you. You're such a gentleman." 

Eric competed next, and from the start,  things didn't look good.  Eric seemed to have more balance problems than the other players.  Jessica went last.  Now it's time to look at the scoreboard.  Janelle reveals the results:  "We're going to start with Dick, and we're going to see how he did.  Wow, Dick,  you had four puzzles correct."  Zach got six right,  Eric got three right,  Jessica got six right,  Jameka got two right,  Daniele got seven puzzles correct.  Jessica got four right. 

After the PoV, Zach presents Daniele with the possibility of voting out Jessica.  Dick and Daniele are heady with all the power they have this week,  but they're not sure the best way,  and the safest way to use it.  Dick knows that the best strategy may not be the most honorable,  "This is really the first time that we really considered betraying the alliance. I'm not the type of person that in life goes and screws people over."  Through all of this,  Jessica remains detached from her alliance and afraid that she can't trust them. 

Eric gets his next lame task as America's Player,  and it's to mimic the actions and words of Dick.  Eric's pleased with America's choice,  as Dick's personality is so rich.  Much to the chagrin of the others,  Eric starts smoking spitting, scratching, and burping.  The presentation ends with a small food fight at the breakfast bar.

At the PoV meeting,  Jessica and Jameka pled their cases to Daniele.  Daniele,  like most veto winners, had already decided what she was going to do.  "Honestly, holding this power of veto.  I do hold a really strong power this week.  It is a very hard place to be.  You know, this has been a season of backdooring,  and, you know,  I'm going to keep it short and sweet.  And I am not going to use the power of veto this week. With all of that said, this meeting is adjourned."

Which of the two nominees do you want Eric to get evicted from the  Big Brother" house?  It's your choice:  Click Here to Vote 

6:10PM BBT: Feeds still on Jessica and Eric playing around. 

Since my last post…

Daniele made ice cream. Dick had another heart to heart with Jameka about how sorry he is she is leaving.  She ended up spending some time outside alone after he left deep in thought.

Zach and Dick have been checking out a huge spider in the back yard and checking out its web making skills.

7:10PM BBT: Daniele talks about her DR session. Who is the biggest complainer?  Daniele says Eric is and Dick disagrees and says its Daniele because she whines about being so bored.  We end up getting FotH and the get reprimanded because Daniele keeps discussing it.

7:15PM BBT:  Dick and Daniele and Zach are in the BY playing Frisbee.  The other two feeds are on the bathroom.  Daniele went inside because Zach asked Daniele if there was anyone she wanted him to say hi to in his blog, "Kris, or Nick?"  She  and she got offended and Dick said something about it, (missed it, but it wasn't a big deal). Dick tells Zach to write in his blog:  "Janelle, 1-5-3 from Dick."   Daniele said, "You're stupid." With that Daniele says,  "I'm done" and goes inside.  Dick asks Zach where Daniele went. He says she went inside, she was mad. Dick can't believe she's mad that he said that. 

7:20PM BBT:  All four feeds are on Eric Zach and Daniele sitting at the island in the kitchen.  Dick went back outside, I think Jessica is in the DR and Daniele asked where Jameka was and Eric said maybe FSA (fake sleeping alliance).

FotH for about 10 minutes then we return to find Zach and Dick are in the hot tub,  Daniele sitting by the hot tub.  The other feeds are on Jameka,  Jessica and Eric at the table playing quarters without alcohol. 

Just have to add that a bit ago Daniele asked Dick if he really thought she complained more than anyone in the house.  He said he felt that since they have a relationship she is more likely to give him all of her complaints and stuff more than to the other house guests and then she interrupted by saying she disagreed and he said you asked me a question and you don't like the answer so we stop talking about it because your not happy.  She says she isn't mad she just thinks that the two in the house are more of a complainer than she is.

8:30PM BBT:  Dick got out of the HT and went to sit in his spot to smoke and Daniele pretended to cough and choke up and made him go back to the hot tub to smoke because she was in his spot and she was there first.  Despite the complaining and the boredom,  everyone seems to be having an OK evening. 

8:40PM BBT:  After their brief tiff, Daniele and Dick are talking again.  Dick tells her what a great team they have been in the house and how this has been a wonderful experience for him and it is even better since she is there with him.  He keeps complimenting how great she has done in this house on the competitions  and how he has worked people.  Daniele changes the subject to other things in the house and now they are talking about who they would bring back in the house.  She would bring back Nick and Dick says that wouldn't be a good thing because they would be held up in that room and wouldn't talk to anyone in the house.  She gets a bit defensive about that and then jokes that she would bring back Kail for Dick since she heard Kail divorced her husband to be with Dick.  Dick says forget that bring back Janelle for him.

Now talk about how much longer they have to go and how many people they have to get rid out of their way to win the money.

8:45PM BBT:  Dick is playing in the pool,  singing underwater and he came up coughing and choking, saying that wasn't a good idea.  He asked Jessica, who was coming out for her laundry if they had beer yet.

On a side note about 30 minutes ago while Zach was in the HT with Dick they were talking about how the weather was much better tonight and how humid it was. Dick said there was a hurricane close by due to how the weather is right now.  [I have to give him kudos on how he can feel the weather and hurricanes.  He even predicted that Mexico must be getting some of it now. For those who don't know there is a tropical/hurricane storm on the West coast right now.  -Ptmsf]

9:00PM BBT:  BB:  "Houseguests, please go to the store room."  They got white wine and Heineken beer.  9:30PM BBT:  Daniele, Dick and Zach are in the kitchen chatting while Jameka, Jessica and Eric are outside.  General chit chat.  9:50PM BBT:  There really isn't much going on.  Zach and Daniele are talking about Zach's bog tomorrow and Zach is trying to work out the date today.  Meanwhile...  Outside Jessica, Dick and Jameka are talking about some of the competitions they've had this season.  Eric is MIA, probably in the DR.  That's where he normally is. [oops, my bad  He was changing his clothes - Jem]

10:00PM BBT:  Everyone was sitting outside chatting about various things.  Daniele gets up and heads back into the kitchen.  Dick follows and she explains to him about Jameka and what happens when she walks in a room with her.  They go from having a conversation to silence and Jameka gets this pouty look on her face.  Daniele has come to the conclusion that Jameka can not stand Daniele and asks,  "What did I do?"  Zach comes in and Daniele says to him,  "They hate us don't they?"  She explains that Jameka makes her uncomfortable.  Talk moves to Jen and Dick asks them to change the subject.

11:00PM BBT:  Outside Jessica and Jameka are talking about if Jameka is evicted. Jameka tells Jessica that Dick and Daniele will lie and they wont know till the last few minutes. Jessica is annoyed at the way Dick acts, like it’s all up to him who stays and who goes. Jameka tells Jessica that she will pull for Jessica in the jury house if she makes it to the final two. She thinks the deciding vote will go to Jen. Jessica still thinks Jameka could still be in the house come Thursday night. Jameka hope that Eric wins the next HoH or Jessica really must win if she is still here. Jameka also tells Jessica that she can’t and won’t make and deals with Dick.

The rest of the evening was talking about past HGs.  Daniele mentioned that she thinks they evicted all the "smart" HGs.  Eric is making fun of Dustin and says, "he's an asshole” Daniele tells him Jameka gets "so upset" when anyone makes fun of Amber in front of her. Talk turns to jury House dreading spending time with those people. Daniele says she doesn't need to be fake. Daniele about Dustin, "I really despised him" and Eric is certain he was the biggest bitch asshole in his DR sessions.

11:50ish BBT:  Dick and Jessica have a quick talk. Dick asks how Jameka is doing and Dick says, “He can't believe she asked where Eric's vote was going.” [I heard this earlier but wasn’t sitting right at my desk so I thought I heard wrong. I don’t have the exact quote, but Jameka asked Jessica if Eric was voting to keep Jameka. -Jem] Jessica tells Dick that Jameka doesn’t want to go home.

Thanks to: advak, Angelo Joe, bebecka23, bigboyfan, BonBon13, butfirst, Cajunboiler, Cathy, CeCiMom, Dade, djcam89, DreamAngel, georgectv, jammer, Jem, katie2, laladoopiedu, Looby, lorican, Morty, MsT, Ptmsf, Quirkydude, Sf49rminer, snancypants, Soyyo, spencer668, StephenV, tnpatti and TrulyScrumptious for your updates.  

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