
The Big Brother Archive


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    PoV Nominated Nominated    

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 12, 2007
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 #40 Monday, August 13, 2007
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 #41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 #42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 #43 Thursday, August 16, 2007
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 #44 Friday, August 17, 2007
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 #45 Saturday, August 18, 2007
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 #46 Sunday, August 19, 2007
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 #47 Monday, August 20, 2007
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 #48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 #49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 #50 Thursday, August 23, 2007
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 #51 Friday, August 24, 2007
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 #52 Saturday, August 25, 2007
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 #53 Sunday, August 26, 2007
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 #54 Monday, August 27, 2007
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 #55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 #56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 #57 Thursday, August 30, 2007
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 #58 Friday, August 31, 2007
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 #59 Saturday, September 1, 2007
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 #60 Sunday, September 2, 2007
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 #61 Monday, September 3, 2007
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 #62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 #63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 #64 Thursday, September 6, 2007
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 #65 Friday, September 7, 2007
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 #66 Saturday, September 8, 2007
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 #67 Sunday, September 9, 2007
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 #68 Monday, September 10, 2007
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 #69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 #70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 #71 Thursday, September 13, 2007
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 #72 Friday, September 14, 2007
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 #73 Saturday, September 15, 2007
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 #74 Sunday, September 16, 2007
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 #75 Monday, September 17, 2007
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 #76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 #77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007
  #78 Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday,  August 15, 2007:  Is Dick a Dead Duck?

After Midnight...  Jameka is just concluding about an hour of prayer in the hammock.  She asked for grace from God for all the HGs and when she starts talking about "Dean," we get FotH.  She prayed that Jen will have people love her and not use her or take advantage of her.   Jameka goes through everyone to make sure she didn't forget anyone in her prayers--  "Who else? Just bless everyone.  Continue to help me with my patience, my anger, and my mouth."  She ends with asking to bring her husband, "When you see fit."

So whose prayers will be answered?  God, working in mysterious ways,  allowed Dick to win the PoV.  Will Dick continue to be blessed and get to stay in the BB house?  According to our poll,  about 60% of nearly 20,000 people would rather see Dick stay than Dustin.  So far,  I  don't think Dick has the votes to stay,  and that's after Zach spent an hour trying to get Jessica to flip her vote in the case of a tie.  I don't even see the motivation for Jen to vote to keep Dick. [My opinion has since changed, as things move fast in the BB house. See 2:00AM]

Jessica gets called to DR.

12:45AM BBT:  Amber and Jameka are in the bathroom talking about the calories she burned.   Amber asks what's up with her and Jameka says she's thinking about the game,  missing being home,  and hoping  something will come up where she can play in HoH contest.  Jameka talks about the PoV challenge how she was "jacked up to win" and could not drink the ten mixtures,  Jameka worries she can't help the team.  Read more

Eric is called to the DR [If this was to get his AP instructions, he should start laying the foundation to get Dustin evicted.  -Morty ]

1:45AM BBT:  In the HoH room Amber's doing some Jen bashing.  Amber tells the group that Jen is jealous of Jessica and Daniele.  Daniele had Nick,  and Jessica has Eric.  Dustin told Amber it's all in her head.  Eric enters the HoH room. 

Amber repeats her theory that Jen has a crush on Eric.  Eric seems confused calling it "a paranoid delusion." Amber says that Jen is jealous of Jessica and Daniele and Eric tells her "I think you're making this up" and Amber gets her nose out of joint.  Eric asks,  "So let's say this is true,  what do we need or want to do about it? I mean is there some way we could use this information to benefit us?"  They all say no,  and Jameka is offended that Eric would toy with someone's emotions to get ahead in the game.  [She must of missed last season.]  

Eric says when he came out of the DR Jen says, "He's back, Mr. America" and Eric wants to know what Jen meant by that.  Eric says he's never said anything nice to her and,  "she dates celebrities,  I'm just a 5.7' Jew with a fairly large penis." 

Amber says that when she talked to Jen, she said she was voting Dick out like the rest of "us," "she really thinks she is part of the group." Amber says.    Eric questions why Jen would ask about the Jessica's crush on Eric, and Amber says she can ask anything she wants.  Eric says it must be a bad BB season if he's the focal point of the ladies attention. [Yep.]

2:00AM BBT:  Flipping the Vote:  Eric and Jessica, outside the HoH room, are whispering that he wants to talk her,  but Amber's in the HoH room.  Eric tells her he wants to get caught up on everything and talk about options. Eric mentions, "Changing the game big time."  Eric says they can no longer trust the group and they should do what will benefit them.  Eric says something about leaving Jameka and Amber out to dry.

Eric and Jessica are still whispering and talking about a 3:3 tie and and if it was to happen they would  talk to the others about guarantees safety and who would go up.  Eric says,  "I have mixed feelings," and that  "there is something up with Dustin."

Jen snuck up on them and yells "BAM!" and scares everyone real well.  Eric wants to get Zach on board,  but he's wary of Jen because she's so catty. 

Eric's pulling out all the stops on this one.  He's flirting and saying they can talk about it more in the bath tub, "With pants on or off?" she asks the petite Jew.  It's very difficult to hear, her responses sound like Marge Simpson's growl when Homer wants to do something stupid. 

2:45AM BBT:  The house is still up and wide awake.  Amber's in the HoH bed,  Dustin's in the HoH john,  you can hear Jen and Jameka in the kitchen, Jessica and Eric  just returned to the HoH from a long whispered summit on the balcony, and Dick and Daniele are on the patio.  There's talk of going to bed,  but that's just me.

There has been a lot of general chitchat going on around the house since 3am.  Around 3:30am Eric and Amber are talking in the kitchen. Amber asks what Eric's prediction is on HoH. Amber thinks it will be Eric, he thinks it will be her Amber then says, “Dustin.” Eric goes back to the HoH.

Jen, Jess and Eric are in the HoH. Jen talks about her large family. Jessica and Jen compare family reunions, funerals and holidays.

Dick and Daniele still in BY.
Daniele: “Two more days till Jen goes back on slop.”
Dick: “I could care less. I can't believe I gave her that pass. I'm not going to have any regrets.”
Daniele: “I'll have a few, mostly to do with Carol.”
Dick: “Think Kail has any regrets? She regrets that casting put me on the show. I think I Jacked up her game more than anyone. Not just being a dick to her, just calling her out on the MRA.”
Daniele: “I think I'm going to bed. It’s going to be a long day. Don't forget, I know nothing about it, I want Jen out of here.” Because of Jen hardly saying 'thank you' to Daniele, Dick says, “She deserves to die a slow and horrible death.”

3:45AM BBT:  Jameka, Dustin, Daniele, Amber and Dick are in the living room. Evidently, the HGs got to see a clip of something today. Jameka says it's nice to see something that lets them know it's 'real.’ Dick says it's something 'new' this year, and they'll get more of it. Jam says the house is pretty, but she was expecting more.

General talk about previous seasons and Dick being charming, Jameka being nice, Dustin wrapped in his Kings robe, Amber stretched out on couch while Daniele is standing.

Jen finally left the HoH at 4:45AM BBT. Eric is now alone with Jess, and is theorizing over potential threatening scenarios for next week. He is promoting the evict Dustin idea, on a very low-key level. Says they would have to bring Zach in on it - not sure about telling Jen. Jess seems to be okay with it, but is still asking questions. Eric says they could arrange a good deal with Dick and Daniele - suggesting two weeks of safety for him and Jessica.  Read more

Others are still in the living room - Dustin, Jameka, Amber, Jen. Dick and Daniele left just recently.

5:05AM BBT:  Jameka enters and ends that conversation. 

Eric returned to the HoH after Jameka left. He continues his push, but backs off a tad when Jess says that she runs hot and cold on the idea. After she listens to Zach she feels one way, then she listens to Dustin and feels another. She has not committed to an action plan yet, and Eric suggests that they could talk right up to just before the vote. But America’s Player continues on his mission… Read more  See the Video - Part 2 - Part 3

The Eric-Jess rambling conversation is beginning to wind down. They shift into baby talk the way they do whenever anything gets even close to flirtatious. Then Eric shifts gears again and takes on his serious scholarly demeanor as he pursues more Zack/Jen analyses.

6:00AM BBT:  These two are now discussing their lives (together) at 80. The subject arose when they both repositioned themselves in the bed for the night (morning). Lights are still on. Eric goes into describing just how 'horrible' he looked between 11 and 16.  Eric to Jessica, “Do you feel more comfortable keeping Jen and using her to our advantage or do you feel more like you don't trust her and want her gone. Cause if you want Jen out of here, I will do everything I can to get her out of here for you.”

Eric asks Jessica if any confidence she has ever told him has gotten back to her. She says, “No, I don't think so?” He says, “Well you would know.” She says, “Oh, yeah. Well, nothing has gotten back to me.” Eric tells Jess that she has to have at least 1 person she can confide in, in the game. Eric and Jessica are discussing what's going on with Jen. Eric asks, “Why would she think we're in a 3 person alliance?” Jessica says, "Cause we're nice to her?" (LOL)

They start discussing their "futures" together. They have nicknames for each other. Jessica will be Chichi. Eric says, “Chichi Monkey” and Jess says, “No, just Chichi.”

7:14AM BBT: Eric is confiding in Jessica about all the things he hasn't told any of the other HGs.

Eric worked for the WWF for about 2 months as an assistant to the Creative Writers. The writers decided what the characters would be, who would match up against whom and who would win/lose. His contract was not renewed after the probationary time. He said it was the worse 2 months of his life and worked about 120 hours a week.

He tells Jess that he often wanted to talk to Nick about it because Nick was so into Wrestling.

8:12AM BBT:  They've shifted back to the eviction scenarios again. Eric is wondering if there is any advantage to forcing a tie.

Earlier, these two had agreed that they were not going to sleep (nap) at all. Jess said she was too wound up - wouldn't sleep. But now she has decided that it's time for a nap. Eric turns off the lights after he finishes in the BR. He has guessed the time as 7:45.

It's dark in there now, but they're still buzzing away. They decided it was safer to keep their mikes on so they wouldn't get in trouble. 
Jessica: "Eric, my feet are cold."
Eric: "Put 'em under my butt."  [They do sound like they're an 80-yr old couple, don't they! - katydidit]

8:25AM BBT:  We almost made it.  Five minutes of silence and then --  Jessica:  "I do like your haircut. And I forgive you for not showing me your wiener."  And they conduct a five-minute conversation on the nobility of his penis and his putting it on display. 

8:40AM BBT:  All HGs are in bed.  9:25AM BBT:  All still 11:10AM BBT:  Yup, still   11:40AM BBT:  FotH.  We come back to find someone in the house... A little person in a Mad Hatter costume is in the BB house.   Amber and Zach were the first up to discover their visitor. At first, Amber thought the voice was Dustin's."  Jameka and Jen are taken by surprise.  All the time, their guest keeps repeating:
"There is no little enemy."
"What a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive."
"A snitch in time saves nine."
"Fish and visitors stink after three days."
"Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead."

The new HG keeps dancing and jumping around exploring the house.  Dustin and Eric come in, Dustin looks worried.  Daniel and Dick are the last one's up.  Everyone is trying to memorize the five sayings the Mad Hatter keeps reciting.   This continues for about an hour, when Big Brother announces that it is now 12:36 and 47 seconds.  The HGs are now allowed to open the patio door where there's a pirate in stilts, and a barber shop quartet.   The pirate also has some words of wisdom:   "It is not enough to succeed, others must fail, and after all, what is a lie but the truth in masquerade. Always drink up stream from the herd.  Gentlemen please, another one."   The quartet sings "The Ivory Rag,"  and "I'm Just Wild about Harry,"  then the feeds switch to trivia..

When the feeds resume, the HGs are reentering the house to find a large cage on the dinning room table that houses three beautiful white rabbits.    Daniele climbs up on the table a takes one of the rabbits out of the cage and hold it in her arms.  A large white statue near the front door takes the HGs by surprise when it moves and reveals itself to be alive.    | See the Video #1See the Video #2See the Video #3 | See the Video #4 |

1:20PM BBT:  The feeds are a bit choppy from this event.  The HGs are just milling about watching the bunnies and whispering their theories as to what is going on.  Jessica asks if the rabbits will be visiting for three days. 

1:30PM BBT:  An outdoor LD is called.  The Mad Hatter is still there.  While on LD, Eric points out that the Mad Hatter couldn't get his lines straight, sometimes he said, "A snitch in time,"  and sometimes, "A stitch in time."  I also noticed he sometimes said "There is no little enemy," and other times said,  "There are no little enemies."  When Amber asked the actor if he was saying "stitch" or "snitch,"  and he looked on the back of his clock where his lines were written and said "snitch.'

After a half hour of everyone trying to solve the puzzle,  assuming the events are a puzzle,  the HGs are allowed back inside.   Jameka and Amber stay outside and continue to ponder the clues.  "There are nine houseguests.  There were six PoVs in the bunny cage.  There were three bunnies.  A snitch in time saves nine. .." 

Everyone continues to pace and ponder.  Jameka and Amber discuss the events.  "There is no little enemy" Amber thinks it is just relating to the little person not being an enemy,  that he was there for a reason to tell them these things.

2:20PM BBT:  It's the meeting they said would never happen!  Dick and Eric are working out a deal where they'll work together.  Just last week, it was Dick who tried to stage a coup and get Eric evicted.  Dick tells Eric there's already a plan in place to have Eric evicted next week or the week after.   Dick guarantees him and Daniele will not put Eric and Jessica up, nor vote against them.  Eric is saying any agreement he makes does include Jessica and she HAS to go with him.   He won't do anything against Jessica and will save her and take her anywhere with him, including to the end.  Dick says same goes for him with Daniele.  Dustin joins them asking, "So--  What are you all talking about?"

They chit chat, then Dick leaves.

Eric fills Dustin in, leaving 80% of the conversation out, that Dick is making a last ditch effort.  Eric says he told Dick, "In what regard would your um--  being here help me?   You tried to bury me, lie to me, you made a deal with Kail and sold her out, basically I said, seriously, what is the benefit of you to me?"  Eric says Dick didn't offer much in a rebuttal of the arguments.  Dustin:   "My theory is that there are going to be two people that go home on the same day- tomorrow.  Just 'cause, 'The secret is safe with three if two of them are dead.'  and, I think that somebody-- umm,  depending on who is the last person to figure it out,  the riddle, they will go up. That one person, along with me and Dick, two of them will go home."  Eric:  "I suppose that's conceivable, I don't really know."

3:15PM BBT:  Amber tells Jameka that she "heard" a girl is going to win this year.  Jameka said the statue made faces about everyone that was in the house,  the thinker was Mike, the competitor was Nick, etc..  Amber:  "Maybe there is no little enemy 'cause there are two people in this house who don't like each other."  

Dick and Eric are alone in the BY. Part II:  Eric wants a guarantee from Dick and Daniele, but he needs time to think about what the guarantee he wants should be.   Eric says he is not promising anything but will mull it over and see.  FotH.

Eric says Jessica has been in charge this week and he can't 'F' her game over.  Dick says he is offering the deal to the both of them.  Eric says if they do this then they will only have Amber coming after them in the HoH, and  if they can't beat Amber, they should just kill themselves.  They talk about how much Zach is playing both sides.  Eric said he would feel better having Jen on their side as she can win things.  Dick says Jen is a liar.   Eric does not want people who have not made one single move in the house in the final three.  Dick tells him that Zach says he is in tighter with Jessica than Eric is.

Dick promises that if they use Zach now that Zach will be the first to go out of the five of them.  Dick says if Eric does this they will turn the game upside down.  Dick asks who Eric trusts more him or Dustin.  Eric laughs and says neither.  Eric says Dustin could be the biggest liar of all time but Dustin was the vote to save Eric last week.

Dick says he knew what he was doing this week.  He didn't just burn bridges this week, he nuked them.  Dick says he is OK with leaving this week. Eric says how can he know that if he saves Dick that next week Dick won't go back on his word and say thanks for saving me but "fuck you,  ha ha you are going home next week."   Dick asks if he has been that kind of guy.  Eric says last week came out of left field.  Dick says well he was hearing rumors that Eric wanted to take him and Daniele out.

Zach comes outside so conversation ends.

4:00PM BBT:  Daniele and Dick are now alone in the BY.  Dick is rehashing his conversation with Eric for her.  Daniele is sitting there all sullen faced and not saying a word. Dick asks if she is not going to talk to him.  She says nothing.  He asks if she realized that this could very well be his last day here.  She whines, " I knooooooooooow."  She says she is stressed out enough and frustrated.  He tries to get her to eat some slop and tells her it will make her feel better.   Dick goes inside and Daniele stayed outside alone pouting.

Dick comes back outside.  Daniele pouts some more.  Daniele complains that Zach is getting on her nerves and acting like he did when they first came in the house and she doesn't like him.  Daniele goes in and Dick grumbles out loud,  "See what I have to put up with constantly!"  On his way inside to join the others for a picture, Dick comments that he needs Daniele today and she is being "a fucking head-case.  She is horrible horrible on slop.  I gave that pass to that bitch.  She is going to be very little help today, I can tell. Hope she pulls her shit together."

Daniele came back out and Dick asked her to try and help him with "This"  (he's talking about the time BB gave them: 12:36 and 47 seconds). 
Daniele said, "OK that doesn't mean anything."
Dick:  "You can't be sure."
Daniele rolls her eyes and makes an angry pout with her mouth.
Dick:  "Please be patient with me."
Daniele: (Whines)  "I am.  OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.  (She throws hands up and gets up and walks away.)
Daniele:  "I can’t do this right now."

Dick remains seated as she enters the house and he drops a series of F-bombs saying,  "This is why. This is why.  She is a little snot."  More F-bombs.  He goes back to trying to figure out the numbers himself.

4:30PM BBT:  In the HoH room Eric is relaying his conversation with Dick. 
Eric: "Well he says he there is a plan to eliminate me anyway, he says he has more stuff to use against me.  So, I basically said he's going home this 5 to 1 right now, so suck my dick."  [OK, so I never heard Dick say he has more dirt on Eric, he did say other people are planning to evict him, and at no time did I here Eric tell Dick to suck anything.]

Eric continues:  "The basic gist is Jameka can't win HoH, Amber sucks and can't win anything, Dustin would be gone, we align with the strongest people instead of the weakest, who could do nothing.  It was not a one week deal, to the end the four of us, we decide on Jen or Zach to stay with us.  Zach claims to have a closer personal game with you than I do. Interesting."

Jessica:  "Wow, that's funny!"

Eric doesn't really sound like he's selling Jessica on the idea of teaming up with Dick.

Jen enters so the conversation ends.  Jameka joins them, then Zach comes in too.

5:20PM BBT:  The BB think tank is still in operation and everyone’s trying to figure out what today's events mean.  Jessica's taking a nap.

5:45PM BBT:  HGs are on a lockdown which was never announced by BB.   Dick was the only one outside and was called to the DR.  When he returned,  they were locked inside and now Dick,  Zach, and Jen are in the kitchen and they can hear BB making noises outside.  Zach relates to Dick the conversation that he had with Jessica last night on their "date."  Zach tells a pretty accurate story to Dick.

6:00PM BBT:  Dick tells Daniele what Zach said about his date with Jessica. 

6:50PM BBT:  Dick in the HoH room talking to Jessica.  Dick is sticking with his story that if he's evicted Eric will be leaving next week.  Dick refuses to give any details.  Dick uses his old standby line, that he may be an asshole,  but he's not a liar.  It takes him a half hour to complete the pitch and he leaves and sends Daniele up to talk to Jessica, just so Jessica knows she's on board with Dick's plan.  See the Video 

7:20PM BBT:  Dustin and Jameka are in the hammock still going over the events of the day,  trying to figure out what, if any parts of what they saw or heard are clues. 

7:30PM BBT:  Eric's alone in the HT.  Zach is trying to light the BBQ grill to make Chicken Parmesan.   Dick tells him, "As an Italian,  I can tell you  chicken Parmesan is made with breaded chicken breasts covered in sauce and cheese,  it has nothing to do with barbeque."

Dustin,  who seems nervous,  tells Eric that he's afraid the riddle pertains to tomorrow's eviction as the number "nine" was repeated and there are nine HGs.  Dustin says, "If there's a twist, I hope it'll happen after this eviction."  Eric say's he hates the house and the time intervals are brutal. 

Meanwhile...  Jessica's meeting with Daniele in the HoH room.  They make fun of Zach and how "out there" he is.   Jessica tells Daniele how Zach thinks that because her dad was in military intelligence,  that Jessica can read Sanskrit.  Daniele says that Zach is a weirdo.   She tells Jessica that Zach used to want Nick to give him head/hand signals for how he should vote.   Daniele says  that her father has never lied in this game. And, you know that I don't have any problems with you.  Jessica says she needs to talk to Eric and she and Eric need to talk.

Daniele wants Eric to know that she's playing strategically the whole game,  nothing has been personal.  If it had been,  she would have kept Nick and Jen would have been out last week.  Jameka walks in.

7:35PM BBT:  Jameka leaves the HoH room and Jessica and Daniele are once again alone.  Daniele whispers that Jameka and Dustin have been talking in the hammock for a long time. 

Daniele says she's going to talk to Eric,  she is all for the plan.  Daniele says they should keep this all on DL (down low) that it's a strategic decision and not the four of them against the house.  Daniele tells her to talk to Eric and then send Eric to her.  They leave the HoH.  See the Video

8:00PM BBT:  Not Keeping Dick:  Jessica gives Eric her opinion on the idea of keeping Dick:   "I really don't trust them.  I mean what would prevent them from putting us up and saying, 'Well, it's part of the game.' What would prevent them from doing that?  Nothing.  We know Dustin's shady, but they are too. They have two and Dustin's only one because Amber's useless.  As long as Daniele doesn't win HoH,  I don't see anyone coming after us next week or putting us up on the block,  which just leads to more good weeks."   Eric accepts her answer. But then later asks, "Don't you want to think about it more,  or have you decided?"  "I just don't want to think about it anymore."  Read more  See the Video

Jessica considers telling Daniele their decision now.  Read more

8:30PM BBT:  Zach is "dating" Amber tonight.  Zach cooked her dinner and they're dining alone in the living room.  Amber's throwing out the compliments tonight,  saying what a great cook Zach is,  and that he should go on The Bachelor.  Zach say's he couldn't go on that show, he doesn't have the body for it.  [Or the bank account.] 

Dustin's nervous over the idea that today's events with the Mad Hatter and the others is an indication that a twist is coming.  He thinks the twist that will put another PoV into play,  or even six PoVs.  Dustin's sure the twist is going to happen tonight, at 6:47AM, because that was the time on the Mad  Hatter's clock.  Today is the 47th day, three are six PoVs, there are six votes left, "I'm flipping out.." Dustin says, he goes over the clues, "There were five sayings,  the statue acted out five scenes,  the singers sang five songs." 

9:25PM BBT:  Dustin:  "Did you notice the night people [production] are here early tonight?"  Dustin's freaking out that Dick isn't freaking out.  Jameka says,  "This is the last time we put up one of our own."  Dustin:  "Eric's acting very nonchalant and I'm not buying it for one second."  Read more

9:45PM BBT:  Jessica says that when Joe left, she asked him if he had last advice. He told her to "Watch Daniele."
Dustin: "Really?"
Jameka: "He told me, don't trust her.  And this was two different occasions!"
Jameka: "Specifically, Daniele."
Dustin:  "And he didn't say anything like don't trust me or anything, did he? He said fucking Daniele."
Jameka:  "No, nothing."

Jameka says that when they were told that first day that there was a twist,  "Daniele just sat there!  It was like she KNEW she was a part of the twist."
Dustin says she did know--they watched her just sit there, when they were watching the spy cam upstairs!
Dustin says that they know Daniele is good,  but maybe she is a part of something bigger that they don't know (a twist).
Dustin says that the cards on the guy's head were probably irrelevant, as they don't match up with anything else.
Jessica:  "Where's Eric?"
Jameka:  "He left."
Dustin: "Getting ready."
Dustin: "He specifically said, do not trust Daniele?"
Jameka:  "Mmm hmm"
Dustin gives a big sigh.  Jameka says that maybe Joe said that because he knew that Daniele would vote for Dick.  Dustin says they knew that, anyway.
Jameka: "I don't know about Jessica, but I know that, something has come up and people say stuff like, 'Look at the source,'  like Joe.  But he did make a point to tell you (Jessica) that, and tell me that,  nonetheless."
Dustin says that "Three can keep a secret if two are dead," and Joe and Carol were downstairs with Daniele.
Jessica says how do they know that Daniele wasn't in sequester earlier for three days with Carol and Joe?
Dustin: "She could have known that secret,  and that's why she's been so standoffish with every person in this house!"
Jameka says that BB couldn't let her have a big advantage over everyone else in the game, though.  Jameka says both Carol and Daniele are "California girls," right?"
Jameka: "It's almost like you look back and she was so.. whatever,  with Jen.   Just like,  uh!  Was it really too much, or did you not like her?  Was it a little overboard, your dislike for her, or....?"

Jen comes upstairs to primp in the HOH room and use the bathroom. [and spy  --Cat]   Jen says that she was thinking that unless Dick is allowed to participate in this twist,  then she thinks they will wait until after eviction to do the twist.  Jameka says they said "Nine," though.
Jen: "Do you think they'll do it before he leaves?  So we should stop sleeping?"
Jessica: "What's so special about 47?  Why today? Jen called to DR. Jen says she's already been in there four times,  and they keep trying to ask her a  'stupid question' and she is ready to 'flip them off.'"
 She leaves.  Dustin again says that Eric is too nonchalant.   Jessica says that no,  Eric thinks it is going to matter in the HoH.  She says that Eric always thinks of things in the simplest light.  Jameka and Jessica say not to overanalyze, and Jameka says she can hear her Dad saying not to over think things.  Dustin says he doesn't understand why BB waits until this week to pull this,  when Dick is on the block.  Dustin:  "Why is he given the advantage over everybody else?"  Jameka says because it is the first person to go to the jury

10:00PM BBT:  Now They're Keeping  Dick:  After Eric talked to Jessica,  it sounded like the deal with keeping Dick was off.  Now it sounds like Eric intends to evict Dustin.  Eric talking to Daniele on BY couch says the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks the deal they’re offering (Dick and Daniele) is a good idea.  Eric says he thinks aligning with the strongest people,  in order to get ahead in the game is a good idea.  Eric says neither Amber nor Zach can win an HoH and says he (Eric) thinks Jen is a liar.   Daniele agrees.

Eric says Dustin thinks he has deals with everyone so no matter what he (Dustin) does,  he's been able to please someone with his actions.  Eric says Jam can’t compete for HoH and Amber is so paranoid she is always freaking out,  plus, Amber can’t beat Daniele,  Dick,  Jessica or Eric in HoH competitions.  Eric says he came to win the game, not place 8th, 7th or 6th.  He thinks he doesn’t have much chance to win but he’s still playing to win.

Eric says other than Jessica he isn’t really close to any of the others in "that" group.  Eric says that, in order to feel good about this deal Jessica would have to be OK with it.   Daniele says nothing.   Eric tells Daniele that her (Daniele) and him are the best players there so they have to destroy the undeserving people and let the best person win.  Or both of them (Eric / Daniele) will end up losing.

Eric says at this stage of the game he can't worry how other people perceive his actions.  Eric says he has to do what's best for him.  Daniele says she wants Jen out next Daniele says if this deal goes through not to be open about their alliance.

Daniele talks again about how bad she felt when she failed to keep her word to Kail,  how her father has not lied once and has always been so open.

Eric says he’s not confused, he knows if Dick goes and Dan wins HoH, he’ll probably be put up after that.   Daniele says nothing.  Eric repeats that he needs Jessica to be okay with this deal.  He needs to know that Dick / Daniele are OK with him (Eric).  Daniele says "the past is the past."

10:30PM BBT:  Eric says this deal may make him lose the game as he will probably lose Jameka, Amber and Dustin's jury votes.  Daniele says Eric may be wrong about that, that maybe he'll lose Amber's vote but not D/J's.  Eric says this move will get him sworn enemies, but they can't do anything so it doesn't matter.  Daniele tells Eric how she has not played the game on a personal level, just strategy and that her dad may have played personal, but that was his thing. Daniele says this is a great strategic move for all four of them (Eric / Jessica,  Dick / Daniele).   Daniele says her and Eric are huge targets, so despite of their "trust issues" with each other,  if they can get over it and take Jen out,  they will run the house.

Daniele asks Eric how he feels about this deal.  Eric says he likes it but needs Jessica to agree with it also.  Eric says he hasn't enjoyed all the fighting and mud dragging.  Eric says he is not enjoying himself in the house the way he thought he would and he would like that to change. He wants to have fun.  Eric says that if this goes through, there's no turning back because he'll be taking out the person who saved him and that would mean he (Eric) would be re-drawing the line Dustin drew in the sand and he (Eric) would be the one blamed for that move.

He tells Daniele that he (Eric) doesn't know what Dick / Daniele think about Jessica, but for him, she's a kick ass competitor and a lot more compliments about Jessica.  Then Daniele asks Eric if he thinks they should have a meeting with all four.  Eric says to let him talk to her first.
Daniele says, "Alright, you know where I stand and where my Dad stands, so, if you want to talk to Jessica about it and then come back to us..." Eric says he feels good about the plan and keeps talking, talking, talking...  then Eric says one thing he's curious about is if Dick / Daniele are planning to use them Eric / Jessica as pawns or be open about their alliance.  Daniele says they (I guess Eric / Jessica) should say to Amber and Jameka something like, it was thought out and the best strategy was to leave Dick in the house instead of Dustin, something like that.

11:00PM BBT:  Jen and Jessica are hot tubbing and talking about the vote.  "No matter what,  Dick's going home no matter what they're trying." Jessica says.  Jen says that she would change her vote if Jessica asks her to.

Jessica:  "There would be plusses to Dustin going home,  but I want Dick to go home."  Jen agrees saying she wants the smoke free environment and a bedroom all to herself. 

Jen says that people say there has to be more to Kail, but there really wasn't.  She says that Kail would tell her that there was definitely not anything between Eric and Kail.  Jen says that Eric would tell Jen things, and then Jen would tell Kail. 
Jen:  "And it was DUSTIN the whole time that was telling her that she was safe!"
Jessica:  "Dustin. I don't know about him!"
Jen:  He's definitely the shadiest person in the house."

Jessica:  "This game is just going to get crazier and crazier." Jen:  "That's why it's good to get HoH."  Read more

In HoH room Amber, Jameka and Dustin are all in bed together.  Dustin is talking about the votes and saying that stray votes are problematic when there are only a few votes.  Amber says Dick is an "asshole " and a "prick" for swearing on her daughter's life he was going to win the veto.  There's long silence and Jameka replies,  "Hmm mmm mmm mmm mmm." 

Downstairs,  Jen and Jessica are still talking about the events from today trying to figure out their meanings.  Jessica says that "white" was a reoccurring theme,  saying veto was white, the statue and the white rabbits...

Back in the HoH room...  Amber is talking about her goodbye to Dick  and says it was good and it "wasn't rude."  Dustin says his message was that he isn't sorry about calling Daniele names.  Amber and Dustin both get the BB warning, "Stop that!" for discussing their DR sessions. 

Dustin leaves the room.  Amber tells Jameka  she is wary of Zach and Eric,  saying when she tried to talk to Zack "he was too good, like he was better than me."  Jameka: "What's gonna happen is going to happen and there nothing we can do-- I don't know girl."
Amber:  "Daniele is so miserable and it's sad she's so miserable and she's only 22 years old."

Downstairs...  Daniele and Dick are talking.  Daniele complains about her hunger and Dick offers her to make her some slop or a protein shake.  Daniele continues to complain and say she doesn't want any.  Eric says he can't decide if he's tired,  "or hungry or what."

Dick comes out to smoke asking "what brand of slop" he's eating and Dustin says "cold slop" talking about what it is..

11:30PM BBT:  Dustin says he's going to bed. 

11:45PM BBT:  Zach and Dick and Daniele are in the kitchen, whispering.

[It's obvious to me, anyway, that Zach is not a happy camper right now  --Cat]

Zach: "I'm going to vote to keep him in, if that's what I need to do. But I don't care either way."
Dick: "All right.  But we're working on it right now.  I don't want you to think that you're not being taken care of.  With all this talk.  I promise you!"
[Dick leaves.]
Zach: "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to YOU about."
Daniele:  "Huh?"
Zach:  "That's what I wanted to talk to YOU about."
Daniele:  "I don't know anything, though,  Zach."
Zach:  "A couple of days ago you said that you didn't want to put me in a hard spot. "
Daniele:  "No, I'm not! How am I?"
Zach:  "OK. You just contradicted what you told me."
Daniele:  "How am I?"
Zach:  "You said that you wanted to stay with me in this and you didn't want me to be put in a hard position about what to do.  Now I don't know what the fuck is going on!"
Daniele:   "Nobody does.  That's the thing!  As soon as we do, we'll tell you.  Jessica and Eric need to talk and then get back to us.  Nobody knows what's going on.  You're not being left out of anything. I promise."
Daniele leaves Zach at the table.  She goes outside.  He huffs out his breath.

11:55PM BBT:  In the HoH room,  Jameka and Amber are still racking their brains about today's so called clues.  Dustin said, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we are trained to deceive."  Amber says not, it was "first we practice to deceive." Jameka says Dustin kept saying trained. Amber says she remembers, and it was "practice."   Amber is lying in bed with a huge frown on her face, staring up at the ceiling.

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