Pre-Show |
#39 Sunday, August 12, 2007 |
#1 Thursday, July 5, 2007 |
#40 Monday, August 13, 2007 |
#2 Friday, July 6, 2007 |
#41 Tuesday, August 14, 2007 |
#3 Saturday, July 7, 2007 |
#42 Wednesday, August 15, 2007 |
#4 Sunday, July 8, 2007 |
#43 Thursday, August 16, 2007 |
#5 Monday, July 9, 2007 |
#44 Friday, August 17, 2007 |
#6 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 |
#45 Saturday, August 18, 2007 |
#7 Wednesday, July 11, 2007 |
#46 Sunday, August 19, 2007 |
#8 Thursday, July 12, 2007 |
#47 Monday, August 20, 2007 |
#9 Friday, July 13, 2007 |
#48 Tuesday, August 21, 2007 |
#10 Saturday, July 14, 2007 |
#49 Wednesday, August 22, 2007 |
#11 Sunday, July 15, 2007 |
#50 Thursday, August 23, 2007 |
#12 Monday, July 16, 2007 |
#51 Friday, August 24, 2007 |
#13 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 |
#52 Saturday, August 25, 2007 |
#14 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 |
#53 Sunday, August 26, 2007 |
#15 Thursday, July 19, 2007 |
#54 Monday, August 27, 2007 |
#16 Friday, July 20, 2007 |
#55 Tuesday, August 28, 2007 |
#17 Saturday, July 21, 2007 |
#56 Wednesday, August 29, 2007 |
#18 Sunday, July 22, 2007 |
#57 Thursday, August 30, 2007 |
#19 Monday, July 23, 2007 |
#58 Friday, August 31, 2007 |
#20 Tuesday, July 24, 2007 |
#59 Saturday, September 1, 2007 |
#21 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 |
#60 Sunday, September 2, 2007 |
#22 Thursday, July 26, 2007 |
#61 Monday, September 3, 2007 |
#23 Friday, July 27, 2007 |
#62 Tuesday, September 4, 2007 |
#24 Saturday, July 28, 2007 |
#63 Wednesday, September 5, 2007 |
#25 Sunday, July 29, 2007 |
#64 Thursday, September 6, 2007 |
#26 Monday, July 30, 2007 |
#65 Friday, September 7, 2007 |
#27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 |
#66 Saturday, September 8, 2007 |
#28 Wednesday, August 1, 2007 |
#67 Sunday, September 9, 2007 |
#29 Thursday, August 2, 2007 |
#68 Monday, September 10, 2007 |
#30 Friday, August 3, 2007 |
#69 Tuesday, September 11, 2007 |
#31 Saturday, August 4, 2007 |
#70 Wednesday, September 12, 2007 |
#32 Sunday, August 5, 2007 |
#71 Thursday, September 13, 2007 |
#33 Monday, August 6, 2007 |
#72 Friday, September 14, 2007 |
#34 Tuesday, August 7, 2007 |
#73 Saturday, September 15, 2007 |
#35 Wednesday, August 8, 2007 |
#74 Sunday, September 16, 2007 |
#36 Thursday, August 9, 2007 |
#75 Monday, September 17, 2007 |
#37 Friday, August 10, 2007 |
#76 Tuesday, September 18, 2007 |
#38 Saturday, August 11, 2007 |
#77 Wednesday, September 19, 2007 |
#78 Thursday, September 20, 2007 |
August 10, 2007: Talk
about your bumpy nights... |
After Midnight... It's been a hell of a night.
The tension in the air is so thick you can cut it with a plastic knife.
Dustin and Daniele are in the bathroom and no words were exchanged. Daniele
asks Zach if they should put the bunny suits in the storage room and he says no.
Daniele and Jessica talk briefly about menstruation cramps.
Back outside Eric is bonding with Jameka, talking about their families.
Everyone looks nervous because Dick is also outside walking and smoking.
As soon as Dick leaves, Dustin confronts Jen about hanging out with Dick
and Amber telling Dustin "Don't fucking waste your breath, seriously..."
Jen says they made a deal to stop fighting and Dustin says "she made a plea
bargain" and Jen says she's sorry since he's taking it out on everyone....
Daniele says she is disappointed that Jessica didn't say her speech about:
"Those of you who are worried, should be," and that her nominations will be
based "solely on personal appearance." (Jessica said that earlier in the year
when they were making up funny speeches)
Jessica says she is going to take a shower in the HoH bathroom. Daniele tells
her she thought about cleaning it, but decided not to do so.
Zach says that Dick cracks him up sometimes, as he is the "biggest kid."
Read more Daniele goes outside. She tells Dick (they are alone) that
Zach asked Dustin if he used the same lotion on his face as he does on his
body. Dustin told him he has a secret ingredient that he uses on his face.
Daniele: "I said, Yeah, jizz."
Dick: "You said that?"
Daniele: "Yeah, but to Zach."
Daniele says she wants to kill herself. She says Amber won't even look at her.
Dick is whispering to her that she needs to get through next week. Dick
says Amber is a "fucking waste of life." Daniele is telling Dick how she
told Jen she has her back for the rest of the game. Eric called to DR.
Daniele: "It's just annoying, because I kinda...I don't know...I know it's a
game and I don't particularly like anybody here."
Daniele says that she has to hang out with Jen and doesn't really like her and
she hates being fake. She says that she "doesn't hate her as much as she used
to," though. Dick says that Jen does things to cover her insecurities.
Daniele says that the things Jen has done to her still shows the person she
is, though. Dick says it is the same with Jameka. (He's not listening to
Daniele) Dick starts laughing about the things he said to Jameka. He
says he asked Amber, "When did you find God? When you got off of drugs?" Amber
said "yes." And Dick says, "How did I know that? You're so predictable!"
Daniele says that she doesn't think anyone has been a "real Christian" on the
Dick says that he has one question--If you are a Christian and you are not
married and you are "fucking someone," then isn't that against the ten
commandments? Dick continues his bashing, and Daniele says if he
"was not on her side," she would kill herself as he is mean. Dick says
he will have lots of people who love him out there because of the way he is.
Daniele: "The other jerks out there."
Dick: "Exactly."
Dick repeats again how he said he "happily evicts Eric, the sneaky weasel."
Daniele says that she thinks it is a lie, but she was told that sequester will
have a camera all of the time. Daniele says if there is, she will leave and
forfeit her stipend.
Read more catty remarks
Read even more catty remarks by Cat. 1:30AM BBT: I'm still trying
to figure out Zach. He was up in the HoH room being social and maybe
trying to keep his key in the box this week. Afterwards, Zach goes
out to the patio and tells all the information he gathered while upstairs.
He agrees with Dick that he doesn't like Dustin. Earlier, while by the
HT, while the others were talking trash, Zach honestly said to the
opposition, "Yeah but there's some validity to the things Dick says."
His remarks were ignored by the others. Now Zach is in the kitchen with
Dustin, and Zach is flat out asking for an alliance deal with Dustin.
Both Zach and Dustin share all their secrets with who's aligned with who and
how things got to where they are. Dustin voices his suspicions against
Jen, in that she has had a long term alliance with Dick and Daniele.
This is a long talk they're having, it's still going on at 2:00AM with
Dustin saying that Dick has to go, and Zach agreeing wholeheartedly.
Audio Clip [30 minutes] Zach tells Dustin that if they are
to team up, they need one more person in their alliance. "So who
would you like to work with?" Dustin asks him. "Hmmm I don't know,
I hate to say it, but maybe Jen." Dustin: "No, Jen is too
unpredictable..." Zach: "Then maybe Jessica..." Dustin:
"Well, maybe, but we have to see where she is next week after Dick is
gone." The conversation is interrupted [thankfully] by Amber and Jameka.
Dustin and Jen join them. The subject changes to restaurant food.
Jen says that when stuck for a dinner idea she always says, "Let's take the
kids to 'Old
Country Buffet' and we'll be there eating and people will look
like, 'Is that Vanna White eating at Old Country Buffet?'"
2:15AM BBT: Eric talks to Jessica about how Dustin offered to go up against
Dick just as an extra "fuck you" to Dick. They talk about how suddenly
without Kail in the house Jen is all over the place trying to be everyone's
friend. Eric says that apparently Dustin and Amber had a deal to
evict him (Eric) last week and that this is something they have to look into
because Eric feels they're definitely playing all sides. They start to
dish Amber and neither of them like her. Jessica doesn't like that Amber
has latched on to Jameka. [Sounds like America wants Eric to get Dustin
put on the block.] 2:30AM BBT: Jessica tells Eric that she'd really prefer to get rid of Daniele, as Daniele is the better game player, but since the whole house wants Dick out, she'll be happy to go along with
them. 3:30AM BBT: The majority of the HGs are in bed now.
But Dick and Daniele are in the BY talking. Daniele thinks today was a total disaster and being in the house wasn’t what she thought it would be. Dick disagrees and tells her that his game plan changed as soon as he saw her in the house, his priorities changed and his relationship with her was worth more than the money. They keep rehashing the same conversations and talking about the other HGs. By 5:50am they’re in bed
sleeping. 9:25AM BBT: FotH and it's a long wakeup call.
It's still going at 9:40am. 9:55AM BBT: One feed on Dustin washing dishes and one on the kitchen area.
Jen is in the bathroom area getting ready. BB announces there are fresh batteries in the storage
room and a little after that we get FotH. 10:15AM to 10:35AM BBT: Amber tells Jameka that Dick confronted Dustin this morning. Daniele comes in and Jameka says good morning to Daniele and so does Amber. Daniele said good morning and starts brushing her teeth and then asks Amber if she can talk to her later. Amber agrees then runs to Dustin to tell him.
Then Amber and Dustin talk about who they want nominated (like it's their choice). 10:40AM
BBT: Dustin asks Eric if he woke up Jessica. He says no, but that he put her battery outside her door so she wouldn't have to come down and so she could "get her wits about her." Eric says they yelled at her to get up. Dustin says, "Yeah but when has that ever worked." (Referring to BB announcing a wake up call).
Dustin goes up to see if she is awake and opens the door, "you are awake” and Jessica says, "yes and thank you." Dustin leaves the HoH room and goes back downstairs.
All 4 feeds on kitchen area. Dustin asks Jameka how she is feeling, couldn't hear her response and she asks how he slept. Dustin says he didn't sleep much. Jameka says, "Are you serious." and he says, “Yes.” Meanwhile… Dick is up and in the kitchen...he hasn't said anything.... yet.
Now there is talk of food competition and how they think it will be an eating contest.
10:45AM BBT: Jameka is in the HoH with Jessica. Lots of small talk, but Jessica
is asking if everyone is okay (Amber, Jameka, etc) after Dick and his actions last night. Jessica saying that she might get it today after she nominates him and Jameka says that she doesn't think that Dick will do anything towards her. Jessica says, "ugh...he is something else." Jessica also thinks that Dicks picks on her (Jameka) and Amber because they are easy instead of going off on Eric, Dustin and Jessica.
Jameka and Jessica both say, “It’s a new day and it's going to be good." Jessica remarks that she didn't like the music this morning.
Jessica wonders how he (Dick?) is going to act during the food competition. Jameka says "Typical...whatever that means" and Jessica says, “Yeah.” Jameka asks if Jessica is going to eat breakfast. They both say that the food competition probably won't start when they say.
All the feeds switch to Jen and Dick in the round room. Dick and Jen are talking but Jen leaves almost immediately after the feeds switch. Now all
four feeds are on Dick laying in the dark.
Feeds switch back to the HoH room with Jessica and Jameka. They are talking about eating something before the food competition. BB announces that it is time to get up for the day and they wonder who isn’t up yet. Jameka says that she is going to go downstairs, she leaves HoH.
Feeds switch to the kitchen area where Amber, Eric and Jameka are joining them. Jameka
is wondering what they are supposed to wear for food competition that BB hasn't told them anything. She says, "I wish they'd tell us something." General chit chat so not much going on as they’re all waiting around for the food competition to start.
10:55AM BBT: Amber talks to Jameka and tells her that she told Dustin that if it is two-person teams she (Amber) wants to be with Jameka and Dustin and Eric can be a team so that way if she gets on slop her and Jameka can get through it together. Jameka agrees. Eric says, “Yeah and so that I can ensure that Dustin's ass is on slop" and everyone laughs.
Danielle comes in and talk turns to ants and where they are coming from and we get FotH.
11:30AM BBT: Still FotH. 12:05PM BBT: Still FotH
12:45PM BBT: Still FotH. 12:48PM BBT: Feeds
come back and Eric is in the shower. Dick and Daniele are in the round
room talking. Dick had a slop pass and had to give it to Jen. Read
more It sounds like Daniele, Dick and Dustin are on slop. Dustin
is asking Jen how to make it in the kitchen. Here is a video of Jen in
her silver wig before FotH See the
Video 1:20PM BBT: Two feeds are on Dick and Danielle continuing their talk. [Seriously, it is the same stuff just a different day.] Dick has talked about putting honey in Jameka's
Bible (earlier he said it but I thought he said "hide" it). They have off and on quiet moments. Dick and Daniele
are talking about everyone. Daniele saying that Amber told her that she (Amber) was going to have her own sitcom when she gets out of the house. [That reminds me of someone… -
Jem] Dick says, "Who told her that, the voices in her head?"
The other two feeds are on Jameka and Amber having a Bible study group. Jameka reading the
Bible while Amber sits and holds her necklace tightly. FotH
1:35PM BBT: Back. From FotH, Dick and Danielle are still laying
down in the round room, still talking. Dick saying that there are only three
votes needed.
Dick says like yesterday they said "440 laps is 1 mile in the BB pool" Daniele
says "When did they say that?" Dick tells her she was sleeping. Daniele
is talking to Dick about Zach's "calendar" he made to quiz himself on things
that happened. Dick says he'll make them slop when the get up from a nap,
Daniele says she can't make herself take a nap. Daniele comments that slop can't be
good for you...all the sugar that is in it.
Jameka and Amber still in the bedroom, it seems like Bible study is over. Jameka
laying down and Amber is talking. 1:45PM BBT: Amber and Jameka
are still talking. Amber is saying she can't be in sequester with "him" (talking
about Dick). Jameka says, "Don't worry you won't's not an
option." [Does she know who the final three will be?] Amber
says that she told Dustin to leave it alone and that maybe he'll stop
(referring to Dick). Jameka says that she doubts it. Jameka said that
Danielle said she is supposed to talk to her later and she doesn't want to.
Jameka knows she has to but she feels like Danielle should have said things
before. It's too late now.
Dick fell asleep and started to snore. Daniele woke him up to tell him
she can't sleep there because of his snoring and she leaves. Lunch
time: Zach is eating a sandwich with Jen there too. Jen made
herself something to eat. Jen goes into the little room and tells Jameka
and Amber that there is food.
Amber is saying that she doesn't know what it is, but Jen is clingy to her
lately. Regarding Jen Amber says, "She was so worried about her eye
shadow." Amber asks what does superficial mean. Jameka tells her
it is like name brands, etc. Jameka says that Jen is lonely.
Danielle comes into the little room. Amber gets up and pulls something
(it was a blue bandana) out of her drawer. She says "This is Nick's and I
thought it was mine. I'm sorry." Danielle says it is OK, and
Amber walks out (maybe to put it in Daniele's room?).
Danielle is called to the DR.
In the kitchen Dustin has joined Zach and Jen. Dustin appears to be
reading the rule book about slop. There is a bottle of Vaseline lotion
on the counter in front of Dustin and the camera keeps zooming in on the
lotion then panning up to Dustin. Eric joins the kitchen group and Jen
asks if he wants a turkey burger. Eric says, "No thank you, I'm going to make
myself a grilled cheese." The kitchen group is still talking about ants and
Dustin is eating his first bowl of slop. 1:50PM BBT:
Amber is telling Jameka she knows that "me, you and Dustin will be the final
three and I'll win HoH and get rid of Dustin and we'll go to the finals
together." Amber says that she will win HoH and that God told her that
Dustin would understand since he won the trip to Barbados and the money.
She knows that Dustin will understand. Amber says that she knows it will
happen. Jameka says it is still crazy that she has to sit out four HoHs
and that getting through that will amaze her. Amber says that she knows
she will win the next HoH. Amber starts to cry and says "my daughter..."
"I don't want to make an international fiasco out of this, but when I was in
the bathroom, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dick and
I heard him blow his nose, very loudly. And when I turned he had this sly look on his face and there was a hand towel on the floor. So I don't know if he blew his nose on the towel and threw it on the floor,
but I'm advising you to inspect the cleanliness of your personal items before you use them.
I don't want to start anything by making false accusations." Dustin: "I would talk to someone bout that..." Eric: "Yes. They could check the tapes for
the legitimacy of this."
Jessica says, "Don't forget ladies: Slumber party tonight in HoH room."
Eric says he is jealous he isn't a girl. Eric asks if boys can sneak in.
2:20PM BBT: There's lots of general chit chat about the food
competition. Eric is saying the costumes were fun. Jessica is saying it was
obvious that people were getting their frustrations out hitting the guitars.
Jen said she was surprised that Dick gave her the slop pass. The HGs are
worried bout their leftovers, they don't want to leave anything out for
fear Daniele or Dick might do something to their food. Eric says he is
going to bring his to the HoH room.
2:30PM BBT: The feeds switch to the HoH room where Amber is seen crying.
Amber in prayer says, "Help me God to be strong." She is thankful for
the wonderful competition. She says thank you so much for being there
for her, allowing her to be there and that she knows she cries a lot but she
can't hold it in. "I am so thankful, you have no idea." She hopes her
daughter is OK, she loves her so much, so much. (She is crying through all of
Amber is saying if she gets HoH to take away one of her pictures and to put one
up for Jameka. "She can't get HoH for five weeks and honestly God,
take away everything she will get for HoH and give something to Jameka,
give her a perm." [I swear we're not making this stuff up.] Amber
only wants her letter. She says "I don't know if you can or if it is allowed..
I just love Jameka and I'm so thankful for her."
Amber: "If I don't win, I've learned so much about myself and about people and
life and her family and everything and even if I don't win the money and I hope
you don't think I'm saying that even if I don't win I am so thankful." She is
crying so hard through this whole thing. "I've learned so much and through
Jameka I've learned so much and when I get out of here I'm going to be a nurse,
I am going to.. I am going to get my life together. I just want to be a nurse
so bad, I want to help people, it is hard for me because I want to be
committed and it's so hard to be there for everyone and go to
school. I want to be a nurse. I want to be a nurse my whole life. Please help
"Make me strong, make me do better in competition even in endurance. I need
willpower to eat right and work out. Please help me, help me, help
me. I need help with Dick... he's so mean. I am a mess because of him this
week. Help me please."
"I love you God, I love you so much, I love the person that I am,
I love the person that you made me. I love the changes that I've made to
better myself. I know I did drugs and I know I made mistakes but I... I want
you to help me. I don't want to do drugs again... I want you to help
me... I've learned from it. I promise I did God. Dick says I'm a bad mom, I
am not a bad mom, I am a good mom. The only reason why I did drugs was
because of my family I had 4-5 people to take care of them and I'm sorry I
turned to drugs to help me work harder and give me energy. I really regret it.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just.. I just did it to help my family and I know
I ended up hurting them in the long run, but I learned and I got .... because
that car accident.. I love my boyfriend so much. I love him so much oh my
goodness. I know that is my soul-mate and I thank you so much for
keeping him around and for realizing that there is a good person in me and he
is realizing more and more everyday and he sees the person that I am and I
know he's seeing me on TV and we-- and just ummmm and I just thank you for watching what I
eat because you put me in the hospital one month ago and I'm just a different
person that I used to be."
Jessica comes in. Amber stops.
Jessica asks if she is okay. Amber says that she just is sweet to let her go
into the HoH room. Amber saying she knows she is nervous about nominations. Amber saying if you need advice you can talk to me, I can give you some words
and stuff. Jessica says that she will leave her alone. Jessica
gives her a hug and leaves her alone.
FotH 3:00PM BBT: Amber and Jessica are still in the HoH
room. Eric and Zach are in the gym whispering. Eric is suggesting
that Zach suggest to Jessica that it would be fun to put Dustin up against
Dick, just to watch him squirm. Right after their brief talk, Zach
goes outside where Dustin and Jen are talking about having children.
They ask Zach if he wants to have kids, without pausing, Zach answers, "Yes.
Three, two boys and one girl. I want to have the girl last so the boys
will be older and take care of her if anyone wrongs her." Read
more (Covers up to 4:00PM) 4:00PM BBT: Zach and Eric leave
Jessica to get ready for her nomination ceremony. They go outside to
play chess with the giant chessboard. Zach was surprised that Eric was
really going to play. They got started and Eric gets called to the DR.
Jessica comes out looking for him, and asks him if he has some
her stomach is killing her. He gets it for her before going to DR.
Amber comes out of DR, and Jessica asks how she is. She said she
had a great DR session.
Dustin, Jen and Zach are in the BY talking about the competitions, and how they
seemed geared for certain people, or events. Zach said if the ratings suck,
they might get some that are controversial to get people interested,
like people having to set out HoH, or slop, or taking money or whatever.
Zach said they have to do something since they moved
Pirate Master. 4:15PM BBT: Eric is back out already.
He and Zach resume playing chess. Eric makes some bad moves and tells
Zach the DR messed him al up.
Jen and Dustin are talking about food, and Dustin said he is glad he had the
grilled cheese last night. Jen said it smelled good. They continue
talking about cookie binges, and different foods.
Zach says he wants to start a new game, but Eric said to keep playing to
its natural conclusion. Zach moves and says "fuck, it's a tie."
Eric said no, it was checkmate, but Zach said he was not in check.
4:35PM BBT: They are put on outdoor LD. All four feed are
on Amber and Dustin in the hammock. Amber cries from time-to-time while
talking about her daughter, her family and her past. 4:45PM BBT:
FotH 5:45PM Same old FotH
5:55PM BBT: They're back! The nomination ceremony is over.
Eric is in the HoH room gloating, "What do you expect, you don't bother to get
to know anyone and you treat everyone like shit..." And, in the kitchen,
Dick and Daniele are fixing some slop and grumbling about how the others don't
clean up after themselves. Today the Donatos have been by themselves
most of today. In addition to being shunned by five former LNC members,
Zach and Jen are keeping their distance too. In the bathroom area,
Dick and Daniele discuss their strategy for playing in the PoV tomorrow.
Dick wants Daniele to go for all the prizes and money, Dick will take
any of the punishments and if given the chance, Dick will put the house
on slop or whatever other sacrifices are put on the table. Dick wants to
make sure he's the one they evict and that he doesn't leave with less than he
can get. They re-hash all their mistakes and link Eric to their
downfalls. 6:30PM BBT: Dick eats a peanut and freaks
out, "Oh no, penalty nom!" [Dick's on slop this week.] They
continue to go over past events and trash the former five LNC people.
Meanwhile... in the HoH room they too are dwelling on past events and trashing
their opponents. Read
more Eric talks about winning PoV and leaving the
nominations the same. Jen says she's happy that Dick is leaving because
he's negative. Read
Eric says that he thinks that, for a while, Dick was someone who the viewers were enjoying, until this past week. Jameka says Dick
probably got lots of e-mails.
Jessica says "I nominate Jameka" Jameka: (nodding) "I'm ready." Eric
says he thinks Jameka is dying to win PoV this week. Jameka nods "Yes."
They all agree that they hate "backdooring" people. Jameka says that the
last endurance competition was geared to Daniele. Eric asks her if she
(Jameka) thinks the producers are trying to protect Daniele, Jameka says "I
think they're looking to make good TV." and it goes to FotH, momentarily.
Dad's advice: "I don't think Zach would go against you, but you can't
completely trust him either because Zach is out for Zach." Read
more 7:20PM BBT: Dick: "If you get houseguest's choice, pick
Zach." Daniele: "Zach?" "Dick: "Yeah, 'cause you know he would play to
win." 7:45PM BBT: Zach comes outside and Dick asks if he's
avoiding them like the others are. [Dick asks it in a jokingly,
friendly way.] Zach says he wasn't, he was sleeping. Dick tells him that
if possible they'd like him to play in the PoV for Daniele. When
Daniele comes back out Dick tells her about getting Zach on their side.
Daniele is skeptical and says that Zach is just all happy because everyone's
kissing his butt this week. Dick tells Daniele, "No, he said Dustin's
got to go." [Last night Zach was trying to team up with Dustin, no one knows
where Zach's loyalty lies.] 7:55PM BBT: Eric and Jessica are
talking how annoying Amber is. The conversation is interrupted by Dustin
who continues a conversation that started earlier. Dustin asks to be put
up if the PoV is used and either Dick or Daniele comes off the block, "Because
I have prepared a little speech that I can't wait to give. I'm going to
say, "I stand before you as a courtesy flush to the pile of crap that
stands beside me.'" There's lots of laughing, as they are proud of their
work. Eric says that Daniele is proof that the apple doesn't fall far
from the tree, "She's the same person in a 100 pound body, but
she's filled with the same venom." 8:25PM BBT: Amber tells Jameka
that she heard Dick talking to Zach and that their plan is to try to save
Daniele with the PoV. Jameka says it might be better to get Daniele out
this week so that Dick is left all alone in the house. Jameka and Amber agree
that Daniele might be the bigger threat, because she's smarter than Dick.
Amber and Jameka agree that if Daniele and Jen have an alliance they can bust
it by sending Daniele out of the house.
Jameka thinks if Daniele gets HoH next she would put up Eric and Dustin,
but if Dick gets HoH he will put Amber and Jameka. They agree that they want
the nominations to stay the same, and after that, they'll have plenty of time
to decide who goes.
"Well I'm sorry that your actions have
put you in the situation your in." |
"It's a game, it's just a game, I really
don't care." |
8:45PM BBT: Daniele and Dustin are either having it out or
trying to clear the air. Dustin starts by thanking her for getting her
father to call a truce. Dustin tells Daniele that people do not see her
as an individual in the house, just as no one saw him as an individual
until Joe left. Dustin tells Daniele that he's sorry her actions have
put her in the situation she's in, and that by not telling Dick to stop,
it's perceived that she condones his behavior. Daniele says she
has told him to stop, but that's all she can do as her father is his own
Daniele says she's not playing this game personal and that she put Eric up and
people lied to her, he stayed. It's just a game, she doesn't take
it personal. Dustin tells her she hasn't tried to know people.
Daniele asks, "Like who?" Dustin says, "Like him," she hasn't tried to get to know
him. Daniele says she's gotten to know Dustin plenty in the last few weeks.
Daniele says it's not all on her, when has Dustin tried to get to know
her better? Daniele keeps saying "It's a game, it's just a game, I really
don't care. I'm not taking it on a personal level. It's just a
Dustin says he doesn't want Daniele to isolate herself from the rest of the
house. Daniele says she's not.
Daniele says that she's tired of getting the brunt of whatever Dick does, that
Jameka called her a bitch last night because of things Dick said. That she's
tired of Dustin and people talking about her behind her back because she
doesn't do's just a game.
Daniele says that what Dick does is not her problem, that she's tired of
telling Dick to stop, but she's not going to do it every day for the
rest of the time she's in the house. Daniele tells Dustin that it would
be as if he was held responsible for whatever Amber does. Dustin says he
does talk to Amber when he thinks she's said or done something wrong in the
house. Daniele says now, that it's not the same, and anyway, for her
it's just a game, she doesn't take things personal. Audio Clip [26 minutes]
They go back and forth
with for a while. After Dustin leaves, Amber comes out and asks
Daniele if she's OK, Daniele says she's fine. Amber says she heard
Dustin talking to Daniele and wanted to make sure he hadn't been mean to her.
Daniele says "no."
Up in the HoH room, Jameka and Jessica are talking about how bad Dick is
at competitions and how it would be better to send Daniele off instead.
Jameka says none of this matters until after PoV competition.
In the gym Dustin is re-telling Amber his conversation with Daniele. In the
BY Daniele is re-telling Zach her conversation with Dustin. Zach tells her
"Good for you!"
In the HoH room Jameka and Jessica are still talking about Dick. Amber
comes in and tells them she's not going to work out and they laugh. 9:45PM
BBT: Zach comes out to talk to Daniele. Zach says how Dustin
thinks he has Zach wrapped around his little finger, but Zach thinks
that Dustin is arrogant and uneducated. They talk game and whisper
for a while. Zach says he has a deal with Jessica that she won't put him
up for the next two weeks. [Hmm, maybe Zach doesn't know she won't be HoH next
week.] He says he thinks this means he has a "date" with Jessica this
week "Great, she's so not my type." Read
more Zach leaves to meet Amber in the gym. Zach relates some
strategic information to Amber, but not everything. He starts
stroking her with some religious talk. The feeds switch for a few
minutes, when they return to the gym, Zach's saying how he can't wait to
get Dick out of the house and a bunch of Dick bashing follows. Zach:
"I've been waiting to throw him out for three weeks." 11:20PM
BBT: Not much has gone on tonight. Everyone is just hanging around
talking about past PoV contests from past seasons. Dustin gave Amber
beauty tips. They trash each other, but just lightly tonight.
Jameka and Amber consider which Donato it would be best to send home.
From what started out as a very tumultuous day is fading into a peaceful evening. Dick:
"What do you want to do first when you get out of here." Daniele:
"Get my hair done." Dick: [Sort of snickers] "Really?" Daniele:
"Yeah. And I'd like to go to Disney World." Dick: "Alone?
How about if I go along too?" Daniele: "Well, it would be OK if we
met at appointed times, but I'm not hanging out with you.." Dick: "Oh,
now why do you have to say it that way? You, me, Vincent... We'd
have a good time." Daniele: "Well we could meet at various spots, but I
couldn't stand to spend that much time with Vincent." Dick: "Sure you
could. Look at all the time you've spent with these people."
Daniele: "Yeah, and look at me. I'm a wreck." Read
Thanks to all of today's update contributors: Angelo Joe, Cajunboiler, Catniptoy, Dade, DreamAngel, eyeluvhowie, GemRep,
georgectv, gypsydoodlebug, heatherong, jammer, Jem, JFetch, kathy65324,
Katydidit, Lakeshow09, laladoopiedu, LovesBigBrother, MellyMel, morty, MrClean,
pierceka, Sf49rminer, smirnoff, snancypants, Soyyo, StephenV, surfgranny,
witch and wolfrider. We couldn't re-write it without you.