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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Sunday, September 13, 2009:  They're More Interesting Asleep
Last night Kevin and Natalie listened to Jordan talk until 4:20AM.  Nobody bothered to turn her off because there's no radio in the BB house.  She talked about everything from friends to fashion,  and if given the choice,  I'd rather listen to Natalie shuffle cards.

10:20AM BBT:
  Still sleeping.
1:00PM BBT:   Jordan up with ADLs/ Kevin was tossing and turning in red room - lights still out in there.
2:45PM BBT:   Jordan relaxes in the sun, while Kevin and Natalie sleep.
2:50PM BBT: "Hi How are you?  You jess gettin' up?"  Jordan utters the first words of the day to Natalie.  Natalie says she's up, but Kevin's still in bed. 

While Kevin's in bed,  Natalie starts quizzing Jordan on what Kevin's asked her about a final two deal.  Jordan says that every time he asks her, she says she hasn't made up her mind.    They go on to trash Kevin and promise each other their undying loyalty,

3:10PM BBT:  Kevin's up.  General morning chit-chat.

3:45PM BBT:  Kevin wants to have a water balloon fight, but without balloons that leaves condoms.  They decide just to see how much water one will hold.  Kevin says he'll bring out the dental dams too.  The girls have no idea what the dental dam is.  Kevin says he show them,  BB says, "Stop that."

HG want to make a waterslide.  They put down towels under the plastic bags to soften it so they don't get hurt for the finale.  They wanted to use the pool rafts or the rafts from the pool room and BB told them "Stop that!!!"  The wind is blowing just enough to make the bags blow up.

Jordan saying it's not working, you can keep going but she doesn't think it's worth it for just using one time.   They give up and Kevin says they have the biggest sunbathing blanket. Natalie and Kevin lay down on the towels. Jordan in and out of the house.

Natalie says calls Guinness Book of World Records  they made the worlds biggest beach towel.

BB tells them a bit of trivia and Natalie and Kevin go off saying I wont remember, stop.

3:51PM BBT: Kevin and Jordan roll Natalie up in the towels, she screams and says she cant breath or see. Natalie says that was fun for 30 seconds.

Debate is now going on whether to wash the towels or just fold them up.  They decide they aren't dirty and they wont need them anyway so they are Kevin and Jordan are folding them up.

Natalie wonders what else they could do. Scavenger hunt? Hide and seek? Clean?

Kevin:  "You could grab some towels and take them over there."
Natalie: " I could kick you in the balls."

Jordan carrying towels over to the washer area, Kevin takes the last ones over. (Natalie didn't fold or carry one towel)

Natalie:  "We could jump in the pool"
Kevin:  "With our mics on?"

Natalie calls Kevin a pansy for not going in the pool all season. They wonder if the ducky should be filled or does BB do that.

Natalie wants to make their own competition in the BY. Who could climb up there the quickest? NO
Kevin:  "Who could knock Natalie out the quickest. "

4:00PM BBT: Natalie gets on the elliptical and says she is going to work everyday now. Kevin points out there is only two days left. Natalie climbs off.  Kevin please go to the DR

Kevin: "I am probably in trouble." 

Natalie still asking for a movie in the HoH.  We don't even care about Popcorn Soda anything.

4:20PM BBT:
Kevin going over jury votes alone out loud while Natalie's in the DR. He started with the scenario that he's taking Jordan to the final two, but when he counts the votes, he doesn't win. He tries the count with Natalie, and he still doesn't win.

Jordan takes a shower

Natalie out of DR talking votes with Kevin.

4:26PM BBT: Jordan out of shower and gets called to DR. She has a towel around her and is rubbing her hair with another towel. Quick change and fast blow dry of hair first and she is ready for DR.

4:35PM BBT:  Natalie comes outside and Kevin tells her that he keeps counting up the jury votes,  he comes up in second place.  He tells her all the scenarios,  and how he doesn't win in any.  Natalie flips out on him, asking if he's thinking about going back on their deal.   Kevin says no,  he's just thinking.  Natalie is yelling at him, that he's thinking through his butt-hole.  Natalie:  "You're just trippin' and in a couple hours,  you're going to come to me and say you're sorry,  you were just trippin'.  I can't even deal with you right now.  You don't know how mad you're making me.  I'm going inside to cook."   BB:  "This is a lockdown, please go outside and close the sliding glass door."  They both crack up,  because Natalie was only going inside to get away from Kevin.

Natalie asks Kevin if he wants to play pool,  Kevin replies, "HTTN.  [Hell to the no.] Why, so you can beat me again?"   

5:00PM BBT:  Natalie is finishing up a game of pool against herself.  Kevin and Jordan are sitting on the patio. 
5:10PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie play badminton,  Jordan lounges in the hammock.

Just a note about tonight's show.   Tonight's show is a "best of" "clip show" and it's really good this year, but it's too difficult to write a re-cap for.  If you missed, you'll have to catch it on CBS.com

6:45PM BBT:  Natalie is making dinner.  Tonight's dish is halibut.  She has marinated in lemon juice and is looking through the spice rack for stuff to put on it. Kevin suggests garlic, sea salt, pepper and basil.  Natalie wants more and asks about milk, vanilla extract (she really wants to add the vanilla,  but Kevin loudly objects).  She's trying to make fried rice,  and wants to add cinnamon or honey,  once again Kevin talks her out of both.  Keep in mind,  Kevin doesn't cook either.  Natalie: "So how do I make fried rice, do I just take this rice and fry it?" 

7:00PM BBT:  Kevin wants to make macaroni and cheese,  he doesn't have much faith in the meal they prepared.

7:10PM BBT:
  Kevin says the rice is too crunchy.  Natalie forces Jordan to try a bite of fish.   Jordan;  "Uk!  It tastes fishy."  Natalie:  "Like bad?"  Jordan;  "I don't know I never eat anything fishy."

8:00PM BBT: Kevin and Natalie are playing cards.

9:00PM BBT:  The HGs are in the hot tub talking about all the past competitions.  Natalie admits that in the food competition where they had to taste and identify the two ingredients,  Natalie didn't taste the concoctions,  she said they were gross.  Natalie talks about the night that Chima and Lydia covered the cameras and windows,  and took their mics off.  Natalie says she only out a pillow in front of a window,  but she got a warning from BB with the others.   Another warning she got was for telling Michele she was going on the block, "But I knew I was violating a rule,  but it was worth it to mess with that bitch Michele."  All through the conversation they get warning for talking about production. 

Kevin says that in one competition, Chima's bike was broken and BB wouldn't listen to her when she complained.  Kevin thought they were trying to rig things against Chima. 

9:15PM BBT:  The HGs got new craft kits, bowls and mugs that can be painted and "fired" in a regular oven.
Jordan:  How do you spell 'engagement? '"Natalie:  "E-N-A-G-A-G-E-M-E-N-T"  Somehow they got it figured out.

The Nite Owl Report by cafeaulait begins here:

10:15PM BBT: All in the BY by the Jacuzzi, Jordan is still doing the "paint a pot" activity, Kevin laying down with his feet in the Jacuzzi, and Natalie sitting up with her feet in the Jacuzzi.  Hardly any talk between them.  At first they talk about Chima, Natalie is now trying to blame the Chima leaving on Kevin. After a silence, Kevin ask if they think that they were the most disobedient cast of BB ever. Jordan says yes. Natalie says that they were the most boring, because all they do is sleep.

Kevin then bring up the coup d'état.  Natalie says they probably will never do that again, and if they do it most likely won't be voted on by America. Kevin says that the fun part was not knowing who had it, and that with a winning it in a competition, everyone would know who had it [I thought he was a fan, does he not remember how it was won season 7]. Natalie also start to "paint a pot"

10:25PM BBT: Lots of silence, and in between silence they get into little conversation. Natalie says that voted ended (for America's jury vote). She claims that they told her it ended today and that voting for things usually ends on Sundays so they can tally votes. It goes back to silence.

10:38PM BBT: Kevin goes inside to dishes, then Jordan/Natalie start talking about Kevin. Natalie says that Kevin told her that right now he is just playing for second place but she knows that he really thinks he will win. Jordan says that if she leaves, she will try to make it tie them America will be the deciding vote. Both Natalie/Jordan wonder how America votes, Natalie says that they most likely vote for their favorite and not strategic. Jordan saying that she caught Kevin at the memory wall counting votes on Tuesday.  She them ask Natalie how to spell technotronics (she is making a bowl for Jeff of all of his sayings). They continue to talk about the game and Natalie brings up what she said in the DR about Kevin and BB tells her not to.

10:45PM BBT: Kevin goes outside for a minute and says they need to stop talking about DR sessions.  Natalie says she was just trying to tell Jordan about what she said in her DR on Tuesday.  They then talk about the fact that there are no more shows and they most likely will not be called to the DR for responses anymore.
Kevin goes to bathroom, them goes back outside.

10:53PM BBT: Kevin goes in to get a drink and snacks and check the time (Natalie wanted to know).  He yells 10:53, Natalie says thanks, and he goes back to the BY with his drink and snacks.

11:00PM BBT: Jordan finished her bowl. Kevin ask what saying he put on it and she responds (You got got, Toona, Technotronics, You Gawn, etc... ) Natalie ask if either Kevin or Jordan want to draw a heart on hers because she is bad at drawing then,  Jordan does it for her. Kevin then goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

11:08PM BBT   Jordan gets up and goes inside to put her painted bowl on the kitchen counter and wash her hands. Jordan gets something chocolate to eat, and both Kevin/Jordan go outside.

11:12PM BBT: Kevin and Jordan talking in the kitchen, first it just small talk about seeing their families, possibilities of making 1 or 2, and other things.  Kevin then starts to talk about how he is trying to let Natalie know that he is probably not taking her because he doesn't think he can win.  Both him a Jordan think that she might get America's Vote [On what planet??]  Kevin/Jordan continue to talk about how they will not take Natalie to the end.  Jordan tells him that he shouldn't tell her, but Kevin knows her better so do what he thinks is right. Jordan says that she won't tell her to the day of. she also says it different because Kevin and Natalie are closer.  They then start to talk about BB season they have seen, for Jordan she has seen 2 or 3, 5, 7, and 10. They continue to talk about other BB season. Jordan says when she was trying out she saw all these things on YouTube. Jordan also says that she didn't know Julie's name before BB gave them the DVD to watch in the hotel.

Natalie is getting ready to shower.

11:32PM BBT: Natalie in the shower, Kevin/Jordan talking about reality shows. They then start talking about Michele and her PhD. Jordan then tells a story about how Michele was a genius, but when younger she fell on her head a couple of times. They then talk more about Michele's IQ. They both think Ronnie is smart, but not as smart as Michele. Then they try to figure out where Michele went to for her PhD. Kevin gets called to DR, Jordan goes into pool room.

11:40PM BBT: Jordan changed into shorts and went into her bed in the red room.

11:45PM BBT: Natalie is doing after shower ADLs, Jordan gets called to DR. Kevin scared her by hiding behind the first door to get into the DR. They both laugh, then Kevin goes to red room to relax in his bed.

11:53PM BBT: Jordan comes back to red room from DR. Jordan/Kevin engaging in small talk about teeth. Jordan noticed that Kevin had a bridge. Kevin tells her how she got them because of a crack tooth.

11:59PM BBT: Jordan now talking about looking for the right doctor for her boob job. She also talk about how she started saving money and the procedure.

12:05AM BBT: Kevin admits he has Poland Syndrome. It is a birth defect that is an absence of a chest muscle. he says he has only a mild case of it. He also had chest implants to make them look more normal, and that is why he is always wearing shirts and doesn't go in the pool because he doesn't notice. He also has problems doing push-up type things because of the lack of a chess muscle. he also says that he doesn't think they a perfectly proportional. Jordan are now comparing how their surgeries were. He said that he didn't want part this to be part of the show, so that is why he is telling Jordan and Natalie now. he then talks about the first time he was intimate with his boyfriend and he acted like he didn't notice the deformity and scars. (12:05 mark, all feeds)

They now start talking about their body insecurities and men that don't exactly give them compliments. Jordan says she has always been cautious of her weight. Kevin and Natalie trying to give Jordan advice on guys because she seems to always date the guys that don't help his self esteem. They go back to talking about personal flaws.

12:25AM BBT: They then start talking about eye and eye surgeries. Natalie says that she had Lasik eye surgeries.
Natalie then says that they show pick Kevin/Jordan outfits for Finale.
They then start talking about whether or not 2nd and 3rd place will do all the interview.
They then talk about how hard it must be for Julie to go back and forth and do BB and the Early show.

12:33AM BBT: Kevin decides to start trying on outfits for Finale.

12:50AM BBT: Kevin still trying on outfits. He doesn't like some of the suggestions the girls are making. Natalie says that he needs to stop with all the bold colors. Kevin says that Natalie is trying to make him into a So-Cal surfer white boy. Natalie says no that she is just trying to make him look nice.

12:55AM BBT: Kevin gets is final look together, Natalie comments "America, I finally have him looking normal for once"
Kevin says that she is saying that he dresses abnormal because he is gay, but she says no it's just because you dress abnormal. He then says "America, vote to evict this wench" [If it were only that easy].
Jordan then goes to try on her clothes for for Finale night.
Kevin gets called to the DR. Natalie ask "Why are they calling you to the DR"
Jordan then shows the outfit she wants to wear to Natalie, and she says it cute.
Jordan is worried that she thought she looks too fat in it, then she tells Jordan she isn't.
Kevin comes back, he likes the outfit. Jordan is still worried about the cellulite on the back of her thighs.
She goes back to try on more looks.

1:15AM BBT: They are all done with deciding outfits for the Finale. Jordan goes to the bathroom, and Kevin is looking for a tie he seems to have misplaced.
Jordan comes back to the red room. they start talking about how they will do their hair and stuff they have to do before they leave.
They then start talking about the people from the Real World and Road Rules. We get a brief FotH.

Jordan says that she meets a lot of these people in clubs in Charlotte (all these reality stars get paid just to make club appearances)
She also met Megan from Rock of Love.

They start to talk about how much money some of these people make just to make these appearances.

1:25AM BBT: They now talk about how cool it could be when they go home to get interview by their news stations and radio stations.
Talk returns to Finale night outfits.

1:30AM BBT: They start talking about goodbye messages. BB keeps telling them to stop when they go into detail about them. Kevin says that he wasn't ask about the racial comments Braden made, but he was ask about Chima's terrorist comments. BB keeps telling him to stop it and we get FotH. Then they start to talk about the Russell/Chima fight and who said what.

Jordan gets all excited because she gets to she her family tomorrow. They then say don't say tomorrow because they have to go to sleep and wake up and sleep the still have the whole day to go through.

They are now wondering how the final show will go and when they will do the final HoH competition. They also wonder how they will do the jury question this year because it will be live.

1:50AM BBT: Everyone is laying down in their bed and silent. [maybe they ran out of things to talk about]. No one looks like they are on the verge of sleep, all still have their mics on, and the lights are still on.
After a long silence, they start to talk about Chima and her rape story. They are trying to decide what week it was that she told them.
Then back to silence. Jordan is starting to play with her hair, but everyone else seems to be in daydream land.

1:55AM BBT: Kevin covers himself up as if he he ready to fall asleep, and closes his eyes. Jordan and Natalie still just laying in bed with the lights on.

1:58AM BBT: Jordan goes to turn off the light, she says it is always colder in the pool room, and she puts up her microphone.

(that's it for me, see you guys tomorrow for the last night in the BB house)

3:30AM BBT: Jordan and Natalie are still up working on their craft projects.

The dedicated updaters,  our numbers are in decline:  cafeaulait, CeCiMom, Dade, Dawnie, morty and ZuZuMamou

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