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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Thursday, August 27, 2009:  Eviction day
Don't you just love it when there's a chance they could flip the script and send the pawn home?  Then the power's up for grabs and everything can get turned around again... OK, the chance of a surprise is so thin, but it's there.  Happy Thursday Everyone!

9:10AM BBT:  Sleeping  10:02AM BBT:  FotH, it must be wake-up time.  10:20AM BBT:  Jeff and Jordan up,  Kevin and Natalie up. 10:30AM BBT:  Natalie jumps in the HoH bed,  everyone's complaining the house is cold this morning.   Now Russell is up.  10:40AM BBT:  The final six are in the HoH for LD.   Jeff, Jordan and Natalie in HOH bed. Kevin on the floor between the bed and the wall, Michelle still curled up on chair and Russell laying on floor between bed and table/chairs staring at the ceiling. Jeff staring straight listening to music ahead wiggling his leg.

12:21PM BBT: HoH LD over and Russell is first out of HoH.  Jeff and Jordan pack up stuff to move out of HoH.
12:30PM BBT: Picked numbers for HoH order Natalie is 1,  Russell is 2,  Jordan is 3,  Michele is 4,  Kevin is 5,  Jeff can't play.  Jeff: "It's weird that they did that, something is up."
1:15PM BBT:   Russell is shaving in the bathroom. Jeff and Jordan/Natalie/Kevin are talking in the red room.  Michele may be in there, but she's not on camera.  Natalie mentions Prison Break and how she never misses an episode.

2:02PM BBT: Jordan is putting on make-up in bathroom.  Jeff is making tacos.  Russell is ironing his pants. Natalie goes to Russell and is whispering that she is putting up Michele and Jordan no matter what.  She says if she puts up Jordan she is honoring her deal with Jeff.

Natalie now talking to Jordan in the bathroom telling her what Michele has been saying. Jordan yells why does everyone think we are all dumb. (Natalie sure is making her rounds today IMO).

2:12PM BBT:  Jeff/Natalie/Michele in kitchen eating taco’s that Jeff made.  Jordan still getting ready in bathroom.  No sign of Kevin or Russell at this point.  Ah there's Kevin.  He is getting in the shower. Otherwise boring

2:20PM BBT: Trivia.
3:20PM BBT: Still Trivia.
3:21PM BBT:  Feeds back,  Natalie in Shower, Michele/Jeff and Jordan in green room on bed/couch thing looking bored,  No sign of Russell/Kevin
3:28PM BBT: Kevin/Russell in red room Kevin asked Russell if he asked Michele how she was voting.  Russell seems to think he still has a chance of staying. (I think he is trying to get Kevin to vote for him.)
3:31PM BBT:  Russell tells Kevin he is going to try and make an "eloquent" speech that will sway Michele's vote.  He is rallying hard for Kevin's vote.  Kevin is humoring him,  says I want to make sure if I commit to you that your speech is good enough to sway Michele. (risky)
3:33PM BBT: Kevin doesn't think that Michele is going to vote to keep Russell because she hasn't come up to him and said anything.  Russell says he is going to talk to Michele. Kevin tells Russell he has an hour and a half. Kevin said he is OK with the plan to keep Russell, but doesn't want to get burned by sticking his neck out.
3:41PM BBT:  Everyone in same areas, but all quiet. Kevin is staring at the ceiling Russell frozen 1/2 asleep looking.  Natalie still in shower. Jordan just used bathroom.
3:49PM BBT: Russell/Michele in kitchen eating.  Natalie just told Jeff who is shaving that he gets to see her in her gray pants, which she loves, today.
3:51PM BBT: Russell now in living room laying on couch (thought he was going to talk to Michele?)  Michele cleaning/making food in the kitchen, Jeff  is in the shower.
3:58PM BBT: Russell is in kitchen alone playing cards. Jordan/Natalie in bathroom
4:00PM BBT:  Trivia...

Tonight's exciting live show:  We see the HGs, and Russell's wearing his blue blazer, as he said he wants a dignified exit.  (we'll see.)  In the flashback scenes,  Russell says we now know we can't trust Jeff,  "He went back on his word."  Kevin and Natalie confirm they're coming back after Jeff and Jordan next week.  After the PoV, Russ hugs Michele and whispers, "I hope you win."  Michele cried. 

Later, in the BY, Jeff finds Russell sitting on the couch.  Jeff asks if he wants to talk about it, "It was a good move,  you got to admit it." Jeff says.  It's the fight described on Monday.  Jordan goes running across the yard and gets in Russell's face. 

Russell campaigns for Kevin's vote.  From the DR,  Kevin says he doesn't know what to do.  The BY battle continues,  and frankly, Russ doesn't look too good. 

Back at the jury house, Lydia joins Jessie.  Jessie hopes it'll be Jeff walking through the door.  Lydia gives him a big hug, and says "I'm so mad at you,  didn't you think we girls would talk."  Jessie got to see Chima's eviction.  After seeing the DVD of the gameplay, Jessie said,  "There's a new cowboy in town,  and if he makes it to the end,  I just might be inclines to vote for him to win the half million dollars." 

When Julie talks to the HGs she tells them that this week is the last for the Haves / Have-Nots,  no more food restrictions and cold showers, "But that's not to say there won't be some more surprises."  Julie warns. 

In the HoH room,, Julie asks Jeff "Why Russell, why now?"  Jeff said he heard rumors that Russell was coming after him. 

Julie asks the two nominees to make their last remarks.  Natalie thanked everyone for the opportunity.  Russell,  wished everyone good luck and also thanked everyone.

Jordan voted to evict Russell,  Kevin voted to evict Russell, as did Michele.  [Commercial]  Julie told Russell the news.  Russell stood and wished everyone luck, he hugged Jordan and shock hands with Jeff. 

Julie said, "You kept it classy."  Russell, told Julie that he tried different approaches to the game, by playing like Evel Dick, and Dan, and other previous winners,  but he admits it didn't work.   In the exit comments,  Jordan said,  "I strongly, strongly don't like you."  

The power is up for grabs.    The winner of tonight's HoH contest, "The S'more the Merrier," guarantees themselves a place in the final four.   The players must carry a mug of hot chocolate across a slippery path to a big glass bowl with a marshmallow in it.  They must make multiple trips back and forth filling the bowl until the marshmallow reaches a point where the HG can reach it.  The first player to get their marshmallow, wins the title of HoH.

A more complete re-cap of tonight's show will be posted HERE on the CBS.com web site on 8-28-09

6:00PM BBT:  Back at the house...  5:58PM BBT:  FotH
6:10PM BBT:  Feeds return. Kevin is in the lead.  It appears Michele is a close second followed by Jordan and Natalie. Natalie pauses for a drink of bottled water.  Michele says she is afraid of falling.  Jeff "Who cares if you fall, everyone is falling."  Michele "I hurt myself when I fall."  As if on cue, Natalie falls and her cup flies off the graham cracker and she has to retrieve it.

Kevin is keeping a light jog pace. Michele is next. Jordan and particularly Natalie are practically walking. Natalie being the slowest. Jordan and Natalie encourage each other by telling one another Good Job.

6:15PM BBT: Natalie falls again and the cup flies from her hand.  This time she doesn't see where it landed and has to look for it losing valuable time (But it appears she could care less as she is laughing about it -Goldylucks)

6:21PM BBT: Kevin is at most 1 to 2 inches shy of halfway. He is maintaining his pace.  Michele is as well but not as sure footed as Kevin is and her bowl is about 1/3 full. Jordan appears very winded and Natalie looks like she could care less that she is in last place. She jokes "I quit".

6:25PM BBT: Jeff is giving everyone words of encouragement and they all act impressed by Kevin's solid lead.  Natalie jokes "why can't we hang from a toilet seat or something" Jordan falls again, pretty hard. Kevin is well past the halfway point.  Michele is still an inch shy of 1/2 but seems to have picked up her pace.

6:30PM BBT: Natalie is solidly in last place,  is wobbling all over the place with a huge smile on her face.  She tells Jeff he is lucky to get to sit this one out. At this point Natalie and Jordan are just going through the motions.  Michele is wobbly, falls, but gets up quickly.  She is the runner of the house after all. Kevin looks as steady as if he was on a treadmill.

6:35PM BBT: The status is the same.  Kevin in the lead with Michele in second.  Jordan is third and Natalie (who seems quite happy with Kevin's lead) is in last. Natalie says "here's the slip and slide we wanted" and Michele falls again hurting her knee.  Like a trooper,  she jumps up and soldiers on. It's clear Michele and Kevin are in it to win it. Jeff has also announced to the HGs that he has to pee really bad.

6:40PM BBT: Michele is reaching the halfway point as Kevin is reaching the 2/3 point.  Jeff is again giving everyone encouragement. "Good job, keep it going." Natalie keeps sliding and spilling her hot chocolate, having to go back for more.  You could almost combine Natalie's and Jordan's bowls and Kevin would still be in the lead. The shower of chocolate comes on and off for a few minutes just making the graham cracker that much more slippery.  Every lane has huge puddles. Natalie pauses and wipes her face with a towel because she got some chocolate in her eyes.  All is quiet for a moment and Jeff breaks the silence "Anyone want some smores tonight?" Natalie asks him if he is thirsty. Jeff "No man, I gotta pee,  real bad."

6:45PM BBT: Kevin has not slowed a bit but is just breathing a little harder. He is nearing the 3/4 mark as Michele, also maintaining a rigorous pace is reaching the 2/3 mark.  Natalie, at barely 1/3 full has dropped her cup inside her barrel of chocolate and can't reach it.  Kevin:  "Jump in there and get it."  Natalie "I can't" Kevin "yes you can, get in there." FotH.   When feeds return either Natalie has retrieved her cup or been given a new one.

6:48PM BBT: Jordan falls forward HARD and lands flat on her stomach and chest.  She lays there for a moment.  Jordan: "Ow, my boob." Jeff "you alright, did you pop it?" Natalie "Really, did you pop it?" Jordan: "No, you can't pop it like that." Jordan is OK.  Kevin is only about 3 inches shy of a full bowl.

6:52PM BBT: Natalie slips and let's her cup fly off the platform again. Jeff "why do you keep launching that cup?" (AKA Why are you throwing the competition  -Goldylucks) Natalie "It just does it. Jeff "You never know what's in store for last place." Natalie "Never quit."

6:55PM BBT: Natalie gives Kevin more encouragement: "Great job Kevin, you are just 10 minutes away from being done and seeing your boyfriend." Kevin still looks like he's on a treadmill and Natalie looks like she is walking in quick sand. Jordan couldn't possibly sweat anymore and Michele is finally starting to look defeated.

7:01PM BBT: Kevin seems to have less than 2 inches of the bowl left. Natalie has yet to reach the 1/2 way point. Jeff encourages them all to keep on going, especially to Kevin "You're at the home stretch." Natalie "You're almost there Kevin-O"

7:05PM BBT: FotH

7:10PM BBT: Still FotH (It doesn't appear that us feedsters are going to get the winning moment live AGAIN -Goldylucks)

7:25PM BBT: Feeds return, competition is over, and both Jordan and Natalie have both already taken showers and are in the bathroom wrapped in towels. Kevin is seen in the bathroom washing his hands and he is wearing the HoH key. Michele is in the shower. Jeff is making a snack. Kevin jumps in the shower. He and Michele talk. Michele "No offense to you that I tried that hard, I just really want to be here.  "
7:27PM BBT:  Confirmed,  Kevin has the HoH room key.
Kevin won HoH!
7:30PM BBT:  Michele is talking to Kevin in the shower.  She's all smiles and cheerful.  they're still doing some Russell bashing.

7:31PM BBT: Michele and Kevin are discussing Russell and how rude he was.  Michele says he was winking at her every 5 minutes while they were sitting down.  They agree Russell was a jerk.  Jordan joins in conversation and starts to blow dry hair. Jeff is in kitchen making stuffed peppers.

Jordan keeps asking Jeff if she looked like a "psycho bitch" when she talked about Russell on the live show.  Jeff assures her that Russell was the one that looked like a "total dickhead."

7:45PM BBT: Natalie going over the HoH competition with Kevin like she was right there with him all the way.  She says that counted as endurance and the next one will be for final three,  and she'll win that because she can hang on.  [She was out first in the last "hang on" competition,  even Ronnie beat her sorry ass.] 

7:58 PM BBT:   Natalie is calling Michele a mole.  Natalie is pretty much telling Kevin what he's going to do about the nominations,  and what Kevin will say  to her when he nominates her.  Sounds Like Michele is going up.  Jeff eating in the Kitchen.

8:05PM BBT:  Jeff called to DR. We can hear him... "Russell being evicted was like great. This last week and the way he behaved was like..."

Michelle crying in green room room.  Jordan walked by and could hear her.  She's now telling Kevin "Michelle's crying in there, in the green room". He mouths "why?" Natalie's there now.  Apparently the HG were going to make smores today and now they say forget it.  Jordan is still craving chocolate.

Michele is really letting the sobs out.

8:15PM BBT: Michele is still upset in the green room.  When she first started crying, she said how she was now going to the jury house.

Jordan, Natalie and Kevin washing dishes in the kitchen.  Jordan says she's going to sign Jeff up for the next Bachelor, as he's a great cook.

8:30PM BBT:  Jordan asks Michele why she's crying and she says,  "You know.  Because I'm going out."  Jordan;  "You don't know that.  There's PoV, I could be going out. So stop that,  you're stressing out over nothing."

8:32PM BBT: Kevin says he feels so relaxed, like he just had the best sex ever he's that relaxed.  He says this is the first time he's ever been able to completely relax in the house.

Jordan telling Michele not to think about nominations and stuff to just forget about it for now.

8:40PM BBT: Jordan sharing with the house that the spandex pants Russell told everyone he gave to Laura he actually gave to Jordan. He was sitting around with her one day and said they didn't fit him and she could have them. Everyone laughing.

Kevin hoping they have a luxury competition this week - some clothes or a trip.

8:50PM BBT: Natalie tells Kevin/Jeff and Jordan in the red room how Michele was crying.  Jeff thinks Michele didn't try her hardest in the HoH competition.  He then makes fun of Jordan not knowing there was a hole in the bottom of their cups.

9:00PM BBT: Someone mentions Michele is still in the DR.  Jeff says she must be crying a lot and Natalie says it's because Michele knows they all want her out.

Jeff says he doesn't do Michele anymore,  after all that happened with Russell.  Jeff says ever since he called her and Russell out,  Michele doesn't tell him nothing.  Jeff and Jordan say how Michele would say her and Russell wouldn't talk about anything, even though they'd spend all day together.

Natalie says Russell told them that Jeff and Jordan/Michele have a final three deal and the only reason Michele is riding it out is because she knows she'll get to final two from final three because she's so good with memory stuff.  Natalie says that Michele's made a calendar about stuff from her birth control pills and Jeff says fine, more reason to get rid of her.

Natalie says if she would have won this HoH (hahahahahahahahahaha) that she would have released the wrath against Michele that she's been holding in for such a long time.

Jeff keeps trash talking Michele and how she's crying over Russell.

9:05PM BBT: Jeff says he doesn't do the Michele thing anymore ever since the Russell thing.  She went to him and... "  Jordan telling Natalie/Kevin that Michele wanted Kevin out because he's really smart and he was hiding it until now."

Jeff telling them that Michele doesn't tell him anything since he called her out in the BY - he asked her what Russell was talking about since they spent 4 days in the room together and she said nothing.

Natalie says Russell told her that Michele has a calendar, that she made one out of her birth control package and that's how she's keeping track.   Kevin and Jeff don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth.

9:10PM BBT:  They're talking about how Russell threaten to call out Michele for using the word "gay" in a derogatory way.  Jeff says it's BS because after Kevin won the PoV Russell said, "Oh yeah, look at that leave it to a faggot to win a contest that doesn't require any physical conditioning."  Jeff just lied as what Russell said was, "Leave it  to the gay guy to win a contest where your outstanding physical attribute has to be small fingers."  I never heard him say "faggot"  -Morty

Read More Details by ZuZuMamou

10:10PM BBT: HoH room time.
Jeff says his man looks like Enrique Iglesias  The girls saying how hot he is.  Jordan sighs,  I wish he wasn't gay.  There s picture of his friend Cassandra and his brother.  His boyfriend sent him a new hoody and sandals.  His music is Enrique.  They gave him everything he asked for. He has a new scarf, his Hamburger Helper, his spicy zesty

Letter - Not verbatim:

"Hello Kevin my love, I hope that when you get this letter you're doing well and enjoying (he;s bawling) your experience in the BB house  making friends and playing a fair game.  Remember there's only one chance.  For my part everything is OK alright, I just finished summer school and getting ready to start the ADM program next week.  On the other hand it's been a challenge to live these weeks without you.  It's the first time in 9 weeks we've been physically apart... especially after a difficult week at work and school. . difficult at the movies because there is no one to share a look with.

Our friends and family come over to the house to watch (BB). There's only a few weeks left,  I will be waiting for you.  Overall please keep your genuine essence because it made me fall in love with you and will no doubt make everyone else too. All my love, Alphonso."

Kevin cried throughout the reading and is laughing at himself because he didn't think he would.

His hoody has 'Doonies' on it and for how small it is it is an extra large.  Kevin thinks it might be from Japan.  He has a big orange crown.  He got friend chicken and sushi.

10:52PM BBT: Jordan and Jeff are in the living room.   Michele is sitting on stool in kitchen.  Jordan making a 'fish face' and noises with her mouth.  Jeff asking why he's hungry, but he's not really hungry.

Jordan and Natalie in Red Room. Jordan has a headache.  Jeff snacking on something and asks Natalie what's on her mind.  She says she's happy right now.  Jeff now eating Natalie's gum.  Asks whose tea is on the counter.  Jeff says he hears Earl Grey makes you sleep good. (It's a breakfast tea) and Natalie thinks it helps with periods. The tea was Chima's in her basket.

Jeff says they are doing something tomorrow because the patio door is not open.   Final 5 That's a big deal.

Midnight:  So after everyone's officially kissed Kevin's butt,  It's time for him to be alone with the other HoH, Natalie.  Natalie thinks it would be better to put both Jeff and Jordan on the block.  Kevin thinks that Jeff's  anti-Michele talk is just a smoke screen to throw them off,  and that Jeff,  Jordan,  and Michele have a final three deal.  Kevin agrees  that if they don't get Jeff out this week,  he'll get to final three and kick one of them out. Natalie says they stand a better chance against Michele over Jeff in a physical competition. Natalie's also sure she can beat Michele in a mental challenge.  (hahahahaha).  

Our chatters suggested some interesting PoV possibilities.  Kevin puts up Jordan and Michele,  Jeff wins PoV and removes Jordan,  this forces Kevin to nominate Natalie.  Flaw:  Jeff and Jordan vote to evict Michele,  because Natalie can't win anything.  If Jeff and Jordan go up, and Michele uses the PoV, then Jeff comes down, Natalie goes up,  and Michele and Jeff evict Natalie,  to save Jordan.

1:30AM BBT:  In the red room,  the girls are still bashing Russell, led by Jordan,  who is still looking for reassurance that she didn't come off bad today,  and that the home viewers will know that Russell is an asshole.  [IMHO,  CBS always cleans things up a bit for primetime,  but I think their editing has been fair,  and each HG has been given an equal break. By that I mean,  they're all pretty cruddy,  and they were cleaned up equally.   -Morty

Today's cunning linguists were;  Angelo Joe, Anteecc, BigBroFanTX, BigMDGirl, Cathy, CeCiMom, CrystAMC, Dade, Elsee, Goldylucks, IsBigBrotherWatchingYou, jennabee, joyami, kayteeh11, laladoopiedu, Marty, mmm, motormouthcj, onechase69, pink3572906, Reaper, StephenV, SueZqueZ, whokayers, zainabubu and ZuZuMamou.  Special thanks to Goldylucks for her coverage of the HoH contest.


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