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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Sunday, August 2, 2009:  Sunday is Stew Day
Sunday is the day after the PoV contest, and the day before the PoV meeting, it's the day everyone stews a bit.  The nominees stew over whether Michele will grant one of them a pardon. Michele stews over what's in her best interest.  Jessie and Natalie stew over how they'll flip the vote and get rid of Lydia.  And everyone else stews over the fact that if Michele uses the PoV,  they could be named as the replacement.

At the moment,  and things change fast in the BB house,  Michele is not planning on using the PoV to save Ronnie or Lydia.  If Russell was sincere,  there's a new alliance in the house:  Michele, Jeff, Jordan, and Russell.  Their first goal;  Get rid of Ronnie.

But what about the coup d'état?  Well you still have time to vote,  and you can vote more than once.  So  CLICK HERE, and remember not to split your votes.

8:30AM BBT:  Just checking in,  all the hamsters are sleeping.  Oops someone put a rat in the hamster cage.... 

9:05AM BBT:  Jessie and Natalie are walking around, but I'm not sure they're awake.  They went to the SR, then we got FotH.  I think they're getting scolded,  because they tried to sleep in the re-cycled room.  9:20AM BBT:  Natalie and Jessie are still bundled up in the re-cycled room.  The light's on and they're awake and talking.  Lots of FotH.  9:40AM BBT:  Feeds return, just Jessie and Natalie awake. 
10:17AM BBT: Natalie telling Jessie, her boyfriends mother hates her and they don't talk.

10:50AM BBT:  BB:  "Good morning houseguests.  It's time to get up for the day."  This was preceded by, and followed by a lot of FotH.  There isn't anything noteworthy being shown on the feeds.

11:45AM BBT:  Lydia and Jeff are outside. She says she want to make a pickle juice/egg concoction to dump on her (Natalie-?)'s head if she's evicted.  Jeff says Lydia won't do that and says she's not going home this week anyways.

Inside, Ronnie and Chima are whispering in the kitchen.  Ronnie says Michele told him last night she won't be voting for him.  Ronnie mentions his conversation with Russell last night and how Russell told him he made a mistake by putting Ronnie up and realizes how much Lydia lies.   [Russell never said that.]  Ronnie says if he leaves this week, and he's 99% sure he is, Natalie, Jessie and Chima have to get Michele out because she's lied to them three times.  If not next week,  then the week after that.

Ronnie tells Chima how he told (IMHO) threatened Michele last night that if he leaves,  they'll blame her for his eviction,  not Russell because she had two times to stop him from leaving.
11:55AM BBT: Jordan is sunning on the hammock.  Russell has gone outside to workout with weights.  Inside, Chima, Ronnie and Lydia are now chatting. Ronnie asks Lydia if, when he leaves, if BB would let him take home some baggies of slop for his family to try.

Jeff and Michele are in the bathroom area, getting ready to go outside.
11:52AM BBT: Chima and Ronnie have been talking in the kitchen.  (I think everyone else has been outside). They are talking about Ronnie going up to HoH to talk to Ronnie last night.  Ronnie also says that he told Michele last night (conversation when Michele said she wasn't going to save him) that "who do you think they will blame if I go home?"  He said if Michele thinks Russell she is wrong, they (Jessie/Natalie/Chima) will blame her (Michele).  Ronnie also says that Michele has had TWO chances to save him and didn't.

Ronnie said he is trying to stay positive.  At least if he goes home he can see his wife and teach in the fall.  [He said that wrong, he should have said "he can see his wife teach."  Because Ronnie's not a teacher.] 

Lydia, Chima, Jeff and Ronnie now in the kitchen.  Ronnie just asked if BB would get mad if he took some slop home in baggies.  He wants his family to know what it tastes like. Chima and Lydia say BB will say no and tell him to just do it without asking.  Lydia thinks that it looks/tastes like chicken feed.

Elsewhere in the BB house...

Russell and Jordan talking in the backyard.  Talk turns to "Wizard Power" and how they are screwed if Ronnie gets it. Russell thinks that the person who has the power already knows.  Jordan and Jeff didn't think so.  Russell thinks that America voted last week.  Jeff thinks Julie said,  "America WILL vote" and that maybe they are still voting.  Russell said that "This game is rigged if HE gets it" Talking about Ronnie.

12:00 BBT:  Jeff, Jordan, Russell talk outside.  Still bashing Ronnie.  Jordan "would Die" if Ronnie was in the Jury house with her.  Jordan sitting in the sun and halfway in the pool. Michele Joins her.  Jeff is on the elliptical and Russell is running around the house. Lydia, Ronnie and Chima still small talk in the kitchen.

12:13PM BBT:  Chima, Ronnie talking in kitchen.  He's convinced Lydia and Kevin have made a deal with Michele.  That's why she told Ronnie she's not using veto and voting him out of the house.  Chima said Natalie and Jessie need to quit isolating themselves in the house. The more they do that the quicker they'll end up voted out.

Ronnie also believes Lydia, Kevin, Jeff, Jordan and Michele will all group together and Russell will try to get in with their group so he has protection.  He'll jump ship with Jessie's group in a hurry because the numbers will now be on the other side of the house.

Ronnie also talking about the coup d'état and when they'll give it to the HG.  He thinks they opened voting for a couple of days and will award the power to the HG tonight after the show airs on CBS.  He's going over the whole schedule and exactly what they will show us tonight.

Ronnie says he needs a miracle at this point.

The house's newest power couple enjoy the sun and the smell of freshly mowed Astroturf.

1:45PM BBT:  Nothing going on.  Outside there are happy peppy people playing in the sun and getting tan.  Inside, Ronnie is maintaining his pasty white pallor.  He has Kevin cornered on the living room couch,  Ronnie wonders how he's being edited to appear to the public.  [There's no editing on the live feeds Watch Big Brother on SuperPass!]  Chima is in the kitchen doing dishes. 

2:00PM BBT: Ronnie is still talking Kevin's ear off in the living room.  Ronnie says he knows he's going unless he gets the magic power.   If he's being portrayed as the underdog America might give him the power to keep him in and stir things up,  he says.  Ronnie wonders if he's still employable as an educator,  or  if he is the most hated houseguest of the season.

Jeff says he has agida and Ronnie asks what that is,  Jeff explains it's heartburn.  Ronnie says his only mistake was leaving the door open during the conversation Russell and Casey overheard.  [The door was closed]  Kevin is surprised. 

Kevin is trying to explain his point of view but Ronnie keeps interrupting to tell him he's wrong. Kevin backs off and let's Ronnie talk. Kevin asks how Ronnie would recover from a lie and Ronnie says admit the lie and not lie anymore.  Saying he bases his attitude on actions not words.  Ronnie says everyone in the game has lied. Kevin agrees but says that's why it's a combo of words and actions. Ronnie says nope, "only words."   Kevin is giving good examples but Ronnie just keeps saying he's wrong.  Kevin says what if I say I am not going to nominate you and I don't nominate you but I go to every other person in the house and say nominate Ronnie and you end up getting nominated.  That's my mouth... my words. Ronnie says no because you are assuming you have an influence over the people.  Kevin says well I did (in that example) and Ronnie says nope.  He doesn't and although he's not entirely incorrect, he's wrong because "words have power over people who don't understand it".

4:20PM BBT: Jessie, Natalie and Russell just came out of the HoH room.  Ronnie calls up to them that BB just told them Kevin has an extra day of --- then FotH, but when feeds come back,  Jordan says Kevin has an extra day of slop and Michele says it's because he ate grapes and possibly something else,  but now more FotH.

Jessie,  Natalie, Chima and Ronnie meet in the kitchen and Natalie says Russell believed their story about Michele and Ronnie says it's all up to the viewers what happens to him, because we control who gets the power.  Natalie and Jessie go outside where everyone else is and Ronnie says what's meant to be is meant to be and it's in God's hands now.

They're now talking about Chima's decision to pursue journalism.

4:40PM BBT: All feeds on Chima as she brushes her teeth and moves around the bathroom area. BB finally switched to the BY where most everyone is sitting on the couches. Lydia and Jessie are painfully sitting next to each other, as Natalie watches closely.

All is quiet and Natalie asks why no one is talking because she's wide awake. No one answers her, nor says anything.

4:44PM BBT: Chima walks outside and Natalie says there's the vampire.  Lydia then starts talking to Chima and then talk about BB10 Brian.

4:5PM BBT:  Nothing is going on.  Jessie says how people are watching them right now and Chima says they have no lives [Which is NOT true. I have a life; I just made a bad decision to watch them right now. -laladoopiedu]  Natalie says hi to friends and family and Jessie waves, saying it's not friends and family watching.  Natalie asks for us to vote for her and Jessie says we're probably saying Natalie wasn't even an option.

5:30PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan are up in HoH.  They are talking about how Jessie used to act on the season before.  They try to figure out how the stuff in the HoH works.   Jordan asks how the spy cam works and Jeff says,  "I don't know, probably because we've never been up here."

Lydia Chima, Jessie, Kevin and Natalie sitting outside, they are talking about getting all the information they can out of Ronnie now.  Talking about how they can hear everything through the green room.  The Have-Nots can't leave the barren room until the music plays in the morning.  Chima talking about trying to get the names of producers etc. through the diary room.  They get warnings about not talking about production.

6:10PM BBT: Jordan and Jeff in the HoH by themselves watching the spy screen and making fun of the other house guests.  Jordan's laughing and says we are so bitter and they both laugh.

They make fun of Jessie eating his squid,  and Jeff says he hopes he stuffs it with slop and shoves it up his ass.  And they laugh on how he measures his muscles.  [The was actually said in jest.] 

Russell just walks in and they tell him they are making fun of people and Russell laughs and says,  Yeah I do that too...  I watched people and make up conversations for them."

Jordan is now telling Russell how they were joking about him talking to Jessie and says, "Hmmm I wonder if they are scamming. . ."  They all laugh but Jeff says, "Damn Jordan what did you do tape our conversation. "

They discuss Jessie, Natalie and Chima,  asking about what he's going to do, and how the votes will turn out.  They have the four votes to get Ronnie out.  They are saying how Jessie and Natalie is grumpy because they are losing Ronnie who is on their side.  Russell thinks Jessie will put him up if he wins and Jeff says no he'll put up him and Jordan.

Jessie told Russell he still feels like a team.  Lydia just came up and interrupted telling them they have to come down and work out now.  Jordan and Jeff left,  and Russell is getting changed

6:20PM BBT: Michele was just telling Lydia her crotch still hurts from the HoH competition and said she has to ask Jordan if she still hurts too.

Russell, Chima, Jessie, Kevin and Ronnie are in the back yard chatting.  Actually listening to another of Ronnie's stories.

Lydia and Michele inside.

Nothing happening. 

6:43PM BBT: Natalie is in the kitchen making tuna (mixing mayo and mustard in it) and tells Russell it is special for him because Jessie can't eat it.

Russell walks outside to talk to Jessie.  He tells Jessie Lydia is getting on his nerves.  Lydia comes outside and sits next to Jessie and starts poking him and play fighting.  Russell goes back inside.   Jessie just whispers to Lydia, "She's different" (I believe he's talking about Michele because she's working out and taking laps in the yard)

6:50PM BBT: Russell goes outside to sit with Jessie again.  Jessie say you like your woman like your coffee, Black and thick.   Russell says no I don't like black woman.  Jessie said half and half.

Lydia and Jeff are sitting on the couch too but don't say anything.

Russell talks again about putting someone else up because he's tired of her bugging him but doesn't say a name.  I thought it was Lydia before but she's already up and is sitting at the couch.  Process of elimination it could be Chima.

Jessie whines about being on slop again and says,  it takes the wind out of his sail.  Jessie now going up to HoH to listen to music and rest.

Russell followed Jessie up and he says how Chima came up to him and said I hope your happy hanging out with you new boyfriend Jeff or is it Michele.  Jessie is trying to stick up for her and saying she just likes you.

Russell is now saying he hates how girls play games and don't just come out with what they want to say.  Like he told Natalie she has a boyfriend so she can't be jealous of Lydia.

Now talking about the PoV competition and Kevin must have asked Russell what he would rate the girl [they must of had a model in he contest,  the guys have been talking abut the PoV girl] from 1-10 and he said he would rate her a nine and Chima got mad.

Jessie now agreeing with him.  Russell now talking about how him and Jeff dealt with their problems and now it's done with but the girls just hold a grudge.  Now Jessie is talking about how they want two girls to go to the end and he said you know how Chima is all girl power.

Russell said he thinks Natalie will ditch the guys and go with Chima and Jessie agrees.  [I think Jessie knows things are changing and is trying to get on Russell's good side.] 

Russell says he's very close to going off on Chima and she better watch herself or he will put her up.  Russell said because Chima is older she thinks she's always right.

Russell says Chima is just foolish for trying to start stuff with him.  Jessie relates it it to him and Natalie.   Russell questions how Chima find out about him and Michele talking in the HoH and answers his own question,  by saying the only person would be Natalie,  running to her and telling her.

Now talking about why women are put in the BB House is because they are drama queens.  Then they laugh and say sorry America.

Russell leaves to go outside, Jessie stays to listen to music. 

Jeff asked Russell  why he looks so upset,  and Russ relates the same story to Jeff.  Jeff is saying this is all because for once they don't have the power and it's getting to them.

Russell just told Jordan the girls in the house are fucking petty.  And then shakes his head and says, "Don't worry about it I'll tell you later."   Michele walks up and says,  "Yeah except me and Jordan."   Russell tells Michele she lost weight and she said not according to the scale and he said, "Yeah, but you gained muscle."   Michele went to take a shower.

Russell just said he doesn't even want to hear her laugh (Chima)   Jordan asks "Why?" and Russell tells the whole story over again.

7:20PM BBT: Talk changes to Facebook and how Russell gave his friend the Facebook password and he hopes he's not accepting everyone. Russell said Jessie has two Facebook pages, one for fans and one that is private because he doesn't want everyone to know his personal life.  Jessie must have told Russell he had thousands of requests after BB.

Jordan now asking what Jeff and Russell deal is but Jeff said it's up to Russell.  Jordan is saying how she's afraid if her and Jeff don't get HoH next time they are in trouble and Russell is safe because he has Jessie Natalie and Chima.  Jordan puts in unless they are being fake.  Russell said, 'Yeah I know we already discussed that but I don't want to think about it right now." 

Russell gets up and says he's going to work out.  Natalie just went up to HoH to talk to Jessie.  Jessie is telling Natalie why Russell is mad at Chima and how he thinks Natalie told Chima about Michele being in HoH talking.  Natalie tells Jessie that Russell's outside talking with Jeff and Jordan.  they talk about how they need to get with Lydia because they need her.  Jessie said he needs to get HoH next week.  Jessie said Russell must have some deal with Jeff and Jordan.

Chima just came up and is saying how when she went outside Russell and everyone stopped talking and Russell told Kevin he needed to talk to him. Jessie now relating Russell's story to her and how Kevin got in the middle and is throwing Chima under the bus.  Jessie said how he stuck up for her. [Which is a lie.]

Jessie said he doesn't know why Russell is taking this to heart and Chima is saying why didn't he just come to me.   Jessie said it's not like Russell came up there just to vent  [Yes he did.]   Jessie just told Chima that he told Russell that he thinks Kevin just said something to Russell on purpose to get them fighting.  [This is nothing like the conversation they had. ]

Chima saying she knows there are other hot women besides her.  But if he thinks he's just that into himself to think I really care who he likes he's being ridiculous.  Chima's said she's more upset that he thinks she's upset over the girl.

Jessie is trying to put Kevin in the middle of this whole thing.  Jessie said he's afraid Michele is going to take Lydia off and Russell will put him up.  Chima said that Michele said she isn't going to use the PoV but she thinks Michele might have a little crush on Ronnie.  Jessie now trying to get up to go outside but Chima keeps talking.  Jessie said it's BS and he's just scared for himself.  Chima tells him he's fine. 

8:11PM BBT: Ronnie and Chima are in the pool room talking. Ronnie is rehashing the same things he has been saying for two days. [So I won't type it.]

Russell and Jessie are outside working out.

Absolutely nothing going on right now.

8:20PM BBT: Jordan walks in the pool room and Ronnie and Chima stop talking game until she leaves.

Michele frying food and gets called to the DR. Michele asks Jordan to watch the chicken then put sauce and cheese on then put it in the oven. Natalie sitting at the bar.
We get a shot of Michele in the DR with her saying sorry, I'm cranky" which prompts feeds 3 and 4 to FotH. Other 2 feeds on Ronnie/Chima.

8:46PM BBT:  Ronnie and Chima was having a talk marathon (I wasn't listening).   Lydia and Natalie were in the pool room with Ronnie and Chima.  Ronnie yelled, "Yeah because people will know we are comparing notes."   [Not sure if Ronnie meant for Russell to hear or not, but I'm  sure he heard,  he was full on shouting.]  Chima says we should get him (Russell) in here and talk-  they decide not to.  Lydia leaves.

Natalie is still in the room,  and whispers that they should lie and say Michele was in the room while they were talking.  Chima says, "No! We have no reason to lie, we are not gonna say Michele was in here if she wasn't."   (Michele was in the DR)  Natalie giggles (childlike). Natalie leaves.

Back to all 4 feeds are on Ronnie and Chima bashing Russell.  Ronnie continues saying how he has been nice to everyone,  even when they were leaving.  [I'd beg to differ, the Goodbye message he left to Casey wasn't nice at all.  -Morty]   Ronnie says he used to be so terrible to his wife and she helped him become a better person,  she is his hero.
They discuss the stray votes.  They think the last vote,  was Jeff that voted to evict Jordan. [It was Russell. The first queer vote was Ronnie's and he told everyone,  so why does he bring it up?  The second rogue voter was Natalie.]  Ronnie says that's OK,  I'll know Friday morning.  He says he will send Chima psychic vibes, she says can you send a banner over?  Ronnie says he doesn't think they (BB) would appreciate that.  Ronnie is looking forward to seeing how he's portrayed on the message boards.  [I don't know about other sites,  but it's no picnic for him in our forums.] 

Feeds 1 and 2 on Ronnie/Chima
Feeds 2 and 3 on HGs shoveling food in their mouths

9:00PM BBT:  Ronnie and Chima were in the pool room talking.  Chima was mad at Russell and she and Ronnie are discussing it.   Apparently Russell walked in,  looked at them and left.  Chima says she is sick of every time Russell sees her talking with Ronnie he thinks they are scheming.  She is getting more mad the more she talks about it.  Natalie comes in to stir the pot and tells her to just confront him.  Ronnie and Chima start talking very loud about not being scared of him and he just doesn't want them talking for fear they will compare notes.

Jessie walks in and tells Chima to squash it before she goes down with Ronnie.  Jessie looks at Ronnie and says sorry man, we tried.  Natalie in the background of Jessie repeating what he is saying.  Natalie then says yeah Ronnie wouldn't want you to go down too.  Ronnie says no of course.  Jessie tells her to just keep her cool and not start anything she says OK.  [ Natalie completely changed her tune when Jessie came in and was like no don't cause a scene.] Jessie and Natalie leave to go outside.

9:30PM BBT:  Everyone was outside.  Jessie and Russell are playing pool.  Everyone else is sitting around the couches sharing candy from the margarita party piñata. 

10:00PM BBT:  Chima tells Michele how Russell's upset over the remark she made about the model at the PoV competition.  Chima says that Russ blew the thing out of proportion, and the he needs to get over himself.  [Russell's side of this is that he said the girl was "Fucking hot,'  and Chima got jealous and pissed at Russ. I think they're all delusional.  -Morty]   Chima says she sees Russell in a different light now and Michele says she knows Russell is a liar.  Michele tells Chima that they should check with each other everyday so they can sort through the confusion.  [I can never tell where Michele's real allegiance is.] 

Jeff is worried about Michele and he hopes not "spilling" things to Chima in eco room..  Jeff is having doubts about Michele being faithful.  This causes Russell concern too,  Michele and Chima were talking,  and for quite a while. 

Click here for The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:30 to ? It's a work in progress]

10:23PM BBT: Jordan wants Jeff to go in,  but Jeff says they will just say "What the fuck you doing here?"  Jeff asks "Why is Lydia mad at me?"  Jeff's upset about Jordan talking about the Chima plan and tells her to not say anything.

 Russ interrogated Michele to find out what the conversation was about.  He seemed satisfied when he found out that Natalie and Ronnie were not in the room with them.

Russell comes back, "I'm just sick and tired."  Earlier, Jordan had mentioned to someone that she thought Braden was a good guy.  Jeff scolds her,  "Don't defend people that are not here,   like Casey, so don't get people pissed off."  He reminds her that Braden was branded a racist,  and whether he was or not is inconsequential,  Braden offended people and why take his side when he's gone.  "Why did you do that,  what was your fucking point?" as he says they all together again "like a happy family" and tells her "you need to bite your tongue in here,."   Russell tells Jeff that Jessie and Chima are his next targets.

10:26PM BBT: Jessie and Lydia talking in the have-not room.  Jessie is bashing Kevin to Lydia saying "He's trying to make people go against each other.  He's turned his back on me after I tried to win him over."   Michele is called to DR and Jessie says,  "She has the magical power!"  He hopes Lydia has it as, "America fucking hates me." [Nah that one's too easy.]

10:32PM BBT: Jeff and Russell talking about Chima,  "She has a mouth on her.. I can't stand her.". Jeff scolds Jordan again for telling to much to Lydia about defending evicted HG.

10:46PM BBT: Michele tells Jordan, "I think everyone's going to vote to evict Ronnie because they don't want fingers pointed at them..." Michele says "I'm stabbing them in the back,  playing both sides."  She says she needs to win HoH..

12:45AM BBT:  It's been a night without much game talk.  Jordan's been telling stories that cause FotH,  a lot of FotH.  Other topics of conversation include , movies, other reality shows, cockroaches, and who we think is the most hated HG. 

1:00AM BBT: Natalie heads up to the HoH room and goes in.  She asks, "Anything new?"  Russell: "About what?"  Natalie says she wanted to lay low,  "with all the shit with Chima and Ronnie."  Russell asks, "What did they say?"  Natalie: "Nothing."  She says  when Chima just asked Ronnie a question and she warned Chima she could be heard.  Russell said Chima is talking about him,  and all he's heard is "second hand info.."  "He'll go home for sure." Natalie says.

1:04AM BBT:  Russell asks what Michele told them at 4:00 in the morning.   Natalie tells lie her and Jessie concocted about Michele asking her asking "to protect me,"  and Natalie throws Michele under the bus.   Russell says "It's expected" and it's her "floating between votes" and Russell says "her target is bigger than "Lydia's."  Natalie tells Russell Michele feels "she's the smartest..."   "She's very shady." Natalie says as she continues the lie.

1:10AM BBT: Natalie continues [I'm not sure if he's buying it] and tells him I got you next week as she let him get his rest.  Russell offers her to stay but she leaves..

1:12AM BBT: Lydia and Kevin on the hammock about Jessie and his mistrust:  Jessie told her he knows Kevin will put him on the block. and "he's pissed" because she's not giving him anything... and People are pissed that they are throwing competitions and Kevin "Who started the rumor?"  Lydia: "Him, that fucker."  Lydia says her conversation validated all the fears they both have about Jessie...  Later in the conversation,  they both admit that they threw the HoH competition because when they went out and saw the contraption, they knew they wouldn't be able to win,  so why try and waste all that energy,  put up with the pain, only to loose anyway. 

1:33AM BBT: Indoor Jessie sitting alone at the kitchen counter.. Lydia at the hot-tub soaking her feet...

1:35AM BBT: Kevin and Natalie talking in the Re-cycle room talking about having a "deck of cards"... Kevin saying the producers "hate me" and FotH

Click here for more late nite details by Motormouthcj

So we're not Shakespeare, we're dependable:  Angelo Joe, BigBrotherDaisy, BigMDGirl, Cathy, CeCiMom, Dade, jammer, jar2, JEDI, jeffthedrunk, joyami, KimLovesBB, King123, laladoopiedu, Lily3237, motormouthcj, Moxie, myss911, Slowpoke, StephenV, TwinCity, Yana, and ZuZuMamou.

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