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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Thursday, August 13, 2009:  Is it Live or Memorex
Ticket holders for tonight's show have been called and told to be at the studio at 11:30AM,  as apposed to the usual 3;30PM.  Why?  Are they shooting extra studio footage for later use?  Are they going to tape tonight's "live" show so they can edit Chima going off on them?  What's the deal?

Either way,  there isn't expected to be very much shown on the live feeds today,  it should be FotH, trivia and WBRB, pretty much all day long.  So I'm going to sleep until someone calls and says "It's on!."  Have a nice day.

6:20AM BBT:  BB:  "Good morning houseguests, it's time to get for the day." FotH
Not much to look at on four feeds with everyone sleeping in the HoH during an early AM LD.

6:45AM BBT:  HGs are on HoH LD.  They're wondering what's going on too.  I heard none of them say, "So are they going to have a studio audience?"  then more FotH    Natalie asked "Does that mean that the person that is getting voted out is leaving early?" and Jessie told her to "Shut up" and she said she was just trying to figure it all out. Jessie tells her to try and figure it out in her head. 

7:11AM BBT: HG are on HoH lockdown. Chima getting ready for the day and packing things in HoH bathroom. Starting to take a shower.

7:50AM BBT: Still only Chima moving around in HoH bathroom, others asleep in various areas of HoH bathroom

7:55AM BBT: FotH

7:57AM BBT: and we're back.

8:01AM BBT: Chima is quietly packing up her stuff in the HoH bathroom. (She's putting everything in what looks like plastic garbage bags)

8:10AM BBT: LD is Over. HG all moving around and just watch Lydia and Russell take suitcases out of storage. They are now showing Lydia repacking!! Appears she hadn't packed everything and now she is..

Cameras now on Russell, also looks like he is doing the same.  Chima moving out of HoH. Natalie just hollered up to Chima,  "I figured out why they ... Chima cut her off to say tell me later" we get FotH

8:30AM BBT:  All the HGs will have to pack.  Everyone seems to be in a pretty good mood.  Chima:  "So they're taping it.  They don't trust us."   Lydia:  "Well they've been listening to us."  Chima says she still going to go off if something changes her plans.

8:40AM BBT:  The HGs are wondering if there's something bigger going on,  like maybe someone tried to kill Obama,  or terrorists bombed something and BB isn't telling them.

9:20 - 9:40AM BBT:   Everyone just going through their ADLs. 

11:00AM BBT:  The feeds have been blocked for some time now.

The feeds will not return until 6:00PM BBT

Tonight's exciting show...    Julie says good evening,  but we know better.  Jeff has the power to remove one or both nominees,  the only two safe from being named replacements,  are Kevin and (he has the PoV) and Chima (she's HoH).  From the DR,  Jessie let's us know he knows the rules of the power of Coup d'état.  Jessie and Natalie suspect that either Jordan or Jeff has the power,  so they decide to try to get on their good side.  Russell starts lobbying for votes.  Jessie isn't falling for Russ's attempts to get in his good graces,  even Jordan could see through "the new Russell." 

They showed the big fight from 9:30PM last night.  They didn't show how Jessie caused the fight to fizzle by falling on the bed laughing.  

Julie talks with the HGs.  She asks Kevin how hard the decision was to use the PoV.  Kevin said he considered it thoroughly before making the decision.

BB interviewed Chima's grandmother and best friend.  Her friend says Chima is a diva.  They both see Chima as very strong women,  her grandmother says she'd tell Chima to listen more,   her friend says she needs to let go of her pride and she could win the game. 

Julie talks to Chima from the HoH room.  She asks how Chima  could go from flirting with Russ to fighting.  Chima says after she thought they were BFF,  things Russ said,  negative things,  started getting back to her.

Julie asks if the holder of the mystery power would like to use it.  Jeff stood,  Jordan was shocked.  Because,  at this moment,  there is no HoH,  Chima can compete for HoH.  Jeff removed Lydia and put up Natalie,  he removed Russell and replaced him with Jessie. 

It's time to vote, Lydia was up first,  she voted to evict Natalie.  Jordan voted to evict Jessie.  Kevin voted to evict Jessie,  Michele voted to evict Jessie.  Russell voted to evict Natalie,  Jessie was voted out, 3 to 2.  [Commercial]  Julie told Jessie he was evicted.   When they cut back to the house,  Natalie said,  "Well, it looks like America did it to him again."  Julie asked good questions,  like why he slept 13 hours a day instead of playing the game and trying to get on Jeff's good side.  There were no goodbye messages. 

The power is up for grabs  It's a face-off game of trivia.  Lydia was eliminated first, Jeff and Russ were up next, Russ lost, Jeff went one, Chima and Natalie were up next.  Natalie lost,  Jeff and Jordan were up next,  Jeff won, Jordan was out,  next up, Kevin and Chime,  Kevin, won Chima was out, Michele and Jeff were the final two and Michele won HoH!

Next week:  A double eviction!  A more detailed re-cap of tonight's show will be posted at CBS.com here, on 8-14-09. 

6:04PM BBT:  The feeds return.  Since the eviction and HoH contest was actually a couple hours ago,  all the excitement is over,  and we find Jeff, Jordan,  Kevin,  Russ and Michele lounging on the patio. 

6:20PM BBT:  Jeff is jonesing for a Portillo's beef sandwich from back in Chicago with giardiniera.  Jordan tells Kevin that he's Gucci with them.  [Gucci means really cool.]  The boys rack up for another game of pool.

6:35PM BBT:  Lydia and Natalie join the others outside and play badminton together.  Chima to Kevin:  "You don't know how much I just want to go home."  Kevin:  'Oh Chima, please."  Jordan's in the shower, the outdoor play activities continue.  [Michele might be in the DR] 

6:45PM BBT:  Kevin is very angry that Jessie dissed him on the way out.  "I thought we talked through our differences and everything was cool." 
Lydia: "It's a bitter pill for him to swallow.. he came back in, then America votes him out again."
Kevin: "But that's not my fault... I'm not a forgiver... this means he was playing me."
Chima and Natalie are saying things were 'squashed' between Jessie and Kevin, so they don't understand or try to defend Jessie

Kevin: "That was the ultimate disrespect. It's like Jerry Springer where you can't touch someone so you do that."  ' [Although,  Kevin did cast the deciding vote that evicted Jessie,  so I have to see Jessie's side in this...  -Morty

7:15PM BBT:  In the bathroom,  Russ chats with Michele as she strings beads from a craft kit.  Meanwhile,  on the patio, Kevin,  Chima, and Natalie wonder who Michele will nominate. 

6:55PM BBT:  Kevin tells Natalie and Chima, "It had nothing to do with saving Russell, it was all about getting rid of Jessie."

7:00PM BBT:  Michele and Jordan making jewelry in the bathroom.  Michele whispers revenge and asks Jordan what she thinks of Russell still being here.  She isn't able to answer, as Russell comes in and says Chima dumped his suitcase and all his clothes on the floor.  He uses the toilet and Jordan whispers about it seems like that side doesn't want to kiss Michele's ass and Michele replies that they all must want to be evicted.

Russell comes out and talks about what Chima did and that they also ripped Jeff's sheets off his bed.  He tells them to be careful with their stuff and goes back to his room to check on his.

Jordan says that was so immature and Jeff comes in to brush his teeth.  Michele tells Jordan about taking their Chinese food and take it upstairs and Jordan says they can, as Michele has the power now and doesn't have to worry. Michele says they'll all good and it was a team effort. They continue with their jewelry making.

(It is so nice to see Jordan so calm for once, knowing she's safe. -laladoopiedu)

7:10PM BBT:  Russell comes back and tells Jeff to check his stuff, since the others messed with it.  Jeff is surprised and Natalie comes in and knocks on the bathroom door, as Russell is using it.  There's silence in the bathroom.

Chima and Kevin are talking about Michele's nominations outside.  Saying Natalie needs to promise Michele safety and that Natalie would probably go after Jeff.  Kevin says Natalie would probably go home if on the block.  Chima says Kevin shouldn't worry about him going up, and Michele has complimented him, but Kevin thinks he may be a pawn.

Chima says Natalie needs to bite the bullet and go upstairs and talk to Michele and basically sweet talk Michele, as Kevin agrees that works.

7:15PM BBT: Jeff, Jordan and Michele alone in bathroom, as Michele repeats that this is the longest night ever.  Russell comes back in and asks Jeff if he's going to wash his sheets and Jeff says he has one more night in the Have-Not room.  Russell offers to wash Jordan's sheets and leaves. (Major kissing ass going on here! Hope it works! -laladoopiedu)

Natalie has joined Chima and Kevin,  as they prepare her what to tell Michele.  They say to give her safety and Natalie says she'll tell Michele she's going after Jeff and Jordan and Kevin and Chima say "NO."  Kevin tries to tell Natalie to sell Michele on her word,  as Natalie has always held her word.  They say Russell will stab Michele in the back and Chima says she's shown Michele loyalty.  Natalie says she'll say her target is Russell and Chima says they'll get Jeff at a later date.

7:20PM BBT:  Chima is trying to get Natalie to tell Michele that Ronnie attacked Michele personally and how Russell is now doing that to everyone else. They are trying to come up with the best plan to get Michele to put Russell up.  Natalie says that she's not going to say Russell's name specifically,  as Michele may think Natalie is just trying to stay off the block.   Kevin warns them that Michele doesn't like to be cornered or bullied and how she's super sensitive and they need to cater to that.   Natalie hopes that if she goes on the block that PoV will be endurance where they have to hang on for the longest time possible,  as she'll hang there until next week  (That's why she dropped early two weeks ago.)

Russell is with Michele and Jordan in the bathroom, saying the other side is trying to start a fight and make him go off on him. Michele says how they'll say Russell hates women and Russell says he has two sisters.  Jordan asks Russell what was going through his head and he says he thought he was going home and would be at the beach (jury house) by himself for a week.

Lydia must still be in the DR.

7:30PM BBT:  FotH, and plenty of it because of the production talk.   Kevin is listening in to Natalie and Chima rant.   Chima says she was made to look like a fool and Natalie is upset that Chima was rendered powerless.  Chima is not mad Jeff won the power but that he used it.  They recall Mike Boogie winning the power and the game, having never used the power.   Kevin says that because of America's Choice everyone is going to play to the cameras.   Chima:  "You know they want me and Russell to go at it".

Meanwhile Kevin visits the bathroom and the mic isn't turned off so we get to hear how much he had to drink today.  Michele and Jordan are still making jewelry.  Jordan isn't real good at it and keeps knotting up her string.

7:39PM BBT: Russell, please go to the DR. Lydia, Natalie, and Kevin head into the Red Room and are getting situated.  Lydia suggests cleaning the room up and actually keep it that way.  Kevin heads out to wash sheets.  Natalie is actually assisting with the cleaning of the Red Room. (Maybe now that Jessie is gone she may do more than sleep and actually participate in the house.  -Goldylucks)  It appears they are claiming the room for themselves.

7:50PM BBT: Michele is packing up for the move to the HoH room. Her and Jordan are in the pool room discussing how nervous they were during the HoH competition. BB: Michele, please go the diary room. Jordan hopes it time for her HoH key.

7:58PM BBT: Lydia approaches Jordan who is laying down in the pool room.  She tells her that she isn't mad at her.  Jordan says she hopes everyone knew she wasn't in on it by the surprised look on her face.  Lydia:  "It sucks that what Jeff does reflects on you."  Jordan tells her "I'm glad he did it because he and I were going home next,  we were the targets."  Lydia: "Yeah, but for Jessie it sucks,  not being able to play for veto.". (And thank God for that  -Goldylucks)

8:00PM BBT: Feeds 1/2 on Russell playing Badminton alone in the BY.  Feeds 3/4 switch to Kevin and Lydia doing origami in the kitchen.   Russell gives up on Badminton and starts a solo game of pool.

8:06PM BBT: Chima in the Red Room with Lydia and Natalie "The producers try to control us with the prize money" FotH.  "Everyone in the house wanted him gone, everyone but one person and they give him the power.  And they expect me to be OK with it...  I don't care what kind of beauty products they give me." FotH. "They talk about using the power wisely,  and I did,  and they took it away from me."  Chima says she may throw the have not competition and eat and eat and eat until they evict her with penalty nominations. take warm showers... do whatever I want.  Chima "How can anyone think keeping Russell here over Jessie a good move?" "I hope Russell fucks them them all in the end.  I hope you or I win. They don't know the repercussions."   In middle of Chima's rant Michele "Who wants to see my HoH room?"

8:15PM BBT: It is unanimous,  the HoH pictures have Michele as a blonde and they tell her she looks 12 in the pictures.  They can't get over how different she looks in the pictures.  Her letter from her husband is very heartfelt and includes some humor.  Her husband jokes that the dump her dog made on the rug and the hairs in the sink are being left there for her to see when she gets back.  Everyone is impressed with the letter.  Kevin "what's up with the smashed cowboy hat?"  Michele "He probably couldn't find my stuff,  it's all over the house."  Her husband sent 3 or 4 stuffed rats including one very realistic looking white one.  It's open season on Michele's Oreos, she doesn't like chocolate and doesn't want them.  There are also a bag of Doritos in her bag and Michele is allergic to Red Dye.  She'll get a rash, but she'll eat them.

Jeff is tossing a stress ball (from Michele's basket) up and down.  Chima "I think that only works if you throw it at somebody." (LOL I agree-Goldylucks)

8:44PM BBT:  Chima makes note of the sudden awkward silence with everyone still in the room.  "People are going to stay up here and kiss your ass,  people who you didn't like before.   Just so you know because that's what happens when you are HoH."
FotH as Michele discusses people in her personal life who haven't signed waivers.   Everyone leaves but Chima. (So she can do what she claims the others were going to do  -Goldylucks)  Lydia goes to check the SR and Jeff and Jordan are doing dishes.

8:54PM BBT: Let the Russell bashing begin.  Chima:  "Remember the personal remarks"  Michele:  "He's not trustworthy." Chima: "He came off the block lying,  he learned nothing.  I know you had ideas of who you wanted up before you won... don't forget that. He should be gone already."  Chima keeps rolling  "I don't know why I got HoH, I got my room and that's it."

Natalie comes in interrupts to inform them that they had 3 minutes until Showtime and she is heading to bed because she is very sick to her stomach and to put in her two cents worth.   Natalie: "I'm sure you are considering putting up Russell.  All I can say is I have been very loyal. I only gave my word to three people.  All I can do is give you my word and you are not my target.  Do what you got to do.  I don't know if I'm an option because you gave your word to Chima you weren't after me."   Natalie continues "I have given you my word, you have given me your word already."  Chima let's her know that Jeff is including Russell in his numbers.  Chima and Natalie remind her that  Russell that he is very strong and almost wins all his competitions and that he will target her next week.  Chima tells Michele that she is a strong intelligent woman and she has to say her peace about Russell.  Chima "I was looking forward to peace in the house.  We bonded over a common enemy.  He will try to get in the middle of that."

9:00PMBBT:  The producers bribed the HGs to cooperate with the promise of Chinese food,  and it's here. Jeff's still not allowed to eat because of a penalty day they imposed on him for accidentally drinking some Gatorade.

9:07PM BBT: Jeff in BY with Russell trying to figure out who that 3-2 vote was. Lydia and who?? Russell said it was Kevin.  Jeff is furious over what he considers "the childish  behavior" of the others  They threw his clothes around in the Red Room.  Jeff says if they mess with his stuff like Cleaning the toilet with his tooth brush,  he'll stop holding back.  'I just scored a touchdown and they're all crying because the other team scored."

9:10PM BBT: Chima and Natalie leave Michele alone in the HoH.  Most of the HGs are in the kitchen eating their Chinese food.  Jeff and Russell are alone in the BY. Russell goes in to eat as well.  Jeff doesn't want to follow because he is still a Have-Not because of the Gatorade and doesn't want to see all that food. and Jordan brings hers outside.  Jordan "I feel bad eating this in front of you."

Jeff and Jordan are discussing the votes.  They were expecting 4 votes for Jessie and there were only 3.  Jeff is worried the odd vote was Michele.  They then bash Chima.  They say she is bitter and that is probably why she is still single.  Jeff: "She doesn't deserve to be at the halfway point.  Fucking bitching all the time.  What did she do this for?  People will die for the chance and all she does is bitch."  Jordan "We should have told her about the time they were all out here talking shit about her."  Jeff "It doesn't matter, she's going to do the right thing."

9:15PM BBT: Jordan and Jeff in backyard. (I've never seen Jordan this way before. She's got a backbone!  -jamiehuns)

She said, They brought out Jessie's wine to remember Jessie.  Rolling her eyes as she says it.
Flashback Alert:  9:30PM BBT Feed 1: Jessie's Wake  With Real player and the live feeds,  you can "Flashback"  to any point in BB11 history.   Watch Big Brother on SuperPass! 

Russell joins them in the BY
Jeff and Russell are trying to calm each other down and telling each other to not blow up because that is what "they" want.

What's Being Said... "After lighting my candles I too have joined the ladies crying at the demise of Jessie Godderz. It almost unbearable, the pain of loosing  such an upright, outstanding, and HOT young man. The tears of sorrow can only be quelled with time. OH WAIT??? He only left the house?  He's in the Jury house? This is the funniest conversation I've EVER  witnessed in Big Brother history! Thank you Chima for starting the tears. THANK YOU!" (BigFLGuy)

9:45PM BBT:  In the kitchen they toast Jessie.  It started as a simple salute until Lydia bursts into tears and declares: "He had such a great spirit!"  She continues with,  "He never said a bad word about anyone..."  And with that the tears spread to Natalie.   Chima:  "Yeah, the person that never spoke ill of anyone in this house is gone,  the person who talks shit  about everyone is still here."  Now Chima is  crying, "He was so good to me."  Natalie is crying,  "We had so much fun with him." they all agree.  Kevin is the only dry eyed person.   [And as far as Jessie never saying a bad word about anyone,   hang on,  because these three are about to make up for that with plenty mud slinging.  -Morty

Jordan is returning to the BY from the DR and passes the mourners at Jessie's wake.  

Earlier, in the bathroom,  Jordan told Lydia that she thought Jeff made a good move,  now Lydia tells  the other table mourners,  "Jordan doesn't stand up for what's right.  Jordan is a ho that does whatever her pimp [Jeff] tells her to."  Natalie:  "It's one thing to get beaten,  but Jeff didn't even compete to win the power,  it was just handed to him." 

10:02PM BBT: Russell, Jordan, Michele, and Jeff outside by the hot-tub and talking about how the four at the kitchen table are crying over Jessie, yet when their friends left they weren't even "allowed" to talk about their friends with out being called names.

Michele sounds like she's really with Jeff and Jordan.  She's wondering why they are talking so nicely about Jessie, "Don't they remember Jessie wanted to dump water on my head, he wasn't that great? Fuck him."  Jeff: "Yeah he was a real good guy.   He played two of those girls against each other and now they are crying over him."

10:06PM BBT: In kitchen the four talk about how they are going to try to keep in Michele's ear.  Lydia: "She's good at keeping shit to herself." about Michele.

Natalie is telling things she's overheard Jeff and Jordan saying about the earrings she gets from Jeff and the tickets Jeff gets from Jordan. If they win.

Teasing Kevin about going outside to side with them. Now they are saying when they win HoH next week they are putting up Jeff and Russell.

10:11PM BBT: The kitchen foursome are planning on grabbing the stuff that people haven't gotten from the storage room. Lydia is bringing up moral ethics, no one has any here!

10:17PM BBT: BY foursome Jordan says we need to make a big move while we have the power.

10:50PM BBT:  Natalie says that after tomorrow's nominations she's going to strip Jordan and Jeff's beds and rub the sheets on the floor so everything has to be re-washed.  Lydia wants to take Jeff's clothes and put them on the raft in the middle of the pool.

10:55PM BBT:  By the hot-tub,  it sounds like Michele and Russell have reached and agreement.  Michele thinks Jeff made a great move and she can't understand why no one went after Jessie before now.  Michele isn't saying what she's going to do,  but they're lobbying for a Chima/Natalie ticket.   Michele: "Who is the least likely to get revenge?"  Who should she put up against Chima and says "Kevin" would be good since he can't take Chima off and he would have to use it to pull himself off as Michele believes. Natalie won't win anything...

10:53PM BBT:.."What do you think of Chima and Kevin?"  she asks Jeff and says,  "We can sway him to our side" and not to put up Kevin. Jeff and Jordan says he wouldn't take Chima off because someone else would go up..  Jeff says to put up "Chima and Natalie, that's who I would put up." and says one of them would go.  If PoV used "I would put Lydia back up" They say how "lost" both Chima and Natalie will be ... Jeff "Chima needs to go home..  she's the big mouth" of their group and talk how Lydia wants to "go"...

10:56PM BBT: "At ease" Russell says what the house would be without Chima. Russell says "she's playing for Jessie" about Natalie and will put up Jeff says "me and Jordan" will go up...

Russell says next HoH will be physical .."It's coming,  you wait and see". she tells Russell "as long as I got your word" he won't put her up.  He says "I just want to hear it" and he does and Michele seems satisfied...

Michele says "No dick jokes for the rest of the season" she tells Russell as he says they don't work. they laugh.

10:19PM BBT: The Jessie [Cuckoo] Klatch is in the Dining room.. we have anger, tears, threats of bodily injury, martyr talk and the inevitable holier than thou to top it all off...

Outside the Russell is "very content" about them being final four and Jordan says "let me talk to her later" about Michele as Jordan says "they were cryin". as she says to them that their "ship has sailed away"..

Jordan talking about when Jessie called her dumb for "trying to be even" during her name in the hat have not..

Jordan telling Russell "watch what you say" about the girls and "fag" and "be real nice" to Michele. "I don't want her to be offended" and listen to the other girls...

Jordan says Jessie gets to stay somewhere nice... Russell throwing Jessie under the bus saying he said "just back-stab Jeff"

10:25PM BBT: Jordan says she doesn't want to talk about it because she doesn't want to get on "Michele's nerves" as they try to guess who gave Jessie the vote... Jordan saying the Chinese food "was good" as Lydia is at the washer doing laundry.

Read Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:30 - 2:15AM in depth]

10:27PM BBT:  In the red bathroom the [Jessie's girls] are figuring out their sleeping arrangements  They are talking about who else "Sweet hunk" Jessie as Chima put it saying "He was not what his muscle's conveyed."  Lydia is now singing his praises.. "Jessie was the man.."  [wow this is embarrassingly pathetic]

10:30PM BBT: Back outside at the hot-tub Jordan "if she puts up Lydia and Kevin that will be dumb" and the guys want Jordan to talk to her about the nominations.  Jordan warns that all their actions this week will be followed by their negative comments..

Russell complaining about being called a "terrorist" by Chima... and says it would be like going there with her being "African American" and Jordan says "don't... all hell would break loose"

10:33PM BBT: Russell Chima bashing... and says that they wanted him to put up Michele and Jeff and for some reason "they want to keep you around" to Jordan and she asks "why?" and he says because Michele and Jeff are "more of a threat"

10:36PM BBT: At the hot-tub... Jordan wonders if there are "anymore twists" and Jordan says she doesn't believe there will be no more "mystery power" and "thank God they gave it to you Jeff"

Jordan says "it's gonna be weird being in the HoH" and says she isn't going to go up there and feels she is "bugging someone else's space"

10:36PM BBT: In the Red bathroom they are talking about Jessie. .

Back outside Russell says they will have "to start studying" because if one of them win "we'll be back to square one". Jordan really wants HoH for her "white slippers"

10:40PM BBT: Back in the Red bathroom.. talking about wearing Jessie's shirt to all the competitions, nominations, veto, have-nots. and [hopefully to one of their evictions] Chima talks to the camera... "Michele if your watching.. we've got Jessie"... FotH

Lydia says if there is alcohol and even if she's "a have not" ..I'm taking it and downing it"... Natalie talking about when her and Ronnie tried to hide it and she's gonna "do it again".

10:44PM BBT: Now they talk about packing Ronnie's bible... because he wanted to "have it" as Lydia is upset she didn't get into it with Russell last night.

Natalie says "they don't care about goodbye messages". and they only had them do it once. Chima "who just left the DR?" and they all say "Michele" as they now ar talking about "Nivea" and Chima called to DR.. talking her wine "Cheers you fucked me" and is doing a Michele [BB10] and will not face the camera..

10:47PM BBT: Lydia "if anything is gonna bring us together" it's Jessie eviction and Natalie "when he hugged me ..don't be the next one in the Jury house" and says for her and Lydia to get vengeance..

10:49PM BBT: Natalie "oh well the time will come it's a matter of time"

10:50PM BBT: Michele back outside as Russell trying to push for a Chima nom and says she's a big threat and "she's annoying' as he calls Natalie "weak"... Russell says if she gets HoH him and her are going up. Russell saying "the strongest two are Chima and Kevin" and Kevin does well with questions...

Michele "who is the least likely to get revenge" who she put up against Chima and says "Kevin" would be good since he can't take Chima off and he would have to use it to pull himself off as Michele believes. Natalie won't win anything...

10:53PM BBT:.."what do you think Chima and Kevin" to Jeff and says we can sway him to "our side" and not to put up Kevin. Jeff and Jordan says he wouldn't take Chima off because someone else would go up.. Jeff says to put up "Chima and Natalie". "that's who I would put up" and says one of them would go... and if PoV used "I would put Lydia back up"... talking how "lost" both Chima and Natalie will be ... Jeff "Chima needs to go home.. she's the big mouth" of their group and talk how Lydia wants to "go"...

10:56PM BBT: "at ease" Russell says what the house would be without Chima. Russell says "she's playing for Jessie" about Natalie and will put up Jeff says "me and Jordan" will go up...

Russell says next HoH will be physical .."it's coming". "you wait and see". she tells Russell "as long as I got your word" he won't put her up..and says "I just want to hear it" and he does and Michele seems satisfied...

Michele says "No dick jokes for the rest of the season" she tells Russell as he says they don't work. they laugh..

10:59PM BBT: Michele "it's a done deal" about Chima and Natalie nomination...

11:00PM BBT: Poor Russell going over all the mean things Chima did to him in their fight.  Russell saying that Chima was "So loud and obnoxious to everyone" because she had Jessie, Natalie, and though she was running the place...

Jordan says if Jeff hadn't had the power,  Michele and Jeff would be up if they won..

Talking about Natalie always saying she was loyal to just one person "Jessie"

11:03PM BBT:  Russell to Michele:  "You're husband was what I expected" and Jeff says, "Not me ..I expected him with long hair"

Russell talking about how they will leave the house messy and Michele says "I don't need Chima to clean up" and says "I'm happy playing house" and Russell offers to help..

Jeff "How the tables turn.  My boss was so right.." and goes on about being positive.. saying "I'm a creature of what he taught me" and his "positive thinking power"

10:59PM BBT: Michele "it's a done deal" about Chima and Natalie nomination.

12:50AM BBT: Jeff Jordan Michele and Kevin in kitchen talking.  They wonder where "little Jeff" is in Play-doh land and says he may have been "destroyed" .."in the storm". the hat was "whisked a way in the tornado."

12:56AM BBT:  Kevin has his audience with Michele.  Kevin says he wants to get "the low level" players out of the game...  [Luckily,  Michele not thinking the same way,  because Kevin and Lydia are the only low level players.  -Morty]  

Michele tells Kevin she's not "putting you up" and does a little happy clap...

12:58AM BBT:   All the competing and planning,  and Chima discovers what went wrong:  "Jeff's a Gemini,  you can't trust those motherfuckers."

2:12AM BBT: Natalie "I'm expecting" to go up and says "I have my speech ready."   Kevin says she has PoV and now they are entering "the phase" they must win...   Natalie says she will put up,   "Jeff and Russell" and Jordan as a replacement nomination..

2:14AM BBT: Natalie says she wants to try to get Jeff to eat something or drink something so "he'll go on the block"

3:15AM BBT: BFFs Jordan and Michele are in the HoH having a sleepover talking about her hubby’s letter from home. Michele tells Jordan that Chima told her before that she didn’t trust her because she wasn’t a girl’s girl. And that only girls girl can be trusted because they don’t have the drama from the boys. Michele goes on to say that most of her friends are guys because of her job and her hubby and that they don’t have enough money to go out clubbing or to go out to dinner with the girls. They talk a little bit about Jeff being a stand-up guy and how he reminds Michele of her husband and father.

Jordan asks her how she got on the show and Michele says that she’ll tell her later because she doesn’t want to get in trouble because BB is being nice to her. Jordan says that the bed is “Gucci.”

3:46AM BBT: They turn out the lights. Michele washes her face and it’s bedtime.

Thanks to:  Angelo Joe, BigMDGirl, BonBon13, CeCiMom, Dade, georgectv, Goldylucks, jamiehuns, jammer, JEDI, King123, laladoopiedu, LovesBigBrother, mmm, smilychick, SMOOCHES, StephenV, SueZqueZ and ZuZuMamou for writing this stuff.

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