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The Big Brother Archive


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Saturday, August 8, 2009:  NBK:  Nocturnal Bipolar Knuckleheads
Under the light of a full moon the craziness began again last night.  It was Russell's turn to give an exhibition of bad behavior.  See yesterday's Flashback  alerts at 11:20PM and 1:20AM.  You might also want to check out 10:50PM last night,  when Natalie told Jessie she was through with him. 

The big Big PoV Contest is today.
8:20AM BBT:  BB:  "Good morning houseguests, it's to get up for the day."  FotH.
8:30AM BBT:  Michele tells Jordan about last night's events. 
9:15AM BBT:  Lydia's up, Chima's up.  BB gives another wake-up call.
9:45AM BBT:  Trivia.  Either some wake-up music,  or time to select PoV players.
10:00AM BBT: We join a HoH room discussion between Chima and Natalie.  Chima says that Jeff will throw the PoV contest,  because he probably has the special power.  [I thought that too,  because if he wins, then doesn't use it on Monday,  Russ will freak out on him,  if he uses it,  the girl's alliance will freak out on him.   -Morty]

Chima says Jeff and Russell were talking in the bathroom.  Chima says if the veto competition is physical, then she thinks it's rigged.   She continues to say that if it's geared towards Russell, she thinks it's rigged and everyone will hear about it.

Feeds switch to Lydia and Kevin whispering in green room.   It sounds like Kevin is playing, as well.  He tells her they'll drink a protein shake an hour before the competition and then coffee right before they go outside to open their minds.

 Kevin, Jeff and Natalie are chosen to compete for PoV with Chima, Russell, and Lydia.   
Kevin says Chima said if anyone uses the veto, she'll be pissed because then she'll have to nominate someone that she doesn't want to. Kevin and Lydia discuss that Jeff must have the power. Kevin says if the veto is used, Chima will probably put Michele up, because if she puts Jordan up,  Jeff will probably use the power to save Jordan. Sound probable?

Lydia wonders what Natalie would do if she wins.

10:10AM BBT:  Russell is in the kitchen.

Natalie and Jessie whispering in the red room.  Jessie saying how Jeff's been saying he wants to win something and how Jessie,  Natalie and Kevin have already won and Jeff might try to win money in the PoV.  Natalie says money won't be awarded since BB has already given out almost $20,000.

Request to my readers:  We will not know the results of the PoV challenge for several hours, at least.  Please do not keep refreshing the page to see if there's been any change. 

10:45AM BBT:  Four cameras watch Russell awake in a red room bed.  10:50AM: Russell is called to the DR. Now there are four cameras on Chima in the kitchen.
1:30PM BBT:  FotH  2:03PM BBT:  The feeds are back.  Feeds are back and Nat is sitting at the bar with her head down... Jordan cleaning, Jesse is shaving Jeff's neck, Russ is in the shower...  Jeff gets in the shower too...  Michele gets in bed...  Jesse is shaving Jeff's neck...  Jordan, Kevin, and Jesse are in the kitchen...

2:24PM BBT:  Now Kevin's in the shower,  Lydia's doing her and Russell's been called to DR.  . Lydia and Kevin are very happy,  but I'm still not sure which one won.  Lydia says that Jesse has the power and that he said she will owe him after Thursday.  Lydia thinks that America feels bad for treating Jesse bad last year.
Kevin Won!
2:25PM BBT:
  Kevin wants to call a meeting with Jesse, Natalie, and Chima and ask them about their votes on Thursday.  Sounds like Kevin is scared CHIMA will retaliate if he uses PoV. Lydia tells him that Chima cannot win HoH next week and he is safe this week.

Chima, Kevin, and Lydia in the HoH room discussing the PoV use. Kevin tells Chima that he does not want to use the PoV but needs to confirm that they have the votes.  Chima tells Kevin he should also talk to Jordan and Jeff.  Chima tells Kevin she knows she has the votes to get rid of Russell.  She tells Kevin that NBK believes that Russell will go with whoever has the power and they do not trust him.  Chima says everyone knew how Chima felt and wanted him out so when people came up to her they already knew.

Lydia is saying he thought Russell had an alliance with Jeff and Jordan.  Chima says Natalie said that Russell asked her to use PoV on him. Kevin says Russell never approached him. Kevin wants to respect Chima's wishes.  Chima said she wants Russell to go home.

Chima tells Lydia that she thought the reason Lydia did talk to her before nominations is because Russell told Lydia she was putting her up. Lydia says she didn't feel entitled to come up to talk to her before.

Chima says she wants a women to win this game... She also tells Lydia that she does not like when she befriends the guys who treat her so wrong. Lydia tells Chima she does it to make the guys feel like they are in power.

2:48PM BBT: Jessie and Russell are in storage room and Russell is telling Jessie he needs to push for the other side to go up as a replacement nominee.  Russell tells Jessie that Jeff is coming for him and the girls are coming after him.  Russell tells Jessie for him to win the money he has to keep him there.

Russell walks out and Jessie is talking to himself saying that he cannot believe how Russell would screw him over and expect him to go to bat for him.

2:55PM BBT:  Meanwhile,  back in the HoH room,  Chime said that if Kevin did use the PoV, she would have put up Natalie or Jessie as the ones to go up as replacements, not Michele,  because Michele isn't well likes and could go home instead of Russ.

They also think that if Jeff has the power to remove two nominees,  and pick the replacements,  and if he uses it,  he'd put up Natalie and Jessie.  But if he did that Chima would lose it on live TV.

Jessie walks into the green room with Natalie - Jessie asks her if she is upset and she says no. He tells her they just need to right out the storm. Natalie tells Jessie she is still upset that he told Lydia that stuff about Michele. Natalie tells him that she cannot tell him things anymore because he runs and tells people things he shouldnt. She says she had to talk to Michele for 5 hours trying to clear everything up all because he ran his mouth.

Jessie is apologizing to Natalie still for telling Lydia what Michele told Natalie last night.

In the HoH...   Kevin and Chima still talking about keeping Lydia on the block. Kevin is just trying to make sure that the votes would be there for Lydia if he keeps her there by not using PoV. Chima says that if Jessie and Natalie did screw her all HELL would break loose.  Kevin says this would be a great test for both Natalie and Jeff and Jordan

Lydia and Russell having good conversation about Chima and her laugh etc. Russell calls Chima a Chia pet

Lydia said she was surprised they didn't have one in here and Russell said we do... it walks and it laughs   Russell asked Lydia not to tell anyone he said that- she agreed

3:10PM BBT:  Russell, Lydia and Kevin in Red room .  Russell is sounding irrational again,  in the tone he's takes with Kevin.  Russell telling Kevin that he threw him under the bus with Chima a day or to ago.  Kevin denied, Russell continued and Kevin agreed that yes he had said to Chima "Don't forget what Russell did... "  Kevin tells Russell it was really about Lydia not Russell- he was protecting her

Russell threatens to go into the Have-Not room to fart tonight to punish Kevin     Russell tells Kevin that when he dies he wants to be hung upside down, Kevin asked why?- Russell said , "So my critics can kiss my ass."  Starts to sing and . FotH  When the feeds return Russell says, "Fuck you dickwad."  [BTW, The original quote that Russell borrowed was said by NBA basketball player, Bobby Knight.  He said:  "When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past;  I want that they should bury me upside down,  so my critics can kiss my ass." And I wouldn't be surprised if Knight borrowed the sentiment from someone else.  "Fuck you dickwad" isn't original either. -Morty]

3:30PM BBT: All 4 feeds on Red Room. Kevin is called to the DR and on his way out Jeff yells "Wizard!" They talk about playing pool later. The feeds switch to Michele and Jordan in the pool room. Michele says if the PoV is used she guesses she is going home. All 4 feeds keep switching from close ups on Michele or Jordan's faces and zooming out showing the entire room.

3:54PM BBT: All 4 feeds now on Russell in the SR. He grabs a melon and notices the camera is following him. He plays a quick game of peek a boo using the fridge door between him and the camera. Then he grabs another melon and poses for the camera holding the melons down by his crotch area. He then gets a banana and hangs it in between the 2 melons, laughs at himself, and the fun is over.

Later in the kitchen he notices the cameras again while he is cutting up his melon and does either a penguin walk or a Ronnie walk.  [Looks the same to me -Goldylucks]

Meanwhile, most of the HGs are napping in various rooms and they appear to be in indoor LD for veto competition clean up.

4:05PM BBT: Russell goes back to bed in the Red Room and all is quiet in the BB house. Nothing is happening!

From 4 - 6:00PM BT:  Nothing Happened  Read More Details by Goldylucks

6:10PM BBT: Jessie and Natalie trying to figure out why Russell chose Jeff over Jessie to play in the PoV. Natalie says Kevin wouldn't have won if Russell picked Jessie, because Russell picked the HG choice and after that, Lydia pulled Jeff's name and had to draw again because Jeff was already playing. She then picked Kevin's name, so Natalie says that Russell screwed himself over for winning the PoV because he picked Jeff instead.  Natalie and Jessie are very mad that Jessie wasn't picked.

[Just wanted to add this info--it will be interesting to see if BB edits this out or shows Jeff's name being picked twice.   -laladoopiedu]

6:15PM BBT: Jessie says Russell fucked him over by not letting Jessie try to win PoV and save himself,  yet Russell wants Jessie to go to bat to save Russell.

They talk about if Chima puts Jeff on the block and him using the power, if he has it.  Jessie says he will have that shirt (don't know which one) in his pocket on Thursday night and tells Natalie he's serious (in case he goes home).

6:25PM BBT: Jessie and Natalie are still chatting in the green room.  Natalie is trying to get Jessie to talk one on one with Jeff.  She wants him to tell Jeff that Russell said he was going after Jeff and Jordan.  She says that maybe if he has doubt in Russell he may use the power against Russell instead of putting Jessie and Natalie up.  Jessie is even more convinced Jeff has the power because he is being called to the DR several times when he has barely been called to the DR at all.  He says that Jeff is called to the DR twice for each time anyone else goes in there.  Jessie says Jeff will get himself farther in the game if he did use the power to get rid of him.  He says the only person he pisses off by doing it is Natalie and at the same time he earns an ally out of Russell.

6:35PM BBT: All 4 feeds on Jessie and Natalie.   Natalie is venting that of all the weeks that she should feel safe it should have been this one.   One of her closest friends won HoH and she still isn't safe... and Chima can't compete next week.  Jessie says if he wins HoH he is putting up Jeff and Michele "and that's if I'm still fucking here".  Jessie mentions that he hates how Michele moves from each side of the house based on who has the power.

6:50PM BBT: Just general chit chat in the kitchen.   Natalie, Chima, Lydia, and Michele discuss how they will feel if one of them is forced to wear the red unitard.   Chima say she will act like Michele (fomer HG not current) if she lost a trip and won the unitard like she (Michele) did.  None of the other ladies say they would mind it as much.  Otherwise,  just random chit chat about competitions and winning money.

7:45PM BBT: Jeff and Russell playing pool.

Jessie, Natalie and Chima talking (bitching) in HoH room.   Jessie is still mad Russell didn't pick him and how Russell wants Jessie to save him.   Chima is at least happy that Kevin and Lydia are cooperating with the veto usage.   They talk about Jeff using the power and Natalie tells Jessie to get in his ear and tell him what Russell said.   They now rehash the veto competition.

Jessie thinks this is a horrible way to go out and Chima says it won't happen.

Natalie tells Jessie to tell Jeff him and Natalie are on board to evict Jeff so Jeff won't use the power and think they'll be getting Russell out.

Jessie has figured it all out, saying Jeff benefits from keeping Russell and getting Jessie out, as it only leaves Natalie to play for HoH next week. Chima says Russell has loyalty to both sides and tells Jessie to bring that up to Jeff, in case he doesn't know it already.

Jessie predicts that Jeff will take down both nominees and put Natalie and him up,  and then the other side will go after Natalie and Chima.  Natalie is  picking her nose on the bed as Chima and Jessie talk.

Natalie still insists that if Jeff and Jordan are safe, Jeff won't use the power.  Chima says Jeff obviously knows that America loves him because he was voted to receive the power.

8:00PM BBT: Jeff and Russell still playing pool. No game talk going on.

Natalie, Chima and Jessie still talking in HoH room. Jessie is very paranoid.  Chima and Natalie continue to try to come his nerves.

8:10PM BBT: Natalie is telling a story about a night with a date and a certain movie.

Pool game is over. Jeff was alone outside, playing with a cue stick on the lawn chair.  BB gives them alcohol and Russell goes upstairs to tell them.  They decline, but once Russell leaves the room,  Chima says Russell gets the whole bottle to himself,  since everyone else is on slop.  Jessie doesn't like that idea and goes to get some.  Natalie tells him to get half the bottle.

Russell empties the bottle into two wine glasses.  He asks Jessie if he talked to Natalie and Chima about keeping him and Jessie says he talked to them, but doesn't know how it went. Jessie goes back upstairs.

8:15PM BBT: Jessie says he got just over half the bottle and Russell got the other half and three beers.  They then realize they should have let Russell have all the alcohol.

Jeff and Russell are playing pool again. Jordan is also outside, eating. Kevin came outside to do laundry. No talking going on.

Upstairs, Natalie wants some Smirnoff in the house, as she feels like a drink.  Chima says she could have some wine, and Natalie already knows this, but doesn't like wine. Says her and Jessie almost drank a bottle upstairs before, but she doesn't like wine.

Natalie says Michele said she's not going to take a shower all week,  like Natalie did last week.  Chima says that's not true,  because Michele took a shower everyday when the brains were Have-Nots for 2 weeks.  Natalie says no,  Michele used the outside shower and Chima still says that's not true.

Outside, Russell is starting to feel the alcohol.

8:30PM BBT: Chima, Natalie and Jessie sharing personal stories. Jeff takes a break from pool to smoke.  Brief FotH.  Natalie says she can't wait for them all to go to Vegas and it's going to be so much fun.  They then talk about other BB parties and Natalie (for some reason) is worried about not being invited.

Outside, talk is older TV shows. Jordan says she didn't like I Love Lucy.  Jeff is a fan of Three's Company.  Jordan is now craving chicken salad and asks Russell if he knows how to make it.  He says you put chicken on a salad and Jeff and Jordan try to explain chicken salad, like tuna salad, with mayo and whatnot.  Russell says if you ask for chicken salad in Southern California, you'll get a salad with chicken on it, because So. Cal. is healthy.

Natalie says she'd feel so much better if she had a drink right now.  They see Jeff on the spy screen and try to follow him, to see if he's going to the DR.  Natalie then asks BB to get her a Mike's Hard Lemonade.  She then starts to drink Jessie' wine.

8:40PM BBT: Natalie wants to do something crazy right this second and Chima says not this week, with the mystery power.  They see Jeff changed into his swimming trunks and is going to the Jacuzzi.  Jessie then starts talking about how he's leaving this week and needs to grab that shirt of his.  Chima says Jessie doesn't realize that Jessie will be overshadowed by Chima's freak out if the power is used.

Kevin joins them in the HoH room.  They start reassuring him that Lydia will stay.

Outside, Jeff and Jordan are in the HT. Russell is on the couch.

Natalie explains to Kevin how she's loyal. Says she was loyal to Ronnie and that's why she voted for him. This week, she has no loyalty to Lydia or Russell, but has loyalty to Chima, who wants Russell out, so Natalie will vote Russell out.

9:00PM BBT:  Everyone is awake and socializing,  although Jordan and Michele haven't been shown on camera.  Russell, Lydia and Jeff are still in the hot-tub.  Jessie, Kevin, Natalie and Chima are in the HoH room.   The HoH crew just completed a session of Michele bashing.  They conclude that she is really somewhat mentally unbalanced,  but mostly just socially awkward.  Jessie point out all of Michele's little foibles,  like yawning, that isn't real,  and leaving as trail of dishes and cups behind her wherever she goes.  Regardless of the topic,  they're having a good time and laughing. 

In the hot-tub,  Russ is telling Jeff about the night life in wine country. 

9:14PM BBT: Chima,  Jessie,  Natalie and Kevin in the HoH talking about Jeff using the power.  Chima said if Jeff uses the power she will f'ing go off! Jessie said because of the editing,  Jordan and Jeff are the under dogs.  Jessie said only girls and gays vote for stuff like this and Chima said the southern people with who cant talk voted for Jeff.  then Kevin joked that the white people voted for Jeff.

9:20PM BBT: Lydia,  Russell and Jeff are in the BY.  Lydia is upset that Kevin might not use the veto.  Lydia asked Jeff if he was on the block and Jordon won the veto and decided not to use it wouldn't he be mad.

9:23PM BBT: Russell is bashing Chima saying she has not won anything.  Saying she hasn't come close to winning anything.  Russell says Ronnie is the best game player.

9:17PM BBT: Lydia,  Jeff,  and Russell in hot tub talking about food and other chitchat

Kevin,  Jessie,  Natalie,  Chima in HoH room talking about how Russell is going to blow a gasket.  Jessie talking about how Russell didn't pick him and that made him think "what the hell?" Everyone thinks Jeff has the power.

Everyone talking about who is picking the power player,  what type of people they are.  The HoH room said all the red states and the hot tub people think that it's middle America.

Jeff is saying that everyone thinks Jordan or I have this F-ing power,  that's why we're safe now.  Russell is very unhappy with Jessie.  Lydia seems pissed that she doesn't think Kevin is going to use the PoV on her.

HoH room is talking about Russell and how he dropped so much weight in such a small amount of time and how bad it is for you.  Comparing to Ronnie and how Ronnie did it in a healthy amount of time.

Russell thinks Ronnie is "the best game player".  Lydia said yeah he was great at the game but this is also a social game.

When Russell talks about Jessie he always looks over his shoulder.

Talking about the PoV game I am guessing how they had to drop something into the right time of the game,  day of the game.

9:26PM BBT: BBT: Still by Hot tub Russell thinks he can piss off as many people as he wants since he thinks he's going.

In HoH room Jessie is drunk,  (wine).  Keeps talking the girls ears off about fighting and training.  Jessie is talking about how Russell is legit about his fighting.

9:28PM BBT: Lydia and Jeff inside.  Lydia back outside,  Russell inside to bathroom where Jeff is.  Russell whispers something to Jeff "they keep it the same. " Sounded like a threat against the rest of the house.  Jeff showering.

Russell is now talking to Jeff "There is no chance for one of the guys to win." Jeff saying,  "I got it,  don't worry."

9:36PM BBT: By the hot tub is Lydia and Russell. Russell has been drinking beer, he's got a buzz. Chima told Russell that Lydia is a whore.  Michele into the backyard. Just out of DR Joins them at the hot tub.

The HoH room Jessie, Kevin, Chima, and Natalie. Talking about past competitions. Jessie saying bad things about Laura.

In the bathroom Jessie and Jeff talking.  Jessie saying he's behind him.

Jessie is saying whatever Russell is say is BS.  Jessie is telling Jeff about Russell called Jessie into storage room and told him he needed to put Jeff up,  and that Jessie is pissed that Russell didn't pick him for the PoV game today.  Jessie to Jeff,  "I give you my word."  Jeff: "I appreciate it man.". Jessie is saying that if the mystery power is used it's not fair because Jessie and Jordan didn't get to play in the PoV game.  As Jordan walks in and agrees.  Jeff seems to be placating Jessie, "I got it,  I get it."  Jessie seems to be in hyperdrive.

9:45PM BBT: Jeff asks Jordan in bathroom,  "So you knew that?,   Russell said to make sure Jeff goes up against me, I have a better chance to win against him."  She said "No,  I didn't hear that, I must have been zoned out I missed that part."  Jeff let's on he's annoyed that she was zoned out on that info "it's a big part to miss."  She snaps back that if she had known she would have told Jeff.

9:52PM BBT: Seems like Natalie might be sleeping as Chima is talking nonstop. 

Jordan and Jeff talking about what Jessie said Jeff said "Jessie's drunk."  Kevin's not using PoV because they're scared of the wizard.

Jordan can't figure out who has the mystery power.  They are guessing that Kevin has it.  Jeff wonders why Jessie is telling "me this shit now."  Talking about how it will go if they vote Russell out, who the final three will be.  Jordan asked Jeff if he was even trying to win HoH, he said,  Of course he has been trying. and then he walks out pissed that she thought he wasn't even trying to win HoH.

10:00PM BBT:  Jessie and Jordan are in the kitchen.  Jordan tells Jessie to keep sides.  Jessie says "I gave you guys my word." then heads up to HoH on his way up he says, "I love you Jordan, take it or leave it, it's out there."

Inside Jordan is doing dishes and Jeff is knocking on the window.  She flips him off with a smile on his face. "I can't see you" she says.

10:19PM BBT: Natalie, Jessie and Jordan in HoH room.   Jessie saying that Russell is trying to convince Chima to put Jeff up and to vote him out.  Jessie is saying "I'm telling you to your face that I won't put you and Jeff up.  I won't swear on my Mom, I won't swear on my old dog, I give you my word.  I gave my word to Ronnie (and someone else) and I stuck true to that.  You can't trust his word (Russell) as all he's done is lie.  I told Jeff this and now I'm telling you. "

Jessie says he's not sure what happened, he's trying to make it seem as if he's coming after them.  Jordan says "If he's staying, he's going to come after us.  I think he'd put you and Jeff up."

Jessie says, "Apparently you have an obligated (?) to him and so do I and that's why he's trying to play us against each other. " Jessie was assuming that the shit Russell was telling him, he was also telling her and Jeff.  Jordan says, obviously Jeff and I are together, and you and Natalie are together so he's going to try and get us.
Jessie and Jordan say they are both packing for Thursday and Jessie is going to say "Thanks a lot wizard" if he's out.  She thinks it's Michele or Kevin that have the power.  She doesn't think Kevin would do anything bad with it.  She doesn't think Jeff has it unless he's playing really dumb.  Jessie says Jeff takes everything for a grain of salt and he has to be careful because everyone has lied to him.  Jordan agrees.

Jessie says he's trying to tell Jeff, and I'm serious, I never drink but the alcohol content in my body right now is making me so honest, I tried to tell him.  Jessie thinks he'll only get one vote and that's her [points at Natalie] and Jordan will get one, Jeff.  Jessie was trying to type in numbers so fast but he couldn't.  They say Russell has already made like $20,000.  He won the 10k and then he's in the jury now at least so he's already got like third place.  Jordan's got bills to pay, forget him.  Chima there now helping with the math.  They say he's already told them like five different occupations and Chima thinks his family comes from money anyways, and that he has a good job.

10:12PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan talking about being on each other's nerves. Jordan is annoyed with Jeff because of his little comments.

10:30PM BBT: 10:37PM BBT: Argument between Lydia and Kevin.  Kevin is mad that Lydia is talking to Russell and giving him info about him not using the PoV.  He's mad. that Lydia is mad because she feels that Kevin should use the veto on her, and he's not going to.  She feels ostracized by their group.

"You forgive people who ultimately screw you but the people who are actually looking out for you you're like whatever..." says Kevin.

"Do what you want to do, don't talk to me tomorrow, or Monday or Tuesday, or Wednesday and Thursday we'll see if I'm still here." Says Lydia.

Kevin said he's looking out for Lydia," I said to have a conversation with Chima and instead you talk to the one guy in the house that everyone hates."

Lydia (being passive aggressive) says, "Fine I won't talk to anyone, ever. It was better when I didn't talk."  Read More Details by ZuZuMamou

Jeff and  Jordan:  Jordan talking about how Russell said he's a commercial real estate agent. Jeff says, "No he's in finance, he just told me in the hot-tub."  They're going over all his things that has said he does.  Jeff thinks he's all show and pretend.  Jordan wants Russell gone.

11:00PM BBT: Jeff explaining to Jordan that his theory behind keeping Russell is that without Jessie here he (Russell) has no choice but to be with them.

Now showing Russell in the bathroom...   He's talking to Jessie, says he's tying to get Kevin not to use the veto then it will be him,  Jessie, Jeff and Jordan.  Jessie says, "Awesome, just tell me about this tomorrow OK?  Did you eat a bunch of onions tonight?"  (LOL they are buzzed).

11:11PM BBT,  Jeff and Jordan:  Jeff and Jordan are talking again,  Jeff would love to see Natalie on the block with Jessie.  He's apologizing to Jordan, says he doesn't mean to be up her behind (fight with her) because he likes to talk to her.  Jordan says she wasn't feeling well today and she just wanted him to go away. H  e says he was just getting short with her because sometimes he needs his space too.   Says he never gets mad at her for talking to others he just wonders why they talk to her now when they never talk to her before.  She asks if they think she's stupid. he says yep,  but he laughs at them because she isn't.  Jordan gets scared when he talks to Jessie because he doesn't want him to go off on him one day.  Jeff says, "Nah, did you see him today?  Guy has one beer today and starts to get all tough because he's had one beer."  Laughing how Chima came out today and said she thinks she's part of the loser crew.  Jeff says, "So you were laughing at me while you were driving the bus and running me over and now you want sympathy?" 

Jeff tells Jordan he'll tell Natalie about her 'boyfriend' (Jessie) errrm.. 'making out' with Lydia.   He'll call it right out.  Every one in this house has f'd him over.  He doesn't think anyone is gunning to break them up.  Jordan had mentioned that April and Ollie followed each other.

Jordan asks him what he thinks about her camo and beer shirt?  He jokes that he bets she drives all the guys wild with it  "Let's go hunting and drink some beer - look at that girl."
They are just plotting/planning now. Jeff explaining about his plan to keep Russell again.  She's not entirely agreeing with him.

11:30PM BBT: You know what happens to a discussion by a group of erudite,  educated individuals when you add alcohol,--  So you can imagine what it's done to these slobs. [Don't write, it's just humor, well sort of...] 

Body Language   Midnight;  Lydia goes to have her audience with Chima.  Lydia's looking for reassurance that Russell's being voted out.   Lydia doesn't trust Natalie to vote out Russell,  and Chima brings in Lydia's arch nemesis to speak for herself.  Once Natalie enters the room, as usual, she dominates the conversation.  Natalie says that she understands why she doesn't trust her,  and even says that Lydia has lied to her,  but regardless of the feelings between the two of them,  Natalie promised Chima,  and that's a promise she has to keep. 

Natalie says that she knows that if Lydia wins HoH she'd put her up,  and that's why she objects to Jessie hanging around with her,  because Natalie feels that Lydia is gunning for her.  Natalie explains why she voted against Lydia and to keep Ronnie,  and she says that she told everyone,  including Kevin that she was going to vote that way.  [Lydia looked like she was surprised that Kevin had this info.] 

There seems to be some fences being mended here, as the two talk through some of their misunderstandings.  Natalie says, "I hope we can work on our relationship Lydia, I really do." Lydia says Russell thinks that the power can replace the two nominees.  Later,  Kevin and Jessie join the group.  Chima saying when someone starts attacking Michelle's mental stability she wants them to leave. Jessie is still drinking wine.

12:30PM BBT:    On the patio,  Russell, Jeff and Jordan are telling jokes and stories, in between random game talk.

12:33AM BBT: Russell in his room putting a black t-shirt over the camera. BB says "Russell, knock it off." and he takes the shirt down.

12:45AM BBT:  Jessie's in the HoH room, still telling everyone that he think Jeff has the power,  will use it to put him up,  and he'll go home [Well, really to the jury house.]  Chima says she already told the in the DR that, 'If the fuck with my HoH I will fuck up their live show and they better be ready to fishbowl me. So you better warn whoever needs to be told,  And they said, OK, we'll see that they get the message." 

We wrote it: Angelo Joe, BigBroFanTX, CeCiMom, Christi, Dade, DanielesFan, Dawnie, Goldylucks, huntington, iriegirl1966, Iris, jammer, JEDI, ladybugjd, laladoopiedu, StephenV, Tocan2u, TwinCity, Yana, and ZuZuMamou

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  

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