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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Tuesday, August 18, 2009:  House on Hold 'til Thursday
I'm pretty sure they're playing for PoV today.  This is a very important one,  if Natalie,  Lydia, or probably Kevin wins,  it could mean the nomination of either Russ or Michele,  and an eviction  which could lead to the end of the P4, Power of Four alliance of Jeff, Jordan, Russ and Michele. 

8:15AM BBT:  Everyone asleep except for Michele,  she used the bathroom and went back to bed.
9:40AM BBT:  Michele is in HoH bathroom and Jordan in SR. BB plays "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day."  I never heard the wake-up call, I might have missed it.  The other HGs must have missed it too,  only Michele and Jordan are up.  
9:48AM BBT: Michele is primping in the HoH Bath.. FotH (wake up probably)

10:15AM BBT:  Michele on the patio,  Jeff and Jordan asleep in HoH room bed.  Russell was up for a minute,  but isn't shown on camera.

10:45AM BBT:  Russell and Michele are on the patio talking about Jeff and Jordan.  Russell says things don't feel right,  "Everything's too honkey dory."  He says that after they got to this point,  they were happy that they no longer had to talk to the "other side,"     "So why are they always talking to Kevin?"  Russ wants to know.  Michele is also suspicious. She says that they're not talking to her as much as before.  Russell talking about he is been playing strategic the whole game, he is saying now he will not give HoH to Jeff, asks Michele would she, she doesn't answer.  He feels him and Jeff and Jordan have a clean slate.  He really wants to keep it them four,  but if Jeff makes one wrong move then he will jump the gun.  If he feels like something is going on he will tell Michele what he is going to do "where he goes, she goes".   Michele is following her gut.  They are wondering why all the conversation with the other side?  Russell saying Jeff is hard to read, "And lately he's been acting edgy,  and that's not like him,  there's no reason for it."  Russell says,  "If it doesn't feel right tomorrow,  I'm  going to talk to them."

11:10AM BBT:  The conversation has swung around to relationships and careers,  and whether Russ will go to law school.  Starting his own real estate business or going into business with his father might be an option. 

11:30AM BBT:  Russell says he let Natalie win the phone call because he said he wants her to break down and lose focus o n the game.  Michele:  "It might be the reverse and give her inspiration.''  Russell:  "Yeah,  but I know If I heard my dad I would lose focus for a while."
Russell:  "My dad tells me it better to be quiet and let them think your a fool,  then to speak up and and remove all doubt.  People say Chima is so strong,  but I think she is weak. Just cause she is loud that doesn't make you strong.  She is too emotional.  When she let on that she liked me,  that is when it was all over for her.  She was the one that want to kiss me, she as the one that walked in on me in the shower."
Michele"  "When she said I was the one who was emotional."
Russell:  "She was the one who always reacted emotional, you only responded to stuff she said. the toughest people are unassuming.  Just because she was the loudest dog,  didn't mean she had the strongest bite."  [Hmm, she bit him.]

12:30PM BBT:  Natalie got her phone call from her father.  She goes to the red room to tell Lydia about it.  She says her and her dad were crying.  Dad is in good health
and  her family watches all the shows together and her boyfriend watches the live feeds all the time.  When she left, her father's work wasn't too good,  but things are getting better.  She got to talk to him for five minutes.  She says they all support her and she told them she is in it to win. She says she's on cloud nine. Contrary to Russell's prediction,  the call seems to have recharged her.  Her father told her she's making all the right decisions. 

Hey Parents... 

Now you can make chore time, fun time with this Big Brother ring tone. It's Big Brother himself, Don Wollman the executive producer that also doubles as the voice of Big Brother with a message every parent, and even some wives can appreciate.  Right Click to save This Link

1:00PM BBT:  The HGs are under the impression that the PoV contest is tomorrow,  Jordan thinks it's tonight. 

1:30PM BBT:  In between some long FotH,  we heard Natalie and Lydia teasing each other about Jessie.  Natalie maintains that she never thought Jessie was hot,  he's not her type.  Natalie said if she wins BB she's going to marry her boyfriend.  Jeff says,  "Really?  At 18, while going to ASU?" 

2:15PM BBT:  You're not missing a thing. 

2:45PM BBT:  HGs being pleasant to each other,  wondering whether the PoV will be tonight or tomorrow.

3:50PM BBT:  Solitaire and lounging was interrupted when BB called for an outdoor LD.  3:53PM LD over (wasn't worth typing).
4:20PM BBT: Michele is having a mini meltdown in the HoH alone. Mumbling to herself, "it's hard" and starts sobbing, saying "I'm being paranoid.".
BB: "Michele, please go to the DR".
Michele: "Great! "  When she leaves the DR,  she returns to the HoH room and watches Jeff and Jordan on the spy screen. 

5:02PM BBT:  Jeff goes up to the HoH room.  Michele asks him what's up,  because she's been getting a weird vibe.  Jeff says  "I don't know,  what's up?"  Michele:  "I was wondering if everything's OK with us?"  Michele goes on to tell him that last night when she leaving the HoH room,  she heard him say, "Colt 45."  Jeff tells her that he didn't say that and has no idea what it means,  "Sometimes I just zone out."  Michele says that she feels some really negative energy.  Jeff says they're totally cool, that he has her back. Jeff says wants to get all four together to confront Russell, but this week they need to get the other guys out,  and then they'll worry about Russ. 

It was a brief talk,  and Jeff went back downstairs,  Michele went down a little later and was shown putting clothes away in the pool room,  it sounded like she was still sniffling. 

5:14PM BBT: Michele has joined Jordan in the bathroom to clean the toilets because Jordan “doesn’t do toilets.”  Jordan is picking out the hair from the shower drain in her yellow gloves.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Russell are talking game outside mid sentence.  Jeff says that she doesn’t do anything if they don’t take themselves off,  we control the votes,  not Jordan. “Who do you want to go home,” Jeff asks Russell.  He says that it makes no difference, but in a perfect world, he’d want Kevin to go home but he’s not nominated but out of the two up, send Natalie home because Lydia is not playing the game because she’s broken.  Jeff says that you can’t control anything until the PoV.  Jeff continues that as long as one of their side goes home,  I’m good and this is the first time that Jeff has had the numbers in this game.

5:22PM BBT: Feeds change to Kevin and Natalie in the red room and Natalie is talking crazy that BB production might not let her play PoV and that wouldn’t be fair if they had an eviction without letting her play PoV.  They are trying to analyze the schedule.  She threatens that if she doesn’t get to compete for PoV that it won’t be very good on the live show.  He says that they have games already planned for double evictions.  Kevin says that if it doesn’t happen today,  then it wouldn’t make sense to do it tomorrow.  He thinks that it will be on Thursday like a true double eviction.  PoV,  PoV ceremony,  instant eviction,  instant HoH,  back to back to back.  "That’s why they are still talking about shit from last week." [He means in the DR interviews.]    Kevin says that they’ll know for sure tomorrow if they don’t play.

Jeff joins them in the room and Natalie shares the theory with him who seems to think that it’s possible.  So Natalie asks Jeff that if she doesn’t have time to campaign, “please vote for me, I mean vote for me to stay.”  She says that if he votes for her to stay, she won’t put her up.  Jeff says that it’s something to think about.

5:34PM BBT:  Natalie runs outside to tell Jordan the fast forward plan and explains it all to her.  Jordan says, “Geez.”   BB calls Natalie into the diary room.   Jordan tells Jeff, who is working out on the elliptical,  that cleaning helps her think and gets her stress out.  Jeff asks Jordan if Michele talked to her and she says no.  Jeff tells her that she was crying and stressed out wondering if they were still good.  Jordan tells Jeff that she has been distant to her. Jeff tells her that “what’s his name” talked to him too but he’ll talk to her later about it. Michele comes outside and asks Jordan if she wants to work out but she says that she doesn’t really feel like it but will come over there in a minute.  Jordan continues to straighten up.
Tonight's Show...   Natalie and Chima were nominated by Michele.  After the nominations Chima,  Lydia,  and Natalie met in the green room to discuss how Michele betrayed them  Chima took things personally,  saying that she always had Michele's back.  When BB provided the HGs with a PoV practice game,  Natalie and Kevin woke her up,  Chima came out,  but refused to put on her microphone.  Then Chima refused to go the DR.  They played flashbacks of all the times Chima refused to cooperate.  Kevin get Chima's mic for her.  Chima took the mic and threw in the hot tub.  After Kevin and Lydia fished the $4,000 mic out of the hot-tub,  B called Chima to the SR to get a new mic, she refused to go the the SR too.  After everyone was back inside and relaxed, they called her to the DR,  she refused.  Allison Grodner's voice came on next and asked her to come into the DR.  When she got to the DR,  she was escorted out the back door. 

After Chima went to the DR the rest of the house was in a quandary over what happened to Chima.  Then Allison spoke to the HGs to tell them that because of Chima's willful violation of the rules,  and deliberate destruction of production equipment, she has been removed from the game.

Kevin cried in the DR.  Natalie blamed Chima's removal from the house on Michele,  she said Michele drove her to this.  Natalie also said it wasn't fair that they took away Chima's HoH powers by giving Jeff the coup.  Lydia reminded her that this is BB and they knew this could happen.  Natalie was about to go off the deep end,  but Kevin and Lydia  {???} were the voices of reason that stopped her from acting out her frustrations in a negative way,  and focused her energy on the game,  and what they can do to turn things around. 

Later,  Michele woke everyone up to announce that since Chima was evicted,  her duties as HoH were over,  and Natalie is no longer on the chopping block,  and a new HoH contest will be held.

The Power is Up For Grabs...     The HoH contest is a miniature golf contest,  with prizes including the title of HoH.  Natalie knew this contest was critical to her survival in the game.  Lydia was out first and got the HoH key,  but the way the game is played,  subsequent players can take what you have won.  Next out was Natalie,  she passed on the HoH key,  and kept a Hawaiian vacation,  which Russell took in exchange for a phone call from home.  Kevin was out next, it was down to Jordan and Jeff.   Jeff threw the HoH contest for Jordan.  Jeff took Russ's Hawaiian vacation.  Jordan got the unitard costume, which she gave to Lydia in return for the HoH key.  Lydia called her a whore,  which didn't please Jeff. 

After Michele yells at Lydia, "Wear your unitard bitch." Lydia runs to the kitchen and pours their beers down the sink.  Lydia's meltdown follows,  it really looked like there was going to be another person leaving through the back door. 

Everyone went up to Jordan's HoH room except Lydia. Jordan got a letter from her mother,  saying that they're moving,  and in the new house she'll have her own room. 

Lydia dons her Captain Unitard outfit and takes on a new persona.

Jordan hosts the nomination ceremony.  The keys were removed in this order:  Michele, Jeff, Kevin, Russell.  Natalie and Lydia were nominated,  and both say they'll fight to stay in the house. 

The teaser for Thursday's show another HG will be evicted and a new HoH will be crowned in the special episode.

This was a really good episode.  It will be posted HERE on the CBS.com web site.  Look for Episode 18.  A more complete re-cap will be posted on 8-19-2009 HERE, on CBS.com. 

Meanwhile, back at the house... 
5:44PM BBT:
Kevin, Natalie, and Lydia are talking about what they said in their goodbye messages (*I couldn’t really catch it*). Kevin is now telling Lydia about the BB Fast Forward. Natalie threatens that they better have a PoV, or all hell will break loose on the live show.” Lydia says that the more they try to figure it out the further away they get. Kevin says that they have to start thinking scenarios because it will be quick and they need to have a plan ready. Natalie says that last year Ollie had to run to the hay to find the PoV key two times. Kevin wants to run scenarios. Natalie says that now is the perfect time to let Russell and Michele know that this would be the time to backdoor “them.”

7:00PM BBT:  Jeff and Jordan are arguing over what they're going to do next.  Jeff wants to take a shower,  Jordan wants him to come outside and help with her workout.  Their bickering sounds like a scream for space,  they're together constantly.  Jeff offers to cook her something on the grill.  "How about a hamburger,  no, how about a turkey burger?"  he asks her.  "What's a turkey burger taste like?  I mean does it taste like turkey?" 

8:40PM BBT: Jeff asks Lydia is she had tantrums when she was a kid.  She says she used to throw herself down on the ground and scream.  Jeff laughs and says (as he walks out the door to BY)  "Oh so you were the kid in the supermarket huh?" Lydia laughs.

Natalie complaining that the water is f'ed up. Says the only thing she can drink is Sprite.

Outside Russell explains to Mic, Jordan, and Jeff how when he went to put on his shorts today he found a long black hair in them. He doesn't look happy at the memory.

8:50PM BBT: BB gives them wine. Russell wanted beer too.  Lydia doesn't want any. Kevin is doing the dishes now.

9:06PM BBT: Lydia, Kevin talking with Jeff, Jordan in kitchen. They were talking about things Chima had done - messing with others stuff. Goes to FotH. [I am wondering if they are not allowed to discuss her -Zuzu.]

9:40PM BBT: Jordan in HoH not feeling well, Jeff goes outside for smoke. Meanwhile in kit Russell wins BS. and does a winners dance.

Read The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:15 - 12:40AM in depth]

10:27PM BBT: Jordan is fighting a bout of cramps and trying to sleep in the darkened HoH room

Downstairs: Everyone else is in the Dining Room playing poker so nothing to report, yet.

Midnight:  Michele and Jordan are talking in the HoH.  Jordan flat out told her that she's uncomfortable with the possibility that she (Michele) may be flip flopping and that she's not sure who is lying between her or Russell, but that she trusts Michele more.  Michele still throwing Russell under the bus.  Michele says she's doing "undercover work" with Russell as she says she needs "reassurance everyday."  Jordan says,  "It's obvious you lie."  She says "I don't know" or "I don't remember."   Michele says she really doesn't remember.  Michele says Russell and Natalie put that in her head.  Jordan says she always stuck up for her even when "he called you cuckoo"...

Jordan asks Michele if she's telling Russell what they talk about.  Michele denies doing that.  She does say that she's gotten negative vibes from Jeff and Jordan the last two days.  That everything is on schedule.  Get to final three and then they fight to see who wins.  That they ( Jeff/Jordan) have never talked about being final two, so Michele should feel comfortable in knowing that.  Michele claims to be okay with it.  Michele mentions to Jordan that both Lydia and Natalie have been in better spirits lately.  That Lydia may be a better competitor.

Jordan says Natalie and Russell were talking "and they dispersed real fast" as Michele "I hate Natalie" as Jordan expresses reservations her and Russell may have something together..

Now talk is how Russell dropped $10k in Vegas.  How he must come from money.  The conversation gets back to Jordan telling Michele how she feels Michele lies to her sometimes.  Now back to Michele saying from day 1 she wanted to be aligned with Jeff and Jordan .  How great it would be if they made it to final three.  Michele mentions the conversation earlier with Russell where he said he did a greater work out to "break" Jeff.

2:00AM BBT:  It was quiet night with nothing much to report.  It's too early to tell if Jeff and Jordan's doubts about Russell and Michele,  will continue to distract them,  and if tonight's talks might only serve to put more doubt in everyone's minds.  Michele went off to bed,  Jeff joked with her as she left and said, 'Colt 45."

Thanks to: Angelo Joe, BigBroFanTX, BigMDGirl, CAchristine, CeCiMom, Dade, jammer, King123, leesestyle, morty, Moxie, StephenV, SueZqueZ and ZuZuMamou for writing today's updates. 

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