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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Wednesday, September 2, 2009:  Eviction Eve
8:15AM BBT:  Everyone still sleeping.
10:20AM BBT: Everyone is still sleeping.
10:38AM BBT: Natalie's up, clumping around the house in her big clown shoes.  
11:10AM BBT:  Natalie was called to the DR, Kevin's taking a shower in the HoH bathroom.
11:15AM BBT:  Natalie's back in bed in the red room,  Jeff and Jordan are waking up in the pool room.  BB: "Good morning house guests...."
11:18AM BBT:  Natalie's having her period.  She tells Jeff that on two occasions her cramps were so bad she had to be sent to the hospital.  She's asked BB for a heating pad.  Jeff does some campaigning to Natalie.  Natalie doesn't want a final three deal with him and Michele because she says anything with Michele is making a deal with the devil.   Jeff says, you aren't making a deal with Michele, you are making a deal with me.  Jeff tells her she'll feel pretty bad if she doesn't make the deal and Michele kicks her out.  Michele assures Natalie that if she keeps Jeff,  she will be going after Kevin next week.  Natalie refuses to talk about anything else until she gets a heating pad.
11:30AM BBT:  Michelle and Jeff are in the bathroom ,  Michelle is putting her teeth in,  Jeff is brushing his contacts-- No, wait, swap that around...
11:35AM BBT:  Kevin checks in on Natalie's condition,  she said she won't speak to anyone until she gets a heating pad.
Kevin hasn't moved or even blinked

11:50AM BBT:  Jordan's up and about now.
1:00PM BBT: Jeff, Jordan and Michele are outside on a hot and hazy day.  They're talking about Ronnie's exit interview,  and Michele says she hope's Julie hated Ronnie.  Jordan says she likes Barbra Streisand  interviews.  Michele:  :"Barbra Streisand?"  Jordan: "I mean Barbara Walters."

Jordan tells Michele that if Jeff's evicted and she stays, that she might play better without Jeff distracting her.  Jordan says if she leaves,  she hopes Jeff will stick with her [Michele].
1:30PM BBT:  Jordan is tanning on hammock.  Michele is in the inner-tube and Jeff on the raft in the pool catching rays of their own.  Natalie is in red room eating a snack and shuffling cards.
You can hear the 'warning alarm' of a truck backing up from the BY.  Michele apparently asleep as the camera zooms way in to her for a face shot.

Jordan and Michele talking. Jordan won't be mad at Michele if she goes home.  She knows Michele is working to get Jeff to stay and she's not immature about it or anything. Michele says, "either way, if it's you or Jeff I am going final two with whomever is here."  Jordan tells Jeff what they were talking about when he comes around.

They keep saying none of them have any bad feelings for each other, no matter what happens.  Jordan saying Natalie is getting Jeff out just to get votes in the jury house.  Michele says "I think that's BS."  Jeff is at the "F' em all"  point in his game play.  Doesn't really want to discuss it.

Jordan: "I know you shouldn't trust Kevin because he wont stick to a deal."
Michele: "Kevin told me the plan was to get Jeff out the whole time."
Jeff:  "What a fucking scumbag."
2:05PM BBT: Kevin headed up to HoH. Was chatting strategy with Natalie. The others still chatting in the BY.

Kevin has camera for pictures. Took a shot of Jeff in the pool, Michele in the pool, Jordan didn't want one taken in her bathing suit. Natalie came outside now. Jordan heads in. Michele says, "Ask her to take a picture of the final three together" and laughs. No one else does. Kevin and Natalie inside now. Kevin walking around looking dejected with his camera. No one into taking photos. Kevin took a photo in his Space Suit. He's deleting them he doesn't like them.  Takes a picture of Natalie with her winnings check. She doens't know if it's a real check or not.

2:15PM BBT:  Ominous words:  Natalie:  "I have a strategy for this game and I just need to get into the DR to ask permission"  Kevin:  "Fuck your strategy.  Maybe they're on lunch break."   Natalie tells Kevin she'll be asking the DR if they are allowed to give away their prizes.  She says her goal is to "rape" Jeff by offering her vote to keep him, and of course voting him out anyway,   for his Hawaii trip!  They both giggle laugh and say it's funny. [Wow... talk about dirty game. It's beyond decent, if ya ask me. - Mrs Froman]

Natalie says she wants to make sure she officially has the trip and it can't be taken back away from her if she convinces Jeff to give it up.

Kevin says she should "rape Michele for the TV".  Natalie says she prefers the trip.  They giggle.  Kevin says the only downside is if it is stipulated that the trip transfer is null and void if she doesn't save him.  In that case,  Natalie wouldn't want the deal {of course].  Kevin says the DR will probably have to ask someone higher up.

Meanwhile, Jeff, Jordan and Michele are in BY swimming.

2:27PM BBT:  BB:  "This is a lockdown.  Please go inside and close the sliding glass door."   Natalie's been whining that she wants Kevin's hoody that he got for being HoH..  He starts to but it on,  and Natalie says, "No.  You can't wear my hoody."  Kevin ignores her.  "Pleeeease, can I have it?"  she pouts.  "I'll tell you what, if we make it to final two, I'll give it to you,  but that's the only way,  'cause you're an untrustworthy bitch."  Natalie jokes back that he'll see by what happens tomorrow night. {It had an implication of of an unwanted surprise,  but she was only teasing Kevin.] 

2:40PM BBT:  Jeff does the dishes while Natalie and Kevin play cards.  Michele stops in to see how Natalie's feeling, "Better and sociable."  she tells Michele

3:42PM BBT: All feeds on Jeff and Jordan packing in the pool room.  Jordan has finished and is watching Jeff.   Michele called to DR.   Jeff has his clothes ready to wear for tomorrow.  Nothing much going on.  Feeds change to Kevin and Natalie going up to HoH.

3:45PM BBT: Natalie telling Kevin that she is not allowed to bring up the option of asking for Jeff’s trip in return for her vote.  Feeds go to  FotH

3:55PM BBT: Feeds back  Kevin and Natalie talking in HoH.  Natalie says, "An eye for an eye."  She's not only trying for Jeff's Hawaiian Vacation, but Michele's TV too.  She has this worked out while she Kevin says, "He wants you to stick his neck out on the line for what?"  Natalie:  "Safety next week."   Kevin says they have to tell you tonight and we go to FotH again.

4:15PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie are playing chess,  talking about Natalie's scheme to get Jeff and Michele's prizes.  Natalie's been teasing Kevin that if Jeff did give her his prizes,  she might actually vote to keep him in.   Natalie:  "If he gave it to me I might have to change my vote.  We could still kick him out next week."   Kevin: "you really don't like life do you?" 

4:35PM BBT:  Jordan recorded her goodbye message to Jeff.  She said she didn't cry,  but she did get choked up a couple of times and had to start over.  

5:30PM BBT:  After a discussion of , The Jetsons, The Flintstones and The Munsters,  Jeff and Jordan doze off in each other's arms.  Meanwhile, in the red room,  Kevin and Natalie are playing chess in absolute silence.
5:54 PM BBT:  Kevin wins the chess game. 
6:15PM BBT:  Jeff and Jordan get up,  Jeff's going to make pork chops on the grill before BB does the indoor LD  that is normal on Wednesdays. 
6:16PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie started up another game of chess.  They argue about who takes longer to move.  Kevin moves and says, "Expect this move, wench."

6:22PM BBT: Kevin and Natalie taking turns complaining about taking too long to move at chess.  Jordan is outside sitting, looking reflective.  Jeff is cooking on the grill. 

6:25PM BBT: Jeff says to Jordan, "You always got a little joke goin' on in your head, don't ya?"  She denies it.  He sighs, sits down and says, "It's over."
Jeff asks, "What the fuck you laughing at?"  Jordan:  "Nothing."
Jeff says, "Every time I drink this yellow Gatorade I'll remember that day I was on slop."  Jordan:  "Oh, yeah."
Jeff back at the grill cooking steaks.

6:29PM BBT: Jeff: "The garden... it's gone."
Jordan:  "I was just thinking about that, the garden everything.  No one else will take care of it."
Jeff: "One last time (watering garden). It's like a wasteland!"
Jeff finishes watering and says, "That's it. My last water." Heads back to the grill
Kevin and Natalie are trying to see who can put who to sleep first playing chess.

6:35PM BBT: Jeff hooks up the hot tub vacuum and says, "It's official, my work is done. Thanks for playing."
6:38PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan talking about whether family took care of their affairs for them as requested like turning off cell phones, etc.

6:43PM BBT: Jeff done cooking. Jordan not hungry. Jeff not either but going to "try some of these" because they look good.
Kevin and Natalie not moving from the couch where they're playing a slow game of chess.

6:45PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie still in red room not moving.  Jordan says she's full and not sure why Jeff was cooking.

6:49PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan talking about their flights to BB.  Jordan doesn't like flying, says she's scared.  Jeff only one eating the grilled pork chops. .

Jeff took a flight to Panama City in a puddle jumper and said he was scared out of his mind.  Says the pilot asked if they were ready and closed the curtain.  Jeff used to be afraid to fly, too.  Jeff used to befriend people on the plane during take-off just to take his mind off it.  He says he "got used to it" now though and is no longer afraid to fly. Jeff says he lives real close to O'Hare airport. starts singing and FotH

Natalie says, "Check." Kevin not happy

7:01PM BBT: Jordan in the shower,  Jeff on patio playing solitaire talking to himself about the card game,  Natalie and Kevin playing chess.

7:05PM BBT: Natalie asks Kevin if he wants to play pool.  Kevin asks if she can stand up then says she should probably rest so she's in top shape for tomorrow.  Kevin and Natalie talking about some 'womanly' issues.

7:08PM BBT: Kevin and Natalie discussing games with buzzers and how Natalie has never hit a buzzer in this house.  Kevin says "It's because you have to know 100% before you answer, I just hit knowing 80%"  Natalie carrying on about the pad she'll have to wear tomorrow when sitting down because of her terrible period. (Excuses, Excuses) and Kevin says, I so wish I could play tomorrow.  It's terrible to not be able to play.  Natalie telling some story about how when it was necessary she always pulls her weight.

7:18PM BBT: Jordan watching Jeff play pool. Kevin looking in the SR - "Chocolate Milk? Jessie's gone, we can throw it away"  Apparently there's a ton of garlic.  They are putting some of the vegetables into the fridge.

7:26PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan lying outside.  Jordan notices his armpit is wet.  He tells her to touch it, she does and says it doesn't smell.  He says "Way to go women's deodorant!"  Playing "where would you be if not here?"  Jordan would want to go sightseeing in Hollywood or go to Times Square.

Michele now helping with the SR clean up (seems they got restocked).

7:29PM BBT: If one of Jeff and Jordan win they will go see The Bears Panthers play each other.  Jeff saying that they will have to get play off tickets, no cheapies and John Gotti Suites.  Jordan saying if it was in Charlotte she could get a cheap hotel room or he can stay with her at their house.  He says no way - you get 50 g's you are treating - deal?  They will each wear their own jerseys and see who gets yelled out.

7:45PM BBT: Jeff being all bitter and Jordan calls him on it.  He says "Bitter,  table for one."  Jordan saying she's going to ask him all kinds of questions once they get out of the house. Jeff telling her to concentrate on getting to the final two.  Saying Michele is going to want to bring her to final two.  He tells her to start F'ing winning and choose her own destiny.  He says win every competition and you get to choose who to bring to the final.

Michele telling them about where she sprayed the ant spray - it was all inside drawers - the candy drawer and the utensil one - it's completely raided and there are so many ants in there it will make you sick.

7:54PM BBT: Jeff telling Jordan about some bars in Hollywood - Jeff's favorite places to hang when in the LA area are the Cabo Cantina and the Saddle Ranch   The Saddle Ranch has a mechanical bull but all the people wear cut up jeans and handkerchiefs and dress like posers.  Jordan asking if they have a place to eat on the beach - there's a band and you can get chicken fingers and stuff and eat right on the beach. The Cabo has a two for one margaritas and Jordan wants to go with him and get 'crunk'

Michele heating up some leftovers for dinner. Same with Kevin and Natalie.

8:13PM BBT: Michele is give Jeff his farewell suck-up, "Thank you for all the stuff you did for me in the game. You really helped me out - with that Ronnie stuff and everything."  Jeff and his solitaire saying he was hoping for a sweet deal and Michele saying it doesn't look very promising.  Jeff saying it's stupid - no one is going to take her to the finals anyways.

8:24PM BBT: Jordan tests out the hot tub and decides she wants to go find her bathing suit. Michele has changed into hers. Natalie sees her and says "You going in the Jacuzzi? Wish I could go there."

Kevin took chess board upstairs to HoH and Natalie tells him to keep the door unlocked so she can go up there.  Kevin in the bathroom looking for the tweezers.  Jeff goes in Kevin leaves.  Jeff lying on lounge spot in the bathroom. BB zooms in on his face.  Jordan comes in and plants a smooch on his face.  Grabbed her bathing suit and goes to change.  Jeff in bathroom and Natalie comes in and whispers to Jordan that Michele and Jeff are promising her everything to vote to keep Jeff to stay and to not be worried because she's (Jordan) safe. Natalie just wants Jordan to know.

8:54PM BBT: Jordan and Michele making a solid final two alliance.  Jordan saying she doesn't believe anything Kevin and Natalie say.  Jeff heading into the hot tub too.  Kevin called to the DR.

8:59PM BBT: FotH

9:03PM BBT: Kevin working on the calendar of events. We could hear sirens outside.

From Fuskie in our chat room,  : Michele was discussing DR farewell messages.  She said they probably just take the worst thing and show it, like she gave a nasty message to Jessie and said sarcastically,  thanks for the workouts,  you got me in shape and that's probably all they showed - [and it was.]

9:25PM BBT:  The HGs got wine.  Jeff was really happy that BB came through with a couple bottles of wine.  Kevin asked for a glass and took it to the HoH room.  Kevin asks Natalie if she wanted and she said no, "Well then I'm going to pour it down the toilet,  I only took it so there'd be  less for Jeff."

10:00PM BBT:  For the past half hour, Natalie and Kevin have been in the HoH room, making a calendar of BB events with Play Doh.  They go over all competitions and events and then place plastic wrap over their board to study later.  Natalie still wants to pull the toilet seat prank.

**While they were studying, Natalie says that Jeff will go home this week by a tied, 1-1 vote and she will win HoH.**

Jordan has been in the DR. Michele and Jeff chat outside as they drink wine. Jeff says he won 1st place in the invention science fair in 7th grade. He took apart a remote controlled car and put the engine on a duster?? (I think this is what he said.. can't remember for sure)

Michele talked about her PhD paper that she wrote, that was about 100 pages long.

10:05PM BBT: Natalie and Kevin feed the fish.

Outside, Jordan tells Jeff what he should wear tomorrow night.

Natalie and Kevin head downstairs.

10:32PM BBT:   Jeff called to DR and comes back out to get Jordan "I want to show you something" Once out of Michele's earshot he tells her BB wants broth of them in the DR. Michele still in BY, Natalie and Kevin playing chess in HoH.

Read The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:15 - 12:16AM in depth]

1:35AM BBT: After a 2-3 min.  FotH, Michele and Natalie are in the red room talking about a possible final two deal.  Natalie said that Michele actions this week will prove that she is serious about this deal.  Natalie said if she wins,  the main objective is to get Kevin out.  Michele agrees and says that she might not be able to beat him in final HoH.  Natalie goes on to say her an Kevin only have a final four deal, which ended at midnight.  Natalie said that Jessie will vote for Kevin in end because he took Jeff out.  Also said he made nice with everyone and he would likely win BB. both agreed they must play hard for PoV to get Kevin out  Then FotH again.

1:47AM BBT: After long FotH, we come back to Michele/Natalie talking.  Natalie keeps reiterating that she only has a final four deal with Kevin, and is now gunning for him and figuring out a nice way to put it to him.  Michele said that she has told him straight to his face that she is gunning for.  Natalie also mentioned Jordan at one point, saying she even told Jordan Kevin is who is is gunning for.  They both say goodnight,  Michele goes to pool room,  Natalie walks out to kitchen/dining room area then FotH again  [My Gnasty senses are tingling, most likely running up to HoH right now to report this to Kevin, we'll see if they bring it back from FotH soon -cafeaulait ]  [There was a lot of FotH during this.  My Gnasty senses tell me that Natalie was trying to get the TV away from Michele.  -Morty]

1:59AM BBT: All the HGs are in beds, conversation in pool room (Jeff and Jordan/Michele) are talking about morning wood, blue balls, shrinkage and other penile phenomenons.  Jordan's naïveté of human sexuality is laughable.  Michele says she's going to buy her a vibrator, "I wouldn't even know what to do with it.  You just stick it in your cooch and turn it on?"  Michele gives a slightly more detailed suggestion of it's use.  They have a good time laughing and talking.         

As reported by: Angelo Joe, BigBroFanTX, BigMDGirl, cafeaulait, Cathy, CeCiMom, Dade, joyami, laladoopiedu, morty, redchief11, SAUCY1, StephenV, whokayers and ZuZuMamou

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