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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Monday, September 7, 2009:  Happy Labor Day
10:20AM BBT:  Still sleeping
10:48AM BBT:  "Good morning house guests, it's time to get up for the day."   FotH
11:11:AM BBT:  In the red room,  Kevin and Natalie are trying to figure out this week's schedule,  and if there's a PoV meeting today.  [I'm not sure either.  They might tape it today to air it tomorrow during the live show, or it could be done live tomorrow. ]  Meanwhile on the patio,  Jordan's sitting by herself, Michele joins Natalie and Kevin,  they talking about season 9, and Dick with the PoV around his neck voting out Jameka, live.  They're going to wait to dress-up  for a PoV meeting,  but they're not expecting one.
11:45AM BBT: Not much has change.  Kevin's in the shower.  Jordan's still sitting alone. 
Noon:  An indoor lockdown has been called.  The HGs have been told that this lockdown will last two days.  Kevin thinks there may be a live eviction on Tuesday and that the endurance competition will  follow.  [I think he's right]   Natalie disagreed.

12:14PM BBT: Natalie is sitting at the counter, Kevin's also in the kitchen.  Jordan and Michele are in the pool room beds.
Earlier Jordan said she didn't think they would have the veto meeting today.

12:19PM BBT: Jordan wants to take one if the bikes off the rack and teach Michele how to ride. They can smell Kevin making bacon.

12:20PM BBT: Jordan and Natalie now in the kitchen.  Kevin tells them he hears construction and that it can’t be that.  All feeds go to FotH.  Kevin in kitchen throwing away gross food fro counters. Natalie watching. Michele/Jordan lying down in pool room.  Michele and Jordan talking about bikes.  Michele tells Jordan that she does not know how to ride a bike. Jordan is freaking out.  Jordan telling Michele she can ride on, it's easy.  Michele says she is to klutzy.  Jordan saying she needs a bike to teach Michele how. Natalie telling Michele more stuff will happen since they are the final 4. Jordan thinks there is another luxury coming up.

12:24PM BBT: Jordan tells Michele she was talking in her sleep last night.  Jordan tells her she said something about her dad and mom.  Jordan telling Michele she said “F you dad”.  Michele apologizing to her mom and dad.  Michele says she is so embarrassed.  Natalie getting ready to eat and praying.  Natalie thanking Kevin for making her breakfast. Kevin and Natalie eating at counter. Michele/Jordan napping in pool room. Both say good night and roll over.

Read More Details by Anteecc

1:13PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie sleeping in HoH while Michele and Jordan sleep in the pool room.
1:55PM BBT:  FotH When the feeds return, Kevin  and Natalie are still whispering and plotting.  It's possible that during the FotH they were told it's time for the HoH to take pictures,  they whisper and plot some more.  They now know either by DR or deduction) that the first part of the HoH contest will be endurance and will begin on Tuesday's live show.  "Let's not tell them." Natalie whispers to Kevin. Kevin:  "Are you taking pictures today,  that'll clue them in."  Natalie:  "I'll make up something."   [And she's bringing her wrath down on Michele for being a "habitual liar"  -Morty]    Natalie is called to the DR.
2:05PM BBT:  FotH  And when the feeds return,  Michele is up.
2:15PM BBT: Jordan's  up too.  Now that everyone's up,  there's nothing to do, and Jordan wants to go outside.
2:45PM BBT:  All four feeds are on Kevin napping in the red room. 
3:00PM BBT:  There's a long FotH  When the feeds return,  Michele is telling Jordan that they're recording goodbye messages and that the eviction is tomorrow.  "Oh my God, do you think Natalie knows?  Oh I've got to tell her."  Jordan tells Natalie,  she acts as though it's news to her, but without the shock and surprise Jordan had.  Natalie says, "Well, I got my camera."  Jordan's very excited,  Natalie asks her why she's so nervous, "'Cause it's like reality now,  it's really happening." 
3:15PM BBT:  Natalie tells Jordan she's staying, "Unless he screws me, he knows what I want, so otherwise he is stabbing me in my back. If he betrays me, he won't get my vote. Tell him you have to pack and you need to know who's leaving."

3:25PM BBT:  Natalie tells Jordan and Kevin about what she wrote in her blog.  She said that she wrote about Michele, "I know that in this game you have to lie, cheat a little and manipulate.  But there's a line you don't cross and Michele crossed that line and she can't go back now,  she has to go,  she doesn't even deserve to be here." 

4:00PM BBT:  The picture taking has just ended, Natalie and Kevin go back to the red room to plan what they should wear during the endurance competition.  they're considering what will be best in cool and wet conditions.   In the kitchen, Michele and Jordan are cleaning up.

Natalie watches as Jordan picks out her clothes for Tuesday's show.

4:15PM BBT:  In the pool room,  Michele and Jordan are packing and planning what to wear tomorrow.  Jordan isn't dressing for a competition,  she feels she's going home and she's dressing for Julie's interview,  not hanging from a rope with being sprayed with water.  Of course this is just what Kevin and Natalie hoped for.

The girls think Drew Daniel from Big Brother 5 was the hottest HG.  He has an identical twin brother.

4:50PM BBT:  Girl talk in the pool room continues.  Natalie asks Jordan if she thought Russell is good looking.  Jordan said there were times when he did look good,  and he really looked good in a suit.  They both agree that the hottest guy ever on Big Brother was Drew. 

Natalie suggests Jordan pick two outfits, one for going home (if she does) and one to compete in.  Jordan say, "But there won't be time to change after the vote,  I'll need to know which one to wear before."  Natalie:  "Hasn't he told you?  If it was me,  I would have told you.  You should tell him you need to know." 

5:30PM BBT:   The eerie quietness of the near empty BB house it starting to set in.  There's no more scheming,  no more showmance,  no more singing maninabannasuit,  no dorkapotamus, it's almost over.  Whether you're happy about the way this season is ending or not,  a lot of effort and expense went into bringing you this daily coverage.  Please check out our donation page.  If you can afford to send us a few bucks to cover expenses,  then, please do.   And don't go away when Big Brother is over.  We have forums for fans of Survivor, Amazing RaceThe Biggest Loser, and of course  the best way to watch American Idol is while you're in our chat rooms so others can appreciate all those smart remarks you make.  Register (it's free) in the TVFanForums.net today, so you won't be left out. 

6:09PM BBT:  Dinner time. Spaghetti, broccoli, garlic bread... Kevin cooked. They're talking about Snapple and urban legend around their label. They talked about and Arizona Tea, Taco Bell, L&L Hawaiian BBQ,  and different restaurants.

6:30PM BBT:  Natalie and Kevin are playing cards,  still accusing each other of cheating, Jordan is napping in the pool room while Michele continues to pack.   She's been franticly searching for her gloves, to no avail,  this is because Natalie stole them from her last week. 

6:35PM BBT: Natalie says if Kevin drops first in the HoH competition,  Natalie will convince Jordan to drop,  as Jordan can't win against Natalie.

Kevin says even getting $50,000 is a big deal to him.

Natalie tells Kevin when they go to F2, she's not going to say anything bad about him.  She says they've never stabbed each other in the back and she's never said any derogatory things about him,  and he'll see the tapes. Natalie thinks Natalie/Kevin final two will be a 50/50 shot, but she wants to stick to her word with Kevin.

6:40PM BBT: Michele and Jordan laying in separate beds in the pool room. Neither looks to happy.

Natalie and Kevin still playing cards at the dining room table.  They're whispering and scheming,  trying to think of ways to make sure they're final two.

6:55PM BBT:
Jordan is asleep in pool room.  Michele is laying in bed in pool room.  Natalie and Kevin playing cards.  They are saying they are in a good place right now.

7:00PM BBT: Natalie and Kevin still playing cards.  Kevin asks Natalie if she feels guilty about them getting Jeff out.  She says no,  "it's a game and Jeff would have done the same thing." Kevin says something and Natalie suggests he doesn't use the veto and to trust Jordan to vote out Michele.  Kevin says no way and Natalie says OK, stop talking about it then.

They're both accusing each other of cheating while playing cards. Natalie brings up how Jeff used to talk shit after Jessie left about how Natalie and Lydia would wear Jessie' t-shirts and how Jordan is now doing the same thing.

7:30PM BBT: Nothing new has happened.   Michele and Jordan are sleeping.  Natalie and Kevin still going back and forth over both cheating during their card games.

7:39PM BBT: Kevin and Natalie now playing chess. The other two still sleeping. No talking.

8:01PM BBT: Michele picking a zit in bathroom.  The chess game still in progress.

8:05PM BBT: It's Alive!! Jordan and Michele are awake, Jordan tweezing Michele doing ADLs in bathroom.

8:22PM BBT: Michele and Jordan are talking in the pool room,  both are really hoping there is a jury prize.  Michele says that no matter what they still beat nine other people to get to the final four but it still sucks that they didn't make it further.

Now they are discussing waxing,  Michele complaining that she left her wax at home,  Jordan asks if she waxes her eyebrows Michele saying she waxes everything.

9:12PM BBT: Not much to report right now.  Michele is in the pool room.  Natalie and Kevin play chess on couch outside of HoH room (where the game was originally set up). Jordan nowhere on feeds.

9:18PM BBT:  Michele was called to the DR.
9:38PM BBT:  Natalie was called to the DR. 
9:39PM BBT:  Michele goes to Kevin to see where she stands.  Kevin says he still wants to talk to Jordan to find out where her head's at,  but he will defiantly tell her before everything starts tomorrow.  Michele tells him that even though Natalie says that making a deal with her is like making a deal with the devil,  She's only lied when she had to,  and has been loyal to people even when it no longer made sense to be.

Kevin says that if Jordan wins,  he's afraid she'd take Natalie to final two,  or even that Natalie might take Jordan.  [Kevin got this idea right from Jordan when last night Jordan told him that Jeff's final instructions were to stick with Michele, and never trust Kevin.]   Kevin says he's just going to ask Jordan right out if she has a final two deal with Natalie.  Kevin says he can always tell when Jordan's lying. "If she says 'yes' or 'no,' it's the truth,  but if she says 'ah, well, ah ... '  then she's probably lying." 

He says that Natalie wants Michele out, and has threaten him by saying that if he doesn't honor her decision, she will convince the jury (Russell and Jessie in particular) not to vote for him to win.  He tells Michele that Jordan also said that if she doesn't stay her and Jeff's vote will go to Michele.

Kevin says he needs to find a way to convince Natalie that taking Jordan would be a stupid move,  this way Natalie doesn't go berserk. [OK, we know that's BS.  He knows there's no way he could sway Natalie in the least.  Therefore,  I don't think he's really considering taking Michele -Morty]

10:05PM BBT: Nothing going on in the house. Jordan trying to fall asleep (with the lights on). Kevin still up at HoH couch, seems to be in deep thought.  Michele/Natalie no where on the feeds

10:25PM BBT:  Natalie gives Kevin the third degree.  Kevin likes toying with her, which drives her crazy.  Kevin cracks up over Natalie's paranoia and relates the whole conversation he had with Michele.  He tells her he told Michele she needs to think of a reason why it would be better to keep her. Then, Kevin says he can tell her the reason isn't good enough, then he won't just be telling 'no' without a cause.  Kevin pauses and asks,  "Should I keep her?"  Natalie:  "Do you want to keep your nuts? Does your boyfriend like your nuts?"  Kevin's laughing at her paranoia and tries to talk her down.  They have to keep re-affirming to each other that no one's going back on their deal.  [This is the problem with scoundrels in real life,  they make deals and have to suffer through the fears that come from mistrust.  -Morty]  Natalie's mistrust of Kevin's is so strong she wants him to sleep in the HoH room tonight so he can't make any deals with Michele.

10:50PM BBT:  Natalie tells Kevin to tell Jordan he'll keep her,  only if she promises to throw the first part of the HoH competition to him. Kevin: "Ohhh,  that's a juicy one."   They go back and forth over various deals they can make with Jordan,  for the moment,  Kevin's just gong ask her, "How open are you to making a final two deal with me." 

"Do you have a final two deal with Natalie?"  "No, it's just kinda and I'll watch her back,  she watch mine deal."  Jordan says she knows that she's be the third one out with him.  She says she regrets that Jeff said what he did,  and she hopes that he won't hold that against her,  "'Cause I'd never come back at you for revenge." 

11:15PM BBT:  They go into the green room to have a more in depth conversation.  After Jordan goes through a rambling dissertation, Kevin says that he approached Michele about getting rid of Natalie and she wasn't interested in talking to him,  then she lost the PoV,  and now she wants to make a deal. Kevin is telling Jordan, how the two of them can take out Natalie:   "I'm not strong at questions, but for endurance, I'll lose an arm.  But if it's questions, that's where you'd come in."    Kevin says he needs her to knock out Natalie. Kevin says that if he wins,  he'd rather take Jordan than Natalie,  however, it's dependant on if he wins.  Kevin brings up the Pandora's box thing again and how it showed him he can't trust her.  Why would she give up PoV if she was on his side?  He feels she betrayed him.  [They're whispering so low you can hear their stomachs growling. BB has to remind Jordan several times that "House guests are not permitted to discuss their diary room session with other house guests."  ]  "I'm telling you that if your gut tells you to go with Michele, then go with Michele.  but I'm telling you that i like the sound of your plan."  Kevin:  "So do we have a final two deal?"    Jordan rambles on again,  but the answer that she wants to tell him in the morning.  "I believe some things are meant to be.  Don't you think it's weird that...."  She goes off again on a philosophical tangent. 

11:51PM BBT:  The green room conversation is ended by Jordan being called to the DR.  [The way Jordan talks they probably ran out of tape.]  Kevin goes to Natalie  "Look at the time it's almost time to go to bed." Natalie:  "I'm not tired."  Kevin tells Natalie, "The biznatch doesn't even trust me."  [I think Kevin was about to lie to Natalie and say that Jordan wasn't very interested in the deal.  -Morty]  The conversation is interrupted by BB calling Natalie to the DR. 

Midnight:  Michele goes up to the HoH room while Natalie's in the DR.  "Hey you know,  we haven't played chess together in weeks."  She makes a pitch for Kevin to save her,  saying that Natalie's threat to sway the jury doesn't hold water,  because she'll only be with the jury for one day.  Kevin points out the flaw in her math,  and Michele goes right along with the sales pitch.

 [All my updaters are taking the Labor Day late shift off tonight.  I'm not going to bother to transcribe Michele and Kevin's conversation,  as Kevin's just acting and none of it matters,  and I really want my dinner break.   BTW:  The other conversation with Jordan was interesting,  I could believe that Kevin would take Jordan to final two,  because he really would stand a better chance with her.  A deal with Jordan protects him no matter what.   -Morty]

12:27AM BBT:  Natalie comes out of the DR and goes up to the HoH to find Michele and Kevin talking.  Michele leaves and Kevin says, "I'll let you know tomorrow."  Kevin leaves and Natalie follows saying, "I'm going to get my butterknife ready."  Kevin:  "What?"  Natalie:  "You know what I mean."  [she's referring to her threat to castrate him..]  Natalie meets Jordan in the bathroom, the start whispering but it's impossible to hear over the running water.   Natalie returns to her deck of cards and the kitchen table. 

12:35AM BBT:  Michele and Jordan to to bed in the pool room.  Jordan tells her that Kevin said he'd tell her in the morning which one of them he picked.  They sound like kids on Christmas Eve,  they can't wait for tomorrow to get here,  they're tired,  but all wound up.  Both admit to feeling a little bit hopeful after their conversations with Kevin. They are both reassuring the other that everything is out in the open and neither are throwing the other under the bus.

12:55AM BBT: Jordan/Michele complimenting each other,  Michele saying that Jordan probably has lots of male admirers because she is hot with nice boobs. Jordan says no, you are the hot one.  [Really sweet and said genuinely IMO. -pseudogirl78]

1:20AM BBT: Michele gets up to use the bathroom and passes Natalie playing cards in the kitchen, appears determined to wait out Kevin's long DR session.  Michele now back in the pool room with Jordan, they both appear to be going to sleep. Natalie still playing with cards, waiting for Kevin to get out of DR.

1:40AM BBT: Kevin out of DR and in the HoH with Natalie.  Natalie tells him to spill, everything that was said between him and Jordan and him and Michele.  He says that Jordan did not believe him and denied having a final two with Natalie.  Just regurgitating everything that has been said before.  One tidbit though.. Kevin claims that in the DR they were trying to convince him to keep Michele.   Kevin : "I was just raped in a DR session."
Natalie starts screaming,  more FotH.   Natalie's repeated threats to BB to stay out of their business has led to a lot of fishies on screen.

2:00AM BBT: Natalie's paranoia in overdrive telling Kevin to go down right now and tell Michele/Jordan that Michele is leaving. Kevin says I will tell them tomorrow. Natalie is losing it a little bit at a time as she bickers with Kevin about when to fall during endurance competition, blah blah.

Our Labor day laborers were:  Angelo Joe, Anteecc, BigBroFanTX, cafeaulait, CeCiMom, Dade, ericsturrock, laladoopiedu, Marty, morty, pseudogirl78, ZuZuMamou

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