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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Sunday, August 23, 2009:  Final Six Sunday
I called today "Final Six Sunday," but it's really three couples, and as obvious as that sounds, it's a concept Jeff isn't seeing.  Jeff is going to backdoor Russell tomorrow at the PoV meeting.  Russell is aware of Jeff's intentions,  even though he's just going on the vibes he's getting.  Russ says he's going to try to spend the whole day today with Jeff and do some last minute bonding.  Russ said this is going to be difficult as they've run out of things to talk about,  let me tell you,  the whole group ran out of original conversation in week three.  At almost the same time Russ tells Michele he's going to be on Jeff like white on rice,   Natalie and Kevin are predicting that this will be Russell's move and Natalie plans to run interference all day to keep them apart. 

IMHO, Natalie's sickening sweet personality change is as subtle as an outhouse on a hot day.  The girl never washed a dish or cooked a thing until Jessie was evicted,  now she's offering to marinate Jeff's steak, heat up their pizzas and any other domestic chores she can offer up.    Every so often Jeff shows signs of cerebral activity,  last night he said to Jordan,  "We have to look at all the angles.  Maybe we're missing something.  You don't think they (Natalie/Kevin) would lie to us, do you?  We save them and then they turn around and put us up?"  Then Elly May started yammering about Russ lying and we were back to the beginning.  Jeff really believes that Kevin and Natalie will put each other on the block instead of Jeff or Jordan. 

As outgoing HoH,  next week Jeff won't be able to compete for HoH.  You can look at the possibilities two ways, Natalie's never won anything,  Kevin's record is nearly as bad,  are they due for a win,  or destined to screw up again?   Michele has a few PoV wins and an HoH ,  Jordan does well,  but her only win was given to her by Jeff.   I think Jordan needs to win if Jeff is to stay in the game.  Kevin and Michele want him out,  and by evicting Russ,  he's telling Michele that his allegiance has shifted,  which means she's not safe. 

It's going to be an interesting week.  Oh, and BTW,  If Russ goes on the block Monday,  he promises it won't be pleasant in the house,  and if he gets evicted,  he'll go off "Chima style." 

8:00AM BBT:  They're sleeping.  10:00AM BBT:  They're still sleeping.  10:40AM BBT:  FotH  Time to wake these schemers up.   11:00AM BBT:  They' got the lights on, but most are still sleeping.  Michele is up and wearing a bikini.   11:15AM BBT:  America's sweethearts are waking up.   11:30AM BBT:  Michele is relaxing in the hammock, Jordan in bed listening to Bob Marley,  Jeff in bed,  Russ, Natalie, and Kevin aren't accounted for and assumed napping.  12:12PM BBT: Michele is shaving her legs in HoH bathroom. Jordan is downstairs in regular bathroom.  12:22PM BBT: Feeds have now followed Jordan to the pool and Michele outside to lounge near her.  Russell is sleeping in the pool room.

12:30PM BBT:  Michele is sitting next to the pool,  Jordan is in the pool on the raft.  Jordan asks her,  "Who do you think should go this week?"  Michele:  " You mean Natalie, Kevin or  Russell?"  Jordan: "Well, probably the strongest person.  Natalie's not the strongest.  Who do you think should go ?"  Michele says right now, Jeff is the strongest person and laughs and Jordan agrees and Michele says it's good to have him on their side.  Jordan flatters Michele, though, and comments on how good Michele has been in competitions. Michele can understand how Jeff and Jordan want Russell out now.  Jordan says how Russell has already agreed to final two with Michele and how Jeff and Jordan have only said final three with Michele.

Michele: "I don't know, I'm conflicted. is it between Kevin and Russell ? I can understand your rationale of getting Russell out,  but..."  Jordan:  "Yeah, because we want final three with you.  You know he's being nice to you now,  but he hasn't always been nice to you.  We're trying to be nice to everyone to keep it calm,  but Russell will put up me and Jeff next week, we are the main targets."    Michele tells Jordan that Russell said he'll go crazy if put up as a replacement nom and Jordan says she'll go crazy on them.  Jordan:  "Oh let him go crazy, I'm not scared of Russell."

12:36PM BBT: Jordan says if Russell wins HoH next week,  Russell isn't stupid and will put up Jeff and Jordan.  Jordan says Russell is just using Michele, because he thinks Michele is a Ronnie and is smart,  so Russell is just using her.  Jordan says how Russell chose final two with Michele,  but Jordan doesn't know if Jeff would pick her,  because he might do a BB5 Drew and pick Russell over her to go to the final two (Jordan knows this isn't the truth).   Jordan mentions that if Michele wins HoH next week,  and Russell is still there,  he'll try to tell Michele to put Jeff and Jordan up and Michele says that will never happen.  Jordan goes back to the veto competition and how Jordan didn't care who won,  but Russell was only rooting for Michele to win when he should have been cheering for Jeff and Jordan and Michele because of their final four deal, so he must not trust Jeff.

Jordan says she doesn't know for sure what Jeff is doing and he probably won't tell Jordan until Monday, if that, but Russell has shown his cards too early.
12:40PM BBT:  Jeff is sleeping in HoH room.  Outside,  Jordan says if she won HoH and PoV,  it'd be between Kevin and Russell because they're strong competitors.  She mentions that Michele is strong, too,  but they have a final three with her (I guess final four with Russell doesn't matter... )

Jordan is bashing Russell to Michele, saying how horrible he was to Michele but now he's just being nice to her because of their final two deal.  Jordan states that if someone saved her with the wizard power,  she'd do anything for that person and vote how they want and whatnot.

12:45PM BBT: Natalie has come outside and Michele joins Jordan in the pool.  Natalie says Kevin is still sleeping.   She also predicts (again) that next week,  BB will close the pool room and Have-Not room.  She's happy that Russell got to experience being a Have-Not, because that's only fair that everyone had to be one at some point (So now she care about stuff being fair?)

1:05PM BBT:  Natalie is in the kitchen,  looking for food.  In the pool,  Michele asks Jordan if she's really concerned about Jeff pulling a BB5 Drew.  Jordan says yes and she's not sure what Jeff will do.

Jordan runs to the HoH room to report back to Jeff. 

1:10PM BBT:  Natalie, the couch potato-turned domestic diva,  has come outside and offers to wash everyone's water shoes.  Michele thanks her (as it's free service for her).

1:20PM BBT:  Jordan runs to the HoH room to tell Jeff her shocking conversation with Michele [Some how laladoopiedu and I didn't hear it the same way Jordan did.  -Morty]  . Jordan says how she told Michele that Jeff is going to do what's best for him.   She tells Jordan that Michele thought it was weird that they would want to keep Natalie around,  and next week wouldn't be good because next week you couldn't play for HoH.  Jeff gets really pissed and is shouting,  "Yeah well then she's so gone! [Michele]  If she doesn't want to play by our fucking rules then she's gone!  She knows it's the smartest move.   Jessie knew it when I took him out,  that that was a smart move."  Jordan says it's a good thing she didn't win competition. yesterday.  Jeff:  "Yeah, well she better watch her fucking tone!  You want to throw HoH,  fine.  Make it easy on us, you're going home. She knows Russell is her only ally and if he goes she's next!" 

Jordan:  "She said Russell will blow up, I told her  I told her let him go crazy, I'm not scared of Russell.  What's he going to do, scream, yell. I don't care, I'm not scared of him."  Jeff:  "I'll fucking slap him in the face.  Who the fuck is she to run around and tell you that shit?!"

Jordan says she told her this was her words, and not  Jeff's  "So don't get mad saying that I never say anything, I told her this was coming from me,  not you."  She say she can fell that Michele is turning on them but she shouldn't have made a final two deal with Russell.  Jordan says she's scared Michele might put her and Jeff up  if she wins HoH. 

2:11PM BBT:  Jeff, Jordan and Russell and Michele in pool - general chit chat - not game.  Natalie and Kevin either sleeping or in bed.  Talking about wearing braces when kids,  Jeff having mono his Sr. year in high school.

2:18PM BBT: Natalie and Kevin sitting outside now talking about former years and competitions.

2:30PM BBT: Jeff is lounging in the pool and is talking to Russell about needing an automatic car starter in Chicago due to the cold weather and how it’s cold from November – March. General weather chit chat…Indian summer, long and cold winters, January and February are the worse.

Jeff wants to go to Boston to see a Red Sox game and everyone tells him that he will love it there because it’s a lot like Chicago.   Russell says that he’d like Cisco too.  Michele says that Boston is blue collar and rowdy and she lived there for four years.  Russell asks Michele about the nightlife – have plenty of clubs near Fenway.

2:45PM BBT: Peach or Nectarine?  Jeff and Jordan in the kitchen arguing about the differences between a peach and nectarine.  She’s going to go to the DR to find out to prove to him that what she has is a peach.  They keep going back and forth about peaches have fuzz and the one she has does not have fuzz.  She emphatically says that it’s a peach because it “has the nut and smells like a peach.”  Natalie comes in and they joke that they are going to have a house meeting.  Natalie says that it’s a nectarine.  Jeff tells Jordan that he’s right and for her to say,  “You’re right. I’m sorry Jeff and I’ll go get you a lemon if you want it.”  Jordan is pissed but goes and gets his lemon anyway.  Jeff asks Michele why he always looks the like the bad guy when he’s right.  Jordan comes back with the lemon and Jeff asks her not to be mad at him that she could still be right but she’s probably not. She’s still going to ask them in the DR about it!

Jordan goes to ask DR and the person in there doesn't know either.

2:35PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie are lounging on the couches. Michele started out a Yankees fan but now is converted to a Red Sox fan.

2:50PM BBT:  Jordan says that she weighed herself and she weighs 140.5!  Jeff is preparing a marinade for his chicken and says that the grilled chicken is perfect for her if she's trying to lose weight.

Jordan goes outside while Jeff finishes the chicken. All is quiet again at the BB house this afternoon!

2:50– 3:20PM BBT:  All is still quiet...

3:54PM BBT:  Natalie tells Kevin that she’s going to wash her shoes again.  They are looking through the shoes on the pool table and Kevin says that his are a size 10.  Meanwhile, Michele is getting dolled up in the bathroom.  Natalie tells Jordan that she should sleep in the green room and how bored they both are [Don't we know it!]

Jordan is giving Natalie a cooking lesson on steaming broccoli.

4:00PM BBT:  Jordan and Natalie whisper about talking to Michele and how she told Jordan that Russell will go crazy if he’s backdoored.  Natalie says that his tactic is to threaten people or scare them but he only has two days.

Jordan and Natalie talk about fast food and how they are going to eat it when they get out especially,  In-n-Out and Natalie likes Yoshinoya. Popeye’s chicken or Yoshinoya is Natalie’s choice if they ask her what she would like brought into the BB house.

4:30PM BBT:  Lots of cooking going on—Jeff grilling chicken.  Natalie making a salad.  Jordan says that she offered to Jeff for her to sleep downstairs to give him space but he declined. Kevin asks her if they made out but she says that they just had a good-night kiss and they’re keeping it at the friend level.

On Tonight's Show...  When we  last saw the HGs,  The Power was Up Grabs.  The HGs had to drop empty cans from a platform and get them to land in clear tubes.  The goal was to get 24 cans in your tube.   From the DR Russell says that he knows he must win the HoH if he's going to stay in the house.  Jeff says the biggest obstacle in getting the cans in the tubes was being next to Russell,  every time he ran he shook the platform causing Jeff to miss the target.    At one point Kevin and Jeff were tied at 14 cans.   Kevin took the lead 16 cans  each HG got a shelf of six gold cans,  You could use the gold can to close off your opponent's tube for sixty seconds.  First Russell uses a gold can to block Kevin,  then Kevin blocked Russell, which helped Jeff because Russell wasn't bouncing around the platform. 

Jeff won HoH, Kevin and now fears he may be sent home,  so does Natalie, and Russell.  So now they're down to final six and Kevin points out that he and Natalie are the only remaining HGs that have never won HoH.  Kevin brought that fact up to Jeff so that he would seem less threatening. 

From the DR Kevin said that without Lydia he's without a besty.  On the other hand,  Jordan was happy to see Lydia leave, "She was a drama Queen." 

Jeff got his HoH room and everyone went to see what he got.  Kevin said the photos of Jeff showed a progression of "hotness."  Jeff read his letter from home,  and everyone checked out his selection of snacks.

The topic of Jeff's trip to Hawaii comes up,  and Jordan wants to go with him. 

Next, Kevin put the doubt in Jeff mind about Russell's loyalty.  Jeff confronts Russ,  and Russ says it's not true that he said he wants to break up the couples,  "How would that benefit me?"  This lead to the confrontation in the BY with Jeff,  Jordan, and Michele.  Afterwards, in the DR Jeff said he didn't really get the answers he wanted. 

Jeff tends his garden,  shirtless to the delight of Michele,  Jordan and Kevin.

The Have-Nots were voted to get churros and chitlins. 

Before nominations,  Russell's nervous,  and Michele goes to the HoH room and gets confirmation that the plan for final four is still.  Jeff says they're onboard for Jeff,  Jordan,  Russell, and Michele for final four. 

Natalie and Kevin suggests a different final four, "Why take people who are shady?"  Natalie asks.  Jeff likes the idea because he feels he can't trust his alliance with Russell and Michele.   Jordan trusts Natalie more than Russell and tells Jeff. 

It's nomination time and from the DR Russell says if he was Jeff,  he'd put up him and Michele.  Michele says that if they're not nominated,  it means that Jeff is sincere and their deal for final four in good.   Jeff removes the first key, Russell, followed by  Michele, and Jordan. 

A more complete re-cap of tonight's show will be posted HERE on the CBS.com web site on 8-24-09

5:50PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan in HoH bed. Jordan just said good night to him.  Natalie and Kevin are playing pool.

Jeff starts talking about crab legs and how Jordan needs to answer him before he talks to her. Jordan laughs and says she thought he was being dirty, saying he wanted to eat her legs.

Natalie says Operation Intercept has worked well today, as Russell and Jeff haven't had a chance to talk.  Natalie then wants to make Russell blow up on everyone and says that it's Bosley and one angel left.  She mentions that Bosley usually gives the angels assignments,  but she's the one giving Kevin assignments.

She tells Kevin about the peach argument Jeff and Jordan had earlier, then they decide to play war while they scheme how they can get Jeff or Jordan out next week.

6:10PM BBT: Kevin talks about telling Jeff he saved him when he voted Jessie out of the house, because had Jessie stayed, Jeff would have been gone. Natalie talks about how Jeff made her an outcast when she wasn't an outcast before.  They continue playing war.  The subject of religion comes up,  and Natalie is shocked that Kevin doesn't believe in God.

6:20PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan laying close in bed. Jordan screams out "JEFF!" and tells him good night again.  Jordan says something about their friendship and Jeff mentions that he thinks he's getting the short end of the stick in their friendship.  Jordan says she just wants to float through the final and  Jeff jumps on the statement saying,  they'll have to win everything from here on out,  or one of them is going home. 

6:25PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie have their plan all figured out,  they're going to take turns winning every HoH contest 'til the end,  just like Dan and Memphis did.  [I'll ask again, could the producers check and see if they're getting enough air in there,  no one seems to thinking clearly.  -Morty

6:35PM BBT: Natalie says they need to do something crazy tonight and spice up the house.  She's the first to mention moving stuff around and Kevin throws in moving the Buddhas.  Natalie and Kevin devise a new plan to move and/or hide decorations in the house,  to cause suspicion and make HGs study stuff that's not needed.

6:55PM BBT: You could hear Russell talking to production in DR. He says how he appreciates the good job they do.

Natalie and Russell playing cards in the red room now.  Natalie mentions how Russell has lied many times.

7:00PM BBT: Russell is now in kitchen.   Michele just woke up and just left the pool room.   Natalie telling Kevin about something Lydia said.

7:15PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan up and moving around HoH room.  Natalie and Kevin still talking about Lydia stuff in red room.  Michele and Russell outside.  He tells her how it's impossible to sleep when you're paranoid.  Michele says she's been worried about Russell because he hasn't been sleeping.  He says he'll go off tomorrow if nominations change and how it will be done and be a lost cause at that point.

Michele moves to the yard and starts stretching.

7:25PM BBT: Jordan has joined Michele.  Natalie and Kevin having a discussion about Lydia throwing Kevin under the bus,  yet Kevin still staying loyal to her.  He says it takes someone a few times for him to lose complete trust and Natalie says it only takes one moment for her to lose all loyalty for someone.  She keeps telling him how Lydia said all this stuff about Kevin, but he didn't care.   Kevin says Lydia was his friend. he throws the example of how Jessie had 'come' on Natalie's sweatshirt,  but she didn't hate him because of that and she said that's not what they're talking about.  They go on some more and Natalie finally says she doesn't want to talk about it anymore.  They both head outside.

Natalie asks Jordan is Jeff is sleeping and she says no and Natalie tells Kevin to come on as they head inside and up to HoH room.  Natalie is all smiles,  saying they got up there without Russell seeing them, but then they see Russell coming up the stairs.  Natalie says they can't catch a break and Russell asks to listen to music.  He tries to leave when he sees Natalie and Kevin but Jeff tells him to stay and listen to the music.

Natalie brings up the tuna and tells Kevin and Jeff they should go downstairs to make it as it will give them something to do.  Natalie weighs herself and she's 113 lbs,  but was 108 when she came in. Natalie, Jeff and Kevin feed the fish.

7:35PM BBT: Natalie says she's going to make the tuna now and she and Kevin leave.  Jeff says he'll be right down,  after he takes a shower.  Russell says he didn't know Natalie and Kevin were in the HoH room because he was in the bathroom and then came upstairs.  Jeff says they came in one second before Jeff did and how Jeff had just woken up from his nap.

Kevin and Natalie making food in the kitchen.  Jordan and Michele working out outside.  Natalie tells Kevin that she wants to tell Jeff one last time how she won't put him up.

8:00PM BBT: Michele and Jordan still working out, now walking. Natalie and Kevin make tuna with carrots, eggs?, celery and ????
8:25PM BBT: All four cameras are on Michele and Jordan jogging in BY.
8:30PM BBT: Work out time over, time to hit the showers
8:50PM BBT: Natalie and Kevin play pool while dissing Russell.  Russell and Jeff are in the kitchen. Jeff gets wine and Russell says he will take a glass. (Jokingly)
9:35PM BBT: Natalie goes to set up for Texas Hold'em. Asks Russell if he wants to play he says no.  Natalie goes inside and Russell says he is going to avoid an arguement by not playing. Jordan not going to play either.

Jeff gets called to the DR. (They have all be called to DR through out the evening)

9:45PM BBT: Jordan and Jeff in BY--Jordan has been counting things, pillows, stuff in green room, the table in the livingroom between the green chairs used to have a plant on it and now doesn't. Jeff counted things in the kitchen. 595 silver cans in green room, 103 bottles on top. Jeff off to play cards, Jordan going to lay on hammock.

There's not much going on, tonight, and you can get the details here:  Read The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:15 - 12:30AM in depth]

1:30AM BBT:  Game night continues.  In the BY,  Michele and Russell are playing badminton.  Natalie and Kevin are playing pool. 

3:30AM BBT:  Everyone's still awake,  but there's just nothing to report.  Michele and Russell feel the PoV will be used to put one of them on the block.  Natalie and Kevin are plotting things to do that will cause Russell to blow-up and help insure he'll be voted out.  Jeff and Jordan hasn't had anything new to say,  they don't trust Russ and Michele, etc..

3:47AM BBT:  Natalie, Kevin, Michele and Russ are chatting amicably in the red room.  Jeff and Jordan are in the HoH bed room with the lights off,  chatting amicably.  There are frequent FotHs. 

3:58AM BBT: Jeff and Jordan fussing in the HoH room. He wants Jordan to get her water but she doesn’t want to go.  Jeff rants that it would have been nice if she would get him water since he cooks her food for her,  it would have been a nice gesture if she would have went to get it for him.  She says that they just got done saying that they wouldn’t fuss at each other.

"Use your inside voice and take it down a notch."  Jordan growls and tells him that he’s on his man period.  Jeff jokes that he’s going to throw the water in her face when she gets back.

Jordan gets him the water and runs into Michele.  Idle chit chat about being up and going back to sleep now.  She brings the water to Jeff and he thanks her.  We'll be right back...

Look who got stuck with all the work today:  Angelo Joe, BigMDGirl, CeCiMom, Dade, joyami, laladoopiedu, Marty, morty, pink3572906, StephenV and txcyclone

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