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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Tuesday, July 14, 2009:  Let's Start the Day Early For No Reason
8:30AM BBT: BB:  "Good morning houseguests.  It's time to get up for the day."

9:00AM BBT:  Several HGs are up and around.
9:10AM BBT:  Lydia, Russell, Jordan and Ronnie outside.  Just chit chat going on and Ronnie on the elliptical.  I also saw Michele in the BR.

9:20AM BBT:  Braden is starting the day with a renewed hope of staying in the house.  He tells Jeff and Jessie  that last night,  while they were sitting around the table, "eating that fantastic pizza,"  he started counting allies,  and came to the conclusion he's not dead in the water.  Braden says he would run through a wall of fire to prove himself and win things and hopes Jessie will take that into consideration.   Braden knows he's  throwing Chima under the bus saying that she makes bad comments.  Braden says he can see her having a switch that turns on and off. "She can do definite damage."  

Braden tells Jessie that he wants him to think about keeping him and he is going to talk to some other people today.  [ Braden is really trying to talk Jessie into keeping him]   Braden asks Jessie to take it all in and give it a couple of hours or a day and that it could go either way. Braden tells Jesse that he thinks he will be a better team member than Chima would be.  Jeff tells him then he better start making a racial correction.  Braden says he doesn't need him anyway.  [He's referring to Kevin, a Japanese-African-American, who Braden called "a San Diego Mexican, you're a beaner."] 

9:30AM BBT:  On the patio,  Casey,  Jessie, and Russell  discuss Braden's new goal of staying in the house.  They don't hold much hope for him,  and without saying it,  it doesn't sound like any of the three will vote to keep him.

9:45AM BBT:  Jessie is planning his day:  Back to bed.  Back in the HoH,  Russ and Jessie talk about Ronnie.  Jessie says they can trust Ronnie, "Ronnie tells me everything.  As long as I have Ronnie in here, I know everything that's going on." 

Russell tells Jessie how he orchestrated  the whole explosion between Braden and Lydia.  [I have to say,  Russell was really brilliant in how he went about this.]  Russell kept planting subtle seeds in Braden's mind,  he reminded him he's going home,  "So what are you going to do when you get out?  You should travel."  Then he would remind him that it's Lydia's fault he's going home,  and that he doesn't know if Lydia can be trusted.  Then,  when Russell was sure his seeds were about to sprout,  Russell went upstairs to shave his head so he wouldn't be anywhere near Braden when he went off on Lydia.  [The more I watch Russell, the more impressed I am with his intelligence.  It's early in the game,  but he's the only one in the house without a single enemy.] 

Russell is tells Jessie how he was getting information out of Jordan when she was crying. He said that Jordan was crying about how it's only her and Laura once Braden leaves.  Russell said that Jordan said her and Laura are close but haven't been talking much because Jordan is always with Jeff. They think Laura was playing them so she wouldn't go on the block.

10:10AM  BBT:  Jessie says Laura scares him in this game and how she can talk to anyone in the house. Jess says he knows Kevin wants Jeff out. Jess mentions a conversation Ronnie told him about Michele, that Michele told Ronnie as soon as the cliques are over, Michele will be trying to get Ronnie out. Jess and Russ don't believe this conversation and that Ronnie over-embellished this conversation and Ronnie is just trying to take a target off his back and put targets on people he wants out.

Jessie is aware that Ronnie could be riding their coat tails and Ronnie will be used as a pawn if he doesn't start winning things.  They don't want Ronnie to skate to the end because of their group.  Russell says he's going to take a dump and heads to HoH bathroom.  Jessie says Chima brought up more toilet paper and how he doesn't want Nat and Chima to team up.  Jessie:  "I mean Chima is a cool chick,  I just don't want her and Natalie to fuck us in the end."  Jessie turns on the HoH TV.

Feeds switch to BY. Jordan and Lydia are chatting in the sun.  Laura and Kevin are talking on the couch while Michele is on the elliptical. Ronnie joins them and Kevin calls him camera ready.  They talk about how they still have 2.5 more days of doing nothing and how after the show tonight, the fans should all be caught up.  Laura says the public probably won't see Kevin/Lydia/Jeff's fight until Thursday's show.  They then talk about editing.  They wonder if BB will show Chima's veto speech where she's kind of racist and talks about white girls.  Ronnie says BB will, since Chima laughed after her comment.

10:20AM BBT:  Lydia and Jordan continue doing their makeup outside.  Lydia wonders if Ronnie has deals with everyone and Jordan thinks Ronnie just gets over excited and wants to talk game with people who don't want to.  Lydia mentions Ronnie saying he'd play video games for 13 hours straight and Ronnie is just so passionate about the game.

Lydia heads inside to get something and Jordan joins Jeff on the hammock.  She thinks people will probably think they're scheming and Jeff doesn't care. She tells Jeff he needs to talk to someone today.

Ronnie is called to DR.  Jordan leaves and heads to the BY couch with the other HGs.

11:00AM BBT:  The HGs are on Outdoor LD.   Most of them are exercising,  others are just engaged in idle chatter. 

11:45AM BBT:  Now there's an Indoor LD.

Noon BBT:  Russell and Casey are upstairs playing chess.  Jessie,  Natalie,  Jordan,  Laura, Chima and Ronnie are in the first bedroom talking about BB10.  They say Memphis could have won more than the car if he really tried and how Jerry and Libra are from the same area.  Chima and Ronnie think if Jerry and Dan were final two,  Jerry would have won.  Russell screams down for Jessie or Ronnie for a chess question.  Jessie responds.  Jessie asks Laura how big her boyfriend is.  She says he's in between Russell and Jessie,  he's taller than her,  is 30 and isn't a body builder,  but has a career job.

Upstairs, Casey and Russ are talking about Nike Town. Russell is called to DR.  They pause they're game,  calling Casey's move is next and they both head downstairs.  Lydia and Kevin are cooking in the kitchen.

Casey goes to the first bedroom and talks about his Sean John 'Bitchassness', limited edition t-shirts he has.  He states he can't wear them many places, because it has bitch and ass on the front.  Unless he goes to a rap concert.  Jeff enters and Jordan talks about her vagina and her peeling scalp.

12:10PM BBT:  LD Over.  While they were inside BB moved the  outdoor furniture around.  No big deal.

Laura compares her boyfriend,  Ben, to Jeff's body--if Jeff worked out seven days a week.  Jeff says 'What are you trying to say?' and Laura says "Ben has big tatas. "

Lydia asks Kevin if Ross Mathews gave him any nuggets of advice.  Kevin said it was 'Don't lose your damn mind'  because gays lose their minds.  He says he lost it already and Lydia says he lost it yesterday (with the big fight).  Casey goes outside alone, smoking.  Jordan, Chima and Laura stay in bed chatting.  Laura says after the show,  she wants to go places and explore.  Chima suggests posing for Playboy and Jordan jokes  'Hugh Hefner, here I come.'  Chima says Jordan wants an older man and maybe she'll get her own reality show.  Jordan then talks about Hefner's girlfriends that got their own shows.

12:15PM BBT:  Kevin and Lydia made omelets and bacon. Jessie gets some food as Lydia and Kevin clean dishes.  Jeff, Jessie and Casey outside.

Click here for more afternoon details from  laladoopiedu

12:20PM BBT:  Jessie, Chima, Laura, and Jordan are rehashing last season.  Jessie is still blaming America for him losing last season.
Jessie:  "Dan was the biggest fucking crybaby out of them all.  They didn't portray him that way though.. he was the biggest baby."

1:10PM BBT:  Kevin and Russell are outside talking strategy. 
Russell:  "You can align with me and the Athletes, giving you a big advantage--  I mean,  honestly,   more then likely the Athletes will win most of the competitions.  Why would you align with the Brains.  I mean, if you want to align with the weak players,  and that's your strategy, go for it..  But it's dumb.  And that's what Jeff did."

1:40PM BBT:  Shocking!  Jeff and Jordan had a really funny conversation.  Besides not knowing who Al Pacino is, or what egg whites are,  Jordan does not know how to tell time.  Not kidding here!   She thinks there's 25 minutes in a quarter of an hour.  If it's a quarter to one, she thinks that means 1:15.  Jeff spent one of those 25 minute,  quarters of an hour trying to teach her to tell time,  but I don't think she completely grasped the concept.  Braden listens to the exchange and says, "...and I'm going home?"

2:25PM BBT:   Boring

Jessie does his George W. Bush impersonation for Russell,  and it was pretty good.  Meanwhile, in the BY, Michele and Lydia talk about doctors, healthcare and law suits.  Later Lydia asks Michele if she's ever read Catcher in the Rye.  Michelle has and they agree that Holden Caulfield is the best character ever from literature. 

Ronnie and Jordan are in the re-cycled room talking strategy.  I consider it a blessing that they are whispering and I can't hear them. 

3:00PM BBT:  Kevin and Casey are talking on the loft outside the HoH room.  I don't mean to sound negative today,  but it seems like Casey came in with a half dozen well rehearsed speeches,  and just like a juke box,  if you press the right buttons, one will play.  It's only the fifth day of the live feeds and I've heard all of Casey's speeches three times.  Here's one:  "You know when you hear a guy say, "I'm gonna put a cap in that motherfucker, I'm gonna take him out.'  Well, 90% of the time it's all talk,  the dude's just blowin' off steam.  Because, a natural born killer works in silence,  he won't let on what he's going to do. It's the ones that don't say anything that you have to watch out for." 

Jordan to Ronnie:  "So I'm going to tell people, 'That Ronnie really gets on my nerves' because I don't want them to know we're together. "

3:20PM BBT:  Poolside   Russell tells Jordan and Michelle about the motorcycle accident he was in where he was thrown 105 feet (115 feet is the record) when a driver cut him off.  His shoulder bone now sticks out from it.  After the accident he was paralyzed from the neck down.  There were six operations,  and thanks to advances in the field of spinal cord injury, and he credits his love for life,  he regained his ability to walk again and become fully functional again.

3:35PM BBT: Jordan is the first HG this season to drop her $4,000 microphone in the pool.  

3:15PM BBT: Jessie and Lydia cuddle under an improvised tent in the HoH room.

3:45PM BBT: Flashback Alert!  For those of you with live feeds, set your Flashback time to 3:45PM and Feed 1  (Don't have the live feeds, subscribe today and get a free 3 day trial.)   The cameraman is implying that there's something sexual going on under the tent in the HoH room.  You can hear heavy breathing and slurpy noises (kissing?  more?) ,  but there's not much movement.  I really can't tell if there was anything going on or not.  UPDATE:  I think something happened because Jessie had Lydia get up and get him a fresh pair of pants! [I wish I still smoked, I need a cigarette.] 

"They just hate me because I have a personality."

4:00PM BBT:  Everyone has rolled over and gone to sleep.  

4:35PM BBT:  Michele, Jordan and Ronnie talking by the pool. Ronnie talks about how in high school and people would call him gay. Michele says the same thing happened to her, but at the time, she wasn't doing anything with girls, but admits she's bisexual.  Jordan says she knows she's not gay, so sleeping with gay people doesn't bother her.  She comments about sleeping in the same bed with Lydia, who's bi, and Michele didn't know that.

Jeff wakes up and moves to the BY to do stretches and hops on the elliptical. Russell is in the kitchen, then moves to the bathroom. Jordan asks if Michele or Ronnie have tried out for BB before and both say no.   

4:55PM BBT:  The HGs are waking up from their naps.   Ronnie in the pool with Jordan on the sidelines.  Jeff is on the elliptical.  Russell in the kitchen mixing up some tuna. 

Natalie goes up to the HoH room and plants herself in the big chair across from the bed where Jessie and Lydia are,  still not fully awake.  Natalie says she's in a lot of pain from her arm.  She talked to the nurse this morning is is taking Naproxen.  Jessie asks Lydia to go ask  Russell if he's going to workout.  She gets up to go ask him.  Jessie goes over to Natalie to feel her shoulder and rub them.  (it's her right one.) They talk about game.  Natalie says that they're basically aligned with everyone in the house.  She says she won't put up Laura if she's HoH. Jessie says Laura's the best choice and if Natalie will put up Chima.  She says no then say's she'll put up Lydia.

5:30PM BBT:  In the kitchen Natalie tells everyone that her shoulder feels better now.   Natalie says thank you to Big Brother for getting her some IcyHot.   Natalie says she was hurting so bad she was thinking: "What's the point of being here?"

On Tonight's Show:  Jeff once again states that the nominations were a surprise to him.  Chima overhears Jeff tell Lydia she has nothing to worry about,  she's not going out.  When Russell and Jessie find out that Jeff is offering aid and comfort to Lydia,  they feel they've lost him as a teammate.  Russell describes Braden as a personable, friendly person, i.e.: a threat

At the veto challenge,  we see that it was a search for letters,  form the biggest word contest.  The letters were hidden in the pus of giant pimples.  In the DR,  Jeff admits he can't even send a text message without the spell checker coming up.  Jessie misspelled "continuously."  Natalie spelled "last"  Chima misspelled "superficiality."  Russell spelled "shotgun."  And Jeff had the famous "tecnotronic" (not a word even when spelled: "technotronic") Lydia misspelled "civilization."  Russell won, with seven letters, for "shotgun." 

In the HoH room, Russell and his teammates are sure Jeff threw the competition because, "he can't be that dumb."  Russell has a plan, to embarrass Jeff in front of everyone, and shake people's confidence in Jeff.  The result was the big verbal fight they had.  [Russell once again masterminded a situation to cause a change of opinion in his favor.]  The argument between Russ and Jeff,  caused a riff between  Jeff and Natalie,  but Russ was long gone by the time all the little fights broke out. 

In the DR we see Lydia saying she'll do anything to get Russell to use the PoV to save her,  and that includes getting Jessie on her side. 

Lydia convinces Jessie and Russell that Braden needs to go.  Ronnie tells Braden about the plan.  Russell feels Braden knows,  so he confronts Ronnie and asks if he told Braden,  Ronnie denies it.  In the DR Russell says Ronnie is over-playing his hand. 

At the PoV meeting, Chima and Lydia make their pleas (there were no remarks about "white girls" aired.)  Russell used the PoV, Jessie named Braden as the replacement.  In the DR Braden said that Jessie misrepresented him.  Jeff said that Jessie and Russell are like "high school boys, drunk with power."

Get a complete re-cap of tonight's show at this link at CBS.com, after the program has aired in all markets. 

Meanwhile, back at the house:
  6:30PM BBT:  Jessie telling Ronnie Michele and Kevin how to exercise, so they are all exercising in the BY. Casey,  Natalie and Braden are sitting on the patio talking about exercising and what you should do.  Nothing happening - Lydia is doing Jordan's hair and Laura is putting make up on.

Braden got his luggage so he can pack if he's evicted.  Braden's still campaigning to stay. 

6:50PM BBT:  Jeff. Chima and Jordan are in the kitchen.  Jeff and Jordan are eating--  general chit chat.  Everyone else is outside either exercising or sitting on the couches talking about exercising, 

7:30PM BBT:  Still have the boys exercising and the girls getting made-up.  Click here for more details from our message board

8:20PM BBT:  Feed 4: In the backyard, Jeff is sitting with Jordan, Michele, Casey, Jessie. Suddenly, Jeff asks them "Hey, who was the bully on the show 'Different Strokes'? What was his name?"

(He asked because he suspects the answer to be "The Gooch", which is related to a story Jordan told yesterday.) Only with Jeff's accent, the word "bully" really sounds more like "bowly."  and Casey can't really understand what he's asking.  So they have him repeat it a few times, and other stuff like "bullfighter" and "Chicago Bulls."  They are laughing like hyenas about it. [And so am I. -JEDI]

8:30 - 8:40PM BBT:  Lydia tells Kevin everything that happened in the HoH room with Jessie earlier.
    •  Kissing (but not on the lips).
    •  Jessie was grabbing her ass.
    •  Jessie joked about "these two fingers" again.
    •  Lydia says "he's so cute".
Kevin jokingly asks her next time to tweak Jessie's nipple on his behalf. Lydia says that she will not be the kisser next time, but is willing to be the kissee.  Kevin is asking if she gave him certain favors.  Did you whisper sweet nothings?  Lydia can't believe she's into him,  neither can Kevin.  Lydia says Natalie was banging on the door.  BANGING.  And Jessie made her wait to come in.  Lydia says they did take a little nap. Kevin's asking if he can get rough because he doesn't know his own strength.  Says he said to her "these two fingers" and that's when she yelled "Keep you hands to yourself!"

Talk turns to game.

9:00PM BBT:  Michele, Casey, Jordan, and Jeff, are  in the BY speculating on other high school themes that could introduced into the game.  They came up with: teacher's pet, principal's office,  detention, the prom,  drivers ed., the cafeteria,  and pep rallies.

9:45PM BBT:  Everyone is outside engaged in friendly conversation.  Casey just got out of the shower.  Braden's in the john.  Russell was trying to talk Ronnie into running somewhere without his clothes,  Ronnie refused [There's good news for the night.] 

9:55PM BBT:  Ronnie and Jordan discover that BB restocked the SR with beer.  While in the SR Ronnie pledges to Jordan that he'll never lie to her.   He also tells her he's a champion debater. 

10:15PM BBT:  Ronnie's a little buzzed and they dare him to skinny dip in the pool.  Ronnie says he can't because he'd lose his job (teacher), so he says he'll jump in with his clothes on,  which he does.  Then they ask him to do a belly-flop,  and he does that too.  Casey comes up with a game he calls "Have / Have Not."  Basically, they take turns going around and asking questions that start with either "Who has" or "Who has not".

Who has seen someone in this house naked?
Who has a crush on someone in this house?
Kevin: "Who took the explosive shit that was found in the bathroom?"  LOL  

10:20PM BBT: Laura, Michele, Lydia, and Laura share a four-way kiss.  Some cries of "lame!" are heard, so they do it again. 

10:25PM BBT: The patio group is playing 20 questions.  The party moves inside, after they can't guess Jessie's "velociraptor,"  so they play Seven-Up, Thumbs Down

11:00PM BBT:  Now they're playing Red light/Green light in the backyard.  11:05PM, Now they're playing Simon Says.

11:15PM BBT: In the kitchen,  people are making musical instruments, percussion ones,  with pots,  pans,  bowls, tongs,  colanders, and food. They head outside to perform..

Jordan: "I have a gas bubble I need to fart."

In the Pool room Jordan and Casey are joking around.  They move to BR where she announces her need to "flatulate" to Casey.  He says, "Don't bother me."  Jeff tries to help her through it by telling her to go sit on the pot but Jordan doesn't want to.  They head outside and Jordan still complaining about  her stomach.  Jeff joins the pots and pans ensemble.  The beats begin...and its becoming apparent HGs have no rhythm.

11:30PM BBT:  Russell brings out his jugs 4-40.  This is where everyone drinks one gallon of water in 4 minutes and hold it down for 40 seconds.  Jeff:  "This is silly if it's beer I'll do it."  He says again, "It's silly."  Jordan:  "Definitely not." when asked if she was going to do it.

Russell fills up the jugs. "I'm so screwed,  my stomach's so full." Jessie says.  Chima:  "You're not gonna throw up?"  Russell is so giddy about the sight of the impending puke.  He explains when he was a fire fighter they used to do it.

"Ronnie you're doing this, right?" Russell asks.   Ronnie says: "Hell yeah." and Russell says "I'm putting my money on you."

11:37PM BBT:  Russell says to take off the mics because of the "projectile vomit."  FotH

11:50PM BBT: The feeds return and there's no mention of the water-chugging game.  The feeds are on the bathroom area where Chima is complaining that no one cleans the toilet.  Her anger over the matter seems directed at Michele. 

Midnight:  More FotH.  The feeds return and it's just conversation about day-to-day stuff. 

12:15AM BBT:  Jeff and Jordan are talking,  almost oblivious to what's going on,  and tells him "They want me and you to make-out and they wanna watch."  Then all attention turns to them.  Chima "I want to play Truth or Dare."  Chima says, "Braden is still calling Julie a HO." and we get FotH.   Chima says she (Julie Chen?) doesn't care about them and she shows up for just for the money.

Natalie says if she gets backdoored like she did to Braden she's going to "burn your clothes."  Chima says "It's funny how the athletes keep threatening people-- Your whole team is Evel Dick"

12:22AM BBT: Braden is talking to Michele in the bathroom telling her he's a strong competitor,  "Lydia made up lies about me.  I'll have to deal with it.  I'd love to stay. I need to stay, ideally, "  Michele smiles politely long silence as Michele washes her face and Braden brushes his teeth complete with disgusting gagging noises.

12:25AM BBT: Jessie is still ragging on Memphis saying he coasted to the end "Had he actually won something,  he may have won."  Casey "I can't believe he gave you and your girlfriend the cold shoulder." and FotH.

12:30AM BBT: Inexplicable FotH  [Probably while bitter Jesse rants about Memphis.]

Feeds back with a yawning Casey saying, "You're gonna get that every time,,,"  talking about how he hated that 10 -0 vote.   Jessie "It was the mob mentality...."America voted me out"  [Damn right -StephenV]   Jessie:  "They were so boring soo fucking boring.  That Dan--  every single week it was this person this person.".  Jessie continues to say that his family and fans was at a 4:1 disadvantage,  calling Evel Dick a "douchebag" for saying, "You got voted out by America deal with it."  Jessie:  I had the highest rated House Calls ever."   Bitter Jessie continues whining...  Click here for more details from  StephenV and motormouthcj

2:40AM BBT:  Ronnie explained how Chima got pissed about "an explosive shit" someone took and didn't clean it up after it stuck to the flush  Michele said it didn't bother her that much and Chima got pissed at Michele ...

Kevin is inside with Lydia I guess he was cleaning now he's making something to eat and everyone decides to join him

Jeff and Jordan laying in bed talking about nothing ... looks like they might be going to sleep.

2:50AM BBT:  Chima saying there needs to be a meeting about cleaning tomorrow.  Casey is off to bed. No game talk happening.

Thanks to:  Angelo Joe, BonBon13, Canucklehead, CeCiMom, Dade, JEDI, King123, laladoopiedu, StephenV, Tocan2u, and ZuZuMamou for writing today's updates.


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