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Thursday, July 30, 2009:  Tonight: Live Eviction & HoH Contest
Did you know?  Ronnie says he has tap danced in musical theater productions.  He would have continued dancing,  but he was developing fractures in his feet,  so he says. 

4:15AM BBT:  Jessie is still awake talking a blue-streak to Natalie (Lydia is also in the bed with him,  but seems to have zoned out.).  Jessie's going on and on about fitness,  he must have missed the lesson on getting a good night's rest before a competition. 

4:45AM BBT: Girls still in Jessie's room sleeping at the foot of his bed whilst Jessie is out of the room and is playing a game of chess with himself.

6:45AM BBT:  Everyone is asleep.
8:30AM BBT: All the lights appear to have gone out.  The night vision isn't working and it's really hard to see anything.
8:40AM BBT:  Emergency lights have come on.  Seems like a power outage in the BB house.
8:56AM BBT:
  Everything appears to be back to normal now and everyone is still asleep.  But with the live show tonight who knows how long that will last.
9:10AM BBT:   FotH  (Time to get up.)
9:50AM BBT:  Russ in the DR,  Jeff, Chima and Ronnie are in the kitchen.  Casey's awake, but not on camera.  Kevin and Jordan,  also up.
10:00AM BBT:  Casey is back in bed in the pool room.
10:35AM BBT:  It's time for the HoH room LD.  Everyone makes their way upstairs.  Jessie is still in bed.  Russell is in the HoH bathroom shaving his upper body.  Everyone else is sitting in silence.
12:05PM BBT:  HoH LD is over, the HGs are free to move about the house.  Within a few minutes,  everyone is back to work,  cleaning and packing things away. 
12:45PM BBT:  Casey goes to the red room where Ronnie is sleeping and gives him the Evel Dick wake-up call,  banging pots and pans around him.  Ronnie tells Casey the reason he's a DJ is he can't make his own music,  so he just plays other.  Russell got a kick out of Casey's pot banging.  Ronnie runs to Michele to tell her about his witty come back to the attack.  Ronnie is pacing back and forth in the kitchen, visibly  shaken up.    Ronnie adds, "He's the worst player and the sorest loser in Big Brother history.  If he took 15 minutes to get to know me and everything I've been through in my life he would know he couldn't faze me."   Casey tells Ronnie he'd be back in a few to wake him again.

Russell walks by and Ronnie pretends to be a cowboy pulling guns out of his holster and shoots Russell.  Ronnie: "I got you!"  Russell keeps on walking

1:15PM BBT:  Side note: BB told Natalie she could not wear the garbage bag suit tonight and she keeps talking about it.  I believe that we keep getting the We'll be right back because of this!  She is not happy about it!

Tonight's Exciting Show...  The HGs have been playing as high school cliques,  but tonight is graduation,  and the HGs will be playing as individuals.  The first segment was about everyone's reaction to Casey's nomination. Casey needs to find the numbers to stay, and one number in favor of the idea is Kevin.  Casey convinces Russ that he's not Jessie's number two man,  that Russell's interest comes after Natalie,  and maybe Ronnie's.  You could see that Russ wasn't happy with the idea that he didn't have top billing after Jessie.    Next Lydia likes to watch Jessie sleep,  but Jessie is vulnerable when he's sleeping.  We see Jordan paint Jessie's toenails in hot pink.

So what's up with Jordan and Jeff?  Jordan tells the girls she doesn't think she'll be seeing Jeff after BB, but everyone else,  including Jordan's mom, and Jeff's mom,  think it might be a good idea to for them to at least consider the possibility. 

From the HoH room,  Julie asks Jessie how it's been with Lydia and Natalie vying for his attention.  Jessie says the relationships are plutonic.  When asked if Jessie think  the girls could be playing him.  Jessie said he would be surprised or offended to learn that. When asked which girl he'd prefer to be stranded on a deserted island with.  Jessie said he couldn't answer that.

When given the chance to say some last words before the vote,  Jordan was brief and polite.  Casey used the time to bash Ronnie and Jessie,  saying that if they follow Jesse like sheep,  they'll be his next victims. 

It's time for the live vote: Jeff voted to evict Casey,    Ronnie voted to evict Casey.  Natalie voted to evict the bitter banana.  Chima voted to Casey,  but Russ voted to evict Jordan.  Michele voted to evict Casey.  Lydia voted to evict Casey.  Kevin voted to evict Casey.   Contrary to their plans, the girls stood and walked him to the door.  Casey also took this opportunity to bash Jessie,  and Natalie jumped in to defend her boy.  "What are you his pit-bull?" Casey asked Natalie.   Casey got a bunch of kind farewell messages,  but Natalie's and Ronnie's were not among them.

After the eviction,  Julie told the HGs that the cliques are over.  Then she told the HGs that one HG would get a special power,  good for two weeks,  and America gets to pick who gets the power. The winner of the power has to keep it secret, and gets to over throw the HoH and replace one or more of the HoH's nominations. This special power is called the coup d'état  To vote,  go here

The power is up for grabs. The HGs are suspended from ropes,  hanging from a circular rotating frame, like a hanging carousel,  the first five to be eliminated from the contest get to select graduation from a table,  one of the gift boxes contains $5,000.   I giant diploma smacks the HGs each time they pass it.  Later, rain is added to the mix.

A complete re-cap of tonight's show is available on the CBS web side at this link.

6:30PM BBT: Kevin was out first: The feeds returned for one brief moment, to show Kevin laying on the ground. At 6:35PM Lydia was out.  Shortly thereafter Ronnie was out. 6:37PM:  Michele is still hanging on,  but puking as she spins.   7:00PM The spinning stopped, then started again, faster.  Chima pukes,   then rain, no one else out. Natalie is out.  Natalie is complaining that they took away her trashbags and if they let her keep them could have stayed up until tomorrow,  but "BB knew that and that's not fair."   7:20PM  No change,  still spinning, raining and slapping.  Russell almost looks like he's enjoying it.


7:26PM  BBT: Jordan is out. 

7:40PM   It's still between Chima, Jeff, Michele and Russell  The giant diploma smacker has broke.

8:00PM  Michele and Chima look miserable.  Jeff keeps shaking his hands trying to keep the circulation going.

8:09PM   Chima is out!  There are FotH breaks after each HG falls so BB can remove the empty seat so that no one gets hit by it.  8:20PM  The losers are left back into the house to change their clothes.  Inside,  Ronnie has an excuse for letting go,  he used his hand to cover his mouth when Lydia puked,  so it wasn't his fault.

8:33PM Jeff and Russell still hangin' in there.  Michele is out!  Jordan is giving Jeff words of encouragement from the sidelines. 

8:41PM  Russell pees himself while hanging on to the rope.

8:55PM  Pizza has arrived.

9:00PM  Jeff and Russell start trying to arrange an agreement.  They ask the spectators to go inside so they can talk.  They agreed to terms that keep each other safe,  but they couldn't agree to quit,  Jeff suggested Rock-Paper-Scissors,  and Russell said he'd feel stupid losing to that after all he'd been through.  Jeff wouldn't voluntarily quit,  so they're still hanging there. 

9:05PM The carousel starts spinning again,  and maybe the fastest it's been all night.  That diploma is smacking them very hard.  Jessie sits at the kitchen table eating pizza, as if he wasn't even interested in the contest taking place just several yards away. 

9:15PM Jessie and Ronnie go out to watch the competition. 

9:24PM  "Ronnie will go home."   Russell says he's going to nominate Ronnie right off the bat.  Jeff: "Do you swear on your Dad." Russell: "Look me in my eyes."  Jeff gives the game to Russell with promises of safety to him and Jordan.
Russell Wins HoH!
9:30PM BBT:  The HoH contest lasted 3.5 hours and in the end Russell couldn't get down,  as his shorts were tangled in the rope.  Russell tried to drop but lands on his head with his shorts still hanging and his shoes off.  Chima gives him a towel and Jessie gives him the key to the HoH room.  He needed Jeff to help him get down.  Jessie had to help Russell get dressed.

Jordan won the right to select three people to be on slop.  She put names in a hat, minus Michele Chima and Ronnie,  because they were on slop last week.  She picked Jeff, Natalie and Kevin to be the three Have-Nots this week.  The house all agreed that Jeff had been through enough,  and that Jordan should pick another name,  so she did.  The next name to come out of the hat was Jessie's  

9:45PM BBT:  In the recycled room,  Jessie isn't his usual up-beat self.  He whispers with Natalie and Chima.  Jessie complains about being on slop.  Natalie isn't worried because she has a Slop Pass.  They are concerned Ronnie will win the mystery power that Julie spoke of,  because they think Ronnie,  Jeff and Jordan are fan favorites.  [He's right on two out of three.]  Chima thinks the rogue voter is Jeff.  

Russell gives props to Jordan and Michele,  saying that Michele is pretty tough.  Russell's still shivering,  he says he tore up his hands really bad.  Natalie keeps telling everyone she's done showering for the week because as a Have-Not, she only gets cold water. 

10:10PM BBT:  Jordan has to gather everyone in the kitchen to announce the Have-Nots.  Natalie and Jeff are complaining that it's not fair that the Have-Nots will start not having tonight instead of tomorrow,  and Natalie is still bitching that they told her she couldn't wear her garbage bag outfit because it wasn't fair to the others.  [In the words of the great Artie Lange, "Whaaaaaa I lost, waaaaaaaa!']

10:20PM BBT:  Russell says he wishes he knew what the twist will be that could change the course of the game.  Ronnie pipes right up and says, "It's probably the coup d'état.'  Russell:  "What's that?"  Ronnie:  "They had it in All-stars.  Let's say you're HoH and you put up two people,  and I have the coup d'état, then I could pull the two people off the block and put up who ever I want except for the HoH or whoever has the PoV,  because they don't want to take away the power of the HoH."

10:25PM BBT:  Natalie is still telling how she was called in the DR three times so they could tell her she couldn't wear the garbage bags,  "I was in the shower,  they made it sound like it was some kind of emergency."  [Ronnie's beside himself,  not knowing who's butt to kiss,  so he's smooching them all.  -Morty

Click here for The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:30PM thru 3:00AM]

11:00PM BBT:  Jessie thinks he doesn't want to abide by the slop restriction.  He's in the re-cycled room with Natalie,  and he's trying to figure out how many days he'll have to stay on slop before he can start eating and take the penalty points.  He uses Jen's violations for a guide and says,  "She ate all that and only got one penalty vote."  Natalie:  "Yeah, but don't forget, she was on the block,  they'll give you a penalty nomination."  Jessie:  "What makes you think I won't be on the block?" 

Ronnie enters and asks if they mind if he hangs with them for a while,  "I just have to get away from them,  they're already putting ideas in my head.'  Jessie:  "Who's doing that?"  Ronnie:  'Kevin, he said..."  Jessie:  "Oh fuck what he says."  Ronnie thinks he's either going to win HoH next week or the coup d'état next week.  Ronnie says he thinks that America will  realize he can use it best. "If I were voting,  I would vote on how they would use it.  If America is like,  Ronnie started the crap the first week--  and  Ronnie got black balled the second week. Hmmm, we know Ronnie would use this. That's my only hope."  Jessie says America doesn't think that way,  the just vote for they're favorite.  Ronnie:  'Oh no,  that's not true.  In All-Stars they gave the power to Mike Boogie because they knew he'd use it."  Jessie:  "He used it?"  Ronnie:  "No."  Jessie: "My hope is that Jordan gets it. Because if she does, no way she can keep a secret,  and then she won't be able to use it.'

Natalie starts bashing Jordan for pulling the names out of a hat instead of picking people the way she should have.  "That was ridiculous,  like can you imagine someone picking nominations that?  If it was me, I would have picked Kevin, and Chima..."

Ronnie asks Jessie if Russell has told them anything about the deal he made with Jeff to end the competition.  Jessie says he hasn't discussed it yet.  Ronnie is concerned he might be up against Chima.  Russell assumes, Jessie, and Natalie are safe.

11:50PM BBT:  Flashback Back Alert! Feeds 3 & 4  If you have the live feeds, you can Flashback to any point in the BB11 season. Watch Big Brother on SuperPass!  Russell gets his room.  With the room came a letter from home,  written by his, mother, brother, sister, and his father.  His mother wrote how proud she is of him, and "if you're not smiling you're not living."  His brother wrote, "Do what you have fun to do and win..." From sis,  "You're doing a superb job...". His father said he was recovering from surgery,  "I'm thankful having you as a son."   It was a very touching letter and the fact that his father contributed, is very significant.  He got baked Lays chips, raisins, sushi, "Blue Moon," more eggs and A Red Hot Chile Peppers CD.

Russell talked about going hunting every year with his father.  "This is the first year I won't be going.  It's the only thing me and my brother do together.  It sucks, I'm not going to do it."  He ends with, "No tears," and that he's not going to cry.

Kevin gushes over the the picture of Russell's mom, "She has beautiful eyes."

12:35AM BBT:  Natalie is once again complaining about not being allowed to wear the garbage bags,  and that she won't take a cold shower. 

1:05AM BBT:  Russ was sharing his "Guardian Angel" treats with the other HGs when Kevin popped one in his mouth,  ate it,  then jumped up,  freaking out saying, "oh no!".  The other HGs assured him that it wasn't a big deal because he simply forgot. Now, in the recycled room,  Jessie and Natalie are angry about their plight.    Natalie "I'm accidentally going to take a hot shower" Jessie even said, "I'll go down stairs right now and have a piece of pizza and say I forgot too.. it's not a big deal".   Jessie and Natalie say that if Kevin can eat,  then they can eat.  Natalie:  "Well I'm sure they said, 'Well, it was his first time.'"  Jessie:  "Well when I go down there and eat a pizza, it'll be my first time too,  and they can let that slide too.  Of course that would be premeditated...."  They mock Kevin for making such a fuss over Russell's mother. 

1:45AM BBT: The butt-kissing line has formed at the HoH room door.  Chima and Natalie in the HoH and Natalie says, "Jessie's pissed about the slop thing." and Russell says,  "At least he made it to the Jury house,  because I'm not putting you guys up. You guys are my team."

Russell says "I don't take it personally."  Russell says Jeff was hurting, as Natalie said; Jeff could have stayed longer.  Russell said "He was fucking dying." and Chima says  "He was hiding it well."

1:55AM BBT Russell says  Ronnie is definitely going up because he will honor the deal with Jeff and one of the others Lydia/Kevin/Michele.  Natalie:  "My people next week are Lydia and Kevin."

Russell asks, "So was Jessie really furious about the slop?"   Natalie:  "Yes."  Russell: "Because he's gonna lose weight."

The group rags about how fast Kevin and Lydia and got prizes,  saying:  Lydia just said "Fuck this..." and dropped.   Russell says,  "I would never hang out with them."

2:00AM BBT More Kevin and Lydia bashing.  Chima says:  "I want Lydia to go up against Ronnie." and Russell says "I want Ronnie out." and Chima saying she wants to know who the rat is with the votes and Chima blames Jeff.  Chima hopes Ronnie doesn't get the power.

They're waiting for Jessie whose in the DR and Natalie says,  "He's bitching in there "he's bitching in there."   Natalie says, 'If I would of one it would have been Lydia and Kevin for sure."  .Then Chima says, "I should of fell and got the prizes."

2:06AM BBT: Russell said it stupid the way Jordan picked the Have-Nots.   They laugh how Jeff told her to "take me out" of her hat with names..

2:19AM BBT: Ronnie comes into HoH and clears Natalie from the room.  Russell tells Ronnie to get some sleep and they will talk tomorrow.

Chima tells Russell his letter "was the most profound" and it reflects the way he was brought up and his must be so intelligent.  [Hope she's wearing Chap-Stick.]  Michele enters asking for "tips" for the pain. [Sure the doctor has no clue and needs to ask Russell.]  Russ says to take "Advil" and rub some aloe on the sore spot. he called her a champ and said she did a hell of a job.  Michele says, "As long as you don't send me home this week,  we're good." 

Natalie runs to Jessie and Ronnie in green room and Ronnie says he was going to talk to Russell tomorrow.  "Should I go talk to him?" Jessie asks and Natalie says "Yes"

2:23AM BBT: Jessie enters and lies about not being angry about being on slop,  "It just sucks because Jeff could have been on it."  Jessie says he'll be alright,  just don't ask him to work out.

Russell tells Jessie about his conversation with Lydia.  Russell says Kevin is playing "the weak gay guy."   Jessie says "He Won $5,000" and basically throwing Kevin under the bus..

2:28AM BBT: Russell says he's not putting much stock into Lydia to "save her ass" and Jessie throws Lydia under the bus...

2:30AM BBT: Jessie really working hard for a Kevin/Lydia nomination.  Jessie:  "We're fucked if we don't win." and Russell says his goal is to get to the jury house with his team. 

2:33AM BBT:   They discuss who might win the America's Choice power,  and someone says Jessie will probably get it.  Jessie: "Are you kidding,  America hates me."  Chima and Russell both say it will be Jordan.

Jessie mentions that Jeff has been in the DR for over an hour,  'Maybe he already won it.  Why else would they have him in there this long at this hour."  Chima says Jordan was just called to DR and thinks she may have got "the magical power."

4:00AM BBT: There was still a lot of conversations going on,  mostly bashings and petty little problems.

Thanks for the really great job of covering today's action:  April, Angelo Joe, CAchristine, CeCiMom, cutietootie, Dade, DanielesFan, DreamAngel, Goldylucks, jammer, JEDI, joyami, King123, laladoopiedu, lightplum, lunamoth, Moxie, myss911, SMOOCHES, StephenV, SueZqueZ, Vinny, and ZuZuMamou.

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  

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