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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Sunday, July 26, 2009:  Happy Birthday Chima (Even though it's Tuesday)
Last night Jessie, Natalie and Kevin were up until 5:45AM (I know I saw them )   At some point after that,  Lydia went upstairs and got in bed with Jessie. 

Last night, well earlier today,  Natalie told Jessie the he should warn Ronnie that Lydia and Kevin do not have his back (Lydia suggested to Jessie that Ronnie go on the block as Michele's replacement,  instead of Casey, which is Jessie's plan).

9:55AM BBT:  They're sleeping late.  (Thank you BB)
10:55AM BBT:
 FotH [Must be a wake-up call]
11:00AM BBT:  Casey and Chima in Kitchen, Jordan is Bathroom, Lydia is walking around. Russell outside.
BB VOICE: The bedroom lights must remain on [Why don't they just control the lights themselves?]
11:10AM BBT:  Surprisingly everybody is up out of bed...
11:21AM BBT:  Jordan is taking a shower, and asks Michele to go get her a washcloths.. she gets it.
Outside,  Jeff eating cereal (?), and Lydia eating a banana [being very seductively].  Casey is sitting on the coach in his banana outfit.  Russell is outside as well.  Just general chit-chat..
11:23AM  BBT:  Chima and Jessie are upstairs talking about Lydia saying how she would put up Ronnie,  of course Ronnie interrupts.
11:27AM BBT:
Jessie : "Lydia said if I put up Casey, she and Kevin would vote up for Casey to stay."
Chima: " It wouldn't matter anyways.."
Jessie : "Yeah, it would be Jeff, You, Ronnie, Natalie, Russell would all vote him out,"
Chima: " Hmmm (keeps doing it in agreement."
Jessie: " I seriously live 30 minutes away from Casey."
(random talk)
Jessie: " Lydia wants me to take out some of HER enemies... But I have to take out mine too."
Chima: "Yeah.. umm hmm... yah... hmmm umm hmmm"
Jessie: " And I don't have final two deals with everybody in my clique."  (Referring to Russell)
Chima: "Hmm hmmm"
Jessie: " He would put up Ronnie for sure if he wins HoH."
Chima: "So who does he have final two deals with?"
Jessie: " I don't know.. Not me.."
Chima: "Yeah.. me either."
Jessie : "I'm sure he has some with everybody..  Like Casey/"
Chima: " But he wants Casey out..  are you sure?
Jessie: " It doesn't matter cause Casey is going to be out. . He has one with Jordan"

11:38AM BBT:
  Chima:  "I think Jeff needs to go next week if I'm HoH."
Jessie" Yeah, yeah, Fuck yeah"
Chima: "Mmmm Hmmmm"
[Chima is starting to sound a lot like Jameka.. she "Mhhmmm" after everything Jessie says.  -King123]
Chima: "I know everybody is saying this, but I think the next HoH will be endurance,  and I'm going to hold on till my figures fall off."
Jessie:  "Yeah, Natalie really wants it too."
Chima:  "Mmmmm Hmmm.  Yeah, either one of us... mhhh hmmm"

12:15PM BBT: Chima and Jessie have been talking for a long time now, in the HoH bed.  They just had a conversation in which Jessie was telling her how he thought that Natalie and her were having friction because of the way they snap at each other sometimes,  but Natalie told him that it's just the way they are, and it means nothing, they're both good.
Chima agrees completely with Natalie,  saying it's not even game,  they just let it out at each other and then it's gone.

Chima then tells Jessie about her name, saying that her whole family calls her "Chee-ma" and that's it's a unisex name in Nigeria,  except that there are more men with the name then women.  When she was 12 or 13, she decided that she wanted it to sound more feminine, so she asked everyone to call her "Shee-ma" from then on.

12:50PM BBT:  [For the last half hour I have listened to Jessie prattle on about what a big star he is,  how popular he is, how he had 2500 Facebook friend requests after BB10, "And half of them didn't have photos.. So I'm like delete, delete,  delete.  Like the accounts were just opened yesterday,  like hours ago."  He goes on about how he got cast because he's just the type Robyn was looking for,  and after he was cast his old agent showed up and wanted her commission.  I must give credit to Jessie,  he's put himself in the position of leading his alliance,  and has managed to direct their moves.  He still says he was selected for this season because of his popularity,  but really, he got in because of the strength of the athletes,  and is no more popular than Cowboy.  In BB10, it was America's Choice to see him evicted.  I feel Jessie's a little smarter and a little more mellow than last season,  but give America the choice again,  and he'd be out the door again,  well,  maybe after Ronnie.  I just had to get that off my chest. -Morty

Chima tells Jessie (still in HoH bed) about her story with the rapist being featured on Cold Case Files.  She says lots of people looked for her on Facebook after that, and she wonders what kind of person would do that.

Natalie comes up and says she needs to have a quick word with Jessie,  and that it's not something behind Chima's back,  and she'll find out in like 10 minutes.  So Natalie and Jessie step out, Chima goes into the HoH bathroom.  Natalie tells Jessie that production is giving her the stuff for Chima's birthday, and they should make it a surprise. So she goes and gets Ronnie from the backyard and asks him to keep Chima company secluded somewhere while they decorate the HoH and stuff.  Natalie tells him that even those on slop will be able to eat birthday cake.

1:10PM BBT: Ronnie keeps Chima busy in HoH room (discussing Russell right now) while Jeff helps Natalie make cupcakes (?) for Chima's birthday.  They will have frosting, too.  Natalie has no idea how to make these. They may end up making one cake plus some cupcakes.

According to Natalie, who has read Big Brother's instructions concerning the birthday celebration, those on slop can only eat for one hour.  They won't be able to eat leftovers after the hour is up.  Chima's birthday is not until Tuesday, but they are having the celebration today.  Jessie has come down and is helping now.  Michele is also pitching in.

1:15PM BBT:  Ronnie and many of the other HGs think that next week's HoH competition will be an endurance.  This time,  I think they're right.  Last season, the HoH contest that followed the third eviction was an endurance contest [the Earthquake one with the shaking building].  Ronnie's been in the HoH running his mouth off about how evil and two-faced Jeff and Jordan are.  Ronnie's supposed to be keeping her busy up there while everyone gets the house ready for Chima's birthday surprise. 

I am amused by the fact that Ronnie begins every statement with "Now I'm going to be perfectly honest with you...."  Ronnie says that if he was a parent of one of  Casey's student,  and saw how ignorant he is,  "I'd be on the phone with the board of education.  Now you know I've had a glass of wine while I've been in the house...   But,  back home,  I would never drink in public.  I might have a cocktail at home,  but when I go out,  I don't drink in public.  Because as a teacher,  I feel I have to live up to higher standard." 

Well, to be perfectly honest with you,  Ronnie is not a teacher,  he's just a 30 year old college student at Ohio University who is supported by his wife who is a teacher at Parkersburg South High School. 

1:45PM BBT:  Ronnie is saying how Jeff and Jordan will be shocked when Casey goes up and Casey is going to be furious.  Chima is just agreeing and "Mmmmhhhuh hmmmum yes..."

Then Ronnie brings up if one of them does not win HoH next week,  the other side will go after Jessie and they need to protect them.  Both are wondering if Russell wins HoH whether he would stick to the plan.

Now they are talking about what they are going to say for goodbyes to Casey.  Ronnie says he going to tell him that he deserved this because he treated him worse then a dog and he hopes his faculty is watching this to see what kind of person he really is.

Now Ronnie is telling Chima how Laura was really lying when they had the big fight.  And he was sorry he didn't stand up then and speak out against Laura.   Ronnie saying it was Chima Jessie and Natalie were the only ones that believed in him and that's where his alliance is.

1:53PM BBT: Chima and Ronnie talking about Kevin not having any allegiance to anyone except Lydia and they are both floaters and will go with whoever has the power.

The only two people they really have to worry about is Jeff and Jordan for the next HoH and if it's endurance they are going to hold on till they can't feel there fingers. Now they're talking about past competitions and what they will do in each one.

Ronnie is telling Chima how after the nominations Lydia had him in the storage room and hugged him and said,  "See I told you everything will work out..  you got your key." He said he just went along with her even though he knew that the original plan was to backdoor him and she was lying to him.

2:00PM BBT: Chima and Ronnie discussing the veto meeting will probably be tomorrow morning and if they have the margarita party afterwards and people get drunk it could be very interesting.  Chima was planning not to go to the party but said it might be worth while now.

Chima now saying Casey is making stupid moves like going against the house and voting for Laura to stay (I hope she feels like an idiot when she learns it was Natalie)

Chima said Ronnie is going to enjoy the PoV meeting and he said it is going to be "delicious". Chima said even if Casey goes after Ronnie after the meeting he is going to look like a fool because he's in a banana suit. Ronnie said how he is not the Puppet Master in the house and Casey is the Puppet Master.  Ronnie tells her he wants the final four to be him, Chima, Jessie and Natalie.  Chima is talking about how they need to get Jordan out.  Ronnie:  She's like Jerry.  When he made it to final five,  he won HoH and the entire plan was screwed."  Chima: "If anybody goes to the end with Jordan they will lose.. not doubt."

2:35PM BBT: After an hour and a half of of Ronnie's trash talk, with his mouth running a mile a minute,  we are finally spared by the start of Chima's Birthday party!

3:00PM BBT:  This was the dullest party I ever saw.  BB allowed it to last an hour,  but it was breaking up after 30 minutes. 

3:55PM BBT:  Mister Pectacular (Jessie) and Natalie are in the HoH bed making general chat.  Natalie says she'd like to come back and be on an Big Brother All-Stars,  but,  she really wants to be on Amazing Race.  I was never sure if anyone in the house knows Natalie's true age,  but while they were talking, Natalie tells Jessie she's 24 and her boyfriend is 30.  Judging from Jessie's lack of reaction,  it's something he already knew.

4:04PM BBT:  Lydia's doing laundry,  the others are just doing ADLs.  After a brief FotH,  we heard Ronnie say , "Maybe they're setting up for the margarita party."  Michele notes that it's getting cloudy outside [I checked the forecast,  just more sun.]  Russell's been reprimanded a few times for playing with the microphones over the kitchen bar.

4:30PM BBT:  Nothing happening.  Jessie's been rambling on about diet and nutrition, "Every dietician or nutritionist will tell you that you needs carbs,  before and after a workout."  And Ronnie's telling Kevin all about video gaming. 

4:45PM BBT:  Michele went in the bathroom and is talking to Chima who is in the shower. Michele said she wishes she had a windbreaker and they are talking about rain (must be raining outside) Lydia now joins them.

6:06PM BBT:  Russell and Jordan talking in the Red Room and Jordan told him Jeff kissed her on the cheek.  Russell says, "Wow you got the first kiss in the house." and Jordan says no it was only a kiss on the cheek.  Chima walks in and Jordan offers her a pita and Chima reminds her she's on slop and Jordan apologizes, said she forgot.

Lydia Kevin and Michele talking on the couched and discussing Lydia showing her lips when she mooned Lydia.  Michele saying she only meant for her to show a little not full view.  Lydia and Kevin just decided to leave Michele and go in the green room to get some sleep.

Kevin and Lydia go in the green room and say out loud to no one that they are going to sleep and not scheming. two minutes later they are discussing who Jessie is going to put up tomorrow and Kevin said he thinks it will be her.  She said no he told me yesterday he wouldn't put me up.  Plus she told him if he put her up she will put him up if she gets a chance.  They stop talking and now look like they are going to sleep.

Jordan and Jeff in the kitchen cooking.  Casey joins them in the banana suit.  Russell comes in and eats a banana.

6:15PM BBT:  While to TV show aired on the east coast,  nothing happened in the house.  Nothing continued to happen after the  show,  and I think we're in for a long spell of nothing.  The HGs are on indoor LD.

7:00PM BBT:  The HGs will get their margarita party tonight,  complete with a mariachi band.  Casey won the party for the house in the PoV contest,  I think it's the reason he has to wear the banana costume until Thursday.

7:15PM BBT:  The party has begun.  I don't think there's music,  but there's Mexican food and sombreros.  The Have-Nots are not allowed to drink and eat at the party so Ronnie and Chima stay in the red room.  Ronnie went and took a look at the BY so that he could tell Chima how lame the party looks. Ronnie is calling Michelle a butt kisser because she's excited about the party and went out with them. Ronnie just keeps trash talking. He has learned nothing from last week. Ronnie the rat is the king of RUTT.

7:30PM BBT:  It pains me to admit that Ronnie is right,  it's a lame party.

Tonight's  Big Brother Show:   A complete re-cap of tonight's show can be found here at CBS [This link will not be active until 7-27-2009]  After Ronnie was discoverd as the rat,  Russell was pleased that the focus was off him,  and on Ronnie.  At the HoH competition, Kevin saw Ronnie was happy that Jessie won HoH,  leading Kevin to believe that Jessie will try to keep Ronnie. 

From the DR, Jessie says there was no reason to try to put Ronnie out.   Without the HoH room to hide in,  Ronnie has been trying to isolate himself from the others.  Natalie suggests Ronnie go outside with the others and try to start blending back in.  Jessie got his HoH room,  Lydia liked the picture of Jessie's motorcycle,  she's turned on by guys that ride.

From the DR,  Natalie says that what she says to Jessie carries a lot of weight, and she wants Casey out. 

From the DR,  Lydia says she has what she'd describe as a "kindergarten crush" on him. 

Ronnie goes to work kissing butt to get back in everyone's good graces.  Michele didn't find Ronnie's apology sincere. 

From the DR, Kevin says that Jessie is sitting pretty right now,  because,  "Lydia's into Jessie,  and Natalie's into Jessie,  and Jessie's into Jessie.  "  Jessie describes Michelle as really bad used car salesman, that he doesn't trust. 

Jordan tells us what it's like to be a Have-Not.  In the next Haves / Have-Nots contest,  Jordan was the only representative for 'the populars clique.   In a tailgate party themed contest. it wasn't how much you could do for yourself,  it was scored on how much you could screw the other guy.  Kevin targeted the brains.   Kevin's plan worked,  and Michele, Ronnie, and Chima ended up the Have-Nots.  Ronnie was pleased that America voted to allow the Have-Nots to have cocktail weenies. 

Jesse starts his survey:  "Why do you want Ronnie out,  and how will it benefit you?"

There's another America's Choice vote on additional food for next week's Have-Nots.  Click Here to vote.

With the house always switching Have-Nots,  everyone's always switching beds,  but Lydia points out that Natalie has never given up her bed.  This caused another riff,  with Jessie in the  middle. 

At the nomination ceremony,  the athletes were safe and got their keys, the remaining keys came out in this order: Chima, Kevin,  Casey, Lydia, Ronnie. Michele and Jordan were nominated without Jessie giving a reason.  The show ending with Ronnie gleefully trying to recreate one of Dr. Wills DR phone call routines, in which he gets a last minute reprieve from the governor.

7:20PM BBT:   Michele is at the margarita party,  but she's a Have-Not and just hangin' out.  Inside,  Chima is pouting because she's missing out on party and reported to her that Michele is pissing him off because she's out there kissing ass.   Ronnie keeps throwing Michele under the bus. Ronnie is tooting his own horn as if he's back in power saying as long as Jeff or Jordan don't win HoH they should be fine.  Chima keeps saying, "Uh uh hmmmm,"  and "Yeah, yeah."  just agreeing with Ronnie's rambling.

The BY group is enjoying the festivities. or lack there of,  just general chit chat

7:45PM BBT: Natalie following Jessie around and whispering.  She says they are making the best decision for them.  She wants to win next time and put her up (I guess Lydia). She said she's out for blood.

7:55PM BBT: The margarita party has been happening for the last 30 minutes. Natalie has joined the red room group and they start bad-mouthing one of the girls. (I think it's Lydia?)  Ronnie calls her a "frienemy."  They talk about back-dooring her,  but not this week because Casey has to go.

8:15PM BBT:  As the "party" is breaking up,  Jeff asks everyone,  "Why is everyone so quiet and solemn?"  Kevin:  "Maybe because tomorrow is the PoV meeting"  Jeff:  "Then we should all be happy,  right?  He's going home--  Right? Everyone's still down with the plan aren't they?"  [Dead silence]  Casey:  "Well I haven't heard anything,  but then I'm not always in the loop."   Jeff: "Well has anyone heard anything?"  [Dead silence]  Jeff starts teasing Kevin, "Oh, I saw that look, Kevin knows something.  What do you know Kevin?"  Kevin doesn't answer. 

8:35PM BBT:  Jordan tells Jeff to just enjoy this week, "It may be my last week here."  Jeff:  "No, I think if you go up against Casey it'll be Casey that goes."   Later,  Jordan tells Jeff that Russell told her not to be worried that "I'm safe."   Jeff was amazed that Russell told her that,  with instructions not to tell Jeff,  and she didn't tell. "What do you mean?  I just told you."  Jeff is mad and grumbling that they're all fucked.  Jeff: "I actually hope Ronnie wins this show, he at least played the game."

9:10PM BBT: Casey came upstairs and asked Russell,  Lydia and Jordan to leave the HoH room so he could talk to Jessie.  Jessie tells Casey to wait until he finishes his game of chess with Natalie. Kevin and Michele are watching the game and Casey went back downstairs.

9:15PM BBT: Ronnie joins the chess game.  Lydia leaves the HoH room,  leaving Russell and Jordan.  Russell asking her where she went for spring break in NC.  Lydia comes back in and complains that Natalie gave her a dirty look when she first left the room.  Kevin walks in and asks if they're going into the pool.  Lydia asks what the whole Casey thing was about, but Kevin doesn't know.  Kevin says Casey is pissed because of the meeting that took place downstairs because of something small that was said and Jeff and Casey are paranoid and now smoking outside.

Lydia is eating a big tootsie roll and sticks part of it in her mouth and has Russell bite the other end, making it look like they kiss.

9:25PM BBT:  Something is said about condoms and Jordan says she hates them, as they rub her raw.  Lydia and Russell tell her to use them and she said she never did with 'him' and how they would make her vagina feel like it was on fire. They suggest she use warming lube or something. She heads downstairs.

She joins Casey and Jeff outside and tells them they told her they're sticking with the plan and Jeff says 'I hope so.'  They're eating candy as Casey smokes.  Casey tells what happened upstairs with Jessie and Jeff and Lydia tell him to stay calm.  Jordan tells him they told her Casey's safe and the boys are just paranoid.

9:30PM BBT:  Casey is upset, thinking he's going on the block.  He says Jessie told him this morning he was sticking to the plan but Casey has heard differently since then.  Jordan is scratching Jeff's back and Casey smokes.  Casey says Jessie won't put up Chima, leaving the three off-beats and how Lydia wants to suck Jessie' dick, so he won't put her up. They complain that Natalie was a party downer because she couldn't drink.  Casey says he'll continue to play it cool,  but wants confirmation and know if Jessie is going back on his word. Jeff agrees he'd want to know. They continue to speculate what will happen this week.

9:35PM BBT:   Upstairs, Jessie and Natalie still playing chess with Michele watching.  Lydia, Kevin and Russell should still be in the HoH room.

9:40PM BBT:  Jessie keeps putting Natalie in check and finally wins.  Natalie goes into the HoH and Michele whispers with Jessie.  Jordan comes upstairs and joins the HoH crew.

Michele seems to be trying to get Ronnie on the block.  Jessie is trying to tell her he asked everyone the same two questions and they don't want Ronnie gone.  Michele asks if he thinks those people were being honest and Jessie says "yes."  Michele starts to count votes for Ronnie to leave. Michele counts a 4-4 tie with Jessie making the final decision.  Michele wants Ronnie on the block and Jessie doesn't understand why Michele changed her answers from yesterday to today about keeping Ronnie.

Jessie says if Casey goes up, he'll go home.  Michele asks if Jessie is sure he has the votes to evict Casey and he says yes.  He asks her again what changed in her.  He asks how keeping Casey benefits her and she says it doesn't.  Jessie asks her how Ronnie leaving benefits her and she says it doesn't,  she's just asking.  Jessie says this is a great time for him to get in Michele's head and see where she's at, but he doesn't understand how getting rid of Ronnie helps her,  and she says it doesn't, but she wants him out.

Jessie is trying to convince Michele that if Ronnie stays and the cliques are gone,  Michele is not Ronnie's target,  but Casey may target Michele.  Jessie is catching Michele backtracking,  but she's not giving up.  Jessie says if Natalie would have won veto, she would have taken Michele off because they're on her side and have her best intentions in mind.  Jessie tells Michele that he didn't put her up week one.

9:45PM BBT:  Casey comes upstairs and sits with Michele and Jessie.  Jessie says it's a done deal and that's how the cookie crumbles (but I don't know if he's talking about Casey going up).

9:45PM BBT:  Casey asks to holler at Jessie in the HoH room and Jessie agrees and goes inside to kick the others out.  Everyone goes downstairs and Ronnie comes upstairs. Michele starts whispering to him.

In the HoH, Casey tells Jessie that he's #10 on his list and not coming after Jessie and if he's heard differently.  Jessie says that he's heard Casey talking crap about the athletes.  Natalie knocks on the door and says she has to poop and the downstairs toilet is clogged.  Casey doesn't look happy,  but continues telling Jessie he's not after him.  Casey keeps saying man to man,  he's not after Jessie and thought they were good. Casey says he doesn't go talking around to everyone,  playing the he said/she said game.

Casey pitches Ronnie leaving,  because he's a rat and has lied to everyone. [And his mother dresses him funny.]  Jessie agrees and says there's only three people he can put up.  Casey says there's five: Ronnie, Chima and the three off-beats. Jessie says Ronnie didn't put him up nor had to come talk to Jessie.  Casey says he didn't think he had to come talk to Jessie because he thought they were good. Casey brings up this morning in the bathroom when Jessie said he was still going with the plan and Casey says maybe it was a different plan Jessie has agreed to.  Jessie is trying to tell Casey about stuff he's heard and Casey tells Jessie if he wants to believe those lies,  so be it.

Jessie tells Casey how Casey played personal the first week when he went against Chima and tried to keep Braden. Casey tells Jessie how Lydia runs her mouth and talks about Natalie all the time. Natalie finally leaves the HoH room.

Casey asks point blank what Jessie is going to do and Jessie says you gotta do what you gotta do.  Casey asks if their first week agreement is null and void and Jessie says yes,  die to certain stimulations.  Casey asks what and Jessie says something about the first week.  Jessie is holding his ground and Casey says if Jessie trusts Ronnie more than him,  so be it,  and Jessie says that's not the case.  Casey tells him that some of his comments are to try and keep people from knowing there's a Casey/Jessie agreement,  but Casey doesn't think Jessie believes him.

Jessie says that when you're HoH, you have to do what's best for you and Casey repeats that Jessie is last on his list of people he wants gone.  Casey says this is what he came up to HoH for, to talk about, and Casey gets up, shakes Jessie's hand and goes downstairs.

10:00PM BBT: Michele comes into the HoH room and says she cleared up stuff with Ronnie and trusts them. Chima comes in to use Jessie' bathroom. Jessie tells Michele that he wants her on his side. Michele asks if they have the votes to get Casey out (flipping back to Jessie' side) and Jessie says yes. He says they've presented Michele all these opportunities, but can't make Michele take them.

Natalie and Ronnie are talking by the chess game. He talks about them being final four.

10:08PM BBT: Feeds switch to Jeff, Casey and Jordan outside.

10:15PM BBT: Michele continues backtracking upstairs as Jessie tries to reassure her.

Jordan says when Jessie is HoH, he acts all mighty and Casey says people do that to Jessie, like by making him breakfast.  Jordan says Ronnie is licking Jessie's balls and Casey says Ronnie voted how Jessie wanted to week one.  Casey says he rolled the dice and thought that Jessie had his back.  Jordan comments how Casey got them all the margarita party and Casey and Jeff say how it sucked.

Casey says he's 90% sure he's going up. Jordan asks what Jessie said and Casey says he'll tell them tomorrow after the veto ceremony,  in case it doesn't happen.  Casey says Michele is no longer on their side and it's just them three VS. the other eight. Jordan says a lot of people just want to make it to the jury house.

Click here for The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:30PM thru ?  It's a work in progress]

10:30 PM BBT: Jordan the optimist says,  "Maybe he's just trying to scare you." Casey says,  "No."  Jeff:  "Why would he want to do that?" and says "I hope it comes to bite him in the ass." [Keeping Ronnie.]

Casey says he gave up some high numbers for the margarita party and really could have won PoV.  Jeff says they all knew about Jessie's plan of backdooring Casey.  Casey says he talked shit about the athletes to his teammates "and they all went and told him like bitches."   "We'll see what happens. says Casey

10:33PM BBT: Mostly silent..  Michele is upstairs getting the lecture from Jessie about "Trust through actions... '

10:34PM BBT: Outdoors on the couch the "other side" is playing Monday morning quarterback about their dealings with Ronnie...   Jeff sums it up best "Fuck!"

Casey:  "My wife is gonna be so mad at me for trusting Jessie." 

Casey talks about HGs being star struck and Jeff can't fathom Jessie a star.

10:37PM BBT: Casey gets up and leaves.  Jeff "I got to send somebody home next week." and Jeff is "100%" sure if it's an elimination HoH they're done.  Jeff:  "The only scrap of hope we have is if someone else wins it and wants to send Ronnie home and not us.  That's are only glimmer of hope."

Casey "Nobody makes eye contact... good shit" and says "Lydia is cooking Jessie's midnight snack" when Jeff asks who's in there..

10:40PM BBT: "What's this game like when you're winning?" Jeff says as they both laugh.  Jeff and Casey saying they coulda done better in this veto as Casey reiterates again "I won a fucking margarita party for this house."   Casey says his game would have been better had he gone around telling everyone's secrets.

10:44PM BBT: "I've been up four times in a row" and says "I don't know why they treat him like King"

Jeff upset 'so selfish" as his bedding is still damp..

11:30PM BBT:  Casey spills his conversation with Jessie to them even though he said he was waiting till after PoV ceremony [Guess reality has set in,  he's done.]

11:32PM BBT:  Lydia's at Jessie and goes to the HoH room.  Jessie asks "What's up,  but before she can answer he tells her to "hold up' and he says his prayers.   Jessie had the nerve to ask why and has her hold up as the does his prayers.  Lydia says Jeff and Casey was riding him about whether they were going to stick to the plan and Casey and Jeff were "trying to gang up" on Kevin.  Jessie says he has nothing to do with it saying he hasn't said anything..

Lydia says that Casey won't even look at or talk to them,  and Jessie says he thought they didn't.  

11:40PM BBT: Jessie continues eating and trying to get info outta Lydia.  Jessie says Michele says "Casey" as the person she wants out,  "Today she says 'Ronnie' and says she gave some bullshit lie."   Lydia tells Jessie about her conversation calling Ronnie "a lying bastard... sack of shit" and goes on tells him all day she say "he needs to go" and says Ronnie had a deal to stay. 

11:46PM BBT:  "You scared I'm gonna put you up,"  Jessie tells Lydia  and Lydia's really believing that Jessie's plan is to put Lydia up as a pawn to get Jordan out.  Jessie asks her, "Do I have reason to put you up?"  Lydia:  "You are going to put me up?"  Jessie smirks as she covers her head with a blanket.  Jessie asks why is she worried he's was gonna put her up.  Jessie says "I have no reason to put you up."  Lydia:  "Why would you?"  Jessie makes her promise she's never said anything.

11:50PM BBT: Jessie's psychological banter goes on and makes her repeat her promise of never putting each other up... "I think you're the only person that can make Jordan go home," as she tells him "I hate you" as he smirks to the camera..

Jessie asks, "Who is the one person you can trust in here?  Talk to me...'  Jessie tries to get Lydia to talk as they play wrestle on the bed.  Jessie:  "I'm scared you're gonna fuck me over."

11:54PM BBT: Jessie Lydia keep talking as Lydia plays like she's ignoring him as she says she's getting "anxiety" from him.
11:56PM BBT: Outside the HoH the chess game continues with no conversation

11:57PM BBT: Jessie says in HoH "I'm just playing with you," and tells Lydia "you and Kevin are the safest people in here."

12:00PM BBT: Jessie a hops into bed with Lydia and they get ready to take a nap when Natalie and Russell enter Jessie "I guess we're having a group meeting."  Lydia gets up and leaves as Russell locks the door behind her as Natalie recovers her spot on the bed..

Jessie tells them about his conversation with Casey,  and says he told Casey "The right guy will be going home"  and told him he wasn't badmouthing Natalie with Lydia and apologized for it.   Russell asks, "Did he say anything about me?"  and Jessie tells them about his thing with Lydia right now and they want to hear about his Casey have conversation, and he fills them in..

12:05PM BBT: "He's pleading for his life in a banana suit!" and Russell does his high pitched laugh.

12:08PM BBT: Lydia goes outside "I got kicked out' of the athlete's meeting she tells Jeff the outcast athlete.  Jordan comes out saying she caught Ronnie and Michele hugging. 
Jordan says Ronnie went into HoH and Lydia tells them she got kicked out.

Lydia lying through her teeth as Kevin as they are saying they didn't know about the plan to backdoor Casey and haven't heard about it..

12:11PM BBT:  Lydia talking about who she would love to see "certain people on the block." .Jeff says he thinks her and Kevin will put me up and Jeff says if they promise not to put them up he won't Kevin and Lydia up. Jeff "I will never die" about endurance.

Lydia says she would put up Natalie and Jeff being smart "I won't tell you who I will put up". .. and they make a pact not to put each other up.

Kevin and Lydia reassure Jordan Casey will go and not her..

12:16AM  BBT:  Kevin, Lydia, Jordan, and Jeff are in the backyard playing pool and discussing the game.  They come to an agreement that they'll have each other's back next week and should either of them win HoH, that they won't put anyone from this group of 4 up. Jeff called Lydia out about wanting Natalie out. She confirmed it. This comes on the heels of Lydia basically being kicked out of the HoH room by Natalie and Russell when they decide they want to have a "group meeting" during her cuddle session with Jessie 20 min ago.

12:19PM BBT:  In HoH The meeting continues as Jessie says Casey will "blow up" and try to stir shit up and Natalie says 'he'll try to get votes" and Russell says "he'll leave with a bang"

Today's updates were written by:  Angelo Joe, CeCiMom, Dade, DreamAngel, jar2, JEDI, King123, laladoopiedu, Lily3237, lorican, morty, and StephenV.


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