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The Big Brother Archive


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Friday, September 11, 2009:  This is How They Raise Veal
Take three paranoid people, keep them in an enclosed area, and give them nothing to do.   I'm bored just thinking about it.  It's not like there won't be game talk,  since no one trusts the other,  they need to be reassured every hour or so that the deal is still good. 

9:40AM BBT:  Still sleeping.
11:00AM BBT:  Still sleeping.
11:30AM BBT:  Jordan's up.
11:40AM BBT:  FotH  Wake-Up Call?
12:40PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie still sleeping,  Jordan lounging poolside.
1:55PM BBT:  Natalie and Kevin are still sleeping.  Jordan did a lot of little chores outside, straightening up things,  now she's back in bed.
2:45PM BBT:  Natalie went in the pool room and woke up Jordan to tell her how later they had slept.  Then Natalie went back to the red room and got in bed.
2:55PM BBT:  Jordan gets up and goes in the red room to them she can't sleep because of all the drilling and sawing she can hear.  Jordan goes outside,  take clothes out of washing and puts them in the dryer.  Kevin's up,  Natalie's still in bed.
3:15PM BBT:  Natalie's up.  The three of them are talking about the construction noise.  Jordan thinks they're building the bleachers for the finale audience. Jordan's bored and wants a field trip.  Natalie and Kevin laugh that they're not going to take them anywhere, and Jordan says she would love a tour of the studio backlot.  [That would be cool,  especially if we could go along via the live feeds.  -Morty
3:30PM BBT:  Natalie and Kevin are eating breakfast on the patio,  talking game and jury votes. Jordan is in the kitchen eating something out of a bowl,  I think it's ice cream.

4:15PM BBT:  For about twenty minutes,  Natalie was saying that Michele is a stupid bitch and pure evil. Kevin's been arguing the point that Michele was a very smart player,  her moves made sense, and she made it to final four.  Kevin argue that the "pure evil" label belongs on Ronnie for doing things that didn't serve to advance him, but were strictly to F with people's head.  The discussion was very heated for awhile,  and then Natalie got quiet,  Kevin defeated her.

Jordan's been napping in the green room .

4:30PM BBT:   Kevin's been whining on and on about wanting a helicopter tour of LA.  Finally BB says "Kevin, Stop that."  Kevin:  "Well it's alright to dream isn'r it?"  Natalie:  "yes,  but not out loud."  BB:  "Thank you very much."

4:45PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie are playing pool.   They both accuse each other of screwing each other. It's kind playful but serious at the same time
Kevin: "I have been more loyal than Jessie so relax."
Natalie: "Even in my interview with Julie I said I was 100 % with you."
Kevin: "You made me nervous because you lied about Pandora's box."
Natalie: "No I didn't.'
Kevin: "They didn't even ask you about the proposal,  that is big,  why wouldn't they ask you about it?"
Natalie: "They just ask me about you Kevin,  all about you. I didn't want to tell you about the proposal because I didn't want you guys to feel bad,  and I didn't want Jessie to find out."
Kevin: "You thought we would feel bad about the proposal? Why?"
Natalie: "I even told my boyfriend I wasn't going to tell you guys."

5:30PM BBT: Natalie and Kevin at kitchen counter
Natalie: " I love Ronnie. he was so great. I can't wait to see Ronnie." 
Kevin: "I cant wait to see Casey and Chima not Michele"
Natalie: "Michele has no social skills. Lydia comes from money. her family owns 5 Gold's Gyms"
Kevin: " I think Russell comes from money too."
Natalie: "Yah."
Kevin: "Maybe Braden's family has money, I don't know."

Jordan is still sleeping. Kevin is eating Cheetos.  Natalie is playing solitaire.  Jordan is awake in the pool room.  She is laying there staring into space.

Natalie wants to feed the fishies.
Kevin: " They flushed them down the toilet Natalie , that's what they do.."
Natalie: "Should we start cooking?"

She rummages around in the kitchen while Kevin is playing with the cards.

Now Jordan has a smile on her face laying there thinking.

5:48PM BBT:   As the space shuttle  Discovery flies over LA at an altitude of 15 miles,  the BB house and camera shakes.  Kevin looks up and says, "Shit, what was that?"
Neither Natalie or Jordan noticed as the space shuttle flew overhead.

5:55PM BBT: Kevin comes out of the storage room, "We got games.  We got croquet.  We have16 different games to play,  there's books to color in, there's more modeling clay, and this is what we should have had, it says it never dries out.  And we have your fav, dominos.  Thanks Big Brother."

6:25PM BBT:  September 11th.  Where were you when you heard about the terrorists attacks?  Jordan was in school,  and had never heard of the World Trade Center twin towers.  Natalie asked Kevin how they got the bombs on the plane.  Kevin had to explain that there were no bombs, they flew the planes into the buildings.  Kevin says that when 9-11 occurred Natalie was only 11 years old.  [She was 18.]  Kevin was dropping his boyfriend off at work when it happened.  When he heard it on the news, he passed it off as BS,  until he got home and saw it on TV and realized the scope of the situation. 

6:40PM BBT: All in the kitchen. Natalie talking about walking up the Statue of Liberty.  Jordan wants to go to NY at Christmas time.  She says she needs to get out more and glad she can now say she's been in California.  Kevin says she can visit Chicago and Jordan says she'd never want to live there.  She thinks it may be because her mom has family in Nebraska and she gets so bored there.  Kevin has no interest in Florida (boooo!) and Natalie says she's been to Disney World (WHOO!!!!!!!) and Wet N Wild.

Just chat about different cities.

Jordan has Kevin feel her scars from her boob job.  He says it's his first time touching a boob.  He says he's get a boob job if he was a girl and had a small chest.

Natalie is cooking dinner and tells Kevin he's on dish duty tonight.  He says no, part of cooking is cleaning and Natalie says no, Jordan did dishes last night and Kevin needs to do them tonight.

7:15PM BBT:  It's amazing what Natalie doesn't know about cooking.  She's never heard of Paula Dean or Rachel Ray,  which I can see, that's a  pop culture thing,  but she never heard of a wok.   Kevin's no chef,  but at least he knows how to steam vegetables.  Natalie asks if you can broil a steak,  why can't your bake it?   Kevin tells her you can't broil chicken (Kevin's wrong).  Natalie say she wants to learn to make lasagna,  Kevin says to buy it frozen (well, it is a lot of work).  Note to Jason:  Buy paper plates, this girl will always leave you with the dishes. 

8:10PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie are reminiscing in the hammock.   It's a really nice talk,  with very little bashing.  They both are saying how it was a lifelong dream to be on Big Brother and it was everything they had hoped for.  Just to get in the house was an amazing experience,  and and they were even more awestruck to actually compete in the games the had seen on TV.  Kevin said was so cool to hang out with people that he never would have had any contact with in the outside world,  "Like I have never hung out with anyone like Russell,  Casey or even Jeff.  And it was even cool to get to know someone as goofy as Braden."  Natalie:  "I never got to know him."  Kevin:  "And like where would I get to hang out with a genius like Michele?"  Natalie:  "She's no fuckin' genius."   Kevin: "Dude she's a doctor,  I'm sure she had the highest IQ of anyone in here."  [You could see both appreciate4d the BB experience,  but Natalie didn't appreciate the social challenges and opportunities the way Kevin did.]   Kevin:  "I still don't think you're 18, I don't know why you'd lie about it,  but we'll talk about it when we get out of here." 

[Warning America: Even though I like Kevin more than Natalie,  while listening to them in the hammock, I kept thinking,  "Gee, Kevin sounds like a nice guy."  Tonight he's so tolerant of others,  enjoyed the company everyone,  even appreciated getting to know Braden?  The guy that called him a "beaner" and told him to shove a banana up his ass?  What I believe is happening is that Kevin is campaigning for your vote America.  Kevin thinks his previous remarks and his homosexuality might stop you from voting for him, he cites last seasons American Idol, where Kevin believes the gay guy had more talent,  and was passed over for the straight one.   Kevin better be careful,  at 9:10 he started preaching his belief (maybe belief is the wrong word)  in Atheism. ]  

9:10PM BBT:  Bible Study:  Kevin says he's looked all over for God and he's never seen him. "Do you really believe that women was created from one of Adam's ribs?" Kevin asks her.  "I do."  replies Natalie without doubt or hesitation.  "How come there are no miracle any more?  Not even a little miracle."  Natalie doesn't answer he continues, "So do you believe in evolution? "  Natalie says she does.  Kevin questions that if you believe that God created Adam and Eve,  then she believes in creationism, not evolution, and she says he's right, she believes in creationism.  Kevin goes on to say that in South America people weren't given religious choice, they either became Christian or were put to death,  and all of that goes against the Bible.  The long conversation ends with Natalie saying that some time he will see the truth and return to Christianity. 

9:30PM BBT: " Let's go inside and hang out with Jordan." Kevin suggests.  They go inside, Jordan come out of the shower.  Jordan says she's tired, "I guess you're not, you slept so late." she tells them.  From there they go into yet another supposition into how the finale will unfold. 

9:35PM BBT:  Natalie's called to the DR.  While she's in there,  Jordan says to Kevin:  "You looked like you were dead, I mean your eyes looked dead."  Kevin:  "I was just thinking.  I'm thinking I might tell her."  I mean she has no idea, and she is going to flip."  Kevin says he doesn't constantly lying to her, later he says that he's constantly reassuring her that he's taking her.  Kevin moans, "She's going to be so, so upset with me."   [ I can't hear what Jordan's saying, Jordan's mic is rubbing against her clothes.]  Kevin says that he thinks he and Jordan would benefit most from the money.

Natalie comes out of the DR,  Kevin is called in.   Natalie starts grilling Jordan on what Kevin's said to her.  Natalie starts Kevin bashing, saying that he lies.

 The Nite Owl Report by cafeaulait begins here:
10:15PM BBT:
Random talk going on. Some of the topics Survivor, other BB HGs, and how they ended up on BB. They are now talking about "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here". They were talking about how Heidi and Spencer Pratt made that show.  Now they are wondering of Spencer got on The Hills. Now they are talking about the comforters that BB provide them with. They wonder what they do with them after the season.  Kevin says he thinks he wants to go to bed.  Jordan brings up the unwrapped muffins in the Kitchen, Natalie tells Kevin to do it because he is already up, so he does.

10:20PM BBT: Kevin is now wondering around the house.  He went to the HoH room to see if it is open and it is.  He tells the girls, and Natalie tells him to feed the fishes.  He also sees a molded cup with ants in it on the sitting area next to the HoH room.  The girls wonder why it would be open and ask him if he is lying.  He grabs the cup and and the chess board puts the cup in the sink, then brings the chess stuff to the Red Room to play chess with Natalie.  Kevin says that he wants to sleep up there and Natalie keeps telling him to feed the fishes.  Kevin says he doesn't want to and doesn't care about them.  Jordan proceeds to tell how she would by fish from Petsmart and would poke a hole in the bag and watch them die.  Kevin now tells a story about dropping little crabs he finds from the beach and drop them from the 2nd story from where they use to live.  Kevin calls crabs and lobsters roaches and disgusting Kevin/Jordan continue to tell stories about bad things they did as kids (like throwing water balloons at cars)  Kevin and Natalie playing chess while they are telling stories.

10:30PM BBT: No talking is going on, all of them are in the Red Room, and Kevin and Natalie are playing chess while Jordan just lying down.

10:35PM BBT: The only thing to be heard on the feeds is the moving of chess pieces. Oh, and Natalie just said check. Oh, they just discovered an ant on a chess piece. Natalie blew it off after Kevin said "eww"

10:42PM BBT: The camera just zooming into Jordan. Her eyes were shut, and now she opened them again.  Kevin and Natalie have hardly said much of anything throughout their chess match.

10:55PM BBT: Nothing has changed, excepted for Natalie occasionally munches on some kind of snack while she plays. Jordan just took off her microphone, and appears to actually try to fall asleep.

11:05PM BBT: Jordan no longer being shown on any of the feeds. Natalie just won the chess game.  Now her and Kevin are talking about mistakes they made in the chess game and overall chess rules.  According to Natalie you can have up to nine queens in the game (I have no clue what they are talking about, because I don't play chess).  Kevin saying that he has never heard of this rule.  They are going back and forth about this rule.  After arguing over that rule, they continue another round of chess.

11:15PM BBT: Jordan up and going to use the bathroom.  Kevin and Natalie still playing chess (They really need to give these hamsters some more exciting games to play)
Jordan is now in the kitchen, looking for something to munch on.  Natalie asked Jordan what time is it, she says 11:18.  Jordan then goes back to the Red Room with something to eat and drink.  Jordan then gets instructed to put on her microphone.  Natalie:  "Four more days till no more microphones."

11:27PM BBT:   Natalie ask what are they going to do tomorrow.  Jordan responds "there's nothing". Jordan decides to lay down again.

11:33PM BBT: (OMGosh, someone speaks!)
Jordan: "I want to meet Renny"
Natalie: "Maybe you will, they have past HGs in the audience."
Jordan: "Really?"
Natalie: "uh-huh"  then silence "Gosh, I wish it was Tuesday already."
everyone agrees
Jordan: "Imagine if it were only two people. It would be so boring"
and more silence
Natalie says that she wish they would bring a family member or something in the house for everyone to talk to.  She says that they are done with production.  Jordan is worried that no one will like her and she will get booed.  Natalie tells her that the audience is not allow to boo people. [On what planet?]  Natalie brings up that she ask for a pair of black heels.  If not, she will just wear the shoes she wore when she first enter the house.  and then silence again.

11:57PM BBT: Natalie thought she had checkmate, but she didn't.  They chess game continues.
Meanwhile, Jordan is just laying in her bed, occasionally biting her nails, and also occasionally smiling (I guess she is remembering happy/funny things that have happened in the house).  Natalie and Kevin are now arguing about chess rules again. Something about chasing a king.  Kevin claims the Natalie has made up her own rules, that causes the games to always end in a stalemate. 

12:05PM BBT: Natalie: "Can we do something, cause I'm gonna go insane if we have 3 more days like this."
after a bit of silence, Natalie and Jordan start talking about how they bite their nails
Jordan says she never clips her fingernails because she is always biting them. Natalie says she always gets manicures, so she doesn't personally clip them either.

After Kevin makes a move on the chess board, him and Natalie start arguing again.

Jordan goes to the kitchen to put her cup in the sink, then go to use the bathroom. Then she goes back to the kitchen. Then she goes outside to drip her feet in the Jacuzzi.

12:15PM BBT: Another round of arguing about chess moves begin between Natalie and Kevin.
Meanwhile, Jordan has taken her feet out of the Jacuzzi, grabbed a towel, gone to the bathroom to get a hair tie, gone back to the Jacuzzi, taken her shorts off and has gone into the Jacuzzi.

And Kevin and Natalie keep arguing about the chess match (Something about cat and mouse, checkmate, and reversing, and they same game going on for hours.)

12:37PM BBT: Jordan comes back in from the Jacuzzi.  She is going into the pool room to change.  Natalie tells Jordan that she would have gone in with her.  Kevin says that this is the game that will never end.  They have continue to bicker since my last update.
Natalie is trying to get Jordan to go into the DR to ask about chess rules.
Kevin went to bathroom.
Kevin returns and Jordan finished changing.
Jordan claims she bought the shirt she is wearing when she was drunk.
Jordan said that they should ask the DR to rent a movie for them to watch in HoH room tomorrow.  Jordan is now going to ask. Natalie told her to also ask about the chess rule. Then we get FotH.

12:47PM BBT: Feeds come back, and they start talking about movies, and then Jordan talks about how she is worried that people won't like her and they will boo her.  Kevin says that the didn't boo Ronnie (that's so true).
Talks turns to what Pro athletic teams they have back at home.
Jordan says that she wants to see a Lakers' game.
Talk turns to Kobe Bryant and his alleged rape and we get FotH again.

12:52PM BBT: When the feeds comes back, they start talking about Michael Jackson and his many looks.
then Natalie ask "Well since he bleach his skin, if he was around when their were bus restrictions, would he be able to sit in the front of the bus"
Kevin says no
talk then turns to their own skin tones. Jordan says she likes Natalie' Natalie skin tone.  Natalie claims she is caramel color.  Kevin says that Jordan is French vanilla,  Natalie is butter pecan, and he is cinnamon.
they then start to talk about what else has happen since they have been in the house. They wonder if there was a fire near bye.
They then jump back to the whole Michael Jackson death again and all the press surrounding it.
Jordan now talks about how she was scared to go on the plane because she knows someone that has died in a plane crash.
they now talk about plane safety. Kevin claims that you are suppose to count the rows in case the a the cabin feels with smoke so you can get to the exit. Natalie claims that always tries to sit at the emergency exit. But Kevin says you're so small. Natalie says that they let her.
plane talk continues.

1:05PM BBT: Talk now turns to the prize money.
Kevin hope that they might bump the prize money up to 1 million (He wishes)
Talk turn to Jeff. Kevin says that when Jeff and Jordan finally "do it" that she should text him and then rate how it was.
Talk turns to the Hawaii trip Jeff won.
Talk turn to the OTEV PoV. Natalie says she is the reason that Russell lost because she threw him off track, which caused Kevin to get up there instead of Russell.  They claim that they even reviewed the tapes, but continue the game.
They now talk about what if in the game. Some Russell bashing going on.
conversation switches to how weird it is going to be outside of the BB house.

1:15AM BBT: A lot of small talk going on.  Topics such as what they are most excited to do once they are out of the houses,  Ross and the Inside Dish interviews (they all like him), other interviews, and when BB send then back home after the finale.  They start talking in detail about some of the interviews, and we go to FotH.

1:23AM BBT: After a small FotH, they talk about how they thought that Kevin was going to be one of the over the top gay stereo-types.  Talk turns to Kevin's overall style.  They try to help Kevin decide what he will wear on finale night. Then Jordan/Natalie talk about what they might wear. Clothes talk continues.

1:41AM BBT: They are still talking about clothes, mostly what Natalie is going to wear on the finale night.  She is trying things on, Kevin mentions that she has small boobs and that her never knew that Natalie had a big butt.  Jordan even finds a shirt of her to wear pre boob job.  All the clothes Natalie got from the luxury competition are to big.

(that's it for me tonight, see you guys tomorrow -cafeaulait)

4:00AM BBT:  Kevin and Jordan are sleeping in the red room. Natalie is up, playing cards at the kitchen bar.

Harold Robbins, Danielle Steel, Jackie Collins, they can all kiss our asses.  None of them write like:  adballoon, Angelo Joe, CAchristine, cafeaulait, CeCiMom, Dade, Dawnie, JEDI, joyami, laladoopiedu, Marty, morty, pink3572906, and TwinCity.  And I really mean that.

Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  

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