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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Friday August 21, 2009:  Nominations
Who will Jeff put up?  Jeff and Jordan are certain that Natalie and Kevin are honest trustworthy people.   Meanwhile Kevin is telling Natalie that next week one of them has to win HoH so they can get rid of Jeff.  Jordan said that when she won the PoV last night she wanted to use it to backdoor Russell,  but since Lydia wanted to go home she let things stand as they  were. 

On Wednesday, Michele threw Russ under the bus and then backed over him a couple times.  Last night they were back on the patio taking about the two of them going to final two?  Michele blames her loose tongue on too much alcohol.  Russ sent Michele to the HoH for assurance that Jeff and Jordan are still onboard with their plans  for final four,  Jeff said the Michele and Russ are safe this week.   Russ tells Michele that no one going to final two with Jeff will win first prize.  Do you think they're getting enough air in that house?

9:00AM BBT:  Everyone still sleeping... 
10:20AM BBT:  Everyone still sleeping... 
10:30AM BBT:  FotH  Wake up time!
10:41AM BBT: Kevin, Natalie, someone else maybe?  I Said the bedroom lights must remain on during the day in a very stern angry voice.  Kevin in SR  Michele in bathroom looking in mirror, getting something out of the cabinet, she's wearing a bikini.  Looks like she's using face wipes possibly makeup remover sponges?  She puts on deodorant.  Goes to the mirror over the sink with what appears to be blush.  Basic ADLs
Jeff and Jordan Sleeping in HoH  
10:50AM BBT:  Jordan are awake in the HoH room.  Jordan is worried that Kevin, Natalie, Michele, and Russell could be forming an alliance,  so she thinks they should spend more time downstairs this week.  Jordan thinks that with Michele and Russell both being Have-Nots, they'll be getting closer together.  Jordan says she doesn't trust Russell at all,  and wonders why Michele came up last night to ask about Russell since the final four plan is already set.  Jeff says Michele should worry about herself,  and that her and Russell need to be broken up at some point. 

11:00AM BBT:  Natalie,  Kevin,  Jeff,  and Russell are back to sleep.   Jordan says that the screen downstairs didn't say nomination are today.  

11:40AM BBT:  Jordan doesn't like the way things are going.  They're thinking that they'll nominated Natalie and Kevin and evict Kevin.  Next week they'll get rid of Russell for a final four of, Jeff, Jordan, Michele and Natalie. 

11:45AM BBT:  The HGs are put on outdoor LD again.  They're thinking it has something to do with America's Vote for the Have-Not's food for the weeks. 

12:30PM BBT:  The outdoor LD is over.  The Have-Nots received Churros and Chitlins, they're kind of happy abut the churros,  but kind of grossed out by the chitlins.  They got a pretty big pile of churros,  and Russell broke them in half and started packaging them in zip-loc bags.  It sounds like they got some with filling or flavoring,  as Michele said she likes the strawberry ones. 

1:00PM BBT:  Russ is still in the kitchen,  he finished re-packing the churros (there was a lot of the).  By the Pool,  Jeff,  Jordan and Natalie are talking about various things like false IDs.  Jordan asked Natalie if anyone ever questioned her ID, and she said no,  she's even used it in Vegas. 

3:35PM BBT:   Jeff is whispering with Jordan in the green room about nomination scenarios.   They realize Kevin hasn't been on the block, but if he stayed,  he'd go after Russell and Michele.  Jeff and Jordan agree that they can't count on Russell' vote. They consider letting Kevin win HoH next week and Jeff says, "Then Natalie goes home this week?"  And Jordan says yes, one of them (Natalie/Kevin) need to go this week.  Jeff mentions if one comes off the block,  Russell goes up.   He said that he warned Kevin and Natalie that he may put them up as pawns but he really wants to back door Russell. 

Jeff tells Jordan that Kevin and Natalie him to switch their final four to be with them.  They are comparing who they can trust more.  Jeff says that he told them that he hasn’t been with them and he has a hard time trusting them now.  Jeff says that they need HoH next week big time.  It sounds like he’s going to go with the Kevin/Natalie and back door Russell plan but if Russell wins PoV,  they’ll vote out Kevin.  If Jeff puts Russell on the block directly, then that relationship is over and if he wins the PoV, it will be bad. Jordan is worried that Russell won’t follow through with his final four with them but Jeff says that he’ll use the “you’re a man of your word” back at him.

Jordan states if next week's HoH is endurance, and Russell is still here, he has a chance of winning.  Jordan says she wants to trust Natalie but Jeff asks what good is Natalie for? Jordan replies that Natalie is like Lydia, someone you can drag along.  Jordan says they need to look out for Jeff and Jordan.  Jeff says putting Natalie/Kevin up,  using the PoV to put Russell up and get him out.  He likes the chances of Michele/Jordan against Kevin/Natalie next week in the HoH competition.  Jeff says if Russell wins PoV, Jeff will tell him he didn't put Russell up so Russell shouldn't use the veto.

Seems like the plan is to definitely get Russell out this week.  Jeff says if Russell gets PoV and saves himself,  Kevin goes this week, but Jordan disagrees,  thinking they should keep Kevin. Jordan repeats to put up Natalie/Kevin and see what happens with PoV. They agree to backdoor Russell this week if they can.

3:45PM BBT:  Jeff keeps saying they need HoH next week because Jeff will be going up otherwise.  Jeff talks about what he'll say to Natalie/Kevin, that he doesn't have many options and two people have to go up but they're not the target and it'll be four against one in the PoV (I guess they're not counting Michele..).  He wants to trust Natalie/Kevin, but realizes they haven't been on his side this whole game.

Jeff says they have a card to play with Russell-- That if he wins PoV,  they'll tell him he gave them his word and swore on his pops that he'd stick to the final four deal (but I guess Jeff and Jordan's word didn't mean anything.) and not use the veto.

Russell called to DR.

Natalie opens the green room door and comes in,  saying she was wondering where everyone was.  Jordan tells her they're trying to figure everything out and how Natalie/Kevin will be pawns and Russell will go crazy if they put Russell up right away.

3:50PM BBT:  Jordan says that she knows Natalie thinks they're being weary with them this week but Natalie says she understands and they were honest with her last week.  They discuss Michele and Russell having a final two deal.

Jeff leaves the room.

Jordan thinks Russell wants to take Michele because she's a "Ronnie" and how Russell' vote is always the weird one.  Natalie says Russell voted for Laura,  Casey and Jessie [Natalie must have forgotten she voted for Laura, to try and "spicy things up"..]

Jordan says how she won't be telling Michele certain things and how she told Michele/Russell that if she heard something from one of them, she'd confront the other to get the truth and how Michele has been sticking up for Russell lately.

Natalie tells Jordan that their best option is to do final four with Natalie/Kevin and split Michele/Russell up.

BFF's Jordan and Natalie start talking about Russell and his actions.  Natalie states that Russell will try hard for veto whether he's on the block or not.  Jordan wants Kevin to trust her but thinks Kevin has bad feelings towards her because she sent Lydia home and Natalie reassures her that neither of them or mad and how they sent all of Jeff and Jordan's friends home.

Jordan asks who'd Natalie put up if she won HoH and Natalie says Michele/Russell and Jordan asks about if one of them saved themselves and Natalie changes the subject, saying the best option is to team with Natalie/Kevin for the final four because she doesn't have a deal with anyone in the house and why would Jeff and Jordan want to have people in the final four that they'd have to worry about if they get HoH.  [That makes no sense because at final four,  the HoH has to put up 2 out of 3 people.. Hello!  -laladoopiedu]

Jeff comes in and Natalie asks if he's scared to put Michele/Russell up together.  Jeff rations with her and says he knows Natalie/Kevin are scared about being on the block but Russell is his target and how Natalie/Kevin haven't been on his side this whole game and it's harder to trust them.  Jeff says Russell won one veto because he spelled "shotgun" and how Russell will play even harder if he's on the block and knows he's going home.  Natalie looks like she's about to cry and asks if Michele is on board with getting Russell out. Jordan says Michele will go with the house.

4:00PM BBT: Jeff says Russell is the plan and Natalie states how paranoid Russell is and the looks he's giving people.  Jeff thinks if he doesn't put Russell up now,  Russell will loosen up and lose a little focus.  Jordan says if Russell gets HoH next week,  Russell will put Jeff up and Natalie says if it's endurance and Jordan says with Russell out, it evens the playing field.  Natalie says oh well and how she trusts Jeff and Jordan because of their word last week.

Natalie gets up to leave and they tell her to reassure Kevin about the plan.  She leaves and Jeff and Jordan whisper about what was said while Jeff wasn't in the green room.

Michele called to DR.
4:05PM BBT: Feeds also showing Jeff and Jordan. Jeff says if Russell wins the veto,  Kevin goes home this week.

Natalie tells Kevin that Jordan told her that Jeff and Jordan aren't telling Michele anything until after the veto competition.

Inside, Jeff and Jordan talking about how they'll just tell Michele they have the numbers and are in control.   Jeff says he knows Russell thinks he's after him because he's caught Russell in 15 lies.  They discuss the confrontation with Michele/Russell and how they were saying they didn't remember stuff and how that's basically admitting you're lying.  Jeff says they get Russell out this week and Michele/Jordan get HoH next week.

Jeff says he'll never backstab Jordan and how they can really make it together to the end.

4:10PM BBT: Outside, Kevin say's he's excited about the PoV and they discuss what the competition could be.  Natalie thinks it'll be something timed individually, with the HGs waiting in separate rooms inside the house.

In the green room, Jordan is worried about being in the finals with Michele and how they wouldn't win.  Jeff tells her not to think about that stuff because Jeff and Jordan will be in the final two. Jordan says how exciting that would be.

Jeff talks about looking at stuff in the house and counting stuff for future competitions.

Inside Dish:
Ross Interviews Lydia

 Lydia reveals to The Insider's Ross Mathews how intimate she got with Jessie... Watch Now

4:40PM BBT: It's Nomination Time!
5:50PM BBT: 
Feeds back  We hear Natalie say, please don't evict me.  So she's up.
5:53PM BBT:
They keep going to FotH for some reason.

They seem to be on ID lockdown. Natalie saying she can't believe Kevin thought she told on him for eating while on slop. Says she never told.  [Oh yes, she did.]  Guess something came up about it during FotH.

5:58PM BBT:
Russell offering everyone some Churros, he's baking some.

6:03PM BBT: Jeff in HoH playing solitaire and listening to Bob Marley CD.

6:05PM BBT:  Michele just went into HoH and announced she needed to shave. She congratulated Jeff on nominations, and commented on his speech. Seems he said something about having to evict two people, as opposed to nominating two people.

6:25PM BBT: Russell and Jeff in BY, Russell trying to convince Jeff of his honesty and loyalty.  He said he's always kept his promises.

6:30PM BBT: Jeff and Russell are talking about staying in LA after the show is over for a little while.  They each have relatives there.  Now talking about Bob Marley CD, Jeff said it's the Legends CD

7:07PM BBT: Jordan in kit chatting with her new BFFs,  they're doing some Jessie bashing.  They're pumping Jordan full of Michele doubt,  it sounds like a campaign to backdoor her. 

Jeff Michele and Russell in BY, just BSing

7:49PM BBT: Kevin, Natalie and Michele are in the hot tub talking.  Natalie says she has Jordan.  Michele says she'd like to see them shake things up.  They're talking about the plan to backdoor Russell.

8:11PM BBT: All in BY, general chit-chat.
8:18PM BBT: I don't see Russell outside, but everyone else is there. they're all talking about different TV shows.
8:30PM BBT: Jordan called to DR, but she finishes her discussion before going.

Kevin telling story about a praying mantis getting in his car while he was driving said it scared the hell out of him,  because he had never saw one before.  He said he pulled over and started to call 911,  but he called his boyfriend to come and rescue him.   He said he couldn't drive afterwards because it would've made him a nervous wreck. (very funny)

Kevin asked Jeff what is he afraid of. Jeff said,  I don't like bugs.  Said he doesn't like heights either.  Natalie is very scared of bugs and would not have anything to do with them in any contest.

8:26PM BBT: They're now discussing high places.  Natalie says she likes the rush.  Said she wouldn't go skydiving.  Jeff said he would, just to conquer his fear. They move on to Six Flags,  high rides and bungee jumps.

Kevin says they're going to have a bug contest soon,  Natalie says she will not do it. said she hopes it won't be tomorrow 'because she needs to win. says she'll drink any liquid, but she's not eating any bugs.  She said if they offered her $10,000 to eat a bug,  she'd have to turn it down. 

8:30PM BBT: The conversation has moved on to rats. (Michele's favorite subject)  Natalie is talking about a rat will eat it's way through you if they put a blow torch on it. (wouldn't the torch burn a whole through you before the rat could eat a whole through you?) said it happened on Fast and Furious

Now talking how much fun the competitions are.

chairo writes: I didn't see this reported but earlier after Natalie met with Jeff and Jordan she went out and told Kevin everything that was said.  She said there was no chance of changing their minds.  Natalie said if she wins HoH Jeff is gone; she wants him out.  He has been running the house since week three and now she just wants him gone.  Nobody will win against Jeff in final two.

9:20PM BBT: .They are still outside talking about trivial things.  Football games, etc.  No game talk at all.

10:00PM BBT:  Natalie and Kevin in bed in the red room.  Michele and Russell making food in the kitchen.

Jeff comes out of DR and Russell is called in.  Russell asks why everyone is being called in and asks if there's another mystery power out there.  Jeff says I wish and heads to the HoH room where Jordan is in bed.

Jordan mentions how Russell is getting on her nerves and Michele always sticking up for him.  Jeff says that's why he likes it upstairs.  She goes on to tell him about a conversation with Kevin earlier.  She talks about the offer to have Natalie/Kevin final four and they see Michele on the spy screen, looking at the memory wall.  Jeff tells Jordan to practice/study, too, for future competitions.

Jordan says that she doesn't want a final four with both Natalie/Kevin,  but would take Natalie over Russell.  Jeff talks about Russell guaranteeing his loyalty to Jeff,  saying he won't put him up or vote him out.  Jordan's then worried Russell would then go after her but Jeff says Russell would put up Michele.

10:08PM BBT: Jeff says if Jordan wants to cut one of their numbers, they will,  or if she wants to backdoor Russell,  they will, but have to wait until after PoV.  Jeff asks if they should tell Michele now or later and Jordan says no to telling Michele anything until they need to.  Jeff gets mad that Jordan always wants him to tell people stuff and tells Jordan to deal with Michele because he can't.  Jordan defends herself, saying Jeff gets mad at her for saying too much, so would rather Jeff say it and Jeff smiles and pretends to kick her on the side of the head.

Jeff says it's funny how DR watches them and thanks them for putting on deodorant and thinks that's weird.

Russell is out of the DR and back in the kitchen with Michele.

10:12PM BBT: Jeff, who's been eating raspberries,  tries to get Jordan to get one and sticks it on his pinky finger and she bites it off.  He smiles and then she takes one and he says to eat it sexy.  She eats it and heads downstairs.  Jeff puts on his headphones and plays solitaire.

Russell is trying to think of different concoctions they can make with the slop.

10:30PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan joking upstairs.

Michele and Russell  talking outside. They wonder if Kevin's told anymore lies. Russell says Natalie was mad at him for wearing Casey's shirt the other day.  They agree Natalie and Kevin are trying the nice approach with Jeff and Jordan and how Natalie is trying to hang out with Jordan more now.  Michele comments how it was her and Jeff and Jordan every night at the Jacuzzi, alone, for weeks and now Natalie says she loves the HT.

Russell goes inside to check their food. In the HoH room, Jeff and Jordan are still play arguing and joking around.

10:36PM BBT: Russell comes back outside mentioning how Natalie and Kevin are sleeping, preparing for the veto.  He says that the hungry will win.  BB tells Michele not to obstruct her microphone and she says she's not and they both tell BB that they just called them out and others will think they're scheming.  Russell says he'll go inside and check on the food, as to make it look like they're not talking.

Upstairs, they discuss how Jordan/Michele need to get HoH next week.  Jordan asks Jeff if he's changed his mind about backdoor Russell and he says he's unsure,  in case Russell keeps his final four word.  Jeff says since he can't play for HoH next week,  he needs as many options as possible and if they get Russell out now, he can only rely on Jordan/Michele.

10:43PM BBT: Michele and Russell in the kitchen. Russell is going over the different items America has chosen for the Have-Nots, as if he's trying to practice the order for a future competition.

In the HoH, Jeff tells Jordan not to talk about the final two because there's still six people left.

10:48PM BBT: Russell tells Michele he's going to go see if things are the same as earlier and if they are, he'll be ecstatic.  He goes to the bathroom (I guess to check the water in the shower) because he comes back to the kitchen and they say darn because BB must have heard them.  They go back outside.

They start talking game right away.  Michele says they need to vote the same,  because with low voting numbers,  one vote can change things and Russell understands,  stating why he voted to keep Jessie.  They agree they need each other and mention how Jeff will always keep Jordan and how much he likes her. Russell says Jeff and Jordan might date after the show.

At this point if you were watching the quad view on the live feed,  the scene resembled an old split screen scene from a sixties comedy.  While Russ and Michele were predicting a future to Jeff and Jordan's relationship,  in the HoH room Jeff and Jordan were fighting like married people.  Jeff tried to show her a card trick,   but Jordan didn't know the names of the four suits in a deck of cards,  "I never played cards..."  He tried to advise her on gameplay, and she told him,  "I don't like the tone of your voice."

Russell hopes Jeff and Jordan stick to the plan because he wants to.  Michele says that Jeff and Jordan won't tell her anything right now, because they think she'll tell Russell,  so she doesn't know the true plan and Russell says they must win the veto.

10:55PM BBT: Michele says how she was in the HoH with Jeff and Jordan and neither of them would say anything.  They talk about how Jeff's been acting and how he's been wanting his alone time.

11:00PM BBT: Jeff teaches Jordan how to play Go Fish and they play in the HoH bed.

11:08PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan still playing Go Fish.  Outside, Michele and Russell are talking about his accident and injuries.

11:20PM BBT: Jordan is now teaching Jeff Slap Jack. He finds the game pointless but Jordan wants to play.

Michele tells Russell she's been through things in her life, but none of her family signed the BB papers, so she's not really allowed to talk about it.

12:00AM BBT:  Jeff and Jordan going through final four scenarios in bed in the dark.  Jeff realizes that it is critical that Michele or Jordan HAVE to win HoH next week.  Jeff is saying that the best case scenario is having Michele win next week and she takes out Kevin and the following week they take out Michele and it's a Jeff, Jordan, Natalie—F3. Jordan says that they need to break up Michele and Russell and they're going to get closer because they have to sleep in the have-not room.  Jeff says that they need to talk to Michele in the HoH room to see where her head is at. Jordan says that her attitude is changing. They keep rehashing all ways.

12:15AM BBT: Jeff says that Michele took a nap in the HoH bed today and told him that she didn’t take a shower in two days.  Jeff says that he’s going to talk to her and make a deal with her and she better not say that she doesn’t remember or he’s going to tell her “don’t lay in the bed anymore, smelly!”  Jeff says that Lydia and Natalie used to call her "Captain Smelly."

1:15AM BBT:  Michele and Russell have a plan,  they're not going to spend too much time together.  To say they least,  they've failed.  They've been on the patio  talking like BFF for nearly three hours.   I honestly don't know what to make of these two.   When they're in this friend mode,  they seem attentive to each other,  yet I can't forget it was just a couple days ago she was throwing him under the bus,  and he was nearing the point where he calls her cuckoo. 

Michele told him a story about a house that she and her husband bought in Texas.  Michele thought it was haunted but didn't want to tell her husband,  because she was afraid he'd think she was nuts.  Later her husband came to her and said the house scares him.   Their dog barked at odd times when they were not at home,  so they left a recorder in the room to find out what was causing the dog's erratic behavior.  When they listened to the tape,  they heard a voice saying "Get Out."    Russ said it was a really cool story,  but I'm thinking  that in a couple of days,  Russ will be yelling "Cuckoo,  she hears ghosts!"   I'm also thinking I heard the same story on The Discovery Channel,  but I could be wrong,  those stories all sound similar,  and have you noticed,  no one still has the taped proof,  but I digress. 

Thanks to:  Angelo Joe, atlranger, BigMDGirl, CeCiMom, Dade, jammer, laladoopiedu, leesestyle, loveSaturday, morty, Moxie, SMOOCHES, Snipa, StephenV, SueZqueZ, and tekylady because they wrote all this stuff.  

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