Yesterday was brutal to cover, it
was just gossip, tattling, trashing, re-hashing and complaining.
Casey was campaigning pretty hard last night. Will he be able to swing
enough votes over to his side to save himself. I guess what I'm asking
here is, can A-Man-in-a-Banana-Suit be appealing?
9:15AM BBT: Shhhh, they're still sleeping.9:35AM BBT: BB:
"Good morning houseguests, it's time to get up and start your day."
9:45AM BBT: It appears Lydia and Jessie were sleeping together in
the HoH bed. Chima just came in there and woke them up. Ronnie, Natalie and
Jordan are in the bathroom area.
Chima tells Jessie how Michele kept screaming things while she was sleeping,
like, "shut the fuck up." Jessie tells Chima that he knows
for sure that Russell was lying last night, because he talked to Lydia, who
had the same story as Ronnie, word for word, and truly believes Lydia and
Chima asks why Russell would lie and Jessie says it's because of how close
Jessie and Ronnie are, especially since Russell is not close with Ronnie.
9:50AM BBT: Jessie thinks the HoH will be endurance and the cliques
will end as soon as the competition starts on Thursday. Chima is
trying to make sure that Jessie is sure about Russell, suggesting
Ronnie got to Lydia to confirm stories, but Jessie doesn't think so.
He's adamant that Russell is lying. Jessie says that he thinks they
both lie, but Russell has been consistently lying to him. He says that
he doesn't trust anyone but Chima and Natalie and if he gets had by Ronnie,
then he get had by Ronnie.
Jessie thinks that Russell won't try for HoH because he doesn't have any
true enemies because Russell talks to everyone. Chima's unsure about
this, but Jessie says that if it's Natalie and Russell, Russell will
drop and let Natalie take it, to protect himself. Chima thinks
if the cliques are over tomorrow, then everyone will try hard for HoH
because no one will be safe. Chima asks if Jessie told Lydia anything
Ronnie or Russell told them and he says no.
10:00AM BBT: Jessie tells Chima what Lydia told him last night while
she was massaging his back. Lydia confirmed what Ronnie had already
told them, but Jessie says he hates how Ronnie delivers things,
where he'll all of a sudden say, 'I guess I said that' and whatnot.
Jessie says that Russell told the first half of the story correctly,
about what Ronnie/Lydia/Kevin were talking about, but it's the last half
that he lied about. Jessie thinks both Kevin and Lydia will put up Russell
and Ronnie, and if one comes off , then Jeff goes up. Jessie thinks
Natalie will put up Lydia and Kevin, and how the deal Natalie and
Lydia made last night meant nothing to Natalie. Chima thinks Natalie
may hold true to it, but then Jessie wonders who else would Natalie
put up.
10:10AM BBT: Jessie doesn't think Russell likes him, from what he's
heard form many other HGs. Chima says Russell hasn't said anything to
her about Jessie and he says of course not, Russell doesn't say
anything to Natalie or Jessie about it either. They discuss that
Russell has final two deals with everyone.
Jessie says Natalie's mindset is the same as him last year, as he said "fuck
everyone else" and just talked to Michele, but it's not a good game plan.
10:50AM BBT: Jessie and Natalie 'sleeping' in HoH bed. Casey
is tending to the outside garden, while Lydia slathers herself in sunblock.
(LOL) Casey sings his 'Man-In-A-Banana-Suit.' He's able to say it more
than once, before BB goes to brief FotH. Jeff is in the kitchen.
Casey is walking around outside and Lydia asks him what the compost is for,
Casey explains. He then imitates Lydia from last night and starts
picking on Ronnie. Casey asks Lydia if he looks like a dork right now.
Lydia says he looks like a banana. Casey proceeds to smoke. Chima is
asleep on the HoH round sofa.
Nothing happening.
11:20AM BBT: Jeff and Casey chatting in the BY. They head
inside, where Jeff joins Jordan in bed and Casey stands over Ronnie,
who's sleeping in the red room. Casey heads to kitchen to make some
food and Jeff say's he's not that tired, and will be out pool side shortly.
Casey is beatboxing and dancing in the kitchen.
12:30PM BBT: Nothing going on. Jeff in pool... Russell and Casey
and Jeff play different kinds of games with the balls.
Catch, golf, paddle ball... making up stuff as they go along. Jeff stays in
the pool as he also plays.
2:15PM BBT: Nothing is continuing to happen. Michele and Jordan
laying out together. Ronnie, Lydia and Kevin talking on the outside couches.
2:43PM BBT: Jordan talking to Russell in BY about the next
endurance competition
Jordan: "I will hang, or swing until the cows come home." Russell and
Jordan both Ronnie gone. [so he says]
3:30PM BBT: Napping and household BS, more nothing.
3:45PM BBT: In BB, as fast as you can type
"nothing's happening," something happens. Russell talks to
Ronnie in the BY: "So, you said you can control me?" Ronnie:
'No, I never said that." Russell: "Are you sure?"
Ronnie: "I swear to God, I'll put my hand on the Bible."
Russell: "You know I'm Catholic, you don't want to be putting
your hand on the Bible when you're lying, I take that very seriously."
Ronnie: "No, I swear I never said that." Russell continues
to give Ronnie the third degree about why he'd go to Kevin and Lydia and
tell them all that he said. Russell reminds him that they didn't say a
word to defend him when everyone turned on him. Russell:
"It was Jessie and I that came up to, and we were taking a big chance
if we got caught, trying to help you." Ronnie's agreeing,
Russell continues, 'So I don't understand why you'd want to go over to
Lydia and Kevin's side after we saved you?" Ronnie assures him,
they have just been talking about life and not game. Ronnie assures
him that his alliance is still the same as it always has been. Russell
is still saying it looks suspicious because Ronnie was talking game
with Lydia and Kevin. "You can understand why that looks suspicious?"
Russell doesn't want to make a mistake in trusting Ronnie.
Ronnie says his loyalty is always been where it has and Russell shouldn't
As in previous encounters will Russell, when it was all over,
you could hear Ronnie breathing heavy. Frankly, you can tell,
Ronnie is petrified of Russell.
[Sorry, I know I'm not a nice
person, because I love it when Russell does that to Ronnie.
Ronnie runs over to Michele and relates this new story to her. Then,
Ronnie goes to the re-cycled and tells Jessie and Chima about his encounter
with Russell. Jessie is frustrated with Russell and tells Chima he
feels sorry for Ronnie.
3:55PM BBT: Now it's Russell's turn to tell Jessie what
happened. [They're still in the re-cycled room.] Russell elates
the Ronnie conversation, and. that Ronnie swore on the Bible that he
didn't talk game at all and that he didn't talk about Russell at all.
Jessie says he wishes people wouldn't swear on the Bible or on anything.
Jessie says he can't do anything about it now, that he hopes Russell or
Natalie wins HoH this week. Russell: "Did I tell you I dreamt I
was going home next week? Yeah, I dreamt Kevin won HoH."
4:40PM BBT: Everyone has resumed doing nothing.
6:35PM BBT: They're on indoor LD. Michele and Ronnie
in kitchen. Chima, Russell, Kevin, Jordan, Jeff and Casey in red room
talking. Natalie is in her red room bed, sleeping. Don't know where
Lydia and Jessie are.
7:15PM BBT: All four feeds are on the red room where Kevin,
Michele, Jeff and Jordan are talking about sex. Once again,
Michele discusses how orgasmic she is, and can get an orgasm just by
driving down a bumpy road.
7:25PM BBT: [From 7:25 to 8:25PM by
laladoopiedu] Feeds switch to Kevin and Lydia in the pool room.
Kevin is trying to warn Lydia to be careful with Ronnie, as he's playing the
game. They discuss how they don't like Russell. Kevin asks Lydia if
she has her 'good person/bad person' radar on and she says yes and Ronnie is
in the gray area. Kevin says Ronnie is bad people, as Lydia says Ron
voted with them and saved them.
Kevin is trying to get Lydia to understand how bad Ronnie is, but she's
consistent with how he's saved them and hasn't played them like the other
side, and until he does, she trusts him. Kevin explains that
when Lydia told Ronnie her problem with Russell, Ronnie played it up and
caused a bigger problem. Kevin says Ronnie manipulates people and
Lydia says that's the game and not everything he says to her gets to her and
Kevin says he knows it does. Lydia doesn't see why she should call
Ronnie out.
Lydia continues to bring up Russell, and Kevin says it's nothing about
Russell, it's all about Ronnie. Lydia complains that Russell hit her
in the head with a ball, hard, today. Kevin says Lydia needs to be
careful what she tells Ronnie because Ronnie will spin it and tell others.
Lydia says she doesn't care.
You can tell they're both annoyed with each other, but neither sees the
other's point. Lydia says Kevin needs to trust people, she
doesn't know if Kevin even trusts Lydia, and that Lydia trusts Jessie, so
Kevin should trust him.
7:40PM BBT: Overall, Lydia thanks Kevin for the advice about Ronnie,
as she agrees with him. She doesn't understand why everyone is afraid to go
against Russell (who's afraid?).
Lydia says Natalie needs to go next week and Kevin agrees.
Just as Lydia says 'My two biggest threats... ' all feed switch to Jeff and
Jordan on his bed. Jeff and Jordan played multiple roads of "Rock,
Paper, Scissors." Jeff came from behind and won Rock, Paper Scissors -
10 to 9. Jordan claims he cheated, but he denies that.
BBT: BB switches all feeds to another couple: Natalie and Jessie
in the HoH room. Natalie leaves and Kevin comes in. She tells
Kevin Jessie is sleeping (which he isn't, they were just talking) and Kevin
uses the HoH bathroom. Kevin leaves and all feeds on Jessie
Feeds finally switch to Casey shaving his chest in the bathroom as Chima
cleans the area.
Feeds have now switched to Jordan and Jeff in bed in the pool room, with
Natalie and Lydia working on their trash bag uniforms.
Natalie is eating strawberries with whipped cream, as she is totally double
dipping in the container of Cool Whip.
Natalie and Lydia share more than just hatred for each other and Jessie's
mind, body and soul... They share a bowl of Cool Whip, their spit included.
8:05PM BBT: Feeds switch to Jessie giving Michele
workout/nutrition advice in the kitchen.
8:20PM BBT: Jessie is still in his personal trainer mode.
Michele's not the only one suffering by hearing him talk. He knows his
stuff, so I guess nothing else is going on in the house that's worthy us
8:25PM BBT: So I thought talk had changed, since I heard more voices
(I had my volume on low) but Jessie is still talking, but Ronnie,
Russell and Kevin have entered the kitchen. Seems Jessie is sponsored by the
product he's talking about.
9:00PM BBT: Just kitchen stuff, first eating then dishes and
chat around the table.
10:45PM BBT: [by JEDI] The last couple of hours have been filled
with non-game conversation.
Correction: there has been talk here and there. For example, Ronnie and
Kevin were talking about previous seasons, like when season 9 had to
play as couples, and when houseguests got voted back in, such as
James BB9 and Kaysar BB6. And Russell and Chima talk a little about
who would vote for whom, and who might nominate whom.
Jessie took a shower upstairs while Chima and Russell were lying in his bed.
Chima plucked Russell's eyebrows, then they discussed past relationships and
their favorite sexual positions. Russell said he lost his virginity at
age 14, while Jessie added that he lost his at 18 years old.
Chima and Russell discussed reading people and knowing when someone was
Meanwhile, in the Pool room, Lydia keeps working on a garbage
bag outfit to wear during the endurance HoH competition they think is coming
up. While she does that, Casey and Jeff keep the conversation going.
People keep coming and going, joining in the conversation. Michele, Jordan
and even Natalie, who said that she was actually spending time in there for
the first time.
Casey was doing his imitation of an insane guy in a banana costume. It
was so funny that Lydia laughed so hard she cried.
Jeff asked everyone (again) "What was the bowly's [bully's] name on
Different Strokes?", with pretty much the same result as the last
time, except this was the first time Natalie and Lydia actually heard
him say it, as they were not around when it happened the previous
time. Jeff still doesn't believe that he says it so differently that
they can hear a difference. And he mentions that the last time this
happened around 10 days ago, the diary room asked him about it later, so he
is pretty sure it made it to the TV show.
Casey shows everyone how he thought the "Banana Suit" sign said something
like "Bahamas trip" or "Bahamas Vacation".
Jordan was packing her suitcase, but Casey still doesn't have his.
Earlier, he was sitting in bed, and took off his banana costume since
he didn't have to wear it when sleeping. They called him into the diary room
and told him he had to wear it if he was awake.
At 10:51, they again cover the bully/bowly topic, including trying to make
Jeff say "pull", to which he says "pole".
At least Lydia was able to confirm to Jeff that the "bowly" on Different
Strokes definitely was called "The Gooch".
This sets off a long discussion of old TV shows they all lowed to watch,
like "Seinfeld", "King of Queens", "Cheers", "Small Wonder", "Fraggle Rock",
"Charles In Charge", "Growing Pains", and "The Facts Of Life". Lydia
mentions that she really liked Jo on the Facts of Life, and Jeff suddenly
notices that Lydia bears a strong reselmblance to her.
Jeff was trying to recall the name of the actress who played Elaine on
Seinfeld. He finally remembers that it was Julie Louis-Dreyfuss.
The party breaks up.
Casey says that was a nice 90 minutes with friends. Well, pseudo-friends!
Jeff says that he wonders what "Boss Hogg" is going to do about it. (I
believe he means Jessie, as he says something about the fact that he can't
put Casey on the block again.)
11:00PM BBT: Meanwhile, there are lots of houseguests in the
kitchen/dining area
Click here for The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:30PM thru
It's been rather tedious watching the feeds tonight. Ronnie's stories
are mind numbing, Casey has spent the last hour looking for his
luggage. Jeff and Jordan just make cute 'couples talk" between
themselves (although they're one of the most tolerable couples in BB
history), Chima and Russell seem to be getting closer. Lydia and
Natalie are still making trashbag outfits to wear during the HoH
competition. Russell's been complaining for the last half hour that
there's no air conditioning in the red room.
12:15AM BBT: Casey's luggage has been found.
12:45AM BBT: Jessie discovers ingrown hairs on his arms.
2:30AM BBT: Lydia blabs all and throws her buddies under the bus.
Lydia tells Jessie and Natalie everything that Kevin and her had worked out
and discussed in private. She tells Jessie that Kevin wants to ally
with Jeff and Jordan to help them take out the athletes. Lydia says
that Kevin wanted her to kiss Russell's ass. [What really happed is
that Kevin wants to get Ronnie out of the house, based on gameplay,
and Lydia wants Russell out, based on the fact he hit her on the head
with a ball, Kevin wouldn't change his mind, so now Lydia's mad
at him.] Natalie says that she thought Lydia was part of the plan, and
Lydia insists it was all Kevin's plan. Lydia re-tells the whole story
that is documented at 7:35PM. She also mentions that Kevin thinks it's
suspicious that Jessie isn't able to establish any sort of relationship with
any of the guys in the house except for Ronnie.
Today's wordsmiths were: Angelo Joe, CeCiMom, Dade, JEDI, joyami,
King123, laladoopiedu, morty, myss911, Slowpoke, StephenV, txchristy281,and
ZuZuMamou |