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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Wednesday, August 26, 2009:  The Last Chance Bar & Grill
9:10AM BBT:  BB:  "Good morning house guests. It's time to get up for the day.".  "Attention HG there are fresh batteries in the storage room."   [It's like Groundhog Day] So Kevin and Natalie are calling themselves "Pinky and The Brain,"  when I see them more as a "Ren and Stimpy"  (she being Ren the Chihuahua).  "P&B" came up with this idea to keep Michele awake until Thursday so she'd do poorly in the HoH contest,  the fact that they, themselves would need to be awake to do this eluded both Pinky, and the Brain.  The second part of their cunning plan was to hide  things around the house so that Jordan and Michele will think that the missing items are part of an HoH quiz.  This scheme was foiled this morning when BB told them to "Knock it off"  and they had to put everything back. 

Our BigFLGuy caught an interesting tid-bit last night.  Russell was in the DR with his mic still on.  A  producer was heard saying "go for it."   Then we hear Russell say, "I was, you find out that you've been back-stabbed and..." and they cut the feed!  So maybe Russell has a last-ditch stratagem to stay in the game.  This season, the schemes have sounded as ridiculous as hiring Michael Vick as your pet sitter,  and yet people are falling for these shenanigans.  So only time will tell.

10:10AM BBT:  Everyone back in bed with the lights on.

12:12PM BBT: Jordan heads into the pool for daily tanning session.

Jeff feeding the fish. Michele wakes up in HoH room - heads to bathroom - is now removing layers of 'sleep' clothing. She had on a housecoat (blue) over her purple hoodie, over her yellow t-shirt with a red sweatshirt over a white loose t-shirt. She had gray stretch pants over her black pair. (is it THAT cold in the HoH?) She starts right into game talk. She's a little worried about Russell and Kevin.

Jeff says here's what they told me... Jeff says last time this happened Russell told him to go talk to Jessie about what his vote will be. Russell's plan is usually to get you to think someone else is trying to vote you out to get you all worried. Trust me, Kevin is not voting that way. Russell did the exact same thing to me. Does he say this "Did you talk to Kevin?" He says this because it's BS cause he doesn't want to bring you two together because there is no bringing you together.

Michele asks Jeff if he trusts Jordan 100%? Jeff says yes. Michele asks if her and Jordan were both up and he won PoV who would he use it on? Her or Jordan, be honest. He says stop it Michele, that scenario isn't here. Don't put me between a rock and a hard place Michele. She says I know the answer but whatever. Jeff says, "You don't know the answer so don't even go there. You'll get the answer when we get to that situation. That's when I'll answer." OK she says.

Russell meanwhile is outside on the exercise machine and Jeff's garden has been brought back. Jeff's making coffee now - heads into the SSR to look for Jordan, walks through the red room and says hey to Kevin.

12:27PM BBT: Jeff called to DR

12:40PM BBT:  Flashback Alert!  All Feeds [This must be Russell's Plan]   If you have the live feeds, you can Flashback to any point in the BB11 season. Watch Big Brother on SuperPass!   Jeff eating his cereal now,  Michele grabs her shake.  They go back over Russell's attempt to make Michele worried about votes.  Jeff seems really upset that Russell admitted he would stab Jeff in the back to win,  to get ahead.  Says he doesn't understand why anyone talks to him. Michele says,  "If we listened to him, we'd all be sure that it was our plan to get you out of the house next week."  Jeff says he F'ed anyways if he does make it to the finale two.  He knocked out the two biggest guys in the house (Jessie and Russell) and they will control that house.  Michele jokes that he can go on a romantic trip with Jessie - try to woo him into voting for him.  Jeff says that if it would work he'd try it.  They laugh.

Cams back on Russell working out and Jeff sitting overlooking the pool back to Russell.
Russell says  "How long are you going to be a fuck-up for?  You work so many jobs, you talk a good game but never follow through. Know how I know someone's scared of me? They shake when they look at me."  Jeff says I was classy the other day.  Russell says the epitome of class, yeash.  "Good thing you put Technotronics on the board, put an s on it in case there were more than one."   Jeff says you already used that one. Russell says you've been afraid of me since day one.  You just decided to make a big scene in front of people, a big scene,  for a big tough guy.  Says, "If you say you're going out pull out a gun you better use it fn dumb ass,  fuckin'  dipshit,  you're nothing but a fuckin'  tool.  No wonder America gave it to you,  they felt sorry for you.  Let's give it to the guy who's getting reamed by everyone.  That's how you look on TV like a fuckin' pussy. America felt bad for you that's why. You know why the phones rang and the doors unlocked?  Not for you, not because of you because they were worried about me."
Jordan gets out of the pool and starts screaming at Russell. She yells,  "I swear to god if I wasn't in this house I would fucking hit you.  I would! I would.  You're just so pissed off because you're going home tomorrow!."   Russell says,  "Just stay calm Jeff, I'll fight this for you Jeff."  (imitating Jordan).  She's yelling at him still.  He yells at her keep fighting for him.  Keep fighting for him! She screams "I will fucking fight for him!! I'm not scared of you!!!"  She runs right up to Russell and chest bumps him.
Jeff says,  "Jordan get back - why you wanna make me get up. Jordan please."

12:53PM BBT: Michele outside on the patio watching.  Russell was screaming,  "I can't wait to get out of here to beat your ass.  Tells Jeff to follow through with stuff.  Follow through with your threats, follow through with my family..."  Jeff says he follow through alright, "I'll follow through with winning it all 500 thousand people."

Russell making barking noise at Jordan. "Keeping curling your hair sweetie, you know you ain't gonna do nothing. Arf arf arf."

Jeff says, "My battle with you is done dude. You're going home."

Russell says,  "My battle with you ain't done, it's done when we get out of here.  You watch out dude."
Jeff says I can look at myself in the mirror.  "What about you dude? Is that what you've been hanging on to for two days?  That's pathetic dude.'"

Russell calls him out "You say you're going to go after me and my family dude?"  Jeff says that was a joke, dude.  Russell starts clapping and says,  That's the funniest joke ever dude.  Fuckin' funny man, funny.  You don't know my family and you DON'T talk shit about them!"

Jeff says Russell is carrying around 'anger bags'.  Russell picks up on it and starts taunting,  "Anger bags?  Is that like stones dude?"

Jeff says "I don't want to be friends with you and no one else does either!   Who wants to be friends with a Dude like you?"   He says, "No one is afraid of  you dude.  Why should we be afraid?"

Russell says you aren't going to do anything and we all know it.  Jeff says, "No I'm not.  I'm not going to do anything.  I delivered a knock out punch when I send you to the jury house tomorrow.  If you try something in the jury house you'll lose all your money."   Russell says,  "You think they don't hear you,  that's why you say you aren't afraid all these cameras.  This is a great move dude.  Just accept it.  I've got Kevin on my side.  Everyone is on my side.  That's good moves dude."

Russell says that Kevin is on his side now.  Says Chima had it right, two peas in a pod.   Jeff says,  "You are going to look so classy out of here dude?"  Jeff asks if Russell wants to have sex with him?  Wants to f' him?  Do you have a crush on me is that it?  Because I'll show you a little ass on the way out the door.  Russell coming back with him being a real man now.  "That's a knock out punch right there."  Jeff:  "For real man,  you must have a hard-on for me because something is going on, no one else is pulling this shit."

1:04PM BBT: Everyone is now on the patio.

Russell says the only classy thing you have is the little fat thing next to you.  (Jordan is sitting next to him)  Jordan speaks up "Shut UP Russell you are just a fucking douche-bag!"  Russell is saying, "Go ahead fight his battles."  Jeff asking her stop again, says he wants you to do this.  He says to Russell,  "You should remember this is a game man,  you should have accept it as a game move."  Russell brings back up the family threat.  Jeff says it was a joke 'I said it to three other people."   Russell says it wasn't a joke. Jeff says,  "I apologize. I apologize, it was awful."   Russell says, 'You never apologized."  Jeff says,  "I am right now now."  Russell says,  "It wasn't a joke.  That shit is sick dude." Russell attacking Jordan as a fight dog again and bringing up Kevin being in his pocket.

Now Jeff trying to talk more.  Russell just keeps yelling "STFU! STFU!"  They start counting how many people Jeff has screwed over.  He holds up three fingers counting and Jeff tells him to those three fingers up his ass. Russell says everyone better believe this, don't be afraid of Jeff because he's going to put you up anyways, no matter how nice you are. Kevin - he's going to put you up dude, he already did."

Jordan explains that the plan was known by Kevin because the plan was to backdoor him.  She says you have a final two deal with Michele!  Russell trying to explain the math. "It's final 4 then 2 jeesh."   Jeff tells Jordan to STFU already. "Honestly, enough's enough.  Be quiet this isn't even your problem."   He's been trying to get her to stop yelling at Russell. Russell says I'm going to laugh at all of you when he puts you all up. "You're stupid and you don't even know it.  Jeff says final 2 final 4 is semantics."  Russell does a pretty good job of yelling explaining how it' numbers.  Jeff goes inside.  Russell yells at all of them.  You're a bunch of sheep, all afraid to say something. 'NO one says shit. He's still going to put you up. It means shit. He's still going to put you up - why doesn't anyone say anything?"

Russell goes back to working out. Michele says Jeff can't put me up next week he can't play.  Jeff in bathroom. Russell still carrying on - he's just going to laugh and put you up again and if you don't think that you're an idiot. (And round and round)

Feed # 1 Russell with weights
Feed # 2 Jordam twisting hair
Feeds  # 3/4 Jeff cooling down in bathroom.

Natalie saying she was asleep when Jordan came in to get her. Michele was in the kitchen.

[Sorry wasn't able to capture everyone's expressions and reactions - was listening to report the words. Kevin looked aghast, Jordan was possibly crying from rage, Natalie looked smug and Michele just stared down  -ZuZumamou]

Can hear Natalie and Kevin saying they've been expecting this for days and that she needs to shave her legs (they are cracking me up).

Jeff now back outside to use machine. Russell heads inside and we have FotH.

1:30PM BBT: Post trauma in the kitchen.  Jordan crying on a stool saying she's mad cause she really wants to hit him so hard.  She knows she'd get in trouble.  Even though it wouldn't do much.  She'd feel better.

Kevin says America is going to turn on Russell now because he's been so nice and that's twice he's gone after a girl.  Russell is talking to him with desperate talk.  He realizes it's over. Tells Jordan to avoid him.

Jordan says he started it. I was tanning in the pool and Jeff was smoking a cigarette. I heard Russell start and I got out of the pool and told Jeff not to say anything and went in a saw you in DR and Natalie in room and came back out to make sure nothing happened.  Kevin helping her settle down. Jordan in tears says,  "I was so angry at him and I wanted to hit him and I was just so angry so I bumped him.  I bumped him and as I walked away he called me fat ass or something.  He called me stupid."   She calls him a meat head and says,  "He must look like the biggest asshole on TV.  I hope no girl will ever date him."   She going on and on. {Lather, rinse repeat.]  She stares outside at Russell.  Says, "I wish I could make him mad enough to hit me."  Kevin says, "Don't do anything dumb."  She says now she knows how Chima felt.  Says her family will be ready to kill him, murder him.  Kevin says he's done nothing positive in this game.  Now he's on team Kevin but he's said all kinds of bad things about me before.

On the patio.  Michele and Natalie talking about making breakfast.  Natalie says he's not the type that's going to give up,  he's going to keep trying. (Russell is out there working out still)

1:44PM BBT: Russell and Natalie in pool room.  He's saying don't let her get you.  She's so smart trying to get you to go off on me.  Don't fall for it.

They head back out. Natalie goes into the kitchen and Jordan asks what Russell asked her.  He told her not to believe anything told her, don't believe her lies.  Natalie says,  "I'm pretty sure she is trying to do that stuff, he's taking the pain for both of you."  etc etc etc.  Covering up her real conversation.

Natalie and Kevin deflect by asking what people want for breakfast.

Michele heads outside where Russell is doing ab crunches.

Natalie said Russell just said don't think I'm talking bad about you or throwing you under the bus.  She asks if Jordan was crying.  She says yes.  Says she was so mad when she bumped him she wanted to punch him in the face but she had a moment and realized she was going to lose her money.  Kevin and Natalie remind her that it's not worth it.

2:00PM BBT: Jordan being teased by Natalie a Kevin about her showmance.  Say she got the hottest guy in the house.  And she's the prettiest girl in the house.  She say's it's not even a showmance, they only kissed twice.

Russell eating breakfast outside. He's leaning back and chewing the inside of his lip. His breathing a bit heavy still but looks much calmer.

Michele and Jeff in pool.  Michele looks like she's going to fall through the inner tube she appears to be asleep in.  Jeff floating on the raft Jordan uses for tanning. Natalie tells Jordan that he (Russell) was keeping quiet to see if he wanted to stay.  Once he realized he wasn't staying he had to let it all out there.  "That's all.  He has no votes so he has no  reason to stay quiet."  She tells Jordan (again) not to hit him, that if he stays because she did. Jordan repeats that if she knew she wasn't going to get in trouble she would have hit him and he would have been the only person she ever hit in her life.  Kevin says "Really?  You never hit anyone in your own family?"  Natalie asking if he's ever been in a fight in his life. Kevin says, "No, only with my brother. But with my brother we would never go above the neck. Always punches in the chest and stuff."

2:11PM BBT:  Russell and Natalie now in the red room.  He had walked through the kitchen and asked 'Scrappy' Natalie, where the steaks are.  He asked Kevin,  Natalie if they wanted one he's defrosting.  He then asks Jordan if she would like one.  She gets up and walks outside.  They are now rehashing what happened.

Russell can't wait to see what happens when it comes down to the triangle,  he thinks Jeff will turn on Michele.  Natalie and Russell talking about the importance of staying true to your alliance.  Natalie says in week two everyone wanted Russell out. T here are two reasons why he never got kicked out that week,  it was Jessie and Natalie and luckily Jessie had a lot of influence with Ronnie.  Russell saying Jessie was his main man and he wasn't able to vote against him.  They are discussing who voted/played what.

Russell saying Michele is a f'ing snake that one.  "You know when you heard me talking about getting Jeff out?  It was all her.  That was week four - you know that?"  Natalie does a great job of hiding her surprise.  Russ goes on to say how Michele tells "them' f'ing everything."   Natalie tells him they call her the mole. He says, "They call her the mole? Seriously?"  Natalie says you can use that as your jury question  "What was Michele's role in your alliance?  What was her nickname?"  Russell questioning why he felt weird when Michele talked to him last night.  She came in and said,  "It's over." and acted all weird.  He says, "You told them everything didn't you? and then she smiled. That smile. You know it. She comes off as a little shy girl. Araggh the smile!"

BB calls Russell in SR to change his microphone with one in the storage room. Jeff (who is in the pool) quips "And change your f'ing personality while you're in there."

Natalie heads outside and asks Jeff how he is. Says Russell is mad cause he's going home.  He got got.  They reminisce how Jessie was classier.  Natalie says Russell told her on the patio that he wasn't saying anything for the past couple of days on the couch is that he wanted to get votes.

Jeff says he could get banned from the house. "He (Russell) can talk to a woman like that and no one does anything? Seriously, how is it that... I'd be saying get the F away from me."

Russell in the kitchen talking to cameras says "This is a sick sick game, this is a sick f'ing game man.  Whew."  He's preparing steaks for grilling.

2:26PM BBT: Jeff floating in pool mad that the show is ruined.  He says,  "No matter what I do,  if I react or if I don't I look like a dork.  All of the attacks he sent at me today are from that kid.  Damn Ronnie."   (LOL)

Natalie just about got caught in a lie.  She said she told Russell about some minor insult and Jeff says, "What are you talking about? I told him that."  She deflects expertly. Gets him talking about how mad he is.  His blood is boiling. Jeff says "I didn't do anything, I played the game. "  Natalie: "I know that Jeff, America knows that"  Jeff is mad that he ended up with everyone fighting again...

Russell must be reliving it all in his head as he's chopping garlic because he just starts laughing "Heh heh ehe, Oh man. " and smiling to himself.

2:41PM BBT: Jeff called to DR. walks past Russell who stares at him as he passes.  As he passes without looking, Russell cracks into a smile and laughs.  Jeff heads up to HoH and Russell calls out about Jeff being gay.

He takes on a sports commentator voice "Ladies and gentlemen, the latest member of the gay and lesbian community,  Jeff. He's out of the closet but he doesn't know it, or does he?  He's gay but he doesn't like penis.  He likes to sleep with men, or does he?  He asks them about it ladies and gentlemen,  not the proper technique for a fight.  Sometimes it works,  sometimes it doesn't.  Jeff the big tough guy.  Do not use this technique for a fight, sometimes you win sometimes you get knocked out. "   He's using this 40's radio announcer voice and cracking himself up.

Jeff had ignored him and went upstairs without much comment.

Outside Natalie admits she's happy this all happened. Before this, she didn't stand a chance. With the final four and all. Didn't stand a chance. I am happy it went down. [What was that? An honest statement in the BB House? ]

[Thanks ZuZu, great afternoon, -Morty]

2:50PM BBT:  Michele is laying on raft in the pool.  Jordan, Natalie and Kevin are doing some Russell bashing.   Russell came out and dove into pool. Michele didn't budge. Jordan, Natalie and Kevin went inside to the kitchen and continued Russell bashing.

Jordan said she's worried Michele will put her up if she gets HoH.  Now they're bashing Michele.  Natalie asks if they have a final three with Michele.  Jordan says,  "No...  well...  kinda no,  but we  kinda did,  but now all bets are off."  [that's Jordan-speak for, "We just don't keep our word to anyone."]   Natalie and Kevin asks if she did have a final two with Russell,  Jordan says "Oh Yeah."

3:01PM BBT: Russell laying out,  putting on lotion.   Kevin/Jordan/Natalie are still bashing Michele and Russell.  They're watching Russell through the window, (I guess so they can prepare to run if he comes in.)

3:41PM BBT:  Nothing happening.   Michele is in bathroom applying makeup and getting "camera ready."  [She looks good when she puts herself together.] .  Kevin and Natalie are in the red room bashing Russell.  Kevin says he doesn't like him because he always tries to get personal in his attacks,  like when he said Jordan is fat and telling her to eat more cookie dough.

[This is exactly where Russell's plan went down in flames.  It was so ridiculously obvious that his intent was to try to get Jeff or Jordan to take a swing at him so they'd get a penalty nomination, or forced eviction.  Russell did such a poor job,   that Jeff,  who is an incredible hot-head and just ripe for an anger management program,  couldn't take the cheesy bait.  Jordan,  on-the-other-hand,  is not only showing her anger, but her gullibility grabbed the bait and asking for more.  I think Kevin had considered  turning on Natalie, but just doesn't have the confidence to go into battle alone.  The problem is that Kevin is scared of Russell, these kinds of alpha male displays make Kevin nervous,  so if there was a slight chance of changing Kevin's mind,  Russell blew it.  What Russ should have done was to spend these last two days being the perfect gentleman,  and making no moves what-so-ever.  Then on Thursday, when Julie allows them to make one last comment,  he should have reminded Kevin and Michele that Russ has never gone back on his word,  and Jeff has never kept a promise,  and when they go in the DR,  their vote is secret,  and there's no reason to fear repercussion.  If they vote to save Russ they will have the brains and brawn needed to win the game.  I think he might have even got a rise out of Jeff that would have helped his cause.  But instead,  Russ just showed them that his judgment (and acting) could use some fine tuning.  -Morty

3:45PM BBT: Time to take pictures.  Jeff and Jordan not excited about it.  Jordan says she's not in the mood.  She seems to be getting into it though.  Kevin got one of her on the slide in pool room.

Jeff hid to get a surprise shot of Michele,  then realized she had gotten all dressed up. he called her hot, and wanted a picture taken with her.

Jordan got Russell' key and moved to the door. Kevin, Jordan and Michele waved goodbye as Jeff snapped the picture.  They're loosening up now and getting into the picture taking activity.

Jordan sings Ring of Fire, and brings FotH (only lasted a sec.)   Russell and Natalie are MIA,  but the other four are having fun with the camera.  Posing, modeling. Jeff's trying to get one of them jumping, but he keeps snapping it too quick.  Lots of laughter.

3:57PM BBT: Natalie has joined the fun.

Russell called to DR, Jeff says, "Cool,  we can go outside."

Natalie just revealed she was taking a poo when she was MIA

Jordan sits on pot while Kevin holds his nose and Jeff snaps picture (very funny)  Kevin is pretending to shower, and picking his nose... all for the camera. Now they're heading outside

Jeff watering garden, Kevin asks if he can touch his hose. Still picture taking. Natalie going to weights, then says it has Russell cooties on it, so Kevin pretends he's lifting weights

Jeff/Kevin hold the weights on each end to make it look like Natalie is lifting the weights. Kevin got in the picture, so they did a retake. Now they're doing a fake BBQ. During camera time outside, Michele climbed into the dryer for a picture.

4:25PM BBT: Russell outside tanning, Jordan MIA, Jeff/Kevin/Natalie/Michele are in the kitchen. Jeff/Natalie doing card tricks. All Cameras on this.

4:30PM BBT: Jeff continues to take pictures while Kevin tries to figure out magic trick.  Kevin is really frustrated by the tricks.  Natalie says "A good magician never reveals their secrets". Jeff is now showing Kevin how the trick is done.

4:33PM BBT: Jordan is in the DR according to Natalie, Kevin is practicing magic trick. Jeff just went outside, all cams still in Din Room. Michele eating her shake. Break to BRB screen.

4:36PM BBT: Michele went outside, Kevin/Natalie/Michele just discussed that they will have lock down tonight for prod to build the competition set for tomorrow. All cams still on Natalie/Kevin. Natalie is looking at the pictures they took.

4:39PM BBT: Natalie went outside because she said they only have 30 more min before lockdown. Natalie/J are thinking about what they could be building, endurance competition? or something to practice.

4:40PM BBT: Michele and Kevin taking a few more pictures.

4:41PM BBT: Michele/Kevin/Natalie On couches outside, all cams on them. Talking about HoH camera and how one person is always missing from the pics when they take them (Russell was not in the pictures, surprise surprise!)

4:42PM BBT: Natalie talking about collecting things from outside, Michele gets up and collects the items, they want to make sure they don't forget anything. Kevin says they can't workout tonight. And back to sitting on couches. Jeff and Jordan MIA

4:45PM BBT: Jeff comes outside and joins Michele/Kevin/Natalie on couches. Michele talking about how her shorts are still greasy from PoV, Kevin says he isn't worrying about it until he gets home. Natalie points out that Russell was so excited to BBQ tonight but they are going on lock down so he can't.  FotH

Read More Details by jennabee
5:42PM BBT:  Michele is in the HoH room with Jeff and Jordan they've bashing Russell, and talking about how much Jordan does not trust Natalie.  Jordan hopes Russell makes a jerk of himself on live TV on his way out.  Jeff says Russell thinks he is playing the villain role,  but he is really playing the douche-bag role.  Jeff wants BB to seclude Russell in a hotel for the next three weeks as punishment.  Jordan says Russell told her before that he likes "thicker" girls.  Michele says Russell is the guy who likes to screw other guy's girlfriends.

5:45PM BBT: Jordan reveals she told Russell to get help in her goodbye message because he has serious problems.  Jeff says if he was Russell he would think of ways to kill himself.  Jeff wants to youtube him to see videos on him getting bashed.  Jordan is telling Courtney,  the girl Russell says is waiting outside the house for him, to run!  Jeff says Russell thinks people in the DR tell him he is the best competitor in the house ever.

6:10PM BBT:  Russell and Natalie are in the red room all is quiet. Russell is on Kevin's bed,  Kevin's getting ready to take a shower.   Jeff and Jordan/Michele in HoH planning on staying up there for a while.  Jordan is taking a bath.  Russell went to bathroom to wash his hands,  Kevin is in shower. Russell asks Kevin if he has his mind made up for tomorrow night Kevin replies "yes" they continue to talk but it's all mumbles and water running.

6:15PM BBT: Russell is already packed and just rolled his suitcase out of the storage room and back into the pool room. 
6:30PM BBT:
Michele and Jordan are in the HoH Michele tells Jordan that Natalie told her if she won HoH next week,  Michele and "a big competitor" are going on the block. Michele thinks Natalie is being too cocky assuming she is in the final four .
6:40PM BBT: Michele/Kevin/Jeff and Jordan in kit Jeff cooking, Michele is eating a churro, Kevin playing cards, Jordan doing dishes.
6:50PM BBT: Everyone in same areas. Jordan asks Jeff where he shops, he says he gets his jeans from The Buckle, Jordan has never heard of The Buckle.
7:02PM  BBT: Jeff gets so excited when he gets good deals. Still discussing bargains, etc. Russell seems to be asleep in the pool room.
7:07PM BBT: Subject has changed to cereal.
7:09PM BBT: Jeff gets up to take plate to sink and says "I am going to go watch TV"
7:11PM BBT: Russell is up, goes to SR and gets potatoes then goes to kitchen. Natalie is out in red room.
7:18PM BBT: Russell is cooking in kitchen.  Jeff and Jordan are in bathroom Jeff is cutting his hair. Kevin and Natalie are in red room sleeping. Michele is MIA.
7:25PM BBT: Quiet in the house. Russell is cooking in the kitchen,  Natalie and Kevin are sleeping in the red room.
7:37PM BBT: Jeff sweeping up after his hair trim.  Natalie tells Jeff she can tell when she's slept good because there's drool everywhere. Says she's fallen asleep on her boyfriend's stomach and when he woke up he was like 'ewwww' drool everywhere.

Russell in the pool room apparently sleeping, someone under a blue blanket in pool room.
Natalie says she can hear vacuums outside and we get momentary FotH.

7:52PM BBT: Kevin and Natalie in red room whispering can't hear them.

Jeff asks Jordan is she wants some of his soft cookie. "It's soooo good. Just a little piece? She's just brushed her teeth."

Jordan comments that the HoH bed was 10 times more comfortable than the one downstairs.  He asks her why she slept down there then.  She says she was mad at him.  And she was trying to give him some space.  He tells her to have fun sleeping down there tonight and smiles at her.

Jeff trying to get her to play Black Jack, she's not interested being in a bleh mood.  He tells it's okay she doesn't have to memorize the pictures.  Natalie comes in and Jordan says they should play Black Jack together.  Natalie says she hopes tomorrow competition is endurance without and water.  She hates water.

Natalie saying how Kevin and Michele were talking last night and Michele was totally trying to feel Kevin out to see how he was voting.  Today as she was coming out of the DR she told him it was over.  There are no votes.  Once he found that out he wanted to go out with a bang.  Russell woke Michele up at 4 in the morning and said Kevin is totally on my side as long as you are on side.  Jeff says that is exactly what Michele told him this morning, he sends people to other people to do the talking.  Round and Round and FotH.

Jordan says he's going to wear his black blazer tomorrow with his hat cocked to the side.  Russell was telling Kevin earlier today he thinks he'll wear his $1,000 suit made by some designer that Kevin never heard of.  Jordan is asking if it was him that said his family owns oil somewhere - she thinks it may have been Chima who said her family owned oil in Africa.  Jeff can't wait for F-head to say his little speech and get out.  He said to Kevin that there is one thing in the house that no one could mess with with him and Chima and that's their speeches.  Natalie says "Dude, you didn't even like Chima, now you're acting like she's your best friend".

8:01PM BBT: Jeff says Russell and Jessie will be in the jury house and have a Jeff Bashing party for a day or two or three and then Jessie is going to get sick of it and say this guy has to stop.  He'll get so sick of it.  Jordan saying that Jeff started saying Michele was up there all the time and he never gets time alone with Jordan just so Russell would go away. She'd tell him she was in a bad mood, PMS just so he'd go away.

Jeff, "Dude, that speech is going to be something. It's going to be something about attacking people's families."  Natalie: "That's his only card. He told Kevin he wants to have a classy speech to go away with."  Jordan still can't get over the name calling "You tell a girl to go eat more cookie dough you fat ass"

Jeff says, "His speech with his suit on his going to look like the biggest f'ing douche-bag in BB history. How embarrassing for his family." Jordan wonders if his Dad talks to his mom like that. Jeff wonders if his sisters are embarrassed.

Natalie says you're not allowed to talk game in the jury house, "There's people that live there with you to monitor you."  And we get FotH for production talk.

8:38PM BBT: Everyone but Russell is in the HoH room talking about their marital statuses.  Michele and her hubby finally got married to save $2,000 to live in the same house. They lived together for so many years they were common law anyways.  Kevin and his partner have to file federally as single but state (California) as joint.

Jordan telling Natalie if she needs to shave her legs (they must be bad... ) all the stuff is in the bathroom over there.  Natalie says she'll shave tomorrow.  Jordan sharing that when she took diet pills she only ate once a day or so because she felt so sick and then she "shit everything out anyways."  [TMI]  Kevin says there's a foul smelling thing you can smell whenever you want to eat and it takes away your hunger.  Michele tells them that smelling peppermint will suppress your appetite to as well as help you concentrate.  They talk about Hydroxycut and some other drug and how the they got all speedy taking that stuff.

Jordan thinks she's ADD. She can't focus on anything. Michele says the way we are all brought up these days, we're over-stimulated, TV and online and everything, people can't focus any more.

9:00PM BBT:  the HoH group is just spewing their hatred,  Michele has left the room so now they've turned on her.  Natalie goes on and on about how she can't stand the sight of her and she can't wait to evict her. [All this DR talk from Kevin, and Natalie about putting Jeff on the block,  I don't they they've got the guts,  I think they'll go after Michele,  because it will be a more popular move.  -Morty

Jeff said that when he went into the DR, they got him all riled up before they asked him to record his goodbye message,  so it was a really nasty message.

9:30PM BBT:  Jeff and the hateful four are still going none stop bashing Russ and Michele.  Natalie talking about how Michele works out into a sweat and doesn't take a shower, how she is ripe. Jeff is still going on about tomorrows speech - he's now misquoting what happened when he went to DR earlier and Russell was yelling at him as he was heading up to HoH.  [ Even if you agree with them, which I don't,  you've got to wonder what's wrong with these people that they can spend so many hours a days saying so many negative things.  It amazes me that a college graduate like Jeff can contract a sentence that includes the f-word four times.  -Morty ]

9:38PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie  go downstairs to eat the meal Russell cooked for them.  Jeff and Jordan are alone in the HoH.  Jeff: "I can't believe I'm sitting up here bashing these people,  like I'm so much better than them..  I hate the person I'm becoming in this house." 

9:45PM BBT: Russell giving Kevin and Natalie the lowdown on what Michele has been up to perhaps to help them get the upper hand.  Kevin asks him why he's being so nice, Russell responds that he wants them to win.  Russell has some extra steaks made up and put them in the freezer for Natalie and Kevin to enjoy later.  Russell says the best part about knowing how she (Michele) spilled the beans is that it proves she is a liar,  just a big liar.  Russell yells out Cochino and Natalie says "Dirty, dirty boy" (it means filthy in Spanish).   The mood in the kitchen is cheerful and pleasant.  Russ says he really enjoyed the meal,  but doesn't feel like doing the dishes.  Natalie gives him her tip for getting others to do the dishes:  Put the dishes in the sink,  and tell others you put them there to soak.  Eventually someone else will do them.  [Damn, I tried it, but when you live alone it doesn't work.] 

Russell says "She's so set up it's not even funny, you two can totally play that".

Michele is sitting in the HoH with Jeff and Jordan bashing Russell. Michele: "I don't know what Russell and Natalie are up too in the kitchen."  Jeff is playing solitaire.  Michele to Jordan: "Why are you smiling, this is the first time I've seen your smile." Jordan: "I have a headache"
Kevin and Russell talking in the red room, saying Michele is a liar.

Michele in HoH saying, that she wasn't voting for Russell to stay the week that Jeff had the power.  Michele is saying, Russell is telling Natalie not to believe anything Michele says... Jeff: "Why is anyone listening to Russell, he f'ing said you were crazy,  it is only one more day"   Michele" I have been listening to a lot of bullshit in this house." Also, she asked Russell what was he going to do with Jessie in the jury house, saying Russell is in denial, he doesn't think he is going to the jury house

BB: "Jeff please go to the DR."  "Michele, please stop playing with your microphone." .Jordan: "I'm in a bad mood."   Michele: "This day was shitty, these last couple of days were shitty."  .Michele:  "You guys have no worries,  if I'm HoH you have no worries, so put that out of your mind.". Jordan:  "I just don't like him!"

9:55PM BBT: Michele:  "He's f'ing lucky I didn't put him up when I was HoH, I put up Chima."   Michele:  "If either one of them get HoH, it's me and Jeff going up." Jordan:  "No, it's me and you,  she flat out told me that."  Michele: "She told me that she said she was putting up me and a player, BITCH!"  Michele:  "We just need to win, you or me take it this week, Jeff next week."   Jordan: "We have to win, my stomach gets upset talking about it."

10:16PM BBT: Jeff is playing solitaire while Jordan lays beside him over thinking everything.  He tells her to go take a bath to feel better.  Russell, Kevin and Natalie playing cards in the red room.  The Black crows are 2, the annihilators are ? and the skittles are 5.  The assigned poker chip values to their candy.

Jeff saying he's embarrassed for himself. Michele telling him not to feel so bad that so people didn't have character before they came into the house.

Read The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:15 - 1:00AM in depth]

1:45AM BBT: 
Natalie and Kevin are still discussing what they're going to do after Natalie wins HoH on Thursday.   This conversation started two weeks ago,  it's just that Natalie hasn't won anything yet,  anything at all.  They're tied of Jeff acting like God and making them promise not to put him up when Jeff's never done anything for them.  They are sick of his hypocrisy and self-righteousness   (they used smaller words and more expletives, but same meaning).  Natalie can't wait to put Jeff and Jordan on the block next week. 

In order to win HoH, they're thinking it may be an endurance contest,  in which case it could help to wear gloves.  Unfortunately Natalie does not have any,  so she's going through Michele's luggage to steal hers.  Natalie went to the DR to see if stealing was allowed,  and through some loop-hole, she can do it, like if, the gloves are not taken from the house.  So Natalie's going through Michele's bags.  Natalie wanted to steal Jordan's gloves,  but Jordan feared that Russell would tamper with her luggage, and she took her bags to the HoH room.  

During Natalie's ransacking,  we got an FotH, which lasted a couple minutes.  I don't know if BB was telling them to quit it or not.  When the FotH ended,  Russ was in the room with them  and they were done. 

2:30AM BBT:  BB Told the HGs they had to go to bed at 2:00AM tonight,  so by now the house is quiet. 

This page written by:  Angelo Joe, Anteecc, BigBroFanTX, BigFLGuy, BigMDGirl, cafeaulait, CeCiMom, Dade, Iris, IsBigBrotherWatchingYou, jennabee, kayteeh11, Marty, StephenV, SueZqueZ, tekylady and ZuZuMamou

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