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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Sunday, August 16, 2009:  No Nominations Today
Today,  Jordan Lloyd, the new HoH, will present her nominations for eviction (I think).  It is expected that Jordan will nominated Natalie and Lydia.  Lydia has been running through the Big Brother house screaming, "Evict me!  Please evict me this week!"  So, of course,  the powers that be are targeting Natalie.  

With the house so clearly divided, and with the power so strong on the side of Jordan's alliance,  the three outsiders will need to do some fancy footwork to prevent themselves from getting knocked off in secession.  Their plan is to offer themselves as a better option for the final four.  They will try to sell the idea the Jeff and Jordan,  as they have burnt the lines of communication with Russell and Michele. 

As farfetched as the outsider's plan may sound,  successful players do need henchmen in the final rounds.  Take for example Michele.  She has promised Russell the two of them for final two.  It was a promise she was cornered into.  Now she needs to find a way to get rid of Russell,  without breaking her word or getting blood on her hands.  She is looking for help within her alliance,  hoping that someone will have,  and use the power to evict Russell for her. 

So there you have it.  If you still thought Michele is HoH,  that Lydia is a blonde, and that Chima is still in the house cackling like a low rent Robin Quivers,  you have a lot of catching up to do.

9:00AM BBT:  They're asleep.
10:35AM BBT:  FotH  Must be wake-up time.
10:44AM BBT:
 They're back and Michele says there's no competitions today.  In the HoH room, we hear Michele and  Jordan talking.  Michele wonders why Russell is anti-Kevin,  and Michele hypothesizes that Russell's afraid Jeff will bring Kevin in as their final four.  Jordan says that in the final four,  Jeff would rather have Kevin than Russell,  as Russell's too strong.  [I think they're sincere in aiming for Michele, Jeff, and Jordan for final three.] 

Russ  and Lydia are also up doing ADLs.

10:50AM BBT:  Michele explained the various final five - four and three scenarios to Jordan.  Michele and Jordan are discussing how dangerous Kevin would be if he is to stay as he would win if he were final won,  because with a biased jury (hateful and bitter too)  they would give the money to Kevin.  They even run through a scenarios with one of them in the final three with Lydia. 

Michele stated that her friendship with Chima was strategic, but hers with Jordan not the same. They are saying that they have had an alliance all along with Jeff and no one found out.

11:50AM BBT: Russell sharing with Michele that he never played video games as a kid - his family was poor and his Dad would say - go outside and kick a ball or something so he doesn't play them now.

Jordan cleaning up kitchen wearing a sheet like a toga (Russell had made a comment about her pj's earlier being 'booty shorts') Russell brings in the garbage container so they can throw out all the spoiling left-overs.

Other cams on Natalie, Lydia and Kevin sleeping in red room.

12:25PM BBT:  Russell's still tearing the kitchen apart cleaning everything. 

12:55PM BBT: Michele asked Jordon if she wonders if they will get in trouble for hogging the cards. (I assume they got playing cards and are hiding them in HoH).  Jordon only knows slap jack and Michele knows the casino games.  Kevin now outside laying on couch. Jordon tells Kevin she found fondue stuff in her HoH fridge that she overlooked.   Jordon is called to the DR.   Natalie up and in the SR. Natalie now comes outside complaining to Kevin about people going to DR.   Kevin said they asked a couple of questions since tonight is the show.

1:00PM BBT:  Kevin and Natalie talking in BY about their planned lie (about Russell and Michele) and that they didn't say anything before out of respect for Chima but now that she's not in the house fuck it.

Natalie says she can say that when Jeff was grilling the hotdogs Michele and Russell were in the room alone for awhile.  That's when their 'lie' happened.  Kevin says yeah but were we sleeping?  Natalie says no,  we were standing outside at the bar stool.  Natalie says they've been holed in there for too long. (the red room?)

1:38PM BBT: Natalie goes in to see Lydia says she wants to call Kevin in to go over what he's going to say today.  Lydia in SR looking like a superhero with the pink hair, goggles and unitard.  She grabs a frozen pizza and heads into the kitchen to heat it up.   Lydia calls to Natalie that she's pretty sure that he's serious (not sure who).  Jeff's outside on the elliptical.   Lydia calls Kevin inside.  Natalie goes back over their story.  Their lie happened while Jordan was making the salads and condiments the other night.  Kevin is going to tell Jeff late tonight, when he's alone.  Jeff will keep it quiet,  Jordan will talk.

1:50PM BBT: Natalie is taking a shower.  Jordan still in pool. Russell cleaning out pool - or splashing bugs out.

2:00PM BBT:  Russell and Jordan talking in the pool.  Jordan calling it a BB free Sunday.  A girl in Russell's life is a real girly girl like Jordan.  He says she's not as outgoing as Laura. Rehashing Laura's time in the house.  Jordan thought she was sweet.  Everyone she liked is gone.  Russell says what about me?  She says I'm not talking about you...

General chatter about past HGs.

Jeff watering the plants lining the deck - hosing off food maybe they saw a lot of ants earlier.  Russell back to extolling the virtues of Julie and how nice and friendly she is.

2:23PM BBT: Jordan is telling Jeff to use the word loogies instead of snot.  He just laughs and says "Oh Jordan". Its unclear where the comment came from.
Jeff starts to work out.  Says it's been so long since he did - since Casey left.  Says he's lost so much weight he is going to start looking like Mr. Burns.  Jordan laughs and says no but he should start eating potatoes and candy and stuff.  He says no it's healthy to be skinny.  Jordan lying in the hammock sun bathing.
Jeff working his arms and upper chest.

 3:29PM BBT: Lydia braiding Natalie's hair in bathroom. Michele tanning outside.

It's been like this for the past hour or so, very quiet and relaxed in the house.

4:20PM BBT:  Nothing's been going on,  Lydia wants to take a nap,  Natalie says she's tired.  I think Natalie's looking for the opportunity to get Jeff alone to tell him the lie about Michele and Russell. 

4:30PM BBT: Jeff and Russell in kitchen chit chatting about football.  Kevin is in red room playing with Play-Doh and breathing kind of heavy. Jeff is making meat for fajitas by grilling it first and then cutting it up. BB tells him to stop whistling.

4:36PM BBT:  Jeff and Russell in KT talking sports.  Jeff reliving some 8th grade football triumphs.  Kevin in red room playing with Play-Doh.   He's rolling the Play-Doh on a tray or plate.

Jeff is making fajitas and whistling. He's marinating the meat.  Russell asking if he's going to cut it up - he says no, he's going to grill it first. BB: "Jeff, please stop whistling"  Russell says if you were in 8th grade you could knock them out.  They are being silly.  Kevin has a long purple string of Play-Doh going.

Tonight's Show:   From the DR we heard that Jordan was just as shocked as she looked when Jeff revealed himself as the holder of the coup d'état.  During the break while Julie interviewed Jessie Chima and Lydia really laid into Jeff.  In the DR Natalie cried saying that Jessie was such a good person,  and the ugly people were rewarded.  Only Kevin said that Jessie got what he deserved.  It was an ugly scene in the house both before and after the HoH contest. 

Chima wasn't unhappy that Michele won HoH,  she was angry that Russell was still in the house,  Chima thought that Michele would stay on the side of the women's alliance.  Within minutes of Michele winning HoH,  Natalie and Chima realized that Michele was not going to remain with their alliance.  Scenes with Jeff revealed that even he wasn't sure where Michele's loyalty lies.

Michele got her HoH room and a letter from her husband that was really touching.  After the HoH room tour,  the butt kissing begins.  Russell is first and he throws himself on her mercy.  From the DR Michele says Russ is a sneaky snake that needs to be watched.

Natalie,  Chima, and Lydia begin the mourning process over the loss of Jessie,  and the tears begin to flow.  Kevin has his best scenes of the season in the DR saying how ridiculous the girls are. 

A new day begins without Jessie.  Michele tells Jeff she wants Chima out.  Jeff is so happy to hear what Michele's intentions are, he says he wants to do back flips into the pool. 

At the Have / Have-Not Competition the HGs worked in pairs,  but worked at a household to win food for everyone.  The game was to taste and identify ingredients in casseroles. and place them on pedestals that identified the ingredients.   They had ten minutes.  They didn't win food for Monday,  but they got the rest of the week.  Plus, they won a BBQ grill, hot showers,  but the lost a steak and lobster dinner. 

The HoH nomination pitches continues.  Natalie is up next,  followed by Chima and Michele comes right out and tells Chima that she's not going to like her nominations. 

The episode ended with the nomination ceremony.  Michele looked nervous as she gave her speech.  The keys came out in this order:  Jordan, Jeff, Russell,  Kevin, and Lydia.  They left the viewers with a teaser for Tuesday's show,  saying that one houseguest looses control and is removed from the game. 

A more complete re-cap of tonight's show will be posted here on the CBS.com web site,  after 8-17-2009.

Meanwhile, back at the house...  
5:55PM BBT:
 Kevin, Jeff and Michele eating fajitas in BY, Russell on elliptical.   Jordan is FINALLY getting out of bed, (I think) Natalie and Lydia are in bed in the red room.

6:13PM BBT: Jeff and Kevin on the patio talking about cell phone companies,  insurance and voice activated service.  Jeff is on a rant that has Michele cracking up.  Russell working out.  Natalie sleeping.

6:30PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan eating ice cream. Jordan is talking about how everyone drinks Starbucks coffee, even celebrities.  Jeff says that he drinks the Dunkin Donuts coffee because it's cheaper and just as good.  He goes on a rant about how he hates that they have a tip cup when all they did was give him a cup of coffee.

Kevin says that he remembers that he's on BB and it's amazing.  He says, "Let's pause for a second.  Stop thinking about the game and remember how amazing it is."  Jordan says like Ronnie-O tried out for 3 years to be on the show.  They discuss that nominations are tomorrow and veto is Tuesday, and Wednesday will be veto ceremony.

Jordan tells Kevin that he's not nominated and he thanks her.  They compliment him about being the only person not having been put up for nomination.  He says yeah but that means the first time he's put up in the chair, "Bam."

Jordan says that she's been eating too much today because she is bored.

6:40PM BBT:  Jordan tells Jeff that he happens to come in 1st or 2nd place in BB, she gets his Hawaiian trip.  Jeff asks her what his consolation is.  Jordan says that if he gets evicted soon then he gets to keep the trip.   Jeff says, “With that attitude, you’re not going anywhere! If I win, I’ll think about taking you.” He says that it’s like giving her $5 g’s.   Jordan says, “Come on Jeff, have a heart.”

After here, she’s going to register for school and her b-day is in November and she’ll be 23.  She has to have her career before she’s 26 because she doesn’t want to be waiting tables at 26. S he thinks that she wants to go to a school that teaches you how to do mammograms.

7:04PM BBT: Jeff, Jordan and Kevin were talking the BY about periods.  Then Jeff and Jordan have decided to go lay down in the HoH room and listen to music.  Jordan went up to HoH and is in bed waiting for Jeff who took a detour to the kitchen.

7:20PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan running scenarios about this week.  They're thinking about the possibility of backdooring Russell, if one of Jordan's nominations come down.  Jeff is very mad that Russell voted against him and tried to keep Jessie.   They don't trust Russell and want him out.   Even with this thought, they seem to understand that Natalie needs to go this week, and Russell next week.   Jordan wants to talk to Kevin,  but will wait until after PoV,  as to not spill the beans if not necessary.

They say if Kevin kept Jessie, he would have stayed and Jeff would be gone.  They agree Russell is playing everyone and has deals with them all.  Jeff doesn't understand why Michele is listening to Russell, as he was calling her crazy a few days ago but Jordan disagrees, saying Michele is telling Jordan how Russell needs to go.

Jeff brings up how mad Russell gets when Jeff talks to Kevin.  It seems certain that Natalie is going on the block, and Russell is just a backdoor option,  he won't be going on the block now.   Jeff says he realizes this is a chance to get Russell out,  but they whether have him on their side this week,  get Natalie out,  Jeff win HoH next week and put Russell up. Jeff says if they get the chance to backdoor him,  though, it'd be easy,  since it's a short week and they won't have to hear Russell for too long.

Jordan says that they need to talk to Kevin soon.  Jeff says that he was thinking today.  She wants to get Natalie out now because she’s going after Jeff and Michele as revenge for Jessie.  She proposes what if we nominate Lydia and Natalie and then backdoor Russell.  She says to get rid of Natalie this week and do that plan next week.  Jeff says that we may not be HoH.

Jeff says that Kevin knows that Russell is coming after him. I’m scared Russell is going to get the PoV and save himself. Kevin voted to get Jessie out and Russell voted to keep him in and against what Jeff wanted. They talk about how Russell wants to win. Jordan says that he’s already got $20K and a spa thing.

Russell comes up to the HoH room to ask them how to play solitaire.  He gets paranoid and comes up and asks little question.  Jordan says to wait until after the PoV to talk to Kevin.  Jordan asks if Jeff talks game to Kevin.  He says no but that they do talk and they’re cool.  They say that if Kevin made it to the end everyone in the jury house would vote for him to win against any of us.  Jeff says, "That fucker Russell voted against him last week.  Russell likes Jessie.  He’s a fucking liar—the other day he told Jeff that he has a studio apartment-- Dude I thought that you had a roommate."  Jordan doesn’t believe that his family is poor because he’s got Dolce and Cabana and stuff from Nordstrom’s.

Jordan: "So should we keep Russell? No, I think we should keep--" FotH (Why couldn't they let her finish the sentence?!?!)

7:30PM BBT:  Feeds come back to Russell, Lydia, Natalie and Kevin in the kitchen. Jeff was called to DR. Natalie asks Lydia to join her in the red room when she's done in the kitchen so they can continue work on Natalie's hair.

7:55PM BBT:  Lydia is braiding Natalie's hair in the red room. Kevin just joined.  Seems like they're whispering about their plan. (too low to hear.)

Jordan in the tub upstairs, shaving her legs.  Jeff just shaved the back of his neck and Michele is in the HoH bed.

Jeff is done and down in the kitchen. Russell still playing cards by himself at the dining room table.

8:05PM BBT: Kevin is outside, waiting for Jeff to come out, as he'll tell the lie soon.

Inside, Russell asks Jeff to play cards, but Jeff said he wants to go outside (He's not aware of Kevin waiting for him.) Jeff makes some coffee and heads outside.

Kevin starts talking right away. He says he's appreciative of Jordan not putting him up this week. He wants to establish a relationship with Jeff and open the lines of communication and will look out for Jeff from here on out.

Kevin tells Jeff that the girls told him not to tell Jeff anything because of trust issues, but he proceeds to tell the lie about Michele and Russell.  He says Russell and Michele were in the pool room, as Russell was securing a final two deal with Michele.  Kevin, who sounds very convincing, tells Jeff that Russell said they need to break up the couple next week.   Kevin says Natalie and Lydia were listening at the pool room door and told Kevin what was said, but told Kevin NOT to tell anyone, because they want to see Jeff in the jury house (---?) and Jeff says this is funny,  because him and Jordan were just talking about this upstairs.

Jeff says he could tell Kevin a lot of stuff about Russell,  as Michele relays all the stuff Russell says to her to Jordan,  who in turn tells Jeff.  He says they were thinking of backdooring Russell,  but was unaware that Russell wanted him out next week.  Kevin stresses that the he doesn't want to start drama and the girls didn't want him to tell anyone and the girls are after Michele, not Jeff and Jordan.  Jeff tells Kevin the plan of putting Russell up if the veto is used.  Jeff says they tried to establish a final four deal with Russell, but Russell isn't playing that was.  He continues that he saved Russell and now Russell wants to betray him.

Jeff says he can't get 10 minutes alone with Jordan without them two (Michele and Russell).   Kevin is doing a GREAT job with this lie.  He tells Jeff that since Jeff looked out for him, he wants to do the same.  Jeff says that Jordan wants to talk to Kevin and he agrees.

8:15PM BBT: Kevin is adding fuel to Jeff's fire about Russell.  He says if Kevin didn't vote Jessie out,  he would have stayed, teamed up with Russell and got Jeff out.  Kevin says if the girls don't suspect Kevin looking out for Jeff, then he can keep the target off of Jeff and Jordan

Kevin says if he wins HoH, his targets would not be Jeff and Jordan for sure [So he'll nominate Michele and Lydia/Natalie?  Yeah right.]  Jeff says the best case scenario is that Natalie and Lydia go on the block, the PoV is used and Russell goes up.  Kevin says the best thing would be Kevin to win PoV to ensure Russell goes up and Jeff agrees.  He says if he gets a minute with Jordan, he'll tell her this new information.

Jeff tells Kevin he's safe with Jeff and Jordan. Kevin says that Natalie and Lydia are very passionate about getting Michele out, but after that, Jeff may be the target.

Jeff and Kevin are glad they talked. Kevin says he'll secretly look out for Jeff and hope the plans don't change.  Jeff says that he knows what people are thinking and what will happen without people saying anything (not really..)

Upstairs, Jordan is talking to Michele about getting Russell out.

[This is too much like BB6, when Howie won HoH and put up James/Sarah. The SOV think they're getting the big player out of the game and will make the game as a whole better. The Friendship got what they wanted, stayed safe and ended up winning the game. Just saying. -laladoopiedu]

8:25PM BBT: Michele says how the chess board was missing the other day and Russell said that Natalie had it, as she was making a calendar.  Michele wonders how Russell would have known this and why he would have been hanging out with Natalie. Michele says Natalie isn't smart enough to make a calendar [actually, that was a really good idea. I can respect the game play -laladoopiedu] and Jordan thinks Russell made the calendar with the wrong dates Ronnie gave him.   They think Russell will tag team with Natalie.

They agree Russell has a deal with everyone.  Jordan thinks Russell would keep Natalie and vote out Lydia, but Michele says her and Jeff have the numbers this week, since Jordan breaks the tie.

Jordan says if Natalie wasn't still in the house, she'd put Russell up.  Michele thinks Russell is waiting for Michele to say she wants Jeff and Jordan out, which wouldn't happen, so he could tell Natalie and it gets back to Jeff and Jordan. Jordan asks if Michele would rather have Kevin or Russell in the house and Michele says that she realizes that they need Russell this week.  They talk about personal lies Russell has told out his life outside the BB house.

Jeff and Kevin still talking outside. The topic is still Russell.

8:40PM BBT: Feeds show Russell in the pool room with the lights off.  He's starring into the mirror, then screams Ohh, I see you and BB tells him to knock it off.

Kevin, Lydia and Natalie in the kitchen. Lydia is still working on her BFF's hair.  Kevin whispers something and Natalie and Lydia smile and tell him to get away.

Russell puts on Casey's shirt and goes outside, where Jeff is smoking.  Russell says he likes their odds of Jeff, Michele, and himself playing for HoH next week and Jeff agrees. Russell says that anything within the next two weeks that has Russell and Jeff hanging for a win,  it's Jeff and he says he wants a letter from home.

Russell goes to check laundry and is pissed Natalie washed her chicken suit, as there was no reason to. Jeff and Russell start a game of pool.

In the kitchen, Kevin and Natalie are playing the card pairing memory game as Lydia braids.
Read The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:15 - 1:30AM in depth]

Midnight:  If you haven't read the Nite Owl Report,  and you're wondering what's been going since 8:40PM,  it's been just one long mind numbing loop of Jeff and Jordan going back and forth over who they want to evict.  Should it be Russ,  should it be Natalie? Of course a lot of the decision is pending on who wins the PoV.  If Russ does go up,  it will most likely be a back door move, so that he'll have less time on the block to drive everyone crazy.  At 12:30AM, it sounded like they were leaning towards keeping Russell,  or seeing how the PoV goes,  oh hell they're wavering while I type this.  You'll just have to wait until they play the PoV. 

While that conversation was going around and around in the HoH,  in the red room Natalie and Lydia are still talking about what Jessie means to them  Natalie holds fast to the story that her attraction to him wasn't romantic or physical, it's just that he was such a good person.  [Lather rinse, repeat.  -Morty]  Midnight Natalie and Kevin quiz Lydia on how far she went with Jessie. They are asking about oral and kissing. Natalie claims she already knows.

Lydia asks if Natalie wants to be with Jessie. Natalie says no.  Kevin thinks Jessie's personality sucks.  Natalie says he not attractive and she doesn't like big guys.

Natalie still pushing for the whole truth.  She claims she knows everything.  Lydia is holding back.  Natalie keeps pressing for more answers [maybe the sticky sweater story]

Natalie claims that she has to tell so she can redeem herself.  Russell is laughing in the next room.  He overhears from the other room.  Natalie says Jessie is NOT cute.  She claims he's nice guy.  Lydia claims he is.  She claims Natalie secretly wants to bone Jessie.

She finally says she was wearing Natalie's  shirt [sweatshirt] and sheet went down.  Natalie says it's disgusting.  Lydia says sorry Natalie "I got my jizz on your sweatshirt". . She claims out of every guy in the house Lydia choose Jessie.  Lydia says that Russell was with Chima. Russell laughs loud from the next room.  Natalie and Kevin still bashing Jessie

Natalie says she would have cut Jessie to keep Chima.  Natalie says she was told everything that Jessie ever told Lydia.

12:45AM BBT:  The lights are out,  everyone's in bed,  and wide awake and talking a blue streak.  The red room is still talking about Jessie,  and the HoH room is still flip-flopping on Russell. 


Today's coverage is by: Angelo Joe, BigMDGirl, CAchristine, CeCiMom, Dade, jammer, King123, laladoopiedu, leesestyle, mechughes, mmm, Moxie, pink3572906, StephenV, SueZqueZ, writerchick1 and ZuZuMamou

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