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The Big Brother Archive


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Pre-Show #39 Sunday, August 16, 2009
#1 Thursday, July 9, 2009 #40 Monday, August 17, 2009
#2 Friday, July 10, 2009 #41 Tuesday, August 18, 2009
#3 Saturday, July 11, 2009 #42 Wednesday, August 19, 2009
#4 Sunday, July 12, 2009 #43 Thursday, August 20, 2009
#5 Monday, July 13, 2009 #44 Friday, August 21, 2009
#6 Tuesday, July 14, 2009 #45 Saturday, August 22, 2009
#7 Wednesday, July 15, 2009 #46 Sunday, August 23, 2009
#8 Thursday, July 16, 2009 #47 Monday, August 24, 2009
#9 Friday, July 17, 2009 #48 Tuesday, August 25, 2009
#10 Saturday, July 18, 2009 #49 Wednesday, August 26, 2009
#11 Sunday, July 19, 2009 #50 Thursday, August 27, 2009
#12 Monday, July 20, 2009 #51 Friday, August 28, 2009
#13 Tuesday, July 21, 2009 #52 Saturday, August 29, 2009
#14 Wednesday, July 22, 2009 #53 Sunday, August 30, 2009
#15 Thursday, July 23, 2009 #54 Monday, August 31, 2009
#16 Friday, July 24, 2009 #55 Tuesday, September 1, 2009
#17 Saturday, July 25, 2009 #56 Wednesday, September 2, 2009
#18 Sunday, July 26, 2009 #57 Thursday, Speptember 3, 2009
#19 Monday, July 27, 2009 #58 Friday, September 4, 2009
#20 Tuesday, July 28, 2009 #59 Saturday, September 5, 2009
#21 Wednesday, July 29, 2009 #60 Sunday, September 6, 2009
#22 Thursday, July 30, 2009 #61 Monday, September 7, 2009
#23 Friday, July 31, 2009 #62 Tuesday, September 8, 2009
#24 Saturday, August 1, 2009 #63 Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#25 Sunday, August 2, 2009 #64 Thursday, September 10, 2009
#26 Monday, August 3, 2009 #65 Friday, September 11, 2009
#27 Tuesday, August 4, 2009 #66 Saturday, September 12, 2009
#28 Wednesday, August 5, 2009 #67 Sunday, September 13, 2009
#29 Thursday, August 6, 2009 #68 Monday, September 14, 2009
#30 Friday, August 7, 2009 #69 Tuesday, September 15, 2009
#31 Saturday, August 8, 2009 #70 Wednesday, September 16, 2009
#32 Sunday, August 9, 2009 #71 Thursday, September 17, 2009
#33 Monday, August 10, 2009 #72 Friday, September 18, 2009
#34 Tuesday, August 11, 2009 #73 Saturday, September 19, 2009
#35 Wednesday, August 12, 2009 #74 Sunday, September 20, 2009
#36 Thursday, August 13, 2009  
#37 Friday, August 14, 2009  
#38 Saturday, August 15, 2009  
Friday,  August 14, 2009:  Michele:  Change

Inside Dish: Ross Interviews Jessie

Watch  Ross Mathew interview Jessie
.   - Click Here -

The plan was never to evict Russell if one of the Jeff, Jordan, Michele alliance won,  but just to make sure,  Russell spent quite a long time with his lips firmly planted on Michele's gluteus maximus.  I suppose the talk was worthwhile,  because for once,  Michele got to tell him that the reason she was forced to lie is because he told everyone all her secrets after she thought they were together.  Russ apologized every which way he could,  and this time,  instead of a shouting match,  the dialogue ended in a hug. 

Nominations are today,  and it sounds like Michele is putting up Chima and Natalie.  Remember,  this is Big Brother,  time is compressed and by mid-afternoon when the nomination are due, things could flip. 

10:05AM BBT:  Time to shake the hamster cage and get these guys runnin' around.  FotH
10:20AM BBT:  Russell,  Jordan and Michele are up.  Jeff leaves the doom room and gets in a bed in the pool room.  There's some whispering going on,  and Jordan tells Jeff that Michele is putting up Chima and Natalie.

Lydia makes hot cakes.  (stock photo of blonde cooking)

10:30AM BBT:  Russell's in the kitchen making coffee.  Lydia enters to make pancakes and bacon,  nothing is said.  10:50AM Natalie is up. Natalie doesn't want Lydia's hotscakes,  so Lydia makes her scrambled eggs.

11:10AM BBT:  Chima is up.  Russ is back in bed.  Kevin got up around 11:20AM

11:40AM BBT: The feeds are on Lydia sleeping in red room, Russell laying down in pool room, and Natalie, Kevin, Chima and Michele chatting at the dining room table.  They're wondering when the table will get smaller, thinking it will be after the Have-Not competition today.

Natalie is surprised BB hasn't told them about a competition this morning. Natalie says after the veto competition on Saturday, she wants her hair done in all braids. She thinks it will take 5 hours for her to do. This will be the second time she's ever done it to her hair.

Seems Jordan is in the shower, as Kevin says he's taking one once Jordan is out.   Russell is stretching his lower back in bed.   Natalie says she breaks out when she's stressed, as she's breaking out now.   She goes to one of the mirrors in the kitchen and appears to pop a pimple on her chin then on her chest.

Michele has left the kitchen and Chima and Natalie wonder if Jessie will come back to host a competition, like BB10 Brian did later in his season.  Chima says only if Jessie could bring a machine gun and shoot them all.  Natalie says he'd tell (them) to duck and then shoot the others.

Chima gets more to drink and heads to the bedroom as Natalie goes back to popping pimples in the mirror.  When she finishes and walks towards the bedroom, she pushes on the front door and tells Chima it's still blocked.  Natalie tells Lydia they heard noises, like when Jeremy Piven came in.

Noon:  FotH  12:05PM Feeds Back,  then FotH. 

12:15PM BBT:  Time for the Have / Have-Not Competition
2:20PM BBT: 
The feeds are back, Lydia, Chima, and Natalie are all in the shower  Looks like Kevin is waiting. 

Russell goes up to the HoH room and asks can he use the shower up there, and Michele says yeah we'll only be a minute.. Michele and Jordan are in the HoH shower. Kevin still waiting.

For the Have / Have-Not Challenge, the house got one day of slop.  They played for luxury items,  and won two out three.  One item was a BBQ grill.  Michele is on slop for one day, Russell is also a Have-Not, so is Natalie.  Michele says Natalie has a slop pass and Russell says that's why she didn't care, but she shouldn't have done that to her team. Seems like Jeff has cold showers and Russell says he's just disgusted to be around them. Russell asks if he can use her shower and she says of course.

Michele wasn't guaranteed food and seems they have to go one day without food.   Russell says it was supposed to be a fun competition and the others made it horrible.  He wants to get rid of all four of them,  but Michele says Kevin is alright.  Russell says Kevin doesn't like him and wants Russell out.

2:30PM BBT: FotH 

2:35PM BBT: Jeff comes in and says he can't stand those downstairs in the bathroom and wants to use the HoH shower. Michele says to check with BB because the HoH shower isn't cold. Jeff says he just asked and BB told him not to make a big stink out of it and Jeff says how the other side is being babied and you have to walk on eggshells around them. Jeff decides to go downstairs just so the other side doesn't make a big deal out of it.

Michele asks Russell about his vote to keep Jessie and Russell says yes, because he gave Jessie his word he wouldn't vote him out. Russell continues to push to Michele about his word and how he's kept it throughout the house and gives her examples. He tells her he won't put her up or vote her out.

Chima is out of the shower. Natalie and Jeff are now showering. Chima walked over and said something to Natalie and told her to deny, deny, deny. Chima then laughs and goes into the bathroom to put on clothes.

Okay, it appears Kevin is in the shower with Natalie, not Jeff.

Jeff did go back upstairs and is showering in the HoH shower.

2:45PM BBT: Russell is called to the DR. Michele goes to get something in the downstairs bathroom and Natalie says for such a gross challenge, they did pretty good.  She says they got food for every day but one and 2 out of 3 luxuries.  Michele goes back to the HoH room.

Chima and crew still in bathroom. Jordan joins Jeff and Michele in HoH bathroom. Jordan says she needs gel but doesn't want to go downstairs.  Michele says how she went down there and the others started to talk about how good they did and Michele laughs about it. Michele starts to fill the bathtub up.

They start talking about the competition.  Seems like there were pies filled with meat or veggies and they had to find matches.  They also won a grill.

Michele says there's no hot water left and the tub is filling with cold water. She then says how she has to make a nomination speech and should do like Jessie and not give a reason. Jeff heads downstairs to make some slop. He thanks her for the shower.

2:55PM BBT:  The Jessie fan club are going to wear Jessie's clothes today so they will be shown during Nominations. (what is Jessie wearing in the Jury House?)  Kevin and Chima in the red room.  Chima says she feels like she has a hangover, as she has a major headache.

Natalie and Lydia in bathroom and they say how they're pissed off.  Natalie says if he gets away with that, she will go off. Lydia says they all will. (Maybe about Jeff using the HoH shower?)

The HGs have a smaller table in the dining room.

3:00PM BBT:   Kevin and Jordan in the kitchen. Lydia is doing her eyebrows in the bathroom and Chima comes in to do her hair.  Lydia says Jessie will be able to see the Have Not competition.  Chima says Jessie will only care about the nominations and PoV.  Lydia says Russell will know what slop feels like for one day, if he'll eat it.  Chima says she won't and turns on the blow dryer.

Kevin and Jordan are making food as Jeff prepares slop.

Jeff is marinating steak for tonight to cook on the grill they won.  Kevin and Jordon are preparing their meal at the counter.  Chima blow drying her hair in the bathroom and Lydia is applying her make-up.  Kevin is the only one talking to the "other side."  Natalie and Lydia are dressed in Jessie's clothes and are still mourning in the bathroom as Chima picks (some remains from the have not competition) out of her hair.

3:10PM BBT:  Natalie, Chima and Lydia in the bathroom.  Natalie asks what Kevin's name is, as they're Charlie's Angels.  Lydia says "Bosley," but he doesn't like that name. Natalie says the "Bosley Mission" is in effect.  Lydia says Kevin may leave their team (since he's talking with the others.)  Natalie says the mission is out and Chima and Lydia tell her to stop talking about it.

Chima says she needs a power to get two people out and Natalie agrees that they need a coup d'état

Russell is now in HoH shower and talking to Michele about the PoV competition and how Jordan kept yelling tuna, looking for a match when there was no tuna. They laugh.

Kevin joins the girls in the bathroom.  Natalie is dressed in Jessie' clothes.  Lydia think she'll be nominated again.  They wonder if Russell is upstairs now, working the same lies he did to Chima last week.

3:45PM BBT: Natalie called to DR. Lydia now doing dishes.  Michele and Jeff talking about if BB will give them beer and Jeff said they need beer to go to the BBQ.  Michele tells Jeff 5 more hours until he can eat.  Jeff said steak and salad and he will be full.  Jeff likes corn on the cob on the grill, he keeps the husk on it.  Russell cutting up chicken on the other side of the counter from Lydia and Chima.   Lydia tells Chima to drink sprite but warm,  Chima has a hang over--she said this earlier.

4:05PM BBT:  Natalie goes to the HoH room to find out where she stands.  Michele says that if things stayed the way they were last week,  things would be different.  Her plan was to take out Jessie but he is gone,  so now she has four people she is looking at.   Natalie is not going to sit there and say it is OK for her to put her up,  if she wins the PoV she will take herself off,   Natalie says, "How far do you think Jeff will carry you?"   Michele says,  "That is for me to know."  Natalie says,  "If you think that Russell is on your side for one minute he is lying to you."   Natalie then says that she did give her word to Chima and Natalie and she went on about how good her word was.  Michele says she regrets that she is sorry that she gave her word and is not holding up to it.  She says she is running out of people and it just sucks.

Michele says there is one person in mind who I want to send home the other two will be pawns.  Natalie now tells her Chima is downstairs saying how she knows Michele isn't going to throw her under the bus.  Michele says, "Yeah well she is wrong."   Michele says she don't want to send her home,  she has the chance to play for PoV,  and she kept her over Jessie in the eviction.  Natalie says that is because that's what Jeff wanted you to do.  She reminds her of the awful things Russell has said to her saying it was attacking her character her looks her stability,  "And the whole house saw it."  Natalie says if she goes to the Jury house the backstabbers will not get vote, Jessie will not vote for the backstabbers too.

4:20PM BBT:  Now it's Chima's turn to talk to Michele.  I need to point out here,  that neither Natalie or Chima are doing any butt kissing in their campaign.  Their tactics are more guilt based,  with a few threats thrown in. 
Michele: "I just want you to know your not going to like the nominees"
Chima: "Natalie? If I wont like it, It has has be Natalie."
Michele: "Well, I can't say, But it's going to be 2 of the 4."
Chima: "So not Russell? Why not Russell?"  [Chima seemed genuinely surprised by this- King123]

4:30PM BBT: Chima tells Michele that it is her HoH but just think if Russell wins next week he will put up Michele and Chima.  Chima reminds her of Evel Dick.  Chima tells Michele that Russell will attack Michele again and if Russell makes it to the end he will win.  Chima says Russell vote is no good and she honestly thinks Jeff would not come after Michele if Russell goes home this week.  Chima says Russell has a way of dividing people and it bothers Chima people do not see this about Russell.  Chima says if Michele does not put up Russell's and he stays he will get Jeff to put up Michele.  Chima is almost 100% sure Jeff would go after Natalie and Chima. 

Chima said Natalie wants Jeff and Jordon out since her twosome was broken up she wants to break up Jeff and Jordon.  Chima says Michele is safe with the other side and they do not need men to take then throw this game.  Chima would love if it was her and Michele at the end because Russell would hate to have to choose one of them.  Chima said Jeff and Jordon will take each other to the final two.  Chima said if she wins HoH next week she would put up Jeff and Jordon since Jeff messed over her nominations.  Chima said "Would you be OK with Russell winning?"  Michele said she would be OK with he best player winning.  Chima said,  "Do you think Russell is a good person?"  Chima said Ronnie did the same thing to Michele and Michele wanted Ronnie out but not Russell.  Chima says Russell is physically stronger than Ronnie and could stay longer in the game and start to be nasty to Michele again.  Chima tells Michele she does not want Michele to lose sight of what is going on but it is Michele's decision to do what she needs to do.  Chima promises Michele Russell will attack Michele again and he will go after the girls who do not have a man to back them up. (basically all women there but Jordon).  Chima laying it on thick about Russell being a horrible person and that it's so important that a woman win Big Brother.  {She acts as if she's unaware that there have been a bunch of women in the final two -Morty]

Natalie is in the green room with Lydia and Kevin telling them about her conversation with Michele.   Natalie, Kevin and Lydia in GR reading some kind of papers in a folder.  Maybe trying to snag someone on the other side with a penalty?

5:00PM BBT: .Chima's alliance is meeting in the green room,  and re-capping their conversations with Michele.  On the patio,  Michele is re-capping her conversation.  Jeff and Russell doing,  well more bitching than bashing about the "other side."  [These alliances need clever names ASAP. -Morty

5:15PM BBT:  Nomination Time?  We're getting a long FotH. 
6:49PM BBT:  Feeds returned for a second with Jeff saying he'd throw their stuff on the BBQ grill, if the mess with his stuff.  Conversation picks up again with Jeff saying he could go for a beer,  and Russ says they'll probably have them,  they did last week.   Michele nominated Chima and Natalie.

Michele tells them Natalie said something to her about Michele being in trouble with God. They all laugh. They talk about how horrible it would be to be in the jury house with the others.

The camera zooms up on Chima, under the covers, with a yellow piece of paper that says Jessie's name on it. Natalie tells Lydia Michele will get sick for what she did to Chima and karma will get her. Natalie says she expected her to be (up) because she and Michele never got along and Natalie would have done the same thing. But not Chima.

6:58PM BBT: Lydia says Michele obviously doesn't want a woman to win BB11.  Natalie says whoever stays this week, needs to win next week.   Natalie says about flipping the house around next week.   Chima doesn't see the point in staying in the house because they won't have the numbers anymore.  Natalie explains it,  Lydia gets it and tells Chima they will have the numbers,  because it will be 3-3.   Chima says she hates Michele and Russell evenly now and Jeff.   Natalie says that Russell is farthest from her target now, as Michele and Jeff are her targets.   Lydia wants Jeff and Russell out to get the men out.

7:02PM BBT:  Chima is still under the covers, talking. Natalie is reading the BB rule book. She states, unless informed by producers... FotH. Feeds come back, but she's quiet. (She's obviously reading the rule book to see how much she can get away with.)

7:05PM BBT: Upstairs, they're throwing a ball around the room, playing catch, talking about what Chima's been through. Jeff wonders why Natalie wore a shirt with a picture of Jessie on it to the nomination ceremony.  He wonders if Natalie still has a boyfriend at home.    Basic chit chat is going on. All feeds on the HoH room. 

7:15PM BBT:  The subject of conversation is embarrassing moments.  Michele tells about her husband who works as a stand-up comic.  Michele invited family and co-workers to his show.  He introduced her from the stage and went into a really blue routine about her.  Michele was known as the nasty girl after that.

7:20PM BBT: Jeff said if you would have told Natalie and Chima two days ago that Jessie would be gone and they'd be on the block,  they would have laughed at them.  Jeff says Natalie and Chima are just in shock right now.  Russell says that he said in his pre-show interviews which previous HG he wouldn't want in the house and he said Jessie and how BB then brought him in.  Jordan says she would like to hang out with BB10 Dan and Renny, then starts imitating Renny sleep walking last year and does a pretty good impression. Jordan expresses her love for Renny.  Jeff wants to meet Dan,  he thinks he's an awesome guy.  She says Memphis seems like a cool guy, too. She then starts talking about Mardi Gras.

7:30PM BBT: Jordan says if Michele gets HG Choice for veto, pick one of the guys, since they're stronger competitors.  Jordan then starts talking about her implants and how she thinks they're drooping. She went from a 34A to a 36C and thinks they weight 3 lbs a piece.

7:35PM BBT:  There is nothing going on.  The HGs are on LD, Jeff, Jordan,  Michele and Russ are in the HoH room,  just talking about random things like boob jobs.    Jordan wants BB to let them outside, as she feels trapped.

7:40PM BBT: All is quiet in the HoH room.  Russell and Jeff are trying to sleep, as Jordan just sits there and Michele uses the bathroom.

Jordan heads downstairs to make some food. Kevin passes her with a pink blanket and heads to the GR. She asks him what's up and I didn't hear his reply.

Jeff and Jordan in the pool room. Someone has taken Jeff's clothes from drawers in the red room and put them all over Jeff and Jordan's bed in the pool room.  He asks them who did it, but I switched feeds and didn't hear. Jordan tells him to keep the clothes in the pool room and he saws there's no room and puts his clothes back in the red room drawers. He's mad and says they (Chima's crew) need to grow up.

Natalie, Chima and Lydia are all in bed. Natalie is up and watching Jeff put back his clothes. She's smirking. Jordan is laying in Michele's PR bed, watching Jeff. Jeff:  "Don't touch my stuff anymore."  Natalie:  "Are you talking to me?"  Jeff:  "You know who I'm talking to." 

Night-time Coverage by BigFLGuy:

9:04PM BBT: Jeff alone in kitchen eating left over Chinese food. Not another houseguest in sight. Most everyone is napping during and indoor lockdown.

9:05PM BBT: Natalie and new best friend Lydia, in red room. They have the chess-board from upstairs. They are using colored candy and the squares to build a Big Brother calendar. Actually a little impressive coming from Natalie (BigFLGuy).

9:39PM BBT: LD Over and in the backyard we find a “miniature-golf putting green.”

9:44PM BBT: Michele, Natalie, Lydia practicing putting on the brand new game in the back yard. It is not unlike a Putt-Putt mini-putting-range. Out comes Russell. Michelle asks him if he plays mini-golf. He responds, “yes I’m pretty good actually.” He then asks Jeff about his clothes being moved earlier. Jeff told Russell, “I put them back and told them not to touch my shit.”

9:49PM BBT: Lydia is attempting to teach Natalie how to properly hit the ball. She starts with, “imagine you’re the ball.” When that doesn’t work, she asks Natalie if she’s ever snowboarded.

9:53PM BBT: In the kitchen Michele says to Jordan, “unfortunately the game didn’t come with instructions saying not to hog the ball. It did last time.” Jordan says, “I’ll just wait.”

9:55PM BBT: Kevin wakes Chima up trying to get her to come out and practice putting. At first she’s dismissing him letting him know “thank you for letting me know,” but basically no thanks. Kevin sums up all his patience to keep talking her into it. She finally comes agrees to go outside.

9:58PM BBT: Natalie and Lydia talking about taking the balls inside so nobody else can practice.

10:03PM BBT: Russell is telling Jordan the story about when his Father left Lebanon. He says that his Father left with no money or anything. Then he went back and got his siblings. When he got to America he went to school and became a journalist. Russell continues that his family in Lebanon are involved in the Secret Service and that his Uncle ran for President just two-years ago.

10:07PM BBT: Russell bitching how it’s getting old that they are not giving them alcohol. Jordan theorizes that they aren’t getting it because of all the tension in the house. Jeff changes the subject and says that the snail (on the miniature golf green) will be moved from the current position in the actual competition.

10:13PM BBT: Jeff is complaining how “they” (Lydia, Chima and Natalie) are doing laundry AGAIN! So nobody else can do theirs.

10:19PM BBT: Russell has spent the last 15 minutes prepping meat and veggies for the new grill. After drowning the zucchini in BBQ sauce AND honey he goes outside to start the meat. We find Lydia, Chima, Natalie and Kevin practicing away.

Read The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:30 - ? in depth]

10:30PM BBT: Natalie speaking under her breath to Chima, “she can sit there all night long.”  She’s referring to Michele sitting on the outdoor couch and the fact that she will not be letting anyone else practice all night.

10:35PM BBT: Michele and Jordan are talking in the kitchen. They agree that Chima has to go and then Natalie next because she’s coming after Jeff. They both also agree they can’t lose Jeff!

10:49PM BBT: Michele and Jordan are eating a nice dinner that Russell prepared for them. (Is it a requirement to be a Big Brother Houseguest that you slide metal utensils across your teeth EVERY TIME you take a bite of food?) BigFLGuy

10:59PM BBT: Jeff, Jordan, Michele and Russell sitting outside on the couch. Russell asks Jordan,  “Did you tell Jeff?” Jordan, tells Jeff,  “Lydia walked into the bathroom with a big thing of toilet paper, a lint brush, and a bottle of hot sauce.”  She tells them all again, “you better take your stuff up to Michele’s room.”

11:03PM BBT: Big Brother calls for Chima to change her microphone.  She’s sitting on the drawers between the washer and dryer.  She says, “I’m not going anywhere.” For some reason she decides to get a dig in on Michele she says something about her stabbing her in the back.

11:08PM BBT: Russell is practicing putting. (So much for Natalie putting all night long. - BigFLGuy)


11:17PM BBT: Natalie is retrieving the balls for Russell as he’s putting.  Jeff (falling asleep as he’s the only one that didn’t take a long nap),  Jordan and Michele sitting on outdoor couch.  Chima and Lydia sitting on washer and dryer. Kevin is sitting with his feet in the spa.

11:20PM BBT: Jeff wakes up.  Jordan tells him that Michele said she’ll tell her later why Russell voted to keep Jessie in the house.

11:26PM BBT: Jordan is telling Jeff how she spoke with Michele about getting Russell out as soon as possible.  She then tells Jeff that she was looking at Russell’s possessions and he has “Dolce & Gabbana sun glasses and Nordstrom shoes, so he does well for himself and he just doesn’t want people to know.”

11:29PM BBT: Lydia, Chima, Natalie and Kevin in the red room. They are hiding food items and beauty products they don’t want to share.  They are setting up the chess board with Pay-Doh V’s, H’s, etc. for Veto’s,  Head of Household, etc.

11:40PM BBT: Natalie talking to Chima and Kevin says “the first person to get rid of Jeff and you make it to the end you’ll get my vote.  But if he makes it to the end he’ll get my vote.”

11:50PM BBT: Jeff, Jordan, Russell and Michele are outside practicing putting.  Jordan asks, “What do you think the snail has to do with it?” Russell answers, “It’s just an obstacle.” (It will be interesting if going slow has something to do with the actual Veto competition. - BigFLGuy)

1:10AM BBT:  Kevin Escapes!  Kevin was called to the DR and when he got out,  instead of going back to the girls in the red room,  he escapes to the other side in the BY.  Kevin tells Michele,  "I understand that they need to vent,  but they're on 24/7 and never change the subject.  It's like Jessie was some kind cult leader."   Michele:  "They claim they're all strong women,  why are they acting like that?"

1:20AM BBT:  FotH and it was still FotH at 2:30AM

2:40AM BBT: Flashback Alert:  2:40AM BBT Where's Chima?   With Real player and the live feeds,  you can "Flashback"  to any point in BB11 history.   Watch Big Brother on SuperPass!  After a marathon FotH,  the feeds come back for a second and you hear Natalie say:  "They tell you to expect the unexpected,  but even they didn't expect this unexpected."  then FotH.  When they return after a few seconds,  we have Russell making dip, or salsa in the kitchen Jordan,  soon Michele and Jeff join them.  They open a bag of Doritos,  and we are left clueless as to what went on during the past hour and twenty minutes. 

2:45AM BBT:  They wonder if BB will put someone else up on the block,  or just leave this week without an eviction. "What about tomorrow?" someone asks,  Russell:  "I'm sure they going to make it fun for us, you know, liven things up and have a good time." 

Chima is gone!

They discuss whether Chima's vote will go to America.  Russell was heard to say that Chima's first meeting will be with the legal department.  Jeff goes to sit on the table and Jeff says, "I better not it might break."  and Russell jokes,  "Jeff, please report to the diary room."  Apparently Chima threw her microphone in the hot tub,  Chima may not have voluntarily left as I originally thought (earlier she said she didn't want to be there any longer).  Earlier,  Natalie and Chima were talking, and asked if Russ has two rosaries,  or just one.  Now it sounds like Chima took Russ's rosary,  and someone mentions she (Chima) might be selling it on eBay.  [Sorry I'm not getting everything word-for-word,  they're talking too fast. -Morty

Jeff says that it’s been an exciting day and you never know what’s round the corner in this house.  Michele says that she was in a shitty clique.  Everyone from your clique and my clique are gone but the only gone from yours is Jessie.  Jeff says that he was kind of in his own clique.  Jordan says that she won't sell her stuff on eBay

The mood of the the Jeff, Jordan, Michele, Russ group is quiet and nonchalant.  There's no cheering or high-fiving going on,  in fact it's difficult to get details because they're not even talking about it. 

Really late night coverage by BigMDGirl:

3:08AM BBT: Jordan is talking about her brother and he had a speech impediment with his R's and he's still says her name like "Jodan."  Michele says that her little brother had trouble with R's and couldn't say fork and it would come out, "Where's my fuck, where's my fuck?"

Russell is telling the story how Lydia made blueberry pancakes with grapes and they all are cracking up.  They start telling Casey stories and how he would always eat everyone's food and never clean or do dishes.  Jeff tells the story about the margarita party and how everyone else had they're sombrero's on and looking down eating and Jeff tells him that he was going on the block and you're wearing a banana suit.  He said that Casey didn't believe it and had to go to Jessie and check and came back and told Jeff that he was going on the block.  He asked Jeff how he knew it and Jeff said look at everyone,  they weren't looking at you."

3:21AM BBT:  Russell asks Jeff/Jordan if they’re going to get married.  She says no that they are BFFs.  Russell says that BFFs don’t kiss and Jordan says that they’ve only kissed like one time when Ron-o was in there and maybe one other time.  Jeff says that they’ve got to keep it business.  Then he smiles and asks Jordan, “Do you want to go to bed?” Natalie comes in the kitchen to get something from the fridge…and Jordan keeps prattling on as to not be quite as AWKWARD! FotH

3:32AM BBT: Russell, Michele and Jordan are talking about Chima and how she was mad. Jordan says, “I wouldn’t even worry about it, she’s gone now!” Michele says that she was worried that Chima would come after her and hit her.  Russell says that Chima was trying to bait him and that they all knew that she called him a terrorist.  Jordan leaves the kitchen. Michele tells Russell that she wanted to throw milk shakes and scalding tea on you.  Michele says that Chima and Jessie tried to intimidate her.  Russell says that Chima was not used to confrontation. Russell hopes that she gets fined and has to apologize to everyone. Michele says that even though it’s a reality TV show, we are employed by this place and we’re here to do a job. Kevin walks through and goes outside.   Russell asks Michele if they are close.  She waits to answer and she feels bad because he’s in the middle.

Russell asks Michele why she did nominate Chima. Because she was so adamant about not being in that chair, she wanted to take out Jeff, and she threw her friend under the bus. She mistreated everyone, me, you…

3:43AM BBT: Russell is promising his allegiance to Michele that if she were up on the block and he wins PoV he would take her off the block.  Russell apologizes to Michele for being a “cock” to her and says that she’s like a guy and let's it be squashed.  She says that it's squashed.

"Someone punches me, I punch back.  Someone yells at me, I yell back. I feel that she won and America. I had to sit outside for two weeks all alone because of her and no one even told her to stop or shut up."

Russell says that his dad taught him that when you make a mistake, "step up and admit it and people will respect you and you will respect yourself. Some people don’t know when to admit: I’m sorry, I fucked up."

Russell says that Kevin is his next target and would love for them to be the Final Four they fist pound and he says that it would be fun if they were Final Two..

Today's stuff was written by:  adballoon, Angelo Joe, BigBroFanTX,  BIgFLGuy,  BigMDGirl, Cathy, CeCiMom, Goldylucks, jamiehuns, jammer, joyami, King123, ladyluvly, laladoopiedu, mechughes, mmm, pluGGz01, shukie9900, StephenV, SueZqueZ, Yana and ZuZuMamou.  Do you think BIgFLGuy and BigMDGirl could find happiness together?  Tune in tomorrow...

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