7:15AM BBT: All is quiet, all four
cameras show HGs sleeping. 9:30AM BBT: BB: "Good
morning houseguests. It's time to get up for the day." It took a
few calls to get everyone moving today.
Jeff tells Casey he's not proud of how he acted yesterday, yelling
at Natalie. Jeff said he had a problem letting his aggression out when
he was younger, but now at 30 he should be better at it. He says his
mother wouldn't be be proud to see him cursing at a young girl.
Outside we have Jeff, Casey, and Ronnie ... idle chat about exercise.
10:00AM BBT: Laura has a doctor coming to see her today about
an issue she's having?
10:35AM BBT: Braden is working out in BY and Jordan is in
the pool. General chat. Laura and Lydia (and others did not see all of
them) in Kitchen talking about social networking sites and whether or not
they left others in charge of their accounts. Most did not.
Last time i saw Kevin he was cleaning up in the classic room and Russell
looked to be putting a bag of laundry together.
All four cameras now on Jessie and Natalie laying in bed together. Talking
game and complaining about Jeff (what else?) They say they may need
Jeff down the road.
11:05AM BBT: Jessie and Natalie talking game in the "eco-friendly"
room. There is talk of taking Chima off the block instead of Lydia. And
replacing her with someone else. They don't know if they can trust Lydia,
and they're condemning Braden based on information from Lydia.. They are
also saying how genuine of a person Chima is.
11:13AM BBT Laura is talking outside about pain. (I think she has a kidney infection;
the doctors were supposed to come at 10 but they are obviously late).
11:17AM BBT:
Jessie was called into the diary room. Then brief FotH. No PoV Ceremony yet.
Russell and Natalie are in the SR, saying they agree to get Braden out but
they consider the possibility of getting rid of Jordan instead, saying it would
crush Jeff, plus Lydia will not screw them if she can't fall back on
Jordan, but Russell thinks they may need their numbers down the road.
Russ says he'll tell Lydia "If you fuck us you will have four people gunning
for you."
The plan is to get Braden out first. Then maybe Jordan next.
Noon BBT House is still boring.
In the re-cycled room, Lydia was telling Kevin and Russell about how
Braden went to kiss her goodnight last night, pulling her into a really hard
and long hug, then making as if to kiss her on the lips, but she turned her
head at the last second and got it on the cheek. Russell says that Laura was
telling him pretty much the same thing earlier, so Lydia got Laura into
there and asked her to tell the story. Laura said that she was on her way to
bed and told Braden goodnight, and hugged her hard and kissed her face. She
didn't think he was aiming for the lips, but she still didn't like the kiss
on the cheek, and wasn't comfortable being pulled into the hug because she
was wearing a low-cut top.
Russell was telling Lydia and Kevin about how when he was a forest-fire
fighter for a few year (when he was 19, 20 and 21). He was one of only 3
firefighters to have a chainsaw, because you have to be really strong and
have good endurance because a hike up a 2000 yard mountain will tire you out
otherwise, so not everyone gets a chainsaw.
This makes him think of an interesting game they can play, which he and his
firefighting mates used to play after the fire was out, while waiting to
pull out.
He calls it "4 for 40", and the basics are that you have 4 minutes to chug 4
gallons of water, and then you have to try not to vomit it out for 40
seconds. He says he only managed it once, and that most people puke it all
out right away. It sounds like they might actually try to play it later.
12:45PM BBT: The PoV Ceremony is in progress. We'll have
the outcome later this afternoon. 1:45PM BBT: The feeds
are back. All four feeds are on Jessie and Natalie in the re-cycled
room. Jessie tells Natalie he hopes someday they'll make an action
figure of him, "I mean I've got little nieces and nephews, how cool would it
be if they could play with their very own Uncle Jessie figure." Confirmed:
Russ used the veto on Lydia and Jessie replaced her with Braden. Lydia,
Casey and Kevin talking in the backyard. Casey tells her that if he tells
her something, she doesn't need to tell everyone else. She says she
knows, but thanks him for the advice. They're happy that they still
have three members for their clique.
Russell, Nat and Jessie talking about family in the re-cycle room.
Jeff and Ronnie whisper in SR. Jeff says Braden was put up because he's
close with him. Ronnie tells Jeff that if anyone asks him (Ronnie)
about Braden, Ronnie will deny it and needs Jordan and Jeff to back
him up (he got them to swear yesterday about this, yet still trying to
cover his tracks) Jeff agrees and tells Ronnie he's good and to relax.
Braden outside with Kevin and Lydia. He says he has his two team members and
is obviously trying to talk votes with them, but in a subtle way.
Jordan is talking with Michele in the pool. She's very upset by everything
that has happened. Michele says everything will change next week. Jordan
says she's not the type of person to suck up to someone else and run and
kiss ass to the HoH just because they're HoH. Michele says she
understands but it's not kissing ass to the HOH, it's saving your own ass
from going home.
BBT: Laura joins them at the pool and says he team is in a bad
situation. If they vote against Braden, that's bad because he's on their
team. But if they save Braden, then the whole house hates them.
Jordan says if Braden leaves, it's just them two girls left for their
group. Michele chimes in that she's voting to keep Chima because she's on
her team. 2:10PM BBT: Russell, Jessie and Natalie are
whispering in the re-cycle room. Jessie says not to mention any other
names that they thought about using for replacement nomination.
Natalie says she's never had a conversation with Braden. Natalie says
Michele is cool with everyone, except for Casey. Russell says
she's smart. Natalie is popping bubbles from the bubble wrap on the
wall. Jessie says he was nervous during the PoV ceremony and Russell says he
wasn't at all. Russ says they're getting rid of Braden.
Natalie says they know Braden is going to be talking to everyone and he's
conniving. Jessie says Braden has four days to talk and how them three
need to not talk anymore game to anyone this week. They start talking about
Jeff and him and Jessie's confrontation last night. 2:15PM BBT:
Braden and Jeff talking outside. Braden was being optimistic about
being on the block. Casey joins them and talks about giving Jeff's
team mates advice to not tell private conversations to everyone. Casey
repeats, "You don't play poker with your cards up." Laura walks by and
asks if any of them want food. They thank her, but tell her no.
Braden says if the vote goes 9-1 he'll be shocked. Jeff says Braden
has some solid votes. Jeff says, "These sheeps have no opinions
of their own." He doesn't understand why so many HGs won't state their
own opinion and are following the jocks. Casey talks about Lydia
complaining about him giving her good advice. Jeff says Lydia flipped
(sides) fast. Jeff mentions how shocked everyone was pretending to be
at the veto ceremony, even though they all knew what was going to
happen. Jeff tells Braden he has Jordan and Jeff and needs four more
votes. Casey says he's on the fence and can be persuaded. They
joke about bribes for Casey. Braden says he'll get him a turntable and
a record deal. Casey replies that he already has two turntables.
They talk about how when Lydia was nominated, she was crying and thought she
had no one when she really had many votes. Jeff says she didn't need to kiss
ass or cry or talk to anyone.
BBT: Lydia, Jessie, Laura and someone else in LR,
talking about personal trainers and body building.
Russell and Chima giggling on bathroom couch. Michele, Braden,
Jeff and Jordan by/in pool. All feeds on them. Russ on elliptical
watching them by the pool.
2:50PM BBT: Lydia, Chima, Laura and Kevin are on bathroom
couch talking.
Michele and Ronnie talking on LR couch. He says he feels better now
with Braden on the block. Michele says she feels bad after talking with
Jordan, who is so scared. Michele says she won't feel safe next week unless
her team wins HoH. Michele says if they get the chance to eat real food
(which they've said their food restriction will end Tuesday) she says their
team shouldn't eat junk food, just brain food like fish and how
working out is good for them. 3:30PM BBT: Russell tells
Jessie that he wants the following people out: Lydia, Laura, and
it's a toss up between Michelle and Jordan. Jessie says Jeff is still an
asset to them, even though he wants him out. They agree they
need to always try to win PoV.
Laura thinks she has a kidney infection, not just a bladder
infection because she has lower back pain.
4:55PM BBT: Braden, Jordan and Jeff in the kitchen, just
general chat.
Kevin, Lydia and Casey were out on the patio. Sounded like Lydia was turning
on Jordan. Kevin warned her about who was in the room when she was
crying when she was put up. Was Jordan upset? And so on. On
Tonight's Show: We saw DR sessions that indicated Lydia,
Kevin, even Russell were not thrilled that Jessie was the one that won
re-entry to the BB house. Ronnie was the only one that was happy, "I
saw last season, and I know I can out think him."
We saw the first Have and Have-Not competition. The
backyard was lit in neon and blacklights. They had to assemble pipes
that would direct a flow of glowing liquid to a water wheel. The
brainiacs lost, and if I can editorialize for a moment, it appeared
that the blame belonged to their for foreman, Ronnie. Chima seemed to
take the loss worst than the others, she was not at all amused by the
minimalist approach to her new room.
They showed the girl's bikini contest and Lydia giving Jessie a massage.
The pre-nomination meeting in the HoH room, showed Russell making the
calls, Natalie was in the meeting, Jeff, as we've been hearing all
week, was not present.
At the nomination meeting Chima and Lydia were nominated. Michele
got her key first, followed by: Braden, Kevin, Ronnie, Jordan, Laura,
and Casey. Lydia was taken completely off-guard.
A full re-cap of tonight's show will be posted on the CBS web site at
this link, after the show airs on both coasts.
Meanwhile, Back at the House... Casey is leading Kevin
and Laura in a powerwalk around the backyard. Russell is shaving his
head and asking Michele who she'd vote out.
7:15PM BBT: Kevin
is cutting his hair, Lydia is primping for SHOwtime BB After Dark,
and Russell is teaching Casey some boxing moves in the backyard.
6:20PM BBT: Just boring ADLs, chit-chat. Most of the
time, all four feeds are on Russell shaving his head.
7:30PM BBT: Kevin takes a shower after his haircut,
Casey smokes a cigarette after his workout.
8:05PM BBT: Laura and Braden have joined Lydia and Kevin in BR.
Talking about food and cooking. This goes on until around 9PM.
8:45PM BBT: Outside: Jeff, Natalie, Ronnie discussing
SHO2 Big Brother After Dark and live feeds. They say the who
watch are creepers. [The people who watch are paying for their little
vacation game. No need to be mean.] Natalie said she only
watched SHO, but not the feeds.
Jeff is amazed about how people record their every move.
They wish they could have candy. Natalie: "Like gummy candy." But they
decided that it was a perk of being a HoH. Natalie said she requested
Red Vines Lickerish.
They wonder how they will get "show- edited."
9:40PM BBT: Jesse and Natalie have joined the others
outside. They are all laughing about the veto ceremony saying it was
one of the funniest veto ceremonies ever and that Braden was really
funny at the ceremony. Jeff was impersonating Braden saying "I just
got vetoed!" and how funny it was.
Jordan is finally awake. Kevin, Michelle, Lydia, Ronnie and Laura
still in the kitchen making/waiting for dinner. [I have never seen burgers
take so long -smooch] The crew outside is trying to figure out what
day it is.
BB has given them alcohol [Not enough I'm afraid, they are boring me to
tears. Next year they should try keeping the houseguests sober, and
getting the audience drunk.]
10:10PM BBT: The location is the kitchen, the topic is
music: Lydia tells Jeff she doesn't know who
Billy Joel is.
She says she's heard the name before, but that's all.
10:45PM BBT: In the have-nots bedroom, Ronnie and Chima are
talking about Braden, "I like him, even though he has his faults..."
Chima tells Ronnie. Ronnie goes on to assure her she's safe this week.
They were whispering about Casey and Jeff and he warns her to be careful
what she says to Kevin. Chima says Casey is obnoxious. Chima
says the backdooring of Braden didn't make any sense.
10:50PM BBT: Ronnie and Chima talk about possible questions
that could be asked in up-coming competitions. Ronnie gets up to
check the door as he thought he heard something and they continue to discuss
the number of tiles in the PoV competition.
10:55PM BBT: Jeff and Michele are playing pool and talking "gangsta"
to the pool table."
Chima is still tired of being a have-not and says she keeps bothering
them in the DR, Ronnie says before there was drapery in the
have-not room and he looked behind it to see the silver door. They
discuss before it was all drapery and Chima called to DR.
11:00PM BBT: Outside Jeff and Michele playing pool and Jeff
seems to be being overly nice and she's giggling a lot. Braden is
schmoozing Michele still as Jeff watches from the sidelines.
Russell is inside sitting by himself with his ubber-cool fedora on. He
heads up to HoH with Natalie and Lydia who's offering to do her hair.
Natalie says there is no point as she's going to bed. Lydia whines "wheeen"
and Natalie says tomorrow. Lydia heads downstairs and Russell follows
and Natalie jumps out of bed and follows them too.
Braden is now playing pool and bonding with Michele. No giggling like when
she played with Jeff. Jeff comes back and the giggling starts again.
Braden asks Jeff if he wants to split the burger later but Jeff says "I'm
over it" and Braden says, "Maybe a little breakfast love snack."
Inside, Russell is by himself doing dishes cleaning up, Chima
walks by and Russell lets out with a ""What's up beautiful." He her if she's
going outside she says "I'm tired of you guys" and jokingly and asks
him if he is he says, "probably." Chima: "If I stay up I might say the
wrong thing to the wrong person, I'm in that kind of mood. I
wouldn't say anything to you because you are not getting on my nerves."
Ronnie comes in to take a shower and sits to talk to Chima and talks to him
about her flea/bug bites. She leaves to leave Ronnie sitting there--
here to read more from our updaters in the TVFanForums (But don't
expect it to get any better.)
12:00AM BBT: Natalie is changing her pants, Lydia and Kevin are
sitting on the sofa in LR all quiet. Jordan and Jeff are talking in the
Jesse is in DR (he is sendin out tweets, his last tweet reads "BigBrother
HOH: In closing, I'll give you a rip the shirt off helicopter when I step
outside the DR!!! Mr. PEC-tacular...OVER-N-OUT!!! until next time..")
Jesse comes out of DR, takes off his shirt, twirls around. Lydia asks why he
did that, he tells her "It hot in there." Lydia then gives him a massage.
Lydia asks to sleep in his bed so she doesn't have to sleep with Miss Jay.
He tells her he feels he righted a wrong by getting her off the block, she
says she is grateful.
Kevin says he feels like he has people in here who will watch his back,
Jessie says we're in the Kevin posse.
Back massage over, Jessie massages Lydia's hands, more flirting.
Ronnie joins the group, Kevin gives him a hug (makes a face behind his
Kevin heads off, Ronnie remains sitting on a chair, hand massage continues.
When Lydia goes to get something special (an oil) for a cut on Jessie's
knee, Jessie tells Ronnie he shouldn't go to bed if he isn't sleepy.
(Very slow tonight)
Casey joins the LR group, most everyone else has gone to bed
Thanks to: Angelo Joe,
BigBrotherDaisy, Canucklehead, CeCiMom, chipmunk220, Dade, DreamAngel,
Heather102180, jayman228, JEDI, kiddyhouse, King123, laladoopiedu, lmcgrath,
Marty, motormouthcj, Moxie, myss911, Sheldon, SMOOCHES, StephenV, and
ZuZuMamou for writing today's updates.