They stayed up all night, and today they have a
competition, and nominations. So it's going to be a very busy
day for them and a frustrating one for us, because we'll be
looking at fish and trivia questions on-and-off all day.
7:40AM BBT: Lydia gets up, changes her batteries and goes up to
the HoH and gets in bed with Jessie.
8:00AM BBT: Ronnie and Jeff were up roaming around.
8:10AM BBT: Ronnie goes and changes batteries. Jeff goes
back to bed, Ronnie goes in bathroom. Ronnie heading back to bed
9:55AM BBT: FotH [Must be a wake-up call, I fell asleep waiting
for them to do something, so I don't know what's going on today -Morty]
10:15AM BBT: Jessie and Natalie are discussing the nominations.
It looks like Jessie is going to put up Jordan and Michele. If someone
wins the PoV and takes off one of the nominees, he will put up Lydia
or Kevin. Jessie seems to want to keep Casey safe, but Natalie
wants him to go up. [Wow, didn't see this one coming, put
Jessie's playing the game, and these may not be his true intentions.
Jessie is really gunning for Michele to go home. He feels Jeff and
Jordan will feel like they are just being picked on, but since neither
of them came and talked to him (Jessie) he does not feel bad putting her up
again. He says he gave Jeff a chance last night, but he never said
Jessie doesn't understand why everyone would want Ronnie out. He is
really worried about putting someone else up and then the PoV being used and
him not putting Ronnie up. He is trying to cover his tracks to keep the
least amount of people mad at him. He is going to stress to Michele
and Jordan that they are just pawns for the time being. [IMHO:
He is trying to keep Ronnie safe while telling the least amount of people
until he sees what happens with the PoV. -BlueLove2]
Give Up 9
Minutes of Your Life |
OK, you read the title, "Give up 9
minutes of your life," so if you decide to watch this video, by
Ronnie Talbott, called, "Chip and Zach." I don't want any
complaints saying you want your 9 minutes back Watch for the
blonde in the white bathrobe, it's Ronnie's wife. |
10:30AM BBT: Michele, Lydia and Jordan in bathroom doing
makeup. Russell is walking around in there. Seems like the topic is
Natalie and Jessie are in his HoH bed talking. Jessie can't figure out
why Chima would be mad if he kept Ronnie because Ron is in her group.
He says when he tried explaining this to Lydia last night, she told him not
to talk down to her and she got mad.
Natalie seems to think Lydia threw the HoH competition, saying if it were
PoV, Lydia would have hit the #7. Jessie wonders what the food
competition will be and if they'll have to eat bugs. Natalie says even
if she wasn't guaranteed food, she wouldn't eat bugs.
10:35AM BBT: Natalie gets out of bed and says she's surprised that
Ronnie hasn't been upstairs to talk to Jessie. Natalie is saying
others have expected Ronnie to go up and she told them it's not like Jessie
will be mean to him and tell him he can't go up there. Natalie says
others have said hopefully Ronnie won't brainwash Jessie and Natalie laughs
and tells Jessie that those people are stupid because Natalie and Jessie are
the ones brainwashing Ronnie. Natalie goes downstairs.
10:40AM BBT: Ronnie and Jordan are both using the bathroom mirror,
but no talking. Casey and Chima talking about wrinkles and creams in
the kitchen, where many other HGs are, making breakfast.
11:05AM BBT:
Jessie confirms that Michele and Jordan go up, with the plan of backdooring
Casey. Chima states that it's more beneficial for her for Casey to
leave over Ronnie. Jessie says he's not going to lie to the HGs and say he's
going to backdoor Ronnie. He tells them Michele will go if they can't
backdoor Casey and Jessie is going to put Chima's key first.
Michele and Ronnie are chatting outside the HoH door by the chess table.
Lydia, Jordan, Kevin, Russell and Jeff in the recycled room. Lydia says
Natalie is attached to Jessie and Russell says it's a dual HoH (Natalie and
Jessie). They start to bash Ronnie and how Jessie won't tell them what Ron
and Jessie talk about.
They think Ronnie is talking to Natalie and Jessie right now, and feeding
them lies. Kevin says that none of them have talked to Ronnie, so Ronnie
would be making up lies. Lydia says they should keep giving Ronnie the
silent treatment. [Last night, Jessie said he knew exactly what
he'd do even before he won. What happened? Jessie might be giving them
a snow-job to cover his intentions. -Morty]
11:15AM BBT: Lydia wants all of them to go upstairs and wait outside
the HoH door so they can read Ronnie's body language when he comes out. They
all head upstairs and (LOL) join Ronnie and Michele on the couches. Jeff
won't sit next to Ronnie, do he goes by the wall and sits.
Jessie, Natalie and Chima can tell that all the HGs are outside the door, so
Chima leaves and tells Michele to go in there.
11:20AM BBT: Michele starts talking that they can count on her and
she'll give them her vote. Jessie asks her the same thing he asked Chima
(Why do you want Ronnie gone and how will it benefit you) and Michele says
Ronnie is on her team and how Ronnie was in a bad spot when he was found
out. Michele says if the job this week is to get Ronnie out, she'll go along
with it and then asks Jessie if that's the plan. Jessie says no, but he's
going to ask everyone in the house the same two questions.
Natalie joins Jessie in bed and he and Michele are talking. Natalie asks
Michele if whatever happens this week, if Michele doesn't go home, it's
because of Jessie and Natalie wants to know if Michele will not put Jessie
and Natalie on the block (OK how Natalie managed to get a safety deal) and
Michele seems to agree without agreeing. She says she's thankful for not
being put up the first week and Natalie she's if she wins next week, Michele
is not her target.
11:30AM BBT: Michele leaves and Jessie asks her to get Kevin.
Michele is in the recycled room, talking with Jordan and Russell, who are
laying arm in arm.
11:30AM BBT: Jessie to Kevin: "Why do you want Ronnie
out, and how will it benefit you?" Kevin was taken off guard for
a moment, and said that Ronnie could carry tales and start rumors that
would create doubt, that could results in Kevin's demise.
Jessie's whole thing about keeping Ronnie is that Jessie made the NBK deal
with them all, and if he goes against Ronnie, then it's like he's going back
on his word with the whole group, and slapping the NBK group in the face.
Kevin tries to tell Jessie that if you look at the NBK as a contract,
then Jessie agreed after false pretences, and technically, the
contract is then null and void, because Ronnie lied to them.
Jessie says that's why he's asking everyone, to see what they think of it
all. Jessie took the fear of Ronnie out of Kevin's mind, leaving
Kevin in a agreement with Jessie, that getting rid of Ronnie is not a
valid priority. Jessie also promised Kevin he wouldn't put him up.
Kevin was left saying the the top two he'd like to see evicted are Jeff and
Casey. Jessie: "Well, I can only take care of one, you'll
have to take care of Jeff on your own."
11:45AM BBT: It's Jordan's turn in the HoH, and the
question is the same: "Why do you want Ronnie out, and how will
it benefit you?" Jordan says that Ronnie lied and caused the
alienation between herself and Jessie [not true, he and Jeff fabricated this
one to enforce the negative feeling towards Ronnie.] "He's going to
play the pitty card on you and tell you how he never lied to you when he did
and start all over again." She says they can't have Ronnie in the jury
house working on everyone. Jessie reminds her that jurors are watched
and not allowed to discuss the game. Jordan goes on and on about
all the lies Ronnie told.
Jessie: "What would you do if you won the next HoH?"
Jordan: "I swear to God I wont put you two up." (Jessie and Natalie)
Jessie: " Good, But who you put up?"
Jordan: "I don't know, It changes everyday.. I swear to God it
wont be you two.."
11:55AM BBT: Jordan leaves and Ronnie enters. Jessie asks him the
same two questions: "Why do you want Ronnie out, and how will it
benefit you?" Ronnie says he doesn't want Ronnie out and it
wouldn't benefit him if Ronnie left. Jessie tells Ronnie he lied to
them when Ron said the other side wanted Jessie out and Ron tries to tell
Jessie that Jordan did say she'd put Jessie up. Jessie wants to hear
what Russell said to Ronnie word for word and Ron tells him what happened.
Jessie asks where his loyalty lies and Ron said them two and Chima, if
she'll still have him. Jessie tells Ron to talk with Chima.
Jessie is not babying Ronnie and tells Ron not to trust Russell because he
says a lot of stuff about them.
Ronnie tells them how Michele approached him last night and Michele asked
him if he had any deals to stay in this week and he said no, because he
hasn't talked to anyone and how Michele said the rumor going around the
house is that Ron has a deal to stay this week. Jessie says Michele is
trying to act like she runs this shit. They talk about how Casey is saying a
lot of stuff behind Ron's back.
Ron says that he's the only non athlete to have won any competition this
week. (I guess Chima and Casey winning the Have Not competition doesn't
count... )
Jessie tells Ron to be truthful to him and Natalie and Russell will continue
to tell Ron lies about him and Natalie. Jessie says that him and
Natalie have been going along with the rest of the house and Ron understands
that. Ronnie swears he will tell Jessie every word Russell says to
12:05PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan are in bed together in the red room.
12:10PM BBT: Jessie is called to the DR. Jessie says Ron is not
going up at all this week. Ron calls Jessie his brother from another
mother and Natalie his sister from another mister.
Wow, that was a lot of BS to cover, all before lunch. Thanks to
laladoopiedu for typing most of it.
The conversations turn away from the game for awhile, and then we get
the trivia screen. We believe the HGs are competing in the Haves /
Have-Nots Challenge. We will have the results later today.
This break is not for the nomination ceremony.
2:20PM BBT: The Feeds return. Chima, Ronnie, and
Michele are Have-Nots. In addition to slop, the Have-Nots
will get Cocktail Weenies and Cabbage. Kevin told Chima that this is
Ronnie's fault.
3:00PM BBT: It's very quiet in the BB house. The
Haves are eating soft-shell tacos.
3:10PM BBT: Some HGs are eating in and around the kitchen. Lydia
and Kevin are talking on the LR couch. Kevin says Jessie would
be an idiot to put Lydia up. They get a blanket and head to the recycled
room. They talk about if Jessie puts Lydia up, Kevin will have her
back and it will be an excuse for Jessie to go up next week.
Jessie and Natalie in HoH. They're talking about Lydia running her mouth
downstairs and Jessie tells Natalie to make sure Chima stays on their side
because Lydia will try to sway Chima. Natalie says Lydia has some crazy ass
mood swings and Jessie agrees.
3:20PM BBT: Flashback Back Alert! If you have the live feeds, you
can Flashback to any point in the BB11 season. Watch Big Brother on SuperPass!
Lydia is worried Jessie is going to put her up. Lydia confesses to
Kevin in the recycle room that she has had certain sexual pleasures with
Jessie, but no sex... "friendly petting" she states. "Well it's not
like you gave him a hand-job... " Kevin jokes. "How
did you know about that?" Lydia replies. Kevin grabs his heart
and says, "Oh my God!" They are both laughing. Lydia: "Did
you really just throw that out there randomly?" Kevin:
"No, really, I had no idea. How would I know? Girl,
you are so safe. If he puts you up..." Lydia completes Kevin's
sentence, , "He's a douche-bag." Kevin asks if it had happened yesterday,
Lydia tells him, she's done it a few times. Lydia
says that once she was wearing Natalie's clothes, and did it in
Natalie's bed. Kevin asks about how they cleaned it up and Lydia said
with her sweater. She says she cleaned it up with her sweater sleeve.
Kevin tells her if Jessie puts her up, Jessie needs to be cut off.
Kevin says, " Jessie doesn't get close with guys, only girls who
will suck his dick." Lydia says she hasn't and won't do that.
Kevin says Jessie did this last year with Michele from BB10 and he's doing
it with Natalie this yeah, and how Natalie and Michele are similar.
Kevin says "Jessie goes for these ride or die chicks."
Lydia says she would not want to have sex in the BB house because, You
can't build a good tent, therefore, you can't get great motion."
She also admits they have never kissed.
In between, Kevin keeps discussing whether Lydia thinks she is going up on
the block or not. The only reason she feels she might is because
Natalie hasn't talked to her yet. Kevin thinks Lydia is safe because
she is giving Jessie "favors."
Back to kissing. Lydia really wants to kiss Jessie, but Kevin says it will
make it personal. She says she wants to corner him sometime.
4:00PM BBT: Not much has happened. Casey got called to the
DR and got yelled at for shaving off his mustache. Not he looks like a
completely different person and it's going to show that his DR scenes were
not shot in time-line order.
4:35PM BBT: Jessie and Lydia are in bed whispering in the HoH
room. Lydia says she would not put Jessie up. She asks him to
promise not to put her up. Jessie doesn't say anything. Now they're
under the covers and Jessie says he's sorry. Lydia: "For
what?" He says he didn't want to do that this time because he
thinks that's why he went home last season, because of him and
Lydia continues trying to get a promise from Jessie that he won't but her
on the block. Jessie won't commit himself.
5:05PM BBT: Jeff
visits Jessie in the HoH, and I can't wait to see which one gives the
hand-job. [Sorry, I'll stick to the facts. -Morty]
Jessie asks him the same two questions: "Why do you want Ronnie out,
and how will it benefit you?" Jeff: "Why do I want Ronnie
out? Because he's a great big liar. He makes thing up and causes
a lot of trouble. " Jeff goes on to give examples of the lies Ronnie's
told about him that caused problems. Jeff asks Jessie if his goal is
still to get Ronnie out. Jessie says his goal is to listen to what
everybody says. Jessie's being evasive, but Jeff seems to be
satisfied with the answers.. err... that he's got getting. He
keeps repeating that he has given everybody a chance to answer the same two
questions. Jeff asks if he has talked to everybody. "Everyone has come
up here and voiced their opinions." Jessie makes a remark referring to
Jeff and Jordan as a couple, Jeff says, "Oh sure I want to see her get
ahead, but ultimately I'm playing for myself." Jessie asks
Jeff if he (Jessie) has ever lied to him. Jeff says no, he
hasn't. This conference last 20 minutes, and Jeff left,
apparently pleased with the outcome.
Jessie asks Jeff how he thought he played the game last season
Jeff: "I don't really remember. I didn't pay much attention to
you." Jeff followed that with some complimentary remarks about his
honesty, but IMHO, nothing would insult Jessie more than to be
told he wasn't memorable. Jeff tells him it just seems like he had a
different agenda than a large group of the house. Jessie "You know what it
was, when I said I would do something, I stuck to it."
Click here for smoopie's take on this 5:40PM BBT: Jeff and Jordan whisper in the red room.
He tells her that Jessie is not planning on getting rid of Ronnie and the
whole house will probably be mad about it. Jordan frowns and he is
trying to reassure her that this does not mean that it's going to be her.
Jeff tells her that Jessie never would tell him who was going up.
He apologizes to her for not winning the HoH "I threw it right in the
bucket" but that he was going to try win their way all the way up to the
top. The game talk didn't go on too long because Jeff farted and
grossed out Jordan.
5:45PM BBT: Ronnie and Natalie begin a game of chess.
5:50PM BBT: The nomination LD has just been called. FotH
6:55PM BBT: Feeds return. Jeff confirms that Jordan and
Michele are nominated for eviction. Jeff was telling them who they
should pick to play veto for them, if they choose the "Houseguest's Choice"
ball out of the bag when it's time to pick players for the veto. 7:15PM
BBT: The HGs are talking about some of the celebrities that died
just before they got sequestered. They started to talk about a scandal
surrounding Billie Mays,
and we get FotH, which is OK because I think they had the facts
wrong. Brand names are mentioned and more FotH. Jeff tells about
a commercial audition and walking in to see a cartoon character of himself
on the storyboard wondering if they had made the cartoon before or
after they asked to audition him. FotH. Chima saying she was picked
for some part, but then was cut. FotH. When
the feeds come back, the subject is music publishing and Casey brings up the
Pearlman and of course we're back to FotH.
7:45PM BBT: There's chess game going on in the loft (Michele
/ Kevin with Natalie watching), which is like watching paint dry,
and it's quiet all over the rest of the house too.
From 7:35 to 9:00PM, nothing happened, and our forum moderator,
and live feed updater, JEDI documented it all in:
JEDI's Evening Report
9:30PM BBT: Half of the houseguests have been playing "Truth
or Dare" (with the emphasis on "Dare") for the past 30 minutes or so.
(Natalie, Chima, Russell, Ronnie, Michele, Kevin.)
Natalie was dared to moon Lydia when she comes out of the diary room.
Ronnie was dared to hug Casey for 10 seconds.
Kevin was dared to cuddle a sleeping Jessie for 10 seconds.
Chima has to suck the honey off Russell's finger.
(* All dares to this point were completed successfully. *)
The game continues.
Jessie is napping. Jordan and Jeff are hanging out / napping in the
Pool room. Lydia and Casey were late getting ready.
9:40PM BBT: Lydia has now been sitting at the kitchen counter,
perfectly still, staring into space, for like the past five minutes.
OK, finally she moves. She goes up to the HoH room. Gets into the bed (under
the covers) next to Jessie. Casey has finally re-appeared. He
got himself some water from the kitchen, now goes to the Pool room and
complains about Natalie to Jeff and Jordan.
9:45PM BBT: Casey is
very tired of Natalie running her mouth like she owns the place. Jeff
agrees. If wins the PoV he says he'll use it to save Jordan, in
the hope that Jessie would nominate Ronnie. They can hear the laughter
from the other houseguests in the kitchen. Casey: You should see
them all down there being all buddy-buddy with Ronnie." Jordan:
"What is he doing?" Casey: "He telling them about literature."
10:40PM BBT: More nothing going on. Another chess game
is in progress.
Click here for The Nite Owl Report by StephenV [Covers 10:20PM thru
11:06PM BBT: Jordan asks Russell how many barfights he's
been in. Russell: "A lot. I've been arrested on three bar fights." he says.
"It's usually big guys because I don't back down." he adds. Russell says he and beat the shit out of
a guy that "nudged him in a bar, "and put him "through a sliding glass door.". "Oh my God." Chima says.
."I ran outside there were cops... "Russ starts to continue, but we
get FotH [ I guess BB isn't interested in letting us know Russell's violent past
11:53PM BBT: Casey asks Russell not to send a rat to hug him
anymore." Casey is serious. Russ says it wasn't his idea.
Casey: "Well I didn't appreciate it..." Russ: [Close to the
edge] "I told you I didn't do it!" Casey says "I'm not blaming you."
Russ calms back down.
12:06AM BBT: What are you going to do first when you get out:
Russell: "Probably beat off and go for a motorcycle ride."
Casey: "Hug my wife hug my kids hug Morgan.. snuggle snuggle snuggle.
and cry."
12:10AM BBT: Russell rips a room clearing fart. .Russell is hysterically laughing. [I've never seen someone getting so amused over his own farts.
-StephenV] Casey renters and says, "Eye watering farts..." which makes Russell laugh harder. Casey:
"That shit wasn't funny."
Thanks to: Angelo Joe, Canucklehead, CeCiMom, Dade,
FishyLynn, Goldylucks, JEDI, King123, laladoopiedu, megi, morty, penguin,
SMOOCHES, StephenV, and writerchick1 for writing this junk.