Jessie found out that Lydia, Kevin, and Laura were
hiding in the HoH bathroom while Ronnie talked to Chima and Natalie.
Jessie was up until after 5:00AM talking to them (well, not Laura),
and flipping them back to not voting out Russell.
6:00AM BBT: Casey is beginning his day.
8:00AM BBT: Casey is still the only one up.
10:23AM BBT: Casey has been the only one up all morning. He's
had a full workout, used the elliptical, jogged, swam, slept outside on
the couches, laid in the sun, eaten breakfast, and smoked a few
11:45AM BBT: Houseguests have still not had a wake up call yet!!
12:10PM BBT: BB: "Good morning houseguests. It's
time to get up for the day."
12:25PM BBT: BB: "The bedroom lights must remain on during the
Laura, Michele and Jordan in bathroom, getting ready for the day.
Casey and Russell are outside, talking about the veto. Russell asks if
the person who uses the veto is safe from being nominated and Casey tells
him yes. They start talking about Natalie and how she thought her slop
pass meant no cold showers or hard beds and how BB had to set her straight.
Casey goes to say something and Russell gets up to go inside. Casey
says he'll follow and get another cup of coffee. Russell tells him to go on
with what he was going to say and Casey says it's like, if they vote out
Kevin, then they're against gays. [So the house is against white people for
voting Braden out? No, it's part of the game to kick everyone out. -laladoopiedu]
Jeff and Ronnie in kitchen, as well, and Casey moves off camera, but you
hear him say (again) if you vote out Chima, you're against black people. If
you vote out Kevin, you're against the gays.
12:50PM BBT:
Jeff and Lydia discuss this morning's wake up songs, which included a
Beyonce song and a group I haven't heard of and don't remember the name they
Jeff heads back outside with Casey and Russell is on the elliptical.
Lydia, Kevin and Ronnie in bathroom. Ron says something about when he tried
out for BB 9 and seeing Jen (from BB9) when he auditioned and he thought
she'd make it. He says it was a cold December day and he was freezing.
1:00PM BBT: Chima and Jessie still in bed, talking. He starts asking her about her jobs
with magazines.
Michele is outside doing crunches on the ground. Ronnie gets in pool with
Jeff. Laura is tanning and Jordan is walking around.
1:25PM BBT: Lydia and Casey are chatting outside in the sun. Russell is running around the
Ronnie is talking with Jessie, Natalie and Chima. She mentions something about
a guy doing the dishes once and how she's cleaned the bathroom three times. Ronnie starts talking about not confronting Russell but trying to get
information from him, but if "Russell gets up in his grill, " Ron will have no
choice but to go off.
Chima asks Jessie if getting Laura out is personal for him and he says no
because Laura lies a lot. Chima's trying to compare Laura to Russell and how
Russell is lying to everyone, too. Jessie says Michele and Jordan have also
both lied to his face, so they're all the same.
Ronnie mentions how BB woke him up really gently this morning, but quietly
asking him to get up for the day and Ronnie got right up. Jessie says BB can
be nice when they want to.
1:40PM BBT: Seems like Lydia is trying to get opinions out of Casey. She tells him she
doesn't think Ronnie is good at reading people, but how he's good at other
stuff and how she thinks Laura is laying low.
Jessie is fixing a girl's bathing suit. Natalie says how she was talking to
the other side in the Jacuzzi last night and getting info from them because
she's a smart girl. Lydia and Kevin come in and Natalie asks Ronnie
why he changed his plan he mentioned to her last night. He says something
about minimizing risk like Jessie said and Chima said a lot happened last
(Sorry, was busy doing something else and missed the rest on their
2:05PM BBT: Jessie and Russell are whispering in the recycled
room. Russell asking why Jessie didn't stick up for him and
Jessie says he has been and Russell isn't going up. Jessie tells
Russell that Ronnie is going to come to him and is telling Russell what to
say and not say so Russell can protect himself. "They're saying
'Russell is a loose cannon' and they're depending on you to go off to make
their plan work and put you on the block. So no mater what happens,
you have to stay calm." Jessie says by Russell being out with the
others, their side wants him gone but Jessie is going to protect him.
Russell is getting mad at hearing this. Jessie says everyone is trying
to throw stones and throw Russell under the bus. Jessie says everyone
is waiting for Russell to flip out so they can backdoor him. Jessie
keeps saying that Ronnie doesn't want to put Russell up but everyone else is
trying to make Ron do so. Jessie is blaming Jeff and Jordan for
wanting to get Russell out and how Ronnie does not want Russell up at all.
Jessie tells Russell that Ronnie is going to ask Russell about the one line
he heard (I think the 'fat fuck' comment) and Jessie tells him to play
it cool.
Russell wants to know why Ronnie hasn't come to him and Jessie says
Ron hasn't had a chance and tries to tell Russell to play it cool.
2:20PM BBT: Russell joins Ronnie and Jessie and Ronnie asks
Russell if he made any comments about him last night. Russell denies
saying anything. Ronnie says he's not accusing him, just asking,
trying to sift through all the lies. they say Jordan and Jeff are just
trying to plant seeds. 2:28PM BBT: Lydia, Kevin, Michele and
Russell are making lunch.
Jeff, Jordan and Ronnie talking at the pool. Ronnie said he still
won't put up Jordan, asks if she'll honor their agreement and not put
him up next week. She says no she won't put him up. Asks Jeff
the same and Jeff says he will not guarantee not putting him up as he put
him up this week. Ronnie says, "That's fair." Ronnie says he has
someone else on his radar because of some information he just heard that
Casey said about him, that he has a scary mind and would put Ronnie
up. Jordan and Jeff defending Casey, saying he keeps to himself and
doesn't talk about anyone.
Casey comes out during the conversation and Ronnie asks him if he said any
of this (he was told by Lydia). Casey denies it and said Lydia was the
one who made those comments. Jordan and Jeff saying they don't know
why Ronnie even asks for their opinion because he just does the exact
opposite anyway. Jordan says she thinks Ronnie really wants to put up
either Casey or her but he's just too afraid to tell them.
Ronnie asks who was outside when Russell made the comment. Asks them
to swear he said that. Casey said Russell says a lot of shit but he doesn't
want to get in the middle of it because he might run back to them and say
Casey said something.
Ronnie says his gut feeling is that the other side doesn't want him to put
up Russell because they are hoping he will win HoH next week and do the
dirty work for them.
2:42PM BBT: Jessie and Russell are in the red room,
Jessie is laying on floor and Russell sitting on floor, Russell saying
he doesn't understand why Ronnie is out there talking to them, "Those
four are just going to tell him the same thing over and over again, to
put me up why doesn't Ronnie just come to me?" Jessie says he is
probably just telling them what they want to hear... Jordan doesn't believe
a word he says, she tells Ronnie all the time, she is pissed at him and she
doesn't believe anything he says, basically Russell just doesn't understand
why him and Jessie is trying to blame it all on "them"; Jeff, Jordan, Laura,
Casey [Is it me or wasn't it Chima, Lydia and Kevin who went up to HoH with
the idea of putting up Russell as a replacement? -mortormouthcj]
Jessie is doing his best to make sure that Russell thinks that it's the
other side trying to get him backdoored... Jessie is reassuring him
saying Ronnie has been loyal.
Today, in the BB House: Yesterday, at the PoV / Luxury
challenge, Chima and Casey won a movie screening in the HoH bedroom.
Ronnie says they're doing the PoV ceremony on Monday, the other HGs
(and the schedule at the top of the page) says it's today.
2:57PM BBT: Feeds back. Ronnie, Lydia and Natalie in
bedroom. Ronnie saying "they" (Jeff's side) said if he doesn't put up
Russell then they will put him on the block next week. Lydia says we
have the numbers so there is nothing to worry about. Lydia says Casey
is starting shit so she would like to see him on the block to sweat it out
this week.
Lydia leaves and Natalie asks what happened outside. Ronnie explains
conversation with Casey at the pool. Natalie still pushing for Laura
to go up. She thinks no matter what Laura says she will still go after
them next week but she will support whatever decision Ronnie makes. Ronnie
says he doesn't believe that Russell didn't make those comments about him.
Ronnie says they don't want to lose Russell because he's part of their
clique. Natalie denies it and says they were willing to lose Jeff so
it doesn't have anything to do with the clique, she thinks Russell is still
loyal to their alliance. Ronnie says he has a "gut feeling" that he
needs to get Russell out. [Jeez Ronnie, don't ignore anything that
big -Morty]
There was just too much back-and-forth going on, and none of it
matters. Ronnie loves his power and the fact that it's an excuse for
everyone to talk to him, and then he repeats it to everyone else.
It gave me a major headache, but our live feed updaters (who also
wrote most of the earlier stuff) have more details for you:
here for more afternoon details by motormouthcj and ladybudid
5:15PM BBT: The Movie's Over. Chima and Casey were
allowed to take as much movie candy as they could carry, each of them
walked out with an armload of sweets to share with the others. 5:20PM
BBT: The second Casey got out of the HoH room Ronnie grabbed him
to talk. Ronnie says all kinds of stuff went down while he was
watching the movie. Ronnie says I know Jordan and Jeff don't trust me.
Casey asks if he's going up. Ronnie says No. Ronnie telling him
the conversation with Jordan and says Jordan told him never to speak to her
Ronnie doesn't like to have his hand forced and his original plan was to
backdoor Russell but now he feels that putting Jordan up is in his best
interest because he doesn't make anymore enemies. Ronnie secures
assurance from Casey that if he doesn't put Casey up he won't put him up
next week. They shake hands.
6:30PM BBT:
There's just nothing going on! |
In the red room, Jeff and Jordan are sharing a bed. Jordan
confirms that she told Ronnie she doesn't want to listen to him anymore
because he keeps changing his mind and making up excuses for going back on
his word. In addition, her and Jeff have agreed not to talk to
each other-- about the game-- for the moment. Moment over,
but they're trying.
6:25PM BBT: Michele, Chima are at kitchen table
talking to Russell about how he got into fighting.
Switches to recycle room: Ronnie, Kevin, Jessie, Lydia. Ronnie says
things are OK between him and Russell. Jordan is going on the
block. Kevin and Ronnie leave, Jessie and Lydia going to sleep
6:30PM BBT: Russell and Chima are in the kitchen rehashing the past
two veto competitions.
Ronnie walks through, Russell invites her outside.
(Lots of Camera switches)
Russell joins Kevin on the hammock, asks what's going on. Russell says
he wishes he could take time off from the game, but says you can't. They make some small talk about each other's love lives. "You don't have any 'fuck buddies.'" Kevin asks. "I did, but they found out about each other." Russell likes the chase, but
loses interest when he gets a woman even the 10s "They look like porn
stars." They ask each other what they do for a living.
[It's amazing that I know so much more about them than they know about each
other, after living together for two weeks. -Morty]
Kevin has been with his man for 9 years, he likes the stability.
6:38PM BBT: Switch to Laura and Jordan come in from the hot tub,
complain about having to take a cold shower. Jordan showers.
In BY not much going on. Casey and Ronnie on couches: Ronnie wonders
if Jordan ever had his back at all. He says he would never had spoken
to Jordan the way she spoke to him. Casey says, "Well, women, she's
just hurt." Ronnie says it forces his hand. They discuss the
lie/misunderstanding that began with Lydia. Ronnie, "But look,
please don't say anything, the last thing I needs is more drama."
6:50PM BBT: Casey says on reflection he agrees with Chima choosing
the populars as have-nots, better to piss off two rather than four people.
Casey wants to start picking off the floaters and let the big dogs fight it
out in the end. [Floaters? That's Casey! -Morty]
Ronnie brings the conversation back to Jordan and the vote. He says no
one is going to vote out Jordan. Casey says he will vote with the
majority so he won't stick out like a sore thumb.
Jeff comes outside, sits far away from Ronnie. Conversation stops.
6:55PM BBT: Jeff asks why all the long faces. Ronnie replies,
"What do you mean?" Jeff isn't really looking in Ronnie's direction,
Ronnie looks the other way. Ronnie leaves. Jeff smoking,
asks Casey if he's putting Jordan up. Jeff says he knows Jordan is
going up, she is the weakest player.
Jeff calls Ronnie a "very strategic pussy." Casey reassures him Jordan
is staying. Jeff says, "If you don't got numbers, you don't got
nothing." Casey tries to make jokes. Jeff says he is not saying
anything to Ronnie, Casey says he'll just repeat it. They say it
was Jordan's fault for talking so much. Jeff: "I told her to
just just the fuck up."
7:00PM BBT: Jeff says he can only take Jordan so far, he can't even
take himself far. He continues calling Ronnie a pussy. Casey
goes in to lay down. Jeff sits staring into space.
Camera switches to hammock, Kevin and Russell chit-chat, not much
conversation. Kevin asks who Ronnie talks to, Russell says Jessie.
Kevin says, "That means only Ronnie, Jessie and Natalie know what
Ronnie's going to do."
Kevin asks how Russell sees himself winning this. He says it was
Casey, but he got fucked, so he's by himself. Russell figures he'll
win through competition. Kevin telling Russell he has to team up with
someone to make it to the end. He says he and Lydia are trying to lay
low within the NBK and letting others be the target. They seem to be
coming to an understanding, Russell apologizes for being intimidating and
for hollering at Lydia the other night. 7:30PM BBT: Ronnie goes to
speak with Jeff. Jeff says Ronnie can do anything he wants. Ronnie
says he just wants Laura gone, he doesn't want Jordan going home. Jeff
says he spilled the beans on the other plans, that both Casey and Russell
know Ronnie was going to put them up. Ronnie says he is the biggest
ally that Jeff and Jordan have in the house. Jeff says, "Don't
lie to me, you aren't playing strategically targeting the weakest players in
the house!" Jeff says no one is going to knock off these guys if no
one makes a move. They aren't going to carry Ronnie to the end.
Ronnie knows that some people would put him up, but others who would not.
Jeff says, "I told you I wouldn't put you up and consider you an ally
but you put me up, and Jordan and Laura!" Jeff says he is not mad at
Ronnie and he can talk to him. Ronnie says his plans went awry and he
is trying to make amends. Jeff chides him for naming everyone in the
house. Tells him, "You gotta do what you gotta do."
Leaves Ronnie with a smile on his face. 8:00PM BBT: Ronnie
calls Jessie and Russell to the HoH to re-affirm that they will not put him
up. Jordan and Jeff on by couch with Casey. She says she thinks she is
going home Jeff says she's not because Ronnie said and he never lies. Jeff
tells Jordan that Ronnie is going to put her up. "Why? Because I
told him what I thought?" Laura asks. "Well yeah..." Jeff tells
her. 8:15PM BBT: Ronnie is once again holding court in his
HoH room. his loyal subjects, Chima, Jessie, Russell and
Natalie are at his side. They're doing so much trash talk it's hard to
sort things out, it sounds like they're revising the plan again to now
vote out Jordan. [Don't hold it against me if I'm getting it wrong,
they'll change their mind in a few minutes. -Morty]
8:20PM BBT: Ronnie, who is supposed to have a photographic
memory of all the Big Brother events, from season one on, is
telling the NBK that the next HoH competition will be a "Majority Rules."
This is the game where Julie would ask a question like, "Who would be most
likely to get their name on a vanity license plate? Houseguests, hold
up 'A' if you think the answer is Kevin, or 'B' if you think the
answer is Jessie." The houseguests stand in booths that prevent
them from seeing what the others answer. Now if everyone except Casey
and Jordan held up "A" for Kevin, then Casey and Jordan would be out
of the running. Since the question is based on opinion, the
correct answer is the one that the most people choose. So Ronnie is
going to teach the NBK how to cheat. No matter what they think the
answer is, they will all keep picking "A" until Michele, Casey, Jeff,
Jordan (or Laura) are all out of the running. 10:00PM BBT:
Nothing's going on. Jessie and Russell are working out. Laura, Jordan
and Casey are chatting in the red room, and that's all they're showing
us. 10:55PM BBT: Jessie was talking to Lydia,
they were laughing, and BB said "Jessie, stop that." a few
seconds later, BB: "Jessie, I said, knock it off." a
few seconds later, FotH. And this is the first thing worth reporting
tonight. The feeds came back on at 11:20PM. People were in
bed in the red room with the lights off, and Lydia and Natalie were
arguing over a bet where someone gets to wear the others clothes or some
nonsense. Jessie's in the shower shaving his pubes. Natalie
yells, "I hope you're going to wash that razor, I've got to use
it next." Jessie: "On your face?" 1:20AM
BBT: There's just nothing going
on tonight, and StephenV has transcribed it all.
here for the Nite Owl Report from StephenV
It's just been a night of RUTT on the side of the NBK, while the
"other side" hasn't said anything worth repeating either. They've just
been re-hashing all the times Ronnie has changed his mind, and all the
times he's gone back on his word. Ronnie is still reveling in the fact
that everyone in the NBK alliance just hangs on his every word.
Today's Big Brother updates were written by: Angelo
Joe, BigBrotherDaisy, CeCiMom, Dade, DreamAngel, gwennylou, JEDI, King123,
KKHliboki, ladybugjd, laladoopiedu, megi, Mendes56, motormouthcj, myss911,
StephenV, stevet92, and TwinCity. |