FX’s English Teacher is a new comedy series that stars Brian Jordan Alvarez as Evan, an Austin high school teacher striving to meet the conflicting needs of students and parents amidst ever-changing rules. Premieres September 2, on FX. Stream on Hulu.
#EnglishTeacher #FX
FX’s English Teacher stars Brian Jordan Alvarez as “Evan Marquez,” a high school teacher in Austin, Texas who often finds himself at the intersection of the personal, professional, and political aspects of working at a high school. Evan wants to be a principled person but often runs into trouble because of it.
English Teacher |
Network: FXGenre: ComedySeasons: 1Episodes: 8 | |
OverviewA high school teacher in Austin tries to balance the competing demands of the students and their parents in a world where the rules seem to change every day. |