Today, Apple TV+ unveiled the trailer for “Land of Women,” its highly anticipated new series starring and executive produced by award-winning actress Eva Longoria. The six-episode dramedy will debut globally on Apple TV+ on June 26 with two episodes, followed by new episodes every Wednesday through July 24. Inspired by award-winning author Sandra Barneda’s bestselling novel “La tierra de las mujeres,” the series also stars legendary film and television icon Carmen Maura, newcomer Victoria Bazúa, and Santiago Cabrera.
“Land of Women” is a dramedy starring Longoria as Gala, a well-to-do New Yorker who has her life turned upside down when her husband fails to repay a debt to the wrong people. With dangerous criminals searching for her family and now vanished husband, Gala is forced to leave the city with her aging mother Julia (Maura) and teenage daughter Kate (Bazúa) to her mother’s hometown in northern Spain – a place that Julia fled 50 years ago – to start life anew and hope their identities remain hidden. But gossip in the charming wine town quickly spreads, unraveling their deepest family secrets and truths.
Hailing from Apple Studios, “Land of Women” is created by Ramón Campos, Gema R. Neira, and Paula Fernández and is directed by Iris Award winner Carlos Sedes. The series is produced by Bambú Producciones, and executive produced by showrunner Campos, Neira, Sedes, Iris Award winner Teresa Fernández-Valdés, Ben Spector, Sandra Condito, and Longoria via her award-winning production company UnbeliEVAble Entertainment, founded in 2005 by Longoria to produce film, television, and documentaries.
Land of Women |
Network: Apple TV+Genre: DramaSeasons: 1Episodes: 6 | |
OverviewGala is a New York City socialite on the run in a quaint Spanish town with her mother and daughter. Gala's new life brings her into the path of a brash but charming winery owner—and a deep well of family secrets. |