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The Big Brother Schedule
"I can't believe we're on CBS, CBS is supposed to be too good for this." -Amy Crews
(Subject to change, rumors, innuendo, errors and, whatever...)

Wednesdays @ 8PM
Thursdays @ 8PM
Sundays @ 9PM


Rubina won in the AI Arena.
By a vote of 4-3,
Joseph was evicted.
Chelsie won HoH.
Chelsie nominated Angela and Kimo for eviction.
Chelsie, Angela, Kimo, Makensy, Quinn, and Rubina played for the PoV. Cam hosted.
Makensy won the PoV. (It was OTEV)
Makensy used the PoV to save Angela, Chelsie nominated Quinn as the replacement.

 Can't remember who is who?  Download Fuskie's handy HG Reference Guide - It's a PDF that you can print out.
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Update Entry
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Big Brother
Mortys TV Pop Poll
You can read or post updates to today's coverage in the check theĀ  Tuesday topic and after midnight you can read or post updates in the Wednesday topic.

5:00AM BBT: T'kor, Rubina and Kimo are the last ones awake, and they begin getting ready for bed laughing about how late they are staying up.

Rubina: I can't remember the last time I stayed up this late.

Kimo:. We are in our 30s. We can't be doing this

Rubina: right right! I can't believe we've stayed up until 5 AM every night.

5:52AM BBT: The BB26 House is finally dark and silent.

8:05AM BBT: The HGs are still sleeping.

9:35AM BBT: WBRB for "Wakey, Wakey, Houseguests"

9:45AM BBT: The feeds return to the HGs struggling to start their day.

10:17AM BBT: Makensy and Cam are playing footsie in the loft.

10:21AM BBT: In the bathroom, T'kor and Leah are complaining about the backyard being closed down.

T'kor: And so it begins.

Leah: I feel like we never get the backyard for more that 48 hours, and that's generous. They see we enjoy it, and then they are like, 'Take it away!'

T'kor: Take it away!

10:32AM BBT: Quinn walks into the bathroom dressed as a hobo. He has a handkerchief full of pool balls tied around a pool cue propped over his shoulder and is wearing a bucket hat, "Spare votes! Spare votes please! I'm a man on the block!" He is carrying a glass jar. T'kor and Leah drop ear rings in his jar.

Quinn makes his rounds around the house, "Just a guy on the block... looking for spare votes to stay, please." He walks throughout the house and everyone laughs.

MJ: Love... that is so funny! I bet Angela is pissed.

Kimo: Block Builders! (Quinn is wearing his coveralls from the Block Builders competition)

Quinn: I have been laid off. Spare votes, please (he shakes the jar)

MJ: Bunch of weirdos in this house

Kimo: I love a theatrical moment.

10:40AM BBT: Quinn is back in the loft, "You gave your spare votes, now I'm looking for sympathy votes. Do you have any to spare?" Cam, MJ and Leah drop more items in the jar.

Quinn: Imagine if you can, I had a cardboard sign that says 'Save your boy' and I was going to sit in a corner of the house.

Everyone compliments Quinn on his homeless outfit. He says he will truly be homeless because he gave up his apartment.

All of the HGs minus Angela and Chelsie have gathered in the loft. They sing their original BB tune. ?? "In the Big Brother House... In the Big Brother House..."

10:54AM BBT: Angela has joined the HGs in the loft. She comments that there should be an atrium in the BB house just so they can get fresh air.

Leah: I like bringing nature in.

11:00AM BBT: Chelsie joins the others in the loft and comments on the fish tank, "Did another fish die in there?"

Leah: Yes, and they are eating it. It's so gross.

BB: Makensy, please go to the Diary Room, downstairs.

11:32AM BBT: Chelsie is delivering a sermon from the HoH room bed., "See your worth and add tax! Some of y'all act like you are a bottle of perfume at the 99 cent store. No!" This goes on and on.

11:53AM BBT: MJ joined Chelsie in the HoH room with the Bible in hand.

11:54AM BBT: Chelsie tells MJ that Cam shared with her that he is uncomfortable with being linked to Leah. "He said 'I am not working with her.'"

MJ tells Chelsie that she straight-up told Leah she trusts Chelsie more than Leah.

MJ explains that Leah is trying to save Quinn. Chelsie says Cam would never keep Quinn because Quinn keeps on flipping.

Chelsie: Here's the thing. We know we can beat Kimo in any competition.

ChChelsie says that losing Quinn leaves Leah completely vulnerable.

12:12PM BBT: Cam joins Chelsie and MJ in the HoH room.

Chelsie: We are talking about a potential vote flip.

MJ: Angela is going to keep Quinn. They are trying to get me to keep Quinn. This is all Leah's plan. I assume Leah is trying to start an alliance with Angela, me, Quinn and her.

MJ says that Leah told her the only reasons she was not put up is because she won the veto.

Chelsie: Why is she trying to cause dissension among the three that would protect her? And Angela? All three of us, she has said something publicly about our games.

Chelsie and MJ both decide that Leah is just using Quinn.

Cam: He is throwing his game, currently, for her!

Chelsie says it's a good idea to just let Leah and Angela be on the wrong side of the vote.

MJ: I think we are good. I think me saving Kimo prior, worked.

Chelsie: Once Quinn is out, Angela will fall in line with the majority.

MJ: I'm not going to let Angela in on the vote, actually.

Cam: Let her play her game.

Chelsie: Crazy! Just bad game play.

MJ: I hope they think I'm going to save Quinn. I'm going to sell it.

Chelsie says Leah has a pattern of making decisions that benefit her, and her alone. "She's going to continue."

MJ: I see that loud and clear. She threw me under the bus week two.

Chelsie says if Angela or Leah somehow end up as HoH, they will win veto and still be OK. "We got to get Quinn out, unfortunately. His whole bit is sort of helping us."

MJ: It's crazy

Chelsie: Well, thanks for checking in with us.

12:39PM BBT: Quinn enters the HoH room.

MJ: Oh, it's a ball sack.

Cam goes up to Quinn's makeshift bindle and begins fondling the pool balls through the handkerchief.

1:12PM BBT: Angela made lunch for everyone. It's Chipotle style burritos. Rubino, Leah, Kimo and Quinn thank Angela and dig in.

Cam: Thank you. How do you make a burrito, anyway?

Kimo: It's like a swaddling thing

Leah shows Cam how to fold it over so the ingredients don't fall out.

Leah takes a bite, "Wow! Yum!" she does a little happy food dance while chewing.

Leah: This is hitting the spot, right now.

Kimo: Yeah! If there was a spot, it's a hit. If there's a goal, it's a score.

Quinn: Angela, this smacks!

Angela: Really.

Rubina: Definitely.

1:33PM BBT: Quinn is back to begging for votes. This time he is sitting in the kitchen with his jar. Leah walks by, "Ma'am, can I get another, please? Just looking for votes." Rubina and Kimo pretend to film him in a commercial. Cam walks by, "I want to give you a hundred bucks." He drops a Twizzler in Quinn's jar.

Quinn: Excuse me, Ma'am? Ma'am? Votes to stay?

1:40PM BBT: Cam, Kimo and Rubina are being extra silly by acting out a soap opera in the kitchen. It's extremely loud and dramatic. This is the most energy I have seen from Cam all season, including his competition performances.

[What did Angela put in those burritos? ~MamaLong]

1:56PM BBT: Angela, T'kor and MJ have enjoyed the silly novella in the kitchen. They are all playing crazy, interesting characters using funny accents.

Leah is making strudel cookies

Leah: Welcome to the state fair, my name is Judith.

Angela: Oh, she's got fair food over there.

They all taste the cookies.

Kimo: Mmmmmmm.

Leah: Yum.

T'kor: It's delicious!

Leah: I'm going to make a little funnel cake now.

T'kor: Do y'all want some Oreo truffles?

Leah: I'm down.

Angela: We should make a cartoon.

Kimo, Leah, and Angela are now directing a cartoon featuring Rubina as one of the last Jiggly Wigglies on Earth. Angela tells her to make a voice. Rubina uses an adorable baby voice.

Kimo: (with husky Australian accent) I'm the poacher. Has anyone seen a jiggly wiggly? I heard that they're here.

Leah: (in a high voice) I'm a protector of the Jiggly Wigglies

Kimo: The fur is valuable. I want that fur.

Quinn is a scientist providing tips on how to find Jiggly Wigglies

Chelsie: This is good. Man, from last night to right now, you guys are killing it.

2:50PM BBT: Chelsie is sitting in the loft just staring at the fish.

3:04PM BBT: The HGs have all made foil hats.

Leah: Do you feel safe?

Rubina: So safe.

Chelsie just chooses to stay in the loft.

Angela: They will not be able to get to our brains!

Leah: That's iconic. That's the best one (Rubina's hat).

Angela: Should we just go stand over Kimo and T'kor? (they are sleeping)

Rubina: Let's go stand over them until they wake up.

They all hover over them, and Kimo wakes.

Rubina: We are protected. (in alien voice)

Kimo: What are you called?

Leah, Cam and Rubina: The Protectors. You have been chosen, chosen, chosen. (they say this in unison)

Leah: Don't mind the incision.

Kimo: What the fuck?

They stand over T'kor and begin chanting her name in alien voices. "T'kor! T'kor! T'kor"

T'kor: Y'all are protecting me?

Then all together "One of us! One of us! One of us!"

[This is what happens when boredom sets in. ~MamaLong]

4:12PM BBT: We have had WBRB Fishies for a while now.

4:35PM BBT: We still have WBRB Fishies.

4:38PM BBT: The feeds return to all of the HGs in the HoH room.

4:38PM BBT: WBRB, again.

4:40PM BBT: Rubina and Angela move to the loft area. Everyone is super quiet. It's clearly nap time.

4:44PM BBT: WBRB Fishies, again.

5:51PM BBT: T'kor is taking out her braids. She has been talking about doing this for weeks now.

Today's updates were written by MamaLong

The views expressed here are those of our contributors and may not accurately reflect the true character of the Big Brother participants.


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Common abbreviations used in Big Brother updates:

ADLs = Activities of Daily Living, just regular daily ablutions and household stuff that we all do.
BBT = Big Brother Time, Pacific Time Zone
DR = Diary Room
FotH = Front of the House. When we don't get to see something live, they showed the "Front of the House" in BB6, for several seasons after, they showed the " Fish of the House." Even though they now show rescue pets, we still call it FotH.
HGs = House Guests
HoH = Head of House
HoHR = Head of House Room
IDL = Indoor Lockdown
LD - Lock Down
PoV = Power of Veto
RUTT = Repetitive Unsportsmanlike Trash Talk - The constant and mindless verbal bashing of the other alliance.
WBRB = We'll Be Right Back - Like a FotH only shorter.
WC = Bathroom

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