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Friday, October 11, 2024
Big Brother |
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12:05AM BBT: Chelsie told Makensy
she couldn't see Cam and thought he had it in the
bag. Makensy said Cam was shaking more than
Chelsie. Chelsie commented that the competition was
all about arm strength and she thought it would go
quicker. Her arms trembled throughout, and she
managed to shift her grip, resting one arm at a
time to maintain blood flow.
Makensy felt
embarrassed to have dropped so early but was
relieved the competition concluded, adding that it
reminded her of a challenge from Season 20. Chelsie
reassured Makensy that she did great, and they
agreed it had been tough. The last minute of the
competition was particularly grueling, Chelsie
12:10AM BBT: Chelsie
predicting that Part two of the HoH would involve
building and Part three would be a fast-paced
challenge. Makensy was confident she could handle
Part II.
12:15AM BBT:
Chelsie asked Makensy what she was thinking.
Makensy replied that she was hoping, praying, and
talking to the Lord about the next competition. She
worried it would be embarrassing to make it this
far and not win. Chelsie reassured her that she
always pulls her weight and reminded her that they
only had two more parts to go. Chelsie urged
Makensy to keep her head up and focus on the next
challenge, expressing full confidence in her and
reassuring her that the final competitions wouldn't
be luck-based.
Chelsie reminded Makensy
that they've come too far to give up now and
encouraged her to have faith that the outcome would
be in their favor.
Are you caught
up? Chelsie has won this first part
of the final HoH, Chelsie will automatically move
on to the final part. Cam and Makensy faced off
against each other in the second part, and Makensy
won. Makensy and Chelsie will compete in a live Q&A
contest on finale night. The winner of this contest
will become the final HoH and will choose who they
want to take to the jury.
Join us in the CHAT ROOM
tonight during tonight's episode of Big Brother starting @ 8PM ET.
Previously on Big Brother, Chelsie earned her way to Finale Night
by becoming HoH, and her ally Makensy would join her by winning the final
Veto. With the sole power to evict, Makensy was going to put Cam on the lam.
But after Chelsie worked her magic, and Cam pledged his loyalty, Makensy
said Rubyebye to Rubina.
Now, with the final three set, Cam,
Makensy, and Chelsie will look back at this wild season, and witness the
insane, intimate, and inconceivable moments you didn't see. Plus, BB16
winner Derrick is back. How will his return impact Part I of the 3-part
Final HoH competition which kicks off tonight? Find out right now on Big
It is Day 87 in the Big Brother House, and Rubina has
been booted. Makensy says on Day 5, she never would have predicted she would
make it to Day 90 (Finale Night). She evicted Rubina to remain loyal to
Chelsie and Cam. Cam says the chameleon is still chameleonizing and he's up to get down
with either of these two ladies, overdue for a win. Chelsie says it is
phenomenal, a super-fan's dream true, and she even got Makensy to keep Cam
in the game for her, so she's protected on all fronts.
The final
three come downstairs to find a Surf and Turf dinner prepared for them,
complete with gourmet desserts and champagne. Makensy toasts the other
Houseguests no longer with them, but some were... A lot, completes Cam. They
start with Angela, who Cam calls "a hoot". Flashback to Angela's Jennifer
Coolidge impersonations.
They then segue to Tucker's wild moments,
with Quinn saying Tucker makes him feel normal. You can't write a character
like that, Rubina says. He may act like a dog, Tucker says, but he's a
pussycat in the corner. Kimo says he's an amoeba. You mean enigma, Quinn
Cam is reminded of how Tucker would shake up the Veto
meeting. No season had as many crazy Veto meetings as ours, Makensy recalls.
Queue the flashbacks to the 11 times in a row that the Veto was used,
including five times when the nominee was blindsided being saved. Special
attention was given to the fight between Cedric and Tucker, who did not heed
Cedric's warning to use the Veto on himself.
Next Makensy remembers
her fellow Texan, Brooklyn, who was a bit of a conspiracy theorist.
Flashback to her belief that the moon landing was fake. Quinn hates to break
it to her but the earth is round. She asks where hamsters come from - where
are the wild hamsters? Where does Bigfoot buy shoes? Is the moon made of
cheese? These are just some of the questions Quinn remembers Brooklyn
Chelsie says the only show better than Big Brother this
summer was Young Cedric. Flashback to the "production meetings" where the
Houseguests work-shopped their pitch to CBS for a new sitcom. They even
acted out some scenes, like Mama Drama and Cedric Finds A Dead Body (an
after-school special). Joe even wrote a theme song. Sadly, CBS never called
Chelsie shares with Cam and Makensy that Joseph pictured
himself as the DR. Will of the season, but he was more a DR. No. Flashbacks
to Joe praising his social game and throwing competitions, and the other
Houseguests reacting poorly to his self-delusions of being a ringleader. Joe
is no Will Kirby, Kimo laughs. I'm getting a mastermind edit, Joseph tells
Big Brother.
The final three move on to how emotional the House was,
leading to a parade of Houseguest DR obsessions with wet chairs, toenail
clippings, Lisa's hands, Quinn's mustache, and impressions of other
Houseguests. Of course, Angela's laughing turns to tears and so begins a
slew of crying clips, leaving no tears unshed. The segment concludes with a
montage of Angela weeping - I've never cried like this as an adult, she
Makensy will miss the pranks in the House. Cam points out that
she was the easiest one to get scared. It's time for a segment on all the
times Rubina made other Houseguests jump, complete with slow-motion
reactions and growls from the Upside Down. Cam then introduces when Rubina
finally gets a taste of her own medicine as he lamely sneaks up behind her
and taps her on the back.
Chelsie moves on from Makensy getting
scared easily to tripping easily, describing her feet as her own worst
enemy. How do you trip upstairs, Cam asks. We see clips of Kimo falling out
of a chair (he blamed the earth moving), Makensy wobbling standing up,
Cedric falling into the hot-tub, Kimo falling off the hammock, Rubina
falling off a backyard cushion, and yes, Makensy tripping while bringing a
full plate of food upstairs, shattering a plate and sending breakfast back
to the kitchen. And she's mostly upset about getting coffee in her hair.
Makensy's next topic was Angela's snoring in JANKIE's World. Leah says
that's where she draws the line. She decorates Angela's snoring body with
JANKIE toys and rubber duckies, but when Angela suddenly rolls over, sending
the toys tumbling, Leah goes running. Bad kids, Angela laughs,
The worst part of JANKIE's World, Makensy recalls,
was only being able to eat pizza and ice cream. If only they had vegetables,
Chelsie agrees. Cam notes that you might not get what you want, but you can
always go to the DR and request it. Cue the montage: Lisa wants a
normal-sized broom, Quinn a disposable camera, Leah socks with grips. The
list continues - cigarettes, diet coke, a new shaky-cup, superglue, cuticle
cutters, bathroom tile scrub brush, the name of the kid who rides Toothless
in How To Train Your Dragon (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III), a trampoline,
French fries, stuff from the farmer's market, Whole Foods chicken,
Impossible Meat, real bacon, the list goes on.
Cam thanks Makensy for
teaching them how to flirt. Makensy guesses she was in the first showmance
of the season. Chelsie pointedly asks Makensy if she had real feelings for
Cam, then tries to laugh it off as Cam says, say what? Flashback to Matt
and Makensy Moments. They shift to Tucker and Rubina's showmance, with Kimo,
Joseph, and Quinn filling in the dialog as they watch the pair on the HoH
Spy Screen outside on the balcony.
They can hear the screams from
the HoH room when Tucker takes Rubina into a warm embrace and mouthy kiss.
Then he lifts her up onto his waste. Cat's out of the bag, he tells us in
the DR. Quinn is so excited he strips off his clothes, jumping up and down
in his black boxers. I won't have any friends after this game, he
Cam says the Houseguests were like a family, and even
became a band. Flashback to JANKIE's World, when the Houseguests wrote and
performed a Big Brother song all about their season, including a T'kor rap,
Angela off-key, and Kimo, fixated on pickle-kissing Joe.
The final
three feel they're making it this far is #iconic, but just as Cam is
toasting his dogs in the Big Brother crib, there's a disturbance in the
Living Room. The Houseguests rush in as Derrick from BB16 breaks through the
static on the screen.
I don't have much time, he warns them, I'm back
undercover. The government recruited him to take down AINSLI, but she's just
too powerful. Oh no, Makensy says. The only way to take her down is from
the inside, Derrick continues, which means it's up to you.
The final
three are focused intently on the Living Room screen, understanding the fate
of all humankind, not to mention their chance at $750k, could be riding on
this message.
AINSLI made a critical mistake during the last Veto
competition, Derrick explains, by giving you the passcode to access her
system. So you're first mission is to get in and destroy her power source.
I'll be in touch via communications she can't trace.
Good luck,
Derrick says before being cut off, the Human Race is counting on you.
The HGs pump themselves up to shut down AINSLI for good. The Big
Brother basement has been transformed the inner workings of the AI
processor, ringed with bots and with three chassis suspended from the
ceiling. To the side, there's a ridiculously large and obvious power source
The final three are transported in, and an OKidata Microline 182
dot-matrix-printer (I actually had one of those during my high school and
college years) prints out a message from Derrick:
Welcome to Part I
of the final three-part Head of Household competition. The stakes could
literally not be higher as the winner of tonight's competition will
automatically advance to Part III on Finale Night, and more importantly,
shut down AINSLI's power source. Here's your assignment:
The passcode
you've secured has allowed you to enter AINSLI's system. AINSLI is trying to
destroy the human race, so you need to fly these aerial assault bots and
sever her power source. These aerial assault bots are incredibly advanced
and very difficult to fly.
To make matters worse, AINSLI's AI Army
will be trying to take you down with their laser defense system. Only the
last one hanging on will be able to complete this mission and shut down the
power source. As a thank you for your service, you will be declared the
winner of Part I of the Final HoH competition.
The two Houseguests
who do not complete the mission must face off against each other in HoH Part
II. It's time to Sever The Source. We're counting on you.
The final three climb into their Aerial Assault Bots, which
have handlebars above their heads and shoe-wide footholds. There are attack
claws on the top and laser cannons mounted, with a big red power light
indicating the bots are powered up. Chelsie is in a pink flight suit, with
Cam in green and Makensy in blue.
As the competition begins, the
Aerial Assault Bots fly from their launch platform into the center of
AINSLI's system over her CPU, powered by air jets, tilting downward to a
45-degree angle and moving in circles to face AINLSI's defensive threats.
Who will win the final three-part Head of Household competition and
decide who to bring with them to the final two? And which Houseguest will
the Jury of seven crown the winner of Big Brother 26? Plus, who did America
choose as their favorite player?
Find out on Sunday night at 9PM ET,
live, on the 2-hour season finale of Big Brother!
Tonight's coverage of Big Brother, S26E38, was written by Fuskie.
Today's updates were written by Fuskie. |

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Common abbreviations used in Big Brother updates:
ADLs = Activities of Daily Living, just regular daily ablutions and household
stuff that we all do.
BBT = Big Brother Time, Pacific Time Zone
DR = Diary Room
FotH = Front of the House. When we don't get to see something live, they showed
the "Front of the House" in BB6, for several seasons after, they showed the "
Fish of the House." Even though they now show rescue pets, we still call it
HGs = House Guests
HoH = Head of House
HoHR = Head of House Room
IDL = Indoor Lockdown
LD - Lock Down
PoV = Power of Veto
RUTT = Repetitive Unsportsmanlike Trash Talk - The constant and mindless verbal
bashing of the other alliance.
WBRB = We'll Be Right Back - Like a FotH only shorter.
WC = Bathroom