A wet-behind-the-ears, yet good-hearted sea captain unwittingly finds himself at the helm of a smuggling ship for a terrible international cartel that’s using him as a fall guy in case the authorities ever catch up to them.
The voice cast includes Jason Ritter, Christopher Meloni, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Anthony Carrigan, Alejandro Edda, Adam Devine, and Trond Fausa.
Series Launch Date: July 28, 2023
Format: 26 minutes x 10 Episodes
Created & Written by: Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen
Developed by: Jon Iver Helgaker, Jonas Torgersen, Joel Trussell
Executive Producers: Jon Iver Helgaker, Jonas Torgersen, Joel Trussell
Voice Cast Includes:
Jason Ritter (Matlock, Accused, Raising Dion) as Jonathan Fall
Christopher Meloni (Man Of Steel, 42, Law & Order: Organized Crime) as Agent Steel
Lesley-Ann Brandt (Lucifer, Spartacus, The Walking Dead Michonne and Rick spin-off) as Liza
Anthony Carrigan (Barry, Fatherhood, Bill & Ted Face The Music) as Mr. Tyrant
Alejandro Edda (Narcos: Mexico, The Last of Us Part 2 Video Game, Horizon: An American Saga) as Pedro
Adam Devine (The Out-Laws, The Righteous Gemstones, Bumper in Berlin) as Tanner
Trond Fausa (Oppenheimer, Norsemen, Lilyhammer) as Nico