A playground of pleasure. A killer on the loose. CRIME SCENE: The Time Square Killer launches globally on Netflix December 29.
Oscar-nominated and Emmy award-winning filmmaker Joe Berlinger returns to direct and executive produce season two of CRIME SCENE, the acclaimed Netflix documentary series that unpacks the ways in which certain locations aid and abet criminal activity. Season two begins as firemen respond to a call at a seedy hotel in the middle of Times Square in December 1979. What they discover among the smoke and ash shocks even the most seasoned NYC homicide detectives, triggering a hunt for a vicious serial killer who preyed upon sex workers operating within Times Square’s then-booming, anything-goes sex industry. The three-part series takes viewers deep into the investigation, detailing the social and systemic forces at play in a near-lawless area in the center of Manhattan that allowed multiple horrific crimes to go unnoticed for too long. A wide range of subjects are profiled to bring the era to life, from Times Square denizens to beat cops to the daughter of New York’s self-proclaimed “porno king.” With exclusive access to Jennifer Weiss, the daughter of one of the victims, the series also underscores her efforts to identify others who have remained Jane Does, lost to an infamous, long-gone time and place.
Executive Producers: Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Joe Berlinger, Sara Bernstein, Justin Wilkes, Jon Kamen, Jon Doran, Jen Isaacson, Samantha Grogin, Leslie Mattingly
An Imagine Documentaries and RadicalMedia Production In Association with Third Eye Motion Picture Company
JOE BERLINGER, Director and Executive Producer: “As a lifelong New Yorker, I’ve watched Times Square become the tourist mecca it is today – but many people have forgotten about the darker era of the late 1970’s and early 80’s when it was a near-lawless sexual playground that enabled predators to exploit sex workers, or worse. Through the location-focused lens of this series and this particular season, we unpack how this particular time and place, and a confluence of social forces, created an environment that allowed terrible things to happen and a killer to go unnoticed for too long.”