The acclaimed drama series THE HOUR first aired in the United States almost ten years ago – in August 2011. Starting on Saturday, July 17 @ 7PM ET, Ovation TV will begin re-airing the first season for longtime fans of the series and newcomers alike.
With the Suez Crisis brewing in the background, a small team of British journalists launches an hour-long investigative news show on BBC television called THE HOUR. Producer Bel Rowley (Romola Garai) pulls in Freddie Lyon (Ben Whishaw), the best reporter she knows, to serve as the show’s home affairs correspondent, while the handsome and charismatic Hector Madden (Dominic West) gets the coveted position of presenter.
Revisit the behind-the-scenes drama and espionage thriller set in Cold War-era England, part of Ovation TV’s weekly Mystery Alley programming block on Saturdays @ 7PM ET.