From frightening outbursts to furious judges, Court Cam gives viewers an in-depth examination of some of the most stunning and emotional courtroom moments caught on camera. Hosted by Dan Abrams, each episode will include interviews with judges, witnesses, and victims who give a first-hand account of what really happened during these intense courtroom moments. This comprehensive look at how the action unfolds allows viewers to sit in the courtroom as they witness crazy courtroom moments from the most high-profile trials to minor court proceedings.
“Court Cam” chronicles some of the most stunning and emotional courtroom moments caught on camera. Whether it be frightening outbursts, crazed defendants, amazing acts of service, or furious judges, the series gives viewers a comprehensive look at how all of the action unfolds. Paired with interviews with judges, witnesses, bystanders, and victims, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats as Dan Abrams gives viewers a firsthand look at some of the most startling courtroom moments.
“This series is a prime example of the type of eye-opening programming that A&E strives to deliver. Following the success of its first season, we are looking forward to continuing this journey with Dan Abrams as we further our exploration of all facets of the criminal justice system,” said Elaine Frontain Bryant, EVP, and Head of Programming, A&E Network.
“Court Cam” is produced by Law & Crime Productions with Dan Abrams, Rachel Stockman, and Paul Tinelli serving as executive producers. Shelly Tatro and Sean Gottlieb serve as executive producers for A&E Network.