“Here and Now,” is a new drama series from Alan Ball (Six Feet Under & True Blood), starring Tim Robbins and Holly Hunter. The series will begin its ten-episode season February 11 @ 9PM on HBO.
The show is a provocative and darkly comic meditation on the disparate forces polarizing present-day American culture, as experienced by the members of a progressive multi-ethnic family.
From Oscar(R) and Emmy(R) winner Alan Ball, and starring Oscar(R) and Golden Globe winner Tim Robbins and Oscar(R), Emmy(R) and Golden Globe winner Holly Hunter.
The show is a provocative and darkly comic meditation on the disparate forces polarizing present-day American culture, as experienced by the members of a progressive multi-ethnic family – a philosophy professor and his wife, their adopted children from Vietnam, Liberia and Colombia, and their sole biological child – and a contemporary Muslim family, headed by a psychiatrist who is treating one of their children.
Jerrika Hinton, Daniel Zovatto, Raymond Lee, Sosie Bacon, Andy Bean, Joe Williamson and Peter Macdissi also star.
Here and Now is executive produced by Alan Ball, Peter Macdissi and David Knoller.