Remember little Cindy Brady on The Brady Bunch, played by Susan Olsen? She grew up to become a radio talk show radio host, as one half of LA Talk Radio‘s Two Chicks Talkin’ Politics program (alongside Sheena Metal).
It now appears that Olsen’s talk show career has come to an end after she unloaded on a listener in a homophobic rant. Olsen has made no secret of her extreme Trump fandom, and alt-right leanings.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Acord-Whiting criticized the host online after his appearance, accusing her of spreading “outrageous misinformation” given her support for Donald Trump.
“It is wildly irresponsible for LA Talk Radio to allow a Trump fanatic to co-host one of their programs, where she can spew her idiotic lies unchecked,” Acord-Whiting wrote, Us Weekly reports. “This isn’t just disagreeing on, say, tax plans or foreign policy. Susan Olsen spreads outrageous misinformation and it is dangerous and unprofessional.”
Olsen first posted Acord-Whiting’s critique while labeling him a “piece of human waste” and asking audience members to “send him my love.”
Olsen complains that Acord-Whiting blocked her, but that didn’t happen before she sent him a couple of vicious messages, which have been screencapped and posted by Towleroad. The first message was a giant homophobic bender:
“Hey there little p*ssy, let me get my big boy pants on and Reallly take you on!!! What a snake in the grass you are you lying piece of sh*t too cowardly to confront me in real life so you do it on Facebook. You are the biggest f****t ass in the world the biggest p*ssy! My D*ck is bigger than yours Which ain’t sayin much! What a true piece of sh*t you are! Lying f***t! I hope you meet your karma SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY”
The second message labeled Acord-Whiting a “pathetic little c*nt.” Then she publicly threatened him again on her Facebook page.
After a few days of consideration on the matter, LA Talk Radio posted a Saturday announcement of Olsen’s firing. The station condemned Olsen’s “hateful speech” as a reason for newly severed ties: “LA Talk Radio takes pride in its close and collaborative relationship with the LGBT community, and will continue to provide a home for those who have hopeful and positive messages of togetherness and tolerance to share with our listeners.”