The series stars Michael Rosenbaum as Buddy Dobbs, a slacker on the run from his gambling debt. He seizes an unlikely opportunity to steal a man’s identity, and ends up following that man’s path and posing as the new gay pastor of a small, tight-knit town. Only time will tell how long he can keep up the façade. Sara Rue, Mircea Monroe, Mike Kosinski and David Rasche also star in the series. “Impastor” is executive produced by Vane and Rosenbaum, along with Eric and Kim Tannenbaum (“Two and a Half Men“) and Rob Greenberg (“How I Met Your Mother“).
Main Cast:
Michael Rosenbaum as Buddy Dobbs, a slacker and gambling addict who fakes his own death and is posing as gay Lutheran pastor Jonathan Barlow to hide from loan sharks. Upon assuming this identity, Buddy asks the citizens of Ladner to informally address him as “Buddy,” lying and stating that it is a nickname.
Sara Rue as Dora Winston, Buddy’s conservative, perpetually cheerful assistant. She hides her feelings, choosing to acquiesce to others, saying of herself, “My face says nothing about my feelings.” She admits she is a pushover.
David Rasche as Alden Schmidt, president of Ladner Trinity Lutheran Church who often opposes Buddy’s unconventional means of managing the congregation. He finds his marriage to his long-time wife has become “bland” and wishes to pursue a relationship with Ashlee, whom he’s unaware is a prostitute.
Mircea Monroe as Alexa Cummings, the beautiful and highly intelligent treasurer of Ladner Trinity Lutheran Church and owner of a local fashion boutique. She rivals Russell for Buddy’s romantic attention. In “Ex Communication”, it is revealed that she was born Christina Burke. She was a runaway in Boston, and she was taken in by Kenny. The pair robbed a bank twelve years before the series’ start, while Alexa was still a teenager. After Kenny’s arrest, she moved to Ladner for a “fresh start.”
Mike Kosinski as Russell Kerry, secretary of Ladner Trinity Lutheran Church. He is gay and rivals Alexa for Buddy’s romantic attention. His parents are unaware that he is gay until Buddy inadvertently outs him in “Honor Thy Boyfriend’s Mother and Father”. Despite Russell’s fears, his parents ultimately accept the revelation with minimal conflict and express their happiness when Russell pretends he and Buddy are in a monogamous relationship.