The following transcript is from a live chat with Chiara Berti from  The following transcript was made from a live chat and has been edited for ease of reading. Every effort was made keep this text true to the poster's original meaning and intent. There were about 400 people involved with this chat.  Some questions were sent to a moderator, <#bbchat>.

<Moderator Karen> Chiara is in the chat right now.  Hi Chiara.

<Chiara> Hi Karen.

<Moderator Karen> Thank you for joining us! Are you ready for some questions?

<Chiara> Fire away.

<#bbchat -> Have you seen the past shows and if so how do you feel about what some have said about you.

<Chiara> I have watched most of them, and i am okay with what some people say about me, and others hurt more. But it's a game and I have to remember that.

<#bbchat -> I want to know how its feels to sleep with out the woobie. What you did was very sweet. 

<Chiara> Thank you, to be honest, its been a lot harder then I thought.  I haven't gone without woobie in 25 Years, who knew.

<anita> Chiara, how did you feel when you realized that Lisa voted to evict you from the house?

<Chiara> Well as you know, I didn't hesitate to ask her why? I wanted to know but oddly enough that day I felt like she hadn't voted for me. Its okay its part of the game, I know she didn't want to and that means more to me then anything.

<Shoofly> Chiara, I miss you on the show! What is it like to be OUT? What was the first thing you did, and are you thronged with admirers?

<Chiara> What was the first thing, well I went to dinner with my sister and we had a great time, I drank wine and just laughed it up with her all night. I am happy to be out now. Admirers and fans have been great, I love it. It.s been so much fun hearing people's reaction to me.

<#bbchat -> Chiara,  what do you think of Dani and Lisa now ?

<Chiara> I think they are the same as when I was in the house. I wasn't really playing the game all that well.  I really just made a connection with them through friends, as you saw after I left. I think Dani is playing a tad to hard and is going to be surprised by the ending.  I think Lisa is a pawn in this game and I feel bad that she doesn't know. But I like them both very much.

<#bbchat -> Chiara,  are you planning to pursue a relationship with Roddy?

<Chiara> I hope so, Roddy and I have a very special bond and have tried to maintain that through the show. That house is hard to develop true feelings in, but I know we are going to see if it can work outside of the house. he's an amazing person, I would be very lucky to have him in my life.

<kygypsy>  Chiara, hi. Have your perceptions of any of the HGs changed since you left the house, and why?

<Chiara> My perception of Marcellas has changed, and Amy. Dani's has changed a tad because I didn't know she was being so untruthful and lying so much. I truly cared for her during the game and I had no idea that she was referring to Roddy as the devil which is very upsetting.

<#bbchat -> Chiara did, you like Jason more than a friend and if so do you think you guys will ever date?

<Chiara> Jason is amazing, I love him to death.  He and I had an amazing bond inside the house also. I think we knew we would never work out just because of how different we were, but we would refer to our relationship as Romeo and Juliet, two lovers who can never be. I know he and I will be close friends forever, who knows about the future.  I have a feeling he will have no problem finding someone else once he leaves the house.

<#bbchat -> Have you spoken to any of the other evicted houseguests? If so who?

<Chiara> I have spoken to Josh and saw him a few times, we are great friends.  I went to Vegas this past weekend to see Tonya which was awesome, and then I spoke to Eric today on the phone and I am seeing him on Thursday here in the city.

<unk> Chiara, how do you feel about Jason now that you know he was allied with Dani the whole time?

<Chiara> I think its funny, he's a sly one, but good for him.  He needed to make an alliance with someone and I think its great that he did.  I just didn't' know and thought it was so weird, but I did always know that Dani protected Jay as much as possible so I knew there was something going on.

<#bbchat -> Who do you want to win, Kiki?

<Chiara> I want Roddy to win, but that doesn't look good, so I am rooting for JASON!!!

<#bbchat -> What advice would you give to me about BB4 I real want to try for it?

<Chiara> I would say be yourself, go for it. I think that they need good people on that show and I suggest that if you are going to try out for it, you be as REAL as possible.


<#bbchat -> I read that you said your dad wasn't exactly thrilled with your BB3 experience.  Could you elaborate? What did the rest of your family think?

<Chiara> My dad is very conservative, and we come from a very small town,  My dad has known me for 25 years and I am his little girl, it was hard for him to only see this one side that CBS portrayed me as. Ii am extremely different at times, and unfortunately the viewers only got to see one side of me, the side that takes up about 5% of my overall personality.  Everyone else in my family was so excited, they didn't care at all, my mom was very supportive, she knows I am 25 years old and I can do what I want.


<BBeyes> Chiara, have you been in contact with Gerry?

<Chiara> No I haven't been in contact with Gerry yet but plan on it soon.


<#bbchat -> Have you watch BB on the internet?

OH GOD NO!! I leave that up to a very good friend of mine in Seattle, she does all the watching and reports to me.  I tried it once and it didn't work out so well, meaning I didn't like what I saw.

<#bbchat ->  Chiara, are you surprised at all the internet fans out there, and that we watched 24/7?

<Chiara> Yes I am extremely surprised I think if I had thought about it some more you wouldn't have seen the Chiara you saw, so I am glad that I didn't think about it, because I wanted to be as real as possible. And I was.  A lot of the internet fans who come up to me,  know that the shows didn't really get who I was, so its good to have that kind of support from people who watch all the time, although I do think its strange at times that

<a1a1a1> Out of who's left, can you rank who you'd like to see win it all, from most to least?

<Chiara> Jason-1 Lisa-2 Dani-3 Marcellas-4 Amy-5 and of course RODDY AS #1 but it doesn't look good.


<#bbchat -> What did you do as a free woman the first week out of the BB house?

<Chiara> OH GOSH...  You had to go there...  Lets see; I spent some quality time with my brother and friends, and went out almost every night to see friends in LA

<#bbchat ->   Hello Chiara! Last night, Amy was saying how she owed you a big apology. My question is, do you hold a grudge against her and do you feel it was fair to bring back ANY of the houseguests?

<Chiara> Well grudges are useless energy so I don't' hold a grudge against her at all.  I don't' think it was fair to bring back a houseguest absolutely not, just not at all, but  I didn't write the rules so I can't do anything about it. Amy has some problems she needs to deal with when she gets out, nothing I can help her with. She probably wants to apologize but who knows if she means it. She doesn't have many friends where she comes from.

<chili> Chiara! Has anyone besides home town people recognized you on the street since you left the house? Had any good/bad reactions?

<Chiara> I have had amazing reactions on the street.  I have been noticed every where, California, New York and Vegas, so its fun, everyone has told me great things, nothing negative

<YOUR pet>  If Playboy wanted you to pose, would you?

<Chiara> I don't know, LIsa and I would talk about it, once in awhile and she said that the only way she would pose for Playboy is if she could do it with me, and I agreed.  So if they would have both of us, I would do it, and NO I am not going to name a price

<#bbchat -> I've had a few questions regarding a article - Do you have any comments about your DUI charge?

<Chiara> I am not happy about it, but it was a lesson I had to learn, I think that it should be a lesson for everyone who has ever thought they could drive drunk, unfortunately a lot of people think they are invisible until they get caugh.  I just hope if anything people will learn from my mistake and not drive drunk.

<#bbchat -> Do you regret leaving your blankie in the house?

<Chiara>  Absolutely not. I wanted to leave it for Roddy, he needed it, a piece of me and a secure piece of me. He spent more time with it then I did when we were in the house.  He knows how much that blanket means to me, and how much he means to me now.

<#bbchat -> Hey Chiara, what kinds of things did you bring out of of the house? Any memories that will stick with you for the rest of your life? If so, what? If you could have done one thing differently, what would it be?

 I wouldn't have done anything differently, maybe voted for Lisa, but that's about it . Only because of the repercussions I had to face, but you don't' know until you are in it. The memories are so many,  that would take me so long to write them all out. but I think Roddy will be my best memory  Hopefully not just a memory, but the friendships I made in there I know are strong and the things shared in there, are sacred for the rest...


<gleffler>   Do you see your relationship with Roddy going anywhere after he gets out of the house? (PS: I'm a big fan!)

<Chiara> I hope so. he's amazing, a truly special person I was very lucky to have met. So we will see when he gets out where we stand.  I know we have an amazing friendship right now, I am not sure where its going to go from there, but hopefully we can get to know each other without a million people watching our every move, thanks for being a fan. 


<#bbchat ->  Will you be able to view the tapes of the show in order to make a decision on voting in the end?

<Chiara> Yes we can watch the show and I have watched about every episode so far, so I have a pretty good idea on who I want to win and who I would vote for.

<#bbchat ->  Hi Chiara  I hope you don't find my questions rude, because I loved you on the show! It was great to have someone so OUT THERE on the show! Simply refreshing. May I ask how your appearance in court today went? Thanks and I hope you answer! :)

<Chiara> No problem asking those questions, I actually had my court date last Friday, the judge let me go early, and it went very well.  I have to go back one last time, but it was fine.  Thank you for asking, if you were a fan of last years show, you might get a kick out of the fact that Mike Boogie took me to court and we had a good laugh at all the people who wanted our autographs in the courthouse, very funny, even the cops.

<#bbchat -> Thank you for chatting with us. Do you feel that the view we got of you from CBS was contrived or slanted to portray what they thought the viewers would most like to see? Was it a fair view of you?

<Chiara>  OH YES!  You guys truly didn't get to know the real Chiara.  Unfortunately I think CBS needed material and they needed drama, I provided that for them.  They didn't show anyone else talking about their sex lives and of course everyone joined in, EVEN AMY. but its okay, for the people who know me and love me, they aren't surprised that CBS chose that side of me to portray but as you saw a lot of the HGs were upset when I left. 

<#bbchat ->  Have you seen the nude photos of yourself on the net?

<Chiara>  Oh GOD yes.  Well actually only one, where I am taking off my shirt. is there more? Good Lord we were told by CBS that they would turn the camera's off when they saw us changing, someone must have been sleeping on the job that day??

<#bbchat ->  They told you guys that??

<Chiara>   Yes they did.

<#bbchat -> They lied.

<#bbchat -> It was very emotional when you left the house, were you surprised at how much the other houseguests were upset after you left?

<Chiara> Thank you for the compliment.  It was a huge compliment to say the least. I had made a very strong connection with many of the HGs while I was there, that whole day was very emotional, pretty much everyone before the live show broke down to me, so I wasn't to surprised. Jason and I had a heart to heart before the show and we both cried.  Then Dani and I had a talk and both lost it, so I wasn't surprised too much. Gerry surprised me, and so did Roddy  with his tears, I didn't think he would get that upset over my departure.  He hadn't cried for anyone else and he is very careful of how he is portrayed so to cry like that in the Live show to Julie was touching. 

<#bbchat -> How disturbing is it to see sites that use very insulting nicknames in place of Chiara?

<Chiara>  Not to insulting, people will judge you all the time, if I knew them and I had a relationship with them, then I would be insulted but these people don't know me from Adam, so their nicknames don't effect me much. it shows a lack of maturity if anything.  BTW, I'm proud of how tasteful a lot of the questions are from you guys, thank you.


<#bbchat ->  Funniest moment in the house?

<Chiara>   A few.  Marcellas' first night in the HRD when he came out of his shell to Lori, Roddy and I, Josh was hysterical and he would make me laugh all the time. but its hard to pinpoint just one...we laughed a lot in that house.

<#bbchat -> I love Mike Boogie! How did you hook up with him so fast?

<Chiara> Mike is great isn't he? My brother and him are friends, of course he and I had never met, and Joel (my brother) wasn't allowed to tell him that I had been chosen for Big Brother.  So it wasn't until after I was evicted that we met, and we have spent the past 2 weeks together in California and then we went to Vegas together with Will and Ian (Will's brother) we had such a great time. Mike is awesome.

<#bbchat -> In retrospect how did the Diary Rooms prods and questions affect your strategy if at all?

<Chiara> The DR really didn't' effect my sessions or my strategy.  It's definitely confusing at times when they ask you certain questions but for the most part they really can't effect you much only in the beginning when you don't know anyone.  My strategy was blown when Amy came back. 

<#bbchat -> Do plan to try for a career in show biz?

<Chiara>  We will see, I am going to look into it and see what comes out of it, but I am not sure...


<#bbchat -> Chiara nice of you to take time out for us. Just wanted to know now that you are out of the house is there anything you have seen since that would change your opinion on anyone left in the house?

<Chiara>  My opinion of Amy worsened and Dani's has changed a tad, but for the most part nobody else has really shocked me.

-<#bbchat -> Kiki do you think being with Roddy in the house hurt your chances of winning? And if so why?

<Chiara>  Yes they did a lot, but its okay, he's worth it.  They hurt my chances because Amy really liked him and didn't' like the attention I got, Roddy told me to vote out Lisa which hurt me, so those are the only things

-<#bbchat ->  In case you didn't know it, there's an Internet rumor that Roddy really isn't 30.  Did you, or anyone in the house know that Roddy was 30? It seemed to me and others he was trying to hide the fact.

<Chiara> You mean that he was younger or older? He told everyone in the house that he was 30

<#bbchat ->  Yes, the Internet believes Roddy is older, even though his best friend confirmed he is REALLY 30.

<Chiara>  I think he is really 30.   I want Roddy to be older..... I LOVE older men! LOL

<#bbchat ->  And were you surprised Marcellas is 34, not 29 as claimed?

<Chiara>  I had no idea that Marcellas was 34?

<Gurple> When you spoke with Tonya did she really have animosity towards the other HGs?

<Chiara> She has no animosity, she can't its a game.  I know that she can't stand Amy, shocker but for the most part you are going to have to ask her about her opinions, I'd rather not speak for her.

<#bbchat ->  Chiara, are you aware of how quickly your internet fans decoded your "snap code?" If so, did it surprise you?

<Chiara> Not really, I mean I gave them the information on how to solve it, so not really surprised but didn't think it would become a media frenzy. 

<#bbchat ->  Kiki I also do Tarot those cards told you you were going right?  Is there anything you'd like to tell us about the night you read Amy's tarot cards?

<Chiara> Yes they did....I tried to tell Roddy but he didn't' believe me.  I was trying my best to figure things out with the tarot cards, I was on for a few things and off about other's that's tarot cards for you though. 

<#bbchat -> Are you interested in being a regular on TV?

<Chiara> It depends in what capacity, I would love to host something but I am not sure about the acting thing.

<#bbchat -> How do you feel about how Gerry was treated in the house?

<Chiara>  I am not too happy about it the way Gerry was treated but I did my part in participating so I can't be all apologetic now.  I am sure he is going to have some issues with it.

<#bbchat -> Chiara, why did you say that we were internet freaks on the feeds one day? :)

<Chiara>   Oh gosh, I was in that house for 48 days, I am not sure when I said that, but if you didn't notice I used the word freaks a lot, its really just a word to me, not really anything horrible.  I call myself a freak at times...its just amazing to me that people watch you 24/7, that just seems strange to me at times

<#bbchat ->  Chiara, is there any chance you may be there to greet Roddy if/when he's evicted on Thursday? There's already speculation that his family won't be there, so it would be cool if you could be there for him.

<Chiara> His family will be there for him and I will not. unless he requests it which I doubt he will.  He loves his mom and dad so much and I am sure is dying to spend some major quality time with them.  I am going to in NYC with Eric on Thursday so I am fine with it.   I will see him later on, its important to be with your family when you first get evicted, very non judgmental people.  I, unfortunately wouldn't be non judgmental because I know too much.

<#bbchat ->  Can you ask Chiara what her ethnicity is please?

<Chiara> Italian.  Hot blooded Italian if you couldn't guess.  My mom is 25% German.

<#bbchat -> Is it true, as Dani and Marc ponder, that Roddy doesn't mention his family, or didn't get photos on with his HOH gifts. Why do you think that is if its true?

<Chiara> Roddy talks about his family all the time, he is a very private person though and doesn't like to share a lot, that's probably why he didn't' get pictures, very private people but we make jokes about his family and stuff, he loves them to death  He thinks and I know he is right that they are amazing.

< Willo> Chiara, don't you think its about time for a woman to win BB?

<Chiara>  Yes I just wish it was me.

<#bbchat -> What did you think of the comments aired on TV from Roddy's friends about her and the comments her friends made about Roddy?

<Chiara> I am okay with what Roddy's friends said about me at first I was very upset but they are jokesters and for the most part were kidding around.  My friends are very protective of me and so I am not surprised but what they said they would say that about any guy. 

<chiarabb3> How long do you think it will be before you eat PB&J again?
Also will you say hi to my friend Minnybean

<Chiara> I really don't want to ever eat PB&J again.

<#bbchat -> Chiara, if you were given a chance to go back into the house tomorrow, and continue playing the game, would you?

<Chiara>  Yes I absolutely would. 

<#bbchat ->  Chiara, how ready are you to go back to your normal life and get out of the spotlight so to speak?  Or do you love it and us! :)

<Chiara>   Not really ready yet, I am enjoying it, its fun, and interesting, but normal life awaits, after this show I look forward to resuming to normal life and will see from there.

<#bbchat -> Who would you nominate if she got head of household right now?

<Chiara> AMY.  Do you have to ask twice?  Amy and Marcellas.

<#bbchat -> Chiara, what will you be doing on 9/11? Will you be in New York City?

<Chiara> I will be here, and I am not sure what I am going to do, probably spend it with my family and friends and just take the day to reflect.  Go to a memorial or candle vigil, just be with the people I love.

<#bbchat -> And do you think the remaining HGs should do anything special that day?

<Chiara> I think that on 9/11 all the house guests should be able to light a candle and pray and then they can resume normal life. I also think they should be able to see some TV on it, its a very important day.  Just talk about it...reflect.  I am sure they are going to be very quiet and reflect not much else they can do.  Talk about movies and make fun of everyone they evicted?  Sorry, that was bad... :)

<#bbchat -> Do you have any guesses as to why there haven't been any planes flying over the house this season?

<Chiara>  We have no idea what it would be like to have banners so we don't know what we were missing.  CBS is coming to film me on Thursday here in New York for possibly Roddy's eviction

<#bbchat -> Do you think Eric and Lisa will be together after this?

<Chiara>  Yes I think Eric and Lisa will definitely be together after this.

<#bbchat -> Are you still upset about the whole Amy brought back in the house thing and her being allowed to receive outside info.   Do you plan on doing anything about it now?

<Chiara>  I am not sure if I am going to do anything about it, but who knows... Yes I am extremely annoyed but not enough to have it ruin my day.

<#bbchat -> Chiara I know that the week that you were on the block you asked for your Father and Brother to be there for you if you were evicted, why wasn't your father there and did it upset you that he wasn't there for you?

<Chiara> I knew my brother really wasn't going to be there  To be honest he wasn't there because he doesn't agree with the show or anything about it, and so I have to respect him for that,  and my dad either, so they both have no respect for the show that's why they didn't come and I am ok with it now.  I love my step sister so much, that I am just so happy that she came because like I said,  you need non judgmental people there to pick you up. 

<#bbchat -> I want to know if any real "nookie" takes place in the house.   Did anyone fuck, in other words?

<Chiara> NO.  Trust me you would know.   Dear me, the language... LOL

<#bbchat -> Is that  a CBS rule or just the HG's decision?

<Chiara> HG's decision. Now the dirty questions start.  LOL

<#bbchat ->  How do you feel about Jason's attempt to keep a word with Kiki after she left (about taking care of Roddy) and how it put him in an awkward position by not nominating him!?

<Chiara> I think its amazing that Jason kept to his word with not nominating Roddy.  It was actually Roddy who came up with it, not me, I was to busy putting on make up but I think it shows how much he truly cares about me Jason is amazing.

<#bbchat ->  Do you think you will ever be a candidate for the CBS hit show "Survivor? Are were you eliminated from such a events since you were on Big Brother?

<#bbchat ->  Is Roddy's penis as big as it looks in the internet pics?

<Chiara> It's okay.

<#bbchat -> Were any of the HGs caught beating off? :-))

<Chiara> No.

<#bbchat> Josh was, kind of, wasn't he?

<Chiara> Yes he was, but never caught. 

<Chiara> Well guys, I just want to say for the people out there who watched and understood me, THANKS! I am sorry if you didn't agree with everything I did, I am sure if I was watching you 24/7 or an edited version of your life I may not agree either, but its not my place to judge, so just remember that.   I was very fortunate to have this experience and I am very lucky to have fans like you to share this with, please visit my website at

<Moderator Karen> And you can email her there too :)  Chiara, I wanted to thank you for coming tonight. I had a ball. :)  Best of luck in the future to you :)

Yes, thank you VERY much chiara... you were awesome. We appreciated your time

Chiara, as always, you were wonderful...thank you so much

I'm calling you for a quick minute

<Chiara> Thanks for coming everyone..