The Big Brother Archive


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Week Twelve: The Worst Summer Ever
Please note: This is an archive of old news. Because it is old, the links within the news stories may no longer be active.

Monday, December 22, 2003:  Tid Bits
Season's Greetings BB Fans.  I've received a few emails from viewers telling me that Nate appears in the commercial for the movie "Bad Santa."  According to the emails he's one of the movie goers that says "It was HIL-LAR-I-OUS." did an interview with Justin.  He says that he still plans to move in with Robert in January, and because of the distance, he and Dana are just friends. Full Details

Wonder what the winners do with their money?  Lisa Donahue gave most of hers to charity.  The New York Post asked some game show winners what they did with the prize.  Full Details "Amazing Race 4" couple Reichen Lehmkuhl and Chip Arndt copped the $1 million prize. Reichen bought a Larson cabin cruiser and a Mercedes sedan, while Chip splurged on custom-made golf clubs. Sadly, money seems to have driven the men apart - they're no longer a couple "but are still friends," according to Us Weekly.

A few members of the BB4 cast and other reality shows are doing some charity work for Ronald McDonald House to help the sick and injured children.  They are auctioning off 15 minute phone calls, here are the links:
Reality Stars For Ronald McDonald House

I missed a David Lane auction.  At present he's not selling anything, but you can use this link to check  David Lane's Auctions (since I'm not real good about updating this page over the winter).  

Alison usually has some items for sale, check out Alison's Auctions Here.

That's it for now.  Have a happy Holiday, and good luck to all of you that applied to be on BB4!

Sunday, November 9, 2003:  More eBay, Now You Could Talk to Donny
I think Alison's boyfriend, Donny, is one of the most talked about participants of BB4, and he didn't even get to compete.  A five minute phone call from Donny is among the latest eBay offerings from Alison Irwin.  Also featured are several clothing items, including a size 5 skirt, that must be way too big for her. 

Alison Irwin of Big Brother 4 top Ends Nov-11-03 19:25:30 PST
Alison Irwin of Big Brother 4 skirt Ends Nov-11-03 19:29:43 PST
Alison Irwin of Big Brother 4 paratroopers Ends Nov-11-03 19:41:58 PST
Alison Irwin of Big Brother call to Donny Ends Nov-11-03 19:49:17 PST
Alison Irwin of Big Brother bathing suit Ends Nov-11-03 19:57:43 PST

Dave also found another item to put on the block, the clown wig he was wearing on that infamous night he and Amanda shared the HoH room.
David Lane Big Brother 4 autographed wig dave Ends Nov-12-03 19:29:37

Reality 4 Diabetes has three phone calls from Big Brother cast members:
 10 Minute Call With JACK OWENS BIG BROTHER 4!Ends Nov-13-03 15:47:23 PST

10 Minute Call With AMY CREWS BIG BROTHER 3!! Ends Nov-14-03 09:12:04 PST

10 Minute Call ALISON IRWIN BIG BROTHER 4!!!Ends Nov-15-03 11:04:01 PST

Jordan from BB 2000 has completed the first draft of her book.   Full Details

Marcellas has written a fashion review of reality stars for Soap Opera Weekly, it will appear in a January issue.  Full Details

Friday, November 7, 2003:  Alison's Mom Responds to Tracy
Alison's Mother Responds to Tracy's Report on the premiere:

Alison had a wonderful time at the show with her Grandfather, David Adams from Akron, Ohio.

If you arrived at the same time then you know she was brought outside and introduced to the crowd where they were yelling her name and taking pictures. You also must know that she did two interviews on the red with Playboy.

You may not like her...  and that's up to you...  but you don't know anything about her and you have never tried to. You always judge her and try to guess at what she did but why not talk to her and get the real facts. I went shopping with her in Erie the other day and we couldn't get through the mall without people stopping her and asking for autographs or telling her how much they enjoyed watching her.

As for her size she wears a much smaller do you want her? CBS has been awesome with her and have been very supportive unlike some people who choose to judge her on a game.  A very wise fan of Alison's told her to "Live life as life and to play games as games...that way you'll win both ways."

I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have, if I have the answer, or forward any questions on to Alison. Thank you for your time...wish I could add and your support.

Ali's Mother

Dear Mrs. Irwin,
Please note that I didn't write about the premiere, another BB fan, Tracy, wrote that commentary.  I was in NJ, 3000 miles from the premiere that night.  From the photos I saw of the premiere, Alison looked very attractive, and I didn't see the "added pounds" Tracy saw.  I also disagree with her opinion of Robert's date, who also looked quite lovely in my opinion. 

As for knowing Alison, I spent the summer with her, 78 days, every day.  I realize that she was playing a game, and I realize she treats her family different from the people she competed against in a game. 

I have heard from Alison, she wrote, "...I just wanted to say that your website is awesome and pretty accurate. Thanks for taking the time to write about the show!"

Her message meant a lot to me, because, although I don't except her to agree with my opinions, I tried very hard to get the facts right. 

Basically, my job was to judge Alison based on the game.  My opinions of the outcome of that game are backed up by BB4 being the only reality show in TV history to have a lower Nielsen rating for the finale than the week before. 

I enjoyed seeing Ali on "Yes Dear,"  and I wish her success and happiness in whatever she pursues.  Please notify me of any appearances or events you would like promoted.


Wednesday, November 5, 2003:  Runaway Jury Details and Will Mega
[Wednesday, November 5 By Tracy]   Hey BB4 fans, just wanted to give a little update on Ali and Robert's big adventure at the Runaway Jury premiere. I don't quite think it was the big adventure they were thinking it was going to be. Ali arrived an hour early - which is funny because most of Hollywood arrives fashionably late to these things. Although she got her picture taken on the red carpet no one was even there that early. I walked in right behind her. Her date...well, it wasn't Donny. I don't even know if it was her dad. It looked more like it could be her grandfather. She was all dressed up but didn't look like she had shed the added pounds from her days in the BB house. It took me everything not to tell her my opinion of her...but I didn't want to be the ONE person there to give her the time of day. She and her "date" sat down right away and never got up until after the movie (so she missed getting to see Dustin Hoffman, John Cusack and all the other celebs who came). Their reserved seats were in the second or third row from the back, up in the balcony.

Robert and his date (you can see her in the pictures...blond, kind of hard looking. Nothing compared to what he had in Erika) arrived later. They walked into the theater and talked to a Fox person for direction as to where they were to sit. Something must have happened because the Fox person looked at the list a couple of times and then said something to them. I got the feeling that there was a mix up in their seats or something. Or it could have been that they found out they were sitting right next to Ali and wanted to occupy some time before taking their seats. Robert looked nervous, which I thought was funny. He looked nice in his suit, but totally looked like he was trying to impress his date and it didn't look like it was working. They left the theater and came back about 20 minutes later. He checked back in with the Fox guy and then headed up to their seats in the balcony RIGHT NEXT TO ALI. As they started walking up they saw each other and Ali stood up and waved like she was so excited to see him. He waved, but looked more hesitant. Robert and Ali gave each other a hug and met each other's dates and then they all sat down and didn't say another word until the film started.

So, nothing too exciting to tell. I just thought it was funny that they both thought it was going to be some big night for them and that they both said they wouldn't even speak to each other. There they were stuck sitting next to each other in the back of the theater watching the same movie again. Thanks for letting me share. 

And thanks to Tracy for sending that in. 

In more recent headlines, Will-Mega from BB1 ran for Philadelphia City Council for an at-large seat. In short, he ran and got just under 3,000 votes out of around 440,000.  Since there was no golden veto twist in the election, Will did not win.

 Dan sent me these three links:

1) WPVI Article (Channel 6 News in Phila)

2) Will Mega's campaign website

3)Election Results 

Thanks Dan!

Dave's hat was a hit on eBay, it sold for $101.00.  I wasn't going to mention that if you check out Dave eBay seller record, you can see that he recently made the $13.99 purchase of "Magna-RX Penis Enlargement Pills."  I had a bunch of emails saying I missed the most important detail.

So you may be wondering, just how big is it?  Dave's making you an offer.  Buy a David Lane original design t-shirt, for just $15.75 (plus s&h), and he'll write the vital stat inside the shirt (if you request).  So, you get a t-shirt, an autograph, art by Dave, and your question answered for about $25.  Sounds like a bargain.  Check it Out!

Monday, November 3, 2003:  Nothing But eBay Stuff
I haven't heard anything newsworthy on the subject of Big Brother in a few weeks.  There are, from time-to-time some eBay auctions that turn up, here's a few:

David's got a Big Brother hat he's autographed for sale, David Lane Big Brother 4 autographed hat dave  With less that 12 hours to go, the bidding is up to $91.00, proving what I said from the start, this guy was the star of of the show. 

Previously, I wrote about Robert offering his BB duffle bag for sale, starting at $250.  I said the price was high, but possibly the coolest item to be offered.  I received an email from the buyer of Marcellas' unused Golden Veto, and I agree, that's got to be the coolest item from BB sold.  As for Robert's duffle, no one forked over the $250.

Alison's offered the most items of the BB cast, and has some more things on the block:

Alison Irwin of Big Brother 4 swim suit
Alison Irwin of Big Brother 4 mask
Alison Irwin of Big Brother 4 shirt
Alison Irwin of Big Brother 4 shirt 

Would you like to talk to Josh Souza from Big Brother 2000, and Erika's significant other?
10 Minute Call With JOSH SOUZA BIG BROTHER!!! 

Joker's Updates has two chats coming up,

Tuesday, October 21, 2003:  Stuff
CBS aired the "Big Brother" episode of "Yes Dear" last night.  Will Kirby and Hardy Hill from season two and Marcellas Reynolds, Lisa Donahue, Amy Crews and Roddy Mancuso from season three, Michelle Maradie, Jun Song,  Alison Irwin,  Nathan Marlow,  Justin Giovinco  and Julie Chen were all featured in a fun episode chock full of inside jokes, just for us BB fans.  It was so strange to see Marcellas (who was pretty much the star of the group, and HoH again) back in the house with Amy in the DR munching on a hunk of cheese and drinking a beer.   Did you miss it?  The episode is expected to repeat in December. 

Back on eBay, Robert has his Big Brother duffle bag up for auction.  Although his opening price of $250 seems a bit steep, I think this is the coolest item to be offered to date. 
  Big Brother 4 Rob's duffle bag 

Anyone remember BB2 Justin? Justin Sebik was the 26 year old bartender from New Jersey that was fooling around with a knife and put it to the neck Krista Stegall and was very quickly removed from the house.  Following his eviction the New York Times discovered the brash housemate had been arrested on assault charges in 1996 and charged with assault and theft (robbery) in 1997.  It appears you just can't Justin, he's back in the news again, this time was arrested this week on charges he collected nearly $10,000 for four car engines he sold via on eBay but never delivered.   The Jersey Journal has Full Details

Thursday, October 16, 2003:  Updates
Robert and Alison attended the premiere of  "Runaway Jury"  on October 9th.  I have no details regarding whether Robert spoke to Alison, or who his date was for the night. 

Alison Irwin UK reports that Alison has been spending a lot of time with Donny.  You can see pictures of them here

Josh Sousa has replaced the photo galleries of him and Erika that were removed when she applied to be on BB4.  You can see them here.  Josh also owns the web site  Two new stars have been added to the roster, Erika Landin and David Lane

The freelance photographer that took the two shots shown above, also has prints of Alison for sale on eBay.  Check out these links:
Alison Irwin- 8x10- Sexy & Alluring!- 129
Alison Irwin- 8x10- 130
Alison Irwin- 8x10- 131

Reality 4 Diabetes is offering two phone call auctions:
10 Minute Call With MICHELLE BIG BROTHER 4!!!
10 Minute Phone Call With DANA BIG BROTHER 4!
The call from Michelle was up to $75, at this writing, and $45.50 for Dana.

Alison has offered some of her personal items for sale.  Previously, Alison offered her gown from when she won Miss Crawford County. The orchid hand beaded full skirt and corset with matching jacket went for $52 and included an autographed picture.
Alison Irwin of big brother 4 tie dyed Tshirt
Alison Irwin of Big Brother 4 top
Big Brother 4 Alison Irwin's Mexican Outfit

The October 21st issue of Soap Opera Weekly (on sale October 14th) has an interview with Jun.  Jun is still trashing her former housemates and defending her behavior. 

"I don't respect Alison.  She is so young and so emotional and so immature that she had no idea she was doing [my dirty work] for me. And she had the wrong final speech. She should have humbled herself herself a little more instead of insisting on getting credit for things.  As a 23-year-old woman, she should be depending more on her intelligence, wit and psychological stability, instead of batting her eyelashes and using pageant charm.  She needs to grow up and grow out of that if she plans to go to law school."

Song has slightly kinder words for her ex-boyfriend Jee, who helped her succeed. "He grew up a lot since we were together, but he still has a lot more growing up to do. I'm glad that I'm not going to be there to witness it and partake in it; I definitely want to keep things the way they are and never keep contact with him."

The article continues to say that Jun will buying an apartment in Manhattan and will not be returning to her former job. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2003:  Yes Dear
 The Big Brother episode of "Yes Dear" has been taped and is scheduled to air Monday, October 20th!  Here's a picture of the cast
Thursday, October 2, 2003:  No Chat
Looks like CBS gave up trying to get Jun and Alison to chat, the event is no longer listed. 

Steve writes that "Runaway Jury" premiere that Robert and Alison get to attend will be on Thursday, October 9, at Mann's Westwood. Here's the source The film has its national release on October 17.  Thanks Steve.

Stint on reality show leads to opportunities 2003-09-26 By Penny Soldan The Oklahoman
Nathan Marlow of Edmond spent 37 days on "Big Brother 4," the CBS reality series which brought together 13 strangers for a summer of seclusion in a house full of television cameras.   He didn't win the show's $500,000 grand prize as he had hoped, but he can't complain.
  Full Details

Meet "Q," a guest of an employee who got to go to the BB4 wrap party and meet and greet everyone.  Here's more about the wrap party

Tuesday, September 30, 2003:  Jason Guy of BB3 Hangs With Robert
I think we overloaded dreamers picturetrail account, but the same photos of the Big Brother 4 Wrap Party are here

Jason from BB3 went to a barbecue at Robert Roman's father's house.  Read Jason's brief description here

I guess you won't see my suggestions in next season's Big Brother.  In an article in Variety, Allison Grodner, Executive Producer of Big Brother sounds like she going for another twist next year.  "Certainly the pressure's on to make (next summer's twist) different and unique, so no one sees it coming," said co-executive producer Allison Grodner, who came up with this season's "X-Factor" theme.

They same article says CBS has committed to another season of The Amazing Race, which we heard about last week, but it's nice to hear it from CBS too.

Monday, September 29, 2003:  See the Wrap Party
The Big Brother 4 Wrap Party included many cast members from BB3, Jason, Danielle, and Lisa.  See them all in this gallery, by dreamer.  Dreamer has the best collection of photos and captures from Big Brother, see other galleries here
Monday, September 29, 2003:  See Eddie
imageEddie McGee was on the season finale of "Mutant X" that aired on May 12th, on the WB.   This episode, "Lest He Become," will repeat on October 6th.  Check your local listings for time. 

Speaking of Eddie, I found this clip of the first BB, the first HGs to ever enter the Big Brother house in 2000.  The HG Enter the House [5 minutes] image I really enjoyed seeing it again, it was kind of eerie.  Those people were not dull, but the editing and pacing was horrendous. 

The "Yes Dear" "Big Brother" episode cast continues to grow,  Will Kirby and Hardy Hill from season two and Marcellas Reynolds, Lisa Donahue, Amy Crews and Roddy Mancuso from season three were announced before, Michelle Maradie from this year's edition is already locked in, while winner Jun Song, along with runner-up Alison Irwin and Nathan Marlow and Justin Giovinco have all been approached about appearing.

Saturday, September 27, 2003:  No Chats?
The chats with Jun and Alison on the CBS web site have been postponed.  Where it previously said Monday & Tuesday, it now says "Check Back Soon." 

Friday, September 26, 2003:  After the Fame
I think we'd all like to see what happens to Ali and Jun next.  If you hear of either of them in the news, please send me a link to the story.  And don't forget, There is a chat with Jun on Monday the 29th at 1 PM Eastern Time. Ali's chat is Tuesday the 30th at 1PM Eastern. Both are at the CBS chat site.

Alison has no 'Big Brother' regrets Friday, September 26, 2003 By Rob Owen, Post-Gazette TV Editor Post Gazette   Her new career plans include applying to law school, which she said "Big Brother" helped prepare her for.  "Basically, it gave me a lot of manipulation tactics, a little bit of lying involved, persuasiveness, all the things a good lawyer needs."

'Big Brother' Notoriety Doesn't Bug Jun (Thursday, September 25 02:40 PM) By Daniel Fienberg   LOS ANGELES ( - "That means I'm not going to keep in contact with her," she says. "I think that Alison was under the impression that because we had some sort of bonding experience as the final two that I might want to keep in contact with her, but that's not happening."

RTVT Interview with Alison Irwin  Congratulations on winning second place!  Friday, September 26, 2003 By Mar,  Reality TV Talk  Do you think that was a good thing to do, to attack his daughter? We weren’t actually attacking his daughter. We were attacking him as him as a father.

TV Guide OnLine News  BIG DEAL: Two-faced New York investment banker (is that redundant?) Jun was crowned the winner on Big Brother 4 last night. She wins $500,000 and the grudging admiration of her former cellmates. Meanwhile, Nathan wins the title of Chump of the Year for handing runner-up Alison her sole vote. What a lame-o.

Chuck the Movieguy Thursday, September 25, 2003  The evicted HouseGuests returned to the Big Brother 4 house to cast their votes and they crowned Jun the winner. Jun won the $500,000 grand prize with a vote of 6-1 against Alison. Chuck the Movieguy participated in an audio interview with Jun on Seattle's Kiss 1061 morning show with Jackie and Bender Mornings.

Thursday, September 25, 2003:  The Day After
I was supposed have clips of the early show, but I think technology and I are not getting along today.  I didn't even get to see the show.  Last year both Lisa and Danielle were on, from what I read, it was just Jun. 

I've taken this description from Strat's Updates:

Julie Chen has a short interview Jun Song on the CBS Morning Show. Julie notes that the BB jury was not happy about their options. The jury hardly applauded after the victor was revealed. Julie asked if that lessened Jun's victory. Jun said it did. She thought she would be ecstatic when she won, but the jury changed that. Jack hugged her, as did Dana. But most didn't even look her in the eye. Dana told her she will have to apologize later. Jun doesn't know why she would need to.

Jun says she is still worried how she was portrayed on the show. She is still not sure how her parents felt about her performance. Her brother told Jun the family is proud of her. Jun's aunt said she was inspirational. She feels better about her relationship with Bob since leaving the house. He is there for her. He rubbed her back last night until she fell asleep.

Jun said she had not seen Jee in three years, prior to going in the house. It was a plus having him in the house. With Jee there, there would be a person there she could manipulate. She said she could control him. She does regret playing rough with him. Jun said she dropped Jee when she was through with him.

Jun said she will use her winnings to invest in an apartment in NYC. That will use most, if not all, her winnings.


Jurors would have voted for the mime, if they knew they could. For those of you that turned the show off before the credits, my favorite part was the very end: They cut to the plasma screen inside the house where there was a live shot of the FotH.  The camera pulls back to show the mime sitting on the sofa, eating a PB&J watching the show.

Meanwhile, Back Home in Meadville:  The Meadville Tribune watched Alison loose at Italian Civic Club in downtown Meadville, with 50 of her fans.  Read the story here.  [The Tribune moved the story, sorry]

Early Show Video  Silly me, the video of Jun on the Early Show is at CBS.  CLICK HERE it's in Real Media, the only clip here that is. 

What Are they Saying in Pittsburgh?  We turn to the Post Gazette for the reaction there.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003:  Jun Wins Big Brother 4
Tonight's Broadcast:  The opening hype looks like we may see some sparks fly.  Julie refers to them as "self proclaimed evil bitches."  We see Alison continue diss'ing the jury, and a DR with Jun diss'ing Ali.  A brilliantly edited montage showed how the two finalists made it to the end.  We started to see some of what the jury has been thinking.  Dana won't give in, and calls Alison "lucky."  Jack and Erika respect the way Alison played, some disliked Jun for being so verbally blunt, but Jee respected her for her honesty.

Robert would rather vote for the turtles, and all of them hate the choice they have to make.   They each got to ask one final question:

The Inquisition:

Dana went first: "Ali, Why should I give you my vote?"  Ali says she put herself in the best position, and won the competitions she needed to win.  "Jun, do you have any regrets? Anything you would have done different?"  Jun said her only regret was getting in fights with people and showing her nasty side.

Nathan asked, "Ali, you kept your alliance with Justin a secret from me. Why didn’t you tell me?"  Ali said it would have hurt her because Nate wouldn’t want to be partners with her after she jumped ship.  Nate seemed surprised at her candor.   "Jun, Why did you jump ship?" Jun says she knew Dana was a jumper and if she didn’t go she'd make herself a target.  She also felt an alliance of eight was too large.

Justin asked, "What was your most dishonest moment?" Ali says it was when she kept Erika–she says it would have been game suicide.   "Jun, was cooking for the house a strategy for you?"  Jun says "yes"  she learned a lot from studying people's eating habits.  The kitchen gave her a good view of the rest of the house, and by making someone something special to eat she got on their good side.  

Jack asked Ali, "Why did you lie to us about not nominating Justin?"  Ali says it was because she was keeping her alliance secret. "Jun, when did you decide to vote against me?"  Jun said they never had an official alliance and she wanted to keep Erika.

Jee, "Do you feel you were honorable in the game?"  Ali said sometimes she was and sometime she wasn’t. Sometimes she had to lie to play the game, and she felt she did her best.  "Jun, why are you more deserving than Alison?"  Jun replied "I didn’t use the powers of persuasion that Ali did. I didn’t crawl into bed with them or kiss people to manipulate them. I’m more honest and deserving."  I think this was a very important moment in the voting.  Everyone heard the answer, and it rang true.

Erika, "You said you'd never vote for someone who told you you were safe and then voted you out.  So why should I vote for you?"  Ali answer might have been a bit too arrogant when she said, "You rode no my coattails, and I would have handed you the game if I let you stay. No one gave me the credit for half the things I didn't do get here."  Erika asks, "Jun, was personally attacking every person in the house part of your strategy, or do you really feel that way people?" Jun says that humor it’s how she deals with stress and her humor tends to be directed toward others, and she's sure people trashed her too.

Robert, "Jun, was it part of your plan to float to the end?" Jun says she didn’t want to be in a eight member alliance, it was too big and the Dream Team was short-lived too, because she came in late and it was starting to fall.  "Ali, how long did you have and alliance with Jun?"  Ali says it goes back to when Nate left. She proved herself to be superior to Jun and had a better chance with her.

After the girls answered the questions, they had a moment to consider what the jury was thinking.  Jun seems uncomfortable that Erika brought up her personal attacks, "Everybody did it!"  Alison says, "No.  Not everyone did." 

After voting the jury and other evictees got see the whole series (well that's what they said) and there was some nasty stuff.  Then they brought everyone except Jun and Ali together, and it wasn't pretty.  Jack apologized to Dana for the buzzard crotch remark.  Jee was mad about Erika calling him a "Korean piece of shit" and "an immigrant right off the boat."  Erika said she was sorry, and completely out of her character to make the remark. They also discussed David and Amanda's night of passion.  Michelle said she can't be friends with Dave anymore after that, and he was no longer welcome in her home.  Justin was surprised that Jee had an alliance with Jun. 

Up until this point, everything was taped.  The evicted guests reunited in Julie's studio and already Michelle and David made up.  Robert still wants to be friends Erika, Amanda won't move to California, Nate will never be friends with Alison.  They took the voting box and made one last trip back into the Big Brother house. 


How They Voted

Voted For:
Voted For:
Voted For:
Voted For:
Voted For:
Voted For:
Voted For:

As the jury members removed keys to reveal their votes, you could tell they wish they could have been voting for the turtles. Highlights from the conclusion [20 minutes] image

I enjoyed the little end scene the they did, with the mime in the house watching the live show on the from steps of the BB house. 

And, of course my record for predicting the outcome of these things...  Did I say Alison would win?  Not only did I say it, I made up this page saying she won before the show aired.  I had to scramble to change the page when Jee cast his vote.  I'm not unhappy she won, as I wrote below, she did do a lot of work. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2003:  The Last Rant

Well, that sucked.  At the end of each Big Brother I'm supposed to write a little editorial and say nice things about all the guests like I did last year.  I can't.  I didn't have fun this year and I want my summer back. 

When you broadcast the audio from the BB house, throughout your home, 24/7 as I do, you really become a part of their house (or they become a part of yours).  In the previous seasons, there were the guests you wanted evicted,  the ones you respected, the ones that annoyed you, the ones that make you laugh, and hopefully someone to cheer on to the end.  This year, the few fun guests they had were voted out first, leaving us to root for Robert.  There were some nice people, but they were dull nice people.

When you hear the producers describe the type of people they want for this show, and you see who they selected, you know they made huge trade-offs to get "X"s.  Jee Choe was a dull, pompous, humorless imbecile.   What small amount of laughter that he brought to the show was caused by his ignorance, and not any sense of wit.   Robert reminds me of some creature your child would find and want to keep as a pet, and you say "alright" because it doesn't look like it'll live too long. Put Robert in the house with Jun and Alison and it's not surprising he'd be the most popular of the three, but what truly amazes me is that Erika and Natasha dated him. 

Jack certainly falls into the nice but dull category. Jack could be explaining the secrets of the universe and I'd still have trouble keeping my eyes open.  Like an aged Maxwell Smart, he bonded with Erika who became his Agent 99.  Together they tried to eliminate the evil forces of KAOS from the BB house, and failed.  

Erika falls into the "nice category," but I'm grading on a curve this year.  I feel her "racist" remarks were blown out of proportion, even earning her a "jeer" from TV Guide's "Cheers and Jeers." She called Jee a "fucking right off the boat immigrant," but the guy had just nominated her for eviction saying he couldn't trust her.  Later in the game she told Alison that Robert didn't need to win the money and that his daughter was already "a spoiled little brat." I considered that maybe Erika was right, but the fact is Erika hasn't seen Robert's daughter since she was three.

Whereas Michelle seemed like a truly nice girl, she was too naive for the show.  Just before Michelle entered the room, Dave warned the other HGs, "Look, my girlfriend's really dumb." I believe she really is a nice girl, and had no business being in the house.  During the first week the HGs played a truth game.  Jun called for everyone that ever got a pearl necklace to stand, Michelle jumped up to uproarious laughter. Sheepishly she asked,  "Wait, it's jewelry, right?"  And for those of you that don't get the joke: It's a big internet, look it up. 

Justin was one "X" that could have made it through a regular casting call.  He was laidback, but had a great personality and a good sense of humor. In the first week Dana tells Justin he looks good wearing scrubs.  Justin says he was surprised how many girls come up to talk to him when he wears them because they think he's a doctor, "But then they talk to me and they realize I'm a moron..."   What on Earth does he see in Dana? 

I didn't find Scott to be the offensive person that he was labeled by some house guests, but certainly not fun, and only science-experiment-interesting. One problem with Scott was that it was his idea to vote the five ex's out, and everyone agreed to his proposal.  Scott was gone, and his alliance was living on. 

David was fun to watch in the house.  When the former Army Ranger was evicted, I set up a page where people could send emails to the producers of "Monster Garage" suggesting him as a guest or co-host.  Within minutes over 4,000 had registered their opinions and hundreds wrote me telling me they wouldn't watch BB4 without him.  A few wrote me to say that sleeping with Amada on TV was over the top, but only one person wrote to say they didn't like Dave, and questioned my sexual orientation (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Nate wasn't fun to watch, in fact I blame him for ruining my summer.  How can you get to be 23 years old without ever tasting cauliflower, lobster, or even seeing an eggplant or turnip.  He says he wants to be on TV but he reads like he hasn't finished his "Hooked on Phonics" class.  Why did he save Alison?  And afterwards, when she wouldn't save him, he still didn't know he was played? There's the difference between naive and stupid.   My brother lived in Oklahoma for a year.  Every time I ask him what it was like, the only adjective he comes up with is "flat." "Flat?" I'd ask, "Yeah.  You know, like Kansas."

Now, on to Jun and Alison:  Yes, I'm calling these two women "bitches."  Yes, I realize that lowers me to their level, but I spent the summer with them, and I'll stand by my conclusions.  People have written me to say that Alison and Jun got a bad rap because they're women playing in a tough game, "They did what they needed to do."  "If they were men, they'd be respected."  I really disagree.  A certain amount of cattiness in women is allowed for, but if it had been two men in the house, making threats against a loan woman,  viewers would have been calling 911 to have her rescued.  Did what they needed to win?  Sure, lying can be part of the game, but these two just threw in hatred as a bonus.

A telling moment into Alison's personality was when she was told that in BB1 America cast the eviction votes, and she said, "Can you imagine being in a house with twelve people you despise and having to pretend you like them?" Only Ali would assume she'd despise all twelve.  One day Ali and Jun were talking and Ali mentioned David and and Amanda, Ali says, "Well you know they'll never see each other again."  It's her mentality that people wouldn't be friends unless they were forced to be, or they were faking it for the the money.  Yes Ali, they really like each other and have seen each other since Dave's eviction. 

Last year we saw Marcellas and Amy say some pretty nasty things about Tonya.  I thought that their regret afterwards would have served as a lesson to future guests. Jun and Alison sank to a new lows by making verbal attacks against a seven year old child they never met.  We saw how a bad boy would play the game in BB2 with Will Kirby.  He was comedically evil, these two bitches were Tonya Harding evil. 

Big Brother showed Ali hopping into bed with Nate, Justin and David.  Alison's father wanted us to know why his daughter was doing this, "The flirting and some of the things she was doing was misperceived as being disingenuous.  I think she was using one of the tools to get ahead in the game."   So you see, she's not a tramp, she was doing it for the money, and that's different.  The only thing I agree with is that Nate's a tool, if that's what he meant. 

I was accused of being bias about Jun.  I got several letters about this, that never said which way my bias was swinging. The truth is, I didn't have an opinion for quite some time.  I did like using pictures of her eating, but I really think she has a pretty face.  Another thing that went a long way with me is Jun's work ethic.  Jun worked four jobs to support Jee and his family after his father died.  The cooking might have been a gimmick to stay in the house, but she got up first almost every day, and did more work than anyone else.  I really thought she had some noble plan where she was helping Jee win. Come on, she was a Sunday school teacher! Oh well, in the end she wasn't loyal, noble, Christian, or even just nice.

How to Make it Better!  I didn't even like the decor this year.  The whole house looked like a "before" picture from "Trading Spaces."  It's time to get back to basics.  Bring back the Ikea look.  The HGs must be given more to do.  On BB1 the HGs had so much more to do.  They weren't given photos, they had to make masks.  They weren't given food, they had a food budget and had to buy their food.   To save money Karen baked her own bread.  They had chickens for eggs so we got to see them take care of the chickens.  If they planned their budget right, they could buy beer.  And no more PB&J, that's so BB2.

BB1 had week-long challenges like setting up the dominoes that formed the BB logo.  They had no microwave with a clock, they had no clock until they figured out how to put together a potato clock. Remember George trying to make a sundial?  They had to peddle an exercise bike all week to get food.  Please give the cast of BB5 something to do!

In a BB house in another country, the first week in the house is like a boot camp.  I would love to see these weak, candy-ass, spoiled brats forced to get up at dawn to do calisthenics (I know a former Army Ranger that would be great as their drill instructor).  The cast of BB4 didn't even want to get out of bed.  I'm not sure I blamed them, there was nothing to do when they did get up.   Remember on BB1, they had to be out of bed if they wanted hot water for showers...  This cast had so much to start with, they couldn't even do an America's Choice every week because there was nothing left to give them.

To borrow from across the seas again:  In one house the HGs earned "Monkey Tokens"  These tokens could be traded for food, hot showers and other luxuries.  This opens up all kinds of possibilities for bartering.  In all the US BBs, the HGs play cards all the time.  Give them something to gamble with that matters.  The tokens would also be taken away for not wearing a microphone, revealing a DR conversation, singing, etc., that would cut down on the FotHs.  Think of it:  You could buy a PoV with monkey tokens, or save them to the end and bid on a car. 

No more twists.  The big twist of BB3 was great, but now every twist will be compared to it.  Another problem with the "unexpected" is that it leads the fans to thinking the show is rigged.  Make up rules, post them, stick to them.

Kill the damn ants and grow a lawn.  We seen four years of the HGs running around trying to kill the ants.  Now that they know there will be three more seasons, get an exterminator and some one who knows how to grow a lawn.  Then we can watch them mow it like before. 

Let the viewers vote in the final.  There's two ways to handle this:  Use an 800 that logs the caller's number so that only one vote per household can be cast.  I know this can be done, they've used caller logging on free offers so you can only get one free sample per phone.  This would prevent ballot box stuffing and the auto-dialers that make "American Idol" fans so mad.  The other method is by electronic ballot for those of us that buy the live feeds.  One account, one password, one vote.  50,000 people signed up for live feeds on BB3.  I recall hearing that CBS and RealMedia split the money 50/50.  This means that the live feed subscribers are shelling out the money for the prize.  We paid for it, we should be allowed to decide who gets it. Come on CBS, think of the savings in not having to sequester seven people... 

And my readers.  Wow!  You guys really know how to fill a mailbox.  I can't believe it, I got fan mail!  Of course not everyone wrote tributes, every year I get mail saying I'm biased and shouldn't write that way.  Hell yeah I'm biased, but it's a game, a joke, a TV show.  Rush Limbaugh is biased, but he keeps reporting, and people even take him seriously.  If I can't have favorites, I'm taking my ball and going home.  Another complaint is that my public school education did not give me the grammatical skills required to write on the internet.  I'm not kidding when I write that I'm dyslexic, oh sure, some remedial English wouldn't hurt, but most of the mistakes were there because I didn't see them. 

Despite my bloopers, some of you sent donations, THANK YOU!   My site broke a record for using 670 gigs of bandwidth in one month.  In addition to your donations I got an offer of free web space from a Mr. Patrick Higgins, which will really help in the future.

So thank you all so very much!   Hope to see you all again in July 2004.

 Our Sponsor:

Wednesday, September 24, 2003:  It's Almost Over!
Funny how everyone says they don't care who wins the prize, but no one will miss tonight's live show.  Even if you just want it over so you can get back to normal life, you'll be watching.  There's a lot to cram into just an hour of TV, then it'll all be over until next year. 

10:15AM Their final day in the house has begun, well almost.  Jun was awake a lot through the night, and she's still in bed.  Alison is actually making breakfast today, she's trying for pancakes. The first one ended up in the garbage, and the second is reminiscent of Lisa's "hotscakes" on "Green Acres." 

11:00AM Jun's up but she's complaining of panic attacks.  She's terrified of leaving.  As Jun is scrubbing the few dirty dishes, Ali asks, "Why are you washing all of those? We're leaving. "  Jun tells her it's just stress. 

By 11:30AM we're FotH, and I expect it'll be like that most of the day. It's overcast in Studio City today, mild with a high of 80°.   It was kind of odd, around noon while the girls were outside looking for the sun and BB left the cameras on inside the house.  We saw one guy checking a camera angle, and another carrying a ladder.  It's like everyone knows there's just a few hours left and there's no point in bothering with FotH. 

4:40PM  The house is just a buzz with activity, we can't see most of it.  We heard producer Jon Kroll tell Ali  she has an hour and fifteen minutes to get dressed.  BB is so wrapped up in getting ready Jun actually sung most of "So Long, Farewell" from "The Sound of Music without them going to FotH.  This after a long afternoon of outdoor lockdowns.  They must of have a lot going on in the house because they played the BB music throughout to cover the sounds.  Both Jun and Ali still have packing to do. 

When Jun and Ali go to pack Ali finds that someone left a knife by her nail polish, and Jun finds dirty socks, not hers, not Ali's on her bed.  Ali says, "Dude, that's a fucking threat. Now I don't care, it's on now.  They had no right to touch our stuff.  There better not be anything missing."  Now she's mad[1.5 minutes] image

5:50PM  I think it's over for us live feed watchers.  We've had four sad, empty shots of the backyard for some time.  The live show starts in less than ten minutes.  Be sure to check back here afterwards for my wrap-up.

Gossip:  I got a letter today from Alison's ex.  Not Donny, not Justin.  As I explained before, it was this other ex that applied to be on the show and told the BB producers about Alison, Donny and Justin.  It's a wonderful nasty letter, and I doubted it's authenticity.  He had sent it to me and BB4BBQ where SpamGirl had posted it.  I asked SpamGirl if she thought it was real, and she wrote back saying she knows for sure that it's real.  Just for the sake of space, you'll have to read it there at BB4 BBQ (about half way down, under "It is Alison's Ex with Something to Say...").  And for all of you looking for "Survivor" dirt, SG got some links to some juicy gossip on her Survivor Page

Tuesday, September 23, 2003:  They're Really Packing Today
They got up and packed, Jun did her nails, Ali goes on about Donny.  They can't wait for it to be over.  Hey, us too!

3:15PM Alison wonders if she's worrying too much about Donny not loving her.  Gosh,  I sure hope she isn't.

5:15PM Jun's taking another nap.  Alison is just tidying up the house.  The old place is starting to get that last day of school look when the only thing on the bulletin board is the construction paper letters that spell out "Have a Nice Summer."

Each year the final two always seem to hold a sort of resentment for next season's guests.  They've spent what seems like a lifetime in the house, and next year a bunch of strangers will be running around in it, it's like the day you move from your childhood home, and you hope the new people won't paint over your growth marks on the kitchen wall. 

6:40PM The dinner arrives.  They're having Chinese food tonight for their "last supper," as they call it. 

Over dinner Ali tell Jun a story about a guy who dated her mom.  Ali found he was already married. She knew the guy's name and looked up the man's phone number on the internet, but there were two guys with the same name.   Ali called and a woman answered.  She told the woman her husband lied to her mom and got her to put her husband on the phone.  Ali read him the riot act, asked him how much he made and told him he didn't make enough to support them.  The man told her he had never been to Pennsylvania.  Ali had called the wrong guy.  Jun tells her you could of ended their marriage by doing that.  Ali says her parents made it through the problems and are so close now they're always making out and stuff.  Boy did I get a wrong number [6 minutes]

10:45PM  Ali: "Well, it's 11:00 here, that makes it 1:00AM  in Pennsylvania.  So if I call there tomorrow at this time, Donny better answer. "   The girls have decided to skip the workout tonight and are shaving, and doing beauty stuff instead.  They talk a lot about being nervous over leaving the house. 

11:30PM Jun is really stressed out and has to vomit.  They've talked a lot tonight, mostly about Bob and Donny, and whether they're waiting.  Alison says she has a really bad feeling about Donny.   Jun says if Bob asks her to marry him she'll say yes.  For the past several days she's been talking about the three children she's going to have, two boys and one girl. 

Midnight: "Attention Houseguests:  Tomorrow is the live show,  please look your best." I don't think the girls needed the reminder at all this season, and most of all not tonight.  There's a lot more chat.  You can tell they're trying to distract themselves from thoughts of the live show and the wrap party.  BTW:  We don't get to see the wrap party.  Last year there was some press at the party, but it's very informal and not taped.  About 400 people were at last year's party. 

Bored?  I am.  Why not take this opportunity to vote for my site as your favorite BB site.  I just saw this poll and noticed that Morty's TV was added as an afterthought.  The voting box is located on the right side of the page.  CLICK HERE  [Update]  Aw, Gosh, you made me number 1, thanks. 


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