James Rhine was gracious enough to share his time in a
phone interview with Yana. But Wait!! You can meet James in person,
this weekend at the TV Reality Convention in Nashville TN. Visit the
official James Rhine website at:
www.jamesbb6.com for more information! You'll also want to check his
www.BB7world.com site for coverage of the
All Stars Edition of Big Brother. (Also be sure to scroll down to read
Yana's interview with Scott Long)Yana: Hi James.
James: Hi
Yana: Thank you for doing this interview for us…
James: In the house I know I was full of shit all the time, but you know
outside of the house when I say I’m going to do something I try to do it…
Yana: What we did is we posted a thread for fans to post questions in,
so these questions are from the Big Brother fans…
James: OK
Slowpoke: How hard is it for you to plot and plan against
houseguests that you really have become attached to… Just for a win?
James: Well, I was only attached to Sarah (laughs)… I thought I had an
attachment with the with Sovereign, but the moment Howie put us up all bets were
off… The only one I really wanted gone bad was Maggie… But every week someone
else went home that wasn’t me I didn’t care who it was… After you get put up
from both sides of the house and you realize that you have no friends in there
you really could care less who goes home…
Yana: I wanted to kick Howie we I saw what was happening on the live
James: I had no clue it was coming, I was so blindsided…you know when
Howie’s little deal with Maggie started, I learned this from watching the show…
It started when Maggie was HoH… Howie and Rachel made a deal with Maggie if she
kept them safe they would keep her safe for one week… That’s one of the things
the show didn’t touch on as much as I thought they should’ve… But theyhad to
make me look like Mr. Bad Guy so…
You really didn’t come off that way, most people didn’t see you
in that light at all, because we saw or read about the live feeds… So we knew it
didn’t work…
StephenV: Did you think pretending to be a teacher was really
going to get you further in BB?
James: Well, if I told them, being a teacher was a perfect profession I
think, because it’s a none threatening profession, everyone pretty much has good
opinions of teachers… When you have the summer off you don’t have to explain why
you aren’t working and plus by choosing something like philosophy I knew no-one
in the house was going to have any idea what I was talking about, and wouldn’t
be able to ask me questions about my job… But my old profession before going
back to school was a corporate investigator, where I used to interrogate people,
for my company… So going by teacher (laughs) was a lot smarter than going by hi
I use to interrogate people…
StephenV: Were you surprised that the other HG’s actually believed you were of all things a
philosophy teacher?
The other house guest were pretty stupid… I would make up stories about all sorts
of stuff and just watch them believe it… It was easy… I mean they weren’t the brightest… I mean
Kaysar was pretty smart… The only person actually that knew I wasn’t a teacher was Mike… Mike,
you know was on to me, which was one of the reasons he had to go also…
Yana: We just felt so bad for Mike…
James: You know what Mike’s a little bit strange, but he definitely got a bad
rap… That’s one of the reasons why, you know I think, a couple of those nerds are so hated, because
they took it beyond the game and made it so personal…
Yana: I have seen a couple of interviews with Ivette where she owned up to
what she did and apologizes for it, so I have a lot more respect for Ivette that I ever
could for Eric or Maggie…
I respect that Ivette has owned up to a lot of the stuff… Ivette is
the only nerd herder that I talk to… It’s funny because that whole fight between Mike and Eric was
actually started by Rachel… She was the one that went to Eric and said that Michael was talking
about his family… We’d all been drinking…
Yana: We that watch the live feeds knew… Some of us, not everybody though…
James: Some people chose to ignore it…
StephenV: If you decide to do BB all stars, will you
take a back seat approach rather than ruffle feathers too early and have a target put on you?
James: If I’m asked to do All Stars then my strategy would depend on whom the
other houseguest would be… You know I have no idea… Last year I was thrust into the fact that
I had to win vetos in order to stay in the house… Hopefully this year there’ll be enough ego’s and
people trying to prove points that I can sit back and you know like I did the first couple weeks of
the show, but I felt like I needed to win that veto because I thought Mike was a real threat you know I
bit into what the nerd herd said about him… Otherwise I wouldn’t have volunteered to do that… I
was trying to do a favor for the house… I was like this is like some sexual predator here and I
want to get rid of him, otherwise I would’ve just sat back and let the warring factions go at it…
StephenV: Will this include keeping your
extreme political views to yourself?
James: I’ll talk politics with anyone that wants to talk about it… If someone
should vote me out because of my politics then they shouldn’t be in All Stars…
StephenV: More than likely only two or three from your season will
be allowed to be in BB All Stars, who would you like to see in and why?
James: Janelle and myself are the two people that deserve to be back in
there… We played the game, we lasted the longest and people were scared of us… Janelle I think is
an amazing competitor and I think she’d do wonderful… As much as I love Kaysar he’s already had two
chances… He’ll be a popular choice, so if Kaysar is one of the 20, which I am assuming he is,
he’ll be a popular choice and I’m sure he’d be back in the house, but Janelle is just what Big Brother is
all about, I mean she manipulates people, she plays a great game, and she’ll get in your face and
that’s what they need to see you know… She’ll be voted in regardless…
Yana: This one was for Sarah so I will send it to her… He just wanted to know
if she thinks she could survive All Stars without you…
James: She probably could’ve won last season if it wasn’t for me… (laughs)
Yana: We all just love Sarah… She’s so sweet and we all thought Maggie’s
comment about a poo cake was uncalled for…
James: Maggie’s just a bitch… That’s what’s so frustrating, like everyone’s
come to me Kaysar, Howie, Rachel, shit even Ivette, and said "You know we can’t believe you were
so right about Maggie", I mean she wasn’t a cop, but she was still like this incredibly
manipulative person… Probably kicking her out any of the weeks they could’ve would have that alliance
would’ve fell apart… You know a lot of good it does me now (laughs)…but it is good to know that people
have told me "Oh shit maybe we should’ve listened to you"…
StephenV: Did you guys finish school or are you still
James: I have to live here for a year before being considered a resident, so
that’s one of the reasons why, if asked to do All Stars I would do it because, I’m not in school…
(laughs) got one year of under grad left, you know, I need to finish this damn thing before I die… So
I have a year left and some expenses too…
Blakcat: Are you two still together and happy?
James: Sarah and I are together… She made my stupid ass move to Chicago to be
with her and her family and I just spent the last 8 months going through a miserable winter,
but the relationship is perfect…
Yana: she also wanted to know: Would you do it again?
James: I would do Big Brother again in a heartbeat… Without Sarah any day…
Big Brother is NOT a game to bring a relationship into… Not a player like me… I can’t play where I
have to worry about somebody else, and that’s one of the things that hindered me was that I
didn’t give Sarah enough credit and I thought I had to play for two people the other time…
Yana: Did you realize that the live feed viewers knew pretty
early on about you and Sarah because of the kisses?
James: Yeah I’m sure… I didn’t care about what the live feed viewers thought
of me or what anyone thought of me… I was there to win some money and to have some fun… and
I was going to be myself… That’s why in the diary room I always told the truth…Those
other 12 houseguests you know, I didn’t give a rats ass about, Now I have respect for some of them
and despise for other ones, but that’s just the way it works…
Vannatc: Hi Sarah and James… Are you happy you went on the show
together now that it’s all over and done?
James: Yeah we’re glad we got to experience it cause there are a lot of
things that you know you wouldn’t understand, like if I was in a relationship with someone else right
now, she wouldn’t understand, just like I didn’t sleep through the night for two months cause I
would wake up thinking I was still there you know… You have like post traumatic stress
disorder from the place… Especially having to fight as long as I did by myself… It’s rough…
Yana: You looked so sad sometimes…
James: Yeah some of that was… I mean yes I had to look like I was completely
out of the game cause that was part of my strategy… I remember going into the diary room and
I kind of thought that maybe the diary room, not that they were giving away my strategy, but
that they were kind of dropping hint towards everybody just to make the game more interesting… Even
when I went to the diary room I took some of my spunk away from me because I had my focus
and I knew that I just had to make it through that last week and then I was home free…
Unfortunately that’s when BUSTO got HoH… But in sequester you guys saw me… I was a dick… (laughs)
Dieteckogirl: How do you think the show has affected your
James: It strengthened our relationship because, we have this incredible
bond, but it also stressed the relationship a lot, cause I had to deal with the way the way the show
portrayed my relationship like with her parents, and there’s certain events I’m asked to do and she’s
not asked to do, and I can tell she gets upset sometimes cause maybe she wasn’t asked to go to this
function or that function, and that’s gotta be hard on her… Casue I know if the roles were
reversed I would be upset… You know if Kaysar were to get to do something that I didn’t get to do
I’d be kind of upset, It’s worse when you live with the person… (laughs)
CarolynFL: James, With the players all known entities, are alliances
already being formed?
James: I learned my lesson the last time about alliances… (laughs) Don’t
trust it… Since the 20 haven’t been released if anyone is starting to form alliances in the fact
that only 12 are going in the house I really think like half of some peoples alliances might not get in and
half might get in… I mean paranoia is what surrounds Big Brother, and what makes it such an interesting
game… So first HoH is gonna pretty much toss any alliance out the window… Like you know if… Trying
to think of two people without naming any names (laughs) If you saw like Jun and Dana you
would naturally assume that those two would be friends and that they had an alliance… If you saw
like Jase and Diane you would think "Ok these guys are gonna work together" You know what I mean?
Just because they were on the same season, and their friends now outside the house, and stuff
like that… It all changes from week to week… All the people that played Big Brother (laughs)
are selfish and wanna win for themselves first… Deals will be made and deals will be broken… Its
just part of the game…
UVPnolimits : James my favorite player of all time, with All Stars
starting up soon, if you make it in, you would probably be the first one voted out since you are
so good at comps. My question is do you feel you will have that same magic to keep getting off the
block each week?
James: Well, if I’m in All Stars and I have to phrase it with an if every
single time, or if I’m one of those 20 I’m hoping that there’s going to be you know, I was the biggest
threat in my season because honestly there was no competition in my season… other than Janelle,
Kaysar was intelligent just lacked the physical part of it, Howie was funny, but lacked the you know
thinking for himself part… Stuff like that… Rachel I think would’ve been an amazing competitor had
she not been sidelined by her partner… But when you look at the nerds, physically they was
nothing on that side… Eric was in good shape, but he felled at the competitions… My only thing was
I couldn’t win the damn HoH… I think there’s going to be a lot bigger targets depending on who
would be in All Stars… Everyone knows that Alyson is a vicious competitor… You know someone
who wins HoH… Hardy, wins HoH and could potentially win veto’s and is another one in
amazing shape… Veto’s safe yourself, HoH’s change the game… I think the people that change the game are
the people that others will want to target first… Why go after me or Dr. Will so to speak,
when we can’t win the HoH to save our lives (laughs) You know You wanna go after the people you are
actually threatened by in the HoH competition because that where it comes down to… Cause that’s
the only time you’re safe…
Yana: A lot of people have been talking about what an excellent team you and
Dr. Will would make…
James: The problem with Dr. Will is that I’m friends with Nicole and she’s
told me James if you ever work with Dr. Will (laughs) She won’t even give me the guys number, I wanted
to talk to him when I got out and she was like James if you ever talk to Dr. Will our friendship
is over… You drove me nuts, I got chills watching you, because you reminded me so much of him, but
she’s like No…Dr. Will he’s gone from the game… I’m sure he’d come back for All Stars if he were
invited… He doesn’t seem like the type person that would even watch any of these other seasons…
He won and got his money and has a great career… His personality he’s be like who the hell are
these people trying to do what I’ve already done? You know what I mean?
UVPnolimits: Are you and Sarah planning to have children and how many?
James: Sarah wants four girls… I say Hell No… That’d be my worse nightmare…
Having 4 daughters… especially like from the age ranges of 16 to 20… I mean I’m a guy and I had
my fun when I was single… That’s the last thing I want is to have to worry about 4 girls…
(laughs)… and the guys that they’re dating… I mean I’d have a heart attack at like 50… I’d love to have a
son and a daughter…
BBFan7: James who would you like to see in the All star house not from
season 6?
James: I would like to see, just the people that played the game… I don’t
want all stars to be a popularity contest… I don’t want people voted in because they thought they
were funny… Each season had it’s people that were there auditioning You know what I mean? I
wanna see game players… Jennifer (season 5) played a good game… boring as hell to watch, but
played well… She put my ass to sleep… I just watched the tapes when big brother
made me, but I’d honestly think she deserves to be in there… Danni from season 3 is in my opinion the best
player ever, because Will got nominated and got off, but Danni never got nominated and that’s
impossible in that house… I’d love to see Nicole from season 2… Roddy, I think Roddys a great competitor…
SamTheCat: If I vote for you are you going to make promises to
people on the by swearing on the bible before the competition has even taken place, and then
take it back once you’ve won? Just kidding… Have either of you had a chance to view other
seasons and if so which players games do you most admire?
James: I admire Danni, I admire Dr. Will, who else do I admire? Um really I
haven’t watched 4… I don’t remember 5 cause I just breezed through it in sequester… Like before
the show… I like Roddy, I thought Roddy put a little too much pressure on Amy… I just didn’t
think that was right… I still liked him as a player… I thought he was a smart guy… They need more
intelligent people in that house… I like Jason from season 3 cause he played the game… He’s a good guy…
You know what I mean? He’s one of those people that I don’t think did lie at all… That’s
pretty impressive… and by the way I swore on the treadmill and there was no one in that house that
believed I was putting up Howie and Rachel… That was just their little excuse to get rid of me… No if I
get to go back into the Big Brother house I would lie just as much if not more… But they’re going
to be a lot more strategic… Hopefully this time I’d be by myself… And I’d be able to be a lot
more calculating without Sarah there telling me not to lie…
SamTheCat: What do you think were the reasons or
strategies used that made past winners win over everybody else?
James: The reason like past winners won is because they were the first ones
to do it… I mean like Dr. Will won because no one had seen him before… I remember April talking to
me when I was playing both sides of the house about how I’m like Danni from season 3… It’s
like those types of people that set the precedence… I’d love to see like those people in All
Stars cause I want to see how they work when their strategies are already out in the open… My strategy
was like to win veto’s to keep my ass in the house… There’s nothing you can really do about
that (laughs)… First I was lying to them, but once you’re called out then it’s just wit… and it
really becomes, down to the wire of how well you can work other people… I think everyone going into All
Stars whoever it is that’s what their going to have to be like, because everyone knows how they
played the last game, and it’s going to be crazy…
Francis3: James, if you go back into the house will you go super
ass kicking James, Lie to your face and smile James, Don’t let the door hit cha where the good
lord split cha James? If I paid you would you?
James: (Laughs) I’ going to go in there and I’m going to let more of my real
personality show I’m going to be a lot more fun… I’m just going to be me… Being me it’s going to
be the same way… I’m learning these other houseguests by watching the shows… How I react to each
person is going to be completely different… The men are more in your face and the women are more
behind your back… You have to take that into consideration… If I have a problem with an
Alyson so to speak, I don’t think she’s going to get in my face… She’s going to go to everyone else
behind my back… Like an April… You know who I’d love to see? I’d love to see Karen from season 5…
Because if I make it in I’ll make her life a living hell… (laughs) She has said so much shit about
me online… I’m going to keep her till the final two just to torture her ass…
Yana: Yeah we thought she had lost it… We kind of thought that Rachel had
lost it too cause she would be in the backyard early in the morning talking to herself…
James: Yeah Rachel did lose it… she’s cool as hell… Rachel’s just funny…
She’s a good person… You know what Rachel was really also someone that I thought was hindered by her
partner as well… I’d like to go in with Janelle… I’d love to go into an All Star with someone like
Rachel also, because Rachel can lay under the radar… She is the one that cooks and cleans whereas
Janelle leaves her mess all over the place and just because of she you know young and beautiful
she draws a lot of hatred from other women… Rachel is still very attractive but older and more
mature… She just carries herself differently…
Yana: Thank you so much for doing this interview with us… You are wonderful…
I hope to see you in the house…
James: Thank you and please don’t forget about my site
www.jamesbb6.com . Also
don’t forget about the Reality TV Convention in Nashville, TN. This weekend… you can get
tickets on my site…
My site will be having a party on Saturday night for fans… Howie, Rachel,
Jun, Dana, Sarah and myself we’re all going to be there partying with the fans… The fans are who I
want to meet… They are the one’s that made us popular…So if you’re going to be there come on
out… Tickets are going fast and we only have a few left, but you can get them on my site… The money
will be going for the party and to help off set you know for our travel expenses… Hope to see
you there!