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Update Entry
Wednesday, May 6 2015  First Ever Triple Eviction Massacre
Sarah continues to push Willow away for no apparent reason since no one seems to be paying attention to how much attention the two pay to each other. Bruno gives Bobby advice on how to campaign (since he's had so much experience), but the girls won't vote out Brittnee. That doesn't leave him much room to campaign. Rather than approaching the girls directly, Bobby tries to use Zach to get Ashleigh's vote. Zach tells Bobby he has Ashleigh's vote, but it's a lie.

Sarah and Willow steal some time by the hot-tub and think Bobby feels confident he's safe. Sarah tells Godfrey what she'll do if she wins HoH, which means she probably won't be trying to win.

Big Brother removes the couch from the living room, making space for three nomination chairs. The HGs think it's for a task. Some have guessed a double eviction is coming, and Pili even threw out the possibility of a triple eviction.

Willow has a pity for something that happened off feeds involving Godfrey and Bruno campaigns on Bobby's behalf to Kevin but there's no sale. Bobby seems to have given up-- the only one trying to keep him in the house is Bruno. Bruno and Zach agree Kevin wanted to keep Godfrey safe so he would go after Zach. Bruno and Zach agree to work together and target Sarah if either wins HoH. Which means they probably won't.

While you wait for the live feeds to return,
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7:31AM BBT: Good Morning Canada! There is a rumor that BB is going to wake the houseguests up early because it is going to be a long day so we have our feeds up and were watching to see if it is true. Right now the lights are out and all houseguests are asleep.

8:00AM BBT: There has been no change, the lights are still out and all houseguests are still sleeping.

8:28AM BBT: The lights are still off but feed three is in the bathroom area where Sarah is in the stall. She came out and washed her hands and yep, she crawled back into bed.

9:22AM BBT: Lights are now on!

9:25AM BBT: No wake-up call yet. Bobby has all of his clothes folded and sitting on one of the empty beds so that he can pack them up today.

9:28AM BBT: All feeds went to FotH. (Wakeup call finally?)

9:33AM BBT: And they're up. Bobby is in the shower, Godfrey is sitting and talking to him, Ashleigh is in the stall and Bruno walked in waiting to get in the stall.

9:40AM BBT: Willow walked in the bathroom area and said, "Innocent Bystanders" (Godfrey wears an Innocent Bystander T-shirt) then she gave Bruno a hug and left.

9:41AM BBT: Bobby is done with his shower and told Bruno what a crap shoot the next couple of weeks are going to be and no one trusts no one. He said that him and Zach had an even more real talk last night in the pantry. Bobby told Bruno that he thinks that he turned Zach on Sarah. Bruno asked Bobby if he talks to Zach tell him something, but we could not hear what he said.

9:48AM BBT: Bobby, Sarah and Willow are in the kitchen fixing breakfast.

9:56AM BBT: Brittnee walked into the kitchen and Sarah is telling Brittnee that she should say at her speech, "If you think putting a pawn up is keeping from going after you then you have another thing coming." BB announced that the houseguests are to go up to the HoH room for lockdown.

9:59AM BBT: Sarah is eating her sandwich in the HoH room. Brittnee is speculating how the day will go and how much time they will have outside of the HoH room to get ready for today.

10:02AM BBT: All houseguests are in the HoH room on lockdown just lying and sitting around with general talk going on.

10:10AM BBT: All feeds go to FotH.


Tonight's Show on Global TV at 9:00PM
Remember, you can watch Big Brother as it airs HERE.

Under Construction
Arisa tells us that all we know for sure is that either Brittnee or Bobby will be evicted. There will be two more houseguests evicted in an unprecedented triple eviction.

Recap of what's been happening. Kevin did not use the PoV. Bobby pretended to use his secret PoV, but confessed it was a myth...but at least it kept him safe for one week!

Kevin tells us his master plan has fallen into place and because of Bobby's PoV stunt, the Diaper Alliance thinks he's a genius.

Godfrey tells us Kevin made good on his promise but he is still going after showmances.

Bobby doesn't think his fake PoV didn't backfire because it kept him safe the last few weeks

Brittnee: "Bobby what were you thinking? You told everyone you had a secret PoV. You didn't they were going to try and flush it out of you at some point??"

Kevin says it feels great catching Bobby in this lie, and it's worth a celebration.

Zach is relieved that Bobby's phony veto is flushed out, and thinks it's time to send Bobby packing.

Brittnee wondering if she will have the votes to stay. She's nervous because Bruno is in Bobby's corner, and Bruno has a great social game.

Bruno worried about Bobby this week. Bobby is Bruno's right-hand man. Bobby is resigned about it, but Bruno encouraging him to fight.

Kevin tells us that this HoH week has gone flawlessly and that he's created a Big Brother Masterpiece. There is nothing more fun than escaping to the HoH room and just being with Pilar. He tells Pilar he loves her...much to Pilar's surprise. She says "What?" and Kevin amends to "I care about you so much!"

Sarah giving Willow a massage. Willow tells us how glad she is to have Sarah in the house with her because Sarah makes her feel loved. Willow and Sarah have a final two deal. Willow tells us she has to convince Sarah that keeping Bobby is best for their game because he's a competition threat and wants to break up the couples.

Sarah is afraid to vote Brittnee out because Brittnee will hate her. Sarah tells us that she will do what's best for her own game.

Ashleigh, Sarah and Willow joking around... Willow is play-biting Ashleigh and they laugh about "Are you chopping me?" "Yes I am" "Are you chopping the chop shop?" "I'm not in the chop shop anymore." Bobby overhears and thinks they said "We stopped the chop shop". Bobby isn't sure how to take that, so goes to Bruno and talk about the existence of an all-girl's alliance.

Bobby wonders if Zach knows and Bruno suggests he asks him. Bobby thinks he can take advantage by planting the idea of an all-girl's alliance in Zach's mind to get Zach's vote.

The girls are in the kitchen and realize all the boys are missing, so they go and eavesdrop on the boys' conversation. They hear Zach say he has a good "dig" on Ashleigh. Pili and Ashleigh wonder what that means.

The girls realize the guys may want to flip it and take out Brittnee, and agree they cannot let that happen. Ashleigh is offended by Zach's comment and says he has nothing on her.

Arisa reminds us the three more houseguests will become members of the jury tonight.

What happened when Sindy joined Jordan in the jury house?

Jordan tells us that the jury house really gives you time to think. He is still trying to figure out how he got blind-sided. He thinks Sarah led to his demise in the house. He is playing darts with houseguest pictures on the dartboard. He is hoping to see Sarah next, but if Zach comes through the doors, he will "slap him in the face" and call him an idiot for not using the PoV on Jordan.

Sindy is on the way to the jury house and she's nervous. She's taking deep breaths because she was responsible for his eviction and it will be a huge shocker to him.

Sindy says "Honey, I'm home" as she enters. Jordan is shocked to see her and is sad she is out of the house. He doesn't understand why they targeted her because she hasn't let on that she voted against him. He starts to tell her what he thinks went down and when he says "you obviously didn't vote me out." He is stunned! She admits that she campaigned against him, and he is very upset, and says "Don't touch me!"

First Eviction:

Brittnee's plea: Everyone. Fourth time on the block as a pawn! The pawn game has been real. Psych! It's actually time for us to start hitting some targets. I hope you keep me because I'm ready to work with you. I know you'll do what's best for your game, and I love y'all.

Bobby's plea: My family. Whether you're five years older than me or six years younger than me, I've learned so much from you guys that helped me grow as a human being. I'm so blessed I've met and shared this experience with all you guys. Vote to keep me if you think I help your game. Love you guys all so much. One love guys.

Bruno: Bobby
Ashleigh: Bobby
Pilar: Bobby
Godfrey: Bobby
Sarah: Bobby
Willow: Bobby
Zach: Bobby

With a vote of 7-0, Bobby, you have been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house.

Two more houseguests will be voted out. First, they need a new HoH.

Arisa tells the houseguests that as they may have guessed, Bobby wasn't the last good-bye tonight. The HoH competition will be "Talk of the Block". Here's how it works.

Arisa will ask questions about the nomination and HoH ceremonies this season. The answer will be A or B. For each correct answer, each houseguest earns a point and the houseguest with the most points at the end will be the new HoH. It's anyone's game.

Question 1: True (A) or False (B). The PoV has been use more often than not?
Answer: True...used four times, not used three times.

Brittnee and Zach got it.

Question 2: Who said at a veto ceremony "This entire week, I've felt like I've had my back against a wall"? A for Sindy, B for Johnny.

All got it right.. B for Johnny

Question 3: At this point in the season, how many players have not given a speech on eviction night? A for 5, B for 6.

Answer is B;  6 people....Ashleigh, Bruno, Kevin, Pilar, Willow and Zach have not given a speech.

Bruno and Brittnee got it right. Brittnee in the lead with three points. Bruno and Zach have two.

Question 4: True (A) or False (B). The PoV has only been won by one female this season.
Answer: A (Sindy on night 1)

Brittnee has 4, Bruno has 3

Question 5: How many times has the PoV been won by a nominee? A for 3, B for 4.
Answer: A.

Brittnee still leading with 5, Bruno has 4

Final Question: True (A) or False (B). Every time there's been a replacement nominee after the PoV, the replacement has been evicted.
Answer: B

Brittnee is the new HoH!

Houseguests told to go to the living room immediately, where Arisa breaks the news that it will be a TRIPLE eviction. Brittnee will have to name THREE nominees for eviction.

Brittnee has to decide quickly who to nominate. She goes to the storage room with Sarah to discuss it. Brittnee is thinking of picking based on who has put her up as a pawn. She is more comfortable with Bruno and Godfrey. Sarah coaches her to go through the people she trusts. Brittnee doesn't trust Willow...she's more of a threat competition than Pili or Ashleigh.

Brittnee nominates Zach, Kevin, and Pilar.

The HoH will not compete for PoV because it's a triple eviction. All three nominees have drawn the name of another houseguest. Ashleigh, Sarah, and Bruno will also compete for PoV.

The PoV challenge will take place in "Big Brother's Workshop". Each houseguest has a workbench with gears of the 8 evicted houseguests, counting Sindy twice. Taking one gear at a time, race to the assembly station and place the gears in the right order. Once all are placed, turn the handle. If correct, this will turn on a light.

Bruno wins PoV!

All houseguests make their way to the living room for the PoV ceremony.

Bruno uses the PoV on Zach.

Brittnee chooses Willow as a replacement nominee, Kevin, Pilar, and Willow are up for eviction.
Pili pleads her case: First of all, I love you guys all so much. This has been the best adventure so far. Played the best game ever. This is an unforgettable experience for you all. I love you to death, every one of you. I cannot wait to be friends and see you all outside of this house, and do what's best for your game. No hard feelings. I love you so much. To my family and friends I love you and miss you.

Kevin: Guys. If you go back like six, seven hundred years in history, farmers would give each other seeds to show their love for each other. If I had seeds, I'd pile them on you guys and throw them at you. I love you guys so fricking much. My pitch is simple. Three guys, there's a divide against the girls. If you keep me, it's a number in your corner. These two ladies are the sweetest of hearts ever, but they'll be on [the girls'] side.

Willow: This is the lowest moment of my life where I beg you to give me another shot. This is my dream. I only want this. I just want to play the game. I just want to be here. I haven't done anything. Let me show you guys what I can do. Let me show Canada, let me show my family that I'm a player and I want to play this game and I will owe you guys my life if you just let me stay. And I love all of you and thank you for this opportunity.

The vote tonight is different. Houseguests will vote to SAVE one of the three nominees.

Zach votes to save Willow
Sarah votes to save Pili
Godfrey votes to save Pili
Ashleigh votes to save Pili
Bruno votes to save Willow

Kevin and Willow have been evicted from the Big Brother Canada house.

Willow heads out without saying goodbye. Kevin hugs everyone, reassures Pili and heads out saying "good game". He says "bummer" kisses the floor and goes out the door.

Willow walks onto the stage looking defeated and emotional. Kevin is fist-pumping and working the crowd.

Arisa asks Kevin...."Last week went completely according to plan. What happened?"

Kevin replies that he was covered in so many social aspects, but he couldn't control that there was a Triple Eviction and that Brittnee won HoH. Kevin thanks the crowd for the love and says he's emotionally devastated.

Arisa asks Willow if she feels that love too. She is devastated. Arisa asks what she wants Canada to know about her and Willow says "I tried." The crowd applauds her.

What a night! We are down to just seven houseguests standing.

Thanks to another Twistos Twist, viewers will have even more power.

Go to to vote for the two houseguests that you think should be Have-Nots this week. You'll also be voting to give those two Have-Nots to compete for the special superpower hidden beneath the Have-Not floor.

This twist will force the winner to change one of the nominations right before the live eviction. It also gives them the opportunity to change both of the nominations if they so choose.

We'll see how it all plays out one week from tonight!

Tonight's Big Brother Canada episode commentary was written by special guest blogger "Alice," who volunteered moments before showtime and did a brilliant job.  Thanks Alice, and can I expect to see you again on Sunday night?


Gwenny K on FB tells us:  Wow. Apparently, Bruno got into Sarah's face and was screaming vulgar things about her appearance/personal hygiene after he used the PoV on Zach and she confronted him about it. Bruno's dad was in the audience and was stunned by how personal Bruno was taking his attacks on her. The audience members are posting it all over twitter now.
10:20PM BBT: The feeds are still off, the HGs could be competing in the next HoH competition or having the HoH room reveal.

10:55PM BBT: The feeds are back and the guests are eating and talking about cursing during the PoV competition. Everyone but Zach is in the kitchen.

11:00PM BBT:  Sarah is eating pizza. Everyone but Brittnee is there. Bruno talking about Bobby and he is asked if he knew about the fake veto or not. Sarah now looking bummed at the counter as the others are talking about how crazy it was that there was a triple eviction tonight. Godfrey thinks there will be another instant eviction but no more double evictions. BB tells them to stop talking about production. They think they are currently on pace for the season. Zach is going to make a sandwich. Sarah thought they were going to get pop and she goes off to the store room.

Zach wonders if they will still have to do something else tonight. Zach is sure no one else will be coming back since Sindy has gone to the jury and would get a third chance. Godfrey got to see the bios for several HGs and knows that they will not be coming back. Pili points out that Arisa thanked them for being part of the show when the original five were competing to get back in the house and they dropped out.

BB announces the pantry is now open and they have received fresh batteries. Pili asks if it is bedtime anytime soon. Ashleigh is slicing something, Sarah has gone to the red couch and Bruno remarks on his way past that there is no couch space anymore (since some couches were removed for the eviction tonight.) Pili also laying down on the ottomans while Bruno has gone to sit on the brown sofa by the stairs.

Zach eating at the counter while Ashleigh is working on collecting the dishes and taking them to the sink. House is very quiet and has an empty feel to it. Zach comments that he can't believe he is still here right now. Ashleigh agrees and says that her brain is totally poached and she can't even speak. They talk about whether there were cheers when Ashleigh saved Pili. She said she thinks so but she was just focused on trying not to cry. He tells her there were cheers when he voted to save Willow.

Godfrey and Pili talking in the bedroom about her missing Kevin and how he was her best friend. He tells her she is still here and she is happy for that. BB tells Pili to fix her microphone.

Zach telling Ashleigh that he thought that saving Willow was their only chance of not saving Kevin. Bruno is with them now talking about how they got Sarah to save Pili by making her think it was the only chance to get Kevin out. Sarah really wanted to save Willow but she thought the others were all saving Kevin.

Sarah has joined Pili and Godfrey in the bedroom and they are talking about how tonight was not a Twistos Twist. Canada keeping Pili was the first and the double veto was the second and they think that is all there have been. Godfrey saying he would have taken the 10Gs that Bobby and Sindy were offered in the vault if they left the game.

Ashleigh talking about who they should nom if she is HoH and Zach points out that with seven in the house they will all be playing in PoVs from now on. [Almost. -DRG] Pili climbs in bed with Sarah and asks how she is doing. Sarah is worried about what Willow is thinking about her. Pili thinks that no one expected Willow to go up since she was so sweet and so sensitive.

Downstairs Ashleigh and Bruno comment about not having been on the block yet. Ashleigh is saying that Godfrey told her that he threw the competition. Bruno thinks that Willow going could be a good thing since he never knew where she stood. They think that though they did not think anything like what happened tonight would happen it worked out good.

11:30PM BBT:  The HoH competition has not been played yet.

Godfrey is talking about how he always hates seeing people go, but they are all there to win so everyone else has to go.

They talk about John and Neda being together now as an example of not taking evictions personally.

Zach tells Bruno that Brittnee did not want to put him up as a way to save some face with him. Bruno tells Zach to not forget what he did tonight and the three think they can crush the rest of the game.

They all hope for an endurance competition for the coming HoH and definitely not a button one. They talk about Sarah and Brittnee being the nominees or Sarah and Godfrey.

In the bedroom they are talking about how Willow wanted the guys out. Pili says she is so drained right now.

Bruno says to Zach that he knew he would save Zach the moment he got picked to play the veto. They start to compare notes on the competition and how far each of them was. Then they remark about how empty the house feels now even compared to this morning when they still had 10 out of 16 in the house. They have never had a double eviction and tonight they had a triple.

Upstairs they are talking about how many people have ever changed peoples minds after the veto competition and decide that it has really only happened once.

Pili hugs Sarah as she gets sad about Willow again and thinks that she will want back the item she gave her right before she left the house.

There's nervous pacing about downstairs then Zach and Bruno hug it out.

Godfrey is talking about how some people were not thinking straight whereas he did the logical thing. Zach is talking about who will have an influence on the jury and he thinks it is hysterical that he got off the block this week. He will never listen to another word that comes out of the girls.

Ashleigh enters the bedroom now and Sarah starts rattling off the reverse order of evictions from last season.

Bruno and Zach are working on solidifying their bromance in the kitchen. Bruno telling him he could have played with no loyalty and just waved to him when he had the veto. Brittnee finally makes an appearance in the kitchen having finished up her DR session.

Upstairs Ashleigh realizes that Kevin will be stoked that he went out the same exact time as Arlie since he is such a big fan.

Brittnee says she is not drinking any more of the coffee and they discuss that they will get restocked tomorrow and will do the HoH and maybe pick have or Have-Nots. [Nope Canada is voting for them so it will be a few days folks. -DRG] They start talking about which of the evictees used to do the dishes.

Sarah is called to the DR and heads downstairs. Remaining three talk about which competitions they threw and how they would like to say they threw more than they did. Godfrey talks about how hard the competitions are and how he thought he would be better than he is. He would really like to win an HoH and Sarah says that she would too.
Godfrey is called to the DR. As he leaves he remarks that everyone will be sleeping in here tonight. Ashleigh tells Pili that taking Godfrey to the end would be smart as no one will vote for him since he has not won anything and he has 5Gs. Pili says she knows Ashleigh trusts him but he wanted Kevin out. Sarah is going around collecting Willow's belongings and Ashleigh goes to help her. Sarah debates about whether to keep Willow's #Sarah shirt or to send it to her now.

Brittnee and Godfrey still working on cleaning up the kitchen. Zach comments about how Arisa just drops bombs on them and smiles. Sarah comes into the kitchen with a bottle of pop and is queried about how she got it. She tells Zach that just have a mental breakdown.

Ashleigh and Pili talking about how they and Godfrey would make a good final group. Ashleigh pushing for them to be final two. Now Ashleigh would put up Godfrey and Sarah. Pili does not trust Bruno so Ashleigh tells her to use him as a replacement so he has less chance to win veto and stay in the game and be angry. Pili wonders why Brittney put her up and Ashleigh says she has to ask her but she thinks that she wanted Kevin and Pili out.

Ashleigh says Sarah is kind of a manipulator as is Zach. Ashleigh says they just have to wait for the HoH and see who it is. Pili is worried it could be an instant but Ashleigh thinks they will have time to think. Pili again saying she does not trust Bruno so Ashleigh tells her to just go with her gut.

Ashleigh is now telling Pili about why Sarah voted to save Pili since she thought the boys were voting to keep Kevin and if she knew they were keeping Willow then she would have voted to save Willow too. Sarah told the boys this after the eviction.

11:55PM BBT: Ashleigh is still talking to Pili and saying she would not have been on the block had in not have been for Brittnee and if she does not trust her then she should nominate her.

Sarah is downstairs drinking her pop and filling the ice trays. Zach and Bruno at the counter talking about having been away from home for two months now.

Ashleigh is giving Pili rationales to use to explain her nominations, should she be the next HoH.

Everyone downstairs drinking soda now and talking about what they typically drink at home.

Pili continues to worry about Bruno, and if she nominates him and he comes down then he will be gunning for her. [How long before she realizes that they are all gunning for everyone else since there is only one winner? -DRG] Pili is talking about how she would hate to use Brittnee again as a pawn. Ashleigh says Kevin would love to see her send out the person responsible for his eviction and she should use that as motivation to light a fire under her butt.

12:00AM BBT: Bruno says the HoH competition will be tomorrow (so no point in waiting up for it tonight), and he thinks the HoH will pick the Have-Nots, but we know that will be left to a higher power - Canada! Ashleigh and Pilar think Godfrey will be good to take the end because he hasn't won anything except money. They would take Godfrey or Zach over Bruno because everyone likes Bruno. They make a final two pact if they make it to the final four. They decide if either wins HoH, they should nominate Godfrey and Sarah and backdoor Bruno if the Veto is used.

Today's Updates were written by: Alice, DRG, Fuskie, GwennyLou, Kitten_200, and Sassy2565.

The views expressed here are those of our contributors and may not accurately reflect the true character of the Big Brother participants.


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