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Wednesday, April 30 2014
Eviction Eve | 9:00AM BBT:
The HGs are up and stumbling about doing their ADLs.
10:10AM BBT: The HGs are up doing ADLs. Another full
day of flip flopping.
10:15AM BBT: Adel finishing
breakfast and mumbles his way to the hammock. Heather, Neda and
Sabrina are up in the bathroom area getting ready for today.
Jon might still be in the the HoH room.
10:20AM BBT: Neda
and Jon are in bedroom. Neda says she hates the way things are
going. Jon clarifies that they have a Final Two together. he's
not going to campaign to Heather for Adel to stay, he feels it
would be throwing Neda under the bus.
Meanwhile Sabrina
is really pressuring Heather in the bathroom saying the only
way Heather will make it if she takes her. (Hard watching two
screens to catch everything)
10:21AM BBT: Jon
tells Neda that she knows her game better than he does.
Neda tells Jon what that Heather is 50/50 on who to bring to
the Final Three.
10:27AM BBT: Neda won't tell Adel
(evidently she has flipped again) because he will blow up and
tell Heather how Jon wanted to send her home. That would
guarantee, in her mind, that Heather would not take Jon to the
Final Three.
10:28AM BBT: Jon says he came in this week not caring who
went this week because he was confident on winning the Veto in
the HoH. Now, however, he is so unsure.
Jon reassures
Neda that she is the only one he can confide in and trust. He
feels she will be the one he will be the closest to outside BB.
10:31AM BBT: Checking in with Heather and Sabrina.
Still in the bathroom area doing their ADLs. Adel is still on
the hammock.
10:33AM BBT: Jon and Neda in the the HoH
room doing Jedi training now.
10:34AM BBT: Adel
comes into the washroom to brush his teeth. "what's with the
smile Sabrina. I have a migraine." (Adel is wearing his
10:36AM BBT: Jon questions Neda if she felt there
was any reason to not take him to the Final Two with her.
Obviously she says no.
10:44AM BBT: Jon tells
Adel that he has to make sure Neda knows that if he wins the
veto in the last week, he is only taking her. Heather walks in
to the storage room and breaks up the conversation. Jon asks
who she would beat in the final two. Heather says "Nobody" Jon
then asks who she is taking to the Final Three. "You and Neda."
10:46AM BBT: Adel is up campaigning to Neda in the
the HoH room. Says that if he goes home tomorrow, he will be a
bitter jury member along with Allison and Arlie. Really trying
to convince Neda for her vote.
Jon walks in to the the
HoH room and yells "Ohh Campaign City up here! Eh?"
10:51AM BBT: Adel leaves and Jon asks what he said. Neda "
I HATE when people try to come up and tell me what to do and
try to bully me. He said he would be a bitter jury member if he
went home this week." Jon says " People really don't know you
in this game."
11:00AM BBT: The HGs take a break
from their drama and are eating. They're sitting on the couches
talking about Sabrina and Adel's personalities. Sabrina thinks
that if they met outside the house they'd be good friends
because Adel's birthday is the same as her best friend's
11:20AM BBT: Jon comes out of the DR with the HoH camera
and tells the others that Big Brother would like them to take
pictures of them feeding, burping and changing Jon's diaper.
Adel like's the idea and asks if he can change him, first, Jon
says OK, and Adel runs to get the baby powder.
A few
minutes later in the bathroom, Heather tells Sabrina that she
really wants to keep her. I can't hear the rest because
they're whispering, but you can tell it ends well, because
Sabrina is happy and the hug.
11:30AM - Noon BBT:
Pictures horsing around and chit chat. The three girls on
the couch, with Jon laying across their laps, everyone sucking
their thumbs. Adel holding Jon like a baby, Jon holding Adel.
Jon crawling around on the floor, Heather holding her nose and
pretending to look in his diaper, Adel and Neda pretending to
spank him. Jon sitting down, with the three girls all kissing
him. [He looks ridiculous dressed like a baby with three days
worth of beard LOL -Shutterbug] Now they're all looking
through the photos, and Heather remarks she can't believe that
the fans wanted to see pictures like this. And now we have
pinching cheeks and "coochi, coochi, coo!" photos. Heather is
excited to see what the fans say after the show. Wants to know
their thoughts and who their favorites were. Neda perks up
"Clearly Jon is." Heather asks "I wonder if there is anything
else we get to do today?"
Jon takes the camera and takes
a photo of Neda. She gets upset because she's not wearing
makeup, so doesn't want any close ups of her. Makes Jon delete
it. Sabrina pretends to punch Adel, then to strangle him
Homer/Bart Simpson style. More photos of them all flopped
together on the couch. One of the guys mentions maybe going to
take a shower or something and they both wander away from the
couches a bit while the girls keep looking at the photos they
12:05PM BBT: While Adel is out
on the hammock, Jon and Neda go into the the HoH room to
confirm stories on what they will tell Sabrina. They go into
the bathroom area and talk to Sabrina who just got out of the
shower. Sabrina says that if she has to lose, she wants it to
be against Jon and Neda. Jon and Sabrina confirm to Sabrina
that she is not going home and that they are not going to tell
Adel. Sabrina tell them everything she told Heather about final
two is a lie. Sabrina will act as if she is going home, and
then will act surprised when the eviction occurs. Sabrina
reiterates that she doesn't want to lose to Heather in this
At this point I don't know if they are lying to
Sabrina to keep her calm, or if Neda and Heather are voting to
keep Sabrina and not telling Jon. They are talking as
though they're not sure of Heather's vote, but Heather told
Sabrina she was voting to keep her, and there isn't any reason
I can think of to lie.
12:12PM BBT: Jon takes a
shower. Sabrina and Heather still in the bathroom area. Heather
says she is surprised he is showering in the bathroom and not
the the HoH room. Jon "Oh yea...I forgot." Heather "Its going
to suck so bad if Neda wins the HoH and I can't see her HoH
12:18PM BBT: Jon wanders out in the
backyard and checks the cameras to see if they are pointing to
anything in particular. Doesn't see anything and check the
hot-tub door. It is still locked.
12:22PM BBT:
Awkward silence in the bedroom between Sabrina and Adel. Adel
gets up and goes downstairs. Talks to Jon in the storage room.
Adel wants to call out Heather, basically threatening her. Jon
says, "OK, go ahead do it."
Adel goes up to the the HoH
room and tells Neda about walking in on Heather and Sabrina in
the bedroom. He says he is about to start calling out Heather
for her actions, and Neda says "No don't, it's fine. We need to
keep Sabrina calm." [Adel really has to learn that women
don't like being told what to do or being threatened, and when
they are, they usually react by doing the opposite of what the
aggressor wants. -Morty]
Neda goes back into the
washroom and tells Heather and Jon that she thinks Adel will
start causing havoc. She mentions how Adel walked in on Heather
and Sabrina putting on her bra. Heather scoffs and says he is
getting so paranoid. "I was literally putting on her bra."
In the washroom Jon says that he finds it ironic that when
they take Sabrina to the final 4, if she wins anything, she is
going to the final two.
12:43PM BBT: Talk in the
bathroom area is about super powers now, and Jon says, "We
should probably get back to who's going tomorrow. So Sabrina
is staying 100%? Hundo? 1 Billion %?" Neda and Heather say
yes. Jon: "Whatever, I don't care."
12:44PM BBT:
Heather shows Jon her tattoo. "I swear it was smeared." Heather
"It was, I shade it in everyday because isn't finished. I
didn't have time to get it done."
1:17PM BBT:
Neda and Jon are outside laying in the hammock. "I love alone
time" says Neda. Jon says "If Sabrina makes the Final Two, she
will win." They continue the conversation to the point if they
are in the Final Two together. Jon lists down votes and thinks
Neda will win over him. Neda thinks Heather is now wavering on
taking Sabrina to the Final Two.
1:17PM BBT: Up
in the washroom Heather reassures Sabrina that she is safe and
that she needs to play like Adel is being blindsided.
1:25PM BBT: Heather joins Jon and Neda out at the
hammock. Still going over votes and how it may play out.
This is a picture of
nothing happening. |
1:26PM BBT: Jon sighs, "Ahhhh..I can't believe we are
keeping Sabrina in this game. I swear to God that if she wins
HoH, I will be fucking livid."
Adel on the couch
mumbling to himself.
2:00PM BBT: HGs out at the
hammock. Neda came out earlier with a garbage bag and colored
straws. She is assembling them together to make larger
necklaces and bracelets.
2:06PM BBT: Adel says he
has his speech ready for tomorrow. Sabrina says, "If you doing
something to me during your speech, I will put my foot up your
ass" Adel responds. "It's not all about you, Burrito."
2:11PM BBT: Jon tells how he got knocked out in a hockey
fight. "I was so bitter."
Adel didn't think Ika was hot
when he came in. Jon said he doesn't think anyone was his type
in the BB house and that he wouldn't date anyone of them. He
thinks everyone who was gorgeous, just not his type.
views that if a guy doesn't give a girl the attention she
wants, they will become closer. Sabrina says she always wants
someone she can't have. Heather says that she has a lot of
friends who are not like that and will go find someone who
gives them attention.
2:25PM BBT: Sabrina tells a
story of when she let her guard down at a club. There was
really good looking guy at the club dancing. She notices he is
paying attention to her. He comes up to her and they hit it
off. They are dancing the night away, and she was enamored with
him. Right at the end, he says. "If my girlfriend sees these
pictures, I'm so effed" and walks off. Just stuns her.
Stories are being traded about flings and hook ups that
everyone has had.
2:48PM BBT: Jon is wants to
take a bath. BB chimes in with a 15 minute warning. "The
backyard will be off limits." Jon says to go ahead and close it
because nobody needs to go outside.
2:58PM BBT:
"If nobody is not coming back in the game, there has to be a
huge twist coming." says Neda. Heather "Do you think so?" Neda
3:00PM BBT: Jon is constantly messing with
Neda. Sabrina comes in the kitchen and Neda immediately leaves.
"Where you going Neda? Are you leaving me alone with Jon?"
3:08PM BBT: Jon and Sabrina go up to the bedroom and
interrupt Heather and Neda. They say they want a moment to talk
and get up and leave. They go to the washroom. Neda goes over
what has happened with Heather. Sabrina goes into the War Room
and they boot her out. Neda tells Heather that she is afraid
that if keeping her is allowing her to "skate" to the final
two. [For someone who is being supposedly kept safe, they
really are trying to make her paranoid. -Chief]
3:11PM BBT: Sabrina ends up in the bedroom with Jon and
Jedi trains a bit. Heather and Neda are talking whether Jon
thinks Sabrina would take him to the end now. [Whispering is
making it hard to pick up on everything.]
3:16PM BBT:
Both Neda and Heather are scared that Sabrina will slide
through to the Final Two. [Neda is trying to make sure Heather
doesn't make any side deal with Sabrina.]
doesn't understand why Jon is tripping out. Neda says it's
because he likes to have control of things.
Neda tells
Heather that she told Sabrina earlier that she would be stupid
to take Jon to the Final Two with her. So anything Sabrina says
is her trying to play a game. Neda and Heather agree they are
sending Adel home this week. Heather tells Neda if she wins HoH
she will nominate Jon and Sabrina, Neda reminds her that the
veto is what matters. Neda tells Heather, "Either way we are
not going to win against Sabrina and we are not going to win
against Jon."
Heather: "At least we have a fighting
chance against Sabrina."
Heather: "We really need to win
both the HoH and the Veto."
Heather: "Why do you think
Jon wants to take Adel?" Neda: "I think that Jon feels he would
get taken to the end with Adel over Sabrina."
and Neda both feel that Sabrina is horrible in her game play
and that they can see right through her.
3:31PM BBT:
Neda "What should we tell Jon we were talking about" Heather "
Just that since we are the ones voting, we wanted to make sure
who we wanted to take to the final three."
BBT: Jon is listening to music in the the HoH room while
Adel takes a bath. Sabrina is in the bedroom folding clothes
while Neda and Heather are still having their private moment.
[I would like to thank everyone else for staying silent so that
I can try to hear these two. -Chief]
BBT: Back in gossip central. Heather is talking how much
crap Sabrina is stirring up. And like that Sabrina pops her
head around the corner. "Wanna go chat?" "Yep, we were
literally just going to come get you" Heather, Sabrina and Neda
go to the bedroom. Heather informs Sabrina that they are
keeping her. Sabrina hi-fives and hugs both.
BBT: Sabrina "Does Jon want me to stay?" Heather ..long
pause " I don't know" Sabrina asks. Neda responds. "He's on
3:49PM BBT: Sabrina gets Neda alone in
the bedroom: "If I get the choice, I swear I'm taking you to
the end."
3:51PM BBT: Sabrina is making her pitch
to Neda on why she should be taken to the final two. She really
feels that the only person in jury who would vote for her is
3:56PM BBT: Heather has Jon in the War
Room "I think it is the best decision to have Sabrina stay."
Jon "Fine. If that is what you want. If she makes the Final Two
she will win."
4:00PM BBT: Jon to Heather: "I
think we are both in the exact same position. The only chance
of winning, is right here." gesturing between the both of them.
4:07PM BBT: Jon swears that if he wins the veto
and Heather is on the block, he will take her off. He swears on
everything. Parents, Grandparents. He will take her to the
final two. They hug. Jon "If you feel comfortable with Neda,
then that's what we will do."
4:14PM BBT: Sabrina
is fact checking. She gets Jon in the the HoH room and asks if
he was seriously going wanting to save her. Jon says "I was the
one who initially brought up keeping her over Adel." She then
says that Heather came in with Neda and confirmed that they
were keeping her. Jon "Didn't me and Neda already tell you
that? That is sketchy."
4:18PM BBT: Jon telling
Neda and Heather."Adel said he is 90% effed when he got out of
the tub."
4:18 to 4:25PM BBT: Heather leaves to
go keep Adel calm. Jon now talks to Neda about the earlier
conversation with Heather telling Sabrina that they are keeping
her. "What did you say when Sabrina asked if I wanted her
saved?" Neda "What? I said you were on board." Jon, "You are
really sketchy. What were you and Heather talking about in the
Neda responds that she was just trying to
figure out who to bring to the Final Three.
BBT: Neda and Jon are questioning each others trust right
now in the bedroom. Both feel each other are being sketchy.
4:34PM BBT: Neda and Jon are still in the main
bedroom. They are talking about Sabrina, Heather and Adel. [We
have witnessed so many promises for a Final Three and a Final
Two. but who knows who is really telling the truth.] Adel,
Heather and Sabrina are eating at the kitchen counter, they are
talking about what past HGs have said.
4:46PM BBT:
Jon and Neda come down. Adel tells them their food is
already ready. Sabrina is asking if anyone knows what song she
was talking about, everyone says no. Neda is getting her food
and Sabrina comments she is so hungry and Neda will only eat
four macaronis. Neda tells them she can't help it, she lot her
Jon asks what they think is happening outside
and is told "I don't know" he replies I really don't care
anyway, I was just commenting.
4:48PM BBT:
Sabrina is eating slop and says she would rather eat booger
steak, they all ask what booger steak is, and then go "ohh"
Sabrina says, "Sorry Andrew."
They have commented that
Adel has taken over the kitchen. [He has done a lot of
cooking.] Sabrina says she would like to go on Top Chef.
Jon tells her that they have to invite you. Adel walks by
Sabrina and touches her arm, she asks him if he scratched her
and he said no, I was just touching your hairy little arm.
Sabrina laughingly yells at him.
BB calls Andrew to the
DR, the HGs yell that Andrew was evicted BB!! Then BB calls
Heather to the DR. [Over the last several days BB has been
pushing a wrong button quite a few times.]
now the screens go to "HUSH."
5:05PM BBT: The
feeds come back on in time to see Neda being piggybacked by Jon
into the main bedroom, The other HGs are already all in there.
[I will assume that they are on lockdown.]
Jon held Neda down on one of the beds and poured water on her
face. She says OMG, Jon that was like torture it's what they do
in prisons, it's in my ear and I couldn't breath. She says I'm
pretty sure that's illegal in some countries. Adel went out of
the bedroom, so it might not be a bedroom lockdown.
Neda pulls Heather's foot and pulls her right off the bed and
Jon throw water in her face and tells her "welcome to the game"
Heather just left the bedroom. Neda pours a big glass of water
in case Heather comes back with water. Neda, and Jon leave the
bedroom as Adel comes back in.
Adel and Sabrina start
to bicker, Adel tells Sabrina that he knows what's going on.
She is telling him she is leaving tomorrow and he said that her
campaigning may be working. He knows what's going on, he's a
player. Heather comes back in and says she got them back good.
She is telling how her, Jon and Neda all got wet from throwing
water in the bathroom.
5:15PM BBT: Heather
changes and leaves. Sabrina tells Adel she thinks he is good
looking, she says he looks better with facial hair, she likes
men with facial hair. Heather comes in, collects the glasses
and leaves. Adel says his hair used to be long. Jon comes back
in and Neda comes back in, Sabrina is worried they are going to
come back with lots of water. Jon and Neda talk about a water
Sabrina mimicking Adel's voice says :what do you
know about truce bud" Jon comments that his diaper is soaked
and they all laugh. Neda said her onsie is wet too and she shakes out her
bedding and lays it out to dry.
5:21PM BBT: They
are all back together in the bedroom. Adel says he can't wait
to see if people start hash tagging all the words they've been
using like "butt plug" and others. they are now talking about
what they will be tweeting when they get out of the house. Adel
asks what they were supposed to spell during the last Twisto's
thing. They tell him it was "Grab the Power of Veto" Adel said
he had an "e" at the end of grab.
5:27PM BBT: They are
laughing about how sad it is that Rachelle was not called to
the DR for six weeks and Adel says they are getting lots of DR
time now. BB tells them to stop talking about production. They
all start screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rachelle!! Sabrina says,"I
love you," and she touches on of the cameras. Jon tells her not
to do that, that she is going to get into so much trouble for
doing it.
5:31PM BBT: They are wondering what evicted HGs will
say at the wrap party after seeing what the HGs have been
saying about them after they left. Jon says he doesn't care.
Adel just wonders if they will still talk to them or not. Again
Jon says he doesn't care.
They are talking about Jon's
antics when he was younger. There was talk about him leaving a
kid that had a broken back. Jon says he was young and didn't
know what to do. and about some man coming to Jon's house and
Jon's dad saying he would take care of it and Jon saying then
the guy was dead and they all laugh and say but at least you
know your dad didn't kill him. They are sharing funny stories,
Adel is telling a few now.
5:38PM BBT: Adel is telling a
story about when he was young and they went to the movies, they
were all inside except for "moe" he said that moe must have got
into an argument with a girl outside and they watched through
the glass as he broke off a tree branch and chased this girl to
the Humpty's across the street, and there was nothing they
could do because they were inside already. Everyone just bursts
out laughing.
5:40PM BBT: They are talking about the
NHL playoffs. Adel wishes they could see them. Sabrina says
Montreal is probably out and that they weren't doing very good
when they came in the house. Adel says his sister has such good
Karma, she left her purse on the subway in New York, the people
that found it looked inside and found out what hotel she was
staying at and took her purse there for her.
They are
now talking about what they brought for money with them. The
girls brought cash only and left all their cards at home
because someone would have to make payments. The guys didn't
bring cash, they brought their bank and credit cards for when
they get out.
5:48PM BBT: Sabrina is saying she
paid $600.00 to go to a basketball game, she had floor seats
and Jack Nicholson was there. Sabrina is saying she really
hopes that BB organizes a trip for them all together to go
somewhere after the game. A few minutes earlier Adel commented
that they are glad that BB Canada is not like BB U.S. because
they are all so sensitive about what is said in the house, that
they would lose it, if things that get said in the BB U.S.
house were said in the BB Canada house. Adel and Sabrina are
teasing each other again. Jon calls Sabrina Adelina, Adel says,
"Don't call her that, that is my name!!" Adel goes out of the
bedroom to grab snacks.
5:55PM BBT: Heather asks if they can go
downstairs and sit on the couches, she is so sleepy. Adel comes
back up and when they ask him, he tells them that the backyard
is open. But the hot-tub is still locked, Sabrina replies: "The
spa is still closed?" and they all tell her that it is not a
Heather says to Sabrina, after this eviction do
you think they will be like "Congratulation's for making it to
the Final Four (Adel is just sitting there) and Sabrina says
that, that would be so cool. Adel comments that he still was
shocked about Kenny coming out and wonders if it made
headlines. They tell him no, that it would have been in his
bio. Adel can't figure out why he hid it and they tell him
because he wanted to establish close connections with the
girls, and it worked.
6:02PM BBT: Someone says that Jon is still saying Twistos
are good for you, and he says that they are, there is only 100
calories in 17 crackers and that's good. Adel is saying that at
one point of the game he looked at Sabrina after she spray
tanned and thought "what the hell are you doing Snookie"
everyone starts laughing again.
They are talking about
Arlie and how strategic he was, that he even brought cigarettes
into the house just to stir things up.
6:08PM BBT: Sabrina
just sang a very sexual and suggestive ditty that I will not
repeat, but the boys are shocked and say what? Sabrina tells
Adel to stop winking at her and he says he's not, his eye is
bothering him.
Adel says again I can't believe they
gave me the same medication as they gave Sabrina for her hands.
Sabrina says, "OMG, it's for allergic reactions you turd!!"
Adel comments that Neda's butt is eating her onsie. She tells
them she asked for a bigger one. Then Jon says that Heather
rubbed her hoo haw against him the first time they hugged. Adel
made a comment about a "ninja toe" and they all comment they
have never heard that phrase before.
6:16PM BBT:
The HGs are saying they are surprised there were no American BB
celebrities visit the house this year. they wonder if any will
be at the finale, and Jon said, "No, I am so done with the
American thing and they have better things to do than come
Sabrina starts sneaking up to Adel's bed and
gets on him, Adel tries to jump up yelling OMG is there a
Gremlin on me? Then Jon asks Adel if he farted and Adel says,
"No, Jon you just shit in your diaper, I heard you."
6:23PM BBT: Sabrina is complaining again that she is hungry
and going to die. Then they al discuss the difference between
American and Canadian ice tea. [There is a big difference, most
American ice tea is cold sweetened tea, Canadian ice tea is
cold tea strongly flavored with lemon or a citrus blend and
sweetened with lots of sugar.]
Adel is saying that
Heather said the strangest thing, she said that her thingy was
pulsating, "Did you hear that William your girlfriend said her
hoo haw was pulsating?"
Jon, Neda and Heather are the
only ones in the bedroom right now and Jon tells the girls he
is completely on board with what they are doing to him (Adel)
and he says, "Fuck him, he's (Adel) getting screwed!"
7:08PM BBT: Jon and Neda and Heather were upstairs doing
Jedi training when Adel entered the storage room and spoke to
the camera, "I think I get to stay. These girls are crazy if
they keep me and they are all going home."
Neda and
Heather now on the green couches as Jon is reading through the
nutritional information on the chicken dish they are
considering having for dinner. He decides that it is not really
that bad for you.
Adel is working at grating some
cheese. He says the HoH tomorrow will be the dates guaranteed.
Jon returns to the storage room where he is scrounging around
and comes out reading the ingredients of a soup can.
Heather and Neda now head to the hammock and Neda is worried
about what days that Andrew went out. Heather tells her he went
out when she was HoH and Ika right before him. Andrew day 36.
They start going through the days.
Jon and Adel are
still talking food in the kitchen. Jon calls out about the
battered calamari and Heather tells him it should be deep
fried. Neda finally decides they are currently in week nine.
Heather says there are only ten weeks to the show so it is over
next week.
Jon sits with them now and they continue
Jedi training. Jon asks what are all the days of the evictions.
Neda says she can't do that, but then starts to. Adel is now
having Sabrina wipe his bad eye.
Neda continues to
rattle off the eviction days and she is not too impressive. Jon
tells her they will need to get to the point tonight that they
can do it bam bam bam cause it will be really important. Jon
interrupts Neda's train of thought to ask when was Stampede?
Jon tells them to continue to train and he will drill them
later tonight. He heads back to the house and Heather asks him
to bring her digestive tea back. Neda wants to start over from
the beginning again. She screws up the first competition twice
before getting it right.
7:23PM BBT: Jon talking
with Adel in the kitchen and basically reassuring him. Adel
calls out for directions about how to prepare the meal.
Jon is in the storage room now munching on some chips.
Jedi training ongoing on the hammock where Heather clearly
is quicker and more confident than Neda.
Adel says the
soups are easy to make and Jon replies, "Hundo, that is all I
am eating tomorrow."
Sabrina now comes to the kitchen
and Adel asks if this will blow up in his face as he put
vegetable and olive oil. Sabrina tells him to be careful adding
food to the hot oil.
Jon delivers the tea to the ladies.
Sabrina leaves with Jon and he asks why and she tells them they
were talking. He grabs her by the neck and drags her along 'til
they get inside. Sabrina says she thinks it is music time. Neda
comments about Sabrina and Heather says she thinks they are
actually being nice and Neda resumes Jedi training from where
she left off. Adel telling the other two a story about booby
traps that they made with his brothers.
The story ends
with Adel getting a paint can that blew up in his face and he
was in the hospital in a coma for days and stayed longer.
Adel going on with gross details of the story about needing
to have his eye sockets cleaned out and how they wanted to do
skin grafts but his dad said no. He missed a whole year of
school because of the accident.
Heather is helping out
with the cooking. Neda and Heather now join the others in the
kitchen. Neda yells to Jon to take out the calamari, they are
on fire. They are fine and Adel now thinks he should grate some
more cheese while the calamari is still hot enough to melt it.
Heather tells BB that onion rings would be cool.
Sabrina tells him he should not eat calamari with ketchup. [You
can take the boy out of the boondocks, but. . . -DRG]
Adel asks if they should throw some tuna in there and
Jon says,"Hundo," then asks Adel to get him a larger plate.
Adel says who says, "We can't be creative in here with our
food?" Sabrina says she is still hungry and she is now 157
pounds and has not seen five on the scale in quite a while.
They are all eating their noodles with calamari and tuna,
except Sabrina who is still on slop.
7:45PM BBT:
General chatter going on around the table. Jon calls out "How
about ten o-clock and we are all in bed?" Neda wants to make it
earlier even as soon as 8:00. [Good luck with that, production
has to satisfy BBAD. -DRG] 7:50PM BBT:
Jon teasing Neda about being on the show because she is so kind
hearted the she says she is the evil one the underhanded evil
one. Jon is told he is the big dumb one.
Adel is
pushing Jon to do the dishes and he is going to go wash up and
Heather and Neda head out to the pool and Sabrina
tells Jon that they said they needed a moment to talk.
Jon is working on the pots and Sabrina yells out to him that he
has to use soap. He replies that he never uses soap. He thinks
there is soap in sponge he is using.
Outside Neda and
Heather are justifying their decision to send Adel home. [For
goodness sakes ladies it is a game and as Evel Dick was so fond
of saying, "They all gotta go." -DRG]
Jon says
he is heading out and Sabrina says he is allowed to go out
there and she is not. Heather and Neda still chewing over what
is happening between her and Adel.
Jon joins them and
tells them he is proud of them for studying for the
competition. Heather says they have to win and he agrees. Neda
compliments him on his pants and he wonders if she is being
Tonight's Show in Colour
on Slice TV at 9:00PM:
Remember, you can watch Big Brother as it airs
HERE.This program contains sexuality, course language and mature subject
matter, so you may need your kids to explain it to you.
After the nominations, when Adel wasn't on the block. |
As PepsiCo says, "There's money in them there bags..." |
Neda finds out she grabbed the most money, $3,000. |
Sabrina and
her sister, Stephanie. |
Heather and
Will. |
Adel and his
best friend and brother Gino. |
Neda and her
sister. |
Jon and his
Dad. |
Adel tries to
think up a way to get Jon to put up Neda. |
reporting for pawn duty. |
Previously, on BB Canada, when Rachelle was unanimously evicted, Sabrina
lost her best friend and was left all alone in the house. In the HoH
competition, Heather and Jon were all knotted up in a race to the
finish. Jon came out on top to become the next HoH. Heather's strong
performance exposed her as a physical threat. As a result, a target was
put on her back. Flying under the radar, Neda used Jon to go after
Neda continued to work all sides of the house. With
nominations looming, Jon assured Sabrina she would be safe but kept his
plan a secret from Heather as he blindsided her at the ceremony.
Tonight, how will Heather react to being up on the block? Who will be
blown away by the PoV? And how will the HGs react when faced with an
impossible decision? It all happens now, on BB Canada!
We pick up
after the nomination ceremony. Heather tells us she is angry as hell.
How dare her best friend in the house put her on the block and use her
as a pawn without even letting her know beforehand? She was so close to
winning HoH and he still has the nerve to put her on the block.
Jon tells us he told Heather she's the pawn, but she's the target. She
showed she was a physical strength in the next challenge, someone he
doesn't want to be competing against. Neda tells us as much as she loves
Heather to death, she has to go home this week because they want to keep
Sabrina and Adel in the game. They are an ideal Final Three because they
will never take each other to the end, and she stands a stronger chance
winning against them than Jon or Heather.
Sabrina tells us Jon
has assured her safety in the game this week, but Jon has lied a million
times before so she is going to play hard for the PoV because that is
the only way she will fee completely safe. Adel tells us his main plan
for the finale is himself and Jon, hand in hand, waking up Canada.
Heather tells us she is more than blown away that Jon hasn't come to
talk to her yet. She walks downstairs and by Jon, who apologizes.
Heather barely acknowledges him as she walks by, telling us she is hurt,
betrayed, confused and completely in shock. She is going to win it for
herself, and screw everyone else. They obviously don't care about her.
In the living room , Jon tells the HGs he doesn't care if she's mad.
Anyone up on the block would've been angry. He tells us even though he
said she's a pawn, he's upset with how she is reacting. Sabrina tells us
Heather's tantrums can only help her game in the house right now. She is
still playing the game, so she'll put her smile on.
Up in HoH,
Heather is curled up on the bed listening to music. Neda joins her,
telling us she wants to secure Heather's jury vote if she goes home.
Neda agrees that it is stupid that he didn't warn Heather prior to
nominating her. Neda tells us she didn't want to throw Jon under the
bus, but she does agree he should've told Heather first and she is going
to use that to her full advantage.
Heather tells us Jon can say
she's a pawn all he wants, but she feels something strange because he
didn't put up Adel or Neda over her. Something is going on. Heather
probes Neda, asking if her feelings have changed towards their deal.
Neda shakes her head no. Neda tells us she has to lie right now. Her
opinion on taking Heather to the end has changed, especially when she
almost beat Jon of all people. She's a very scary threat. Heather tells
us Neda saying she feels the same way makes her feel better. She
ultimately trusts Neda, and the two of them are her ideal Final Two.
In the bathroom, Neda recounts her conversation with Heather to Jon.
Neda tells us either Jon or Neda wins veto. They mention Sabrina
winning, and they think if Sabrina wins, Adel will go home. They think
it might be OK, because if Heather goes home and then Sabrina, it will
be the ultimate betrayal but if Adel goes home, then Sabrina, then
Heather, it will look like their Final Three deal stood.
tells us if she waited for Jon to come talk to her, it's never going to
happen so she decides to go see him in the HoH room. Jon tells her it
wasn't a game move, and it was just to put someone up against Sabrina.
Jon tells us he is telling a few white lies to Heather right now.
Heather starts crying - she just doesn't know. What about their Final
Two deal? Jon says if Adel goes up, he'll know he's not really in their
alliance. If Neda goes up it would be 100% in her mind that Jon is
against her.
Jon apologizes to her. Heather says she's scared.
Jon tells her he has no plan to evict her. Jon tells us he plans to tell
a straight story, not get caught in a lie and just try to make it
through. Heather tells us at the end of their conversation, she
understands his point of view and why he did it but her trust in him is
not as strong as it was before.
Jon finds out he is wearing the
baby outfit until the eviction. He sarcastically tells us he is pumped.
Inside the diaper is like a hotbox. Neda tells us there is a weird odor
coming from the diaper and she is worried he has been using it.
Jon looks ridiculous dressed as a baby but it kinds of suits him a bit.
It's an upgrade from what he usually looks like. Jon tells us there is
one perk to the baby outfit, and that's the bottle around his neck
filled with water that he can spray at everyone.
Heather tells
us everyone in the house is having a lot of fun right now but she is not
in the mood. Being on the block is the loneliest feeling you can have in
the house. She misses her boyfriend the most, then her mom, dad and
sister. Her boyfriend's name is Will. He is funny and smart, and she is
a lucky lady. She thinks about the people back home and about Will and
she's not ready to give up. She is going to win the PoV.
Time for
the PoV competition. In the backyard is a huge Twistos dome! "Dear HGs.
Twistos is hoping you'll be a big fan of today's Twistos competition,
Blown Away. Here is how it works: To start, you'll hop inside the
Twistos Air Machine where hundreds of letters will be flying around you.
Your goal is to get your hands on the letters that will help you spell
Grab The Power Of Veto and put them into your Twistos bag. When you
think you have all the letters you need, run them over to the spinning
puzzle board. Once you've spelled out your phrase, hit the buzzer to
lock in your time. You'll also notice Twistos bags hanging from the
ceiling. Inside the bags are dollar amounts. If you want, you can grand
and open the bag to open some cash. But keep in mind, this is a timed
challenge and in this house, time is power. The HGs that buzzes in with
the correct phrase in the fastest amount of time will win the PoV."
Jon tells us in this competition you have two options. You can
either go for the fastest time and solve the puzzle or you can go for
the money. He's feeling safe right now - screw the veto. In the machine,
it's complete chaos. Wind is blowing all over the place, your mind isn't
thinking right, all you can hear is wind.
Jon immediately goes
for the Twistos bags. He got $700 in the first bag, $1500 in the second
bag. Now that he's got some money, it's time to start solving the puzzle
for the veto. Trying to pull apart the letters is no easy task when the
wind is blowing like crazy. It is brutal. Jon goes to solve the puzzle -
he is missing two letters and goes back into the machine. He finds them,
comes out and solves the puzzle. He doesn't really care about the time.
He knows he'll leave with a few dollars and what more can you ask for?
Adel tells us time is of the essence. He has to get the letters and
spell the phrase. If he can't beat Heather, he might go up as a pawn and
it's too late in the game for pawns. Pawns go home. He has a good
strategy. He is going to gather as much as he can off the ground, ignore
the flying ones. He can't worry about the money bags hanging because he
might jeopardize his chances if he stops for those. Adel is short two
letters and goes back into the wind machine. He solves the puzzle and
buzzes in. His time is money, no one is going to beat him in this
competition he tells us.
Neda tells us she feels like she is in a
torture chamber. The pieces are blowing around, whipping her in the
face. She is obviously going for the money - she is the greediest person
ever. She's sorry, but she is. Once she gets all her money pieces, she
goes and grabs a handful of letters. She spells it out and is missing
some letters. She goes back in, gets them, solves the puzzle and buzzes
in. Neda tells us she is rooting for Sabrina to win. This way they can
send Adel home guilt free.
Sabrina tells us she really wants to
win but she has a big chance of going home this week so she is
considering taking the money. She has a big decision to make. Sabrina
goes for the money first, then grabs some letters. It gets a little
difficult. She finally finishes her phrase and buzzes in. Even if she
doesn't win the PoV, at least she has some money. Heather tells us she
really wants to win the PoV. She doesn't feel secure in the house with
Jon now so she wants to take herself off the block. She is so determined
and motivated, she doesn't think she has been more excited for a
challenge yet. It's so chaotic and everything is blowing around. It's
hard to see so she grabs as many letters as possible and then goes to
solve. She has no idea how fast everyone else did so she needs to be as
fast as she can. She spells out everything but is missing an F. She goes
in, finds it, solves the puzzle and buzzes in.
Heather tells us
after hitting the buzzer, she's very discouraged. There are other fast
people in the house. She thinks she may have lost and she wanted to win.
Time for the results! But it wouldn't be a Twistos competition without a
Twistos twist. The twist here is that only the person who collected the
most money in the fastest time will get to keep their money. The person
who did that is Neda, and she earned herself $3,000! Neda tells us she
is really excited, that is a lot of money. Now, the winner of the PoV
competition, with a time of 8:40 is Heather!
In the DR, Heather
is so excited. She can pull herself off the block and has made it to
Final Four! Jon tells us he is not happy for Heather, he'd rather her
stay on the block and go home. Sabrina tells us her game is in jeopardy
again and she doesn't know what is going to happen.
Adel tells us
it is worst case scenario. He needs to convince Jon to put Neda up, not
Later, in the bedroom Neda comes in, sees Jon and says that
sucks. Jon tells us they were kicking themselves for not trying harder
for the veto to prevent Heather from winning. Neda tells us she is not
actually that upset because she got the money, but she's playing like
she is for Jon. Jon says he doesn't think Sabrina would take them to
Final Three, but he knows Adel would. Neda tells us she thinks Adel is
better for Jon's game because he will take Jon to Final Two. But Sabrina
is better for hers because Sabrina would take her over Jon.
Later, Sabrina is in the living room by herself. The lights are dimmed
and as she stares at the screen, her name pops up along with the
question "What would you give up to spend two minutes with a loved one
right now?" Sabrina begins to cry and says anything. "Would you go
without food for a week?" Sabrina says yes and the camera directs her to
the secret room.
The wall opens and she sees her sister through
a glass wall. Her sister tells her she is amazing and to keep her head
held high. They are so proud of her, Nona watches, they all watch. She
watches the feeds 24/7. She loves her so much. Sabrina, sobbing, says
loves her and asks how the family is. They're all fine, her sister says.
She tells her she's made a huge accomplishment making it to Final Five
and not the first one in jury. She's amazing. She loves her! And then
the lights go off.
Heather is next, faced with the same question.
What she gives up is access to the HoH room. She goes to the secret room
where her boyfriend awaits her. Will misses her and loves her so much.
Everyone in Edmonton wanted to show their support and he is so happy he
got to see her. He is so proud of her; she has stuck to being her in the
entire game. Heather loves and misses him and thinks about him all the
time. It's what gets her through. He thinks of her all the time too and
will be there when she gets out.
Next is Adel, who gives up sleep
for 36 hours. His guest is his brother Gino. Everyone misses him,
everyone in the NTW loves him. He has this in the bag. Keep calm, keep
his game face on and go for the gold. Adel tells him to give kisses and
hugs to loved ones, he misses them all. He loves him, and his family.
They love him too.
Neda is asked if she would give up her access
to her personal belongings. Neda thinks the longest but finally agrees
and heads to the secret room to see her sister. Neda says she looks so
cute. Her sister tells her how proud they are, she is doing amazing. She
loves watching her, how paranoid Neda is. Just keep doing what she's
doing. Neda can't believe she is there. Her sister can't wait to see her
outside and away from this. Neda asks if she looks OK on TV and how cool
is it that she's on BB? Her sister says yes and it's surreal. She hears
them talking about them, she watches live feeds all the time. Neda calls
her a geek. Neda loves her, she's happy she is there and a part of this.
Her sister tells her she's amazing, don't stop playing, go to the end.
Don't get comfortable or cocky. She loves her, she'll see her soon.
Finally Jon is given the question. He is asked if he would live in
solitary confinement for 24 hours? He says yes and is led to the secret
room where his Dad is. His dad kisses the glass window. Everything is
good, everyone is happy. Everyone is watching. Janelle says hi, she's
good. They like his game, everyone is enjoying it. They are in the home
stretch. Jon says this is the hardest experience ever, going through
this without his family. His Dad says they can't go anywhere in town
without people approaching them. Everyone is happy, he makes sure Jon is
happy. They love him very much. Jon loves the game so much, sends his
love to everyone back home.
Jon tells us he wouldn't be the
person he was today without his father. He wasn't the easiest child to
raise, and he couldn't ask for a better father and better family, he
guarantees us that. Adel tells us he just saw his brother, his best
friend in the whole world. Right now he feels like his back is against
the wall, but he reassured him and everyone is rooting for him so he
will keep his head high and rock and roll to the end.
In the DR,
Neda is shaking. She can't believe that just happened. That was the
coolest thing ever. She is so happy she got to see her sister for two
minutes and that she got to be a part of this experience. She doesn't
care what she had to give up. That was amazing. Heather can only sob,
unable to speak. She finally manages to tell us being here makes you
wonder and think crazy things. Seeing Will changed the game for her. His
words proved to her she can do this.
Sabrina tells us she just
saw her sister Stephanie. "Thank you so much, BB! I am so grateful. I
needed to see her."
BB gathers all the HGs in the living room and
tells them they all gave up a lot to spend two minutes with a loved one.
BB hopes you enjoyed your time. Your individual sacrifices will begin
following the PoV ceremony. Everyone thanks Big Brother.
spends some serious time trying to talk Jon into putting Neda up. Adel
tells us he has to get through Jon's thick skull and let him know that
Neda has this game on lockdown. If Adel goes up, he'll go home and then
Jon will follow because he can't play in the next HoH. Jon tells us he
doesn't think Adel realizes how close Jon and Neda are and the
relationship they have in this game. Adel offers to rip every girl apart
for the rest of the game to guarantee him first place. Jon tells us he
and Neda have an Final Two and he doesn't know if he is going to break
that. Adel just wants to leave with $20,000.
Sabrina, Heather and
Neda are in the washroom. Sabrina had an epiphany. The girls can work
better with her than with Adel. Sabrina tells us if Adel goes up as
replacement nominee, then she has to convince the girls to keep her over
Adel because they are the deciding votes. Heather tells us Adel and she
have been building trust the whole time they have been in an alliance,
so why would she trust Sabrina now? Neda tells us she is not listening
to much Sabrina was saying. She zoned out while Sabrina was talking. If
she is useful to keep, Neda will keep her. If not, she'll send her home.
Adel tells us if he goes home, Jon is toast and has to deal with
three women in the house. Adel goes to the backyard and begs Jon's
picture to see the light and keep him.
Time for the PoV ceremony!
Heather tells us if Jon names Neda as the replacement nominee, it would
be the biggest backdoor in BB history. To no one's surprise, Heather
takes herself off the block. Jon names Adel as his replacement nominee.
He explains that at this point in the game he is running out of people
to put up as a pawn but no hard feelings to his good buddy.
tells us he is back up on the block, he is angry, he is ready to go
crazy but he has to start campaigning and work on votes. Neda tells us
she is guaranteed Final Four now that Adel is nominated. Now she has to
decide between Adel and Sabrina because one bad decision could cost her
the entire game. Jon tells us two arch enemies on the block right now.
There is a good chance the whole house could blow up this week. Sabrina
tells us what Adel doesn't know is that she has a few tricks up her
sleeve that will secure Neda and Heather's vote. The next few days in
the BB house are going to be "cra!"
Who will be evicted from the
BB house, Adel or Sabrina? And how will the HGs cope with the sacrifices
they have made? Find out Thursday at 9PM ET on BB Canada!
Did you miss tonight's episode?
See it
Here No matter where you live! |
10:08PM BBT: The HGs were in the bathroom area, joking around, doing
ADLs. Adel and Sabrina head to the bedroom. Sabrina keeps
telling him that she is leaving and that this is the last night
he will see her in that bed. She starts to cry. He tells her
"This has been the best experience of our lives, there is no
need to cry." She rolls to her side and wipes her eyes. Heather
walks in and asks if they are going to bed. Adel says they
buzzed him 10, Sabrina says they aren't allowed. Neda and Jon
are in the HoH going through game history for possible upcoming
Sabrina joins Adel in the bedroom. He says
he is ready for bed then complains to the cameras that her
hands are itching and she really really could use some
Benadryl. Adel says if she gets it, "Then I want some too."
Adel asks if Sabrina if has her speech ready for tomorrow.
She tells the cameras that he is the reason she is going home
and we will be losing the best part of the game.
Heather asks Neda if she is going to listen to music and when
she says yes Heather says she is going to go lay in the bed and
go over things in her head. She says thanks to Neda and heads
out to the bedroom. Neda enters the HoH and tells Jon she has
gotten up to week five or six. Jon starts her on week two and
tells her he wants to here everything. Then he jumps to week
five followed by week six.
Adel asks Sabrina what was
the coolest thing in the game. Then he asks if it was really a
big move to get Ika out. She says for her it was very
important. Jedi training continues in HoH with Jon grilling
Neda. Sabrina keeps going over past events with Adel all with
her as the main focus. She is getting animated about how
influential she was in the game and Adel keeps telling her it
will not get played up like that in the end. She is maximizing
her influence while he is minimizing it.
BBT: Jon tells Neda "I am glad it has been WE the whole
time." She agrees. They talk about choices and what could
happen. It was a slight detour from game study and they are
back to "What was week 8? What was the sixth HoH?" Jon is
asking, Neda answering and then the roles reverse.
10:20PM BBT: In the bedroom, Heather, Adel and Sabrina
small talk. Sabrina keeps asking for Benadryl. They all want to
go to bed. Heather says it was 10 when she checked the time,
they all add "Only a half an hour!" Sabrina leaves. Heather and
Adel talk about the live finale night. When Sabrina comes back
in and Heather asks her about the family and everyone watching
live. Sabrina says "By the way, it is a long time 'til bed so,
I can't say more than that." Heather asks if it is two hours or
an hour. Sabrina confirms an hour.
10:27PM BBT:
Now Adel says he was going to say to Sabrina that she fucked up
Heather's game too but he didn't. Sabrina knocks on the HoH
door and is allowed in. She asks if they are coming to the main
bedroom and Jon says he is about to come right now. She asks
again if she was interrupting and they reassure her and get up
to head out.
Adel asks if Heather is ready to go home
and she says she is eager to see her loved ones but she loves
it here it is the best experience of her life. He wonders what
she wore for her audition and he tells her it was her princess
dress and goes on to describe the entire outfit. Sabrina and
Neda now in the bathroom.
Jon was down in the kitchen
but just climbed the stairs again.
Heather is telling
Adel that Jon is attractive, but he is not her type,
personality wise that is. Sabrina enters the bedroom and starts
teasing Adel.
Is Sabrina send us a
subliminal message? |
Now Sabrina is listing off male cast
members and Adel is giving them ratings for their
attractiveness. He thinks he is about a six but some folks like
Kenny you can't even tell because so much was hidden by his
beard. He always said that Heather and Rachelle were the
prettiest girls. The other guys liked Anick and he felt she had
a good body. He concedes that Sabrina is also pretty. Jon
enters now and tells Adel that he is ugly as fuck. Neda enters
and tells Jon that he made that bathroom so stinky.
10:35PM BBT: Adel asks if Jon is going to change his
underwear and when he says yes Adel says congratulations. Talk
of how attractive folks were continues. Jon is removing he baby
outfit. Adel says he was put in the house to fight with Jon and
Andrew. He tells Jon that he is unhygienic.
Jon says it
is good to be going to bed at a good time. Neda says she feels
Rachelle's pain now about keeping track of the microphone. Adel
asks what the wall remind them off and Heather says Tetris.
Neda says "OMG, you guys are married."
Adel now asks
Jon to tell a romantic story so they can see how romantic he
is. Apparently he has told the story before and he broke her
vagina and ended up in the hospital on a Valentines day. Adel
now talking about the noises they made on their first times
because they did not know what they were doing. Jon is laughing
hysterically and Heather and Sabrina have the giggles too. Jon
makes the noise and Heather says she still giggles if there is
a noise and Will tells her to stop. Heather says he will have
so many sexual conversations with Neda when they leave because
she will not talk about it in the house. Jon says she has
talked to him so who is the best friend now.
Jon now
brings up uncircumcised penises. Neda says she has seen. Adel
asks Sabrina if Italians do not circumsize either and Jon says
Now they are talking about how Allison only had
an accent when Jon was around. Neda saying she never met a
Newfie before. Sabrina talks about how Kenny talked about a gay
bar and a lesbian bar to her. They say he played a trick on all
of them and was good at deceiving people, No one would have
known if he had not told them. They wonder about his DRs. Adel
thinks he was not big and tough and would fight him in a
heartbeat. They suppose he acted big and tough in his DRs
talking about how he was running the house.
Adel says
they should all agree to start tweeting at the same time once
they get home. Heather will be in her boyfriends apartment for
days just watching the show. Adel wants to know how many
sessions Jon and Heather will have with their partners. Sabrina
says she will call her ex for that, Heather tells her she will
be famous and could have any guy she wanted. Jon says he will
never talk to her again if she calls her ex. Jon yawning says
that he loves bedtime. Jon says it is after 10:30 so it is OK.
Sabrina does not think so and starts a count down for the
warning from BB. The national anthem starts playing so they all
have to get up to sing except Neda who remains horizontal in
her bed.
10:54PM BBT: When the anthem finishes
Jon calls out to BB that it is good to know that you are in an
alliance with Sabrina. They now debate if they had to sing it
or not. Neda says it is rude of him to be touching his junk
during the playing of the anthem. He disagrees and thinks
Canada accepts him for who he is.
Heather says new
words in her vocabulary are dry snitching, wet snitching and
Gumba. Now they debate the definition of a wet snitch.
Jon asks again if it is OK now to go to bed.
Adel is
telling a story about getting punched in the lips at their bar
back home. Now he says he got two eye infections in the house.
Neda got two yeast infections and has been on her period a
million times. Adel now says that Jon got his yeast infection
from using someone's loofah.
11:06PM BBT: Jon
says sleep time at 11:08 and they quickly get the rooster from
BB. Heather says she does not know why they can't know when
BBAD is on when last year they did. Sabrina says that only the
viewers could see it. Sabrina says she thinks the outdoors is
blocked for a reason and that the time is not right. Some think
it is for time confusion but Jon thought it was because of the
flood out there following the big rain storm.
11:11PM BBT: After a brief silence BB sounds the beeping
More sibling rivalry teasing going on. Now the
use of the word snitch has brought them around to talking about
Harry Potter and BB tells them to stop talking about name
Jon runs out of the room and Neda and Heather
call out to BB that he is not wearing his baby outfit to get
him in trouble. He returns and they girls call him out on his
lack of costume. He says he does not put them on when he runs
to the bathroom at night.
Adel asked which girl is the
biggest freak in the sack. Neda did not hear so Sabrina tells
her and Jon rants at her for being a snitch. Jon says Neda is a
starfish. Jon keeps ribbing Sabrina about being a snitch.
Adel asks if they want to play trivia and they do. What was
Dr. Evil's son's name. Jon says Phil but Neda says Jack. (It
was Scott played by Seth Green) Adel does not know.
Next question Cartoons: In Winnie the Pooh, what was the
boys name. After several wrong guesses Sabrina finally comes up
with Christopher Robin.
Next question cartoon: What was
the cartoon name with all dinosaurs in it. Dinosaurs. Who was
the Green Dragon, Dudley. They start singing a made up
song and BB tells them to stop talking.
Next question
What cartoon finished with the word clues, Blues Clues.
What were the twins names in what's it called? Rug Rats.
11:26PM BBT: What movie had the guy off of
Gladiator? Superman
Clothes now Which brand has an
"and" in the middle. Dulce and Gabana .
What was the
leader of the Care Bears name? They debate and they
decide it is "Lion Heart" [Wasn't it Tender Heart?
IdigoAquarious] Adel asks a hockey question, he doesn't
finish the question, Jon yells out "Lindross!" and he was right
apparently. The HGs debate feverishly over the score. Adel asks
a question about who the "dad" was from Curious George.
Jon says it was George as well. The girls disagree.
want to know who the father was in Curious George and
even after describing his outfit they cannot come of with
The Man in the Yellow Hat but instead think it was George
and Curious George.
11:35PM BBT: Jon does not play well
with others. The girls get mad at Jon always wanting a sports
question. Jon says that is why Adel goes around the room.
Heather chooses movie "What movie was Tom Cruise a Samurai?"
The answer Jon gets "The Last Samurai" Adel stumps them
with asking who the twins in The Simpson's. They don't
know. Answer was "Patty and Selma" Adel says no sports for the
last question. First one to get to seven wins. Heather and
Sabrina start yelling "7! 7! 7! 7! 7!" (Friends
11:40PM BBT: Movies is the next and
possible final question. Adel is trying to think of one "You
guys should all know this one. This is a bonus for no points.
The brothers put a gun to your head and say a prayer before
they kill you" No one knows, not even Adel! (Boondock Saints)
11:45PM BBT: Adel asks "What is the movie that they
built three big boats to save as many people as they can?" They
list off Titanic, Life of Pi, Jon finally yells "2014!"
and they go nuts! (It was actually four boats/arks in the
11:46PM BBT: Bonus question! Adel says it
is Harry Potter "In Harry Potter.... " Jon starts
yelling out things from the movie and guesses "Invisibility
cloak!" And they start yelling. The girls are confused. Neda
says "What is life if I don't know Harry Potter?" Jon is
rubbing it in, "I don't know about Harry Potter." Adel
asks one more, "What were the names of Harry's Dad and Mom?"
Neda struggled with even that one but finally gets "Lily and
James!" They are now saying good night to one another again.
Neda got up to go to the bathroom, the others are laying down.
11:50PM BBT: Adel starts yelling "BONUS QUESTION!!!
What big time actor was the star of Romeo and Juliet?" She
answers Leonardo DiCaprio. Adel says she got it! Jon says there
are too many renditions of that movie to pick just one. BB
isn't letting them sleep. Sabrina went to the DR. Jon
complimented her on her weight loss.
11:55PM BBT: Sabrina is upstairs. She has had her pill.
She says BB told her half an hour for bed time. Neda says
"Screw it I am trying to now." Good night's all around again.
Sabrina asks what the bonus question was. They tell her, Adel
says "She got it Jon!" Jon ignores them. No one has their mics
on. They are wanting to sleep. It sounded like BB said
something but, couldn't make it out.
12:03AM BBT: Everyone is just lying down
quietly the lights are still on bright.
12:13AM BBT:
Jon is also in the bedroom the lights are dimmed and they
are all asleep. We are still here with you just in case they
decides to wake up.
12:38AM BBT: All HGs are
asleep now. Goodnight Canada. -TranCutie
Today's updaters are: Chief, DRG, IndigoAquarious, Morty,
Shutterbug, ttree, and TranCutie.
The views expressed here are
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