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Thursday, April 24 2014
Eviction Day |
Will we see the end of Rachelle
tonight? |
9:00AM BBT:
They're all still sleeping which is great because once again no one has
volunteered to post coverage for us.
Today's thread is here, if you can help by posting some updates,
please do.
9:43AM BBT: Sabrina in the bathroom area doing
her makeup, Neda in the shower. Adel in the HoH running a tub, Heather's
making breakfast. Silent bunch. Jon and Rachelle talking on the couch,
but very quietly and Heather running water in the kitchen, etc makes it
hard to hear them. Seems like talk about what they thing is going to
happen today (eviction and HoH competition).
9:50AM BBT: I'm not sure if the 9AM post
is correct, as for some reason my feeds keep snapping back to the DVR
mode, but right now they're all up and doing their ADLs, washing,
makeup, eating etc.. Sabrina and Neda are still in the bathroom area.
Not much talking, but as Neda walks by, Sabrina whispers "Just remember
my offer still stands." Neda says something back, but can't hear her.
BB: "Neda, please put on your microphone."
In the living room , Jon and
Rachelle are talking about how lucky they were to be one of 15 people
picked out of thousands to be on the show. They're speculating whether
Canada might save someone on the block this week. Rachelle says if she
isn't going to win, she doesn't care if she's going out 6th or 3rd, it
doesn't matter.
Rachelle: "It must be a crazy
endurance competition today, they've been building out there forever."
10:00AM BBT: Neda and Sabrina in the bathroom area talking
final two possibilities. Neda: "Would you have a better chance against
Adel or Heather in the final two?" Sabrina says she would have Allison,
Arlie and Rachelle who would vote for her at the end. They think Canada
would give their vote to Adel over Sabrina, but maybe Sabrina over
Rachelle comes in, and Neda asks
what she's most excited about going to the jury house, assuming she's
the one who goes? Rachelle says a treadmill, being able to go outside,
listening to music. They're all convinced there's some sort of twist
happening tonight. Canada saves someone off the block, a diamond veto,
another double eviction? Rachelle sounds really resigned to going to
jury house this week, almost seems disappointed at the idea of Canada
saving her. Neda thinks Canada is more likely to save Rachelle over
Sabrina. Rachelle thinks Canada would want the drama Sabrina brings to
the house, she (Rachelle) is more boring.
Sabrina asks who Neda
would want gone this next week. She says she doesn't care. Neda says
that if Sabrina and Adel were at the end that Sabrina would win. Sabrina
responds that if it is her against Heather, that Heather would win. Neda
says that she has to sit down and think about who she wants gone this
next week. Rachelle comes in and stops the conversation.
Jon and
Heather are down in the kitchen eating breakfast.
10:07 to
10:18AM BBT: Rachelle and Neda still in the bathroom area. Rachelle
says she really doesn't want to watch the episode where Kenny reveals he
is gay. She is afraid of how she looked. Says she "Really, played it
up!!" Neda asks her what her boyfriend thinks, and she says he probably
thinks it's funny. Looking down in the Kitchen, Sabrina is whispering to
Everyone is in the bathroom area.
10:20 to 10:24AM
BBT: Jon took the battery case down to the storage room. Comes back
and tells Sabrina that the coffee is good. Sabrina says it's from the
"Yoga" shop.
Discussion goes to Jon asking Rachelle if she
thought that her not doing Yoga is affecting her. He says that he has
worked out his entire life, and he took three months off and he was out
of shape. Rachelle thinks she will be fine going back into it.
10:25 to 10:31AM BBT: Jon starts to tease Rachelle a bit, and she
gets a little upset about it. Jon says he is having so much fun. it's
about calling each other kid and how they interact with each other.
Rachelle says that she can't wait to get out. [She seems content on
being evicted tonight.] Sabrina says that maybe Canada will save her.
Neda chimes in. "Yea, they will open voting for an hour" sarcastically.
This is all occurring in the bathroom area still. Heather is taking a
shower while all this is going on. Rachelle asks if Sabrina will spray
tan her. Sabrina says sure. Jon heads out down to the kitchen I believe,
but the first two feeds are "Hush"
10:32 to 10:43AM BBT: Both
feeds three and four show Sabrina spray tanning Rachelle in the bathroom
shower stall. The other two feeds are "Hush" Heather gets out of the
shower and asks "Big brother am I allowed to eat?" Jon comes back to the
War Room and steps right into the spot that they were spray tanning and
proceeds to put his feet right on the cushions of their lounge. [I just
realized that I have no idea where Adel has been. Must be in the DR or
in the the HoH room -Chief]
10:53 to 11:00AM BBT: Feeds went "Hush"
for a bit, but came back with Adel in the tub listening to his
headphones. Looks like Heather, Sabrina, and Rachelle are still doing
their ADL's. Jon is talking to Neda in the Storage room about Sabrina
asking him earlier about his and Neda's alliance. Neda says she is not
concerned about that and mentions something about needing someone for a
jury vote. (Sorry, the audio is going in and out) They are now going
over their "Jedi" training for BB days.
11:07AM BBT: Not much going
on. Jon and Neda still Jedi training in the Kitchen, while Sabrina,
Rachelle, and Heather are in the War Room doing ADLs. Assuming Adel is
still in the HoH room enjoying his final time in there. [Think they gave
him his hour warning to vacate.]
11:33AM BBT: The feeds are
going in and out, but pretty much everyone is where they were. Heather,
Sabrina and Rachelle in the bathroom area doing their makeup. Jon and
Neda on the couch chatting. Adel comes in and they ask what he thinks
the competition is going to be. He says he thinks endurance and Jon
agrees. [They must be doing the "Live" taping early.]
11:34 -
11:43AM BBT: Sabrina corners Neda in the bedroom and asks her
whether she thinks it's a double or endurance. Neda thinks endurance.
Neda says that if she wins this HoH, that she will have to put up
Sabrina. Sabrina asks who the others would be, and Neda responds with
either Adel or Heather. Sabrina pleads that it is Adel because he will
win if he makes it to the end. Jon enters and plops down with Rachelle
coming in right behind him. Jon says that he has a weird feeling that
she (Rachelle) won't be going home this week because of a twist.
The four are are starting to go down if either Adel or Heather win
the HoH, that Neda and Jon would go up. Rachelle says she really hopes
this is a normal ceremony. Says that "they" were really concerned with
what she was wearing tonight. Jon says that it's for TV purposes.
Sabrina leaves and Jon asks RoRo to give him and Neda a second. Neda
plops down next to Jon and says that if this twist does happen, who do
we vote off. Jon says one of the Gremlins has to go regardless.
11:45AM BBT: Adel is in the Storage room and talks straight to
the camera... He says that his plan is in motion. Now he has to go tell
Neda that Sabrina will try to manipulate all of the jury votes against
12:00PM BBT: Everyone is still getting ready for tonight's
evictions and just like that we get "Hush" screens.
Feeds came back to find Jon, Heather, and Neda sleeping. Rachelle is
eating in the kitchen while Sabrina is still packing. Alarms sound to
wake up the nappers. (Really seems like they intentionally started the
feeds just to sound the alarm and wake up the nappers) Jon says that
they always nap a few hours before the ceremony and assumes the feeds
are still on.
12:12AM BBT: "Hush" screens on all feeds.
NAP TIME! or at least they are trying desperately to get one in. BB has
been sounding the alarm to keep them up. Jon puts something in the
Have-Not room and realizes it's dark. He wanders off only to hear it get
locked and runs over to check if what he heard was right. Yep, Locked.
"I was going to sleep in there, pretty sneaky BB" as he points into the
12:56AM BBT: The feeds are Hushed.
Tonight's Show in Colour
on Slice TV at 9:00PM:
Remember, you can watch Big Brother as it airs
HERE.This program contains sexuality, course language and mature subject
matter, just like high school.
Arisa reminds us that last week was a shocker when Allison joined Arlie
in the jury house. We see the highlights of last night's show. The
Stampede competition that Peter came in to host. Neda won the PoV and a
secret meeting with Jillian and Emmett from last season. We see the egg
hunt that Jon won and the slop punishment for Neda. Neda kept the
nominations the same. Tonight, we will see the drama that has happened
in the house. Will Neda cut Jon loose? Doorbell! Someone is at the door!
Arisa reminds us the finale is two weeks away.
A recap of
Neda's PoV ceremony is shown. Rachelle says no matter what she does she
feels she is going home. Neda says the next few days is all about
securing jury votes, she is being nice to everyone. Heather doesn't like
Rachelle and is looking forward to her leaving. Sabrina doesn't know how
she will do in the house without Rachelle.
Rachelle feels at this
point it is set in the HGs minds that it will be endurance this week so,
they all want Rachelle out. Sabrina "I look fatter today!"
is in the backyard talking to the pictures. He says "Last HoH winner
takes all" Adel's strategy is to make everyone going to jury mad, then
he will be taken to the final two and can explain in the finale why he
did what he did.
Jon is called to the DR and Adel convinces the
Sloppy Seconds to hide on Jon. He can't find them. He is worried because
Neda disappeared a few days ago. He tells us that if that is the case,
he is probably self evicting. He starts to get worried, runs through the
house and can't find any of them. He checks each room and finds them in
the bedroom because Adel is giggling. They are all laughing. Jon says
"Whatever big deal, I wasn't looking for you anyway!"
Neda and
Heather discuss what they should do to get to final three. Neda worries
because Adel has survived this long, he was a huge target but not
anymore. They both worry about taking Jon to the final. Neda tells us if
she is playing to win this game, she has to get rid of Jon. He questions
Neda about what she is thinking, he says he is put off by her face
lately. She brushes it off. Says everything is fine.
We see the
jury house! Arlie says "This is a clothing is optional jury house," and
he is naked on the deck, naked! Next he jumps naked in the lake.
We see Allison walk in. She is tiptoeing. He is on the couch laying
down, she lays down on him and asks "how does one sleep on the couch?"
He is surprised to see her. She tells him about the instant eviction. He
says Jon and Neda are killer in this game. Arlie thinks Heather and Neda
will make it to the end of the game. He adds Sabrina, Rachelle and Adel
won't be able to beat them. Allison has realized that Neda is the brains
and Jon is the brawn. Arlie says he is letting the game stay in the game
and just have fun in the jury house! They are in the hot-tub and Arlie
says it is clothing optional again and he takes off his trunks. She
Arisa talks with the HG. Rachelle says it is difficult,
Sabrina says she thinks it is going to be harder to leave a friend
behind. The vote is coming up!
Arisa reminds us the Gremlins are on the block, she adds that Heather
has found her "sweet spot."
Heather, Jon and Neda are outside,
talking about how they have gotten this far. Heather tells them that she
would go outside week three and how mean the girls were in the first few
weeks. She has been picked on for having a high voice and pimples. She
says she would look up at the moon and think of home. She left home at
16 and was going in the wrong direction and she changed her direction of
her life, she had to grow up quick. She says final 5, 4, Jon says "Ummmm"
and when she says three he says "Yesssssss." Heather goes inside and Jon
pushes for Heather to be in their final three for sure.
It is the delivery of Jon's Easter prize items. They got whisky, beers,
cigars, burger meals (McDonalds) and Jon feels bad because Neda can't
enjoy it. She is on slop.
Heather says they
just had an amazing dinner and "Just like every family, here comes the
fight." We see Adel and Sabrina fighting. We see the fight in week two
between Adel and Sabrina and she gets rude about religion. They fought
back and forth, Adel walked away a few times. We see the bickering
through out the season. She says "You were screaming at me with 100
thousand people in the room." He says "There were not, don't say that."
There were 6 people in the room. The sugar incident is brought up and
Sabrina back tracked a few times when explaining it.
pleads her case to Jon. She wants to win HoH to get rid of Adel. He
tells her he will think about it and it has to stay between the two of
them. Sabrina really wants to send Adel home. In the DR she says, "He
said he would throw himself off a bridge if I sent him home, well...
that might not be so bad."
Final pleas. Rachelle tells the HGs
they have to do what they have to do, She tells Sabrina how much she
loves her and can't wait to see her outside the house. Sabrina says this
is the end of the gremlins, she will booty pop and do what she has to do
outside the house. She thanks BB for the opportunity.
Neda votes
Rachelle, Heather votes Rachelle, Jon votes Rachelle. Arisa tells
them by a vote of 3-0 Sabrina is safe, "Rachelle you have been evicted."
Rachelle hugs everyone, Sabrina says to say hi to Allison for her. They
all yell "Shine bright like Rachelle Diamond" as she leaves the house.
Arisa calls Rachelle out to the stage. They hug. Rachelle sits. She
says "This is so weird, people!" She says she saw it coming as they told
her she was going home as she was a threat. Arisa asked her why she
didn't campaign more.
Rachelle says she didn't have a lot of
arguments and she didn't want to campaign against her best friend in the
house. Rachelle says she makes friends easily but, did not expect to
make a best friend and Sabrina will be a best friend for life. Rachelle
says if Sabrina doesn't win the HoH, she might be screwed. In the
messages, Adel says this is game and there is nothing stronger than the
bond of Edmonton, when they are out, they will shine like Diamonds.
Heather says this move was strictly game. Neda adds she needed her gone
because she could win an endurance competition. Jon will miss her
antics, like peeing in the hot-tub. He hopes to see her soon but not too
soon. Sabrina says she will go after all of the people in the house for
her. "#Hashtag Gremlins, love you and see you soon!"
welcomes us back. It is the HoH competition. It is called "End of the
rope"! The HGs are attached to a long winding, knotted rope. They must
crawl, climb, untie and get to the end while in water that is knee deep.
First one to the end wins!
They jump in to start untying knots.
No one is "leading". Arisa tells us there are lots of knots and the
water is ice cold. Adel is cheering everyone one. He applauds, yells
"Good Job!"
It's hard to tell who is in the lead and Arisa says
that is all the time we have tonight. Tune in Sunday to find out who won
and the cafe press store and live feeds are available 24-7. She says
Emmett is their special guest tonight on the side show and you can vote
for the BB awards at bigbrothercanada.ca "Remember, someone is always
Tonight's show was written up by IndigoAquarious, Thank You!
Did you miss tonight's episode?
See it
Here No matter where you live! |
BBT: The feeds are back. Adel is praying and once done he heads
downstairs. Jon is in the the HoH room prancing around the room in his
HoH robe, clearly he got through the ropes the fastest.
10:16PM BBT: Everyone is in the HoH room. Correction on the attire
they are all wearing BB onesies. Neda and Jon are drinking his HoH
Heather is talking about Jon's letter from Janelle. Jon is
pacing back and forth constantly with the headphones on his ears. Adel
tells Neda that this guy is getting tanked tonight.
Adel looks
through Jon's HoH clothes and Neda says he is going to borrow a pair of
his pants. Neda invites Jon to do another shot with her and he obliges.
Adel reading Jon's letter in which Janelle says that BB has taken over
her life between the broadcasts and the live feeds. Neda saying she is
looking for a down payment for a one bedroom condo and needs a hundred
grand at least.
Jon says that living in Newfoundland is much
cheaper than anywhere else in Canada. Janelle apparently told Jon that
he is getting thin and in shape and she likes that he is dressing
better. Neda says, "You're welcome Janelle." Adel tells Jon that she
has, "a nice grill, eh?" Neda says that Janelle looks like Farah
Abrahams, only Janelle is way prettier, she is being careful to not make
it sound like an insult. They are making the rounds checking out the
various HoH pictures as the feeds cut to FotH.
10:34PM BBT:
Feeds are back with everyone in the the HoH room still, Neda announces
she just had five shots in a row and that she will be drunk in about ten
minutes as it will take a while for the alcohol to hit. Heather is on
the bed reading through Jon's letter. Sabrina is listening to the music
and Neda asks So what's happening everybody? The booze is starting to
Adel comes in. Heather asks what these onesies are for and
they think that BB just launched them and want to advertise them so
folks will buy them online. Neda talking about a snowboarder who has a
TV show. Sabrina remarks that ten minutes came early and Neda says yes
that Canada is definitely waking up tonight. Heather on the HoH bed with
her expanding booty up in the air. Neda starting to get sloppy and very
loud. Adel says that there is now only one more HoH when you get
something and then that is it. Sabrina and Neda say the next one is the
most important as it guarantees a spot in final three.
They all
think something crazy is going to happen because of the 20 million. Adel
thinks it might be something crazy like Canada will have the Diamond
PoV. Neda reminds them that last year when Canada had the veto they had
to use it. Sabrina says the point of Canada having the veto is to change
it. Sabrina saying that this year the theme is Canada and that vetos
have been given away this season that the twist will be Canada will have
the Diamond PoV. (Power to replace one of the nominees.)
10:42PM BBT: They are now talking about are Kelly.
Neda says
that they are now all guaranteed jury and that BB will pay for their
family members to come to the finale. Neda says she has a onesie so she
is happy. Heather says she thinks they will wake them up in the middle
of the night because of the onesies. They all say that they have not had
to stay up for a competition or a task yet. Neda wants everyone left to
have an amazing time until it is done. Sabrina does too and Neda says
she is doing a good job of not excluding herself.
Adel edges
close to trouble by saying that Rachelle did not even look at us (Adel
and Heather) during the speech. Sabrina almost gets it going and Neda
talks over them and gets it shut down. Adel now picks up a Band-Aid and
puts it on his foot without knowing where it came from or who it
belonged to. Sabrina now telling him that the item he put on before was
only for blisters.
Jon returns skipping into the room and wants
Neda to get up and drink another shot with him. She says no and he keeps
calling out the last one. Then Jon wants to play charades and does an
impression of Neda in a high pitched voice. Neda still wants to wait
awhile before having another and Jon says it will be gone before she is
Adel says this week might be the week of fun. Jon saying
that Janelle would destroy Neda if they got into a fight. Neda has never
been in a physical fight ever she argues verbally. Neda thinks it is
better when someone beats you in a verbal battle than a physical fight.
10:51PM BBT: Jon tells them all to be grateful and
appreciative of the opportunity they all have been granted now being
final five in BBCAN2. Sabrina says she is glad and it is easier because
they are all being good to her. Jon is on the soapbox about how all
fifteen of them are bonded by this experience.
Jon now telling a
story about Kenny and Andrew and him in the kitchen. Andrew made fries
then poured vinegar on the fries as he was pouring it on them. He and
Kenny just looked at one another and said, "No." Neda cannot believe
they do not like vinegar on their fries.
Sabrina telling a story
about her First Five alliance and Jon interrupts wanting her to admit
that it was the worst alliance ever in this game. He tell her she
aligned herself with bad people and bad game players. She was the only
one that was loyal to the group. He picks her up and dumps her on the
Feeds three and four now show Neda sitting alone in the
hot-tub area. Sabrina wonders where she is and starts calling out to
her. Heather says she is probably outside while Jon says she is likely
puking. He leaves the room saying he will go get her.
They meet
in the kitchen and turn back around heading to the hot-tub again.
Heather squeaks that she loves the onesies and still thinks they are for
something. Jon and Neda talking strategy and Neda was worried about what
Heather showed her after the competition and she is afraid that if
Heather won that Jon would be on the block. He says not to worry he
would have won the veto. Neda sees that she sees you me and Sabrina in
final three She wins part one and he wins part two so they go to the
finale. Neda still worried about a twist. Jon thinks that Canada loves
the two of them together. [Ehh, comme-si, comme sa.]
BBT: Heather is talking about how she wants this to be something
that she always feels was a great experience in her life. Adel has
joined the outside pair now and game talks comes to a halt.
pulls Jon out to the hallway but he talks so softly that it cannot be
heard. Adel says he always thought they were final two. Neda tells him
they have talked about final three with him. Adel wants them to know
that whatever they want he is down with it.
Upstairs Heather is
recalling when she was HoH and what she was able to do. Sabrina tells
her that if she was HoH she would likely get rid of Jon. Heather says
that Adel would have a lot of jury votes and Sabrina says he would not
have many jury votes.
Jon and Neda are blowing smoke up Adel's
butt and he is telling them how to explain them not putting him on the
block. They say that if Canada has the Diamond PoV, then Neda is going
They are heading up the stairs and Jon asks her if she wants
another shot but she declines saying that she is good for another hour.
Adel tells her it will all be gone by then.
They are all in the
HoH again and Adel is passing out [OMG, and he doesn't even drink, oh
wait..] Adel is passing out batteries.
Sabrina tries to return
to her story about the First Five on night one and how Kyle was when he
came in the house. Neda says she made a Final Two with Kyle while they
were on the ice block. Jon doing an impression of Kyle stripping off his
shirt as he entered the house. Neda wants to see how Arlie was when he
walked in.
Jon gives Heather a shot and she wants a fruit juice
They are talking about Arlie's burping and the guys
farting. Neda says she was going to punch him in the face during the
hang in there competition. Jon says he told her it was the only one that
he did not throw. Adel says his back was in pain and he did not throw it
at all. Adel saying that BB is not a sprint it is a marathon. Jon
announces he is final five then corrects himself saying final four, that
is stupid. The stupid audio cuts out again.
11:15PM BBT:
Adel says that Paul did not hate anyone and that he was playing for the
chance to be on the All-Stars season since he knew he could not win.
Adel is now speculating about who will be on next year's Side Show.
They think Sabrina could be on it as she may be a one line wonder in the
DR. Adel thinks that their cast and last years cast will all be best
friends. They only one they will hate will be Kyle. Adel says they may
not like Andrew either. Now they say that Tom never called a girl a
bitch but Andrew every day said something that he should not have said.
Neda says that to be fair Andrew always said things to their faces while
Kenny talked behing their backs. Adel does not think it is OK just
because you day it in the open. Neda still wants to see how Arlie was
when he walked in the house and Sabrina is now going to do the
impression with Jon giving her elaborate directions where to do it.
Jon and Adel says that Arlie had the whole game planned from the
time he entered the house. Neda now shows how she was shaking when she
entered the house. Both Heather and Neda say they were freaked when they
saw so many gorgeous girls in the house and felt there would be more
competition than they ever expected.
11:23PM BBT: Adel
tells how his brother told him to just go in the house and be himself
and shake things up.
Jon is talking to Sabrina again about the
First Five alliance and how it was risky to do that with people that you
did not know. Jon now going over the fact that every lie she told was
for her alliance, she was a bitch for her alliance. Jon says he would be
more than a bitch he would be ruthless for his alliance. He tells her
she was the only one who was loyal and who never turned on them and it
is now Karma that she is the only one who is still in the house. Neda
seconds this notion and Sabrina said that this is what she was told to
think. She says she never spoke one bad word about those four people.
Jon drinks another shot and yells out, "Fuck you Neda," and she
asks him to say something nice before he downs it. It appears Jon has
emptied the bottle and remarks that he is now loaded.
He loudly
now starts ragging on Neda saying that, "I am Neda I drink too much. . .
Jon re-enact his triumph in the HoH competition and how he
blew water out of his mouth every time because to get under the ropes he
had to go completely under water. Jon says he caught up with Heather.
Jon is going to head outside to smoke the last cigar. Neda tells him to
go and then she will join them later. He replies Don't ever tell me what
to do and plops down on the sofa again.
Adel is talking about
when he won buzz worthy and the tweet that told him not to trust Sabrina
to Sabrina.
Jon is talking with Neda, wanting to claim credit
for getting Arlie out of the house.
Adel wants to go outside
now, but Jon wants to read his letter. Sabrina now telling Adel that
both Paul and Arlie told her that Adel called her a cow. Jon jumps in
telling them they don't like one another but they are not going to have
any fights. Jon remarks about how amazing it is that the two of them
have lasted 'til final five. Adel heads downstairs to go transfer the
towels. Jon says he is loaded then tells Sabrina that Adel is not going
to be a dick to her. She says you just said that we are not good to one
another and she is always civil to him. Jon says he said that they did
not like one another not that they mistreated one another. He keeps
telling her that Adel will not mistreat her and all the others their
will help.
Heather stretched out on the bed and Jon asks her if
she is going to help shut down any mistreatment and the feeds cut to
FotH. On the other two feeds Adel is taking towels from the washer and
then the last two feeds cut out also.
11:42PM BBT: Feeds
back as Adel enters the the HoH room and wants them to head outside
because it's "fucking hot in the HoH."
Neda points out to Jon
that Janelle told him to ease up on the drinking. Heather is listening
to the music and wants to finish the song before she leaves. Sabrina
stays too.
The three hit the storage room to get ice for their
glasses. Heather calls out that she misses her boyfriend as she takes
off the headphones and heads out. Sabrina takes the headphones from her.
Downstairs Jon tells Adel that he is one of the most good
looking men this season. Adel says that of all the guys he would not
want to fight Kyle or him.
Jon lights the cigar and they sit on
the red chairs as Adel comes in and sets down a lumberjack jacket on the
wood deck to sit on. Adel and Neda now talking about Jedi training and
getting ready for the last competitions.
Heather in the kitchen
and Neda tells the hot-tub group that she was scared that Heather was
going to make a move to put Jon up. Adel says he thought anyone would
make that move. Jon gives his pat answer than then he just would have
won veto.
Adel says that everyone in the jury likes Sabrina but
only Arlie would vote for him. [He is still working his plan to position
himself as easy to beat in Final Two.] Adel says he knows he is going to
make money as a businessman no matter what. Jon says that every week he
lasts, he is worth more.
Heather now enters the room and Jon
calls out to her. Neda is worried about a Diamond PoV this week or they
might not do a veto competition at all. Neda says that this is when Gary
came back last season. Neda tells Jon that if he tells her to shut up
one more time when he is drunk she will punch him. He says he has one
more left but she tells him he has used them all up.
Jon is the
only one of them to never have gone on the block even though he has been
a target since week two. Adel has only been on the block when Jon had to
put up a replacement nominee. He tells Adel that he was the only one who
would take it and not throw a fit. He wanted Allison to go home and
Heather and Neda would have been pissed. Neda says that they would have
been done.
11:56PM BBT: Jon says he is on board with the
final four, "and it is us, we are the house next week." Heather: "It
does not get any better than that, well 'til someone wins, but for now
it does not get any better."
Jon says that Sabrina is going home
and he is loyal to the four. He says that these are the only alliances
they are true to since the beginning. Adel then asks Neda if they made
an alliance earlier and she reminds him of talking about being brown.
Jon tells her to shut up and she calls him out on it.
Jon is
talking about how the three of them were targets the first three weeks.
They review past votes and say they will not need to know the numbers
only who was up and who went home. [Not necessarily true especially if
there is anything like an OTEV competition. -DRG]
12:02AM BBT: Adel says he cannot believe he thought Jon was a big
ass gumba, a fighter who had been punched out too much. Jon says that
they came in the house all fucking idiots and now they are final four
and no one there is a fucking idiot. Adel says at least they never
called themselves "The Stupids." Neda mentions the girls alliance. Jon
talking about how Arlie always said he had something in the works but
don't ask me any questions. Now they speculate about who will make the
All-Stars season. [Talk about reading your press clippings before they
are even written. -DRG]
12:06PM BBT: Now they are
dissing Paul for having final two agreements with everyone in the game.
Early Jon thought that Paul was gong to be a smart player. We get a
brief shot of Sabrina in the bathroom then back to the hot-tub where Jon
continues holding court dissing Paul. Jon is now talking about how they
saved Heather earlier when Sarah was going to send her out.
12:20AM BBT: The four HGs are rehashing a conversation from after
the potato competition and Jon and Adel don’t agree with what happened.
Jon has one version, Adel has another and Neda says she brought up the
conversation last week and was told something different. Neda is getting
12:29AM BBT: Sabrina joins them while Jon and Adel
are arguing and asks if she should leave. Jon says no, Heather goes to
make Hot chocolate. Jon asks Sabrina to give them a minute. Jon and Adel
say they are good. Neda still seems a little pissed. Jon goes to bring
Sabrina back.
BBT: All the HGs are out in the hot-tub area. [I’ve never seen Sabrina
so quiet! -LacedNotes]
The HGs go back inside except for Sabrina
who stays. She’s upset. In the HoH Jon and Neda are arguing. Sabrina
pops her head in to say goodnight. Jon asks what’s wrong and she starts
crying. Jon gives her a hug. He goes down stairs and Sabrina stays to
talk to Neda. Neda explains she’s mad at Jon. Heather joins them. Neda
thinks there are two weeks left (she’s right) Sabrina thinks three
weeks. They work out it’s two weeks. Then there must be a double
eviction they think or an instant.
1:02AM BBT: Jon is eating
downstairs. Adel joins the girls in the HoH. Sabrina explains why they
thing there are two weeks left. Adel asks if anyone is ready for bed.
Heather and Sabrina are. Jon joins them and Sabrina explains again the
two weeks left. Adel says good night to everyone.
1:12AM BBT:
Sabrina is asking questions about Jon and Janelle. When they are moving
in together. Jon says if he wins money right away otherwise he is in a
lease until august and they will move in together then. Sabrina asked if
they’ll marry in a year. He says yes. Sabrina asks if he’s going to
propose. Jon says no. He’s on national TV. He can’t say. He never new
how much he appreciates Janelle until he was away from her for big
brother. Sabrina can’t believe he’s 23 years old. Janelle is three years
1:24AM BBT: Sabrina and Heather go to take their
make up off. Sabrina goes to the bedroom first. The lights are
starting to dim. She gets into bed. Jon and Neda are in the
HoH. Neda shows Jon where she hid her glass holding a shot of
booze. Jon drinks it. Jon says he wasn’t in the room for the
conversation that he says he was. He knew Adel would argue it,
it would make Neda mad and Heather things they are fighting.
Jon keeps telling Neda to shut up (so he can talk) Neda tells
him to stop and if he does that one more time she’ll punch him.
Jon says she’ll break her hand. Neda laughs.
BBT: Heather joins them. Jon thinks next week will be
endurance. Neda doesn’t think so. Heather is worried about the
twist as it could be almost anything. There are only 6 episodes
left so she thinks everything will happen fast. Heather says
she’s going to bed. Jon tells her to stay here while he gets
water and Neda asks for some.
Heather wonders what
Adel’s game plan is. They think he probably made final two with
Jon. Jon is back with the water. He’s making up the couch since
Neda doesn’t seem to be moving. Heather says goodnight. The
glass Neda is drinking from says Hot Chili Peppers. Neda tells
Jon Heather wanted to know where Adel’s head is at. Jon is hard
to hear. Jon says he’s not going to make a decision that isn’t
the best for the two of them.
1:52AM BBT: In the
bedroom the lights are off. In the HoH Jon and Neda are still
hashing out their plan. Jon is still hard to hear. Jon doesn’t
think Adel would pick Sabrina over Neda because he hates her.
Neda thinks he would. Neda is over thinking things, Jon is
under thinking things.
2:13AM BBT: Neda likes to
talk out every scenario and it drives Jon nuts. They go back
and forth with different senarios. If veto is for prizes Neda
thinks Sabrina would go for veto, Heather prizes, Neda thinks
Jon and her should go for prizes as it doesn’t matter who goes
home this week. Jon says give me a hug and get out of my room.
2:25AM BBT: Jon goes down to get more water and goes
back up to the HoH.
In the bathroom area Neda is
brushing her teeth and washing her face. In the HoH Jon reads
his letter, takes off his mic and listens to music. The lights
are starting to dim. Neda finishes up in the bathroom area and
goes to the bedroom.
2:28AM BBT: All HGs are in
bed and it’s time for me to sign off. Night! -LacedNotes
Today's updaters are: CanFan137, Chief, DRG, IndigoAquarius,
Shutterbug, and SmartyParty.
The views expressed here are
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