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Wednesday, March 26 2014
...and Your Little Dog Too! |
8:00AM BBT:

9:20AM BBT: The HGs are waking up and starting to head
to the bathrooms for their morning ADLs.
9:32AM BBT:
Sarah announcing in the main bedroom that she had to wash her vagina
with shampoo and it "stung like hell." Kenny is fiddling about in the
kitchen, cleaning up a bit and getting the coffee on. Arlie is walking
around doing battery exchanges. Kenny is now sitting in the living room
by himself. Not much talking going on yet.
9:44AM BBT:
Arlie, Kenny, Jon and Kenny a sitting in the living room still
chatting about guns and shooting ranges.. They say Heather in sick in
bed, laying with a puke bucket next to her.
10:02AM BBT:
General chit chat. Only two cameras are up both on the living room .
Andrew is in the kitchen fixing bagels. General chit chat.
10:06AM BBT: Andrew is telling everyone that he thinks
he is going to be portrayed as the villain. He says the fact the Adel
won the #buzzworthy contest and everything that happened yesterday he
just thinks he will be. Rachelle who has joined the living room crew
tells Andrew she thinks he is thinking too much into it. Rachelle
thinks she is going to be portrayed as Jillian and Kenny is Emmett.
Andrew asks her who she thinks he is and she says she doesn't know.
10:15AM BBT: Upstairs in the bathroom area Ika and
Allison are doing ADLs.
10:23AM BBT: No game
talk to report. In the living room Jon, Sabrina , Kenny, and Andrew are
talking about how bad the movies Magic Mike and
Springbreakers were.
10:27AM BBT: Heather
is sick still in bed with a bucket beside her. Sabrina just came the
Have-Not room to check on her and is getting her some tea.
10:29AM BBT: Neda and Adel in the bedroom talking
about Sabrina . Adel is telling her that he kept throwing him under the
bus yesterday. Neda is telling Adel after yesterday she is in so much
trouble. (I believe they are talking about something that happened
yesterday when the feeds were down.)
[Click on
Images to Embiggen] |
11:00AM BBT: Allison, Andrew, Kenny, Sabrina ,
Rachelle at the hot-tub - Talking about Ika leaving. Sabrina wondered
if should hug her and then says no she wouldn't do it. Talking about
good bye messages for Ika.
11:13AM BBT: Sabrina
and Allison at hot-tub still. Sabrina says she's being nice to Heather
because she's sick but they are not friends. Sabina says Adel has to go
next week. Says she is asking everyone not to talk to him - to ignore
11:19AM BBT: Jon, Sarah, Rachelle, Kenny,
Andrew and Sabrina in bedroom. Talking about the news coverage they
would be getting in their respective home towns. Andrew said this is a
time when he wishes he was from a small town.
BBT: Ika and Adele in hot-tub Ika denying to Adele that she
ever repeated anything Kyle told her to the other guys. Ika said she
was beating herself up over her HoH but now she is just walking around
with her head up high and won't stoop to the level of the other
houseguests. They have been shunning her. She now knows how Paul felt.
11:35AM BBT: Ika and Adele in hot-tub still.
Ika says she should have been smarter and taken Paul off the block and
put Andrew up. It would have been quite a different game if Paul had
11:40AM BBT: Sarah in HoH washroom
sitting on a pillow in a corner by herself. Listening to music. Looks
like she's been crying.
12:07PM BBT: Sabrina
and Rachelle in HoH bathroom - Sabrina is dying Rachelle's hair. They
are talking about things they will be doing post show like modelling.
12:14PM BBT: Neda joins Sabrina and Rachelle in
the HoH bathroom. Just general chit chat.
12:17PM BBT:
Andrew and Kenny working out. No game talk.
12:24PM BBT: Sabrina , Rachelle, Neda are in the the HoH room
bathroom area Sabrina talking about Ika. Sabrina says that Ika said
that Neda came to her and told her she was going up. Neda said no, she
told Ika that she wasn't going up. Neda said she later told Ika that
she felt bad for lying to her. Neda wants to confront Ika. Sabrina is
telling her not to. Neda then says she said to Ika that she would not
have made the same decision. Sabrina says "You wouldn't have made the
same decision?" Neda says no she would not have.
BBT: Sabrina Allison Rachelle Neda and Jon are in the HoH
bathroom area, Sabrina is doing Jon's hair.
1:45PM BBT:
Adele and Ika are in the pool area rehashing the fact that she
made mistakes. Adele tells her she messed up (in a joking manner).
1:50PM BBT: Sabrina still doing Rachelle's hair in
the the HoH room bathroom area. Sabrina says that yesterday Adele asked
Heather if everyone hates him again. Rachelle now telling Sabrina not
to cut her hair any shorter. Rachelle upset and now Sabrina tells her
she won't cut any more. Rachelle tells her to finish it.
1:59PM BBT: Ika is in the bedroom, it looks like she
is by herself, collecting her laundry and talking to herself. The
camera is now on Heather looking very sick.
2:00PM BBT:
Ika and Adel are in pool area again. Ika is waiting to put her laundry
in. Ika laughs and Adel asks what she's laughing about. Ika says she's
just laughing about everything. Adel says it's going to be a long day.
They talk about what's going to be coming up in the game. Ika says any
twists seem to favour the underdog and Adel is the underdog. They
speculate which HGs has fan clubs. Ika thinks it's likely Jon has a fan
club. Ika says she's going to get a hard time when she gets out because
before she went in she bragged about how well she knew the game.
2:13PM BBT: Ika says Kenny is not going to win and
Andrew is not going to win because they played the game too fast, too
soon. She says that the winner is not anyone who would be an obvious
winner right now. Ika says she can't wait to see Adel's HoH. Adel says
he'd have the HGs line up outside his door and see them one by one. If
they wouldn't get in the line up then they wouldn't get in. Ika says
her idea was to take the game slowly, but those guys played it fast and
that didn't mesh with her game.
2:23PM BBT: In
the HoH bathroom area. Sarah says she wants to go out but thinks she'll
wait until Ika and Adel vacate the pool area. Then says maybe she will
go out anyway and they'll leave. Sabrina immediately asks Sarah if she
can go with her. Sabrina goes to storage room and gets batteries -
bring two each out to Ika and Adel. Adel says these are the old
batteries, I already got new ones. Sabrina leaves the pool area and
Adel and Ika look at each other and laugh. Sabrina and Sarah headed
outdoors with their cool lumber jackets. Sabrina and Sarah put on their
flannel jackets that BB gave them and head out to the hot-tub. Ika and
Adel are chatting by pool
2:24PM BBT: Sabrina
and Sarah are talking about tomorrow's eviction, and wondering if it
will be a double eviction. Sabrina : "I really want Adel gone." Jon and
Kenny join them at the hot-tub.
2:25PM BBT:
Sabrina , Sarah and Kenny are at the hot-tub. Sarah: "Guys, I want to
win HoH so badly." Kenny: "Me too. so bad it hurts." Kenny talks about
how bad he wants a letter. They both want letters from home. Kenny
thinks there is still something that's going to happen that's going to
rock the house. Sarah is wondering if she should say something about
First Five in her good bye message. Sabrina said no. They don't know if
someone might come back and therefore can't risk exposing themselves.
Jon went to get some socks and while he was away they started talking
about him and how he is scared right now and because of that he won't
make any big moves. They hear someone else coming and stop talking.
Rachelle joins them.
2:29PM BBT: Sabrina
compares the First Five alliance to The Exterminators, Chilltown...
3:42PM BBT: Sarah is in the bedroom crying after
having an argument with Andrew. She can't stand him bullying Ika, she
says it's "disgusting."
Sarah is upset over Andrew
bullying Ika. |
3:44PM BBT: Arlie joins
Sarah in bedroom. She's upset saying Andrew needs to leave Ika alone.
Sabrina is in the bedroom now too. telling Sarah to just ignore Andrew.
Sarah says she doesn't want to be seen laughing with someone who says
disgusting things (referring to Andrew).
3:58PM BBT:
Sabrina is consoling Sarah in HoH bathroom. They continue to talk about
things that Andrew does that annoys them.
4:25PM BBT:
Feeds back. The housemates (except Ika and Adel) are gathered on green
4:45PM BBT: Sabrina is VERY mad that Adel used the
last of the sugar to make syrup for his slop, so that she didn't have
any sugar to put in her slop cookies.
5:00PM BBT: Sabrina
is in the the HoH room alone, dancing and looking at herself in the
mirror. The other HGs are sitting on couches in living room , chatting
about a comp, and being happy they didn't get a chum bath. We can hear
Ika/Rachelle in kitchen. The guys joke that Sarah is probably a
Lacrosse pro and just pretending she is just a "mom."
5:10PM BBT: Ika
and Adel are at the kitchen counter, she is whispering something to him
but can't make out what she is saying. Sabrina is still dancing for
herself in the HoH room. Other HGs are talking about food and weapons.
Sarah jokes that BB took all her weapons out of her bag. Somehow, the
HGs are talking about drugs, wondering what a controlled substance is
and what they are made of. Jon says many Newfies are on Methadone now.
Kenny said there was a crack house across from his place and it was so
much entertainment and drama.
5:20PM BBT: Sabrina has followed Adel
and Ika are out at the hot-tub. Ika asks, "Is there a reason you're
here?" Sab: "Is there a reason you bumped into me?" Ika: "Shut up. Go
on the treadmill and shut up." Ika goes on to tell Sabrina that she's
lucky she's headed home this week because if Ika had another week she'd
put her and her pet up on the block next week if she won HoH. Sabrina
ran in and told the rest of the house that Ika threatened her and her
pet if she were going to be here longer than a single night.
Ika tells Adel Sabrina just came out to start drama. "She is so fake."
She calls Sabrina a snake and tells Adel to watch out for her.
tells the HGs in living room what happened and one of them says Ika
bumping into Sabrina is "physical abuse," and if she feels threatened
to go to the DR. She says they won't let her in.

Sabrina is
crying, swearing and shouting as she repeats her cookies and sugar
story and how Adel took the sugar away from her. She says that Ika told
her she is fat and to go away and go on treadmill. [Sabrina is fluffing
up the story, a bit.] She really starts with the cuss words and screaming,
"This thing about me being fat? Fuck you, I was a model you, fucking
whore!" and the
feeds have all gone to FotH.

BBT: The feeds are back on.
5:50PM BBT:
Ika and Adel are at hot-tub, still talking about Sabrina crying. Adel
can't stand her. Ika says she won't bash her anymore because it will
hurt Adel's game. Ika says Sabrina takes the game so personally.
The other HGs on couches are still chatting, Sabrina isn't seen on
the feeds.
6:00PM BBT: Ika and Adel are still
at the hot-tub talking about slop. Ika says BB probably did the food
challenge for Sabrina 's sake. She is upset they put Adel on slop and
not the other guys. They chat about music and ethnicity. She notes that
people don't separate different sub cultures. It's just White, Asian,
etc.. She never knew there were Muslims of different ethnicity and such
until she moved out this way. He explains Palestine and Israel to her.
She thinks cultures are cool, enjoys learning about them.
6:25PM BBT: Heather, Allison, Sarah, Rachelle, Kenny,
Andrew, Jon and Neda are still in the living room. They're
playing word games and laughing having a good time. Meanwhile,
Ika tells Adel she thinks she got a cold sore from sharing
Program Note: Tomorrow's Big
Brother Side Show (it comes on at 10PM, after BB) with special guest, BB Challenge Producer, Trevor Boris, (he's also the
voice of Marsha the Moose) Trevor will have special behind the scenes
footage and ' The Making of a Challenge.'

6:40PM BBT: Sabrina is out of the DR, she's been
off camera for the last 45 minutes since she went on a tirade over her
clash with Ika. Sabrina is quiet now, her eyes puffy from crying.
6:50PM BBT: The living room crowd has moved to the
kitchen where they're getting dinner ready.
7:04PM BBT:
Feeds are back. Kenny, Arlie and Jon by the hot-tub talking about Ika
confrontation. Kenny and Jon are talking about Ika and the things she
said to Sabrina . Jon was saying how he thought BB was going to do an
instant eviction. It appears that BB told all the HGs the exact words
Ika used, and clarified that Ika never told Sabrina "I'll do your dog
in." The guys are talking about how HGs going home have "gone batty"
(gone crazy and stirring shit up).
Ika, Neda and Adel are in the
bathroom area. Ika is going her hair, and otherwise the two are pretty
quiet after Neda walks away.
7:08PM BBT: Jon,
Arlie and Kenny are talking about how Ika threatened Sabrina's dog -
saying "I'll do your dog in." Jon explains that he just wanted to get
someone else's opinion on the situation and needed to get in someone
else's head. Conversation switches to what day it is in the house and
they head back inside.
Sabrina is heading out to the hot-tub
while the guys are walking in - the guys head back out with her.
Sabrina is explaining the situation to the guys. Sabrina says that she
did interrupt her when she was saying "I'll do..." and Ika never
finished her sentence. Sabrina says that she loves Big Brother but they
just made her look like an idiot. Sabrina says that she would not have
just made up the story. Sabrina then goes to demonstrate how Ika
brushed her shoulder, BB told Sabrina they reviewed the tapes. The guys
are reassuring Sabrina saying they don't doubt her - everyone keeps
saying Ika is going home tomorrow morning regardless. Sabrina
apologizes that the HGs had to get spoken to by BB.
7:17PM BBT: The guys head back inside and Sabrina stays out by
the hot-tub to get more air. Sabrina is talking to herself saying "I am
so pissed off, how did I misunderstand her I have no idea." Rachelle
joins Sabrina at the hot-tub.
Sabrina goes on to explain, "She
for sure said, you and your pet are lucky I am not here after
tomorrow." Sabrina says, "I just want you to know I didn't try to make
her look worse." Sabrina says "We did not just brush shoulders."
Rachelle says, "I 100% believe you, she's been doing things like that
all day." Sabrina goes on to say that she wasn't looking for attention,
"I have enough attention." Rachelle and Sabrina continue to talk about
it. Sabrina agrees she shouldn't have gone outside when she did, but
she doesn't like to be intimidated. Conversation continues.
Ika and Adel are in the bathroom area
still, there's little conversation happening in there.
7:18PM BBT: Sabrina tells Rachelle that she just wants have
dinner and hide in the room until Ika is evicted. She says she was
annoyed that Ika pushed her so she went outside where Ika and Adel was,
she says Ika told her, "Is there a reason why you're out here?" and
Sabrina said, "Is there a reason why you pushed me in the stairs?" [I
watched the feeds and this is not how it happened, Sabrina fully
provoked Ika by going outside. -latincanadian]
7:27PM BBT: HGs are at the dining table eating dinner. General
conversation about food and how to cook it.
7:34PM BBT:
Ika and Adel in the bathroom area still, talking about Ika meeting
Brenden and how she believes everything happens for a reason. (If she
didn't have her first child, she wouldn't have met Brenden, who
introduced her to Big Brother.) Ika talks deeply about how she
used to be embarrassed about being a teen mom, but not anymore. Ika
says, "Its better to be somebody inspite of something bad happening
rather than because of something bad happening." Ika and Adel talking
about family and the type of family they want.
Jon comes up to
use the toilet and Ika gives Adel a eye roll and they laugh. In the end
Ika and Adel are laughing about how loud Jon is peeing. "It sounds like
a waterfall."
Sabrina and Rachelle are still by the hot-tub
venting and ranting about Ika.
7:45PM BBT: Ika
and Adel are playing soccer in the backyard.
Jon goes out to
check on Sabrina and Rachelle in the hot-tub area. Jon is reassuring
her that they all believe her. Sabrina doesn't want anyone think she
did it to make Ika look bad.
7:52PM BBT:
Sabrina and Rachelle are inside at the dining table with other HGs
eating dinner. The conversation is about last season and how the
evictions happened - specifically Topaz' instant eviction.
and Ika are by the pool.
Sarah and Jon are by the hot-tub. Sarah
is talking about how she was defending Ika and telling other HGs to
stop bullying others. Sarah feels stupid for defending someone who is
doing what is doesn't. General conversation about Jon's dad and Sarah
saying how she likes to sit outside and think about her family.
8:39PM BBT: Rachelle and Sabrina are in the HoH room.
Sabrina didn't know there were naked pictures of Emmett
on the internet. Rachelle wonders if there are naked pictures of her
out there. [Not yet, but we're watching...]
8:42PM BBT: Rachelle wonders if she can
switch places with a have-not so she can go on slop. She wants to lose
the 9 lbs she has gained since coming in the house.
Tonight's Show in Colour
on Slice TV at 9:00PM:
Remember, you can watch Big Brother as it airs
HERE.This program contains sexuality, course language and mature subject
matter, so it's kind of like the video of Rob Ford at McDonalds.
Previously, on BB Canada, Sarah's vote to send Paul packing sent
shockwaves through the house, shattering the girls alliance. Vowing
revenge, the girls headed into the HoH competition determined to hang on
to their fractured alliance. In the end it was Rachelle that defeated a
devastated Sarah. With the pressure to make a big move weighing heavily
on her, Rachelle turned to Sabrina for guidance. And with a pinky swear,
Sabrina 's plan to manipulate Rachelle's HoH was put into place. Ika
desperately tried to get Rachelle to nominate Kenny or Andrew but
Sabrina stepped in to protect the boys of the First Five. When it was
all said and done, Rachelle played into Sabrina 's strategy, leaving the
First Five safe for another week. Tonight, with the First Five alliance
getting stronger, will the remaining HGs catch on? Will Sabrina continue
to control the house? And who will win the PoV? Find out now, on BB
We pick up after the nomination ceremony. Sarah tells us
that she loves that Allison is on the block; she is a threat to First
Five and to Sarah personally so she will consider what is best for her
long term. Allison tells us that this is brutal. We all know pawns go
home; it's imperative that she win the veto. Heather tells us she is not
surprised to be on the block. She will have to start from scratch and
try to be nice to everyone and hopefully they'll want to keep her.
Sabrina tells us she is thrilled by Rachelle's nominations. They are
perfect for her, and for the First Five Alliance. Rachelle tells us she
doesn't know she could have made the decisions without Sabrina. She
really helped her and has her back, and that is the biggest thing. And
she has hers.
Ika tells us there are way bigger targets in the
house and putting up Heather and Allison is a very weak move. At least
it's not her on the block. Sabrina tells us that Allison is strictly a
pawn, and so is Heather. The real person they want out after PoV is Ika.
Heather approaches Sabrina to see where her loyalties lie. Sabrina tells
us Heather is so annoying. She obviously knew about the nominations;
they were her decision. Heather tells us that after her conversation
with Sabrina , she knows she can't trust her and they are not friends.
Allison tells us she wants to talk to Andrew to get some reassurance
because he's the only person she trusts at this point. Andrew tells us
he enjoys hanging out with Allison, she's an awesome person but Sabrina
has put some doubt in his mind. Andrew hopes to play veto and tells
Allison if he wins he will use it on her. Andrew tells us he is sincere
in that statement, but if the showmance comes in the way of the First
Five, he'll have to evict her.
Adel and Ika are in the bathroom area. Adel wants her to know if she's not
close to the girls, she is in big trouble. He counsels her on things to
say to them, things to pump them up. Adel tells us the girls staying
strong is the only way to take out the big dogs. Them separating places
everyone else in jeopardy. Ika tells us it is hard to be nice to the
girls because they are shady, especially Sabrina who is the ringleader.
Adel tells Ika that if he wins PoV, he won't take anyone off the block
in case they put her up. Ika tells us he might be right so she will
repair her relationship with the girls to protect her and Adel's game.
Later, Sabrina and Rachelle are talking and Sabrina suggests taking
Ika out over Heather. Sabrina tells us that is best for her game, and
for the First Five alliance's game. Ika is a threat, and the next time
she wins she will put up Andrew and Kenny, the strongest physical
threats in her alliance. Rachelle tells us Sabrina has given her a lot
to think about. Ika is definitely a threat and back-dooring her is
possibly a good idea.
Time to pick players for the PoV
competition! Rachelle tells us she doesn't want Ika or Adel picked for
PoV. She plans to back door Ika, and Adel is close to Ika. Rachelle
draws first and draws Houseguests Choice. Kenny begs to be chosen, so
Rachelle chooses him. Kenny tells us he is competitive and hates losing
and always wants to play. Allison draws Sarah, Heather draws Jon.
Rachelle chooses Sabrina to host.
In HoH, Ika gathers Neda,
Sabrina and Rachelle together to try and salvage the girls alliance. Ika
works on convincing the girls that they are in bigger danger with the
guys around. Sabrina tells us Ika doesn't have anywhere else to go. She
leaves the room and hopes Rachelle will follow like she usually does.
Ika tells us she's not stupid. Last week they were buddy-buddy and this
week they won't look her in the eye or talk to her; she is in trouble.
In the backyard, the PoV players are dressed like 80's gym class.
There's blocks with point values, BB bags lined up and a lacrosse stick.
Sabrina comes out, dressed like a referee. "In the BB Canada house, we
play hard and we party hard! Right now it's time to play hard for the
PoV! This competition is called LaCrosse Fire and this is how it works.
In each round, all players will have 1 shot at the blocks and try and
get the highest score they can. At the end of each round, the player
with the lowest score will be eliminated. But before you take a seat,
claim your prize from the gym bags. Just don't get too attached to it
because the player after you has the chance of claiming your prize or
keeping their own."
Kenny tells us he doesn't want the bottom two
spots because he knows he will have to do something ridiculous. The last
player standing will win the POV. The game starts.
On round 1,
Kenny gets 4 points. Jon goes next; he tells us he wants to win a big
prize. Jon misses the blocks and scores a 0. Heather is up next and
scores a 1. Rachelle is up; she scores a 2. Sarah is up next; she tells
us she doesn't need to win the POV; she has mended things with Rachelle
and she feels safe. Sarah scores 1 point. Allison is up last and scores
1 point. Jon is the first one eliminated. He claims the 6th place prize:
Jon wins the veto!
Rachelle starts round 2 with 0 points, Heather
gets 3 points. Sarah gets 5 points, Kenny scores 1 point. Allison scores
1 point and Rachelle is eliminated. Rachelle claims the 5th place prize
and wins "Pool Party for 1". Anytime she hears the airhorn go off in the
next 24 hours, she has 2 minutes to get into the pool and swim at least
1 lap. If she doesn't, she will be punished. Rachelle switches with Jon,
who comments it is going to be a long 24 hours.
Round 3: Sarah 3
points, Allison 1 point, Heather 3 points. Kenny gets 5 points, Allison
is eliminated. Her 4th place prize is a cash prize (amount to be
announced at the end of the competition). Allison switches with
Rachelle, taking the veto. Round 4: Sarah 5 points, Kenny 5 points,
Heather 0 points and is eliminated. Heather's 3rd place prize is "Hot
Doggin' It". For the rest of the week, she will be the hottest dog in
the house in her wiener outfit. Allison covers her face and laughs,
telling us she knows she will get it. Heather decides to switch with
Rachelle, taking the cash prize over the veto. Heather tells us she
chooses the money, knowing Kenny or Sarah are going to take the veto
Final round: Sarah gets 2 points, Kenny gets 0 points,
making Sarah the winner! Kenny's 2nd place prize is a slop pass. Kenny
trades with Heather for the cash prize. Kenny tells us he had been
considering using the veto on Allison anyway. If Heather had had the
necklace, he 100% would've taken it from her. Sarah claims her first
place prize: pulls out a card stating "Walk it Off". Sarah will be given
a workout uniform to wear and a pedometer and will have to walk at least
10,000 steps each day for the rest of the week. Sarah tells us she hates
any form of exercise, and trades with Heather for the slop pass.
Allison's mouth drops open - she still has the veto. Heather tells us
she can't believe Sarah didn't take the veto; she feels like an idiot
for not taking the veto.
Sarah tells us she didn't take the veto
cause it doesn't make sense for her to get involved in this week's
nominations. She wants to let Rachelle's plan go through. Allison cannot
believe she won the veto in 4th place. Kenny's cash prize is.... $18.35.
In the DR, Allison says she owes Sarah. Ika tells us when she
sees Allison still has the veto, she is thinking that she is next.
Later, by the pool, Ika asks Jon if he knows who will Rachelle will put
up next. He doesn't think it will be Ika; he can't see it.
tells Jon her worst move was trying to stay loyal to people who weren't
loyal back. Jon tells her she has a lot of game left. Ika tells us she
thinks her days in this house are numbered.
We are shown clips of
the airhorn going off throughout the night and Jon having two minutes to
run down to the pool and swimming 1 lap. Jon tells us once you jump in,
it wakes you up and you have trouble going back to sleep and then once
you're asleep, it goes off again. Jon says he had support from the HGs
the whole time (insert Arlie telling BB to make him take a swim; Jon
cusses at him). BB obliges Arlie; Jon can't wait for the 24 hours to be
over. It is mentally and physically exhausting. He is not the big happy
go lucky guy he was two days ago. When he is sleeping, he is dreaming
about hearing the buzzer, afraid of missing it. There were times he woke
up, thinking he heard it, debating maybe he didn't and then he'd go get
in the pool anyway to be on the safe side.
Heather comes out of
the DR in her workout uniform. She has to wear the outfit until the
night of live eviction. Heather tells us she loves that she gets to wear
a bright and fun outfit while Rachelle has to walk around as a hot dog.
Rachelle tells us she did not imagine herself, the HoH as a hot dog.
It's a little bit unfortunate that her one week as a princess is now a
week as a hot dog.
Arlie is coming out of DR when Marsha appears
inside one of the white picture frames in the DR hallway. He jumps up
and down with excitement. He tells us he has dreamed of getting a task
from Marsha the Moose. Marsha tells him she has a mission, but it's a
secret or his head will end up on a wall like his. She has two tasks for
him. The first is to shave his head, "You looks like roadkill! You're
welcome, Canada!"
Sabrina shaves Arlie's head for him. Arlie goes
to see Marsha, who says she doesn't know if it's better or worse, "Oh
well, too late now." Time for his secret mission. Arlie was born ready,
he says. His role is to take each HGs aside and tell each of them one
harsh truth about themselves. It should be easy, she quips, "these
people are horrible!" If Arlie succeeds, he will win a fabulous reward
for the entire house. "It's a goodie!" If he fails, they'll all be
punished and it won't be pretty!
Arlie starts with Allison in
the bathroom area. Arlie tells us she was complaining about her weight
earlier in the day to the girls. He knows it's going for the jugular but
he is going to go for it. Arlie tells Allison she's put on a bit of slop
since going off slop. In the DR, Allison wonders, "Who says that?!?! To
a girl!?!?"
Arlie goes to see Andrew next, takes him into HoH.
Arlie tells Andrew sometimes he gets annoyed with Andrew for the way he
treats him. Andrew thanks him, says he doesn't realize it and they hug
it out. Rachelle walks in, so Arlie tells her he feels like she is a
bitch to him sometimes. Arlie tells Adel when he is getting ready to go
to bed, Adel is really annoying. He tells Jon he smells bad and they may
have to have this talk more than once. Arlie tells Sarah her breath
stinks. Sarah goes to brush her teeth. Arlie tells Heather her voice
grinds his gears sometimes, gets under his skin. Heather asks, "All the
time?" and she apologizes.
In the hammock, Arlie tells Neda she
is a sick and twisted human being. He tells Sabrina she is extremely
emotional and he doesn't want to say the wrong thing to her. Arlie tells
Kenny he think Kenny thinks he is better than Arlie sometimes. Kenny
tells Arlie he might be grumpy sometimes and he tries not to be, but he
doesn't want Arlie to ever feel that way. Arlie tells us Kenny took it
to heart, his reaction was better than he could've imagined. Kenny tears
up and breaks down. Arlie changes his tune, telling him no worries, he's
probably overreacting. They hug it out.
Arlie tells us he takes
extra pleasure in telling Ika the truth about herself. In the hammock,
he tells her when she looks at him, he feels the devil inside her. Just
know one thing that helps him through the game, is that the shape of her
booty is out of this world. Arlie sneaks back to Marsha to get the
approval from her. Arlie jumps up and down, beyond excited. Arlie tells
Marsha she is beyond beautiful and tries to jump up to kiss her. Marsha
says, "Don't tell Peter; am I blushing? Remember, I'm a secret!"
Later, Arlie reads a card from BB: "Hey everyone! You may have noticed I
haven't been quite myself this afternoon and I might have said a few
hurtful things to you guys! Well, it was a task given to me by BB, which
I passed! This means I won a special reward for the house!"
doorbell rings. Everyone looks at each other, stunned.
In comes
Talla! She is carrying two bags of Chinese food in her hands. All the
HGs scream and rush to hug her. Arlie tells us it's his favourite food!
And he's on slop. Talla tells the HGs the Have Not's are allowed to eat
More screaming ensues as they all head down to the kitchen.
Talla, of course, walks down backwards in her heels. Heather tells us
Talla in person is as much fun as she was on TV. Talla tells us being
back in the BB house is so amazing and feels just like home. Arlie
strips naked and gets into the pool.
In the DR, Talla coyly
thanks Arlie for stripping for her. Later, Adel asks Talla to sign their
Canadian flag. In the DR, he quips "Love it!" Arlie tells us the reward
was amazing and will go down as one of the best days in the house. Talla
does leave.
Later, Ika goes to talk to Sabrina in the hammock.
Ika tells us Sabrina is being shady and avoiding her. Sabrina tells us
she is avoiding her; she doesn't want to pretend to be BFF's when she is
the one responsible for putting her up. When Ika asks if Rachelle is
putting her up, Sabrina thinks Rachelle should tell her. Sabrina starts
crying to Ika, saying she doesn't want Ika to hate her, they'll still
talk once she leaves the house. Ika tells us when Sabrina starts
bawling, she feels it's too late. Ika moves Sabrina to the pool for more
privacy; she wants Sabrina to look her in the eyes knowing she is BS'ing
Rachelle walks up to Sabrina and Ika. She tells us she did
not expect to walk into such an intense conversation. Sabrina catches
Rachelle up to speed, and Rachelle says she loves Ika as a person. Ika
says she swears she would never put Rachelle up. Ika tells us it is
killing her to plead to Rachelle in her stupid hot dog competition. Ika
turns on the tears. Rachelle tells us it hurts to see Ika so upset, but
she has to do what is right to her. Rachelle tells Ika she has to do
what is best for her. Sabrina tells us she is proud of Rachelle; she has
thicker skin than Sabrina thought.
Ika goes sobbing inside and
Adel takes her back to the hammock and comforts her. Rachelle and
Sabrina head to the HoH room, Sabrina commenting her sobbing is making
her feel like the devil. Sabrina compliments Rachelle on how well she is
handling Ika's being so upset. In the DR, Ika is sobbing saying Adel's
friendship means a lot to her. She does care about him, he is a loyal
Time for the PoV ceremony. Allison tells us she obviously
will use the PoV to take herself off the block. Heather tells us she is
nervous; she knows someone will have to go up beside her. She only hopes
that whoever else is nominated is not as well liked as she is, giving
her a better chance of staying. Rachelle tells us she will have to
nominate someone else and may nominate Ika to show the house the girls
alliance is dead.
Ika tells us she is wearing black because she
is going to be nominated and it's a funeral for her.
At the
ceremony, Allison uses the PoV on herself. Rachelle nominates Ika in her
place. Rachelle tells her she is nominating her because she is such a
strong player.
Heather tells us Ika being on the block with her
gives her hope that she will be there at least one more week. She feels
Ika has made too many enemies and is not well liked and will leave this
week. Rachelle tells us the next few days are going to be interesting.
Ika is a very dramatic and emotional person and she feels the next few
days will earn a lot of snaps on her. Ika tells us she is so cheezed to
be on the block. On the bright side, she doesn't haven to suck up to
Rachelle's flat butt, or kiss up to Sabrina 's Kim Kardashian type face.
She is going to get Adel to campaign for her and see if they can turn
the house upside down.
Who will be evicted from the house?
Heather or Ika? Can Ika and Adel convince the big boys to let her stay?
Find out, Thursday at 9PM ET on BB Canada!
Tonight's play-by-play
was written by BBLuver.
Did you miss tonight's episode?
See it
Here No matter where you live! |
10:02PM BBT: The HGs are getting up and dressed, wondering why
they have to get up, and slowly gathering in the kitchen. Allison now sitting
next to Jon who is lying on the green couches in just his briefs. Andrew across
the counter from Heather who does not want to be spoken to because, "I am
sleeping." Kenny now joins Andrew in the kitchen and starts munching on chips
with him. Heather comes and sits next to Sabrina and Rachelle in the hot dog
suit takes the stool on Heather's other side. General chit chat going on.
Jon heads out to the hot-tub area where he finds Neda sitting by herself (he
is still in just briefs) they speak briefly and he heads back in then she
follows behind him. Arlie is sitting around the corner of the counter from the
girls and Neda takes the last stoop beyond Rachelle who then gets up and lies
down on the green couch across from the dining table. Ika is in the bedroom on a
bed and Sarah is there changing then heads out to the others. Sabrina is now on
top of Rachelle who was on top of Allison and she is humping away. The two top
girls get up and head back to the kitchen.
Arlie says he wants to go to
bed. The kitchen crew is trying to figure out the time. They all mention going
to bed. In the bedroom, Ika and Adel are talking. She says she staying away from
the crazies. He says he has his card and is staying in the house. They small
talk about the game. (the bedroom is a mess again)
10:11PM BBT:
Neda Arlie and Sarah go to the pantry while Andrew is eating something
straight from the jar as he is frying something on a burner. Heather and Kenny
now in the pantry as well scrounging. Neda and Jon are eating cookies from a
bag. [Adel has not been on camera for a while DR? -DRG]
Neda is now back on a stool spinning back and forth eating an apple.
All the HGs except Adel are back in the kitchen and they are talking
about maybe they should all just stop hiding food from each other.
there is now general debate what time it is and they are all off by at
least an hour. Allison on her hands and knees rocking back and forth on
the green couch then sticking her butt up on the air like a cat in
Everyone else is around the counter except Ika who remains on her bed
in the bedroom and Adel who is still has not been on the feeds.
Conversation again digresses to farts. Adel finally joins Ika in the
main bedroom. He seems grouchy and is telling Ika he does not care and
he has his card and will be staying here anyway so he does not worry
about these bitches. He apparently is upset that BB woke him up for a
DR session. he says he will go back to sleep and is not going to do
this place no favors and try and stay up to give the night folks a
show. [Afterdark is not as appealing, I suppose, since the
house is on Eastern time and these hamsters do not stay up all night.
10:23PM BBT: Ika telling Adel
they are not going to put him up this week as they do not want to give
him a chance to use his power. He says he is not worried about
anything. He is sooooo bitter he just wants to go to bed and get some
rest and get up and play for HoH and get back in this game. He wants to
get off slop and eat so he can gain back the ten pounds he has lost so
far. Sarah enters and says she is going to try and go back to bed. They
all wonder what BB has in store for them. Arlie and Jon on the green
couches now. Adel asks Sarah if she will come to his HoH room and she
says of course. BB tells the HGs to please stop talking about
production. Sarah continues to talk about why BB does not tell them the
time but does not see why they can't say if it is bedtime yet or not.
10:25PM BBT: Adel is complaining, wanting off
slop, wants to go to bed. Sarah comes in and says she is going to try
and go to bed. Ika asks if they will let her. They discuss game rules,
no food 'til after HoH competition. Adel says he will cry if he wins.
They small talk and then Ika and Adel head to the hall chairs to chat.
The Kitchen crew has moved mostly to the living room , discussion is
birthdates and years. More small talk. No Sabrina so things are much
more quiet.
10:27PM BBT: Kenny and Rachelle and
Heather are on the couches too. Someone tells Kenny that Sarah went
back to bed and he says really and gets up to go himself. They start
talking about Heather's birthday and how old she is. Adel lusting about
eating two hamburgers tomorrow. Andrew Jon Neda Arlie Allison and
heather on the couches chatting and once again someone farts and that
becomes the topic. Apparently it was Rachelle and they comment about it
being a girl fart and it smells different. [I can just imagine these
folks at a wine tasting. -DRG]
Kenny is now chatting with Sara in the bedroom. Sabrina comes out of
the DR where she was asking for allergy meds. Sarah saying that she
adores Jon and she would let him puppy dog her around in the real world
but it is different in here. She thinks she got him off the Andrew
train today. she asked if he was loyal to Kenny and he said yes 100
Percent. So she told him that this was the absolute worst time to go
after one of his best allies. she thinks he was not sure if he had the
votes or not anyway.
They start counting the remaining HGs and who they would want to pick
off first, Kenny says Andrew and Sarah is surprised that he said this
as she was afraid he would want to take Andrew to the end. Kenny
assures her that he wants to sit next to her in the finale. Jon comes
in and asks what is up then lies down too. He doubts they will allow
them to sleep again but they will try. Jon asks if it is true that in a
double eviction if you win HoH you are only allowed to talk to one
person? they don't thinks so but Sarah says they are all learning the
game as they go along. Couch group now giggling away. Sarah now saying
that the beauty of jury is that you can make your vote totally
emotional if you want to and Kenny says that it should be you vote on
who played the best game. Jon says that he agrees but it could be hard
to do. Sarah says she has never voted to give anyone 100 Grand. She
would never vote to give Ika the money for example.
10:39PM BBT: The couch group is still being generally silly.
Sarah wonders about "the shunning" and when it is her time is that the
way it will be. Kenny says that she is not that person so no one would
make her feel that way. Jon says you made your own bed. [When, when do
these hamsters ever make a bed??? -DRG]
Rachelle now is doing a old woman imitation in the center of the
couches walking hunched over while still in the hot dog suit. Ika has
entered the bedroom. The bedroom group speculates that Anick must be
home washing her crystals right now. Sarah states that although she has
said it before that tomorrow she will not eat so much. Rachelle and
Sabrina have gone up the the HoH. Sabrina asks if they are letting them
sleep now and wants to know if Rachelle wants to sleep. Jon says he
lost 15 pounds but has now gained seven back. Kenny tells him that your
body goes into starvation mode and then when you eat again it stores
10:45PM BBT: Jon is in his undies, rubbing
and adjusting often. Kenny is in his undies. We don't see much
adjusting. There is small talk in the bedroom. Ika is now laying in her
bed. Sarah is in her bed. Jon says "Well guys, it was great chatting"
and rolls over to go to sleep. Neda is crawling under her covers. Ika,
laying there, rolls her eyes.
10:50PM BBT:
Andrew and Allison are talking on the couch. She asks about moves in
the game and what he would do. Allison is figuring out who will be on
jury. They kiss. She says "You are prairie doggin' so you gotta go!" He
says he would never say that to a girl. She whispers "I am so sorry
Aaryn, it is a game. I miss you. fuck!" very very quietly into her mic.
She continues but the feeds switch to the Have-Not. Adel is explaining
what happened between Ika and Sabrina earlier to Heather and Arlie.
10:54PM BBT: Adel continues the story. It wasn't
physical but it was catty verbalizing between Ika and Sabrina . Lots of
cheap shots about Sabrina's weight and Ika being an evil woman. Arlie
asks if anything was said about Sabrina 's dog, Adel replies "Sabrina
has a dog?" Adel is hard to hear. Heather says "Good night" as she
rolls over. Arlie rolls the other way.
11:00PM BBT:
In the the HoH room Sabrina and Rachelle are trying to figure out when
things happened this week in the house. Allison just farted on the
couch as Andrew lays on her lap. Andrew asks why they are being kept
up. Allison says because it is a big night, an episode night. BB "roostered"
the Have-Not room. Andrew is obnoxiously breathing into his mic.
Allison tells him to get it out of his mouth (Thank you Allison!)
11:04PM BBT: All of the bedroom group plus Sabrina and
Rachelle are engaged in Jedi training. They think they will not ask
about anything that happened before Allison came in the house. Arlie is
telling Heather and Adel that they will be up for at least an hour now
since they just got roostered, Heather is asked if she is packing her
stuff and she says that she has too. They tell her just to throw a
little junk in a bag and throw it in the pantry. Arlie says he would
just tell BB that he is donating everything to the house which you are
allowed to do and then he would leave all his stuff where it lay. Adel
now asserting that he is going to win HoH and a power player is going
out of this house.
The bedroom group is now talking about last
season and Jon says he never watched BB ever and he watched a few
episodes while in sequester as he never knew he was going to be in the
house. Adel tells Heather that because of his card he will be 100
percent safe this week. They would be crazy to try me cause then they
would just get their buddy put up. He continues to sell his fake power
to her. He says Neda is in hot water now just like she is and the first
five are giving Neda BS that someone else would go up and not her.
11:20PM BBT: Adel is rehashing the incident with
Ika when she got "Topazed" yesterday. He is frustrated with how things
have happened. He has a lot riding on this game and responsibility
outside of the house so he can't sit there and agree with everything
Ika says, he diverts the conversation to other things. Adel is
frustrated with other relationships in the house and how some of the
girls believe everything Andrew and Kenny say. "I think this guy is a
fuckin' Doctor or something! He is so smart! He is playing around with
the shaving of the head and the balls and shit." Adel is talking about
11:27PM BBT: Arlie now telling a story about when Paul
pretended to listen to the HoH music but it was not on. When he hit the
play button the music blasted out so loud Arlie could hear it easily.
They say that Kyle made one of the worst moves in BB history. Sarah
says that Paul's move was equally as bad. Arlie still thinks that
Kyle's move was worse.
Adel is still talking strategy to Heather. B
The bdroom group is now debating time and time zones and when the
shows air in different parts of Canada. Arlie is pacing around Andrew
is sitting up and every one else is horizontal. They are still debating
whether the shows air at the same instant across the country as in a
simultaneous broadcast or if they air at different times according to
the time zone of the viewer. Adel telling Heather that she and Neda
will be in a good position because the house is divided and he is a big
target and Jon has a bad shoulder. Arlie now heading out to go sit
11:35PM BBT: The bedroom is awake
and chatting it up. Sarah wonders if her kids are watching the shows.
She tries to figure out the time difference. Adel and Heather debate
still about game moves. He is trying to explain his vision for the
house. He feels Kenny is their leader and if he leaves some of them
will scatter and run to the other side. "Everyone has two or three
alliances right?" Heather is wondering about that. Sabrina 's bragging
about her cleaning ticks them both off. Heather complains about doing
the dishes and others not noticing. Adel says with Andrew, Sabrina and
Kenny gone, the house would be cleaner.
11:36PM BBT:
The great time zone debate continues as Adel and Heather are talking
about how Sarah has positioned herself well in the house and she has
come close to winning every competition. Adel agrees. Heather saying
that she might put up Rachelle and Sabrina but backdooring Kenny. If no
one comes off the block it would still be OK if Sabrina went home. Adel
says neither Sarah Sabrina or anyone in their alliance would put up the
new girl. Heather is happy because Allison will likely go after Sabrina
and Rachelle as their alliance wants the crazy girls out of the house
The bedroom group is talking about the broadcasts being on Global and
how that is enormous.
11:45PM BBT: The bedroom
talk is about when shows are shown on TV. what times, and what channels
they are on. We get a brief FotH. It is a lot of small talk.
In the Have-Not room, Adel continues to tell Heather about his plans
for the house and how to play things. Sabrina and Rachelle say good
night to each other. Rachelle heads to the bathroom area. Allison has
gained four pounds. 10 since she came into the house (she almost said
when she first came in... but she stopped) they are brushing teeth as
Arlie sits on the bench. Rachelle heads to bed, Arlie says "Tomorrow I
will be the happiest guy in the world." She says "Ya! Food!"
11:44PM BBT: Sabrina and Rachelle are now out on the
landing and Rachelle wants BB to tell her if she can wear clothes. Adel
and Heather are still whispering speculations about who will do what
with nominations. Allison and Rachelle now complaining about weight
gain since the game began.
Arlie sitting in the bathroom with them as they perform ADLs. Sabrina
now brings the conversation in the Have-Not room to a halt as she come
in to go to bed. All hamsters in bedroom horizontal. Allison brushing
her teeth and Arlie sitting in bathroom talking with her about how past
HGs have been shunned. He feels good that now she has worked her way in
and is feeling better. Andrew up and heading out of the bedroom. Arlie
saying he is just going to go and sit up for a few hours by himself
because his room is too hot and he hates just lying there trying to
fall asleep. He will go sit somewhere 'til he nods off then BB will
wake him up and he will go to bed. Allison says that they could now go
move their laundry over. Arlie comments that they match each other
today (their outfits) and Allison says they do that a lot with out
11:50PM BBT: Sabrina is now in the
Have-Not room. Adel is in the half bed. Sabrina is whispering to
Heather. She shows Heather her scar on her inner thigh. They whisper
about sex and it is hard to hear as they are shuffling around, mics are
muffled. Girlish bonding.
11:51PM BBT: Heather
and Sabrina now whispering while Allison skips out to the laundry
machines with Andrew tagging along behind her. Sabrina asking Heather
what she was afraid of but she rustles the sheets so much that I can't
hear Heather's answer. Sabrina keeps asking her if she feels better
now. Heather is smiling a lot as she answers.
BBT: Heather says that she feels a lot better today but she
had a spell where she felt really bad and shaky. She went to the DR and
they gave her something for it and then she went straight into the
room. Heather thinks that double eviction will be next week and not
this week since they don't want to do the same thing they did last
season. Sabrina says it is always weeks 4 and 5 and then the next
person is jury.
Andrew and Allison are getting flirty outside
and the feeds cut off. Now they are back on with Allison grabbing
something from the bedroom and heading to the bathroom stall. Sabrina
now speculating about upcoming comps and what the meaning of the 2
million is. Heather thinks it is part of a huge twist, Sabrina thinks
that maybe the HoH room TV will work because of it.
12:00AM BBT: Sabrina and Heather finally whisper good
night to one another.
The HGs in the bedroom are being disturbed by Allison loudly whispering
to Andrew. The lights up there have finally dimmed. Allison is going
through Andrew's stuff, a CD liner. Sabrina is now wandering around.
She heads to the storage room for mic batteries. She now heads upstairs
being loud as Arlie tries to do some shout outs in the bathroom area.
Sabrina is now in the the HoH room with Rachelle, who is ready for bed.
BB tells Rachelle to put on her mic.
12:08AM BBT: The bedroom lights are low. Night vision
is on. We can see Alison and Andrew. Neda just got up (pee break!)
Arlie is in the WA. He has been doing shout outs but, we haven't seen
any of them. He says he has now moved on to people he barely even talks
to any more.
Neda is in the WC, Arlie says he isn't even tired.
Arlie says "Matt Kelly! How could I forget you???" and we get a FotH on
feed two.
The lights are dimming in the Have-Not room. Heather
and Sabrina are on the floor mattresses. Rachelle has changed her
bedtime clothes from a frilly pink short set to a black short set. She
gets a glass of water from the kitchen. Now she is changing her
12:19AM BBT: Rachelle is now working
out in the backyard. She gets another glass of water and is now on the
exercise bike.
Arlie is on the bench in the bathroom area. Adel
is now whispering game to him in the bathroom area. He tells Arlie
about his conversation with Heather. His plan is to put up Sabrina and
Kenny and when someone gets veto he will be backdooring Andrew (from
what I can hear) Adel thinks he can put Kenny up even if he wins the
veto (you can't) Arlie corrects him and Adel says he needs to ask. They
think the vote would go 4-4 and then he would break the tie.
Rachelle flips off Adel
when he has his back turned. [It's tough to do anything behind
someone's back in a house full of mirrors.] An
IndigoAquarious screen cap. |
12:30AM BBT: Adel heads outside, Rachelle tells him
Arlie is upstairs. He says "Hey come to my room in a bit and let me
read the letter." She giggles he goes inside...3...2...1... and she
sticks her tongue out and flips him off!
12:37AM BBT:
Arlie is talking to us! He is in the storage room. He tells us he loves
the game, it is the most awesomest game. It is giving him shivers. He
has dreamt of this forever. (Is this slop euphoria?) He yawns, looks
slowly around. "I love this game. I love when people get angry at the
big guy. I did too once in my adjustment period. If I was in charge, I
would fuck with us harder, I would." He talks about Sabrina and how she
can't handle the game and doesn't know the truth from lies anymore in
her own head. Arlie looks at his hands and says how clean they are.
"How are they going to stop me? They aren't going to be able to!" He
repeats this several times then reminds himself that he mustn't get too
confident. Arlie tells us he rather him and Adel in the final two.
Arlie says he can't wait to crush Sabrina out of the game, "It will
be the sweetest taste I've ever tasted."
12:43AM BBT:
Sabrina is awake and catches Arlie sniffing food. She wants some
melatonin to help her sleep. Sabrina guesses it is 1AM. Arlie says 12.
He wanders to sit at the dining table. Sabrina is whispering to him.
Sabrina is whispering how obsessed she is with the game. She "literally
does everything I can to make us the last five!" Arlie says, "I wish I
liked it as much as you did so I could be like that for the game."
[This guy is either brilliant or crazy or a smidgen of both! -IndigoAquarious]
12:47AM BBT: Sabrina is pleading her "Ika is mean"
case to Arlie. He says, "I have my own personal opinion of what
happened but I will give it when we are on the outside." Arlie is
playing it safe. Sabrina is digging into him for his opinion about Ika.
Sabrina says to Arlie that who ever wins this has to put up Adel.
Andrew told Arlie that he wanted Jon out. Sabrina says, "Ya that
changed." Sabrina is campaigning to get Allison out and says Andrew
agreed to this. Arlie seems confused but is playing along. Audio is
difficult to make out.
12:55AM BBT: Arlie
listens intently as Sabrina tells him all her game moves past, present
and future... he nods, seems concerned, sincere. She lists off in a
similar fashion that Adel did earlier. Arlie just nods. (you'd find
yourself nodding along as well) Arlie says to get rid of Rachelle 7th
rather than 6th is better because Neda isn't good at challenges.
Sabrina says Rachelle is more loyal, Arlie says, "At seven does that
matter?" Arlie says you have to take into consideration who is good at
challenges and who is safer to take to final two. He reminds her that
that is so far down the road.
1:15AM BBT: Arlie and Sabrina are still talking in the
living room. They are whispering and sometimes hard to hear. Jon
doesn’t talk game much with Arlie. He seems to be here to have fun and
make jury.
1:22AM BBT: They are talking about Adel now. Sabrina really
wants to beat him. Arlie says it’s a good thing that he hasn’t won a
competition. Sabrina thinks they will find out what the 2 Million is
tomorrow. She hopes it’s not a direct threat.
BBT: Sabrina
asks Arlie if the "truths" he told them in the challenge were true.
Arlie says, "No, definitely not." He doesn’t think Kenny is better than
him and Andrew talks over everyone and it doesn’t bother him because
that’s how he is. They can’t wait for food tomorrow. Arlie has been
eyeing the olives.
1:41AM BBT: Arlie and Sabrina are getting ready to
go to bed now. Sabrina is off to the Have-Not room; Arlie has finally
joined her.
1:59AM BBT: All the HGs are tucked away in bed.
Goodnight everyone!
Today's updaters were: ki, DRG, IndigoAquarius, ktntina,
latincanadian, misha327,
mrscrisECN, ScarletKate,
Shrinra, Sugar1Plum, and Trancutie. |
The views expressed here are
those of our contributors and may not accurately reflect the true character of the Big Brother
participants. |
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