The BBCAN2 Cast - Week Three

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Update Entry
Sunday, March 23 2014  All Canadians Know Each Other
Big Brother had the HGs up late last night.  The results of a mixed sports themed PoV contest that included lacrosse was not revealed until after 2AM, at which time we learned that Allison won the PoV. The PoV challenge was one of those games where each player "wins" something, including punishments, then the next winner gets to choose if they want the prize they won, or take a prize from someone else.  We know that Sarah won the PoV, and Allison won her prize last, and took Sarah's PoV.  Jon "won" a punishment and had to swim in the pool every time an alarm went off.

Yesterday I posted a plea for help covering the live feeds because my team of volunteer live feed updaters left a huge gap in the scheduled coverage.  Today, things are even worse, there is no one to report on the live feed from 1PM to 9PM.  Please help out and fill this gap!  It's really easy, just go to the TVFanForums and post your observations in this thread.  I'm not looking for Shakespeare, or any kind of commitment,  I'm just asking that since you're dropping by, why not drop off a couple lines to describe what's going on.  

You have to be registered to post in the forums, if you never signed up, it's free and easy, instructions are here.  And don't worry if someone else is already posting.  It's amazing how people can all watch the same thing and see it differently.  Many of our updaters are putting in more time than they want because no one's helping.  The point is, that if everyone does a little, then no one has to do a lot.

8:52AM BBT: All the HGs are still sleeping. We're wondering if BB will let them sleep in this morning after the long night they had.

9:23AM BBT: The lights have come on in the the bedroom and Have-Not room. Heather is getting out of bed.

9:29AM BBT: The HGs have begun to get up. Heather is showering, Adel in and Arlie are changing their batteries and Neda is washing her face. Rachelle has also joined the bathroom area group.

9:33AM BBT: Jon, Arlie, Andrew, Ika, Sabrina in the bedroom. Arlie is passing out batteries. Jon is telling everyone how he would dream that he missed the alarm to go to the pool.

9:41AM BBT: Rachelle and Sabrina are in the bathroom area discussing if Adel is going to use is power today. Sabrina He is not going to use it if would be so stupid. Ro: I will just tell him he is going home next week if he does. Sabrina : He is not going to use it would be so stupid if he did. I wouldn't tell him anything. (I believe they are talking about putting Ika up)

9:46AM BBT: Jon and Andrew in the living room . Jon is telling him how bad last night sucked. Andrew says he does not envy him.

9:48AM BBT: Ika and Adel in the bedroom. Ika is telling Adel how no one is talking to her and how weird it is because she didn't do anything. Adel: "We just have to fight." Ika: "Last night I think the girls were upset because Sarah and I were talking. The reason I am not upset is because she made a game move it wasn't personal she just did what was best for her game. I knew something was up last night when I walked into the bedroom they all stopped talking and wanted to leave." Adel: "I know those guys are playing me.: Ika: "I don't think Rachelle will put you or I up but she might." Adel: "I don't care I will fight."

9:54AM BBT: Sarah and Rachelle in the HoH talking about putting Ika up. They are now discussing if Adel will use his power. Sarah doesn't think he will. Ro: "I am going to start crying when I have to put her up. I think I am going to say I know you don't trust me and you are a really dangerous player in this game.: Sarah: "Last night Ika told me that she doesn't take things personal." They both then agree that they really like Ika and outside of this house they would be friends with her.

9:59AM BBT: Rachelle is telling Sarah she just wants to get it over. On camera three and four we have Allison, Kenny, Jon, and Andrew, in the living room once again talking about movies.

10:03AM BBT: Rachelle is telling Sarah how she wants to get this over. (The PoV ceremony and putting Ika up.) Downstairs Allison, Kenny, Jon, and Andrew sitting on the couch talking about movies.

10:06AM BBT: All four feeds in the HGs downstairs Andrew, Adel, Allison, and Kenny getting breakfast. General chit chat.

10:19AM BBT: Sabrina , Arlie, Allison, Sarah, Jon, Andrew sitting on the couch. All four feeds still just on them. General talk about movies, bowel movements, cost of cigarettes.

10:25AM BBT: Sarah just came out of the DR and joined the living room group, Sabrina asked her what she can do for her slop pass. Sarah says I don't think there is anything anyone can do.

10:28AM BBT: Adel, Heather, Ika in the bathroom area. They are trying to figure out if the PoV ceremony will be today or not.

10:33AM BBT: Sabrina , Sarah, Jon, Kenny are outside at the hot-tub they complain about how cold it is and goes back in. Sarah is trying to decide if she should get ready or not. No one knows if the PoV ceremony is today several comments are made to the fact that it is not up on the TV screens.

10:39AM BBT: Most of the HGs in the living room . Andrew is doing impressions of Sabrina dancing. Then Allison asks him to do one of each of them he says Paul and Arlie is easy to do.

10:44AM BBT: All camera's on the HGs in the living room . Andrew is talking about his observations on each of the HGs. He says Arlie has no regard for what Canada thinks about him. He is also the most complimentary person he has ever met. Kenny has a beard that attacks his masculinity. Jon is a person that can make anybody laugh even if someone just died. Sabrina is sweet with a big heart.

10:51AM BBT: Rachelle was just called to the DR. The HGs expect it is for her to get her hotdog outfit.

10:53AM BBT: False alarm Rachelle comes back out of the DR and apologizes for not being dressed as a hotdog. Production called Sarah to the pantry and talk turns to what she got called in there for.

10:57AM BBT: Sarah comes out and Andrew asks what was that for. She says it is all the stuff for her baking.

11:38PM BBT: Heather in the living room dressed in 80's attire wearing a pedometer. Heather tells the HGs that she only has to wear it till live eviction, so not a whole week. Rachelle gets excited that her live eviction plays on TV tonight.

General chitchat among HGs in the living room . (Jon, Heather, Neda, Arlie, Allison, Andrew, Kenny, Sabrina and Rachelle)

Sabrina and Rachelle talking about Rachelle being HoH and Sabrina not being able to sleep in her bed. Pretty quiet talk among HGs. HGs talk about "wall-rats" and how they can hear them chatting up a storm. Rachelle brings up the two million counter again and how the task had nothing to do with it, they would have told them.

11:42PM BBT: HGs contemplating double evictions, again. When it will be - Arlie guesses it will be a double eviction and how one will go home and the other will be the first jury.

BB tells HGs nap time is over - Jon was sleeping on the green couches. Heather talks about her task of having to walk 10,000 steps in one day, she is currently at 402. She says she is currently taking a break before going full force.

More general chat. Jon sits up to wake up and Heather asks about when he goes in the pool - Jon says whenever they call him. Rachelle gets called to DR and HGs all get excited.

11:47PM BBT: Jon and Sarah in the bathroom area. Sarah doing her make-up and Jon relaxing in the corner. Both think that Rachelle is not going to be stirring up the house this week. Feeds briefly cut FotH. Jon thinks it's going to be a double eviction, Sarah says she wants to win - but she really wants a letter. Jon asks Sarah where the boys are at, and Sarah says really just to not go on the block this week, as far as she knows. Sarah says the boys and "EVERYONE are smooshing RoRo."

Jon asks about Ika crying and Sarah says it's just her not feeling like her HoH was worthwhile. Sarah and Ika had a talk about Ika knowing Sarah isn't going to play her game, she just wants to win.

Feeds three and four on FotH.

11:51PM BBT: Allison asks about the showers and their temperature. Sarah says they are warm but to let it run first. Allison says perfect, I am going to take a shower.

Feed 1 and two switches to the DR door, assuming waiting for Rachelle to come out. Feed three and four still FotH. Silent feeds right now.

12:05PM BBT: All the cameras are on the green couches where the HGs are slumped around looking like they were rode hard and put away wet. Andrew and Allison are in the bathroom doing ADLs. BB asks Allison to put on her microphone. Rachelle is being asked how long she has to wear her hotdog outfit and she is not sure. BB announces that this is the 15 minute warning for the outdoor LD. [PoV ceremony coming up? -DRG] Rachelle says she would be fine in the suit if she did not have to wear the hat. she and Sabrina are in the HoH bathroom prepping for the upcoming ceremony. Heather comes in to use the toilet.

12:12PM BBT: Sarah and Kenny are in the kitchen talking about whether they have dish soap or if it is dishwasher detergent. Sarah concludes it is the detergent. Heather now in the bathroom with Allison. Sabrina and Rachelle talking about Andrew not really liking Allison but he is just using her. Rachelle worried that if she was on the block with Kenny then she would go home. She acknowledges that she overthinks everything. Sabrina now saying that Adel's power is over next week. Sarah and Kenny in the storage room where he is saying that he is trying to be strong for her. He is eating something from a bowl.

Andrew joins them talking about this week could be a double eviction and even if it is not they just need to get HoH. Neda has joined the two gals upstairs. she thinks that Ika will hate them after she becomes the re-nominated but she is not going to avoid her especially if she starts crying. Downstairs they are talking about whether any of their alliance will switch and if they should talk with Arlie or not. [Could have been Jon they were discussing. - DRG]

12:19PM BBT: The gals upstairs are still nervous about the reaction to upcoming PoV ceremony and how Heather will respond. They review the competition and why some people did what they did. Ika and Jon now by the pool talking about Sabrina and how she creates drama then cries and plays the victim. Ika says she feels like Paul. BB gives the HGs the five minute warning. Upstairs they are still planning how to manage the next few days and what they will do if they win HoH next week. Neda is saying that she will support Sabrina and Rachelle's reasons for putting up Ika. She will vote with them and is just having a hard time letting go of the dreams from last week. Ika alone by the pool now looking quite apprehensive and deep in thought.

12:24PM BBT: Upstairs group hugs it out and starts heading downstairs. Sarah asks if they were given the final warning yet as they pass her on the landing. Ika still alone with Jon perhaps in the hammock. Other HGs in the kitchen as BB gives the final warning that the house is now off limits. Allison comes out and sits next to Ika. Others making their way out now but in no particular hurry. They don't think it will be the PoV ceremony as Allison was not called to the DR. Arlie is asked to close the orange door. Sarah speculates that this outdoor LD is just for house maintenance. She then says that she thinks Arlie is hot when he wears regular clothes and the other girls chime in that they just told him inside that he looks hot today. Sarah comments that he walks around in his underwear 99% of the time. he is folding laundry and is wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt with a backwards baseball cap.

12:31PM BBT: Talk now turns to the missing smokes and did BB take them or Allison. One of the guys says to Allison just give them back and she replies not that way. She is facing a window using it as a mirror to put on her face. They are all sitting around the pool looking as animated as they did on the couches inside. Most are drinking from mugs. Andrew is eating an apple as he asks if you would take 10 Grand over the veto if you were on the block and had a 50-50 chance of going home. He says he would take that and could be in Ibiza inside of a week.

Talk now turns to the grand prize money and the taxes that would be due. He talks about having a friend who was on Price is Right with Bob Barker and they all think the show is not as good with Drew Carey. They say he looks really bad now that he has lost the weight. Now they are talking about The View vs. The Talk as they try to figure out the female host of another game show that recently returned to the air who was on The Talk.

12:37PM BBT: Jon remarks that this is just like any other day of his life except that he is sober here. They comment about Rachelle having some hot dog hanging out which prompts discussion of how they have all become comfortable seeing each others genitals and commenting about it. Heather says that she is at 755 steps in response to being asked. [She has to do 10K a day, twice the normal average as punishment from the PoV competition. - DRG]

12:38PM BBT: Heather is at 752, she says she is going to wait 'til later to work on it more. Jon farts and HGs joke he is a beached whale cause he's lying on the ground next to the pool. Farts are now the topic of conversation.

Sarah says how cool it would be to be able to take anything they want after leaving the house. Sarah says she would take rose pillows, Andrew says he would take the knives, Kenny says he would take the washer/dryer, Sarah laughs and says she was talking about decor. Sarah says she would take Neda's photo. Kenny asks if anyone wants to keep their picture.

Things they would want to keep:
Sarah - Every single costume she worn
Kenny - Veto necklace
Andrew - hot-tub
Ro - Board with pictures and keys
Arlie - The TV from the the HoH room
(HGs all want to keep their keys, Sarah says she frame it)

BB tells them to stop talking about production, Kenny says "we can't talk about nothing". Sarah and Kenny do play-by-play of Jon sleeping on the floor, Jon says he is a deep thruster and that he is very good in bed.

12:41PM BBT: Now they are talking about what they would take from the house if given the chance. Someone would take the washer and dryer but Sarah would definitely not take the stove or fridge. Someone would take the Veto necklace and someone else the board with all their pictures where the keys are kept. The keyholes they cannot keep as it is a prop but they think they can keep the actual keys. BB finally asks them to stop talking about production.

Sabrina is all but asleep and Jon is face down on the tiles between the pool and the chairs. Allison still working on her face. Sarah asks if it is Sunday and when told it is she says "Good that means my family will get to watch me lose the HoH."

12:46PM BBT: One of the guys asks if you would rather win the Bronze hockey game or be in the finals. General consensus is Bronze would be better because it would absolutely suck to come in second. Long lulls between bursts of conversation. Someone asks Adel if he is sleeping and I hear no response. Now they are discussing someone that will be going into the NHL. Ika now has her head down on the back of the chair with her eyes closed. Allison has progressed to lotioning her arms. Neda is scrunched up on a loveseat right above Jon who is now on his side on the tiles. Sarah says she hates that she was not allowed to bring any of her hockey stuff to wear because it was considered logos.

HGs talking about sports and specific players. Sarah hates that she couldn't bring hockey things because they were all considered logos. Sarah talks to Ika about a specific seller on Etsy (a website), Allison goes on to explain to Ika what Etsy is.

Lazy LD, more general chit chat with lots of sleeping HGs.

12:51PM BBT: Sarah still talking about her outfits that she could not bring with Neda. Ika now chatting with Allison who announces that she is now going to bronze herself. She starts applying the lotion and says to Ika that she will rinse it in the pool if need be. Jon rolls over onto his back now. Heather is cuddled up into a chair with her head down and eyes closed when she stirs and readjusts her leg and blanket. Sarah and Allison the only ones who appear to be fully upright and functional. Feeds one and two go the FotH.

Mike Boogie's in Trouble Again

Mike Boogie loses 10.5 million
A judge has ordered Mike "Boogie" Malin to pay up $10.5 Million -Read More-
12:53PM BBT: Ika thinks they will get a new cup. Jon says I hope not. Sarah considers that they are fan cups because the pattern has been broken as no new HGs came in. Jon wants to know what the two million thing was and Allison agrees, Allison thinks they will find out next week.

Jon considers that there is a 98 year old man that brings the cups in the house. Jon says that they install a chair lift on the rail, he comes in and drops the mug wherever, then leaves. The crew then needs to disassemble the chair lift and that's what takes so long.

12:55PM BBT: One of the guys says he wants to know what the two Million thing was about and Sarah says they will probably find out later this week. Camera three now showing Sabrina sleeping with her hoodie over her head. Kenny is stretched out horizontal with his feet on the table in front of him and appears to also be sleeping. Allison now standing to apply bronzer to her thighs. Allison asks Ika if she can smell it over there and she says it smells like Cuba. Ika says no but she loves Cuba. Roaming shots of horizontal hamsters with audio of Allison rubbing bronzer on herself.

Feeds 1 and 2 are FotH. Jon asks what tethering means. Neda explains that you tie things together. Jon asks if Neda likes the word and Neda says it's alright, I have no strong opinion on it. Jon says he doesn't like it.

12:57PM BBT: Jon wonders what Mayor Rob Ford is up to. They talk about places he has visited (bars) in the HGs hometown. Allison is still moisturizing and asks if HGs can smell it. She says it smells like Cuba. Ika is looking around with a stern face, not really saying much.

Little conversation, lots of sleeping HGs.

Emmett Blois is on
Big Brother Africa!

Emmett Blois
I thought this was a joke, but it appears to be true.  Big Brother Canada's Emmett Blois has entered the Big Brother Mzansi House in Africa. Emmett has been invited to join Big Brother Mzansi in South Africa as part of a twist for the houseguests. This is a tremendous opportunity for him, and clearly his reputation as one of the best to ever play the game has moved beyond Canada.

He entered the house today (Sun Mar 23) at 3pm AST. 8PM BB Mzansi time. Mzansi does not have live feeds available to us that we have been able to find- and we have scoured the backrooms of every Big Brother contact we know!! If someone has any- please post!!

The following are links to various BB Mzansi sites, FB & Twitter. The DSTV network does carry short video clips of activities in the house as well as a live daily blog- Today is day 49 for reference.
Big Brother Africa
1:00PM BBT: One of the laundry machines has finished it's cycle and plays it's electronic melody. No one moves. Allison has now finished and is sitting with her feet up on the love seat leaning against an arm. Someone is snoring moderately loudly. Tis the morning before Veto and all through the house not a creature is stirring not even a louse. [As punishment for typing that sentence BB sends a loud high pitched and rising electronic tone out over Feed 1. Yes it really is just this boring. - DRG] Snoring is now getting louder.

1:07PM BBT: Seems even the control room crew has nodded off or are on their lunch break as we have been stuck with a close-up of Jon on the deck and a long shot of the pool for quite some time now. [Sure guys quiet down just when the NCAA game goes to half-time. -DRG]

1:19PM BBT: Breaking news camera three switched from Jon sleeping to Allison sleeping before switching back and now shows Ika up on the exercise equipment doing leg lifts while hanging from the crossbars by her forearms. This is too exciting for us so BB switches back to Jon sleeping.

The horn sounds and Jon rises to swim his assigned lap of the pool. he strips to his tighty whiteys then puts on a towel to drop his briefs and don his trunks. He calls out, "Nap time is over bitches," as he runs and does a cannonball into the pool towards the end where they are sitting. Neda got soaked and Sabrina gets up to get a towel to dry her seat as well. She says she was having a dream that was scary and is glad Jon woke her up. He is out of the pool now and is toweling off at the end farthest from the others before stripping out of his trunks underneath the towel. Now he pulls his sweat shorts on over his briefs Neda and Allison say they are not angry with him and either Neda or Sarah say they were scared he was going to hurt himself by running and jumping in. They comment about Sarah not waking even when he yelled out and she says that her legs are now totally soaked.

1:27PM BBT: Sabrina saying she was dreaming all the time that a tooth was moving and she was going to have to have it taken out. She again says she is not angry and Jon for getting her wet. She was not enjoying the dream. Adel is still lying in the hammock. Jon asks if he can just throw the towel in the dryer for 5 minutes. Sarah tells him it won't dry and he needs to wring it out and then put it in for 15 minutes or so on Speed Dry. He starts the machine and returns to the pool saying that was fun. Now he heads around the corner to where Ika is sitting bouncing on the exercise ball. Ika and Jon now walking back to the pool where the snoring has resumed. They say that there is nothing else to do. Sarah commenting about how the PoV is usually on the screen first thing in the morning and the ceremony is usually early. Jon says that there are people, not a person, but people in the house. Ika has a pool noodle and asks Jon if he still has to go pee and he replies yes, really bad. Sarah is glad that at least he did not pee in the pool. Jon thinks that there are a lot of girls in the house and Sarah teases him that the girls were probably models and they sounded naked. Kenny said the voices did sound high pitched.

1:34PM BBT: Jon says again that he did not pee in the pool and Ika tells him not to pee in the pool. He asks if she has even been in once and she says that she was once when she was thrown in. Jon says no one would know if he peed in the pool and they say that BB will know as they know everything. Sarah now tells a story about having told her kids about there being a chemical in the pool that turns the water blue if someone pees and someone else talking about how that is a myth in front of her daughter and Sarah saw the look of enlightenment spread across her face. Now they are talking about why music sometimes plays in the house when they are on LD and Sarah explains it is to keep sound from bleeding through the walls when production is in the house and the HGs are not on camera when that happens. BB tells them to stop talking about production. Jon says I really have to pee with some urgency as if BB will respond to him.

1:40PM BBT: The comment about Adel sleeping this whole time since they came out and that he is really lucky. Jon saying that it has been a really long time and he wishes he had peed before he came out. Sarah now speculating that maybe it is a PoV ceremony random live eviction. Kenny is carving up an orange. Rachelle wakes in her hot dog suit and proclaims that napping is awful. Not just in this chair but napping in general is bad. Neda is sleeping away on the love seat next to Rachelle. Jon now remarks that he has not had to hold his pee since like grade 9.

As someone asks if the PoV has to be today, the garage door starts going up and they all run over. Nothing has changed except they say that it smells different in the house. They wander around inspecting and Rachelle goes up to the HoH and we hear her peeing. Kenny Allison and Neda are walking along the upstairs balcony inspecting it and the downstairs. Allison says that at some point something will be hidden here. Sabrina and Jon now in the storage room as feeds 1 and 2 come back live. They are talking about Andrew and thinking that he has their backs and they will protect him as long as they can. Rachelle breaks up the conference coming in to get something to eat. Ika is in the bedroom changing and all four feeds go FotH.

1:52PM BBT: HGs again wondering why PoV ceremony is not on the TV screen, it would be there if something weird were not happening. Andrew comes into the kitchen and says they have new clippers which he is holding. He hands them to Arlie. Kenny says he might trim his beard with them. Jon is heading out to the hot-tub where he looks around then heads back inside. Talk in the kitchen is what to make for lunch. Sabrina calling out to Adel but Rachelle answers. Arlie and Jon on the green couch next to the counter. Andrew and Neda working in the kitchen. Heather and Sabrina by the stairs where they are exchanging batteries.

2:45PM BBT:  Ika and Andrew are talking on green couches. Ika is crying to Andrew that no one talks to her and no ones likes her. Andrew reminders her it is just a game. Andrew says he didn't think Ika liked him. She says it's just her personality to come off like that. She knew that would be her downfall in this game. Andrew says it's really hard to be yourself in this game. Ika tells Andrew she thinks in a really good position in this game. If Andrew stays in the game it's is good for her game because later on people would target him not her. She then would have his back and help him. Andrew laughs.

2:52PM BBT:  Ika telling Andrew that her relationship was screwed because she didn't think Paul was going after Andrew so she was keeping Paul to help Andrew. Andrew says he didn't trust Paul Ika says she did and told Paul he couldn't go after Andrew. Andrew says he just didn't like Paul and believed he would go after him in this game. Andrew says he is a physical threat and everyone will go after him at some point in this game. There is nothing he can do about that so he is just going to enjoy the game. Andrew says he doesn't know who is going up in Allison's place Ika says she doesn't know anything either because no one talks to her and she is alone.

The Milkman in Africa

Emmett in Africa
Hello Emmett Morty Video
[Day 28: 19:53] Big Brother turns it up with a new Housemate; Emmett. He is a Big Brother Canada Season 1 ex-Housemate.
3:29PM BBT: Feeds are back. Adel was playing a game at the dinging table with cupcake papers. Neda was counting. Arlie is up next and Adel is counting. Adel ends up rapping the counting and Arlie fails. HGs want to play a new game and Arlie leaves to head out by the pool.

3:31PM BBT: Arlie and Sabrina have a quick chat in the backyard while Sabrina drops things off at the washer. Sabrina and Arlie agree that feel like the slop is getting to them. They talk about the weather and how it's beautiful but cold it is, Sabrina complains that they don't have their coats. Yelling can be heard from the dining table and Ika had won the cupcake challenge. (Alternating cupcake cups, you can't tuck them into each they have to build off each other.)

Sabrina is now doing the cupcake challenge and Jon is watching on along with Neda, Allison, Ika and Adel.

Andrew, Kenny, Jon and Arlie are at the workout area. They start talking about Ika and how she is scrambling. Andrew tells them about his conversation with Ika, and Jon says she doesn't even try. Arlie walks away and cameras follow him therefore we miss the end of their conversation.

3:35PM BBT: New game being played in the dining area where they bounce a ping pong ball and try and get high succession.

Arlie walks around the house, paces back and forth in the bedroom 10 times says "k" and leaves to the bathroom area to wash his hands. Arlie asks Allison how it's going? Allison asks Arlie and he says shit, was it like that when you were on slop? She says yes but it was more day four. She says if you wanna chat I'm here, do you want a hug? They hug and he says it's a bit of everything but slops worse. Arlie tells Allison that she's put on a bit of weight since the slop - you can tell by Allison's reaction that she thought he was kidding.

Arlie says he's in a weird mood and he's cracking hard so he might need to talk in a bit. He ends up venting and says everything is phasing him and he's bottling it all up. Allison tells him that she will turn off game and just talk person to person. Arlie says he feels like a bitch, because he just started slop. Allison says don't, that's the point of slop - to play with your brain. Arlie continues to talk about being upset because he thought he was mental strong, but clearly he's not. Allison tells her experience with slop and how she looked towards the end of the week. [I have a feeling Arlie was given a challenge because he was called to the DR and then felt all sad - he hugged her a thank you. - canfan137]

Arlie left as HGs came to the bathroom area to "take a tour", as he was walking down the stairs he noticed Adel was going to the bedroom. Arlie goes to the bedroom and confronts Adel on his annoyance with Adel when he is trying to get to bed. Adel goes to leave and Arlie says he needs support and Adel goes to leave Arlie says no I need your words of wisdom. Adel is honest and says I thought Sabrina was going to crack before you.

3:43PM BBT: [I believe Arlie has a task to get everyone to have a heart-to-heart and hug them. He walks through the house and tells everyone he is cracking - canfan137] Morty Video

Arlie has already spoken with Allison and Adel. Arlie is playing a good front of being all emotional. cameras continue to follow Arlie through the house. Up next: seats outside the the HoH room, Rachelle heads in their just after him. Arlie talks to Rachelle about the game fucking with him. Andrew is nearby. Rachelle stops and talks to him. Andrew talks to him across the balcony. Andrew talks to him very inspirationally. Andrew says "You want to be here more than anyone else in this house, don't let slop kill you." Andrew says if you need anything I'm here. Rachelle says yeah we all have these days.

3:46PM BBT: Arlie sits around the chairs outside the the HoH room all moppy. He heads into the the HoH room after Andrew goes in. Arlie makes a funny face to the cam before Andrew and him sit on the couch. Arlie uses the cracking word again and then goes on to tell Andrew he is annoyed with him as he ignores him. Andrew thanks him for bringing it up and Arlie says he just hates confrontation. Andrew tells Arlie that he is his buddy and he's glad he said something. Andrew says sorry and Arlie appreciates it. [Maybe he needs to get a sorry from everyone? -canfan137] Andrew says to be honest and come to him whenever he needs it. Andrew asks what specifically happens and Arlie says that when he is talking, if anyone else talks Andrew acts as almost other people are more important. Andrew explains himself as having a shit attention span. Andrew says he's heard it from 100 people. Arlie is getting very deep and saying how good of a guy Andrew is and how he is acknowledging it attests to his character.

3:50PM BBT: Arlie tells Andrew he just needs a few minutes to chill. Arlie remains in the the HoH room on the couch huffing and puffing. [If this is not a challenge I would be totally shocked... -canfan137] Arlie whispers "Ill sit here for a little bit and see if anyone comes in".

Other HGs in the kitchen making food. Andrew heads downstairs to join them. General chitchat happening there.

3:57PM BBT: We can hear Andrew is Allison but can't see them in the storage room. Allison tells Andrew that Arlie asked if she gained weight. Sabrina mentioned Arlie taking things really hard today, otherwise general chitchat.

Jon clarifies with Heather that she cannot go to bed without 10,000 steps. Heather is currently at 1802. She starts to walk in circles around the kitchen. Sabrina asks if she wants work on a dance in the backyard. They agree to do it in three minutes. Jon clarifies that only Heather will be punished if she doesn't do it.

Ro joins Arlie in the the HoH room and he talks to her about loosing it as well. Rachelle tells him that daily things change in the house. Arlie tells Rachelle that he really likes him but she's a bitch to him. Rachelle is really surprised and tells her that she likes him too and only has good things to say to him. Rachelle says she is upset that he thinks she acts like that. Arlie says that he feels stupid for even saying it. Rachelle admits that she is in her own world. Arlie says that Rachelle couldn't care if he died tomorrow. Arlie says it's not just her, it's other people too. Arlie says he feels like he's getting worked up and stops talking. He is almost crying. [This is actually funny - canfan137]

4:00PM BBT:  Rochelle comes into HoH and talks to Arlie. He starts saying he is losing it on slop. He tells her he likes her but that she is a big bitch to him some times. She is shocked and says I am so sorry and that she really likes him. She is so sorry. He is saying he feels so stupid saying that to her but he feels like she could care less about him. He says sorry for saying that to her. she is so sorry she only had good things to say about him. He is blaming the slop again for his actions and how he feels. Hug from her and away he goes to bathroom area

4:05PM BBT: Conversation between Arlie and Rachelle continues in the the HoH room. Rachelle says she isn't like that mean personality at all, she wants to be a psychologist so that's not her. Arlie says he can see her being a good psychologist. Arlie and her hug it out and he leaves to walk it off.

Arlie walks through the upstairs with his hands in his pocket. Into the bathroom area to see Sarah. He asks Sarah if she's good and she says she's grumpy. He says he's on that train today. Sarah invites him to come sit and be grumpy with him and she was leaving. He tells her he needs to think in his own mind. Sarah asks if he is mad at her. Sarah says come share. Sarah promises she won't get mad. Arlie says he will come to her in a bit, he needs time. He promises he is all good. Arlie heads downstairs.

Rachelle heads into the bathroom area and things are quiet between Sarah and Rachelle. Arlie roams through the kitchen and heads to the backyard. Arlie is laughing as he walks and sits in a chair.

4:10PM BBT:  Arlie talks to Sarah in bathroom. She try's to talk to him he says he will be back in a bit to talk to her. She asks if he is sure he doesn't want to talk now and he says he is sure he will definitely be back in a bit. Arlie goes downstairs puts his hoodie on and heads outside by the pool. Sarah comes to the pool to see how he is. She asks if he is really sad or if this is a game move. He says no he really is sad. She gives him a hug and he says he will talk to her later about it.

4:13PM BBT: General conversation around the HGs in the kitchen. Sabrina brings up wanting to go home before jury if she isn't going to win. Andrew says but jury is more exposure. Sabrina changes her mind and says if she isn't going to win she wants to decide whose going to win.

Sabrina is going to put oil on her cuticles, Rachelle goes to take a nap. Sabrina talks as a host about booty popping.

Feeds cut FotH.

4:28PM BBT: Arlie tells Michelle her voice grinds on his nerves then says sorry it's the slop. She says no problem sorry and just let him know. Now Arlie at hammock with Ika. Talks about the game getting to him. Tells Ika that he thinks she hates him. She says no she doesn't hate him. She is trying to talk game to him about who is going to go up on the block. He just keeps saying that no one wants to talk to him. He starts taking about her booty instead of game she laughs and he asks for a hug. Mission with Ika done.

Arlie is back inside the Have-Not room with Sabrina . He tells Sabrina he thinks he is the last to know anything and the boys are better than him. That Sabrina doesn't pay attention to him. She says she is busy with the girls to help their alliance. That she doesn't talk to much with him so people don't get suspicious of their alliance. She tells him he is not at the bottom of their alliance everyone loves him. He tells her he thinks she is extremely emotional in this game and he is scared to talk to her about that. She is a hocked and says really u think I am emotional in this game? He says he is just worried about her in this game and that she might throw him under the bus. He says sorry it's the slop getting to him. She asks if he thinks Sarah is emotional in this game. He is covering it up talking in circles and wishing he could act it up and get by better in this game. She says she is doing everything to help them out in this game. He says she makes him feel better and she would make an amazing mother. She gives him a hug.

4:29PM BBT: Arlie walks through the backyard to find Ika in the hammock asleep. He comes and sits next to the hammock and wakes her up. He says he hates the game today and Ika agrees feeling like being alienated. Ika says he is in a good spot. Arlie says he is right in the middle. Ika says she feels like Paul, the girls don't tell her anything anymore. Arlie tells Ika that he feels like Ika hates his guts. He says that he thinks the devil is inside looking out. Ika laughs and says she is suspicion but no hatred. Ika explains that she thinks about her feeling bothered about being told on. Arlie says he is going insane today. Ika says she feels Ika, Adel or Arlie will be going up. Arlie says he's last to hear anything and that is possibly the case but he thought no Ika but Jon. Arlie says he feels like he has the plague. Arlie is not playing up much of his sadness, more talking about how they both feel the same way about no one talking to them.

4:33PM BBT: Ika brings up Rachelle and how she is using her HoH to get closer to the guys. Arlie says yes and that is putting him farther down the list. Arlie says one thing that helps him getting through this game is the shape of Ika's booty. They hug it out and Ika promises that she doesn't hate him. Arlie walks away back in through the house huffing. Sabrina follows him and they go to the Have-Not room together. Arlie tells her he is loosing it today. He feels like he can't do it.
Arlie continues the conversation saying he is cracking on slop - he is in the background and in the house some people don't like him. He brings Sabrina into it and he says he isn't used to it, he is trying. Sabrina asks if he is talking about Andrew and Kenny? He says yes and Rachelle and Sabrina asks about herself? He says yes kind of, your not completely off the list. Arlie brings up how Canada is viewing him. Sabrina discusses their alliance and how she isn't paying attention to him because she has such a big role in the girls side to get their alliance together ahead. Sabrina is pumping Arlie up about how much everyone loves him and brings up that he is out of the radar.

4:39PM BBT: Sabrina has done most of the talking in this conversation. Arlie says he feels like in the game Sabrina is extremely emotional and he is afraid to talk to her. Arlie is afraid that he will get thrown under the bus because he is worried about that. Sabrina says she is not emotional, she says she is emotional about personal things. She asks for an example, he explains that he doesn't have one but maybe he sees her emotional in personal senses and he brings it together. He says he is starting to feel otherwise. Sabrina apologizes and he says I am just cracking under slop. Sabrina says she is concerned because she doesn't want Canada to view her as emotional - Kenny cries a lot, Sarah is emotional do you find her emotional? Arlie agrees and says the three of them are the most emotional in the house. Sabrina asks again for more examples. Arlie says he is feeling better by some of the things he says. Arlie says he is the person with no information and Sabrina is the person with a lot of information. Sabrina says she is playing a role. Sabrina says that the other night she wasn't drunk at all but pretending to wasted. Sabrina says she doesn't want to be manipulative. Sabrina says she is putting who she really is aside and has to be an actress. Arlie says he wishes he played that role when he came in. Sabrina says she is being nice and that is her but when there is game she is an actress. Again Arlie says he is feeling better, he says the talk has helped - and he tells Sabrina that she will be an amazing mother. They hug it out. Sabrina gets called to the DR. [BB was probably trying to speed that conversation along - canfan137] Heather is prancing around the house, working on the pedometer.

4:46PM BBT: Arlie walks around the house. Arlie asks Jon if they can go outside to chat for a minute. He says he is in a funky mood. Jon asks if slop and life are getting to him. Arlie tells Jon that he smells like shit. Jon tells him that he just worked out. Arlie tells him they have to have this talk a different time because of the smell. They hug and walk away. Jon is laughing so hard. Arlie heads to the kitchen and eats a slop cookie.

Arlie hits Sarah as she is walking by and she asks if she can hug him and they do. Arlie follows Kenny into the storage room. He tells Kenny that he thinks he is better than him sometime. Arlie says that him and Andrew are like big brothers and he fucks with him. Rachelle walks in and Kenny asks for a second. Kenny says from the bottom of his heart he doesn't want him to feel that way. Kenny tells him that he loves him and that he has not one bad bone in his body. Kenny admits to being a grumpy asshole sometimes but he says he is no better than anyone. Heather enters the storage room and Kenny asks for her to give them a second. Kenny apologizes and asks for him to confront him again. Arlie says he is feeling better, they hug it out and Arlie says how hard it was to say anything. It is awkward silence and Kenny walks away. Kenny starts crying and says it has happened before. Awkward silence and Arlie says how he is over reacting because he is on slop. Kenny says it kills him because he knows he comes off that way. Arlie says how good of a guy Kenny is and Kenny says tell me if it happens again. They thank each other and Kenny leaves. Arlie looks at a camera and laughs saying how horrible that was. Arlie paces and we can hear someone whispering over the speaker telling him to be a little more light hearted but he is doing good. They tell him he only has a couple of more to go. Arlie sits in the kitchen and tells them he is trying to pull out of his funk.

4:53PM BBT: Everyone talking about how Neda likes weird and therefore Arlie is doing a good job. Arlie is joking around with the HGs. Andrew asks Neda if she has had sex before. Andrew explains that he asks because she talks the least about it.

Arlie hugs Neda but it's hard to hear what he says. Arlie is up walking around again. Arlie heads to the bedroom where Sabrina and Sarah are talking. He sits and talks and tells Sarah that her breath stinks and she apologizes. Sabrina tells Arlie that she thought he was on a mission but now he is too deep and she says he is hurting her feelings. Sarah runs out to brush her teeth. Sabrina continues her conversation with Arlie, saying exactly the same things she was saying before. Sarah is back and says hopefully that helped.

4:55PM BBT: Arlie goes to the bedroom and talks to Sarah and Sabrina . They tell him they are so worried about him. Sabrina says she thought e might have been on a mission but he is saying to personal of things and they are worries about him that the must really feel this way. Sabrina says they would never use him as a pawn and he is not at the bottom. He says he just thinks about the game so much that he just felt this way but he feels better now they have talked about it. Sabrina says we are all in this together. Heather came in and they sent her away. Sarah says the girls are just in it more because the girls talk a lot. That they would make more effort to talk to him more. Sabrina saying once the guys he HoH he will get it more. Sabrina defending she is not emotional.

Sarah says when she saw Arlie like that she was so sad, he is her guy. Sarah says she will make more of an effort to not let him think that way. [it seems like Arlie is trying so hard not to laugh - canfan137] He continues to talk about slop getting to him and just having eaten the first time. He tells the girls he is cracking up again today. Sabrina mentions that she will only hate him if he attacks her personally. Arlie says he was going to hop in the shower and he feels better. Arlie says sorry to Sarah and that she is a princess. Sarah is saying how good Arlie looks. Sabrina asks if he has talked to the boys. He says briefly and explains that it's hard because everything has been game. Arlie continues to blame things on slop. Arlie takes a deep breath and says he is feeling better.

HGs in the kitchen continue to have general chitchat.

5:08PM BBT: Sabrina asks Arlie to swing the door open really quick (to see if anyone is on the other side) Sabrina , Sarah and Arlie are still talking in the bedroom. They are pumping him up and telling him how he is their best friend. Sarah says she wasn't feeling down but she feels better after this. Arlie says he is feeling better. They all fist pump, group hug and Arlie heads out. Sarah and Sabrina whispering about how much better she is feeling.

Feeds are FotH.

5:19PM BBT: Feeds are back and Arlie was coming out of the DR. Arlie is now sitting around the pool with Neda, Allison, Adel and Ika. Arlie says that he finds the longer you go without eating the less hungry you feel. Adel mentions how when their is 8 people left four will be on slop and four won't. Neda says can you imagine we are this bored with 12 people left, imagine about four people. Allison talks about waking up with the horn. Arlie asks if Neda wants to sit in the hammock. Arlie says Neda reminds him of an annoying little sister because she mocked his voice. Arlie asks how Neda was on slop. Neda asks if he is dying with slop? He says yes. Neda says 4th day is the worst [seems like most HGs say that]. They talk about what it would be like to be on it for two weeks in a row. Neda says she would hide from Arlie if it was him. Neda asks if he is surviving. He says he hasn't eaten today, she says he's fucked. He talks about gaging because of the taste of slop. Neda says he is going crazy because he is laughing about it. Arlie tells Neda she is sick and twisted.

5:24PM BBT: Arlie seems relatively happy and they are having a good conversation. Arlie talks about the emotions in the house vs outside the house. He says he is much calmer outside and always happy. Rachelle joins and asks if he is feeling better? He says yes. Neda talks about naps. Heather joins and asks how many steps she is at, 4400. Arlie is smiling and saying hi to everyone that walks out of the house. Arlie offers his sweater to Heather who is cold. He says she can wear it anytime. Neda talks about her picture again. Arlie tells Neda that she is fun to be around, he says how they need to hang out more often. He asks her for a hug and they hug it out. Neda compliments him on his hair and says she imagines all the clothes they will buy when they are outside the house. Arlie and Neda talk about people coming back to the house after being evicted.

5:29PM BBT: Arlie and Neda are talking about other HGs. Jon being competitive, Anick and how Arlie likes her because she was different and out there. Arlie says Anick and her had great one-on-ones. Kyle and how he was a sinking ship being friends with Paul. Paul and how he blew up, Arlie and Neda considering if it was planned.

Other HGs in the kitchen eating. Andrew makes a comment about how everyone is in a bad mood today.

Arlie is called to the DR.

5:33PM BBT: Jon's swim horn went off three times.

Feeds follow Arlie into the DR where he stops at the wall where Marsha the Moose was. We hear a voice saying "Congrats Arlie you did it!" Arlie yells "Yes!" with a big fist pump. Feeds cut out

All feeds FotH.

6:55PM BBT: All the HGs are sitting on the green couches except Arlie who was called to the DR. Everyone seems to be a great mood. Kenny keeps farting and gagging them. Talking about who has Facebook and Instagram.

7:00PM BBT: HGs talking about TV shows naked and afraid and man tracker. Sarah says if you were naked you would be so vulnerable in the game. Talk turns to how great Man Tracker is and how it's filmed.

7:05PM BBT: Feeds cut to FotH

7:25PM BBT: FotH, We're waiting for the houseguests to get their reward from Marsha the Moose, we we're able to see Arlie perform a task where he had to hug all the houseguests, then we had exclusive footage, of Arlie, being told in the hallway to the DR that he had passed his secret mission.
Tonight's Show in Colour on Slice TV at 9:00PM: 
Remember, you can watch Big Brother as it airs HERE.

This program contains sexuality, course language and mature subject matter, so you may need your kids to explain it to you.

Previously, on BB Canada, as HoH Ika nominated misfit Paul but secretly her real target was Heather. It was girls vs. boys with the ladies going after Heather and the guys were gunning for Paul. When Canada deemed Adel the most buzz worthy, he won the power to play in any PoV competition but he spread lies about the prize. That made Kenny and Andrew more determined than ever to send his ally packing. The boys pressured First Five member Sarah to vote with them forcing her to make an impossible choice. In the end, Sarah voted with the First Five evicting Paul from the BB house. It was a vote much too close for a very shocked Heather.

Tonight, who will hang in long enough to seize the power? Will Sarah's choice shatter the girl's alliance? And if so, who will pick up the pieces? Find out now, on BB Canada!

We pick up after the vote on Thursday night. Kenny tells us the voting went exactly going to plan. Allison jumped on board and they got Sarah to vote with them. Sarah tells us she knows the girls are extremely mad at her and disappointed. Adel tells us his boy Paul went home because Sarah decided to backstab the girls. But corruption and chaos means he's safe for another week. Heather tells us the one person she trusted most in the house ended up being a conniving bitch. Heather hopes Ika realizes her plan didn't work.

Arlie tells us all the girls went upstairs like chickens with their heads cut off, while the rest went into the kitchen. The house is divided. Ika, Neda and Rachelle in the bedroom. Ika very upset that Sarah "screwed" them. Neda tries to calm the girls down. Ika calls Sarah an awful person. Rachelle tells us she did not expect to feel so blindsided or betrayed. Neda tells us Rachelle plays with her emotions, which is good because that means she'll play hard in PoV.

In the DR, Ika is crying. Sarah played her, and her HoH was a waste. She might as well have said "Here, Andrew. Here is my HoH." Sarah tells us by voting to evict Paul, she's drawn a clearly defined line in the sand.

Kenny tells us the First Five decided Sabrina should still vote to evict Heather so that would keep her in the girls alliance and keep someone on the inside for information.

In the pantry, Andrew and Kenny reassure Sarah she did the right thing and that their numbers are stronger than the girls alliance. Kenny tells us now that Paul is gone, the First Five alliance is really strong.

Sarah goes to talk to Heather, who is chatting with Ika. Sarah tells us seeing her with Ika prompted her to get up to Heather as fast as she could. She wanted to lead her to the better side. Sarah reassures Heather that the boys and Allison plus Sarah all had Heather's back. Heather is so happy that Sarah saved her.

In the DR, Heather is crying. She feels betrayed by Sabrina and Ika. Sarah tells us she hopes that Heather will trust her and the boys and that she will be a vote for their side. Sarah tells Heather she is team normal, not crazy people and she is not on the girls side. Arlie joins them and Sarah tells Heather that Allison and Arlie are part of the people who care about Heather.

Sarah tells Heather she's now on the "good Side."  
What do the numbers mean?  
We don't even know why we're happy.  
Rachelle gets a picture of her boyfriend.  
The DR gets a bar. [I always thought it needed one.]  
Even the Have-Nots get hors d'oeuvres.  
 Sarah tells us she really needs to win the HoH since she has now exposed herself. We move forward to the HoH competition. Rachelle tells us crying wasn't going to help her. She needed to take control and win the HoH. Heather is out first, and tells us she doesn't want to sit anywhere near Ika - the person who betrayed her. Rachelle tells us the hard part of the challenge is that you never know when the bungee is going to tighten. Allison tells us that Rachelle and Neda aren't moving. It annoys her that these girls, who are the size of her thigh, are going to win this competition. Neda tells us she thinks Andrew is going to come after the weak.

Rachelle tells us she wanted Heather out last week but that didn't work so she has to win this week and get Heather out once and for all. Arlie begins screeching at the top of his lungs about how everyone can handle the pain. Kenny tells us they are the same height and weight, so the pain should be the same for both. Neda tells us part of her thought that Arlie was overreacting and another part thought he was pretending he was in pain when he really wasn't. Arlie screeches that this competition is 50 times harder than the potato one. Sabrina drops out and tells us she is not that worried because everyone standing is wrapped around her finger.

Arlie continues to go on and on about the pain until Sarah tells him to just let go then because they are all fine. He asks how, she says she's given birth. Andrew joins the "this is hard for me" camp, and Allison encourages him. Jon tells us now that he is down to skin and bones he feels the pain more. He drops, Arlie drops, Andrew drops. Neda tells us in the DR the competition is ridiculously easy and she can't believe everyone is complaining about it. Neda drops next. Allison tells us the only one left standing that concerns her is Rachelle. Sarah tells us that she is confident if she, Kenny or Allison win - just need to get Rachelle down. Sarah tries telling her that she has hours left to go. Rachelle doesn't budge.

Kenny tells us Rachelle is the last one he needs out. He'd be confident with Allison or Sarah left. Rachelle is like a zen master; there is not a thing moving on her. The pain is excruciating. It's like daggers in his legs, he is trying to keep his thumbs relaxed. Sarah encourages him. Sarah tells us she needs him to hang in or she is the only one of the First Five fighting for HoH.

Kenny soon drops. Andrew tells us with Allison or Sarah left he feels confident. Allison tells us she needs to win the HoH to keep herself safe; she can't rely on her immunity this week. Allison tells us she feels like she is going to throw up and she gets distracted, and as she tries to reposition, she ends up moving incorrectly and is out.

It's down to Sarah and Rachelle. Sarah tells us the only thing going through her mind is getting the letter from her family. Sarah tries to tell Rachelle that, Rachelle doesn't budge. Rachelle tells us Sarah can bring up her kids all she wants; her anger is driving her. Sarah betrayed her. Sarah moves incorrectly and is out. She drops to her knees and begins sobbing. Sarah tells us she can't believe she let it slip through her fingers. She can't believe she let the 20 year old twit win it.

In the DR, Rachelle says she won fair and square. Sorry!

Up in the bedroom, Rachelle and Neda dance around happily. Rachelle just saved them, she says. Neda tells us that she hopes Rachelle will make a bold move and get a guy out and not make the same mistake that happened last week. Rachelle mentions nominating Heather and Allison; Neda suggests a guy? Rachelle tells us it's her HoH; she has to do what is best for her game.

Later, the HGs are milling around and chit chatting when the counter suddenly appears on the living room screen. All HGs rush into the room and start trying to figure out what the counter means. Heather tells us she is excited but a little nervous by it. It stops, and then awhile later they come up again. BB, what is going on? In the DR, Sabrina asks BB what is up their sleeves. Those numbers mean something.

Ika comes out of the DR with a special message from BB. "As outgoing HoH, BB has asked me to instruct Rachelle to pick the Have-Not's for the week. Rachelle, you must make your decision immediately." Rachelle tells us she will try to put people on slop who haven't been on it already. She picks Arlie, Adel and then asks for volunteers. Sabrina volunteers until she realizes she can't sleep in Rachelle's room for the week. Too late though - she can't take it back. Rachelle also picks Heather. Heather tells us that ticks her off because she's already been on slop - WITH Rachelle. Ika finishes by telling the Have-Not's their week starts now.

Rachelle tells us she figured Heather would do it to her so she did it to Heather first. Ika tells us if Rachelle had been smart, she would've put Andrew and Kenny on slop. They are the two strongest players in the house and they've never been on slop before

Who wants to see my HoH room? In the DR, Rachelle thanks Canada for the new dresser from the Brick. Rachelle tells us the most exciting part of HoH for her was receiving the letter. It's from her mom, and she starts crying before even reading it. "Hi Rach, it's Mom. Your lonely lonely Mom." (Sarah starts crying and Jon wraps a friendly arm around her to comfort her) "It's been a long time since we've been apart for any length of time and I don't like it. Not seeing your beautiful face is killing me. You cannot imagine how much I miss you. I know some days must be difficult but remember it's just a game. Alec is doing great, smiling and laughing like always. He's been watching all you crazies in that house and gets really excited when you come on the screen. Love you hon, stay strong, have fun and shine bright. Oh yeah, and don't forget to take your G drops. xoxoxoxoxo."

Rachelle tells us reading the letter from her mom reminded her it was just a game and to stay strong. Her letter reminded her what she was there for.

Later, BB called Jon and Allison into the DR. There is a disco party in the room. Jon tells us there is a load of alcohol, definitely his scene. BB gave them a secret task. Have a drink and then go out with the HGs without them suspecting anything. BB let them decide how many drinks to have. Jon tells us there were two of them in a room full of alcohol. It was going to be flowing. Allison leaves the DR first an runs upstairs, Jon shortly after. Jon tells us the house is stupid and wouldn't suspect anything. Allison tells us they had about four beers. While in the DR, Jon jokes that Allison was getting prettier.

In the HoH, Ika, Sarah, Andrew and Allison are chatting. Everyone is chatting around Allison, until she rushes to leave for the bathroom. Another trip to the DR for more drinks. Allison tells us they didn't want to mix too much, that's bad. Allison tells us the challenge was awesome. She comes out of the DR and gets caught; she pretends she was in there with a sick stomach. Sabrina follows her and tries to take care of her. Jon meanwhile is out with Adel, Neda and Arlie and asks if he can feed Adel one spoonful of slop.

BB tells them they were successful in completing their task. All the HGs then get to partake of the alcohol and music in the DR. They then run outside, where food awaits them (even the Have-Not's) with more alcohol. People jump into the pool fully clothed, and Jon dons a lifeguard uniform to save anyone who needs it.

Later, Ika is in the backyard with Sabrina and Rachelle. In the DR, Ika refers to them as "dumb and dumber." Ika doesn't want to put up Heather, who is not a threat (she can't walk or talk, Ika tells us) instead of two strong guys. Sabrina tells us the power players Ika wants up are Andrew and Kenny, part of her First Five alliance. Ika tells the girls that Andrew and Kenny are coming after them. Ika asks them what happens after Heather leaves, who is left on their side? They suggest Allison, and Ika shoots that down - "new girl" is with the boys. She tells us she is making a valid point, and if they don't listen, then she is done with them. In the DR, Sabrina asks why Ika didn't take out the boys last week if she is so desperate to target them?

Sabrina tells us she is so happy Rachelle won HoH; she loves the girl. Rachelle tells us Sabrina is by far her best friend in the house. Sabrina tells Rachelle she cannot put up Andrew or Kenny; Rachelle says she won't and Sabrina says she cannot repeat what she said. Rachelle pinky swears with Sabrina that they are allies. Sabrina starts to cry about how much she will miss Rachelle after the game is over. Later, the counter comes back on, almost at 2 million and they are flying quickly. They stop at two million and lights go off and fireworks on the screen and the whole house starts cheering - with no one having a clue why.

Arisa: "Congratulations Canada, you hit 2 million on the Fan Meter. That means you will see Marsha the Moose on Wednesday's episode! It's all part of our Fan Meter which gives you more influence inside the house than ever before. Just go to for more details."

Sabrina tells Rachelle it's their HoH and when she wins, it will be their HoH too. Sabrina tells us that Rachelle is easily influenced. Rachelle tells us Sabrina is her advisor and she is a smart girl; she helps her make decisions for sure. Sabrina suggests Heather and Allison up, and if Allison wins PoV, then Ika up for sure. She is a huge threat in the house. Sabrina tells us it's what is best in the First Five alliance and will keep Rachelle safe longer. She's not saying she is a master manipulator but she has a lot of control in the BB house. Sabrina tells Andrew the plan. Andrew tells us he'd be in the dark without Sabrina 's flow of information.

Sabrina makes Andrew promise not to go after Rachelle. Andrew tells us he needs to keep Sabrina happy. She's the most important member of the alliance and they wouldn't be as strong without her. Sabrina tells us Andrew should accept his role as brawn and her as brains.

Sabrina tells Allison what Rachelle's plan for the week is and tries to spin it that they have her back and she is a pawn. Allison reminds Sabrina they told Heather that last week. Sabrina says she has always been honest and pleads with Allison to believe her. Allison says she does. Sabrina says Allison would have her back more than Ika would. Probably, Allison replies.

Sabrina tells us she is trying to intimidate Allison a bit so she realizes all the power Sabrina has in the game. "Be a smart girl," Sabrina tells Allison. Allison asks us "What does that mean?" Sabrina tells us she feels pretty powerful because she has a lot of knowledge and she will do whatever it takes to continue to be powerful.

It's time for the nomination ceremony! Rachelle nominates Heather and Allison for eviction. Rachelle nominated Heather - she thinks it's been clear since day 1 that they have butted heads. It's a strategic move because if Heather won HoH next week, Rachelle would be on the line. Rachelle nominated Allison but she is strictly a pawn, she is neutral in the game so it made sense.

Allison tells us today is not a good day. She can't help but feel she will be a target the entire way through. In the DR, Sabrina congratulates Rachelle and then adds that she is HoH with no blood on her hands. Basically she likes to think of herself as a puppet master. Heather tells us Rachelle isn't sorry at all. She tried to get her out, put her on slop. But she's not going anywhere. So she can keep trying, but at the end of the day Heather will be there until Rachelle leaves?

Who will win PoV? Will Sabrina continue to control the house? And tune in for the return of Marsha! Wednesday at 9PM BBT: on SLICE!

This finely crafted play-by-play of the Big Brother Canada show was written by BBLuver.
Did you miss tonight's episode?  See it Here No matter where you live!

8:39PM BBT: Feeds are back with Kenny, Andrew and Sabrina in the bedroom. They are all changing into swim trunks. Rachelle joins and can not go into the hot-tub because she can't take anything off.

Sabrina is talking about how much Canada loves Adel. Sabrina is pissed off about it and Kenny says well we know. HGs got to see video clips of Canada talking about the HGs. Heathers team said "keep representing Edmonton". They were making fun of the people cheering for Heather.

Arlie, Neda, Adel, Heather, Sarah and Jon at the dining table. Everyone is so happy Arlie did it. Arlie says by the skin of his teeth. Andrew, Jon and Kenny head to the hot-tub. HGs are talking about slop days for this team. The HGs got food for Arlie successfully doing his challenge. Arlie is happy that they only have a few days left. Ika joins the hot-tub group.

Allison in the bedroom with Sabrina and Rachelle. Sabrina says how good the Chinese food was.

8:44PM BBT: Sabrina , Rachelle and Allison in the bedroom talking about HGs and how awkward people were acting. Talking about someone leaving the house but being awkward. Adel is waiting for Sabrina .

Andrew, Kenny and Ika are talking about Andrew's fan base. Andrew feels like he doesn't have a lot of people that like him. Adel and Sabrina join in the hot-tub. Rachelle and Allison sit around the hot-tub.

8:51PM BBT: Lots of conversations happening, cannot hear one specific conversation. Doesn't sound to be game talk anywhere. Andrew talks about pasta sauces he likes.
Arlie walks through the house and to the bedroom. Arlie and Heather talk about when they can sleep in the bedroom again. (3 days)

I believe Heather just mentioned Talla - Talla commented on her outfit? Arlie sits at the dining room table, everyone else is outside. Arlie is eating the leftover chinese food. Arlie heads outside afterwards.

Everyone out around the hot-tub except Sarah.

8:52PM BBT: Andrew talks about altercations and how he handles conflict. Adel mentions a bearded man in the audience. Sabrina asks if they think they asked the audience if they said "Who wants to say something about Sabrina , Andrew, Rachelle" Andrew laughs about the way people said "I love Rachelle". And how it was a little girl.
Talla was definitely a part of it. Andrew asks her about how busy she was after the house and she told them we can't talk about production. Rachelle says she didn't say anything. HGs are talking about last season HGs, who is close and who isn't. Sabrina knows it all apparently. Sabrina talks about how close Talla is and Topaz is.

8:58PM BBT: HGs talk about Peter, and how they asked him questions. HGs know about The Side Show.

9:00PM BBT: Jon and Sarah in the house sitting in the chair beneath the stairs chatting. Sarah wonders if Adel will be using his power to pull a nomination down. Jon doesn't think he'll be going after one of the big guys. Heather wanders in and talk turns to being unable to believe that they have fans. Jon wonders if it's too early to take a shower. Sarah says she wants to finish her tea first.

9:05PM BBT: Talk under the stairs turns to what the two million counter could have been. Meanwhile out in the hot-tub Sabrina , Andrew, Neda, Allison, Adel, Rachelle, Kenny and Ika are having idle chit chat. The hot-tub party is about to break up. Kenny wants to go take a shower.

9:12PM BBT: Sarah and Jon continue to talk under the stairs. Sarah wonders if anyone doesn't have fans. Jon says Neda. Sarah scolds him. Talk turns to why Canada loves Adel so much. They realize it's probably because the way Paul was treated. Jon mentions that could you imagine if Adel wasn't really religious? Sarah says clearly he is. They both agree that people like to stir the pot in the house. Jon loves how they both have the same thoughts about people inside the house.

9:15PM BBT: Out in the hot-tub Ika, Allison, Adel, Rachelle and Sabrina are talking about Arlie's challenge. They can't believe that Arlie commented on Allison's weight. She thought he might be up to a challenge but she wasn't sure. Rachelle is cold and wants to head in. Adel mentions waiting 15 minutes for Kenny and Andrew to get their shower in and changed and then they can shower. Rachelle doesn't want to wait. Ika and Adel stay behind. Adel tells Ika to hang with the girls tonight. Ika says they don't want to hang with her and she's tired of trying to force herself on those hood rats. Ika says you have to smile and laugh and look happy. If you're sad, then they'll know they won. Adel says he was questioned when Kyle, Paul and himself were on the block and having so much fun. Ika agrees and says they did a great job of not showing sadness. Ika says she's kinda glad she's going home before jury so she can see her kids. Adel expects that if he makes it to jury Canada would vote him back in. Ika agrees.

9:21PM BBT: Back inside the house we have idle chit chat beneath the stairs. Sarah says she's going to wash her face and go to bed. Andrew begins cleaning up the empty food containers off the kitchen table. Feeds switch to HoH bathroom area. Rachelle, Neda and Sabrina are chatting. Sabrina tells Neda she hopes she wasn't offended by what she said in the kitchen. Neda says she wasn't. Sabrina asks Neda if Ika is being really weird with her. Neda says she kind of is and she told her that she feels like Adel is her only friend in the house. Neda says she thinks Ika knows she may go up. Sabrina wonders if Arlie's challenge today was his real thoughts and he masked the fact that it was a challenge. Sabrina says Arlie told her that her and Andrew makes him feel inferior. He told Rachelle that she blows him off. Jon was stinky. He told Heather that her voice was annoying. He also told Kenny that he makes him feel inferior.

9:28PM BBT: Adel and Ia are in the hot-tub. Audio is someone brushing their teeth and Sarah talking in the shower. Feeds switch. Kenny is brushing his teeth and Sarah was in the stall and Jon is in the shower. Sarah now out. Kenny says he took what Arlie told him to heart and he cried and apologized for it. Sarah thought it was cute. Sarah now brushing teeth.

9:30PM BBT: Talk in the HoH bathroom area is Sabrina and Neda chatting with Rachelle in the shower. Neda says that it was fun seeing as how they are being portrayed outside the house. Neda was shown that she's dating a Wall Street man. Sabrina was praised for cooking her Italian food in the house. Sabrina wants to go to Europe. Sabrina and Rachelle's friends won't go. Jon comes in asking Rachelle for her cream. Rachelle says it's not up here. Sabrina tells Jon that it's a $300 cream. Jon is so sorry. Sabrina offers himself a different one. Jon again says sorry. Sabrina says Rachelle wasn't complaining about it, but he just wanted to tell him.

9:35PM BBT: Elsewhere in the house Heather continues to walk around. Kenny and Allison are in the kitchen. Back in the HoH bathroom area, Rachelle is out of the shower. She doesn't want to put her costume back on. Talk continues about wanting to take a trip to Europe.

9:40PM BBT: Heather is now walking out in the backyard. Sabrina , Neda and Rachelle continue to talk in the HoH bathroom area room making plans for traveling to Europe. Ika comes in and has a seat. The feeds watching Heather switch to Andrew cleaning in the kitchen, talking to Kenny as he makes tea. Allison is cleaning the kitchen table.

9:45PM BBT: Jon is complaining to Sarah that his leg is hurting. Sarah asks if it just happened. Jon thinks so. Kenny comes in and he tells him. Kenny says his hurt as well. Jon says his leg spasm and he hates it. Back down in the kitchen Allison and Andrew are talking about soda. Andrew says he'll drink diet soda on occasion but he does not drink regular pop. Andrew ways the place looks better. Allison lies on the green couch closest to the kitchen on her belly and Andrew says "that's nice...". She tries to pull her sweater down to cover herself up and says "No!" Allison laughs and says whatever. Allison hears conversations happening in the bathroom. Jon comes down and runs for the pool.

9:50PM BBT: Back in the bedroom Sarah and Kenny are whispering. Adel knocks and comes in. Sarah laughs and tells him he doesn't have to knock. They're not naked. Adel uses his inhaler and heads back out. Sarah says she doesn't think they have to worry about Adel using his power when Jon comes back in. Neda follows soon after. It sounds like the four are getting tired. Neda heads back out. Back down in the kitchen Heather is sitting at the counter, Allison remains on the couch and Andrew is...taking the trash out.

9:58PM BBT: Neda has joined Allison, Heather and Andrew in the kitchen. They're talking about how strange it will be to watch their show when they get out of the house. Heather and Allison wants to binge watch it. Andrew isn't sure if he will watch it but then says he'll try to get his friends to watch it with him. Back in the bedroom Kenny, Jon, and Sarah are talking about previous competitions.

10:02PM BBT: Ika Sabrina and Rachelle in HoH bathroom doing ADLs. Jon and Sarah and Kenny in bed chatting about what they might do when the get out of the house. Kenny plans on doing some patio hopping and doing some serious drinking. He wants to get hammered and then just chill and do nothing. Neda joins the HoH gang and talk turns to sleeping arrangements for tonight. Rachelle and Ika talking about meeting Jon's girlfriend when they get out and they think she will be really fun a real party girl. The girls are now all in the main bathroom. Bedroom group talking about Molly, Kenny's dog. Ika now wondering who is downstairs and Neda rattles off a list.

10:09PM BBT: Back in the bedroom Kenny can't wait to experience a summer in Montreal. He's heard it's great. Sarah says it's humid. Kenny still can't wait. Back in the HoH bathroom area Rachelle and Sabrina are talking. Rachelle is curling her hair. Rachelle can't believe that Sabrina can't sleep in here with her tonight. Sabrina can't either. Sabrina calls Rachelle her BFF (best friend forever). Sabrina wishes Rachelle would call Sabrina her BFF. Rachelle says she is her BFF. Talk turns to if Rachelle's boyfriend would let her take the trip to Europe. Rachelle says he's not controlling and he let her come on BB. Rachelle worries that he'll be going to school and she can't handle a four year long distance relationship.

10:11PM BBT: Andrew in the kitchen with Allison and Ika and Adel are now at the dinning table. Sabrina and Rachelle now discussing how hot Jon is and Rachelle is more attracted to him because of his personality. Allison telling Andrew that she really only likes him because of his arm piece (tat). Rachelle now talking about maybe breaking up with her boyfriend if they end up doing a long distance relationship. Andrew says he feels like he can cook again. Sabrina goes to put on her PJs (she has been wearing a towel). On the way out the door Sabrina says that this house is disgustingly dirty. she passes through the main bedroom and says goodnight guys I loves ya. Rachelle now says goodnight from your favorite weiner. Adel and Ida with Heather are building a pillow fort out by the hammock with the chair cushions.

10:17PM BBT: Andrew and Allison continue talking quietly semi-strategically. Adel is the main architect with Ika and Heather bringing him materials. Allison comes out and is given the tour. Adel wants to know how they can build a roof, He wonders if he can go steal a bed sheet from upstairs and is told no because people are sleeping up there. Neda now getting into bed in the main bedroom with Rachelle sprawled across the foot of the bed.

 The outside group is now congregated inside the fort playing a hand clapping game. Jon is up in his briefs and heads out of the bedroom. He goes downstairs out to the pool to change so he can do his lap. Andrew has the lacrosse stick outside now and he puts it down to enter the fort. Jon finishes his lap and grabs a towel. Adel invites Jon to come to their house and jumps out to look for the wall. Jon runs inside after changing back into his briefs and heads back to bed. Andrew now has the ball and is putting pillows on his arms so that he can be the goalie. Allison is helping tie the pillows on. the decide to make the washer/dryer shed the goal. They invite Allison to play and say you get five shots each. Sabrina and Rachelle now in the HoH on the bed chatting about what might be happening downstairs. Ika and Heather lying prone on the grass inside the fort looking out at Andrew and Adel. Upstairs Rachelle asks Sabrina to help her make her speech for tomorrow at the PoV ceremony. Allison is now taking a turn with the lacrosse stick and Adel stops her shot. He also blocks a shot from Andrew. They keep at it and Adel says the score is now three for 5. Sabrina and Rachelle being silly upstairs. Ika and Heather are commenting about one of the other girls having really small legs.

10:24PM BBT: We have horizontal motionless HGs in the bedroom. Lights remain on in the room.

& Back in the HoH Sabrina and Rachelle are having a giggling fit as they agree to say "Oh Madonna!" which is means "Oh my god." Rachelle wants to plan her speech for Ika tomorrow. Sabrina says just tell her that you have to do what's best for your game and you're best target. Meanwhile in the backyard Andrew is playing Lacrosse against Adel in front of the washer/dryer combo. Allison takes her turn against Andrew as a goalie. Back in the fort Heather and Ika are whispering. Heather isn't sure who is going to go on the block. Heather fears she'd go home if she goes up against Arlie.

Whoa, who let the pawn in the fort?  
Don't you think she looks hotter when she's by herself?  
Jon answers Big Brother's call and does another "lap" in the tiny pool.  
10:30PM BBT: The feeds went black and had to restart them all. Adel eating inside on camera 1 while simultaneously being in the fort outside camera 3. Will try and sink them up. Adel eating must have been from this morning. Finally got all four feeds current. Sabrina and Rachelle still chatting on HoH bed while Adel Ika and Heather are in the pillow fort defending it from attacks with the lacrosse ball by Andrew and Allison, Upstairs they are complaining about the guys saying they eat a dish of ice cream every morning.

Downstairs the fort is now being dismantled and the cushions carried back to the chairs around the pool. Andrew is giving Allison a piggyback ride and she comments that her ass is out. Andrew promptly smacks it by reaching behind.

10:41PM BBT: Downstairs group continues to tidy up and Andrew says that they need more detergent already. Adel wonders where all the cushions came from and Ika instructs him where to put them.. Sabrina saying that she wants Allison and Adel gone. Rachel wonders if there will be a twist this week or just a double eviction. Adel asking Heather if she wants to eat Chinese food now or after she washes up which does not make any sense as they are on slop. Adel goes upstairs and tells Sabrina he has a plate of food saved (from the party yesterday) and he says that this is their last chance to eat. Sabrina asks him to leave her some as she cannot eat right now. Adel is trying to figure out where Arlie is as he wants to wait for him to eat. Consensus is that he is still in the DR. Adel and Ika now head to the hammock.

Rachelle and Sabrina continuing the pajama party in the the HoH room now talking about plans to travel this summer including meeting in LA or Rachelle coming to Montreal then they will go to LA together. Ika and Adel now heading back inside.

Allison is cuddling with Andrew on the green couches.

10:49PM BBT: Ika is up in the the HoH room where Sabrina tells her that they have been talking about LA.

Heather joins the couple on the couches. Allison is talking about having two showers the other night. She is now teasing him about not doing anything because they are on television and who says she would do anything if they were not on TV. Ika telling the girls about the fort they built. Andrew thinks he has a zero person fan club and it might be growing only because of her. Allison says he is a guy's guy a bro and thinks that folks will like that. Andrew says that he is more of a douche. Allison tells him he dresses really nice and a douche bag is someone who thinks he is amazing. Allison thinks she is medium high awesome but really weird and her weird is starting to show. Andrew saying the party where she won the house alcohol was pretty nice. [Check it out on flashback, they showed almost nothing on the broadcast tonight. -DRG]

10:55PM BBT: Upstairs the Heather bashing is now in full swing.

Heather and Adel are out on the hammock. Ika is saying that Heather is like an annoying Barbie. Adel talking about how he cannot tell anything to the girls other than Neda Heather and Ika. He feels that Jon and Arlie and the guys will try and get in his head and use him for one HoH and next week he will be on the block. Adel says that if they go on the block it is up to the house who goes since they have no crew. He says they are week to week and the main goal is to try and make it to jury house. He says that so far anything he has said to Neda has not gotten back to the house.

Sabrina and Ika are now leaving the the HoH room.

Adel says that everyone is so sick and annoyed with Sabrina but no one will do anything because she rats everyone out. He says he has been spending time with Ika because she has no one. Heather says that people notice when he is not around and when Ika is not around. Sabrina in the kitchen asking where is the food and Adel says they are waiting for Arlie to come out. Sabrina says the kitchen looks really good and tomorrow she will clean. Adel says Sabrina acts like she does so much and it is all a crock. She is so fake he cannot stand it. If you fight with her she makes it so much bigger and she is the victim. All she does is eat all the time.

Sabrina is now back in the the HoH room with the hot dog giving her a hard time about having said something to Heather because Heather has a big mouth.

Adel is saying that when he looks at the big picture Arlie has a lot of friends in the house. He thinks that they will all turn on the new girl soon. Heather confirms that "they" wanted her out this week, Heather thinks that the replacement nom may be Ika. Adel thinks that if Ika goes up she will go home no matter what, she cannot even campaign. Heather says you have to stick with what the house wants unless you are ready to make a really big move. Adel says if he was HoH he would put up two strong players and if one comes off them you put up someone who is really liked so the strong person will go home. Adel says he has to start talking more to Neda. Heather says they were close at first but then she started talking with Rachelle more and now Rachelle is with Sabrina Neda has started doing whatever the HoH wants instead of playing her own game. Adel says Neda has nobody and Heather says she has Jon but Adel says do you really think Jon cares about Neda and she responds that Neda thinks he does. They head in to eat as Arlie has now reappeared. Arlie tells them to go ahead as he ate so much before that he will only eat just before going to bed, He is stuffed as he ate so much before in fear that BB was going to take the food away.

The girls hear the activity downstairs and head down.

11:10PM BBT: Now they are all wondering what happened to the rest of the food and Andrew says that there was not much left and he cleaned up the containers. Jon is buzzed four times and heads out to the pool to do his laps. Andrew apologizes for throwing there stuff out then again says that what is there is all that was really left. Jon calls in asking for towels and Adel says that they are in the washer, Ika ran to the bathroom to fetch a towel for Jon and delivers it to him out by the pool. Andrew tells the group that the food was actually Thai and not Chinese and that is why it was so good. Now he is informing them that Ginger Beef was actually invented in Calgary at a restaurant he used to work at. Jon is winded and heading back upstairs.

11:16PM BBT: Allison saying that she is still so awake. Andrew asks Allison if she wants some tea. Now they are talking about who likes curry and who does not. Sabrina says they can only eat tonight. Allison brings some tea bags to Andrew who has started the electric kettle. Andrew now talking about the difference between Green curry and Indian curry. Jon back in his bed. Hot dog now back in her HoH bathroom. Sabrina still eating at the table next to Adel. [It is about the only time she is not talking. -DRG] Allison and Andrew working on making their tea. Arlie joins the group at the table and John comes down too. He says they are trying to sleep upstairs and he may have to do more laps so he will wait to go up again. Sabrina now going on and on about how lucky they are that the party was God sent.

Talk turns to Dan Gehsling then Boogie and what they would do if they showed up at the house. Sabrina says she loves DR. Will and Boogie and she recalls Will's speech where he said he hated them all and they still did not evict him. Rachelle now listening to her music in the HoH bed. Allison saying that Will and Boogie invented strategy so back then speeches might have changed someones mind. Jon recalling how Amanda just slayed Candice during the same type of veto competition they just played last night. General talk about restaurants and then Mario Brothers games.

11:28PM BBT: Allison says she is a huge Final Fantasy fan and that seven is her fave but she likes 8 too. She says she is a boys girl as she grew up with her brother and played video games and Nerf guns, but she can be very girly too. She thinks that everyone should have Nerf guns. Ika and Sabrina now out at the hammock where Sabrina is saying she feels like she has not spoken to anyone today, [If it was only true.]

Sabrina saying that everyone is so weird today and it is strange how one person can change the dynamics of a whole group. They are talking about Allison, then Sabrina says she cannot understand Heather and Ika tells her not to even try. Ika feels that there are no alliances anymore even with the guys alliance. Ika saying she would never put you guys up and she does not want them to go home. Sabrina says she thinks Ika is playing the game with other people now. Heather wandering around upstairs. [Maybe trying to get her step count up. -DRG] Ika saying that she does not want them to think she takes things out on you guys and not Sarah. What Sarah did was a game move and she understands it from that perspective. Heather walking in circles now clearly working on her step count. Sabrina now saying that it sucks that in this game you can't like people. Ika still lobbying saying that if she wins HoH you guys (meaning the girls alliance) will not be going up. Sabrina playing the victim again and the water works starts. She feels she can't be friends because you never know when people will leave. Sabrina telling her that the boys will send Ika out next week and she thinks something is in the works for this week and she even feels not so safe. She does not think that Andrew has her back any more. [Liar Liar Pants on Fire. -DRG]

Ika, Sabrina and Rachelle are sitting by the pool Sabrina is trying to get Rachelle to tell Ika that she is going on the block. Rachelle said that she thought that after Paul left that Ika betrayed them. Rachelle said she does not want to throw anyone under the bus but she heard a lot that Ika said.

Rachelle said that they do not have the numbers Ika is asking Rachelle to give her another week she is crying. Looks like Rachelle made her mind up to send Ika home. Ika said last week she keep them safe Ika said.

12:09AM BBT: At the pool they are going over scenario to Ika. Ika said she is not guaranteed to win a veto, Sabrina said what Rachelle is doing for the boys she would not go home anytime soon.

12:14AM BBT: Ika is really fighting for her life. Ika asked Rachelle how she would be safe next week. Sabrina said that Adel would only save Rachelle because she did not put him up this week.

12:29AM BBT: Rachelle said she is here to play a game and she love Ika. Ika is very calm while Rachelle talking. Ika said it is OK guys I understand. Ika said she is going to talk to Adel she give a hug to Sabrina and Rachelle and left.

12:39AM BBT: Ika and Adel is now in the backyard talking Ika is crying she said she said it sucks to go out this way. Sabrina and Rachelle in the bathroom area Sabrina said she is proud of Rachelle, Sabrina told Rachelle go grab Adel now. Sabrina and Rachelle is now in the HoH room Sabrina said if Heather try to send Rachelle home she is going to ask her if she is stupid.

12:43AM BBT: Ika told Adel when no one looks at you in the game you know you are going home. Adel said Rachelle is not good at playing the game. Adel said he wish his power was real and he would vote for her to stay.

12:52AM BBT: Sabrina , Rachelle Ika and Adel out by the hammock. Sabrina said is she is not going to win and she has children she would want to go home.

12:54AM BBT: Adel confirms that he cannot use his power this week on ika, Because he would be in trouble.

12:59AM BBT: BB announce congratulation Jon you have completed your task. They all started to clap

1:01AM BBT: Jon joins Sabrina , Ika, Adel and Rachelle on the ground near the hammock. Adel asks Jon who he would put up if he won HoH. Jon jokingly says " twice..." Jon then adds in "...and your friend, but you don't have one!" and laughs. Talk turns to the fact that Talla was in the house tonight.

1:08AM BBT: Intermittent FotH as Adel talks about meeting Talla. Jon went back to bed. Now Sabrina is telling the group that when she took a trip to Mexico she saw kids bringing tortilla shells covered in salt for their lunch. Adel says his brother told him he was going to be eaten alive inside the house. Ika is going to stay up to get the towels out of the dryer. Sabrina asks Ika if they want them to go to bed. Ika nods. Sabrina and Rachelle head inside and Sabrina says she thinks they are plotting something.

1:14AM BBT: Audio remains on Rachelle and Sabrina in the HoH on the feed displaying Ika and Adel. They have moved to the steps outside the house door and are looking around the yard. Up in the HoH Sabrina thinks Rachelle will be alright next week as long as there is no funny business. If Canada gets the option to save someone it may cause a hiccup in their plan.

1:19AM BBT: Rachelle and Sabrina are going to bed. Sabrina heads downstairs to the Have-Not room. She pops outside and asks Adel where he's going to sleep. Adel points out that he can't sleep next to a girl so he's going to sleep on the other side of Arlie. Sabrina goes in and tries to wake Heather to get her to move to the middle. In the end she ends up climbing in between Arlie and Heather.

1:25AM BBT: Audio syncs up properly and we hear Adel and Ika's conversation. They're running various scenarios as to who would put whom up. Talk briefly turns to Ika regretting not taking out a big target last week. Adel says everyone is going to have that one move they regret and says they should move on. They return to running scenarios.

1:34AM BBT: Ika and Adel continue to run scenarios, pointing at the head shots in the backyard making it very difficult to follow. "He'll put her up and if she wins PoV then he'll go up and who do you think will go home?" Talk turns to Rachelle doing Sabrina 's bidding.

1:38AM BBT: Feeds 1 and 2 display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. Feeds three and four remain on Adel and Ika in the backyard. Talk briefly turns to Paul the motivational snitch. Adel wonders if Heather would tell people if he tried to align with her. Ika said she absolutely would. Ika says she'll get to go home and see her kids so she's excited.

1:47AM BBT: Talk continues in the backyard. Adel says he has to take out Kenny. Adel says Kenny will make that whole thing fall apart.

1:49AM BBT: Adel points at the head shots and says "That fucker and that donkey got the house cold showers for two weeks and nobody seems to care.”

1:59AM BBT: Nothing new to report. They continue to point up at the various head shots and run various scenarios while telling funny stories or complaining about things they do. They run back across the yard back to the hammock and sit down in front of it. Both knew something fishy was going on when Rachelle didn't make any of the strong guys Have-Nots for the week

2:10AM BBT: Adel continues to point up at the various pictures on the wall in the backyard. He knows the "Newfie 3" are going to be close and have each others backs. They decide to head into bed. They check the towels and decide to take them in and fold them.

2:17AM BBT: Towel folding in the bathroom area is complete. Adel says it would be really cool if there was a Canada votes for who leaves the BB house this week. They head to their separate rooms. Adel bundles up in the Have-Not room and lies down on the mat beside Arlie. Meanwhile Ika heads off the bedroom. All four feeds now display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms.

2:25AM BBT: Adel could be seen reaching across Arlie to touch Sabrina . Audio is off. Arlie swatted at his hand. Adel reached over and gave Sabrina his cup of water to get a drink. Everything still once more. On that note I think it's time we head to bed as well. Good night Canada!

Today's updaters were: ski, BBLuver, canfan137, DRG, IndigoAquarius, Lacednotes, Morty, MsBebeAngel, NiteSlacker, sugar1plum, and Trancutie.

The views expressed here are those of our contributors and may not accurately reflect the true character of the Big Brother participants.


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