Tonight is going to
one jam-packed fun episodes of Big Brother. First, we get
to see the conclusion of the PoV competition. Then (I think) Arisa
will reveal the Final Houseguest twist and either Allison, Nate or
Scott will enter the house (we're thinkin' it's Allison). Then the live
eviction. Will Kyle be taking that long walk of shame to see Arisa, or
will the girls flip and keep Kyle for their alliance? And who will be the
next HoH? Will the power shift? 8:58AM BBT: All the HGs and
WR3 are still sleeping.
9:36AM BBT: All the HGs are up and doing ADLs.
9:40AM BBT: Sabrina, Ika, and Rachelle are in the bathroom area
Sabrina is telling a story about how she liked Kenny two days ago but now
she likes Andrew instead. Ika asks if she would date Andrew she said she
doesn't know. Sabrina said Andrew is a lot nicer that her ex-boyfriend.
9:46AM BBT: Jon just came out of the DR and gives a shout for
everyone to go ahead and get ready they are going to start DR soon.
9:59AM BBT: Adel and Paul are in the pantry. Paul is teaching Adel
how to iron. Adel said: " If we don't win this (HoH) we're fucked. Paul
replies: "Don't underestimate the fact that we are two votes for someone
that might want to flip the house."
10:03AM BBT: Paul is talking about how great his foster parents were.
He goes on to say that his mother had breast cancer and died when his was 6.
He lived with a few family members including his aunt who was not very nice
and used to beat him. Then his aunt took his sister and moved to Canada and
split the family up... feeds cut to FotH.
10:08AM BBT: The WR3 are up and eating their breakfast in bed
discussing the HGs on the screens.
10:13AM BBT: Andrew and Jon are talking about backpacking though
Europe. Andrew said he has done it and suggests Jon bring portable speakers
and a canvas cooler that holds at least 24 beers and when he goes to the
beach the girls will want to dance and you have alcohol, "You will thank me
The WR3 share a final hug. They don't want
to leave the house. |
Andrew spends his final moments as HoH reading
his letter from home. |
The Lost Boys will be one boy less after tonight. |
10:22AM BBT: Scott is talking about how the live show
tonight they will talk about Jon's arm injury. Scott goes on to pretend he
is Arisa: "Jon, so you hurt your arm?" Scott being Jon: "Of course I did
because I am a bozo." Scott then says this room makes you have nothing but
loathing for half the the HGs in there.
10:48AM BBT: Kyle, Paul and Adel are in the backyard, "No hot water
you suckers have fun with that." Kyle goes on to say that Neda questioned
him about the guys alliance and how she just isn't sure where she stands
with Jon.
10:55AM BBT: BB just announced that there will be a indoor LD in
three minutes.
11:11AM BBT: Kenny and Andrew are up in the HoH clearing their stuff out of it. The the girls are still in the bathroom area getting ready. The house is pretty quiet right now.
11:35PM BBT: Paul, Kyle and Adel are in the bedroom talking about rather they should sleep with women and party it up or wait until something meaningful. Adel said he used to sleep around but now as he as is older he doesn't anymore. He has a girlfriend that he has never slept with. Adel also feels that he thinks no one stays in love forever but you work on it and love sparks back up with your partner. Kyle thinks true love is about being in a best friend companionship type relationship.
11:55AM BBT: Most of the HGs are in the living room , just generaly chattering.
2:00PM BBT: The "Hush" FotH screens have been up while the HGs prepare for tonight's TV show.
4:15PM BBT: The feeds are still hushed.
8:40PM BBT: Feeds are still Hushed but, we are only 20
minutes away from tonight's BB episode!
Tonight's Show in Colour
on Slice TV at 9:00PM:
Remember, you can watch Big Brother as it airs
HERE. Yikes!
They pulled the plug on JustinTV, please try:
click the link "Show"
This program contains sexuality, course language and mature subject
matter, so you may need your kids to explain it to you.
For the past seven days, three secret HGs have been living together in
just 1 room. They have all been vying for your votes and tonight we will
find out who you picked as the final HG. It is going to be a huge night.
Previously, on BB Canada, Andrew uses his HoH to settle a personal score
with Paul. But Paul was not quite done. A nomination aftermath was
explosive, dividing the house in two. Andrew and the cool kids vs. Paul
and the misfits.
Kenny kept his cool with a plan to back-door
Kyle. In the Divergent PoV challenge, Paul pushed himself to the break.
Tonight, the battle for the PoV continues. Is Kyle still the biggest
threat in the house or is Andrews ego turning the others off? And
Canada, who did you choose to be the final HG? Find out now on BB
Welcome to Big Brother Canada! What a night we have ahead
of us. Not only will we find out who the second person voted out this
season is, we will also find out who you voted in as the final HG. Will
it be Allison, Nate or Scott. We will find out in just a few but first
we need to get caught up with the chaos of this week.
We pick up
at the PoV competition. Paul has dropped out of the competition, Kenny
is in the lead and everyone else is trying to catch up. Kenny tells us
he was panicking a bit when trying to find the last puzzle pieces and is
concerned because there were a lot of blank pieces in the pool, while
Andrew was catching up. He finds his piece seconds ahead of Andrew
arriving to get his and ziplines to complete his puzzle, winning the
PoV! Kenny tells us he came to win challenges and ensure he can control
his direction in the game.
Paul tells us if this is the end of
his game, and he gave it all he had and Kenny won, then Kenny deserves
it. Andrew gets a Divergent soundtrack CD as a bonus for winning HoH for
the week.
In the HoH, Arlie, Andrew and Kenny discuss taking Neda off the
block and putting Kyle up.
In WR3, we are introduced to Scotts
alter ego, Contessa. Scott is impressed with how much work it takes to
be a woman. Scott tells us Nate is mesmerized by his transformation.
Nate tells us Scott actually did look like a chick. Scott tells us she
is a relief from his everyday stress in the work world
Time for
the PoV ceremony. Neda tells us she thinks she is going to keep going up
week after week as a pawn and eventually she will go home.
has a chance to state why the PoV should be used on her: "It would be
really nice if you used it on me, and I will make you slop cookies."
Paul gets a turn: "We all have consequences. I am up here for a
reason, I accept that fate. You were a rockstar up there, you deserve
it. Use it how you want to use it."
Kenny uses the PoV on Neda.
Andrew nominates Kyle in place of Neda.
Andrew says the reason is
that Kyle presents more of a threat to his physical game than either
Paul or Neda. Paul tells us his plan to be the villain is working. Paul
tries to shake Andrews hand, and Andrew refuses. He can tolerate Paul
but does not have to talk to him. Paul tells us when Andrew comes off
HoH, he will be the target.
Arisa welcomes us back and reminds us
of the feeds at She tells us we will want to watch
Sunday afternoon when the HGs are given a task to participate in.
Back in the house, Kyle asks if he can pray with Adel. Adel tells us
he is thrilled with that. Kyle tells us he has never had a religious
Muslim like Adel and he likes to try new things. Kyle does not want to
mess up the words or hand movements, so it gives him a more open mind.
Adel tells us praying with Kyle is about keeping the brotherhood,
staying level minded and keeping it clear the rest of the game. Kyle
tells us it does give you the relaxation. Adel tells us he loves Kyle,
respects him.
Neda tells us Jon is like her big brother in the
house, the only guy she trusts. Jon tells us Neda is the only girl
without a big mouth so she is trustworthy. They bash Andrew, and how he
runs his mouth. Neda tells she hates how everyone sucks up to Andrew.
Neda tells Jon that Sabrina does everything she does for her game. Jon
tells us he has no idea where any of the girls heads are at. Neda tells
us she does not want Kyle to go home, and that he would go after Andrew
and she wants Andrew gone.
Paul, Kyle and Adel are by the pool,
joking about being the outsiders. They should have their own show - Life
With Paul. They can discuss Big Brother, what not to do. Adel tells us
laughter is the key to the BB house. Laughter will drive everyone else
nuts, and make you happy. They call themselves the Outsiders.
Later, everyone is out at the hot-tub. Sarah tells us she notices Kyle
being treated as an outsider, and it kills her to see him treated that
way. She makes an effort to get to know him.
Kyle tells us slowly but surely he feels he is gaining respect around the
house. The worst thing you can do is roll over and give up.
It is
time to check in with the HGs and then get to the vote! Arisa poses her
question to Sarah, asking her what her take is on what happened in the
house this week. Sarah is not happy about the house being divided but
someone has to leave and it is the game and so that is the way it goes.
Kyle gives his final plea: What can I say. I want to stay a bit
longer, but whatever happens in the end, I respect you 100%. Paul, if
you go home remember, $100,000 is nothing. Money cannot buy the fact
that you were up on that giant pillar and you conquered your fear of
heights. Adel, buddy, I could go on forever but there is not enough
time. You are one of my best friends. Thank you.
Paul gives his
final plea: This game is insane! First and foremost, Andrew - we have
our differences but for what I did to you, I truly apologize to you bro,
from the bottom of my heart. The second thing, I learned you cannot make
25 alliances on the second day. That does not work. So I am hoping you
will give me time to regain your trust. And third, Levi, Salem, Lee and
Sandy I miss you guys so much! Thank you.
Time for the live
voting to begin: Kenny - votes to evict Kyle Heather - votes to
evict Kyle Arlie - votes to evict Kyle Adel - votes to evict Paul
Neda - votes to evict Kyle Sarah - votes to evict Kyle Sabrina -
votes to evict Kyle Jon - votes to evict Kyle Rachelle - votes to
evict Kyle Ika - votes to evict Kyle By a vote of 9-1, Kyle is
evicted from the Big Brother house.
Kyle, Adel and Paul have a
group hug as Kyle is leaving. Out with Arisa, Kyle receives loud cheers.
Arisa says he is the first backdoor of the season. Is he a threat or
there because of the drama in the house. Kyle says he is a threat, he
saw it coming, and he had to keep his morals and protect his boy PJ. It
was intense.
Arisa tells us we will catch up with Kyle on the BB
Side Show. Kyle says this experience is amazing. Everyone thinks it is
about going to be a big snake to win, but he made so many friends in
there and it does not matter about your skin colour, religion or
sexuality. We are all flesh and blood, and PJ and Adel are his brothers
for life.
Right now, it is time to get a crown a new HoH. This
challenge is called Big Brother Tabloid. Arisa will read a number of
rumours flying around about the first four competitions thus far. Your
job is to decide if it is a fact or a rumour. If it is a fact, you will
step up. If it is a rumour, you will step down. If you are correct, you
will move on and if you are wrong, you will be eliminated. The last HGs
standing will be the new HoH.
Question 1: Rumour has it that
Anick was wearing a superhero outfit in the cut and grab competition.
Answer: Fact. Paul is wrong, everyone else is right. Paul is eliminated.
Question 2: Rumour has it that Heather was the 2nd person to
choose a cooler in the ice breaker competition. Answer: Rumour. Neda and
Rachelle are eliminated.
Question 3: Rumour has it that in the
Fresh from the Farm competition the blue team dropped out before the
black team. Answer: Rumour. Adel is eliminated.
Question 4:
Rumour has it that in the ice breaker challenge Andrew stepped down
after Sabrina. Answer: Rumour. Jon and Heather are eliminated.
Question 5. Rumour has it that there were 4 live chickens in the BY for
the Fresh from the Farm competition. Answer: Rumour. Everyone
else is eliminated except Ika, who is the new HOH!
the last week we have watched every move that Allison, Scott and Nate
have made and have been voting for who will be the final HG. For their
last night together, BB gave them one final feast (a huge meal). Scott
tells us he is blown away. He is a sucker for a tablecloth and fine
Scott tells the group they are playing spin the bottle
tonight. Both Nate and Allison refuse, both telling us in the DR
separately that it is NOT going ton happen. Scott feels like it is the
last supper, like they are about to be executed. Allison tells us she
thinks Scott is going in. He is witty, funny and smart. More sneaky than
he let's on, he is an entertainer. Scott tells us Nate is his biggest
The wait is over, Canada! The results are in! More
than 200,000 votes were received. Nate, you are not going into the BB
house. It is either Allison or Scott. The HGs entering the house
is.... Allison! Congratulations, Allison! Nate and Scott, we
love you too.
"Allison, a couple of rules you need to know
about. First, you can make up any story you want as to why you are late
to enter the house but you can never tell the other HGs about the secret
room. Never. They can never know you have been watching them for the
last week. If you reveal either of those secrets, you will be evicted
immediately. And remember, Allison, Big Brother is always watching. We
will be hearing more from Nate and Scott on our Side Show, which is
coming up right after this."
In one word, Allison is feeling
shocked, and then thankful. "Thanks, Canada!"
Allison is escorted
in by BB Secret Service. Allison enters the house, remarking how pretty
it is. She is alone in the house, and comes down the stairs to look
around. She gets to the kitchen and comments about how messy it is; the
audience laughs. She sits on the green couch for a second, proclaiming
it is unreal. She moves to a chair behind the stairs for another second,
eliciting laughter from the audience.
The HGs are let inside and
scream to find Allison. She is bombarded by all of them, who are asking
who she is and what she is doing here. Allison fakes surprise that they
are there. They say they have been there for two weeks and she feigns
shock. Follow up on Sunday to see how she does in the house. See you on
Sunday at 9PM ET!
As always, BBLuver did an awesome job of of
writing this Big Brother Canada Play-By-Play, Thanks, -Morty
Did you miss tonight's episode?
See it
Here No matter where you live! |
BBT: The feeds are on and the HGs are still getting to know
Allison. Everyone is sitting on the green couch in the living room
complaining that it doesn't seem like they are going to get any special
food/alcohol for Allison to celebrate her first night in the house. Allison
is in more of a casual outfit than she was on the TV show, revealing the
fact that the show was recorded earlier today.
10:07PM BBT: Andrew does his Australian accent for
Allison. She's impressed. Brief talk about Kenny and Allison
knowing/seeing each other back home. Someone suggests that they live
in a small town. The two disagree saying that it's a large city
(300,000 people?).
10:10PM BBT: There are multiple conversations
going on the couch. Allison and Andrew talking now. Sabrina, Ika and
Neda are in the storage room chatting. Talk turns to the fact that
Adel and Paul know that Ika will be putting them up. Kenny walks in
and they ask if she should feel guilty about it. Kenny doesn't think
so. Kenny out. Paul into the storage room. Awkward silence briefly
before Neda and Sabrina ask Paul if he thinks "it's too much?"
(Allison's arrival). Paul doesn't think so. Paul thinks it's nice to
have something new. Paul says he's looking to redeem himself.
10:46PM BBT: The HGs
race for the door to get to a tub full of beer on ice. |
10:15PM BBT: Neda and Sabrina feel Kyle and Paul's
speeches were good at eviction today. Talk turns to Paul trying to
apologize to Andrew but being denied.
The other set of feeds
switch to Ika and Adel whispering in the bathroom area. Ika swears she
wouldn't say something like that about it. Ika wonders how she can
trust Paul for outing an alliance the way he did. Adel swears that
Paul, Adel, Ika and Neda should be in an alliance as a final four.
Adel says the new girl (Allison) will be getting in with the guys.
They need to get the guys out. Footsteps are heard and Adel darts into
the stall.
10:20PM BBT: Adel tells Ika that he
swore to Kyle that he would protect Paul and he plans on keeping his
word. More footsteps and Adel darts into the stall again and tells Ika
to scram.
They meet up in the bedroom briefly and talk
continues. Sabrina is getting cuddly with Andrew and her best friend
is Sarah. "Don't worry about Rachelle. Her best friend is Sarah." Ika
takes it all in. Voices can be heard and Adel heads for the door and
wishes her good luck this week and he swears if he wins PoV ever he'll
use it to protect the two girls.
10:23PM BBT:
Ika and Neda chatting about production in the bathroom area. Sabrina
comes in complaining about one of the girls being too buddy buddy with
her and telling her that she loves her.
Randomly Sabrina stops
and points toward the bathroom area stall and says she heard Adel call
the girls sluts next door in the bedroom. Nobody else heard it. She
says she's not crazy. They girls don't think he said it. She says
she's hallucinating then.
Feeds switch to the bedroom with
Paul and Adel whispering. Adel is angry about something calling
someone a cow. Paul tells him to calm down.
BBT: Paul and Adel are speaking in a relatively quiet tone in
the bedroom. Paul says Sabrina has it out for Adel like Andrew has it
out for Paul. Paul said Sabrina told him that if he hangs out with
Adel he'll be in a bad spot. Adel wonders who he's supposed to hang
out with then. Paul agrees.
Back in the bathroom area Ika,
Rachelle and and Sabrina are chatting. BB calls to Ika to fix her mic.
It got clicked off. Heather walks in and asks what they are up to. Ika
says her mic keeps clicking off, she's going to change her batteries.
Moments later the feeders get an ear full of squealing from a dying
mic pack.
10:32PM BBT: Ika heads out to change
her batteries. Sabrina, Heather and Rachelle are speaking about
Allison. Sabrina says Anick must be pissed at home because she went
home faster than Allison will. Allison gets a week of immunity.
Someone points out that Allison will essentially have three weeks of
immunity because she wasn't able to be evicted the first two weeks
10:35PM BBT: Rachelle starts brushing
her teeth. Heather and Sabrina continue to talk. Heather wants to do
something special for her boyfriend's birthday while she's in the
house. They're both acting over the top cute (it's rather
disgusting...). Brief view of an empty backyard. Heather and Sabrina
hug it out before heading back down to join the crowd in the living
room . Paul is laying near the front door with his head on a pillow
and begins to lift his legs in exercise. Sabrina wants to sit next to
her girl Heather on the couch. Several conversations going on at once.
10:45PM BBT: The HGs wonder when they are going to
get to go in the BY. Feeds switch to the BY where a bucket of beer can
be seen on a table. They hear the door begin to slide open and the
house erupts in cheers.
They bolt for the door, screaming with happiness as they see the
bucket. Everyone jumps around waiting for the sliding door to open.
They all bolt outside and Kenny reads the card: "To celebrate the
arrival of the new HG BB is throwing a party. The Have-Nots week is
now over." Everyone erupts in cheers again.
BBT: The Have-Nots run inside and begin to find food that
they can eat. Everyone is cheering, conversations everywhere. Feeds
switch to Neda and Ika in the bathroom area. Ika starts telling Neda
that she doesn't trust Paul but she thinks they should team up with
Adel and Paul to get out the guys and then turn on the two. Neda
agrees. Especially because Sabrina will never vote out Andrew. Ika
thinks Kenny is sitting pretty this week. Both agree that the other
girls won't agree with this plan. Neda says to take out Andrew or
Kenny this week and it may need to be a backdoor thing. They both
agree not to bring this up to Sabrina especially.
10:51PM BBT: Outside around the hot-tub Jon,
Sarah, Kenny and Andrew are talking. Kenny's name was brought up but
Sabrina settled her down. Sarah thinks the, she knows the
girls are already going crazy because of Allison. Feeds are jumping
all over the place as BB tries to chase everyone down. Conversations
end just as quickly as they begin.
10:56PM BBT:
Sabrina and Sarah are in the storage room talking. They are talking
about the First Five. Sarah says she just questioned them about it and
they agreed that it's only week two (week three) and the First Five are still
good. Sabrina doesn't like the fact that they word it that way. She
thinks they should say "Of course we're fine, you shouldn't even ask."
Sarah wonders if it's her words that are being misinterpreted. Sabrina
doesn't think Kenny likes her. Sarah feels the same way about Kenny.
Ika and Heather walk into the storage room and the talk ends. Sabrina
asks Sarah if she wants to go outside and drink. Sarah seems reluctant
to get up but goes.
11:02PM BBT: Everyone in
the backyard thanks BB. The guys all agree that BB can keep sending in
twists. Plenty of twists (referring to Allison and/or the alcohol that
was provided because of her arrival).
Meanwhile across the
backyard Paul and Adel are playing ball toss.
BBT: Adel has a quick talk with Ika in the kitchen and say
she can't trust them because "they'll work with the boys and rape...
whoops wrong choice of words." Adel walks back outside to continue his
game with Paul.
Someone pointed out earlier just after the HGs
gained access to the backyard that the gym is gone. Andrew tries
talking with a gay Canadian accent with Kenny standing beside him
(it's an awful impression).
11:15PM BBT: Several conversations continue to go on
and on. Nothing really worthy to report. Jon called to DR. Andrew
continues his Australian accent. Allison knocks over her drink. They
call party foul and told her she needed to lick it up. She was
hesitant and half of the group told her to do it while the other half
told her no. She gets down on her hands and knees and licks it up. Jon
out of DR. (Andrew seems very very smitten with Allison). [She can do
better -Morty]
11:23PM BBT: Andrew breaks a beer bottle and everyone picks
up the glass pieces. Neda warns Allison to watch walking in the
backyard because they build stuff but leave screws everywhere.
Multiple conversations going on at the same time making following
anything in particular very difficult.
11:29PM BBT:
Andrew says Sabrina mentioned that she is getting jealous of
him hitting on the new girl. Kenny says he saw that happening. They
head back into the backyard.
11:35PM BBT: While telling Allison about the
HGs pictures that were hung in the backyard she notices that there are
15 lights (one picture was beneath each light) and they never noticed
there was an extra light. Now they realize the pictures were hung in
alphabetical order.
Sabrina and Allison are now engaged in the
first date banter about Zodiac signs and compatibility.
Ika and Neda are in the kitchen where he is scrounging for something
to eat and the gals warn him off the left over sushi he spots in the
fridge. He finds rice and asks them how to make it soft again. He now
declares that he is one of the biggest fans of the show since he has
seen all of the episodes, every single one. Paul wants to listen to
some music and asks Ika if she will have some he will like. she says
she picked pop since she wanted upbeat music for in the house. She
does have a few reggae songs in her mix. Ika says that everyone knew
how Paul felt yesterday.
Arlie joins them as Neda starts
spinning on a stool. Talk is now of snoring and how loud Paul's is, He
thinks it is not worse than some of the others when he has his machine
(CPAP?) going. Sabrina and Allison in the bathroom now where she is
accosting her with a hug and starts whispering game about who to trust
and who not to trust. Now they go in the bedroom and Heather bashing
begins. Heather says she is only telling her all this because A she is
drunk and B she really really likes her already. Rachelle joins them
and they tell Allison she has to not say anything in front of Heather.
11:38PM BBT: Neda and Adel in bathroom area doing
nightly ADLs. Adel asks if she thinks it's bad that he prays. Neda
doesn't think so and she hasn't heard anything from anyone else. She
thought it was nice when Kyle started praying with him. Adel points
out that he didn't ask him to, he volunteered. She understands. Neda
points out that she is impressed that he only recently took up his
religion. She says that takes massive strength.
BBT: Paul is in the kitchen questioning where Adel is, he's
hungry. Ika points out that there isn't any food in the house. Paul
says they can't leave them without food like this. Neda points out
that he's been eating real food all week and Paul apologizes. Paul
finds some rice in the fridge and begins to heat it up. Jon wanders
into the kitchen briefly before walking out.
conversations continue over each other in the backyard. Allison,
Sabrina, Rachelle and Heather all sit next to each other while Sarah
and Andrew sit together in front of the group, having their own
11:50PM BBT: Allison and Sabrina head into the
bathroom area. Adel is in the stall. Sabrina mentions that she has a
crush on Kenny but he doesn't reciprocate it because she's fat.
Allison doesn't think she's fat. She's cute and adorable. Allison
drags her off to the bedroom so she can put the card away that BB used
to announce the party tonight for her. Sabrina is talking about 200
words a minute about Heather and not being able to trust her.
11:53PM BBT: Heather now joins the group and grabs
Sabrina who announces again that she is drunk. They now head to the
bathroom where Allison announces that this is her first time peeing in
the house. She is surprised to see a camera in the stall but Heather
tells her it is only for when there are two people in there.
The First Five alliance minus Sabrina plus Jon are in the hot-tub area
where the guys are smoking again. Lots of animated conversations going
on but no game talk that I can detect. Ika and Rachelle now start
dancing and making noises in the bathroom then they all head back
outside where dancing resumes before Sabrina again grabs Allison in a
bear hub. Adel and Paul have a very different mood in the store room
where Adel is trying to figure out how to influence the nominations.
Now they are pretty much all in the backyard trying to tell BB that
they are ready for the next round of booze.
11:55PM BBT: Jon, Arlie, Sarah, Kenny, Andrew and
a few others are huddled up outside while the smokers smoke. Back in
the bathroom area Ika and Rachelle has joined the other three. Sabrina
continues to talk ridiculously fast admitting to Ika that she's drunk.
The girls agree to head back outside. The girls all begin to dance
(booty poppin') in the backyard. Allison does a cartwheel. In the
storage room Adel and Paul are talking. Adel is telling Paul of the
plan about working with Ika. The conversation is over. The smoker
party meets up with the girls in the backyard again.
12:03AM BBT: Everyone is playing and talking in the backyard.
The hammock is apparently still broken. Allison and Neda attempt to
get Kenny and Jon to jump rope together.
12:07AM BBT:
Arlie, Neda and Rachelle were in the storage room looking for
food. Arlie is going to make pasta. Fun continues with hula hoops in
the backyard. The HGs have placed the hoops approx. 2-3 feet apart down
the length of the yard and are attempting to leap from run/leap from
hoop to hoop.
12:15AM BBT: Jon, Rachelle, and
Neda are in the kitchen chatting/snacking. In the backyard Andrew is
telling Allison about how last week played out between Adel, Kyle,
Paul and himself.
12:18PM BBT: Jon and Ika are
talking in the bedroom. Ika tells Jon he's 100% safe this week. Kenny
comes in the door and Jon makes him think he hit his arm. Ika tells him
that they're just messing with him. Jon laughs and Kenny says he's a
jerk. Jon opens the door and Paul scares him as he comes in. [Karma
right there.]
Some of the HGs are going to go swimming. Kenny
walks down the stairs as Sabrina is walking up and he smacks her on
the bottom. This excites Sabrina, especially after their kiss earlier
that keeps getting referenced.
12:25AM BBT:
Ika and Jon are in the kitchen talking. Jon says to do what she thinks
is best for her game and he'll be right there with her. If she thinks
she should go with the house than she should. If she doesn't want to,
then she doesn't have to and he'll go with her regardless. Back near
the pool Kenny, Andrew, Allison, Sarah, Rachelle and I believe Arlie
are getting Allison caught up on what happened last week (Paul, Kyle
and Adel mooing at the other side of the house).
12:27AM BBT: Sabrina and Ika are whispering while
trying to jump rope together. Sabrina says "Newzilla" is talking to
Andrew and they are all filling her in on game. One of them mentioned
that Allison mentioned knowing Kenny outside of the house so they
suspect the guys alliance will absorb her in.
Ika tells
Sabrina about the plan to maybe take out some of the strong guys. They
wander into the kitchen to talk to Adel and Paul joins them as well.
12:32AM BBT: Sabrina and Adel are arguing about
accusations of Adel calling Sabrina a fat cow. Also about how
apparently Adel called Ika ghetto.
12:35AM BBT:
All houseguests called to the backyard while Allison is asked to go to
the DR. Houseguests in the backyard are getting curious about why
Allison is really there.
BBT: Allison comes out of the DR with beer for all the
houseguests, everyone is cheering and shouting saying "Thank you BB!"
12:50AM BBT: Allison and Andrew are talking about
body modifications and traveling. Andrew is telling a story about how
his parents influenced him to go traveling.
1:16AM BBT: Sabrina is excited over something
Heather told her. Heather said that Jon wants to make out with Sabrina
and that he likes her.
Kenny tells Jon that Ika told either Sabrina or he (tons of
background chatter over their hushed whispers) that Kenny and Andrew
will be the two going up this week. Kyle told Ika to make a big move
and she is going to. Kenny suggests holding off on saying anything
especially with everyone having booze on board. Jon agrees. They are
going to play it cool. It'll be a couple of days until
nominations/PoV. They agree to have the conversation tomorrow and to
decide on the best plan of action. Jon says he'll play cool and give
her a big hug in a bit.
1:25AM BBT: In the
storage room Kenny, Arlie and Ika are talking. Kenny asks Ika where
her head is at for nominations this week. Ika says Paul and Adel this
week. Ika doesn't trust Paul because he told Sabrina that Adel was
calling her a cow. If he wasn't loyal to his friends then why would he
be loyal to her. Ika says she hasn't been in her HoH room yet and
she's asked several people to let it go right now.
1:48AM BBT: Kenny is going to work on getting info from
Sabrina while Andrew will be working on Allison in the future. Sarah
comes outside and the guys ask her what Ika is saying. Sarah says Ika
hasn't told her anything since she spazzed out on her. Sarah overhead
Ika telling Sarah "Don't tell me how to run my HoH". Kenny suspects he
will be going up.
2:00AM BBT: Arlie and Jon chat alone at the pool.
Jon tells Arlie he has his back and Arlie tells him the same.
2:00AM BBT: Adel speaks briefly with Arlie and Jon.
They agree to meet tomorrow privately. Adel tells them he has their
back. Jon points out that tonight is a game changer. Both agree they
could use Adel. Arlie is afraid he could go up if Andrew and Kenny go
up and win PoV. Arlie is afraid they would go after him because he is
2:07AM BBT: Jon and Arlie talk a bit
longer. Both agree to lay low and to go in at separate times. Jon goes
in and Arlie stays behind for a couple of minutes.
switch to the bathroom area. Sarah says to wait for tomorrow after
everyone's head is clear. Everyone's head is racing 300 miles a
minute. Kenny feels like he is going to throw up. Sarah says throwing
up is Kenny's worst thing so he probably won't do it. People come and
go in the bathroom area. Rachelle points out that he probably doesn't
want a lot of people crowding around him (she's talking to you
Heather...get your hand off his back and take a step back...).
2:10AM BBT: Someone gave Kenny some
Gravol to help make his stomach better. Allison doesn't think that
was the wisest decision. Awkward pause/response from Sarah. "
can't be any worse... it's what I take..." and feeds switch to
Rachelle and Andrew talking in the bedroom.
Meanwhile we have
visual of Paul and Adel in the kitchen but no audio.
2:15AM BBT:
Arlie carries Neda in on his back. Neda says thanks and she has to
walk back downstairs. Numerous HGs are doing nightly ADLs in the
bathroom area.
Arlie and Allison have a fun little exchange.
Arlie says he's going to steal her hat. She says he won't. He
disagrees and says she can't rock it all the time. He asks if her
birthday is 12/14 and then laughs and says he always asks if other
people's birthdays are his birthday. Allison says her birthday is
4/19. His friend's birthday is 4/18.
2:18AM BBT:
Kenny is out of the stall, feeling better but still
nauseated. Allison says Gravol usually only helps with motion
sickness. Feeds switch to Ika and Paul in the bedroom. Ika is telling
Paul why she doesn't trust him. She doesn't like the way she ruined
"his" game.
2:22AM BBT: Neda, Rachelle and
Sabrina are in the Have-Not room whispering. They think Allison knows
more than she is letting on and she's a guy's girl. Neda tells Sabrina
not to let her take Andrew completely away. Sabrina says she won't.
2:27AM BBT: Feeds 1 and two show Sarah is
cleaning the bathroom area.
Andrew and Kenny are sitting
outside the bathroom area running scenarios for what happens if they
get put on the block. Arlie walks up. Kenny doesn't care at this time.
It's bed time. Arlie agrees. Andrew says he'll be in soon.
1:31AM BBT: In the backyard Adel and Sabrina share
the hammock and Ika stands nearby talking to them. Adel is fighting to
keep Paul off the block. Ika tells Adel she doesn't trust him because
of how he treated Adel. Adel tells Ika that he's not in with the guys
and he won't ever be. "I was a sixth wheel, they never really accepted
me, I was always off by myself."
Paul walks up and says he
wants to talk to the two of them. Sabrina asks which two and Paul says
all three of them. Adel asks for a few minutes.
2:47AM BBT: Feeds switches to those chairs in from
of the red wall. Sarah gets up. Allison walks up and takes a seat next
to Andrew. Arlie points out that all sitting places' furniture is nailed to
2:52AM BBT: Idle chit chat continues outside the bathroom area between Allison and Andrew. They discuss trips to Cancun that they took comparing resorts which apparently are next door to each other.
Meanwhile audio troubles continue for Feeds 1 and two where Ika, Sabrina and Adel have been having a very animated discussion. Paul can be seen making his way over to the hammock.
Arlie walks up on Allison and Andrew and tells Allison that BB told him that she can transfer her immunity to him this week if she wants to.
3:01AM BBT: Andrew tells Allison that he was spotted
in a bar and asked to audition for BB last year. He didn't make the
cut last season, but he got a phone call to audition again this year
so he did and here he is. Allison likes Andrew's purple tumbler cup.
She loves purple. He loves purple.
Talk turns to how she thought she was coming in the house during the
first week (this is a story she's repeated several times tonight).
3:09AM BBT: All feeds switch to FotH.
4:00AM BBT: All four feeds continue to display FotH.
4:20AM BBT: All the feeds show darkened rooms
and sleeping HGs. we're going to call it night, see you in the
Today's updaters were:
Awiski, BBLuver, BigBrotherJunkie26, CanadianBBFan1, DRG,
IndigoAquarius, Fuskie,
JEDI, Morty, mrscrisECN, Niteslacker, and Trancutie.