7:30AM BBT:
Everyone is asleep. Arlie was up earlier, but must have gone back to
9:00AM BBT: All the HGs are still sleeping.
9:13AM BBT: The WR3 are starting to wake up then FotH. Rest of
the house still asleep.
9:32AM BBT: House feeds FotH. (Most likely the wake up call.)
9:38AM BBT: Up in the HoH, Andrew and Kenny just now waking up.
(They were sleeping in the bed together.) Sarah is up there now and Ika
just walked in and is handing out batteries to everyone for their mics.
In the bathroom area, Jon is up and has his arm in a sling. (He
dislocated while swimming yesterday.)
9:41AM BBT: Sabrina has joined the HoH crew and they are
speculating about what Heather does outside the house. Sarah said she
thinks it is weird because when she asked Heather what she does Heather
just said she will tell her when she get out of the house. Sarah also
thinks it is weird because the tattoo that Heather has she has colored
in. Andrew and Kenny said that's weird I guess we have not noticed
because we didn't care to ask.
9:50AM BBT: Most of the HGs up in the bathroom area doing ADLs.
9:54AM BBT: Kyle and Adel just finished doing morning prayers.
Sabrina asked if he (Kyle) is allowed to do that even though he is not a
part of his (Adel) religion? Adel "Honestly I don't know and hope it
didn't offend anyone. Kyle and wanted to do it and he is a good guy so I
let him." Kyle said "I guess if I go outside and get struck by
lightening I guess we will know."
10:05AM BBT: Adel, Ika, Heather and Rachelle in the bathroom
doing ADLs. The rest of the crew is in the kitchen from what I can tell.
WR3 are still out yet the lights are on.
10:10AM BBT: Paul talking to Kyle in the bedroom. Referencing how
they are bored and just want to go. Kyle talks about how he wishes he
had a chance to play in the PoV. Has not been called to the DR much. He
knows that he (Kyle) is on the chopping block .
10:15AM BBT: Paul asks Rachelle how old her parents are (44).
10:20AM BBT: The WR3 still are dozing. Very little movement
Paul and Kyle finally get up to head to the kitchen for breakfast. Ika,
Heather, and Rachelle still doing their ADLs in the bathroom. The
majority of any conversation going on out in the kitchen. Nothing really
special being shared. The big news of the day is that it snowed last
10:25AM BBT: Andrew states how he has been eating a horrible diet
yet is still in shape."I can't believe I've been eating nothing but
pizza and I can still see my abs."
10:30AM BBT: We have movement in the bathroom. Breakfast has been
served to the WR3. Slow moving with those three.
Neda asks Heather if the games are still in the backyard. Said she would
go check later.
10:35AM BBT: Rachelle and Sabrina moved to the backyard to play a
game of
cornhole .
10:45AM BBT: Sabrina chatting with Ika, Neda, and Heather about
how Adel is "whining". Seems as if she is pretty certain that Kyle is
going to be going and that Adel will now be alone. Sabrina wants to win
HOH to send Adel home.10:51AM BBT: Arlie congratulates
everyone for making it two weeks in the house.
10:55AM BBT: Heather thinks that she is dressing "down" and both
Ika and Sabrina act stunned because she is wearing a dress shirt. So
Heather goes and immediately changes shirts.
11:01AM BBT: Ika and Heather in the bedroom Heather asks Ika if
she ever had so much on her mind that she just can't sleep. Ika sometime
outside the house but not in here. Heather goes on to continue to
compliment Ika on her clothes with Ika just giving an occ. one word
11:06AM BBT: Heather, Ika, Neda and Sabrina are in the bedroom.
Sabrina, Ika getting on to Heather and Neda for something that happened
earlier in the bathroom area. Sabrina and Ika are upset because they
were going to talk about a girl problem then stopped because Arlie was
in there. Neda and Heather apparently said to just say it now (thinking
it was about the game) and Sabrina was upset that they called them out
in the bathroom area.
11:12AM BBT: Neda asks Heather to leave then Sabrina goes on to
say she feels like she doesn't need a mother and she feels like Neda is
always acting like a referee telling her how to act. Neda said she is
sorry she agrees that is her personality. [Sabrina is very short with
both Neda and Heather let's see how far that gets her. -awiski]
All the while Adel and Kyle standing outside the door waiting to come in
and listening.
11:18AM BBT: Sabrina now downstairs at the toilet with a very
upset crying Heather trying to make her feel better saying that she
wasn't trying to be mean she just wanted to get it off her chest.
11:26AM BBT: The WR3 finished breakfast and are waiting to take
showers. Scott and Allison going over Allison's clothes for the day.
11:30AM BBT: Ika: "I have no problem with people not liking me."
11:40AM BBT: Ika, Heather and Sabrina in bathroom area Sabrina I
feel bad that you are crying. Ika" You shouldn't you didn't do anything
wrong." Heather" I am not crying about you." Sabrina " Are you sure
because I think you are?" Heather "No it is just the stress of all of
11:50AM BBT: Kendrew (Kenny and Andrew) outside playing bean bag
toss. Everything indoors with the girls is seeming to die down.
11:54AM BBT: Neda and Heather in the have-not room talking.
Heather: "It's not that I don't like her we just butted heads in the
beginning." (talking about Rachelle) "I just want you to know that" Neda
"The girls have to stick together or the guys will tear us apart."
12:10PM BBT: the girls are doing hair and makeup in the bathroom
Sabrina is upset over something that Sarah as said. She is crying.
12:11PM BBT: Neda is crying over something.
12:15PM BBT: Sarah is trying to cheer up Neda who is upset over
someone can't really tell who yet.
12:21PM BBT: Neda and Sabrina in the red corner. Neda is now
upset and crying over earlier when Ika and Sabrina got onto her. Sabrina
is trying to console her.
Kyle and Ika in the pantry. Ika: "I hope you don't think I was taking
things you told me and telling other people." Kyle: "I don't it is just
that I put my trust in other people and it didn't work. I am going
because I want to get Kenny and Andrew out." Ika: "I don't want you to
12:30PM BBT: the girl talk ends, and someone was called to the DR
didn't catch who Sabrina and Ika are talking about Sarah and Neda being
upset, Sabrina is saying don't call Heather out over something didn't
catch all of it.
12:31PM BBT: Sabrina to Sarah "Why do you always leave and leave
me with them." Sarah" I can't even say I don't but if you want me to be
in this game I have to stay away from them. I am just not as strong as
you are, you can handle it better"
12:37PM BBT: Ika and Heather are in the red corner talking.
Heather " You are the one person in this house I would never put up. I
really like you." Ika said she likes Heather too. Ika " Just for the
record I didn't go to Rachelle and tell her you didn't like her."
12:51PM BBT: Ika and Neda are in the bedroom. Ika said that Kyle
told her the guys are together and they are fanning out one to each
girl. Ika also said It is better for their game if Kyle stays. Ika said
that Kyle said every single thing that you tell the guys is going back
to the whole guys alliance (Arlie, Jon, Kenny and Andrew). Kyle also
told her that he was originally in the alliance before Andrew was, then
Andrew came off the block. Kyle said I know I am in this spot because I
ran my mouth too much.1:40PM BBT: Andrew made lunch for
everyone, a salad with chicken strips.
2:00PM BBT: HGs in kitchen and living room just cleaning, eating,
cooking and idle chatter. War Room feeds are on Hush. Kyle at kitchen
with Adel and Paul, talking about a hot-tub party.
2:08PM BBT: Feeds back after couple minutes of "Hush." Ika and
Rachelle are huddled under blankets on couch, Sabrina cuddling Andrew
under blanket with Heather as the third wheel.
2:13PM BBT: Kyle and Paul in bedroom whispering, Kyle thinks he
is gone, tells Paul to stay under radar, not to trust anyone because
they'll put on show to get info from Paul.2:20PM BBT: All is
quiet in the BB house, they're just hanging around digesting their
2:25PM BBT: Adel now in bedroom with Paul. Paul thinks he may
make it to end because he is the bad guy for what said about Andrew.
Says people want to go to end with bad guy.
2:30PM BBT: Adel and Kyle are in the bedroom praying. Kenny is
in the kitchen mopping floor, Sabrina saying she can't stand the filth,
Kenny agrees. Sabrina is the in bathroom area going pee and asks
Rachelle if she goes up will she vote for her. Rachelle says of course.
Wonders if she'll get backdoored. The War Room feeds on "Hush."
BBT: Sabrina, Rachelle cuddle Andrew in HoH bed. Sabrina freaking
out about who is going to win HoH and if she'll get put on block. They
try assure her she will be OK.
2:40PM BBT: Sabrina goes to the bathroom area, Rachelle and
Andrew are still in the HoH bed, promising to trust one another. She
doesn't like when they speak French because she doesn't understand it.
BB tells them to wake up, nap time is over. Rachelle whines they aren't
2:46PM BBT: All feeds on the HoH room until Andrew and Rachelle
leave. BB gives everyone a three minute outdoor LD warning. All HGs head
towards living room area, the speculate the lock down is to fix the leak
in the roof.
2:50PM BBT: BB gives final warning that house is now off limits.
The backyard doors open, the HGs head outside. It sounds like Kenny is
asking everyone to make sure they put things away "please!"
2:55PM BBT: Neda and Sabrina in the HoH room bedroom. BB tells
them to get out of the house. Sabrina talks about all weight she lost.
Neda says, "Good for you - go on slop, then you'll lose **** of weight.
They head outside with the rest."
3:00PM BBT: Kenny tossing beanbags with Sarah. everyone else is
laying around the backyard, some boring girl chatter, but most HGs are
silent and have eyes closed.
3:15PM BBT: Still quiet in backyard except for Ika, Sabrina and
Rachelle giggling and chatting. There seems to be more interesting talk
happening in backyard but BB won't put feeds on it!
3:25PM BBT: BB tells Neda the garage door is opening and only
she can go inside to go to DR. Ika, Rachelle, Sabrina wonder if it's
because she is sad.
3:30PM BBT: Same girls wonder what what Anick is doing.
Sabrina whispers to Rachelle that Kenny doesn't come around the girls -
EVER. Rachelle says it's weird. [Hehehe -not really! -mrscrisECN]
BBT: The main house is on FotH. The Allison and Nate are playing an
improvised game of shuffleboard in the WR. The WR3 are very anxious to
get to Thursday when they find out which one will get to enter the main
4:30PM BBT: Everyone is back in the house, most of the HGs are
in the living room on the coach.
4:50PM BBT: Sarah, Rochelle and Sabrina are in the backyard
talking about how the boys do not discuss game with any of them anymore.
They are discussing how they need to get a boy out of the house next.
They have to keep the numbers in their favor.
4:56PM BBT: Most of the rest of the HGs on the green couch
discussing what they would give up to get alcohol. Andrew said he would
give up water for the rest of the game then, he said he would cut a
couple fingers off his left hand. Jon said he would give up all the
pillows in the house then said he would give up all the furniture in the
entire house.
5:08PM BBT: Sabrina, Ika and Arlie are in the bathroom area.
Sabrina is shaving Arlie's hair. Arlie wanted it shaved it with a three.
As they begin to shave it, it shaves a lot shorter than he wanted it to.
Since they have no other option because they had already shaved the back
corner of his head already they have to continue with it. They have
decided to do a Mohawk. Arlie said he may leave it for tomorrow's live
5:20PM BBT: Sarah and Neda have talked Jon into waxing his
feet. Sarah was denied by BB when she wanted to go into the DR and get
some wax strips. Sarah is waiting on her thinly sliced potatoes to get
crispy in the oven so the have-not's can have chips and salsa.
5:25PM BBT: WR3 all is quite. Scott is deciding what outfit he
wants to wear to night. [Contessa will be joining us.] Allison is
painting her toenails. They are discussing what time the polls close for
their vote. They think is will be tonight at midnight or tomorrow at
5:31PM BBT: Arlie has decided to not have a Mohawk as Sabrina
tries to shave it off the clippers break and just the front part is
shaved off. They are trying to clean it but so far they haven't figured
anything out.
5:40PM BBT: As Sabrina was shaving Arlie's head she began to feel
nauseated and has gone to the HoH room to lie down. Heather and Andrew
are up there keeping her company.
5:49PM BBT: Sarah is yelling at Ika. Sarah made slop chips and
Ika asked if she could have one. Sarah said no because that was the only
thing they could eat and Adel had made some in oil that were on a plate
right next to Ika. Ika got up an ate one of the have-not's and Sarah
went off on her and had to leave the room. Ika said, "Really over one
potato?" Sarah "I couldn't be more fuckin' serious right now."
Jon with his arm in a sling. |
5:53PM BBT: Adel said to Ika right now the house is so tense that
if you fart you might get your head cut off.
5:57PM BBT: Ika to Neda (who was also sitting at the table eating
to potatoes) "I am sorry I ate your potatoes " Neda I think you should
apologize to Sarah she spent two hours on those and when you are on slop
everything seems so much bigger than it really is."
6:05PM BBT: Things were dull, several people screamed (a happy
scream) then all feeds went to FotH.Sarah, Heather, Rachelle, Kenny
and Neda are at the pool eating the chips. Jon has also joined them he
now is wearing his arm in a sling.
6:17PM BBT: Sarah telling Jon about when she was yelling at Ika
about the chips. Kenny "I was so attracted to her in that moment." Jon:
"Are you attracted to crazy chicks?" Kenny: " No just women who stand up
for themselves."
6:21PM BBT: After Arlie shaved his head he was having trouble
with the shower pressure and was having trouble getting the hair off of
his body so he jumped in the pool naked. (This happened a little while
ago and I did not see it. It was probably the cause of the scream and
the FotH.)
6:28PM BBT: Sarah, Neda, Heather and Rachelle are talking
about how there is no way they could go on Survivor. After being
have-not's for a week they know their bodies couldn't handle it,
especially with all the physical competition.
6:33PM BBT: Jon, Andrew and Kenny are at the hot-tub smoking
talking about how horrible Ika has been today and how she doesn't
contribute at all. Kenny: "She is a horrible human being."
6:37PM BBT: Most of the boys are in the kitchen Arlie walks in
with his hair shaved. Andrew: "Every time I look at you it makes my day
6:43PM BBT: Sabrina and Ika are talking in the red corner.
Sabrina telling Ika she is snappy and she honestly thought she was a
bitch. Sabrina you need to calm down a be nicer. Sabrina is calling
Sarah over so that Ika can apologize. Sarah said I will in a min. I have
to go to the DR. Ika said to Sabrina why are you calling her over I am
not going to talk to her.
6:49PM BBT: Sarah, Ika, and Sabrina Now Ika is crying and
apologizing to Sarah. Sarah said she doesn't want her to cry and she is
so sorry that she blew up at her. She just can't explain what slop is
6:55PM BBT: WR3 Nate and Scott are soaking their feet and
Allison is going to give them a pedi.
Tonight's Show in Colour
on Slice TV at 9:00PM:
Remember, you can watch Big Brother as it airs

This program contains sexuality, course language and mature
subject matter, so you'll probably like it.
Previously, on Big Brother Canada, three HGs moved into the
secret War Room to vie for your votes to become the final HG. In
the big house, Paul's reign of terror came to an end with
eviction of Anick. With the love revolution over, HGs
participated to see who would be the next HoH by weighing each
other down with a heavy serving of potatoes. In the end, Andrew
was named HoH and moved into his penthouse. Meanwhile, four
other HGs became the first Have-Not's of the season. With Andrew
now ruling the house, his sights were set squarely on Paul.
Paul's accusations on Andrew spread quickly throughout the
house. A bitter Andrew put Neda and Andrew on the block and the
nomination ceremony ended in dramatic fashion.
Tonight, in a house torn apart, will the HGs be able to move
forward? And an action packed PoV competition is all about
facing fears. It all happens now, on BB Canada!
We pick up after the nomination ceremony. Neda tells us she has
no clue why Andrew nominated her. Paul tells us there are so
many alliances in the house. If Andrew is going to call him out
like that, he will expose everyone. Paul won't go out without a
Sarah tells us the house erupted into complete crisis after what
Paul said about Andrew. Kenny tells us it was disgusting and
untrue in every way, shape and form. Paul tells the HGs it was
supposed to be himself, Kenny and Jon in the final three. Andrew
calls him out on his lies, and Jon tells us, "Paul calls out the
Newfie boys and tries to lie about an alliance." Paul tells the
girls they were all pawns. Ika asks us "Who does that?"
No HGs in the house seem to believe Paul, as chaos erupts.
Adel tells us Kyle and Paul are his closest allies in the house.
He doesn't know what they're going to do. Paul says it hurts to
be called a hypocrite on national TV. Kenny shouts back that he
just called Andrew worse names, and Paul is upset over
hypocrite? Paul tries to defend himself, Kenny storms off. The
rest of the HGs are pacing, looking stressed. Adel tells Paul
the house is going to be tripping. Ika tells us he is having a
mental breakdown at 43 years old and Paul needs to control
himself. Adel tells us Andrew calling Paul a hypocrite lit one
fuse to another.
Adel tells us Paul's game is shot, and the three musketeers are
in hot water. Neda goes to see Andrew, sobbing. He hugs her and
tells her she is in no danger. Neda tells us she is so upset
because there are other targets who are bigger than she. Andrew
brings Heather, Rachelle and Neda into the HoH bathroom and
tells her that she is a pawn and no one will vote for her,
ensuring Paul goes home. Neda tells us she can't focus on
Andrew's words cause she is crying and hating him. Pawns do go
home, as much as people don't think so. You are still ON the
Sarah goes up to the bathroom area to check on Kenny after the
explosive nomination. Kenny tells us Paul is digging his own
grave; it's almost a gift - it is fun to watch. Sarah tells us
she can't believe it is that insane and it is only week 2. Paul
goes upstairs, muttering that he needs to apologize. He goes
inside HoH and asks if he can talk to Andrew. Andrew says no,
but Paul can leave the room. Paul ignores this and goes to sit
down. Andrew says that he is not asking Paul to sit down. He
wants him to leave. Paul ignores this, Andrew says he is not
talking to him. Andrew talks over him and again asks him to
Andrew mentions Paul slandered his name and thinks he can come
in and talk? He's asking him to leave and he is not going to
talk to Paul. He'd prefer is Paul not talk to him the entire
rest of his time in the house. Paul tries to ask "Really?" but
Andrew cuts him off and tells him to leave. Arlie comes in,
gives Andrew headphones to listen to music and suggests Paul try
again later. Paul says he can respect that and leaves.
Paul goes to the bathroom area and looks in the mirror. He
mutters that the house is worked up, and that was good. Paul
tells us Andrew is not a racist, everything he said was
strategically planned so the HGs get pissed off. He can't be the
nice guy, he will play this game however he needs to and right
now he will be the bad guy. Who do you want to go to the final
two with? The nice guy? No, someone who has stirred the pot.
Paul is the perfect person. Ika tells us she feels Paul used her
to call Andrew a racist. She goes in the bathroom area and calls
him out on that.
Paul tells us Ika is getting worked up; exactly what he wanted.
Ika gets frustrated and leaves. Paul follows her and Ika yells
that no one is racist and no one wants to hear him either.
In WR, the HGs are given a challenge. They need to match each
HGs bobblehead with a fact about them. They have three minutes,
and if they get nine right, they will get sound on the cameras
for 40 minutes. They are successful! Scott tells us he is dying
to know what is going on in the house.
Adel tells us that his team of him, Kyle and Paul are screwed
now. The house is completely divided. There are the three of
them on one side of the house, and then the rest of the HGs are
in HoH like little sheep. In HoH, Andrew says the only ones they
have to talk to is themselves and that's punishment in itself.
Andrew comes out of the DR with a card: "HGs, this is clearly a
house divided. BB feels you all need to compete in team building
exercise. Each HGs will pick a partner's name from the player
pick bag. One teammate will be blindfolded and the blindfolded
HGs must do the cleaning." Paul tells us the only one he doesn't
want is Kenny. He pulls Kenny. Arlie and Adel are paired and are
cleaning the main bedroom. Adel tells us they are the two
smartest people to clean the bedroom.
Andrew and Rachelle are cleaning the bathroom area. Heather and
Sabrina are cleaning the storage room. Kenny, Paul and Ika
cleaned the living room . Jon and Neda cleaned the kitchen.
Sarah and Kyle cleaned the bathroom area as well. Sabrina and
Heather moved to the kitchen. BB tells them they have
successfully completed their task. Paul tells us that was the
perfect thing to lift the mood in the house.
It's time to pick players for the PoV competition! Paul tells us
he needs to win or else he might be going home. Andrew picks
Kenny. Andrew tells us Kenny is his number 1 teammate in the
house so he is confident in him. Paul picks Sarah; he tells us
he wanted Adel or Kyle.
Sarah tells us he is confident Paul thinks there is no chance
she will use the veto on him. Neda picks Jon. Sarah tells Paul
he is dead to her. Paul tells us there is no a single person who
will take him off the block. He is in a pickle! Andrew picks
Arlie to host the competition.
BB says the six competitors and the host of the competition will
receive a special bonus. "The highly anticipated action
adventure Divergent is a film that all HGs can relate to. This
movie is about facing and controlling fears. This movie will be
in theatres and IMAX on March 21 but the BB PoV competitors and
host will get to see it in their own private backyard viewing.
Pay attention - this competition takes a page from the movie
Divergent so get ready to face your fears." Neda tells us that
terrifies her; she does not want to deal with that.
Kenny tells us now that he knows he is playing in PoV, he needs
to chat with Andrew and see what he is thinking. Kenny suggests
Kyle to Andrew. Kenny tells us BB isn't about emotion, it is
about playing the game strategically. Kyle is a threat
physically and Kenny needs him to see it. Andrew tells us Kenny
brings up a good point, and maybe he should consider Kyle as the
target. Later, Andrew tells the other HGs (except Kyle, Adel and
Paul) the plan. Jon tells us that was his thought, better blood
on Andrew's hands than his.
Kenny and Andrew head to the hot-tub to chat. Paul, Adel and
Kyle are working out. Andrew tells us they are keeping Paul
there to anguish in his misery awhile longer and focusing on
Kyle now. Kenny tells us he feels the First Five Alliance are in
a pretty good place right now.
In the War Room , the cameras come on. Nate tells us they were
like kids watching cartoons. Scott tells us that it was like
Christmas. They get to see the nomination ceremony and the
eruption afterwards. Allison tells us that to see the drama...
her mouth is hanging on the floor. Scott tells us he was on the
edge of his seat. To get that amount of drama in the first week
was unprecedented. Nate tells us when it turned off, he wanted
Allison wanted to re-watch it. She misses the show. Being on it
is great, but she wants to watch it too. In the backyard, the
PoV competitors and host are brought into their viewing of the
Divergent movie. Andrew tells us they are super stoked.
Neda tells us being a Have-Not and being able to eat is the best
thing ever. Sarah tells us her only thoughts was to stuff her
face. Arlie tells he was so excited to see any movie, especially
Divergent. A break from the game is awesome, even for a moment.
Andrew loved the movie,
Neda tells us the movie is the most amazing thing ever. Paul
tells us he only was thinking about how the movie related to the
upcoming competition. He is afraid it will be heights, which
will reduce him to tears. Kenny tells us he is a big softie, and
there were a few moments of tears in the movie. You see the
family and struggle and relate back to your own and how much you
miss them. He shed a few tears.
Sarah tells us the similarities between the movie and BB house
was amazing; you're trying to figure out where to fit in, which
alliance to be a part of.... At the end of the movie, they all
give it a standing ovation.
Sarah tells us she hates being a Have-Not. It's the worst,
complete torture, her body is breaking down on her. Neda tells
us the slop tastes horrible, it sits in your stomach and doesn't
digest and makes you feel like crap. You have zero energy and
all you want to do is sleep all day. Neda tells us she is super
worried about the PoV because she doesn't think she will have
enough energy. Sarah tells us she won't survive. She may be the
first contestant to faint live during the competition.
Adel and Kyle go into the WA; he feels like there is a big
scheme going around the house. Adel thinks the other side of the
house will take Neda off the block and put one of them on. Kyle
tells us defending Paul was a stupid move, but it happened. Kyle
agrees with Adel's way of thinking. Kyle tells us "If Mr.
Clean's rejected cousin Andrew had any brains, he'd have to go
after the bigger threat."
In the War Room , the HGs grants them one final plea to Canada
and gives them Canadian gear to use. Nate tells us he has had a
lot of time to think and here is what he thinks: He thinks he
brings an upbeat personality, he makes whoever he is around more
comfortable. If he gets put in the house, he promises it will be
a roller coaster ride the whole way. He has two things; his word
and his balls and he won't break either of them. He needs one
thing: our votes and when we go online we should pick one person
only: and that's Nate the Great.
Allison tells us she wants to get serious for a second. She has
been watching BB since she was 11 years old. She came thinking
she was going in and her dream was finally going to come true -
only to find out there is one extra step. It's difficult to be in
there with these people: one girl, one Guido and one gay. She is
not there to put on a show, she is there to compete and win. She
is a physical and mental threat to everyone in the house and she
wants to show us that. She could fit in with guys or girls.
Please pick her, she begs.
Scott tells us when he looks at the cast, he kind of sees a Nate
in there. And an Allison, a beautiful young girl. "What are we
missing? A whole lot of gay, a whole lot of glamour and a whole
lot of this (gestures to his body). And I feel like I have a
whole lot to offer, even though my kahunas are duct taped so far
up my whoo ha, I can still feel them and I know what it takes to
get in there and win. It would mean so much for a gay guy to
come out of a small town like St. John's, NB and get on a show
like this and potentially win! It's indescribable what that
would do for our community. Come on Canada, are you with me?"
Time for the PoV competition! Andrew tells us the backyard is
decorated like a crazy obstacle course based on the Divergent
"Competitors! Welcome to the PoV challenge based on the epic
action adventure film Divergent! This obstacle course is
designed to make you see what you're capable of - if you dare!
On GO, you must jump from 10 feet, crawl under the low crawl,
run to the cargo net and wall climb over. Jump into the pool and
find one of 6 pieces of the puzzle. You will then zip line
holder and insert your piece. You will continue this until you
have all 6 pieces and are able to complete the puzzle. The first
player to do this will win. You will start when you hear the air
horn. Now get into position and compete for the PoV!"
Kenny tells us he's climbed ropes before; he knows he has to put
his weight on the ropes and climb up. Andrew tells us the water
at the bottom of the platform is freezing cold. Paul tells us he
thinks of his kids at home saying Daddy, you can do it! and now
he is shaken up. He literally just conquered one of his biggest
fears. He can't climb the rope wall; he has no upper body
Kenny tells us he has never done zip lining before and he was
excited about it. It was fun, and who doesn't want to do
something cool like that?
Paul watches everyone else move faster than he is and begins to
feel defeated. Andrew tells us he begins to feel sorry for the
guy - it's hard to do something when you're obviously afraid.
Paul is facing his fears. Paul tells us when he is in a tough
spot, he thinks of people who inspire him. He thinks of his
grandfather, a war veteran, who died last year. Kyle and Adel
cheer loudly from the bench.
Paul is terrified to do the zip line. Arlie walks him through
and the entire bench encourages him. Arlie tells him it's OK to
be afraid of heights and reassuringly tries to encourage him.
Paul works up the courage and does it, to the cheers of all HGs.
Paul tells us it felt amazing, but he won't do it again. Sarah
tells us she felt really proud of Paul for taking the leap of
faith. Paul tells us he realizes he has no allies at that point,
he doesn't know where he stands with Kyle or Adel so he sits
down. They both come over to encourage him.
Kenny tells us kudos to Paul for conquering his fears but he is
still not in his alliance so, "whatever." Sarah realizes her
second puzzle piece was the same as her first and gets
frustrated. She's a dauntless though, so she'll just keep
Who will win the PoV? Can Paul survive in the house he
singlehandedly divided? Who will be the final HG? Find out
Thursday at 9PM BBT: ET on BB Canada!
Did you miss tonight's episode?
See it Here No matter where you live! |
10:00PM BBT: Sarah, Arlie, Andrew, Ken and Jon are
chatting on the couches. Chit chat happening. In the bathroom area,
Heather, Neda, Ika, Sabrina and Rachelle are talking, beautifying.
Heather thinks that if they get up and shower in the AM, they get the
"less cold" water. Heather is kind of nattering, Sabrina is painting
Rachelle's nails.
10:15PM BBT: Heather is in the living room with Andrew, Arlie,
Jon and Ken talking about BB punishments and rewards. Arlie mentions
that punishments breaks them down, makes the game interesting. It goes
from all of them talking to silence to all talking at once to silence.
They are laying around, not a lot happening. The girls minus Sarah and
Heather are still talking in the bathroom area. BB has told them a
couple of times to stop talking about production.
They are wondering about LD tomorrow and when things will begin with
challenges. Andrew tells Arlie he sucks in his game play. Arlie jumps up
and sings "I suck I suck I do suck..." then says "Oh I have to go to the
bathroom." and leaves. And the room goes quiet. Jon says he loves
Matchbox20 and Rob Thomas. Heather starts talking about other things.
10:18PM BBT: Arlie is now wrestling with a blue bean bag chair
and eventually plops down on it in front of the green couches. the game
continues outside. Arlie complains about not being able to open the
zipper on the bean bag chair to remove some of the beans and make it
more comfortable. He plans to shave tomorrow and hopes BB will not save
stop that when he is two strokes into the process. He says BB will now
be on the napping thing with just one warning.
Two outside feeds now switch to the gals in the bathroom Ika, Neda
Sabrina and Rachelle. They are mumbling and Neda says they gave her
cranberry juice and meds so sounds like someone has a yeast infection.
Sarah comes out of the stall and washes her hands responding to a
question that she poohed earlier, but just a little one. Sarah is now
relating the story of how Paul put his stinky runners in the dryer and
she had to put something in there to try and get the odor out.
10:30PM BBT: In the WR, Scott putting on his face and Allison and
Nate talking about the beers that BB gave them. Allison has on a cute
low cut top and a short flouncy black skirt. Scott is now making up her
chest for her. she announces that her heat rash has now started. Scott
complains about Canadian's not having a tipping mentality at least in
the gay clubs anyway. Scott has the fan blowing on his white blousy
shirt, He asks BB to turn off some of the lights that they have
discussed and Nate says it is freaking hot. Allison says she does not
want it to end, but Scott wants it to end but only in here. Nate is is
jeans and a plaid shirt with shades and a knit cap on.
The main house feeds are all FotH for a couple of minutes then came
10:35PM BBT: The girls, sans Heather, are talking in the bathroom
area. Adel comes in and offers them a new product, Ika asks if he will
send it to them and he says "Ya, you are the only celebrities I know!"
and they all laugh. Ika says "We aren't celebrities, we are just normal
people." The talk changes to Arlie and how he is funny. They talk about
Liza. Ken and Andrew come in, Ken has an irritation on him, Sarah is
wiping his back. They says he has a rash from waxing his back.
10:45PM BBT: Sabrina continues whispering with Andrew about
her insecurities and he tells her he is not good at hiding how he feels
about people. they get up to move to the bed.
Arlie is in there listening to the music and starts talking about how
production talked to them about the napping and Sabrina says the woman
in the DR was mad about the mornings more than the napping and she
admits that she is very bad about getting up when called. She asks
Andrew for reassurance again that it is OK for her to be there and he
provides it. She puts her head on his chest and he puts his arm around
her neck rubbing her back. He asks how many times she has thought about
leaving and she says just once. He says he wonders what it would take
for him to leave. She says he is just annoyed and needs to relax and he
will get a break in sixty days when he wins.
Kenny is now leaving the gals in the downstairs bathroom and heads up to
the HoH. He asks about bedtime and Sabrina quickly tells him that they
are not allowed. Arlie delivers the headphones to Andrew and heads
downstairs. The gals still congregated around the table in the bathroom
chit chatting. Kenny now becomes the other side of a Sabrina sandwich on
the bed. He is ranting about how the other guys all annoy him sooooo
much, even Arlie. They continue dissing the other guys and giggling
about how much they are losers.
Jon and Arlie are now with the ladies in the bathroom. Sarah is removing
her face and Neda is tending to Jon's arm trying to clean it. She says
it is so red and he agrees saying that he can't even shower. Upstairs
crew continues discussing how they are so much better than the others.
Ika and Rachelle are now talking about how it is hard not to be able to
be friends with folks in the house. Rachelle says she is a terrible liar
and she has not lied yet in the house. They say that it is hard to
relate to Sabrina and like other people in the house.
Ika warns Rachelle that Sabrina likes Andrew and thinks that Rachelle is
flirting with him so she should not do that. Rachelle says she is not
flirting and is not attracted to Andrew at all. She is just being
friendly. Sabrina is saying that Heather is super dangerous. Sabrina
says she needs to win HoH this week. Heather comes in announcing she has
been scrubbing and scrubbing the circle downstairs and Sabrina blows her
off saying she has cleaned forever and no one notices.
Heather leaves deflated. Sabrina says they do not have stickers to give
Heather her gold star and she is tired of her playing the victim.
Sabrina says that when they were playing outside Heather's voice was
completely normal, but she thinks she can get whatever she wants with
the high pitched whine.
10:55PM BBT: Arlie leaves the the HoH room. Kenny is now in there
and Sabrina is in the middle of the Andrew/Ken sandwich (they are just
talking) and her bubbly tone is back. She is giggling. The talk switches
to Ika and how she whispers and plays with her hair all the time. Then
it switches to Heather. They are discussing the difficultly of living in
the house with everyone. Andrew and Ken are pumping up Sabrina and her
11:00PM BBT: Arlie back talked to BB today and the games were
taken away. Sabrina thinks it was Arlie that broke the camel's back.
Sabrina tells the boys there is "so much girl drama!" happening. She
tells them that Neda is in love with Jon and that she and Sarah are the
strong players and that she is backstabbing the rest of the house.
Heather walks in says "Hey" normally then her nasally voice comes back.
She tells them she marked something and left. Sabrina is now complaining
about that.
11:05PM BBT: Arlie walks into the the HoH room says that not much
is happening, asks what is up with them and Sabrina says "Bitching..."
and they laugh. It sounds like they have no hot water 'til later
Rachelle and Ika are talking in the storage room. Sounds like they are
working out some misunderstandings. Nothing major, just reassurances.
11:13PM BBT: Scott is finally done putting on his makeup and is
now in a red dress and carrying his wig. Nate says he is going for a
cigarette and Scott says he is going to have one too because he loves to
smoke and drink. We get FotH. Must be smoke time!
11:15PM BBT: The first 5 alliance is in the the HoH room. Sabrina
is telling them what Heather's plan was. Heather pops in to say she is
going to bed. She leaves and Sarah pretends to scream. Rachelle comes in
and says she is cold, Ken tells her to come into the bed. She sits next
to Arlie. Sarah says tomorrow will be cool because there is so much
going on! Sarah says she may wear a ball cap because of the cold water.
11:20PM BBT: Jon and Ika are chatting in the living room .
They discuss how an injury messes up your body and how out of place you
actually feel. Heather comes in looking for her water bottle. They says
good night to her as she heads for the Have-Not room. Jon talks about
his dog Harley and he misses his girlfriend. Ika says she wants to call
Arlie, Harley. They haven't heard of the names Arlie, Ika, Anick or Neda
before. Jon says he is going to bed.
11:25PM BBT: We finally see the outcasts! Paul, Adel and Kyle are
in the backyard whispering. Paul says Sarah is "really playing this
game" and the feeds switch to the storage room. We hear "You feeling OK?
You would tell me if you weren't?" And someone says Ya, Ya. I believe it
was Ika and Neda. Heather is laying on the mattress in the Have-Not
room. Now the feeds are back to the outcasts in the backyard. Muffled
mics and whispers. They are trash talking the other HG. Jon has joined
the the HoH room party instead of going to bed.
11:39PM BBT: The WR3 talk about marriage and babies. Scott wants
the whole thing, the wedding the marriage the honeymoon and the renewal
of the vows three years later. Contessa (Scott's alter ego) comes out
and says "Because Nate has been ignoring all of my advances." they
laugh. They have two or three fans in the there. They are all sweating.
11:41PM BBT: Talk turns back to how so much food has been eaten.
Sabrina says that Adel actually seems to eat more than all of them. She
now mocks Kyle for praying with Adel and how he took four showers today
and that is why they never have towels because Adel uses like 18 towels
a day. They think that Kyle is just trying to manipulate people by
praying with Adel. [Pot have you met kettle? -DRG]
Sabrina cannot stand the fact that it will be another seven days before
someone else leaves and that means it will be 14 days before Heather
leaves. She says that they have to be really smart about who goes in the
jury house. Kenny offers up the BB pearl of wisdom we just gotta have
HoH and that is it. They all feel like the past two weeks feels like
months to them.
Arlie thinks that it is cool that they are forming really good bonds
with the people that they do like in the house. Andrew says that he and
Sabrina are going to have a cooking show when they get out. War Room
feeds now switched to the bedroom downstairs where the lights are on
fully bright even though two folks are in their beds.
The feeds are back on War Room where Allison and Scott are eating an ice
cream bars.
Now Rachelle is trying to tell Sabrina about what another girl said but
she is tripping all over her pronouns and cannot get anything
intelligible out.
11:54PM BBT: Sabrina and Rachelle getting very heated now and
heading down to get Sarah out of the half-not room. BB calls out to
Sarah to please put on her mic. scaring her half to death in the
Apparently the conflict is about what Ika is saying about the other
girls. Rachelle now relates how Ika earlier told her that Sabrina
thought she was flirting with Andrew. Both Sarah and Sabrina know that
Ika does not have the relationships that they do and they need to keep
aware of the way Ika is. Sarah now feels less bad about yelling at Ika.
[Well Morty, guess now I know what it would have been like to be a
reporter for Junior High School Confidential. - DRG]
11:33PM BBT: The HoH room group is getting tired they are slowly
going off to bed. Sabrina, Kenny and Andrew making fun of each other.
11:47PM BBT: Sabrina is going over the order of eviction. She
wants Adel, Paul Heather in line to go. While in the WR3 they are done
dressing up they are waiting for a call, Scott said he hope he goes into
the house because he would have to return to work.
11:56PM BBT: Sabrina is now in the bathroom area getting ready
for bed. Sabrina and looks like Rachelle is talking about Ika. Something
Rachelle told Sabrina they are now running to get Sarah in bed to find
out what was said.
12:00AM BBT: Sarah and Rachelle is trying to calm down Sabrina.
Sabrina looks very upset she wants to confront Ika. Rachelle begs
Sabrina not to tell Ika what they discuss.
Sarah said she took a
Gravol and Heater told her she is a pill popper, Sabrina said she
have been nodding with Ika. Sabrina said she wants Ika out next. Sarah
is now in the HoH room telling the entire story to Kenny, Andrew and
12:11AM BBT: In the War Room they are playing hockey on the table
and one lose they have to drink. Allison said the girls love a six pack,
Scott replied they would get a six pack from the beer store.
12:20AM BBT: Sabrina and Rachelle just join the the HoH room she
is explaining everything to them. Looks like Sabrina is upset with
either Ika or Heather. Sabrina is crying and saying she would not go far
in the game. Sabrina said she was used.
12:26AM BBT: Kyle was eavesdropping on Rachelle and Sabrina
bashing Ika. Kyle told Paul and Adel that he plans on fucking over their
game tomorrow
12:28AM BBT: Paul, Kyle and Adel chit chatting a bit very
softly. Kyle said he at least get one more prayer in the morning. Kyle
is planning something in the morning for the rest of the HGs before he
leaves. Looks like Paul hid something for Andrew. Adel said he should go
and tell Andrew right now.
12:36AM BBT: Kyle and Adel is laughing so loud Ika is right there
sleeping. Kyle and Adel is in the bathroom area with Paul laughing. They
are up to no good those three. Paul just put on a tee shirt "I love
Bangkok" I believe it was one of the HGs and he was making fun and
posing with it.
12:45AM BBT: Kyle said he is going to fight on the outside for
Paul and Adel. Kyle also said he is going to take the long walk of shame
tomorrow. In the HoH room they are all still chit chatting.
12:52AM BBT: In War Room the "Hush" screen is up maybe they
are doing the interview.
Sabrina is in the the HoH room and said there is no girl alliance just
the three of them Sarah, Rachelle and Sabrina.
12:59AM BBT: WR3 are back Scott head piece is off they are now
doing a dance move.
1:30-2:00AM BBT: Jon and Arlie sit in the living room with
Arlie doing a majority of the talking about a relationship. Jon jumps in
with his own much smaller story before heading up to the bathroom area
to begin nightly ADLs.
2:15-1:30AM BBT: Jon and Arlie head into the bedroom. Feed three
switches to a darkened HoH.
WR3 on feed 5 has Allison watching all the houseguests sleeping on the
other feeds. She remarks to her two roommates that she can see Jon's
naked butt sticking out (in black and white via nightvision). Nate turns
his head away quickly after glancing at the screen. Then he says "Jon
sleeps buck!", and goes on to say that he remembers now that Jon went
streaking "buck" through the house another time.
2:30AM BBT: All is quiet in the BBCA house this morning. The WR3
are in bed wishing the live feeders a goodnight as they wait for the
lights to go off.
2:42AM BBT: The WR3 continue to have idle chit chat waiting for
the lights to dim. They can't believe this could be the last night in
the BB house. Brief conversation about things you can buy on TV that
they or their family members have bought. The lights begin to dim before
going on out.
2:48AM BBT: With the lights finally off in the WR3 room we have
silent HGs. We currently have four feeds of darkened rooms with
horizontal HGs in bed
2:57AM BBT: All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in
darkened rooms. Good night Canada!
Today's updaters were: Awiski, BBLuver,
BigBrotherJunkie26, CanadianBBFan1, Chief, DRG, Fuskie, IndigoAquarius,
JEDI, LacedNotes, Morty, mrscrisECN, Niteslacker, and Trancutie.