Yesterday the feeds
were off more than they were on. After the HGs completed three team-building
challenges, we believe they won the reward of a movie. There was also
talk of a PoV competition [Andrew said: "I can't wait for the PoV tonight.
Kyle's going home."
], but we saw nothing. Hopefully the feeds will stay
on long enough to figure it all out today. Don't forget to watch a new
episode of Big Brother Canada, tonight at 9:00PM on Slice or online
We added a new abbreviation to our Big Brother lexicon, WR3 is The War Room
Three, referring to Scott, Allison, and Nate.
Click Here if you don't understand the abbreviations we us. That link is also always at the top of the page.
Here's exit interview with Anick by
XOXO Jes. 7:46AM BBT: Good morning Canada! Arlie is up and shaking his head in the
bathroom area, saying that something sucks. He blows his nose and Allison's
eyes can be seen open and staring back at the camera in the window of the
War Room before she closes them once more. Arlie begins washing his face,
looking half asleep/downtrodden. 
8:20AM BBT: Paul is seen getting up on Feed 2. He heads out of the bedroom and wanders into the bathroom area. Paul heads into the bathroom area stall and can be heard peeing. Arlie continues to move his fingers in the air as if counting things silently. Paul comes out and washes his hands (which is more than Arlie did after using stall earlier).
8:55AM BBT: Paul took a shower and is now laying on the
couch in the living room underneath a blanket, staring up at the ceiling.
Arlie has made his way back into a darkened bedroom. The rest of the house
continues to sleep in darkened rooms.
9:20AM BBT: Paul continues to hang out on the couch lost in
thought/relaxing. The lights slowly begin to turn on/warm up in the
darkened rooms. Night vision mode is disabled on all of the visible
9:27AM BBT: Heather is in bathroom area beginning ADL (activities
of daily living). BB says "Heather" and she replies with a sharp "What?!"
BB asks her to go to the DR. Adel is also up and getting ready to take a
shower. Sarah leaves the bathroom area and heads back into the bedroom
briefly. Our unknown HGs under the white blanket was Scott in the War Room
under his robe. BB announces it's time to wake up for the day.
9:35AM BBT: The War Room three are talking idly. Scott says
Sunday is lazy day. Scott says he feels like they got a good longer sleep
last night. Allison and Nate disagree saying they took a bit longer to go
to sleep and woke up at their regular time. Scott puts his mic on which
makes it much easier to hear him.
9:40AM BBT: Feeds are jumping around quickly this AM as BB tries
to track the HGs as they wake up. Kenny is in the kitchen washing a mug.
Andrew asks Kenny if he wants a bagel. Ika, John, Sarah, Adel and Rachelle
are in the bathroom area chatting. It was cold.
9:45AM BBT: Conversations are all over the place in the bathroom area
this morning as the HGs continue ADLs. Namely the Half-not room being
awful. Down in the kitchen Andrew is pouring himself a bowl of cereal while
Kenny heats up a mug of something in the microwave.
9:46AM BBT: Drama already in the morning. Apparently Paul made a
comment about Arlie or Jon wanting to shave in the sink in the kitchen and
one of the women started going off on him saying they're sick of it. One of
the guys then said not to worry about him because his opinion doesn't
matter. (Sorry folks, cameras/mics are all over the place this morning, I'm
sure this will be rehashed later).
9:54AM BBT: Paul is having a sit down talk with Adel at the table
this morning as he (Adel) eats. Paul knows he's a leader.
Meanwhile Ika is trying to cheer Sarah up after going off on Paul this
morning about Paul complaining about Arlie shaving in the kitchen sink. Ika
leaves and John jumps in trying to cheer her up while telling her to stay
strong. Sarah hates to be the breakdown girl.
But wait, there's more in NiteSlacker's
Dawn Patrol Report
9:55AM BBT: Sarah in the bedroom talking to Ika very upset saying she
doesn't feel good. Ika asks if it is from the slop Sarah said no it's just
the anxiety of everything. She hates being the meltdown one.
10:00AM BBT: Adel and Paul at the kitchen table Paul said "I am ready to go
home and see my kids." Adel "Yeah your game sucked dude." They are both
laughing. Paul "So much for watching all the seasons guess I am just not cut
out for this."
10:05AM BBT: BB just announced to the HGs there will be an indoor LD in 60
10:10AM BBT: Paul sitting at the kitchen table says under his breath but in
ear shot of Kyle said that he is "so sick of these boys," referring to
Andrew and Kenny in the kitchen making breakfast.
10:14AM BBT: Paul is now up in the bedroom talking to Neda telling her he is
OK if she stays away from him. He is such an emotional wreck. He just can't
say anything referring to this morning when he asked Arlie if he was shaving
in the sink and how upset Sarah was.
10:25AM BBT: Kyle and Adel are in the backyard working out talking
about how they want Paul out. Adel said " he is such a Debbie Downer. I will
be a best friend but he brings everything down." Kyle " Plus he doesn't
strategize for shit."
10:30AM BBT: Kenny and Andrew are at the hot-tub smoking talking
about how they love that they Paul thinks he is going home. They want it to
be that way. " Good Paul you know what you don't deserve to go home". " I
love how Kyle thinks he is so safe."
Andrew: "He does really?"
Kenny: " Yeah, he is making HoH plans for next week."
Andrew says he can't wait to win the PoV so he can put up Kyle.
10:42AM BBT: Neda talking to Kenny wondering what their reward will
be, and also trying the figure out the sequence of events for the day. They
are thinking it will be PoV competition will be this morning and possibly
the ceremony will be tonight.
11:06AM BBT: Officially on an Indoor LD.
11:10AM BBT: Kenny, Arlie and Andrew are looking for things
they can make games out of. Sarah suggested throwing balls of aluminum
foil and trying to get them in mugs, Arlie was playing it last night with
nuts. Andrew suggests bocce ball played with potatoes.
[Click to Enlarge and see additional pics] Jon
watches as Andrew and Arlie try to make bocce potatoes.
11:14AM BBT: The HGs are doing ADLs and general chit chat. Then FotH.
The WR3 have been of FotH for the last hour.
10:19AM BBT: Arlie, Andrew and Kenny in the kitchen peeling potatoes
and rounding them out so they can make a bocce ball game. "Bocce Potatoes"
BBT: The girls, Sabrina, Neda, Rachelle, and Ika are in the bathroom
discussing how they are all becoming best friends and that they are all
going to take a trip to California as soon as they get out. (We will see how
long this last's!)
11:31AM BBT: Kyle, Paul, and Adel in the red corner telling Paul he
should just self evict and go out with some dignity. Kyle said, " I feel
like I am caught in spider web waiting for the spider to come eat me." Adel:
" I am a dead man walking dude." Paul: "I am so done man."
11:42AM BBT: WR3 feeds back up. Scott is shaving Nate's head. Allison
sitting on her bed watching the feeds and giving updates to the guys.
11:50AM BBT: Andrew, Jon, Kenny, Sarah, Adel, and Arlie are now
playing "Bocce Potato" in the living room . They rounded the potatoes and
wrapped them in foil each with a different color on them. The object of the
game is to try and get your potatoes as close at the designated spot as
possible they are trying to figure out a point system.
11:59PM BBT: Paul is in the pantry talking to himself about wanting
Adel and Kyle to leave him alone. His only chance is if Neda comes off the
block and Andrew puts Kyle or Adel up there.This Just In: If you
live in Toronto, head on over to The Brick in the College Park Mall.
Gary Levy will be there from 2-3pm today.
12:00PM BBT: Paul is in the kitchen talking to the live feeders about
not giving up, and how he
plans to win this game.
12:05PM BBT: The WR3 are sitting on their bunks watching Paul saying
that he's not giving up, They are not saying anything Arlie and Kyle are
laying on the sofa.
12:10PM BBT: Adel is in the bedroom with Paul now, who is pissed off
telling everyone to just "leave him the fuck alone." He is pissed off about
being on the block.
12:15PM BBT: Paul is still mad about being on the block, he is going
off in the bedroom with Adel and Kyle, saying how the girls are against them
and how the girls are the pawns next to go. Adel is saying that Rachelle and
Heather have this game in the bank, "I don't freaken care good for them."
Paul doesn't even want them in the room Paul I know what I'm doing dude I
know what I'm doing. 12:20PM BBT: Paul is in the bedroom by himself
talking to either himself or us, Saying just let them dig their own graves.
"Don't upset the house, don't upset the house," Paul keeps saying that he
doesn't want the others (maybe Kyle and Adel) around him. It's all an act,
he says he's putting on the poor pitiful sad nominee act. He says he's not
going home this week.
Heather and Neda are in the bathroom.
12:30PM BBT: In the War Room, Scott is saying how in the HoH they are
talking about how the pawn always goes home, and they are upset about that,
Sabrina is now talking about Paul and how he is upset about being on the
In the HoH room Ika, Sabrina and Rachelle are talking, Ika says how she
feels bad for Paul who is having a break down. Ika is saying that Paul
brought this on himself.
12:35PM BBT: The girls in the HoH think the Adel is the ring leader
of the guys alliance.
12:40PM BBT: Andrew, Jon, Kenny and Kyle are in the living room
playing a game, The girls are still up in the HoH talking about Paul.
Heather has joined them. It sounds like they are putting together a all
girls alliance.
12:45PM BBT: All of the girls are in the HoH, while the guys are all
in the living room , Paul is in the BR by himself still mad, and in the War
Room, our guests are watching all this. Allison is looking cute in her bear
Adel and Kyle are in the bedroom with Paul, Adel says the there is a lot of
hair in the shower, and it's gross.
12:50PM BBT: Scott calls Adel and Kyle dumb and dumber, "The Goof
The girls in the HoH are still talking, Heather is saying that she is sorry
for yesterday, They are talking about how Amanda from last year was making
fun of Elissa and no one said stop to her. We aren't doing that in here.
The girls are talking about bullying and how it upsets them, Ika is saying,
"You can say anything you want about me just don't talk about my family."
The guys, are just sitting on the green sofa and the guests in the War Room
are watching all this, talking about Jon trying the hide. 1:00PM BBT:
FotH 1:40PM BBT: The WR3 has been given a challenge by Big
Brother, they have been given facts, printed on cards, about the HGs.
The object is the match the cards to the bobbleheads of the HG that the
facts apply to. If they get them correct, they will get sound on their
spy screen for 40 minutes. [IMHO, sound gives them too much of an advantage,
the the other HGs will evict which ever of the WR3 gets voted in-- end of
twist. -Morty]
Match the Facts to the HGs |
Self proclaimed douche-bag - Kyle
Loves Yoga - Rachelle
Has a tattoo of "hops"
Fashion stylist - Neda
The Princess
Semi-pro Hockey player - Jon
Model - Kenny
Motivational speaker - Paul
Hair stylist and make-up artist
Big Brother super-fan - Neda
Inventor - Adel
Married with two kids
Was a Teen Mom
Medical Secretary |
I don't even know all the answers, it's funny to listen to Scott, he says
that no way is Paul a motivation speaker, he's the neediest of the group and
sad, "He couldn't be a motivational speaker." "We have to stop thinking that
a girl is the model, it could be a guy, but not Kenny with that beard."
2:20PM BBT: They figured out the Ika is the model, Sabrina is the stylist.
Neda is the superfan.
2:25PM BBT: It doesn't look like they are going to be getting sound on their
screen in the War Room. They now have Sabrina as the model, and it's
actually Kenny. they are still way off. they are out of time says BB no
they didn't get it. They are told they're right about Andrew, Neda and
Heather, and BB gave them a hint: married with two kids is female.
2:25PM BBT: BB has giving the WR3 another chance to get it right, They have
another 30 minutes.
2:40PM BBT: The task is over and the WR3 didn't win.
2:45PM BBT: The feeds are now on the main house.
2:55PM BBT: The three outcasts, Kyle, Paul and Adel, have spent most
of this afternoon in the bedroom complaining about the other HGs. [I'm
amazed that they are so poor at analyzing human behavior that they are
labeling themselves outsiders by isolating themselves from the rest of the
house. And Paul, calling out Andrew as racist and sexist, you never start
calling people out until much later in the game, and only as a last resort,
you should always keep your cards close to your vest and your stick on the
ice. -Morty]
3:30PM BBT: Nothing is going on, just random chatter about household
stuff. Jon told Neda he wants Andrew out.
4:00PM BBT: The feeds came after a long FotH. In the kitchen,
Adel is cutting up a pineapple while telling Ika and Sarah [I think it was
Sarah, the cameraman seems to have a problem focusing on whoever is
speaking. -Morty] that if he wins HoH he's putting them on the block.
The girls respond by saying that he said the same thing to Kenny and Andrew.
Adel: "It's just a game." Just as things were getting interesting, they
switched to FotH.
4:20PM BBT: The feeds return and we find the three outsiders
(stooges) in the bedroom again complaining about Andrew. They say he's
not a racist, but made a racist remark. Paul: "The words came out of
his mouth so easily, with all these cameras running, it make me wonder what
he says when the cameras aren't on him." And then we're back to FotH.
4:39PM BBT: In the bathroom area we have Arlie, Sarah, and Sabrina
discussing their alliance. Arlie was about to tell the girls something
Andrew said to him, then Jon walked in.
Arlie says Andrew doesn't want to look like an idiot to his family. They are
discussing how to get rid of Andrew. They think he may bury himself with his
macho attitude.
4:46PM BBT: Sabrina is acting very insecure and Arlie and Sarah
trying to reassure her that she is doing OK. Arlie says so far everything
they want is happening. He says Adel is in the worst possible position and
that she was part of making that happen.
Ika enters the bathroom area and says she is going for a nap. Sabrina and
Sarah say some of the other girls are so into the girl alliance. Sarah like
the alliance they have. Sabrina says she has a connection with Andrew and
that Sarah has a connection with Kenny so they're in good spots.
Sabrina asks if she has ever said anything offensive. Sarah tells her no,
not to her. Sarah says Sabrina is able to put herself in other's shoes,
which is a good quality.
Sabrina lays out an order of eviction and Sarah agrees (Kyle, Adel, Paul,
Heather...I missed the last few). Sarah says she would not be there if she
didn't believe that's the way it'll go down. Sarah says if something happens
that Kenny leaves, she would want to leave.
4:56PM BBT: Sabrina and Sarah alone in the bathroom area now, Sarah
says she doesn't like taking pills to calm her anxiety because it makes her
feel weak.
5:04PM BBT: Kenny, Andrew and Heather are in the living room . Kenny
and Andrew tossing tinfoil balls into coffee mugs. No game talk there. Jon
was there, then left to join the girls in the bathroom area.
5:09PM BBT: Rachel joins Sarah and Sabrina in the bathroom area and
talk turns to what Sarah is making for their Have-Not supper.
5:06PM BBT: Talk in the WA about how much they'll watch the show
after they all leave. Sarah says she can't see herself watching the whole
season. Jon says he'd watch the last few episodes.
5:08PM BBT: Talking about past BB US HG's. They love Jeff and Jordan,
but Neda tells a story about Jeff talking on a YouTube thing and gay bashing
and bullying a girl who's sister was a lesbian who told him not to talk that
way about gays. Everyone was disappointed because they all love JeJo.
5:11PM BBT: Now talk in the WA was about their least favourite word.
They all agree their least fave word is the "C" word. Sarah blurts it out
and we get FotH.
5:17PM BBT: Feeds back. WR3 are fanning themselves with paper plates.
5:18PM BBT: WR3 discuss Kyle coming out of the toilet and tell him to
wash his hands. They complain that all he does is rinse them but agree it's
better than what he did yesterday.
5:19PM BBT: Feeds all back on FotH.
5:21PM BBT: Feeds back again. In the living room Heather, Kenny and
Andrew r talking about how Heather hasn't been doing her dancing. Talk about
BB taking them out for a night on the town. Heather apparently has glass in
her foot which she leaves to go remove.
5:25PM BBT: Andrew and Kenny discuss whether anyone is watching them.
One of them says "they probably change the channel. The other says, I would
change the channel, I hate me." LOL Feed flips to WR3 watching their screens
(with no audio). I think Scott is sleeping, sounds like snoring.
5:26PM BBT: Feeds show Ika asleep in the main bedroom, but you can
hear some very loud snoring from least I HOPE it isn't Ika
snoring that loud! LOL! Can hear Adel, Kyle and Paul r talking low in the
background but I can't see them and I didn't catch what they said, however
it did sound like dissing other HGs.
5:28PM BBT: Ika was awakened by a buzzer. Adel says BB didn't tell
them nap time was over. Ika gets up and leaves. Feed switches to Sabrina
talking to Andrew and Kenny in the LR. Rachel joins them and Sabrina says BB
wants them to choreograph a dance. Ika comes down and says she thinks
they're lying. They said Sabrina went to DR and they told her that.
5:32PM BBT: Sarah comes downstairs then goes back up. Sabrina tosses
the foil balls into cups. A couple of them were talking French, so I've no
idea what they were saying, but it was brief.
5:34PM BBT: In the WA we have Arlie, Jon, Heather, Neda. Arlie asks
Jon how his PJ pants are doing. Jon says he can't worry about them.
Apparently someone hid them.
5:37PM BBT: Arlie and Jon keep hoping they'll get booze, Jon thinks
it won't happen until "those guys" are gone (pretty sure he means Paul, Kyle
and Adel). Meanwhile WR3 are watching feeds Allison says she would like to
go pee now please Big Brother. Paul is awake now, Mouths something to
Allison, but production was too late with the volume. Feeds to FotH again.
Perhaps they're letting the WR3 use the potty now.
5:40PM BBT: Feed three is on living room . Ika and Sarah eating
ravioli. Kenny laying down. Andrew and Sabrina join them, then Rachelle. The
girls are the only ones eating.
5:43PM BBT: Heather and Jon now on the couch also. Have-Not girls
eating slop potatos I think.
5:50PM BBT: Kenny appears to be asleep on the green couch. Alarm went
off and Kenny awakes.
5:56PM BBT: Ika and Sabrina are in the storage. Ika tells Sabrina she
isn't used to people like Adel in the sense that she doesn't like
victimizers. Sabrina says he throws swords then plays the victim. Ika tells
Sabrina she wants Sabrina not to react to him. Sabrina says she isn't like
that and has a hard time letting it roll. Ika tells her to not react because
it obviously isn't bothering them (Kyle and Adel).
6:01PM BBT: Ika points out how Adel threw out "ghetto bombs" left
right and centre but she can't let it affect her because she is the only
black girl in the house. Ika is glad Sabrina came to her to discuss because
she didn't want Sabrina to think she is upset with her. Ika says she was
drained yesterday and didn't mean to upset her.
6:03PM BBT: Sabrina says she hates seafood so if they have a
challenge with food, she's done. She takes her vitamin D and goes to the
kitchen. Everyone is either in kitchen or living room except Paul, Adel and
6:08PM BBT: They're all throwing around the foil balls, but no cups
to throw Emmett in so Jon gives them a target with his butt!
6:15PM BBT: Arlie just mooned us which we could see the reflection of
in the cam windows. Sarah tells him that when he is tanning he should "open
his bum" because she could see his tan lines!
6:33PM BBT: One of the HGs said it sounds like they're still building
outside (for the PoV no doubt). Ika, Neda and Rachelle go upstairs to the
bathroom area. Doing their hair. Ika seems upset that Sabrina talked to her
in front of other people and says "I am NOT a bitch...not all the time
Neda says to be careful what they say around Heather. They think Heather
will point out to Andrew and Kenny about the girls getting stronger once
Kyle and Adel are gone.
Neda leaves the bathroom area and Ika tells Rachelle she is so annoyed with
Sabrina and says it's the 4th time she approached her with her insecurities.
Rachelle didn't make much of it. She leaves Ika to curl her hair.
6:45PM BBT: Feeds flip to living room crew. Kenny leaning on one
shoulder of Sabrina's and Heather on the other shoulder. Andrew basically
points out that it seems DR tries to put words in their mouths.
6:47PM BBT: Feeds to FotH probably because Andrew is talking about
brand names.
6:55PM BBT: Feeds on WR3 show them with a bucket full of Canada gear.
Flags, t-shirts, a cowboy hat that Nate claimed, Scott has a bandana with
Canadian flags all over it. They have to make a plea to Canada to get
in the house it sounds like. They have one hour to "make their plea to
Canada." Their speeches will take place in the Diary Room.
7:00PM BBT: Scott and Allison both are wearing Canada T-shirts. Scott
has his bandana on and putting his contacts in. Nate leaning against the
counter/table with his Canada cowboy hat on. Allison is wearing a hair thing
with silver tinsel and two small Canadian flags sticking off it.
Nate looks like he is rehearsing a speech in his head, as does Allison now.
Scott is rushing around trying to get ready.
Now all the WR3 are sitting quietly no doubt thinking about their respective
speeches and pleas to Canada.
7:07PM BBT: Heather, Jon and Sara talking about Heather's parents
watching the show and what they would be thinking. She says if she gets a
letter from home she would want it from someone who will tell her how
everyone is. She thinks it won't be from her parents because they are more
"in person" people.
7:12PM BBT: Jon and Heather are alone on the floor at the top of the
stairs. Whispering very quietly. Jon says Sabrina is enjoying the attention
from a guy. he asks her what the girls are saying and she says "nothing".
She says that all the girls get along, but when Rachelle is around they
don't so much.
Feeds flip to the girls in the bathroom area primping. They are talking
about the ridiculous times they called into DR. BB: "HGs, please stop
talking about production."
7:21PM BBT: Main house feed flips to Sarah, Kenny and Arlie at the
bottom of the stairway joking around. They wonder why the cam keeps
following Kenny. He says every time he touches something the cam follows
him. Sarah says she doesn't think there is a secret room this year like
there was last year. Arlie says, "Maybe if u pull that fire alarm it will
open a secret door". Kenny says he is not doing that.
7:24PM BBT: Kenny and Arlie now looking for a secret room by the
white vertical boards on the red wall. Nothing is happening.
Arlie using funny voices looking for a magic button to open a secret room
7:26PM BBT: Kenny and Andrew start tossing the bocci potatoes in the
living room . Kenny tells Sarah to shut her mouth then says, "Just kidding".
She retorts with "You don't have to say just kidding every time you insult
me." He says, "ok, I wasn't kidding."
Kenny goes into HoH and Arlie joins Jon, Rachelle and Neda at the top of the
stairs. Rachelle leaves, Jon leaves and Neda says, "Everyone leaves us all
the time". So Arlie leaves too and goes into HoH. Jon is also in there.
7:34PM BBT: Main house feed goes to FotH. WR3 showing them each
thinking about their speeches still.
7:38PM BBT: Feeds one and two switch to the bathroom area with most
of the girls gathered around on the lounger. Ika and Sabrina appear to be
primping still. Heather, Neda, Sarah, and Rachelle are watching. Idle chit
about vitamins and hair.
The girls all in the bathroom area again. Heather thinks it will be an
interesting season to watch.
7:50PM BBT: W3 hypothesize about the current power in the house and
how things went down for Anick to be evicted first. Nate and Allison agree
that Paul seems like the most likely heavy handed person to be evicted next.
Back in the bathroom area Heather and Ika continue to whisper about
Rachelle. Conversation wraps up with Heather saying she's going to try and
poop again.7:54PM BBT: Sarah and Andrew chat in the
kitchen. Andrew wants to make sure he doesn't make himself look bad on TV.
He states that when you're at home and act a fool, it's only the local
people that see you. However now that you're on TV, you don't want people to
see you in a light that would be embarrassing. Sarah agrees.
7:57PM BBT: The W3 wonder about how much longer they have left until
they are called to DR. John and Arlie are on the couch in the living room
sharing a blanket. Meanwhile across from them Neda, Sabrina and Rachelle are
sitting across from them. Sabrina misses the sky. Heather joins the girls.
8:00PM BBT: Sarah and Ika have a quick chat in the storage room. They
discuss the fact that Heather and Rachelle can't get along. Ika says Heather
told her that she wouldn't put Sarah up. Sarah feels bad. Ika says the two
just can't get along.
Ika and Sarah continue to whisper in the storage room. Sarah suggests that
they follow along with the guys for the time being. Ika says Andrew is a
very strong player. Sarah questions if it's Andrew or someone in his ear.
Ika says Kenny is in his ear and wouldn't leave the HoH initially. Sarah
agrees. Ika says they're in good position this week.
8:09PM BBT: Back in the War Room the W3 continue to kill time doing
vocal practice while waiting to be called for DR. In the storage room Sarah
and Ika continue to talk about the different girls in the house. Feeds one
and two switch back to the living room couch with Neda, Heather, John, Arlie
and Kenny chatting. They are ready to play PoV. They miss the outside. Ika
joins the group.
8:15PM BBT: Feed three switches to the bedroom with Adel, Kyle and
Paul chatting. Adel and Kenny continue to lead the discussion about how the
other side of the house was being racist and talking about their group
yesterday. Adel says as long as they only talk game by calling them pawns
and such, they won't look as bad as the rest do.
8:19PM BBT: The W3 can't believe that they've only been together for
two days. It seems way longer. Dinner is delivered to them. Scott is almost
too nervous to eat. Allison begs to go pee. Nate is excited for dinner.
8:21PM BBT: Back in the living room Heather, Neda, Rachelle and Sarah
discuss when they'll make it to jury. John is hanging out on the couch. John
gets up and wanders off into the kitchen where a small group is gathered
around the counter eating something. Arlie says it's awesome.
8:23PM BBT: Adel, and Kenny continue to chat in the bedroom. They're
discussing how long they'll have in the house together. Kenny believes he's
going home this week. He says he has two days left in his vacation.
Back in the kitchen Sabrina mentions that Adel patted Jon on the back
earlier and said "Hey there big Jon!". Sabrina wanders off. Arlie loves fish
sticks. Andrew or Kenny loves them as well.
8:27PM BBT: Allison was pacing around the War Room waiting to use the
rest room before that feed switched to FotH. Paul wanders back into the
bedroom and Adel tells him that they have to get ready to start thinking
ahead and working together. Kenny says Paul is safe. Paul says he'll never
feel safe.
Andrew and Arlie continue to cook and clean in the kitchen.
Back in the War Room feeds are back and the W3 are eating.
In the storage room Kenny and Jon are chatting saying that Kenny is dumb
because he wasn't picked to play PoV and that he started making fake
alliances and such and now he's done for. The conversation ends just as
quickly as it begins.
8:35PM BBT: Back in the bedroom Adel tells Paul that they'll only
have each other. Paul says he feels like he's back in high school again.
Kyle agrees. Kyle says he's the most obvious strong target this week. Paul
asks if the guys want to cut Kenny's beard while he sleeps. Adel and Kyle
laugh and say that's harassment.
Back in the War Room Scott and Nate are finishing up eating. Nate needs to
use the bathroom.
8:39PM BBT: Andrew brags saying "As you can see I do most of the
dishes around here" as he wipes down the counter. Rachelle is also washing
dishes. She tells John she has a fish allergy as he makes something fish
related. He asks if he should move away. Rachelle says she only has a
reaction if she eats it. Back in the bedroom Adel, Paul and Kyle are talking
about how when they cleaned the room blindfolded people just put random put
things in random places. A female voice can be heard thanking Kyle for
putting her $800 piece in her drawer. She panicked at first when she
couldn't find it.
8:43PM BBT: In the kitchen Sarah appears to be making slop cookies
while discussing a show she saw about school lunches in the US. Back in the
War Room Nate is still asking to use the rest room.
Back in the bedroom Sabrina is talking to Kyle asking him if he hates
her. Kyle says no way. "Hate is a strong word." Sabrina says Rachelle is her
friend and when Kyle says he hates the fact that she's in the house it
bothers her.
8:48PM BBT: Kyle says it's going to be a long 72 hours until he goes
home. Sabrina says she knows what it's like to be attacked personally.
Rachelle joins her briefly. The conversation ends and Sabrina heads down and
tells Andrew that the three know the plan to back door Kyle. Andrew wonders
why. Sabrina says she went in acting like she was looking for her lingerie
and Kyle and Adel was telling Paul not to freak out because they know Kyle
is the target. Andrew asks if anyone wants to try the squash he's made.
Tonight's Show is in Colour
on Slice TV at 9:00PM:
Remember, you can watch Big Brother as it airs
This program contains sexuality, course language and mature subject
matter. Viewer discretion is advised. Whoohoo!
Previously, on BB, 14 HGs entered Big Brother's brand new house, but a
warm reception was immediately put on house with the first HoH
competition. Paul brokered a deal to become the first HoH of the season.
After holding court, Paul decided to nominate Anick and Andrew for
eviction. In the first PoV competition, the superheroes fought hard but
it was Andrew who smashed his way to victory and not surprisingly pulled
himself off the block, which forced Paul to make another nomination.
In a unanimous vote, Anick was the first to go. And in the first twist
of the season, three secret HGs were moved into the BB War Room . They
will vie for your vote to become the final HG. Tonight, alliances are
taking shape, trust is being broken and a new HoH will leave the house
divided. It all starts right now, on BB Canada!
We pick up after the eviction ceremony. Ika tells us she didn't feel
emotional when Anick left, but she felt she had to look like she felt
bad. She didn't though, she feels good and the Buddha princess is gone.
Kenny tells us he didn't expect it to be that tough, but he is
prolonging the sentiment longer than he should because he wants the
other HGs to think his head isn't in the game, but the truth is that his
head is 100% in the game. He can't wait to take HoH and watch people
decide which side they are going to take.
Rachelle and Ika have a little happy dance. Rachelle is sad Anick's gone
but she is happy her girl Ika is still there to dance with. She tells us
she is glad Ika is still there.
In the War Room, Scott, Nate and Allison get to know each other
Scott tells us Nate and Allison are adorable, but they are the two
people standing in his way. Scott confesses being a drag queen to his
roommates. Allison thinks Scott is her biggest competition getting into
the house. Allison tells us there is no bathroom in the room. Nate jokes
about having to hold it for a week. Allison tells us she needs to pee in
the BB house. She is the biggest fan ever and it's something she's
wanted to do.
Scott suggests that they support each other during their week there.
Nate tells us he is going to sit back and be himself, be happy go lucky
and hopefully make Canada fall in love while the other two duke it out.
Scott implores Canada to vote him in; he will not let Canada down. Not
only do they need to buckle up, but they will need to put on a helmet.
Later, Andrew and Heather are in the pantry. Heather tells us she knows
he has a big chance of winning HoH because he is a strong competitor, so
she wants to get him on her side. He tells Heather she's safe if he
wins, makes her promise he is safe in return. She agrees.
Andrew tells us he doesn't really trust Heather; he wants her to think
she has him under her thumb. He thinks it's working out; she thinks she
is playing him right now; it's perfect. Heather tells us she thinks
Andrew is interested in her (and she is not in him) but she plays up the
flirty, happy girly side. Heather feels safe for another week after the
promise Andrew made her. Kenny and Rachelle go talk; Rachelle tells us
that she heard Kenny doesn't trust her and she wanted to confirm. Kenny
says he knows that's from Heather because he purposely told Heather that
to see if it would get back to Rachelle.
Kenny tells us he doesn't know where Heather's head is at. He doesn't
trust her, so he leaks information to her to see if it will get back to
him. Kenny says Heather brought Rachelle up to him, not the other way
around. Rachelle confirms she doesn't trust Heather either. Rachelle
tells us that she found out from Kenny that Heather is becoming a target
on the guys side, so that's good. Kenny tells us he knows there is kind
of a divide between guys/girls so if he can plant some doubt and cause
them to scramble, that's good. Kenny gives Rachelle his word he won't
tell Heather anything.
It's time for the HoH competition! Kenny tells us it is super important
he win HoH; he feels there is a huge target on his back. Andrew tells us
he has proven himself as a competitor and needs to win to keep himself
safe. Paul tells us he wants one of the ladies to win it, either Sabrina
or Sarah ideally as he feels safest with them. Andrew cannot win HoH, he
adds. We go to the backyard, where everyone is dressed in farming
attire, and there is a garden with dirt and seeds. The backyard is
covered in hay and Paul comes out dressed like a chicken.
Sarah tells us Paul was hysterical and he is a chicken so it fits.
"alright, guys! I'm sure you're thinking What the Cluck? This
competition is called Fresh from the Farm. You will be competing in
groups of two, which you've already been pre drawn for. One member from
each team will keep the potato in the basket for as long as they can
while the other teammate searches through the dirt for more potatoes.
When they have found a potato with their team colour, they can try to
throw it in another team's basket to weigh them down. Once the basket
drops, both team members are eliminated. The last team standing will
battle each other to become HoH! This may ruffle a few feathers, but
don't be chicken! Oh, and by the way, the first two teams eliminated
will be the first Have Not's of the season!"
Sarah tells us this competition clearly favors people will upper body
strength. Curving her arm into a flex, she shakes her head. "Not me."
Andrew tells us he and Arlie knew right away Andrew would be holding the
basket. Heather tells us she and Rachelle are partners; they kind of
head butt. Sarah tells us she could feel the weight of the basket
itself pulling on her feminine hands. She knew then it was going to be
bad. Kenny tells us Kyle looked like he could stay there the longest, so
he will concentrate there first with the potatoes.
Ika tells us that someone needs to call the forest ranger and tell them
someone is on the loose and his name is Kenny. So Ika decides to focus
on Kenny's partner,
Jon. Andrew's strategy was to play it cool, and try to intimidate
everyone with his biceps. Heather tells us she was using potatoes to dig
up other potatoes. Sarah tells us everyone was targeting her: Adel, Ika,
Heather. Kyle jokes to Sarah that he hopes she enjoys slop. Sarah does
everything she can to hold onto her basket but it slips and Sarah and
Neda are out. Heather tells us she is pleased to be one step further
from being a Have-Not for the week. She moves to focusing on Kyle.
Ika tells us at that point she decides to focus on Rachelle's basket so
she won't be a Have-Not for the week. Rachelle's basket drops, and now
Heather and Rachelle are Have-Not. Rachelle apologizes to Heather. Kyle
goes to adjust his hold on the rope, and drops it. Kyle and Ika are now
out. Ika tells us Kyle's bark is so much bigger than his bite. Kyle
tells us there is only so much "these guys" (his biceps) can do. Sabrina
is the next to drop the basket, apologizing profusely to Adel. Down to
Andrew/Arlie and Kenny/Jon. Andrew tells Jon if he drops the basket,
he's safe. Jon tells him to talk to Kenny.
Kenny tells us that he has fire in him and he wants to go to the bitter
end. No deal. Jon tells us he saw Kenny working so hard and he wants to
be loyal to him. He wants to show him he has Kenny's back for the game.
What Kenny wants, Jon wants. Arlie tells us he is so tired. Kenny tells
us Jon is working so hard to keep them in the game, sweat pouring down
his face. That makes Kenny work that much harder. Jon tells us his
fingers started to lose feeling, his shoulders started to give out. He
couldn't do it anymore - and drops. Kenny tells us he couldn't be
prouder of Jon; Newfoundland represented. There was no shame; he did a
phenomenal job.
Andrew tells us he can feel it, he can feel the big bed and almost has
the room for the whole week. Rachelle tells us Arlie killed himself in
round 1 and she hopes he can find the strength he can battle it out in
the next around. Arlie tells us there is no way he wants to win HoH.
It's a huge target on his back. While waiting for the second round,
Arlie tried to pump himself up just to tire him out. He could throw
things all day.
Round two: In the dirt you will find one golden potato. The first person
to find it will be the new HoH! Andrew tells us it was harder than it
looks. He was glad it was him holding the basket because Arlie was tired
out. Kenny tells us watching Arlie had him almost in tears because he
knows how hard it was. Arlie tells us at this point, he "fake" collapses
on the ground. All HGs comment on how tired and exhausted he must be.
Arlie tells us he sees the potato twice, goes past both times and
wonders why Andrew can't find it. He can only pass it so many times
before it becomes obvious.
Andrew finally finds the golden potato. Andrew tells us he is so stoked
to be HoH. His plan was to make it through the first week and then win
everything after that. Kenny tells us he is glad Andrew won; they are
close and have a bond and he knows that he is safe. Heather tells us
that she is so relieved that Andrew won because that means this farm
girl is staying one more week.
In the dirt, Arlie is groaning and moaning up a storm. Several HGs rush
to his aid. Heather tells us she feels bad for Arlie because he went so
hard until he couldn't anymore and he deserved HoH as much as Andrew
did. Arlie tells us he never gets tired and if he wanted HoH, he
would've had it. But it's too early. The girls are fanning him,
pouring water on him. Arlie tells us he tries the hardest he can to tear
up and breathe heavy, but it is all an act.
Paul tells us he is worried Andrew will put him on the block. Take him
out while he can, Paul says, because he will come after Andrew and all
his muscles. In WR3, the cameras come on and the three HGs squeal in
delight watching everyone.
Scott tells us the men are beautiful, quite possibly the hottest men
ever in a BB house. Allison tells us she has a soft spot for Kenny. She
loves his beard.
Nate tells us he thinks the girls are taking it too easy in the house.
They are playing it too cool and might be picked off one by one if they
don't make a big move.
Allison wants to get into the house and befriend the boys, Scott
comments that his gaydar is broken because he's stared at all the guys
and doesn't think any of them are gay. The cameras go off. Scott tells
us if he gets into the house, he has big plans for the girls and maybe
some of the guys.
Heather goes to talk to Rachelle, to get her on Heather's side - even
though she doesn't like her. Heather says it's not that she doesn't like
Rachelle, she feels they just clash sometimes. Rachelle says she likes
Heather a lot. Rachelle tells us she doesn't trust Heather at all - she
is talking lots of smack about her and she knows that but she'll put on
a smile. Heather tells Rachelle that she secured Rachelle's safety with
Andrew; Rachelle tells us she doesn't trust her. She'll secure her own
spot. Heather tells Rachelle she did it to try and get to know Rachelle
better. They hug.
Heather tells us she feels complete for the day.
In the bathroom, Rachelle recounts her conversation with Ika. They
giggle over it.
Later, who wants to see my HoH room? Andrew leads the HGs upstairs. He
tells us HoH has it's perks; he can nominate two people for eviction but
also gets his own private room! First thing he sees sticking out of a
basket is protein powder, which is awesome. Heather tells us Andrew's
HoH room was amazing; his pictures were so sweet and made her think of
her family/friends back home. Time for the letter - from his Mom and
"I want to begin this letter by telling you how much your Dad and I miss
you. We are having lots of fun watching you on BB. You seem to be
holding your own and having a good time doing it. We are impressed at
how easy it has been to wind your way through the strategic landscape.
Of course the whole family plus friends are watching from coast to
coast, and best wishes from all the people who love you. Take good care
of yourself. Andrew, and remember: it's not about being a good sport,
it's about winning!"
"Dad wants to add his own two cents as a postscript: I disagree with the
winning thing, although your mom was kidding a bit. It's about being
you, and having fun. Be you, leave the trash talk in the trash. Be you."
Sarah is crying during this letter, and Andrew choked up a bit towards
the end. Rachelle tells us that Andrew has a heart, even though he puts
on a tough act. His parents sound like lovely people and make her miss
Later, it's time for the Have-Not's to get their slop. Heather tells us
that she just wants to cry when she sees the slop. Neda tells us she was
so excited to try slop - what was she thinking? Heather tells us she was
hoping slop didn't taste that awful and that people were overestimating,
but it really does taste awful. Neda, Rachelle, Heather and Sarah are
the Have-Not's - they can eat slop and potatoes from the HoH challenge.
Heather tells us it's the most disgusting thing in the whole world and
she doesn't know how she will go an entire week on slop, which she can't
even eat! Andrew comes out from the DR, and reads a note to the
Have-Not's: Eating slop this week is only half the punishment. Half a
good night's sleep, guys. They all go into the Half Not room.
Rachelle tells us that she has long legs; the half bed is not going to
Heather tells us it's a room made for Alice in Wonderland.
Andrew tells us he is so glad he is in HoH. Put four guys in there for a
week? They probably wouldn't survive. Paul comments he thinks the lights
don't get turned off in the Have-Not room either. Neda tells us she
likes being comfortable; she doesn't know how to survive.
Neda tells us she just wants to sit in the corner and cry. Later, Andrew
tells us being the HoH this week and having a room to himself has been
helpful; gave him a chance to talk to his alliance: the first 5 people
who walked into the house. That's himself, Arlie, Kenny, Sarah and
Sabrina. Sabrina originally thought of it. Andrew tells them he wants to
nominate Paul. The First Five, as they are called, discuss that Paul is
trying to make an alliance with pretty much everyone. Arlie asks who he
thinks is his biggest threat - that's who he gets out.
In the bedroom, Paul admits he is having a hard time. This game is not
about who he is. He's a positive person but the house negates that. Paul
says that things are being said about him that he can't even believe,
and pinpoints Ika as someone who has said things about him but refuses
to name his "source". Ika presses, while Paul starts crying. Rachelle
joins Ika in comforting him. Paul tells us if he can get the girls on
his side, they can take out the strong ones starting with Andrew. Paul
says Andrew makes comments that are discriminatory. Ika tells us Andrew
called her more "urban" but she didn't take it offensively. Ika says
Andrew might be a lot of things but sexist and racist isn't one of them.
Paul, stop.
Jon, Kenny and Arlie in the HoH room, asking Andrew who he is
considering. Andrew says Paul so far. Jon says Paul is not after him,
Jon had a conversation with him. Kenny tells us he agrees with Jon's
suggestion - they should start going after the girls. Kenny jumps in and
also suggests Paul might be on their side (the girls). Andrew tells us
he doesn't believe that, and tells the room that he really wants Paul to
go and then is fine picking off the girls.
The WR3 HGs find some booze in their room and are thrilled. Nate says
they need to party so bad. They toast to Canada. Cameras come back on.
Scott tells us he feels they are a couple bottles of booze away from a
hard core cuddlemance. He in the middle of course.
Later, Andrew and Kenny are out by the hot-tub. Andrew tells us for the
first time in the game he feels he can relax, Kenny tells us he feels
Andrew is his buddy. Kenny brings up Kyle as a nomination suggestion to
Andrew. Kyle is a threat and has "rocks rolling around in his head" - he
is a wild card and is annoying. Andrew tells us that is a valid point.
They should keep Paul in the house a while longer since he poses no
threat, and nominate Kyle now.
It's time for the nomination ceremony! Andrew nominates Neda and Paul.
Andrew nominated Neda because she is a strong social player and it is
affecting his game. Andrew nominated Paul because he is a hypocrite.
Everything he has said he'd do since the beginning of the game, he has
gone against. He has also said things about Andrew's character that
affect the opinion of the people in the house, as well as Andrew's
family and the people in Canada.
Paul talks to the house while Andrew heads to HoH. Paul says Andrew is
the most sexist and racist and is quickly stopped by all the HGs. The
whole house turns against him and chews him down for his comment. In the
DR, Andrew asks what gall that man has to cut him down and make such
comments on national TV. In front of his family, all of Canada and the
house. Paul tells us Andrew is not a racist, and he will play the game
whatever way he thinks he needs to play it. He wants to be the bad guy;
no one is going to take him to the final two if he's nice. Ika tells us
Paul is like split ends. He needs to be cut and she's happy he is on the
block. Bye Paul!
Who will win PoV and will they use it to save Paul after the blow up
that divided the house? Find out on Wednesday at 9PM BBT: EST on BB

Thanks to BBLuver for this totally awesome play-by-play of tonight's TV
Did you miss tonight's episode?
See it Here No matter
where you live! |
8:53PM BBT: Back in the War Room the W3 discuss the fact that they
miss the ability to eat whenever and whatever they want.
In the bedroom Kyle is telling Adel the reason everyone is picking on him is
because he's a smaller dude that they don't know outside the house. Kyle on
the other hand is a strong, large dude. Adel worries about them picking on
Paul. Kyle doesn't think they'll pick on him because he's a father figure.
8:56PM BBT: In the kitchen Sarah is saying that "they're saying we're
being used as a pawn, but they used us as a pawn last week so who cares!"
Sabrina reiterates that they know that Kyle is the target. Andrew says of
course they'd want to keep the athletic one a few more weeks (sarcasm).
Andrew says they can't make his life rough over the next couple of days
because if they mess with his stuff it'll be harassment. bedroom feed
switches to FotH.
9:00PM BBT: Back in the War Room Scott is talking about the gay
community. Scott says they lost a valuable member of their community and no
one has stepped up to replace him. Allison says she doesn't work with
forensics any more. Nate is pacing around the table. Ika and Sabrina head
into the bedroom. Ika is going through her stuff looking for something. Kyle
says he's tired.
9:05PM BBT: My feeds are beginning to freeze up.
Back in the War Room Scott says it's a dream come true to be in the house.
He says Evel Dick, Ian, and Frank all applied numerous times before they
finally got on. Feeds frozen. Back in the living room Kenny, Heather, John,
Rachelle and someone else are chatting. Andrew comes down from the HoH
complaining that he doesn't have his iPod. He wonders if he gets to exercise
any of his HoH benefits.
9:10PM BBT: Rachelle and Ika are in the bathroom area chatting. Ika
says they can't let them get in their head. Heather and Sabrina join the
other two in the bathroom area. Talk turns to how mean they're being (Kyle,
Adel and Paul). Chat gets awkward for a moment. Ika says she went to put on
her underwear in the bedroom and Kenny told her to make a big move and that
he hoped she still had a relationship when she got out of the house. Andrew
comes into the bathroom area and Sabrina is scrubbing his feet/toes. [How's
that for HoH benefits? - Niteslacker]

9:15PM BBT: Idle chit chat in the War Room as they continue to wait.
Scott has to pee. Nate still does as well. Nate says that's a majority and
he needs to brush his teeth. Back in the living room they are discussing the
movie Divergent. Kenny mentions DR and we get FotH. Meanwhile the War Room
also got FotH as well. We now have one feed displaying Sabrina scrubbing
Andrew's feet in the bathroom area.
9:22PM BBT: Adel is giving Paul a massage, Paul wonders what
happened. Adel says he and Kyle figured out that Kyle was the back door
target four days ago. Paul doesn't believe them. Paul thinks he's going
home. Adel needs to use the bathroom. Sabrina is afraid the guys are messing
with her stuff. Andrew offers his room for storage. Sabrina says it's
alright. Sabrina says Kyle said it's going to be the longest 48 hours.
Andrew and Sarah points out that it's going to be longer than 48 hours until
the eviction.
9:28PM BBT: Feeds are back in the War Room . They apparently have
their feeds back as well and are trying to figure out what happened.
Meanwhile up in the bathroom area Kyle and Adel are getting an earful from
Sarah. Voices are talking over each other. People are playing the game
personally. Neda, Rachelle and Kenny walk up the stairs and sit outside the
bathroom area listening to the argument.
9:30PM BBT: Adel is saying he will not attack a woman no way no how.
He's 28 years old and he's happy in his life. He says he had a
misunderstanding with a woman about his religion. John says questions if
whether or not Adel has really taken the game to a personal level. Andrew
starts in saying he wanted to work with Kyle. John points out that Kyle was
super annoying that first night and the next day he did a 180 and he's in
the spot he's in now. BB can be heard giving instructions before we get
Adel can be heard talking about rules being changed on the mics of the
people sitting outside the bathroom area.
9:37PM BBT: Meanwhile back in the War Room the W3 continue to watch
the feeds, speculating about what is going on. Scott of course is people
watching, noticing that someone is getting a pedicure. Adel's voice can be
heard on Neda, Rachelle, Arlie, Kenny, and Sarah's mic. Andrew walks out of
the bathroom area with Heather.
9:38PM BBT: Idle chit chat outside the bathroom area now.
switch to Sabrina in the storage room with Paul and Rachelle. Sabrina is
having a melt down. She says she didn't attack anyone personally. Rachelle
says they're just trying to make everyone look bad. Paul comments that what
they're doing is awful and it's not game talk. Sabrina wants to be left
alone. Paul leaves. Rachelle stays behind to talk to Sabrina as she cries
The W3 comment on the fact that Andrew could be seen trying to get into the
9:44PM BBT: Sabrina continues to cry hysterically.
Back up in the
bedroom Paul is freaking out on Paul and Adel asking about what happened. He
says he went to get cereal and he got the dirtiest look. He says repeatedly
he wants to know what happened.
Now Adel, and Kyle and are arguing with
Paul, saying he's no longer a darksider with them. Adel and Kyle says Paul
has been out looking for votes even though they know Kyle is the target this
week. Paul is acting like he's confused.

Meanwhile down in the storage room
Rachelle continues to console Sabrina. Sabrina doesn't want to cry all the
9:46PM BBT: Sabrina says he (Adel?) was saying that the rules changed
because of her. Feeds in the bedroom go to FotH. The W3 continue to watch
their feeds, trying to figure out what is going on. They speculate that Paul
got hardcore busted for something. Nate wants a close up on Paul. Neda comes
into the storage room and says she saw Kyle heading in that direction and
was trying to provide back up. Sabrina begins to cry again saying Adel is
lying and attacking her. Rachelle is asking for her mom
and dad.

9:50PM BBT: Andrew says that Kyle is embarrassing himself by acting
like he is. Heather has joined Neda, Rachelle and Sabrina in the storage
room. Sabrina is terrified about how she is being portrayed outside the
house. The girls believe she's fine. Sabrina is upset because she cries all
the time. The girls say it's alright. Some of them do it as well and they're
not even criers outside the house.
9:52PM BBT: Scott and Nate says that Adel is a mean one. They do not
like him at all. Apparently he or Kyle just gave the finger to many of the
cameras. FotH in the storage room because Sabrina began talking about Adel
claiming that rules were changed because of her. Back upstairs John and
Arlie are talking Superman and his powers.

9:56PM BBT: Superman talk continues upstairs, the party in the
storage room appears to have broken up. In the War Room the W3 wish they
were in the house over some of them. All three feeds in the house switch to
FotH leaving us with only the W3. The W3 comment on the fact that Paul looks
lost and alone. Ika is hot. They wonder who the model is (Kenny for those
10:00PM BBT: House feeds back briefly before going FotH again. W3
watching the feeds and believe the rest of the house were given a warning
that it's almost time to start something. Talk turns to whether the camera
is throwing off some of their skin pigmentation, someone looks like they
have pockmarked skin. They think Paul is being largely ignored by everyone
10:16PM BBT: Feeds back in the main house and everyone seems to be
sitting at the top of the stairs, except Paul, Kyle and Adel.
10:20PM BBT: Jon was gyrating for the girls briefly, then stopped.
Everyone is talking excitedly at the top of the stairs. The guys are talking
about BB wanting the girls to choreograph a dance. Heather wants to just
watch but the rest of the girls seem game. Asking for participation from the
boys, they say no.
10:22PM BBT: The girls go to the HoH room to choreograph something
(Ika, Sarah, Sabrina and Rachelle only). Sarah shows off her booty shake and
the rest of the girls call her the "Mumsy with the Bumsy". They're now
working something out.
The dancer girls are saying it's the most fun they've had since they've been
10:28PM BBT: The WR3 are watching the girls choreograph/rehearse and
you can tell Scott wants to be part of does Allison.
10:30PM BBT: Andrew walks into HoH mid rehearsal and messes up the
girls. He goes into the HoH toilet and the girls rehearse quietly...ummm...somewhat
quietly! They seem to have a pretty fun routine worked out! They leave HoH..
Andrew follows.
The dancer girls are in the the HoH room gettin' themselves prepped for
their routine.
10:34PM BBT: Everyone else is on the steps watching...the girls
begin. It's hilarious to watch! They finish to tumultuous applause! They
weren't exactly in sync, but they did a great job in 10 minutes preparation!
10:36PM BBT: Jon and Arlie gabbing off to one side of the rest of the
peeps upstairs. They feel Paul made some bad decisions early on and
shouldn't necessarily be punished for it. They think he made some bad
choices early on.
10:39PM BBT: Paul and Kyle head to the kitchen. Kyle says outside of
this house he has a conscience. Paul feels like public enemy #1. Paul heads
back upstairs with his blood pressure pills. Says he doesn't want to have a
stroke in this F'ing place.
Paul says "No one gets up to help me except Kyle....another test". Paul is
alone in the main bedroom and lays down on the bed.
The WR3 feeds show them all munching and Nate notices Paul went off to bed
10:47PM BBT: Feeds go to FotH.
10:50PM BBT: All feeds on FotH now.
10:55PM BBT: The only feed now is WR3. They think something big is
happening in the house.
10:58PM BBT: The WR3 are doing limericks....apparently feeds are shut
off to them too, but rumour has it someone MAY be packing up to leave the
main house. Cannot confirm who or why; if it is a self-evict or an
expulsion. Or if the whole thing is just a nasty rumour. Let wait and see!
11:01PM BBT: In WR3 Allison asks what the heck is going on in the
house? Then they laugh about Scott's limerick about the nasty C-word being
shut down a little while ago. Nate says, Scott made him cry. Scott tells him
he is emotional. LOL! Of course they are joking with each other in there.
11:03PM BBT: The WR3 are just having a blast with their drinks and
gabbing about wacky stuff on the internet they've seen.
11:06PM BBT: Still on WR3 feeds, nothing else in the house is on. [I
personally think any ONE of these three could change things up in the house
and I love them all equally...really wish the three of them could go in
together -Cathyar.]
11:12PM BBT: Allison reminds the others in WR3 about the gum/bouncy
ball competition. in BBCAN1.
11:14PM BBT: Nate says, "There is definitely something going on in
there. Maybe Adel is getting reamed out about something." Allison agrees
then makes fun of Scott for whining about something. Allison and Scott seem
to relate a lot while Nate stands off a bit...seems he's trying to figure
out how to stand out over Scott and Allison. Allison is bouncing on a
gigantic gym ball. They all want some booze.
11:16PM BBT: Allison comments that the bottom of the mirrors make you
look like you are in a fun house. Scott complains that this is hard and he
wants to take his contacts out, but is worried about what BB has in store
for them. Allison is still bouncing and Nate continues pacing around the
table. Scott starts speculating about what type of girl Nate likes. He
thinks taller but Nate buzzes him. He likes them shorter, super tan, Latina,
with junk in the trunk, and a good dancer. Now Allison talks about her ideal
lady. Personality of Jennifer Laurence, same height, red headed dyed not
natural, when pressed further she just says "clone myself" and cackles.
Scott likes strong edgy women with big mouths, beautiful bodies and faces to
play with. He likes men with good bodies and preferably with hair but bald
is OK. Allison wants them with good hair and it has to be quaffed, taller
masculine, smells like coffee. Allison like athleticism. Scott likes big
huge arms on a guy. (Its becoming all too clear to me why BBCA does not
charge for the feeds. I can just imagine all the emails they would be
getting complaining, "We paid good money for this?" -DRG) As I type
this the one feed in the War Room goes to FotH.
11:18PM BBT: Scott had a chance to pick his perfect mate last night
so tonight is Allison's turn. If Allison were to pick a lady she want the
personality of Jennifer Lawrence, a redhead, as tall as her, conversation
gets distracted by house noises, then she says her perfect person would be
her clone. Paul says he wants someone with a perfect body. A man taller than
him, very masculine and handsome and they SHOULD have hair, but would deal
with bald.
11:21PM BBT: Allison has recently learned she likes a man who smells
like coffee!
11:23PM BBT: The WR3 room feeds also flip to FotH! Waiting patiently
for confirmation about what is really going down in the BBCAN house this
early in the season! Is someone self-evicting or being expelled? Which of
the War Room HGs will enter the house on Thursday? Stay tuned!
11:35PM BBT: In WR3 They are all trying to figure out what happen in
the main house and why Sarah was crying. Feeds in the main house is still on
11:51PM BBT: Nate remarks that they might be doing the PoV. All three
are now playing catch with two oranges at a time tossing them around in a
circle. After spending the last hour painting her fingernails, Allison now
asks for the nail polish remover as she put on too many coats and wants to
take it all off and make them red now. Nate asks if Scott is going to
convert Kyle and Scott says that he does not do douche-bags. They all cannot
imagine what is going on in the house.
11:59PM BBT: Scott says that there must be something big going on in
the house because BB is ignoring what they have been doing with both the
ball and throwing the oranges even though they hit several pieces of
equipment. Allison gets up and announces that she is going to eat Nate's
cupcake. She announces that she loves sweets, "I am a curvy lady." Scott
does not want any to preserve his girlish figure and Nate says he has always
avoided sweets since he was a kid due to his peanut allergy. Talk turns to
karaoke and how many drinks Nate gets from singing. Scott used to go every
Thursday night when he was about 25.
11:57PM BBT: Nate said Adel gave everyone in the the finger. They are
now going over what food is good to eat.
1:01AM BBT: The War Room feed just came back on. Nate is pacing
around the table. Scott asked if Nate has a temper. Nate says sometimes.
Allison is taking off her makeup. Nate is talking about how he burned his
hand falling asleep with a cigarette.
1:15AM BBT: They are talking about Nate’s beard. It doesn’t grow out
well on one side. Scott wants to fix it. Scott is making Allison take off
more of her eye makeup. Allison says it was a big day. They found out
Rachelle and Sabrina were two different people and that was helpful. Paul
said something to piss off Andrew and Kyle, Adel and Kenny. Kyle seemed
choked. They wonder what happened with the veto today.
1:25AM BBT: It seems the WR3 can hear some noises through the walls
or ceiling from the other HGs. Nate isn’t feeling well. Scott wonders about
the red box above the door. Fire exit? Décor?
1:41AM BBT: Allison asked for BB to sing them a lullaby. Scott is
trying to see if he knows the words to O Canada. His mic must be off to go
to sleep so it’s hard to hear if he got it right or not. All the other feeds
are still off.
1:52AM BBT: Allison can hear yelling going on. The WR3 are just chit
chatting while waiting for the lights to dim.
2:02AM BBT: The lights are starting to dim in the bathroom.
2:16AM BBT: Scott and Nate are still chit chatting. Allison sounds
like she’s already fallen asleep. Mics are off so it’s hard to hear. Nate is
talking about an ex-girlfriend and how she socked him in the face three
2:21AM BBT: Nate and Scott say goodnight. You can hear the shoes of
the other HGs in the main house.
3:00AM BBT: It looks like everything is quiet for the night and I’m
logging off.
3:33AM BBT: Adel can be seen talking to someone without audio, he
seems in fairly good spirits.
3:25AM BBT: Feeds Back. John, Neda and Ika are in the bathroom area.
John brushing teeth. Ika is talking to Neda about someone thinking she's
upset. Neda says she's going to let it blow over. Ika says if she gets asked
one more time if she's upset she's going to slap some sense into her. Neda
laughs. Neda says she has one of the strongest guys in her corner, she's a
social person and she doesn't have their back. Ika thought she did. Neda
goes onto say that they have the numbers and she's still trying to sway
people to vote a different way. Neda begins blow drying her hair.
3:28AM BBT: Feeds switch briefly to the HoH where Andrew and a female
are talking about music. John leaves the room and Andrew comments that he
can't seem to sit down. John agrees and says he'll probably be back. Feeds
switch to the corner outside the bathroom area where...people are on the
3:29AM BBT: Feeds switch back to HoH. Andrew, Kenny, Sabrina walks in
and another female is laying on the couch (appears to be Rachelle, could be
Sarah). Sabrina gets in bed to start talking to Andrew and says someone told
her that he thought she was annoying. Kenny asks why they are
whispering...and my feeds refresh.
Today's updaters were:
Awiski, BBLuver, CathyAr, DRG, Fuskie, IndigoAquarius, LacedNotes, Morty,
Niteslacker, Sayre, and Trancutie. |