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BB Tweeters
Allison Grodner
BB13 Adam Poch
BB12 Andrew Gordon
BB12 Annie
BB14 Ashley Iocco
BB12 Brendon Villegas
BB12 Britney Haynes
BB11 Chima Simone
BB12 Enzo Palumbo
BB4 Erika Landin
BB10 Dan Gheesling
BB3 Danielle Reyes
BB15 David Girton
BB4 Erika Landin
BB8 Evel Dick
BB12 Hayden Moss
BB14 Ian Terry
BB6 James Rhine
BB6 Janelle Pierzina
BB11 Jeff Schroeder
Jessie Mr PEC-Tacular™
BB14 Jodi Rollins
BB14 Chef Joe Arvin
BB14 JoJo Spatafora
BB11 Jordan Lloyd
BB3 Jun Song
BB11 Kevin Campbell
BB12 Kristen Bitting
BB12 Lane Elenburg
BB13 Lawon Exum
BB11 Lydia Tavara
BB12 Matt Hoffman
BB10 Memphis Garrett
BB10 Michelle Costa
BB2 Nicole Nilson
BB9 Parker Delon
BB12 Ragan Fox
BB12 Rachel Reilly
BB10 Renny Martyn
BB11 Ronnie Talbott
BB9 Sheila Kennedy
BB13 Shelly Moore
BB14 Wil Heuser
BB14 Wille Hantz
Zingbot 3000

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This archive of daily coverage from Big Brother 16 contains links and images that may no longer work.

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Update Entry
Monday, September 15 2014  Going, Going, Yawn
The HGs were told there'd be an early wake-up call today, BB told them they have activities today, they think they're getting a guest today, but it's really an eviction day.  BB Will be taping tomorrow's eviction episode today, so the HGs have to do goodbye messages, pack, clean... everything.  Once the eviction process begins the feeds will go off and remain off until after the show airs tomorrow. Tonight's Big Brother After Dark will be pre-recorded of the events taking place in the morning.

8:55AM BBT:  BB Just woke the HGs up. When the guys go to the storage room, the find tie-dye t-shirt kits.

They're Getty Ready, But They Don't Know Why!

Derrick is downright giddy about getting rid of Frankie

He doesn't know what's coming, but he knows he wants to look fabulous for it.

Caleb says there's more to this than making tie-dyed shirts.

Cody gets the tie-dye kits from the store room.

Yes, but can he rub his tummy at the same time?

[Click Images to Enlarge]

9:07AM BBT: Frankie is making coffee while Caleb and Cody are checking out the tie-dye kits the HGs got.

What, no feeds?!

While you wait for the live feeds to return,
play Big Brother Hangman

9:19AM BBT: As Frankie gets a cup of coffee the feeds switch to Jeff's Highlight reels.

9:30AM BBT:  It looks like the feeds are off until tomorrow night.  Following tonight's "Dancing with the Stars" chat in the TV Fan Forums Chat Room, the forums will close for software updates. Dancing with the Stars returns with its 19th season tonight at 8PM on ABC, and it will be covered on our Facebook and Twitter feeds. The forums should be back on line in time for everyone to comment on Tuesday's Big Brother show.

The views expressed here are those of our contributors and may not accurately reflect the true character of the Big Brother participants.

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