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Select a day in the life of Big Brother 14   

Tuesday, August 7 2012:  It's Going to Be A Long Day
Yesterday was fun with the shock and awe of Danielle nominating Janelle, however by the end of the day it was starting to become tedious.  All the HGs had repeated their opinions and reactions to the day's events several times.  Danielle had told the story of Janelle being mean and trying to bully her no less than six times. Today the HGs have nothing to do but repeat more gossip and throw out more flimsy allegations against each other.  Big Brother would be so much better if the calendar didn't have Tuesday and Wednesdays.

8:30AM BBT:  Wake-up call.  This is odd that it's so early.  Maybe Big Brother is going to shake the hamster cage and make it an interesting day after all. Boogie was already up talking to himself, feeling good about Janelle going home Thursday.

8:40AM BBT: Boogie and Britney are on the patio. Britney feels house is quiet all day, then around 6PM the game talk really kicks in. They then proceed to talk about Janelle. Boogie says he did a DR session to Janelle's husband, telling him the house would be sending Janelle back to him. Britney retells the story of Janelle mentioning she hired a nanny, and Joe asking if Janelle was worried about the nanny and Janelle's husband having an affair. Britney and Boogie don't understand why Janelle would think Dan may give her a vote and go against Danielle? Britney is sure Janelle stayed up with HGs working for votes all night.

8:50AM BBT: Britney asks Boogie how Wil and Frank are getting along? Boogie says Frank isn't a grudge holder, but reminds Frank not to forget (that Wil was going to vote Frank out last week). Their hope is for a calm week. Boogie feels if Ian won HoH next week, they could get him to put up Joe. If Wil won, they could sell nominating Ian and Joe, and have the votes to evict Joe.
Britney: "But if Joe wins HoH, let's just have a séance and a mass suicide. That would be horrible."

8:55AM BBT: Britney shares that last night, Ian told her and Danielle that Joe had suggested an alliance of Joe/Ian/Ashley/Jenn. Boogie questions why Ian didn't tell him about it, but isn't surprised.

9:13AM BBT: Britney and Boogie talk about Janelle. How she doesn't have the crew this season as she has had in the past. Changes to Joe. How he is so obvious, uses the kitchen as his base and can see where everyone is from there.
They take a guess on when a fast-forward will happen, why BB started a week late, why did BB wake them up so early. [Only three of them really got up.]

Chat changes to what they have had to eat as Have-Not in their season. Britney says she had no trouble getting back to some things in real life, it wasn't odd to have her cell phone back. They reminisce about watching their season after the were on. Britney says the Homesickness is the hardest for her.

Neither one was prepared for the boredom of being in there. when you watch the shows with the competitions and stuff you don't realize how boring it is. [Guess Boogie never watched the feeds.]

Janelle has been called to DR four times now.

9:42AM BBT: Janelle finally gets to the DR. Boogie tells Ashley and Britney that he kinda filled Dr. Will's place with the Frank factor.

Britney tells stories from her season. Mostly about Enzo and how bored they were.

10:00AM BBT: Boogie asks, "What is it, you cook late you don't have to clean?" They say Joe leaves his dishes all the time.

10:40AM BBT: Mike says his schedule for today is to lay around, get in the pool, lay around some more. Frank will fake campaign, if he gets a new unitard he will work out.

A whole lotta nothin' goin' on.

Like Brunch Time Coverage by kitten_200  [Covers 11:00AM - 1:00PM]

11:40AM BBT: Janelle has joined Boogie and Britney in the BY talking about what movie star you would want to look like. Ashley is in the stereo room getting things and heads back to the BY.

12:15PM BBT: Joe goes to HoH room to talk to Danielle. Danielle was blow drying her hair Joe says I am going to give you my quick five minutes I just want to let you know that I am fine with whatever you want to do even with Janelle. Joe tells Danielle that he never heard Janelle say anything bad about her, "She only said you was a floater and I think the biggest liar in this house is Wil."

Joe says, "This is my commitment to this house I will vote with you and Shane always we have to have deep faith in each other to make it through this game, I like to call it blind faith and if anyone says anything about you I will come up here and tell you."

Danielle asks "Are you mad that I put Janelle up?" Joe says, "No not at all I have a few things about Janelle that I don't like either and it's nothing against her. But she has her own style as a coach I love her, but she goes to the power every week and I don't want to play that way."

Joe is now telling Danielle that Wil is after her and Shane and that Wil told him Dan and her were to tight as a coach and a player, and Wil said you and Dan are his number one target. Danielle says, "I am not going to tell you how to vote, Joe. You have to make up your mind on that yourself I am not on a power high here it whatever you want." Britney comes in and breaks up the talk Joe leaves HoH room.

Britney tells Danielle that Wil runs and telling everybody everything. She says she told Wil things yesterday and went to Joe and told Joe about everything and now Joe might go and tell Janelle everything, "So Wil is throwing me under the bus and pissing me off."

Britney says Joe is mad at Wil for going against Janelle. Britney wants to talk to Wil now Danielle heads downstairs to get Wil to come to HoH room.

Danielle going back upstairs says she can't get will because Janelle is watching both Wil and Joe Britney says yeah because she is trying to make Wil her new BFF  Britney says, "I am pissed that Wil threw me under the bus."

1:20PM BBT:  Danielle has the HoH camera and everyone has fun posing for pictures.

Big Brother Afternoon by Kekila  [Covers 1:00PM - 2:45PM]

2:33PM BBT: Britney is staring at her stomach and begins asking Dan if he can see his heartbeat in his stomach cause she can see hers. She wonders if that means she has blood pressure problems.

Up in the HoH room, Danielle wants to be “completely” honest with Wil. If anyone says she said anything about him, it’s false. Someone told her that Wil walked outside after nominations the other day saying that Wil was telling everyone that Danielle and Dan had to go. Wil guesses it was Joe who said it, and says Joe and Janelle are lying about everything. Wil denies having said it, and then switches to alliances and how he said watch out for alliances, but not Dan/Danielle specifically.

2:36PM BBT: Danielle tells Wil she and Janelle “got into it” yesterday. Wil says Janelle is blaming him for why she was back doored. Wil says that Joe is spreading around that they are about to catch Wil in all of his lies. Danielle adds he also is spreading around that Wil is out to get Danielle and Dan. Wil barely hears her as he is getting into his stories about the lies Joe is spreading. Danielle asks if Wil wants to keep Janelle; he says no. He does see the positive in keeping her, as she wouldn’t likely put Wil up if Janelle won HoH. Danielle tells him to go with his gut, Wil says he wants to keep Frank.

Joe came upstairs earlier that day and told Danielle that Janelle hasn’t said a bad word about her, she likes her, etc. Danielle and Wil both comment that Janelle has said bad things about Danielle in front of Danielle. Ashley tried to remind Janelle earlier in the day about the comments she made about Danielle, and Janelle said Danielle needs to grow up if she’s mad about that. Of course, Wil adds, it could be a bit like the telephone game since he heard that from Ashley. Wil believes Britney is involved with the twisted tales, Danielle disagrees; Britney is trying to get away from Janelle but is afraid of her. Danielle reassures Wil that Britney has never said anything bad about him. Wil backtracks; he likes Britney but feels like she is caught up in the lies going on around the house. Janelle and Joe must go, is the consensus between the two. They don’t want either one to make it to jury.

2:41PM BBT: All 4 feeds are on the HoH room. Wil says everyone needs to get rid of Janelle first, then Joe next week. Janelle tried to start a fight last night between Danielle and Dan because she said she had Dan’s vote and Dan is not happy with Danielle’s decision, apparently. Janelle apparently is convinced that Wil is responsible for Janelle being back-doored. More Janelle bashing.

Re-hashing the PoV, and how Wil won $5,000 and then got to come off the block anyway. Joe said he wanted to make a deal with Shane and Danielle, even though he is trying to form an alliance with Ian, Jenn and Ashley. Now Joe bashing.

2:48PM BBT: Wil would like to confront Joe but will take the high ground and let Joe sink himself. Everyone knows week 1, he was part of the problem that happened with Willie. There will be so much more peace once he leaves the house.

Janelle keeps cornering Danielle; making her uncomfortable. “Janelle is about as real as her tits,” Wil says. Danielle thought everyone was going to be mad at her for putting Janelle up. Jenn and Wil had a conversation before the nomination ceremony and speculation was Boogie would go up if one of the nominees came down. Danielle asks what people said when she put Janelle up. Reaction was positive, Wil assures her. No one was upset. Wil’s PoV speech was lighthearted hilarious. Danielle re-iterates for like the tenth time to keep quiet about what she’s said to him because she doesn’t want more people harassing her.

Janelle cornered Shane to ask if he is in a showmance with Danielle. She demands to know if she is going prior to going because she doesn’t want to talk to Julie with mascara running down her face.

Britney comes upstairs, sent by Janelle, to find out when Danielle wants to work out. Wil and Danielle groan and make comments about why Janelle can’t work out by herself. They comment about going in the pool instead of working out. They begin to re-hash all the rumors floating around the house, and now Britney’s name is being dragged through the mud too. Wil suggests laying low and get to Thursday. [It’s not going to be over until both Janelle and Joe are gone – BBLuver]

Big Brother Afternoon by BBLuver  [Covers 3:00PM - 3:45PM]

3:07PM BBT: Ashley told Britney that Janelle never says anything bad about her. Wil says that’s a lie, she called Britney two faced. All the comments happened during Shane’s HoH when Ashley and Joe were put up on the back. He tells Britney not to feel bad. Janelle can be really nice but she’s a huge bitch.

Janelle blames her team for not voting out Frank week one instead of Kara. Danielle has left the room and went to the kitchen. Wil says Janelle can not re-hash “What ifs” in the game. Britney says she feels responsible to be nice to Janelle since she’s been nice to her (Britney).

4:10PM BBT: Danielle shows Joe how to hip roll. Dan was drumming and chanting ba-donk-a-donk. Everyone now tired from their 'work out'. Britney going to do her run.

4:12PM BBT: "I think the girls working out might be a few things but comedy gold is not one of them." quips Ian to Boogie outside. They now discuss the merits of Twizzlers versus non Twizzlers. Everyone else working out or sunning.

4:25PM BBT: Janelle and Danielle are walking laps. Well, that didn't last long. Now Danielle and Boogie are talking "48 hours Danielle" he says to her. "So glad I brought it up."

Joe talking to Janelle in lounge. Telling her all about his conversations with everyone in the house.

4:39PM BBT: "This game is nuts, it looks so much easier on TV." Danielle says "People sit around and talk crap about each other all day, it's he said she said all day long."

Boogie tells Danielle that if he wins HoH she can host Have not games. "God that sucks, I don't want to be a Have Not, I thought I was immune to that this summer." Boogie says. On his season there was slop but it was only for a week, he guesses that's where they got the idea - let 's do this for a week!

Talking about her 12 day Have not reign how funny Dan thought it was. Dan has never even had slop. They discuss how they would nominate Joe for eviction after he's fixed up the slop for a week.

4:45PM BBT: Joe is making dinner. "Do you think the puppies are being born?" He asks Janelle. "Yes, if I leave her Thursday night I will be home by Friday night to see them." Janelle replies.

"Do you think they will actually be dumb enough to keep Frank?" Janelle asks. "I hope not. The thing is, you're not going to get Wil's vote"

Dinner is a seafood fettuccine with an Alfredo vodka (without the vodka) sauce. He's adding a little colour to it, some pink to liven it up.

4:51PM BBT: Joe tells Shane that he is still 100% with him, no matter what happened back there. It is his opinion that Wil is doing a lot of lying right now. He told Joe he told an elaborate story to scare Ian. Well, Janelle now knows that she was betrayed.
Shane knows this.

Joe saying that he thinks they should all stick together, with Danielle. Joe is afraid that Wil is playing this game, too wishy-washy? That's not the word. Shane says that Wil scares him because there's not a person in the house that doesn't like him. Yet he lies. Shane knows he's coming after him next week.

4:55PM BBT: Joe is worried that next week Frank and Boogie are coming after him and Shane. Shane knows. Joe suspects that Wil, Boogie and Frank got together to make a story up. Joe says that he wants to tell Shane that he thinks that if Frank stays it will be more trouble than if Janelle stays. Shane says he knows because Janelle told him that she wasn't coming after him next week.

Earlier in the kitchen Joe had told Janelle that they really needed Shane's vote this week.

Joe and Shane agree to talk 5 minutes a day to talk about who they are voting for.

5:01PM BBT: Janelle pointing out that a woman has never beat out a man in this game in final two. People seem to respect a man's way of playing more she says. It's better to have two women together. She's talking to Jenn. She asks Jenn if she will let her know either way how her vote is going to go. "Absolutely, i"m not into the whole blindsiding thing." Jenn says.

5:10PM BBT: Boogie, Dan and the other boys playing water basketball. Bogie broke it within 44 seconds of them getting it.
Wil up and drinking coffee. Janelle working Ian - being nice chatting in the kitchen.

5:15PM BBT: Boogie, Danielle and Wil trying to fix the broken net. She tells them to get medical tape. Danielle tapes the broken joint up like a pro....kindergarten teacher.

5:18PM BBT: Britney and Janelle have a heart to heart as they brush their teeth. Britney isn't sure what all that stuff with Joe, Jenn and whomever is about. Outside the rules for the game are that people outside of the pool have to bounce the ball into the net or throw it from the farthest away.


CBS releases these random clips from the live feeds every so often. 

5:29PM BBT: "Downtown!" "Off the street!" "Ian, pick up your garbage buddy!" "She likes the contact." These are the sorts of things Boogie yells as he races down the court. HGs have made teams and are playing Basketball down the yard with the net in the pool.

5:35PM BBT: They are using the mic above the pool as a marker for lining up shots. It's had a few close calls.

5:45PM BBT: We had WBRB and now the net is out of the pool and they are playing along the yard.

5:48PM BBT: Ashley and Danielle talking up in HoH. Ashley telling Danielle how much Janelle talked about her all the time. Ashley says Janelle doesn't talk to her because she told her before that the way she talked bad about everyone made her (Ashley) uncomfortable.

5:51PM BBT: Ashley thanks Danielle for letting her nap. As she walks downstairs past Janelle and Britney Janelle snipes "She's been sleeping, like, ALL day."

Shane up in HoH having gotten changed from his pool clothes. They discuss how Joe is trying to get votes for Janelle and how Joe is saying that he and Janelle still want to work with Shane and Danielle.

5:54PM BBT: Outside on the patio Wil, Jenn and Boogie complain about Joe cooking all these fancy meals. "He can cook all he wants but cooking 5 meals a day isn't going to help, this isn't good chef Big Brother." Boogie says. Joe comes outside to tell them that dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes. "Thank you Chef Joe...." they all chorus. He goes back inside and they say that they need to tell him to only cook once a day. He's using all the good food and not everyone likes the same things. Wil is not going to eat tonight's dinner in protest.

6:39PM BBT: It's almost time for family dinner. Dinner tonight is a seafood alfredo and spaghetti.

Janelle asks if the pink sauce is for dinner, it turns out it is leftover milk with Fruit Loops from Shane. Everyone laughs.

Family dinner time. Small talk about how good the food is. [To be followed by the usual complaining about Joe using all of the food.]

6:59PM BBT: Frank says he had a dream that he opened a cupboard and there all this food they didn't know they had.

Janelle tells the HG that she is still lactating and if someone pisses her off she will squirt them.

7:40PM BBT: Beer Here!  The house got eight beers and bottle of wine.

More evening details... by Kekila and Kittin_200  [Covers 7:00PM - 9:00PM]

7:40PM BBT: Wil asks Dan what happens when you swear on someone life and break it, "What happens?" Dan says "They Die!" Wil is shocked and blows kisses to the camera.

7:50PM BBT: Frank tells Boogie that Wil had to promise Janelle his vote by swearing on his dogs life. Boogie: "Did he?" Frank: "Yeah he crossed his fingers behind his back and did it."  Boogie laughs loud and says, "What are we in fucking third grade again?"

8:58PM BBT: Janelle pulls Joe and Ashley in to the arcade room and tells them Wil didn't start the stories that Janelle was gunning for Danielle. Joe doesn't believe it. Joe says that Wil did the same thing last week and he was the only one in the house that knew of the conversation.

Janelle talks about who she won't be going after next week. Janelle says, "I will go after an even more threat and his name starts with a B (Boogie)." Joe says, "If Wil votes for you then he earns your trust back and he will earn some of my trust back you just can't switch sides like that and be welcomed with open arms, you know what I mean..."   Janelle may be starting to figure out that she's may be getting lied to and is the target this week.

9:00PM BBT: Dan made playing cards out of the trivia question cards by painting them with nail polish.  They'll be playing poker tonight.

9:18PM BBT: Janelle Danielle and Britney are drinking wine while Dan gets the poker game set up. Janelle says, "You can count me into the poker game." Dan says, "You wanna play?" Janelle says, "Sure."

9:28PM BBT: Dan is counting out candy into piles to play poker the money count on the candies is 1's 5's 10's, most of the HGs are going to play he called out almost everyone's names. Jenn asks, "Are we playing outside or inside?" Dan: "Probably outside we can put that mat over the fire pit."

9:38PM BBT: Janelle, Ashley, Joe and Jenn are at the hot-tub drinking Janelle spills her wine and has no more. Danielle is being nice and shares her wine with Janelle.

9:50PM BBT: Ian tried cooking a pizza in a skillet on top of the stove Boogie comes in and asked him, "Ian have you ever done this before?" Ian: "In the 6th grade." Boogie tells him to bake it in the oven, so Boogie turns the oven on for him and tells him to pop it in. Ian worries that it might fall apart in there and gets a cookie sheet puts the pizza on it then puts it in the oven.

9:53PM BBT: Shane goes to HoH room Danielle says, "OMG, Steve Urkel, come here, come here." Shane says, "I am looking for my clothes I guess I left them down there." Danielle says, "Where you going?" Shane: "I am looking for my clothes."

10:09PM BBT: All the feeds are on the HoH where Danielle and Shane are going over the rules to Texas hold-em. Shane says Danielle is screwed. She doesn’t know the order of winning hands

10:19PM BBT: Danielle telling Boogie her life story. Boogie looks like he is planning an exit maneuver/ trying really hard to be interested.

10:27PM BBT: Looks like poker is starting. Dan Boogie Joe Shane Ian Frank and Danielle are playing that I see. The rest of the HGs are playing Badminton in the BY

10:41PM BBT: Someone in the backyard starts singing and we get FotH

10:46PM BBT: Feeds come back to Ian winning a couple hands. everyone ooos and ahhhs. Shane reminds Ian that he suggested strip poker. Everyone looks at him, he turns red and says I was joking you know me and my Jokes

11:00PM BBT: Ashley watches everyone play poker the BY crew is being silly and dancing while they play badminton. Janelle tries to shuffle the cards upstairs but drops half the deck and Ian asks if she needs him to take over. She is good at getting him to do things.

11:14PM BBT: Britney is in the BY with Jenn. Jenn says she is excited about her Maui vacation and she said you get out of the BB game what you put into it. She says someone tried to sell her up the river this week and bam she wins a vacation. Britney tells Jenn her time will come she will get HoH and will get to respond to anyone trying to sell her out. Wil goes to BY and they bash Joe for cooking all the meat in the house.

11:25PM BBT: Wil Jenn and Britney all in the BY going over some of Joe's tall tales. They say they are so obnoxious to listen to and don't get why he feels the need to make up dumb stories. Jenn suggests maybe he does it to fit in. Britney says she can't take the politics of this week. Jenn tells her she is kind of in the eye of it all. Britney says she knows and she's not even HoH!

11:26PM BBT:  A 4.4 Earthquake rattles Southern California, the HGs in the BB house never felt it.

11:36PM BBT: Britney reminds Jenn not to tell Joe anything and she agrees wholeheartedly. Jenn says of course he has diarrhea of the mouth. Wil says Joe spread lies about him all week right after Wil worked to save him the week before.

11:42PM BBT: The second Britney walks out of the yard Wil asks if Jenn saw the way Britney threw Janelle under the bus. Jenn said yeah it was good to get game talk in with her and see where her head is at. Wil is relieved that Britney seems to want Joe next too then we get FotH

11:57PM BBT: Britney is eating hot candy in the By then complains to Jenn and Janelle that her mouth is on fire. As for poker it looks like Shane Janelle and Joe are out. Ian seems to be winning.

Stuck in the middle: Britney plays mediator when Danielle gets upset with Shane because she thinks he's been acting like a douche bag towards her.
12:05AM BBT: The BY crew now bashing the cigarette deal. Wil and Britney do their best JoJo impressions. Ashley enters the BY and they all recap their nights to each other.

12:24AM BBT: The poker game has dispersed. In the BY Dan Janelle Ashley Boogie and Joe are going over how they pick up on the opposite sex. On the hammock Jenn and Ian are whispering about Ian just wanting to make jury to get the stipend. He says it's like 10k and would make a huge difference for him. Jenn says no one is after him she hasn't heard his name come up once. They agree they want the same person out this week. Ian says he is sick of dirty looks and Jenn says she notices.

12:40PM BBT:   In the HoH, Britney is playing relationship counselor to an upset, probably still tipsy, Danielle. Danielle is upset that Shane treats her different everyday. Shane says, "How does it look to the other HGs that I'm  upstairs all the time?" Shane doesn't want a showmance creating a bigger target for either of them. Britney says that it's obvious that you two are aligned together so downplay the togetherness in front of people but when alone act normal and how you want to. Shane is irritated and says gotcha. Danielle just says she just wants consistency.

12:45AM BBT:  Britney says Shane will be more consistent. Britney says, "Good I feel better do you guys?" They both give halfhearted yeses. Britney changes conversation but a clearly still upset Danielle excuses herself out of the HoH bed and lays on the couch. Shane and Britney go over the votes and what lies Janelle is telling today. Apparently Joe and Janelle are telling Wil that Britney is after him which is not true. Britney says Joe has to go next.

Britney asks if an HoH competition is down to her and Shane if he Wil throw it to her. Shane says, "Absolutely." Shane also told Ian he would do the same. Britney says, "Good and that anytime the five of them can trade off and decide who wins they should." To keep who they want eligible for the next HoH.

We're ignoring our families just for you: BBLuver, CoDkiller87, Dade, emilycaitlin, georgectv, Kekila, kitten_200, morty and ZuZuMaou  

One of our regular contributors is being deployed again this month as a proud member of the U.S. Army.  I think most of us have family or know of someone serving our country, in the Armed Forces. Please join me in thanking them for their continued service to our country.



The views expressed here are those of our contributors and may not accurately reflect the true character of the Big Brother participants.


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